The Huron Signal, 1881-06-10, Page 13 1 as D, THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. WHOLE NUMBER17w1. t GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1881 McGILLICUDDY BROS. Pust.usaas 81.31 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. New Advesslsesaea(.. Cook's Great dale—J. C. Currie. Photographs—R. Sallow'. la Chaaoes7-1L llaodermott. Farm for Bale -Chs Mclean. Boob ant .ss E. Downing. Court of vWen-E. F. 31 Surrogate Court -Cameron, Hoft do Cameron Travelling Guide. GRAND TRUNK. c AnT. fisc. E1p s. Mied. Goderich.Lv 7.00am .12.06pm .3.ISpm 9.Ulam Santora .... 7.36 " .. 1.10 ` 4.41 " .10.30 •, Stratford.Ar 8.1.3am.. 2.15pm. 6.34.1pm . 1.00 " wear. Paas. Lrap's ]liid. ]flx'.t. Stratford. Lv 1.9,am .7.1Opm. 7A0ain. 3.13pni Saafbrth.. . 2.17 " . 8. •• .. 9.13 •• 5.40 • Goderich.Ar 3.15pm .9.50pn . 11.00am 7.0pm GREAT K EBTERN. Exp s. ]ted. Exp's. Clinton going north ..9.39a1n 1.21tan 8.25prn " going south3.31 ..*.02am .7.24 " STAGE LiVE•+ Lucknow Stage Idally) air. 191laan. clip bpm Kincardine ' " 14Jiu " 7am Benmf llcr " (Wednesday and Saturday) arrives AOOuai . '• 9.15 •• Dentistry. MNICHOLSON, SURGEON DEN- TIST. Office and residence, West Street, three doors below Bank of Montreal. Gode- rich 1732 She People's Column. HOOSE TO LET. -ON ST. AN- drewa street. oppMte et Andrews Church. It contains six rooms. and has both bard aad'soft water on the premises. Wilt be put in neat order for a good tenant Fletch- er. (' further particulars apply to Rev. Oodertoh. 17m -it. � OTICE TO COW OWNERS. -I epecltying that 1 bersb - greeall cows must he notice [stat ,ekept by-law en- closed from 8D m. toga. in. muse he adhered to, or I will be compelled to take action in the matter. J. MCFARLANE. Poundkeepptr. �1ISS 'WESTON, PRACTICAL Dred and Mantle maker, would Inti- mate to the ladies of Goderich that .she has begun the business of dressmakingat her re- sidence on the Cambria Roanext to Smeath's planing mill. All work done in the newest and most fashionable styles. Agent for Cornwell's patterns. 179N -3m. Real Estate, NEWS ABOUT HOME. "A chlers aiming ye, takln' notes, An' faith he'll prent It." MTV Torso/. Have you been tontined ? Everybody reads THC SIGNAL. The County Council is in session. Will Goderich celebrate the First of July ? There was a touch of frost on Sunday evening. Wilson, the druggist, is agent for Cingalese. Mrs. Dr. Adams, of Embr o, is visiting relatives in town. . The G. T. R. summer Saturday ex- cursions have begun. Mian Bessie Dutton, of Stratford, is in town, for her health. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was dispensed in Knox church on Sun- day last. There was no meeting of the School Board on Monday evening last, for want of a quorum. Mr. Dave McKay and wife left for their home in the West on Wednesday morning by the steamer Quebec. We see by the Bad Axe, Mich., Tri- bute that our old friend, Mr. S. Pollock, is erecting a jewelry store in that place. Rev. T. Broad, Bible Christian, has been re -appointed to the Colborne cir- cwt. The oonference was held• in Lon- don last week. Mr. W. Armstrong preached in the North Street Methodist church last Sunday' morning. Mr. Stephen Yates occupied the pulpit in the evening. FOR SALE, CHEAP. -LOT 34, Lake Range.Aseld Heron County. Irl acres, 130 cleared and highly improve balance standing timber. Good orchard, new fame house. barn 40x60 and all neceeaary stabling, two wells. For particulars address CuAs. McLaAN, Amberly. 1790-3m. FARM FOR SALE. -LOT NO 1, con 9, W. D. Township of Ashfield, con- taining 10'J acres. 