The Brussels Post, 1967-11-23, Page 6T111IRSDAY, NOV. 23rd, 1.967
T1 BRUSSELS !'OS'', t2 RUA, Ok4kift1e
Atte:Otion Farmers.
.STARTS NoV. 13 and ENDS DEC. 0
SAVE UP TO $12.00 per ton
on Dairy and Beef Feeds
Ask about convenient departUr0
and return times
Fen information, phone the local
CN PasSeooer `;ales Office
RISK FACTORS )0V.'er y'otir blood cholesterol and. Foundation advises, This :means
WATCH YOU t.ATING reduee your risk of getting a eating less; animal fat and less
change .your est,\iig habits 'US heart 'attack, the Ontario Heart food high in cholesterol.
Recent field trials at the West-,
'ern. Ontario Agricultural School,
Ridgetown, show mat corn stover
'silage can be harvested in one
field operation after picking,
A forage harVester of t14.e anger.
over-cutterbar design was Used,
to pick up and onop the stover,
All the knife guards except those
holding down grain lifters Were
replaced by "stoneland" or
"stub" guards to keep the cutter-
bar clear. 'Two down-grain lifters
-were 'used at Ridgetown and over
SO percent of the stover was bar-
Nested. The down-grain lifters
were used to allow the cutterbar
'to be held at least tour inches
above the ground, taus reducing
the risk, of picking up soil and
The flail-type forage harVester
Picked up some soil because of
the air turbulence created by the
flails, This was one of the reasons
for investigating an alternative
method of harvesting stover
silage at. VitOAS,
For successful harveSting with
on Nuger-over cutterbar forage
hamster, the following points
should be considered.
While this, harvesting method
allows some of the leaves and
most of the cobs to remain in the
field, it provides a fine cut silage,
Tile cut obatined from a. flail-type
forage harvester after a recutting
operaiion is not ns utritorin, How-
ever, the fail-type forage barv-
estor and rectitter method should
bey considered for harvesting
stover silage if the conditions
outlined. for successful harvest-
ing with an auger-over-cUtterhar
forage harvester cannot lie met,
L The corn stalks must re-
main, attached during the pick-
ing operation and be lodged about
I one Mot from the ,soil surface.
(Free stalks constituted Most of
the loss stover at RidgetoWn,)
'.the stover lutist be bar-
vested without being; run down.
by tractors, grain Wagons, etc.
l, The corn field must be free
of grasses. (Grass wraps around
th-e dowtigrain lifters and causes
plugging at the cutterbar.)
(I, The forage harvester should_
be operated in the same direction
on the corn rows .as the picking-
unit, This allows the corn stalks
to feed butt end first, into the
When the party's over
a Cascade 40
electric water heater
can have its finest hour
HOW TO BEAT A SKID If you're going too fast
when you skid, the car won't always respond to the wheel
When in doubt — slow down! If you start to skid, turn the
frsiif wheels in the direction of the skid. Don't brake and don't
allesoleiotei. Remember skidding is more apt to occur when the
gillafettt*to oksgtie *Pots thtto whorl it's colder. r C54 o
Seven-year-old socialites have a way
of leaving more than a gift at a party:
ever been stuck with a tutti-frutti-
topped' tablecloth?
These are the times a Cascade 40 can
really win you over, It provides all the
hot water yOU need to suds up a
strawberry-specked party dress, its
chocolate-cheeked owner, and the
pile of party paraphernalia you'll be
left with.
A Cascade 40 electric water heater
may riot make the party , but it
Could save the day. For mare inform-
ation, ask your Hydro,
your hydro
Ira" ortamwroeimw.vrwm....".#1.*!!