The Brussels Post, 1968-01-11, Page 7THURSDAY, JAN. tith, 1968 THE Isgussr.Ls POST, Ill SSHI.,,S, ONTARIO Ask about convenient departure and return times For;information, phone the local CN Passenger Sales Office .40 ONE Y E PAR SEND ENTRIES TO: `.7;ilialn12:7.141711==-_"172MIMPraa PNOTCH.....FEI DS LIMIT'S) PHONE 199 BRUSSELS WSW TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED' 2 ; PHONE 199 BRUSSELS err C.BC TV SUNDAY AFTERNOONS, COLOR IIIIIIIMNDEMIIZVN-ZfiTIUMIMIDMSVIarffingir‘aaFzgnazap;izraaiyasdzag FARMERS BONSPIEL IN BRUSSELS ARENA WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17th, TrAso Draws 9 a.m. and 11 a.m., TR IN TO TORONTO CANADIAN NATIONAL or HAROLD THOMAS PHONE 180 BRUSSELS Please Have Entries In By January 15th OR ALL YOUR VRNI NEEDS SEE TURN OFF IGNITION, PUT OUT CIGARETTES NEAR GAS PUMPS I nt VON inla y a )'ear ago jimW W r puL up at all :set' V IC sta dons. These LgY16; rkAilllsiSt(2.(1 LaaL motorists please lull) off their ignition and refrain 'rum auloking with- I) VOL ui the gas pumps., 'I hose warning notiees have been postod Lo protect motorists from the PossilAlitY of a fire iu the area of the pumps, which could be caused by sparks frool lit motor or from kM bmn'n. ing cigarette. Whoa refuelling, motorists nuts t, refrain. from smoking and IIMM1 St remember to switch off the ignition. The Ontario ltetall Gasoline :Lust, Automotive Service Assoc. intion outlined in the executive secretary's animal report that it Will request an amendment, to make motorists equally liable with serviice station operators, for violations of the G-asoliOne Handling Act — not turning off ignition or smoking while being 4itliura'.-14V0h.deV;ifkil.".4,4021111 refuelled. The ..A.ssociation is also pro- meting the distribution of warn- ing stickers to be affixed to all pnetab le con tatnees of gasoline The sign warns that the contents Ore dsagerous, a nu must not be exposed to flame or heat, and must not he used for cleaning purposes, On to rio Department of Tra n pOrt. STROKES Strokes usually are caused by one, of three varities disease, processes, .the Ontario Medical A.sLiOciation. reports. The most common of these is thrombosis, Which is a plugging of the art- eries of the brain. Beyond the point of. Pluggidg of the plugging of the artery, 1110 brain tissue dies. Symptoms of thrombosis in- elude short episodes of weak- ness, dizziness, difficulty in, seeing, numbness and tingling le the arms and hands. Relief from these symptoms sometimes can be brought with the use of 'fluthillibus"`" .6101710E. blood-thinning agents known as anticoagu Inn is. These medications must be used with extreme ,caution by experienced physic- ians, Cerebral hernmerage. Or ble- eding into or around tile brain, is th.e .seeond• most common cause of strokes; There are two N.ra t- ties of cerebral '1101110mi ge : one. related i 0 high blood pressure, which is often fatal, and the other a rupinre of tt berry like swell; tIC whore the arteries di- ivide, which is less often fatal, clerobl'al hemorrage often can be preVented by the control of high blood ressu re. The third most common cause of strokes is the release of em- bolus or small blood clot into the elven la don, which in turn plugs a brain, artery, causing paraly sis. These embolic strokes usually follow changes in the valves brought about from rheu- matic heart disease. Blood thin- ning agents, frequently used by doctors caring for patients with rhartnuatio heart disease , some- times reduce the frequency of embolic strokes. The 0.111.A, advises that many strokes can be prevented, or reduced in severity, if treatment comineneed soon atter the first symptons appear. HOW ICK LIONS BINGO WINNERS Mrs, ates, H.artiktOti. Mrs, Bates, Harriston. Mrs. Wilfred Henry, Wing- ham. Mrs, Bill Schill, Formosa. Mrs. Chi Henry, Harrihton. Mrs. Gordon Gannett, Wing- ham. Gerald (loll, Walkerton. Mrs. Drumm, Harriston. Cliff, Stevens, Kitchener. Mrs. Elmer Goll, Mildmay. Mrs. Simon Huber, MildniaY. Tony Ste.. Marie, BlueV4e. Spedials: 'Share the Wealth We. It.8eSe, Listowel. Mrs. G. Gannett, Witighaiii, $ Special, MrS. Noll Yeo- man, Wroxeter. Ja.elcpet consolation plUS borttS, Mrs. Bill Schill, Formosa. Door PrNes, Mrs. Bruce Mont- goni y, Mrs. rred Montgomery, Mrs. T,leyd Townsend and Mrs. 'Ken Ego r, all of Wiroxeter, I* Cana& there tare eight mil- Boil licensed drivers 'Of which 4t per (tent are women. .,...SORRY ABOUT THAT CHIEF They'll neVer helleve it hack in the clubhouse; it it's Oyer going to happen, it will happen on. WOnderful World of Golf (in color) starting Jam 21, Again, C13C-TV Will entry this exciting golf series which travelS the four cornerS' of the earth to bring viewers the best in golf arid the most beantiful in golf, s,..enory, This series Will traita to such far-off places as Guate- mala, the. Virgin Islands. Spain and FtwitZerlatid. Some of the 10D golfers to be seen include Ttiliits Borah, Billy (1nspar, Chi Chi 'Rodriguez, Roberti) *de Vin- cenzo and Christy O'Connor. Ontario ON OCTOBER 31st, 1967, AT APPROXIMAT- ELY 8:45 p.m. A TRACTOR TRAILER BACK- ING INTO THE LANEWAY AT MAITLAND FARMS ON HIGHWAY 86, APPROXIMATELY 3 MILES WEST OF WINGHAM, CAUSED EAST BOUND TRAFFIC ON HIGHWAY 86 TO STOP MOMENTARILY. WOULD ANYONE SO AFFECTED BY THE IVIOVEWIEN1 OF THIS UNIT KINDLY CONTACT: GRANT DENNIS OF THOMPSON ROGERS AT 362 - 5541 TORONTO COLLECT