70 of which are cleared, free of stumps. a good frame barn and house. end a nice young orchard. The above property le first class land, within a mile and a half of Gravel Road, and will .be sold cheap and on easy terms_- Forparticularsapply to R. RAD - a e Mrs. E. F. Moore is visiting friends in London. The County Councillors will go off on a "Kidd" this evening -that is they will take a trip on the Josephine Kidd,if the weather is favorable. Mr. Stewart Ruttan, of Napanee, visited Goderich during the past week, and was w delighted with the place that he is thinking of residing In this neigh- borhood. Mr. Wm. Dickson, of Grey township, shipped, by the Quebec, on Wednesday mooting, 17 horses for Fargo. A large number ..of hordes have gone west this season. Mr. Wm. Vanstone of Brussels, Mrs. Vanstone and the Misses Vanstone are in town visiting friends. They are at present guests of Mr. Wm. Bissett. J. T. Duncan, formerly a veterinary surgeon in Goderich, and the winner of a scholarship in the recent University examinations, will reside in the British Islands for a time, and continue his studies in medicine. Mrs. W. T. Hays. of Goderich, and Mr. John Hays, of Maysville, 'return- ed last week front a trip to Europe. Both feel much improved in health by the trip. Mr. W. H. Murney left here on Tuesday morning for Port Hope to attend the meeting of the Orange Grain Lodge of British America and the Grand Black. Chapter of Canada HONIYKOON.—Mr. Harry Knight and bride, of Listowel, are spending a por- Last Week Mr. Joseph Kidd, of Dub- lin, sold twelve two year old steers of his own raising to Mr. James Oke, of Exeter, for the English market. The steers averaged 1,530 pounds, and were sold at Gc. per pound. At Detroit on Friday, Lucy won the icing race; Mattie Hunter, 2nd; Sorel an, 3rd. Best time, 2.21. The 2.23 ass was won by Edwin the Borne, Sil- arston, Minnie R. and Ptcond, each king a heat. Best time, 2.23. Rev. R. Ure, D. D., Goderich, Rev. . W. Leitch. Dungannon, and Capt_ ibeon, of Goderich. left for Kingston Tuesday last, to take part in the As- nimbly which meets there this week. Ire. Ure and Mrs. Gibson also accom- anied the party. odericb. Also several been tot. dor RAM t!s b 'me Township. cl ['IOR SALE. --1.01' 9, LAKE SHORE tet L' Tp. of Cobh .•, containing 112 acres 90 4. cres cleared. balance excellent timber. Stoll good clay loam. As this property adjoins 13 he Point Farts it is to consequence most Utlbly situated. For particulars apply to J. (. Wright_ 1776[f. Marchi 1st 1881. , [ 10USE AND LOT FOR SALE -AT Ie Li- Dungannon. 12 miles from terete tcb. b onststing of l of an acre of land. well fenced; p , frame house, a good well and pump are also on the premises. The lot has been wen im- 'roved. Term. reasonable. Particulars can e e had from Mr. J. M. ROBERTA. Merchant, Dungannon, or R. E. Mow g, Nile P. O. 1767-tf. f c HOUSE, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND t 76, corner of Victoria and East strets, in the town of Goderich, for sale cheap. or will be exchanged for farm property. Forparticulars Apply to JAN. SHAm.L, Architect. office Crabb'/ t Block. or J. C. CL'RRIZ, auctioneer. s QHEPPARDTON-FARM FOR ' 1,3 sale 60 acres, 50 acres cleared and weU 1 fenced. Brick Cottage !3x30. stone cellar frill size of house. A large creek runs through 1 the lot no waste land on the creek A very fine orchard surrounds the house. Good barn and other buildings. Terms very eaei. Appl� to R. T. HAYNTA, lot 16 Lake Shore Road, Col- borne Township, or to GAaRow i& PROUD - roar. 788 FARM FOR SALE. -BEING LOT 9, con. 13, Colborne, about seven mime trom Goderich, comprising 50 acres, 50 cleared. A frame house, and • new frame barn 56x28 and a stable and other outbuildings are on the premises. A young orchard, good pump. etc. on the farm. The tarts has a road on two sides of it. Four acres of fall wheat are mown. Distant only 1 train from a post office. For particulars apply to Wm. SHIELDS. Sheppard - ton P. O. 1777. QHEPPARDTON.