The Brussels Post, 1968-04-11, Page 1THE BRUSSELS POST, THURS DA Y, A Pitt S2.00 A Year In Advance
(ruy Township Connell meet
tog was held on April I st.
Rosolui ions were passed as
Kenenth Bray and Melville
Lamont that the minutes or the
last meeting and special meetings
of March 21st and March. 20th he
adopted as
By Charles 1PIionuls and L.u.wson
Ward that the Engineer's Report
Or the Kerr Municipal Drain he
pievisionally adopted and By-Law
No. S or J908 be given a first
seeond reading,
By Kenneth Bray and Lawson.
Ward that the clerk be instructed
to formally request the Minister
Of the Department of Lands and
Porosts for authorization to pass
a by-law for issuing and fixing
the maximum number of licenses
to hunt, during the open season,
pheasant, ra,bbits and foxes and
for charging such foes as the auth-
By OharloS Thomas and Ken-
neth Bray that. the BrusSelS. Mor-
ris and Grey Recreational Com-
mittee be given a grant o,f .$130.00.
4 By Melville Lamont and Lawson
Ward that, Seaforth Community
Hospital be given a grant at
thy Kenneth Bray find (Diaries
Thomas that we adinst the hourly
pay or the maintenance in en front
$1,15 per hour to $1.90 per hour
effective April 1st, 1968..
By 'Melville Lamont and Lawson
Ward that the road suporinten-
dent's wages be adjusted to $1,0i;
per hour eficetive April 1st, and
lly law No. 9 of 1908 be passed
subject to the approval of the
Department of Highways.
1'y Lawson Ward and Afehllle
'Lamont, that, all approved
tie paid.
'y Charles Thomas and Meh
\lite Lamont that the tl'IOOttiig be
adjourned to Meet at 8409 p.m. on
May 6th; 1098 Or at the eall of the
1The follOWing accOMITS were
S. ti. 1Iarrt & Co, al4sesAor's
supplies 63.83,
'rime Mu toe World Ltd„
Supplies 2418
The Listoivol frannor, advert-LS.6
warbh, fly ti.tmtlerN 9.'11
xriton Engineering SerViceS,
•Stti'VeY, plan, profile and report
Machin Drain 900.00.
irri ton Engineering Services,
survey, plan. profile and report.
Fraser Drain 700,00,
Hanna and !Tallith:on Consime-
Bort, repair Hall, 6tit concession
and Thrower Drains 588.0.
BrOssols. Morris and Grey
Recreat lona Committee, !-Trent.
Sdaeorth llenttribnity TfOspltal,
1,0titilitted iti.9140 pogo!.
Liluy Awn:, v.ho wits threp
of died. on Thursday, in
ilospital, London, after
1-i11tt1i1• illness.
Lloy it an the only daughter of
All', and Mrs. William IL King of
Prossels. She is survived by her
parmits; two brothers, Hilly and
Chri:itopher, her grantiparentS.,
Mr, and Mrs. Wat. C. icing or
Morris 1.'ownship: and Edwin
Grimm- of (Thrtiie.
'I'll • funeral was held front .the•
ilann }'inn. at 2 p.m. (111
SatOrday. The service was con-
ducted . by tie Rev. ('. Me
Carroll of Melville Presbyterian
Church, 13urial was in BrOssols
Pallbearers Avero -
Douglas, Robert AttWood„.. 'Rick)
iliiiiio r, und. Murray. McDonald,
Flowers were carried by Jane
Ih!Y, Nancy Atwood, and Van lee
Mrs. Clem Stettler is able to ho
out again f0110Wi rIg' a ten-day stay
in. Wingliarn Hospital.
Miss Sheila Siriiid:-.1er was
leaching'fen in
Miscellaneous Shower
ms shower Por
Bonnie was arranged. by
Ill - on linethr ,v, Mrs. Joe
Smith and Leslie Knight. A
large number Or relatives, friends
nd n:iighbours gathered in the
Cenottunity (centre ail e:;day
evening, April 3, where a program
of c,,intests and gains was enjoy-
"1. An address was read by Miss /
.Vlizebeth Pfeifer and the molly I
1.1SPrIll and beautiful gifts Wore
f.orrioil in by a number of irl
rriends. Bonnie expressed her
thanks to everyone,. and especially
to those who hed arranged the
eV,ot1H1'-', ! was served by
those in charge, and a group of
Toting. girls.
June Conference In Knox Church
Mrs... Lytle Gordon was hostess
for the April meeting of the After-
noon Group of the '1,V ,3,1.,S, Mrs.
.Alan. Smith read an Fistor ;Deem
.1 0/1 'Jesus keep me near the .
-Cross1' WOO sung, Isa tab. 3-12
was read in unison. Mrs, C, A.
