The Brussels Post, 1968-01-11, Page 4Q. What is e .Respiratory Disease'.' A. The term refers to any ailment of the breathing organs: the nasal passages, throat. lungs. and eon- nectIng pessages. Q. • Are any of the koepirel.ory Dis- eases regarded' as major illnesses':' A. Some arc eetremely serious. Tub- erculosis, perhaps tile best known, mail cripple or kill i.i not diagnos- ed early enough and properly_ treated. Other chronic forms of 1W. such as einplisema and chro- nic bronchitis, make breathing a desperate struggle in severe cases, and ratiSti Mai* deaths. Q. What is emphysema? A. The word, taken ILOM the Greek, means literally, "inflation." Em- physema is characterized by a breakdown of the countless tiny • air sacs and blood vessels of the lung. As the condition progresses, • the lungs lose their elasticity and their ability to get rid of stale air is impaired. Breathing becomes increasingly difficult and the heart may be•strained until it can no lenge". ,funeion—in which event death results. • Q. What causes emphysema? A. The precise cause has not yet, been ascertained; it is a subject Ear continued. research. There may be several causes. However. it is a statistical fact that almost all those who have emphysema. have been heavy cigarette smokers for a long period of Line. Q. Can emphysema be cured? A. Na cure is known at the present • time. Symptoms can be relieved, and the progress of the disease often arrested, by the achninistra• doe of drugs and the ,use • of breathing exercises and -other re, habilitation techniques. The -first and most important measure is to stop. smoking, Q, What is chrouic bronchitis? - A,, An inflammation of the lining or the bronchial tubes, characterized by abnormal secretion of mucus. Its obvious symptom is a chronic or recurrent -cough that produces MUCUS. Q. What causes chronic bronchitis? A. A variety of causes which produce irritation and often infection of the bronchial tubes. Chief among them is heavy and prolonged ciga- rette smoking. Q. Can chronic bronchitis be cured? A. .Lt depends on the cause of a specific case. Antibiotic drugs plus a cessation of cigarette smok- ing can result in cure or satisfac- tory remission of symptoms, Q. 1.f a person has severe emphysema or chronic bronchitis. can it still help if lie etope smoking? A. Yes. No matter how advanced the disease, cessation uf smoking will produce improvement,. Q. What, are the prospects for con- trolling emphysema and chronic bronchitis? A. Research and a campaign of pub- lic education, vigorously carried out through the joint efforts of the Public Health Sun ice and the Canadian Tuberculosis Association, are producing better methods of diagnosis, treatment and rehabili- tation. These can stem the prog- ress and ameliorate the effects of these diseases. Incidentially, efforts of the. C.T.A. and its provincial and local affiliates depend largely , for their success on Christmas Seal contributions. The fight against nontuberettlosis 1'espira7 tory disease has barely begun; judging by experience with other diseases, continued efforts should_ - bring substantial results. Your Christmas. Seal contribution fights Respiratory Diseases and the conditions that aggravate them. C UNTY T (NATION OOP ASS YOUR BREATHING PROBLEMS Chest Specialist Answers Questions on Lung Ailments By Gordon M. Meade, M.D. Director or Medieal Education National Tuberettiosis Asseeietion THE BRUSSELS POST, !MUSSELS, ONTARIO THURSDAY, j AN, :11th, 31)08 CAMPBELL. SOUP COMPANY Limited Lists duel, Ontario Require the Services of: FEMALE PLANT EMPLOYEES OPENINGS EXIST ON BOTH DAY (6:30 A,.M.) AND AFTERNOON (3 :30 P.IVI.) SHIFTS. THE POSITION OFFERS GOOD WAGES AND WORKING CONDITIONS. STEADY EMPLOYMENT, CAFETERIA FACILITIES, EIGHT PAID STATUTORY HOLIDAYS EACH YEAR, WORK CLOTHING SUP- PLIED (BOO IS AND SI-10ES AT SHARED COST ). 'EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INCLUD- ING HOSPITALIZATION, SURGICAL IN- SURANCE, MEDICAL INSURANCE, LIFE INS:UR:L.1\ .:2E, SICKNESS AND DISABILITY INSURANCE, SAVINGS AND PENSION PLAN. APPLICANTS SHOULD CONTACT THE PLANT PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT FOR INTERVIEW. WANTED — Young. hely or woman to work in store in Listowel, full or L)art, Time. Apply P. 0. 13oe 132, Listowel, Out. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF FRANK SELLERS .teLL PERSONIS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town. of Wingliam, in. the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on the 27th day of November, 1967, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on. or before the 13th day of January, 1968, After that date the 14,,ttetttrix will proceed to distribute the Estate having re- gard only to the claims of which elle shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this loth ki,e, 01: December 1967. CRAWPORD, SHEPHERD & MILL Wiugharn, Ontario Solicitors for the r..xecutrix FOR SALE — • rigeraior in good condition, Phone '19S.T't WANTED — Young man to Nv01•1; in retail stun' in. Listowel. Apply Box 50, p,russels, Post. rCin SALE -- Shelled corn and mixed grain, Ken Campbell, Rie 1, Phone Seafoeth 527-0137. SALES HELP WANTED MALE. Gond news for older Man. Real opportunity for a profitable Raw- 'sigh business in, part Enron County. Write Rawleigh, Dept. A-152-90ti, 4005 Richelieu St, St. Henry, Montreal. HONEY FOR SALE — Clover 4 the, $1,40: 8 ibs, $`4.60, ,T,iight Anthem' arta Buckwheat 2 'ibe. .800 4 the. $1.50, 8 lbe, $2.70, This is the honey With all your winter vitamins. Walle.ce :Ross Seaford', Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The Estate of WILLIAM AUSTIN SYLVESTER RAYNARD, deceased persons having claims aeuinst the estate of William Austin Sylvester Raynard, late, or the Village of Ethel in the County of Huron, retired fanner, who died on the 13th clay o r Dee _ ember, 1967, are hereby notified to send particulars of the same to the ,iolieitors for the: execute ors o.n Or before the 2nd day of, Febreary, 1968, after which date lea n eetnte v.111 he distributed with regard only to the renting of whieh they shall then have re- ce ved. DATED at. litrossets this. 5th day of .fmniery, 106S, ielee.WVOltft, SHEPHERD & 'MILL Solicitors for the Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The Estate of LEWIS WALTER KNIGHT deceased ALL persons baying claims against the estate of Lewis Waller Knight, late of the Vil- lage of Brussels in the County flu run, retired primer, who died on the Mb day of .lone, 196n, are hereby notified to send particulare of the same to the. solicitors for the administrator:; on Or hr fore the 2nd clay oe February, I90S, after which date the estate will hr distributed with regafd only to the claltos of which they shall then have ie reeved. DATED at Brussels this -5th day rf ,intolary, 1968, A W. P.0 RD, ST-tai-TITIRD & MILL Senators for the. Administrator 4.0 . ... Cadillac for 1066 has new styling front and rear that emphasizes the long, low classic profile — as illustrated in this Calais hardtop sedan. The traditional Cadillac grille now has a horizontal bar running through the centre. The spacing between the vertical and horizontal lines of the grille has been increased to produce a broader look. Less use of chrome trim and ornamentation adds to the car's look of distinction. New features include veriable-ratio steering, unique with Cadillac, slimmer bucket seats, optional pillow-design seats and optional headrests. , 1966 CADILLAC