-STORE, WITH Post Office, for sale or to rent, with l acre land. Stock all tr*h and good. Will sell on very easy terms. having pother businrs esstoto attend HsrnLs. f Also 15fl acres of l ll West half of Lot 1, an the 3rd con.. E. D. AehAeM. Gond or- chard. Frame House, and a stable. Fifty acre c and well fenced. epee, to GaltaOW a Pnotro meed. 17m. : ,.r T! s' TARat i'(4 RAI.Tt Mr. Wm. Weld, of the Fanner'a Ad - roasts, offers a prize of $100 yearly fur the best herd of fat cattle shown. The first prize is to be given at the Provin- cial Exhibition. The Toronto mail did not arrive on Monday, much to the disappointment of those accustomed to read the dailies. A man never seems to have more incli- nation and more leisure to read daily then on the day it fails to arrive. ELOCUTION. -Prof. Clarke gave an entertainment in the Temperanoe Hall on Wednesday evening, consisting of readings, recitations and songs. In the humorous pieces he was very good, but the annoyance caused by a number of unruly boys prevented the reader from doing full justice to the more sober se - lactic ns. The return match between the quoit- ers of Colborne and Goderich took place on Thursday afternoon on Newgate tion of their honeymoon in Godench. Street, The following rinks ppa�rticipat- Mr. Knight is a brother of Messrs. W. ed: No.1, Goderich-E 3Lrtin, P. and L E.Knight of this place. Hulk; Colborne -W. Potts, H: Martin. No. 2, Goderich-J. McNair, Jermyn; A Glrr.-Father Watters requests us Colborne -Strachan. Cummings. No 3, to announce that M. C. Cameron, M.P., Goderich-R. McNair, J. Colborne; has kindly presented�a gift to the Bazaar Colborne Symington, Tewsley. No. 4, valued at 330. Such generosity on the Goderich-E. VanEvery, J. Knox, - part of Mr. Cameron is, we are inform- Colborne -S. Potter, H. Morris. The ed, much appreciated by both priest•and following is the result: people of St. Peter's. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. Goderich. 65 tl3 63 63- 252. APPROACHING ECLIPSE. -A total eclipse Colborne. a 13 25 33-140. of the moon occurs on the night of the — llth of June. It will occur at 12.15 a. Majority for Goderich 112 m., reach a total obscuration at 1.16, at- In the 1.t'e Times we incl the Mining the middle of the eclipse at 1.58, and continuing until 2.39, when the moon will reappear, and will be entirely over at 3.41 a. m. If the night is clear it will be one of the most beautiful ec- lipses of the moon witnessed for years. HIGH SCHOOL LITERARY SorrS'rY.-- The regular meeting of this society was 31,500, an unbusinees-like trknaaction to held on Friday evening last. In addition commence with. His whole career in to the usual programme of readings and merchandising was of this character. recitation, some of wh}ch were very He dispensed credit too freely to a poor creditably rendered, the Question class of customers and lost heavily there - Drawer occupied coniderable tune. I by. New he has left the city, afid is not Mr. Hells replied fully and clearly to s expected to return. When will men number of queries of a more or less I learn that to keep store so as to make scientific character, and illustrated lou answers in several cases by performing a number of interestine and successful chemical experiments. The proceedings were varied by a duett from the Misses Ferguson, and songs by Misses Reinhart, Williams and Start. I sity scholar. In the spring of 1878 he honor chemistry sod biology -2nd class SUNDAY ScaooL CONVENTION. -The stood brat In the examination st the Tor- in mineralogy and biology. ninth annual convention of the S. S. As -Ionto School of Medicine, taking its P. Strang, formerly teacher in Col - ninth of the M. E. church for Lon- scholarship of 550; at the ,.University, borne, 1st class honors in Mathemetics. don District will be held in Goderich on Mr. Hamel and he' being equal, the It would seem as if the examiners are Wednesday and Thursday next in the scholarships were divided betweep them, determined to maintain even a higher M. E. Church. A number of good sub -each receiving •560. In the spring of standard than has hitherto been observ- jects are to be introduced by able men 1879 he stood first in both Institutions, teed• For the B. A. examination there for discussion, and a very successful I taking the 850 scholarship .of the school were sixty-five andidates, of whom nine y two meeting set cions is anticipated. each day, the afternoons and I spring oand the f 1880 he 120 one /agat in camemv off tvictorn ere nlesixetdy-stxt the third candidates, ar exam - of whom evening of Wednesday, and in the morn- •ilius standing first in every subject, and seventeen were rejected; for the second ing and afternoon of Thursday. On . carrying off both scholarships. This year examination 121 candidates, of whom thirty-two failed; for the first year examination ninety-two candidates, of whom seventy-five passed and seven- teen failed. The slaughter was espec- ially severe in classics and mathematics. Hardly any of the women who came up for the local examination succeeded in getting through. Two young ladies suc- ceeded in getting honors in second year classics. Another young woman passe4 the first year examination. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. Marisa Boys shake a so.d weird la saw sad Aro Exaaalsusleas. In glancing over the prize and honor list of the University of Toronto for 1881, we observe the names of a number of pupils of Goderich High School. We are proud that our boys have given so good an account of themselves, and are Pleased to reword the following: -Mr. W. Donald, pupil, passed creditably the recent Matriculation Examination of the Ontario College of Physician. Mr. Jas. H. Duncan, ex -pupil, gradu- ated in medicine in Toronto Lniversity, obtaining 1st clean honors in every sub- AT THE POINT FARM auern sahl Reboil Mewle-A nue Brae/aa May -Good apart for She Tsang 'Cas -A Beaatafal Leeatloa. Saturday last was a red-letter day in the lives of the children attending No. 6. S. S., taught by Miss Dobie, No. 11 S. 5. Ashfield, taught by Mies Strang, and No 5, Colborne, taught by Mr. Echlin. On that day the children of the schools mentioned gathered at the Point Farm, where, through the cour- tesy of the affable proprietor, Mr. J. J. Wright, they were allowed to enjoy themselves to their hearts' content. A goodly number of mature visitors jest and 2 gold medals. was present, among whom, we noticed Mr. C. L Crassweller, ex -pupil, ob- Mr. and Mrs. W. Young,Colborne, Mr. R. T. Haynes, Sheplardtn, Mr, Rich'd Miller, Goderich Township, Mr. Morris, Colborne, — Symington, Inspector blillor, Goderich, Mr. W. J. Hayden, and others. During the afteru.wn a series of games, consisting of girls and boys' foot tained at 2nd year examination of Arts Course, . Toronto University, 1st class honors in Metaphysics and History and honors in Mathematics and English, and a general Proficiency Scholarship. Mr D. McGillivray,ex-pupd,at 3rd year examination in do., stood 2nd in lst Class in classics, and obtained aprize races, quoiting, &c., were engaged in. for Greek prose. and a large number of prime were award - Mr. J. C. Robertson, ex -pupil, at 2nd ed to successful competitors. Later on year examination in do.,stood 4th in 1st some of the pleasure seekers tripped Class in classic& the "light fantastic," in the spacious. Mr. H. Davidson, pupil, passed his o dining room of the hotel. 