Winn. Monkten. gave the lister
topic "Taking; uti your croSs" based
on Matt 16: 24,-28. The president
Mrs. Clare Veidch condacted the
hilliness. Roll call was au Oast& f1'l'Ill a hymn.' There was all
attendance of 14, ('aids and visits
to slnit-ins were recorded. by Itliss
J. Forrest. tit's. Stanley
Wischor reported on the EXecn-
five meeting held in Knox Cthurch,
Stratford. on March 12th. The June
conference is o be hold ill 'Knox
Church, Cranbrook, Mrs. IF..1Wood
floe, .1twood is convener and With
the ladies of Cranbrook and Monk-
tail plau the prop:rain. Cor-
respondence regarding Kiln. a il
Comp orts read. '11.1do on, ride on
trot:it ,ffie qtlig in unison.,
Tii.M3Vs1-1 — To Mr. and Mrs,
T. W. Ter:rash Jittlith
Parker), in Presbyterian Iles
pit al. 01:11111011111. City, Okla.,
nn Noriday. April 8th, rt
rtac ughter, Kristin A tine --
granddaughter for Mr. and 'Mrs. •
Cecil Parker, of Brussels,
i)giin .ftliOsted
liONI.t0 tit gidrVi.4ig
- • -
The Lord Is Risen
Easter No %%en; are . . Vomiting
L'')aster skies pour radiant
Christ our Lord is risen in
Glory in, the highest, .
Angels carolled this sweet lay,
When in manger rude He
alory in the highest.
l le, then 'was n tO • • griet
and pain,
Now to glory born again.
c.ulleth forth 0111 g,IFIddest.
Glory in the highest,
As He riseth, rise we too,
Tune we heart and voice
Offering homage glad and
Glory in the highest.
Nine tahles were in play at the
t Dessert Euchre sponsored by the
Majestic SVomen's Institute,.
The nary held, in the Lim-
, ary hall on Friday afternoon,
March 29th.
Digit winners were Mrs, John
Speir and Mrs. Wm, Perrie;
Low, Mrs. George Davis and
Mrs. Lorne Nichol.
The nurnber of Subscribers who
have renewed their subscriptions
has been thos..t gratifying. We urge
those 'Who have received notice
to attend Cn this matter promptly
to meet postal regulations find to
avoid having the ficeoutit handod
in for collection.
Singers Delight Audie nce•
About. 110. adults and young •
people sat fascinated in the LegiOtt
liall Sunday nig;it as they listen,-
ed to the Rev, Ron Price and hit3.
wife Sharon singing gospel
nurnbors with a modern beat.
They were followed by the con.
troversial r»inister Russell Hors-
burgh who spoke on what is.
this thing called love?'' lie told
his audionce or the amount of pre-
judice among church people which
keeps them from accepting anyonm
with a prison record, anyone who
happens to dress or act. differ-
ently. He also elaborated on The
Mustard Seed No-Yement in Tor-
Got°, a service Lo thelp troubled
youth patterened like. the Alcoho-
lics Anonymous program, A discus-
sten followed with mem of
the audience.
Rev. Al Johnston reports "Like
most other people I don't know
wth a t to believe concerningMr.
Horshurgh'S past but I have
been very 'disappointed. in the
people of this area, good church
people, in that. they have closed
their minds to this man: T guosS
Christianity is strew]: on talk but
weak in practice."
A 'highly successful event 'teak
place in the Royal Canadian
Legion Anditoritun ,here on Moo-
dy night When it110t'i'nsels Lions
held their annual "Id:idles' Night'',
The guests • were welcomed by
the club president, -Lion Cal Smith,
Who presided.
Lion Al, Johnston led a sing
song following the dinner 'Pho
program included numbers by a.
quartette front the Atwood Lions
Clrib wind tap Cthaeintr. by George
Steveng Milverton. The recently
mrcihased Lions projoator was put
O use in the showing of three
Selwyn Baker Won this' draw end
received a planter.
Lion (lee and Mrs. Parker re-
Oeived congratulations on the
arrival of a granddatighter -Chat,
mr%, /1001 Watson, Who has
been hospitalized for the past
Months is now home,
Dili Stephenson, who hums boort
stationod at. Mau.. hums ro-
torood Lo Briissels with his faintly
to go into the Stephenson Bakery
and Grocory hosiness with his
Phone. 31 and give. The Post' the
naines of your Easter holiday
`fill (R14, •
The. hymn. Beneath the Cross POTATOES FRESH
cif Jesus, was sung, John FROM THE GARDEN
Howntnn. read tile Resurrection
story from St, John'S gospel and 4111 Men(1"lid Inr"nled Post that 'Nornian Netter brought a short meditation on it, hint potatoes, frehly (Big from
A trio, Mrs* Relell 14-3111ffiA. M rs. hia garden on Monday morning
Isabel Gibson and Mrs. r,nhi Kerr, (5.1! this wee k .
wing "Wonderful Tr.) Prayer The potatoe S ere firm and
by Miss Bessie Moses. good, As nice as any you would
A. very inspira tiona Ka stet Want cooked for your dinner.
Message, prepared by Mrs. W. C. Anyone else got, potatoes, fit to
King was read. by Mrs, Gerald eat, newly dog from your garden
Gibson. A hymn was sung and the first. week of Apr%
meeting closed with tbe Mizpath
Melville W.M.S. met in the
church parlour on Friday after;
noon, April 5th. .The-' president,
Mrs. Gernid Gibson convened the
meoting and opened with a poem.
Mrs, 'lothescart go re the secre-
tary 's report and 'Mrs. Spoir the
treasurer's statement. tryout 2l2
was 1,,iing„ Cor'respondenc'e was
reed and the bbsittess tlaart Of the
iroeting couthicted.
The Devotional part
it fl. rthd11054 H Weak, into n's
l'aitintioit or Ktrotigth,