1st year's examination in do., satisfactor- Owing to the omission of the judges of ly. keep a record of the winners at the Mr. D. Bruce, pupil, passed cre litably games, we are unable to give the names his 1st year's examination in Arts course of the successful competitors in order, of Victoria University. but present them[ front the different The following are also from Huron, schools, which we ate enabled to do following: Me. tt'm. Prout, who used to and some of them[ are well known in ( through the courtesy of the teachers. be a well-to-do -farmer near Brussels, Lioderieli: The following list comprises the navies grew tired of that monotonous occupa- Mr. J. T. Duncan, ex-townstuan I of those from S. S. No. 6. Ashfield, who tion and its humdrum style of living, (though not an ex -pupil) passed his 3 won prizes at the games: - and sold the farm for a good price. a years examination in Medicine, and ob- 1 Girls' foot race, 2nd, Lizzie McCaig, then went to Hamilton and purchased tained scholarship.3rd, Rachael Harris, 4th, Ada Augus- the grocery stock of of one )filler a3 he' Mr. J. A. Turnbull, B. A. (Dr. Ure's tine, 5th, Tena McConnell, Gth, Lida would a prize buil, for a lutup suiu of assistant) passed 1st year's examination McCaig, ;01, Edith Haden. in the University Law Course and ob- Boys' foot race, 2nd,`Jas. Maize. tained honors, taking second position. Girls' foot race, 2nd, Susan McCotn- Mr. McBride, B. A.,formerlyessistant nell. in High School has obtained degree of Boys' race, 2nd, John Douglass and M. A. Charley Hagen. His brother Mr. John McBride, who Girls' foot race, 1st, Maggie Augus- was for a short time pupil in our High , tine; 2nd, Barbara McConnell, 4th Mary School, has graduated in drt with 1st A. Harris, 5th, Dorcas Maize. Boys' sack race, 1st Thos. Doug - ACCIDENT. -A lad named Wm. Neib- rgall, of this town, while working in his father's saw .mill at Kingsbridge a ew weeks ago, had his right hated badly ut by the saw. He lost one finger, but he doctor hopes to save two others which were badly lacerated. We stated last week that Goderich IIuoiters heat those of Colborne by 29 hots: -it should hare been by 13 shots. Chree Colborne rinks beat threeof the loderich rinks, but the fourth Gode- ich rink heat its opponent by 29 shots. Che return match is being played as Ive go to press. money by it, needs business training and expenence. A BRILLIANT YOUNG Scaotva.-Mr. J. H. Duncan, son of the Rev. J. Dun- can, and at one time a resident of God- erich, has a splendid record as a Univer- class Honors in Natural Science. , W. G. Hannah of Morris -second class lass. honors in classics in fourth year. Girls' foot race, 1st, Clara Augustine, ar 2n note uaee Sarah Drano ship for second year in thematice. R. C. •Tibb, of Tuckersmith. let class T. G. Campbell, of Stephen-schol d A R 11 4th, S } y, Ma 5th, Rhoda Willis, 6th, Etta Willis, 7th, Sarah Hagan. Boys' sack race, 1st, Cantly Hagen, 2nd, David Russell. Boys sack race, 1st, Varna Augustine. Boys sack race. 1st, Wilson Hagen. Girls' foot race, 2nd, Susan McCon- nell. Girls foot race, 1st, Annie Rus- sell, 2nd, Ada .Augustine,"3rd, Clara Augustine. - The following is a list of the prize- winners from S. S. No. 11, Ashfield: Jno. Greene 3, Andrew Greene 2, Jas. Johnston 2, Jas Tigert 2, Annie Tigert 2, Lilly Morrish 2, Annie Graham 1, Harriet Hayden 1, Amelia Christilow 1,. Minnie Brown 1, Nicholas Morrish 1, Fred. Vanstone 1, Jas Johnston 1, Frank • Hawkins 1, Geo. Vanstone 1, Rachel McGrattan 1, Mary McGrattan 1, Rachael Gordon 1, Minnie John- ston 1. It will be seen that a number of the above succeeded in taking more than one prize. The following is tho list of winners from No. 5, S. 5. Colborne, some haying won as many as three prices: - Girls -M. J. 'infield, Eliza Lin- field, Lizzie Cowan, Atnelia Hethering- ton, Dorothy Hetherington, Ida. M. Hetherington, Lottie McAllister, Susie McAllister, Mary Green, Sarah Foley, Johanna Foley, Annie Cousins, Aggie, Bogie. Boys --T. C. Wright, Francis 130yd, Francis Morrie, Albert Thurlow, Daniel McLeod, Wm. Green. The thanks of the participants in the Capt. McDonald, .4 Kincardine, oil pie-uic are tendered to Mr. Wright and board, grappled for the sunken vessel a his amiable partner for their kindness in few days ago. After turning the vessel I making everything comfortable and round the cables broke and she was left' pleavant during the day. until proper appliances are secured for' «•e understand the prospects of a suc- raising her. -[Kincardine Standard. 1 cessful season at the Point Farm are ex - LEAKED. -The Albion Hotel has been leased to Mr. John McBride, of Park- hill. formerly of Windsor, who will en' ter upon occupancy on the 1st of July. We understand Mr. McBride will fur- nish the hotel throughout, and fit it with electric bells and other appurten- ances suitable for a first-class hotel. Thursday afternoon a mass meeting of Sunday school children will be addressed by well-known speakers. The public generallynris invited. MMxTHODIsT APPOINTMLNTS.-The fol- lowing is the final draught of the ap- pointments of Methodist ministers for the Goderich District:--Goderich-John A. Williams, D.D. Clinton -Wm. Mc- Donagh. Kincardine - A. Andred's. Holmesville- Andrew Edwards. Bay- field -James Livingston, John S. Cooke. Hensall-H. G. Hill Londesboro- Christopher Hamilton. Blyth - Win. Birks. Belgrave--Jose}.lr Philp. Wing- ham- Beni. B. Keefer. Brussels -Jas. Harris, R. S. Jamieson. Lucknow- J. T. Smith, J: Walker, sup'd. Ash- field -R. C. Henden. Teeswater-4A.1 G. Harris. Whitechurch -E. Teskey. 1 Dungannon -Jas Caswell, L. O. Rice, su'd Manchester -Alfred E. Smith.1 spring after spending the winter inng New York, he graduated with the high- est possible 'honors, taking tirst-clam honors in every subject, also carrying off both the Starr and the Cuiversity gold medals. p A number of the County Councillors visited the International Salt. Block on Wednesday evening, and after viewing the surroundings, proceeded to Bing. ham's nursery, to give full vent to their [esthetic instmcte. They expressed themselves u very much pleased with the floral display beheld by them. R. C. BAziAa-Great preparations are being cane for the Bearer so be held in Goderich, under the auspices of St. Peter's church on Thursday,30th of June. and Friday end fienuday, 1st and aroLots Con Towissbt of Coltec Co, 2nd of July. Father Wattsn dopes that ?� IS of all the ladies will bestir themselves, and doubtless they will. Further particu- lars will be given in a future issue. A game of cricket will he pia*'d be- tween Goderich and . Clinton w Taoism (Friday' , en the groan& of the former. The wtoketa will be pitied et 11: ehmk. The following are the leiseieh eleven • Nos. J. Smarll, C R.. Duneford, A. Roes, T. McDermott, J A McD eigaff, C. Rasa, roilm an -M Na arch Place. Ch J. ward A. Bolton, Jereyn, T. Ara- p��,� ��w�te wtfie dr tRlebad J. Curry. Csiawa tre i e strong, B. A lfaw Wanwatr voa FBalwrer.- Tewbsbfp ea Oa otter aiy some saw[p{� d Yt were y t Dr. t ea� l4: t taws fmwBrtatna,`� le Y by proems. They • Bervie-R. Davy, T. E. Harrison, Jae. Gedeles, sup'ry. feaaly Judge's Criminal Court. Before His Honor Judge sgater. Queen vs Turfya-The defendant, an old offender, was charged with larceny on two account*, and was committed to Martik news. the Central Prison for fifteen months on each case, sentences to run concurrent- RAIiIN,t A SUNKEN So'HOGNER.-About ly. twelve years ago a schooner called the Gassier, SRA-SION:, -A meeting of of the General Sessions of the Peace will be held on Tuesday next at the office of the Clerk of the Peace. All reports of convictions will have to be presented on or before that date. i , BINGHAM'a Nrsf&Rv.-On Monday — afternoon we dropped in to see Mr. E I If you want your skirl to sac you are Bingham at his nursery near the Inter- I p1etty, get Sall live to make you it ,cozen national Salt Works. Mr. Bingham we of the new style of panels. found busy putting things to rights about Raelness ekes/. Explorer sank about a mile off Tober- mory harbor. The vestal was wiled un- der the command of Capt. Waddel, and was laden with saw mill machinery and ardent spirits. The Steamer "Josephine Kidd" of Goderich, with tremelygood, and that letters of engin FOR THE L.ttngs.-Jan anese fano, S HOONER PURCHAaxo. - Captain I _ p J k of T ronin has purchased the' ry for rooms have been received from the place, for he believes every moment parasols, a large assortment of plated s hu naem, "Phoebe Catharine," which has to be utilized in the nursery business ware, and novelties of all kinds at Saun- if one desires to make it successful der's Variety Store. Everybody should was wrecked at Pine Point last fall. Notwithstanding his industrial inclin- examine the coal oil stove. Economical We are informed that the price paid for alien, however, he kindly showed us an,i'handy. her was 3400. It is the intention of the ��1 alt lee. tJ r over the premises and through the green - .COORS'S GREAT :',ALE. -Notwithstand- house, and we were satisfied before the n the immense quantities of goods sold trop was over that we had gained in our since the commet cement of this sale, a knowledge of botany,floriculture and week the stock is still well assorted. horticulture by the visit. The green-°' horns. proper is divided into three corn- The sale will commence to-morrow.shtSs- partatdnts, whips a wins „noloeed by turdaye at 1:30 o'clock p.m., sharp, and Rive balance of the goods must be purchaser to have the vessel thoroughly repaired, immediately. It is thought that this can be done for about 3200 or 5300, and if so, the purchaser will have made a good bargain, toe the "Phoebe Catherine," when in good order will be worth about 33,000. [Standard. London, Guelph, Buffalo, Detroit, New Orleans and other places. Great im- provements have been made in the grounds atd appnetches to the beach, and the hotel has been refitted to a con- siderable extent. We were kindly shown through the house by the propri- etor, who feels a just pride in having hewn front the wilderness a spot se beautiful, that to -day it occupies a [date among the first summer resorts of the glass, abo ens Mr. mg to as the ARRIVAL[. weld- Out very sincere wish is that additional accommodation to plants cleared out at once, hargama •maybe ex- Sunday - Prop. Ontario, Windsor, the most sanguine anticipations ..f Mr. when occasion requires. During the {'Riede J. C. Currie, the auctioneer. ie freight and passenger Wright wall* realized, and that his en- the f humoour and a few hours M„ndey-Soh. Ontario, Blind River,' a .. enterprise, and outlay will receive lumber for Williams & Murray. Sch. H. N. Todman, Parry Sound, lumber I for Williams & Murray Ser. Manitoba, , Duluth. passengers and freight Wednesday -Prop. Quebec, Sarnia, (�ss6ttgrn and freight. Schr. .Tane Mc- LeO , Port Colborne, light. Thursday -8n% 'sephine Kidd, Sar- wn1as�, light. Schr. Nemesis, Cleveland, Sar- ni) is 1 W ro. Lee. past few weeks the nursery has 'been isannt and'pleeAantly spent 'objected to a heavy strain, owing to the can be profitably to blas Separate standing great demand for plants and flowers, but room fntr ladies. Mr. Bingham had made preparations for the and disappoin none who Thralls • sans.! temebtt hx choice varieties. Parties tie- Avows of obtaining Gas bolding net, or The London Ont.,, disastee, recalls in claw pleats, watt easily be suited at the same of the wrested s$essa-.r "V ic- Bingham's. A feature which we obsere- toric," the ill luck that has followed so ad while going through, was that a per- man vessels called after members of tion of lir. nine atr'I won - prises • beautiful grove. wheritpahlte or privets parties eos}d be retest ttatittEse- tteatly suited with a is wooed A sasrwilesmt view d the are w oMeiasi from the hank, while tthsid growth et tress nod cher toy seeks for remands amasses w deissa. tioweeon pine box, with node's, M pro- d mater. School daises III test them but a (-Intl wrapped .wound aocomoodsted t.. ee Gunn. They were mackerel, not of the1 ptweail and a merry ry11111.1101108 le et► !ia Most difruult fish to keep, and Mill tlliy prumtara Alt Wieling wan sweet as when Gat taken ham the a beautiful place, wed withal* 4mset hart weirs. The new {�, unlike salt, his property, we oayseielMa his else Be�B. does not impart t 1L liar. The its besotiful location, end the a he vamp -In coition.. su Tuesday. inn. the inrentnr says it will keen the Bab in wird 11M dispisyed in 'tripling R to 1� per - 71). Barr t akin. Ise Mc tisti /ear of M. stat# fm tn*nv days le' •5• the Royal Family. �sp+ec+a y the dime- tee on the Znglah�s, when the nnAarr•aBS. Princess Alice was rem down by the Friday---fichr. Kollar', Dresden, salt. "Byway Castle,." and six hundredpeopleflanda}•-Prop. Ontario, Duluth. were Mlwad, witaost much , I Monday -Str. Manitoba. Sarnia, pas- iate *.s•ity. Does 1111 almost equelly 1 sengers and freight. Schr. Ontario, hegeibls !Ms Masi over the sews et the light. Blind River. Sehr. Wm. Wal- Roysi Away that is said to ass aboutIse. KiBsafdtnw trod fu l reward. Low pxaloto- The ,pulateei ''f Lueknew as per re- • turns of [neat enumeration, is given at 11.580. AreinEfr -.While workisy on Mr.J. S. Frazer s new house, on Mttmidkty List. Mr. Merk Burgess host the mirib /sie- tune to cut his wrist badly with a sal, Dr. Ceffetis stitched the wound, and it 1 is now doing well. Ai bra 'Jefr No shipit ie carried the name of J said. that asper, over sr -M a second verge. --{Atseri- sen. Tessier -Rehr.Teamaa, Parry Sound, salt. Wednesday - Prep. Quebec, lateen- Mere and freight, Duluth. Schr. Jane Yce.xl, Georgian Hay, hght. Nine htrradeeti thousand dollen is said to have been paid by the Grand Mr. W. Johnston of (inderich town. 'hunk Heiberg Company astha eulelBas I �idp. hof[ Mat week, for Valley City, pies Inc 010 (wand .lnnetitn psiiresi DBkcMa An -Inver.- - Ow Sumter last as ► little child 1,1 Mr. W. Peart's was playing on the steps with a knit, it fell to the ground, the knife inflicting an ugly gash in its forehead. It swedes a little singu- lar that this lathe second time that at ac- cident of a precisely similar nature has happened to the chill. The Rev. Harry Rant Beecher s first eutheoee in Nashville. Tenn . last week was so slim that he vetted to la t.ire • that city on the fallowing night 1.0.1111.61411.1M1 .1•04.