The Huron Signal, 1881-05-13, Page 5THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MAY l& L 8L isobars. Cayt Gibwu CUMIDOt.d the asfilms at Lisburn Presbyterian church last Sunday muruing. Lssscttt Aaaan. — A ewe :,,lunging to Mr. W. Burke uu Tuesday e..ve birth to two h mbs, and un the Friday follow- ing two more were burn to her. OrrtalJTIUN.—A well known bachelor has jast invested ip a one horse nut, and now thinks he has a better ahuw with the fair sues than any of Ilia Mil- burn rivals Measles are going around. The reports of the failure + ' : ill whe..t have been exaggerated. This paper can be had on trial for the balance of 1881 for 75.:- N seas fo.:_Ncssas r. — Mr. Stewart's snreery neer Benmiller, is of Mr. rcounty celebrity. The en owner is good. Mr. large, wnd the taste .f Cie Stewart annually ships flowers w distant porta, ant has a good reputation as a florist. He has some six acres of strawberries growing, and is exceedingly popular about the latter part of June. IttesuvEuxere.--Mr. J. J. Fisher has had a from barn erected on the Burner of the Maitland concession. He intends retnoving to the corner soon. Mr. John Snyder has had roof of his barn raised by the insertion of new purlins plates, etc. J. Fisher did both lobs. Mr. W. Allin of the Maitland con., is about to build a stone wall beneath his barn, and have underground stables Mr. Chis- holm has put a nice board fence around his faun on Butternut row, and Mr. Lardner has just built a good stone cellar for himself. srn.sals. ILL--Jamrr Stretton, well known in and around Brussels, has been very ill. The Reeve has presented the town with a neat band -stand on the village The rubber coats ani hats for the fire- men have arrived and are pronounced to be "just the thing." Miss Clark, of Teeswater, has taken charge of the Montreal Tele.raoh office, in Brussels, as operator. Frank Kelly has gone to Colorado, where he has succeeded in getting a job at remunerative wages. John Robb, Peter McDonald and his daughter, Miss Maggie McDonald, and Wm Shedden have taken passage for the Old Country. Mr. D. A. Waddell, harneuntaker, who recently removed to Kingston, re- ports business good with him in the Limestone City. We are glad to learn of our old friend's welfare. I:WILDING.—We believe it is the in- tention of our esteemed townsman G. A. Deadman to erect a brick residence on his lot in the southern part of the village this summer. Teta SIGNAL will be sent post paid for the balance of 1881 for only 75c. Miss Pentland has begun the business of dressmaking at her residence. Mr. Wm. McArthur has been appoint- ed issuer of marriage licenses. He is also 5i a:tewivel into the bsx,k stationery and wall paper business in his' 1 THE WORLD OVER. Gariba'.tii dr.ouncos as false the report u fi !.that his lion ghting agauuu a' t Fra, and says war b.ttireou Italy and Frame/ would b. a won*Mnssit). The old home of Jeina.ht sin recently turn down at Springfield. A buy bought ail the shiniles fur a dollar, and, with a Kcalsaw, Is tidal than inti urue- meutal mementoes. widoh he eerily wits at fn.m b0 owns to t 1 each. f ku is juvenile enterprise. l . The Canada Southern ucials claim that the Fontaine engine made the runm froA;uherstburp to St. Thouus yes- terdar, 111 wiles, iu 98 minutes, turd from 8t. Thomas to Victoria, 118u� iles, it: 13; minutes-229males in 2:%3 Minu- tes. A sruti:,y of t'... '.toots cart at the vote tat the ti: -.t: ., - ...-law iu Ileltou will take pla-e iii t .: _'i h inst. It has bees lira ti -:d tat i,.g ;.,girl of one re- turniG� „ .,,e haviol put u number ea veli a...i: ,nitiela • u the back if the b:.!letr. T!:r„ !.border cases were disposed of at the '.grey assize court—John Miller, tn. ;.::,i,.,; his wife by drivi',, over her with te.t.u. and Juaa A. King and her soli Jas., King fps.having aided and coun- selled Mary King io procuringg an abor- tiou. All the prtsol:ers wt to discharged.By the latest available andreliable re- turns: Roman Catholics number, 201,- 000,000; Protestant, 106,000,000 in the world. In North and South America, 47,200,000 Roman Catholics; in Europe; 147,300,000, and in Asia, 4,700,000. Of Protestants in the sane order, 30,000,000 71,800,000, and 1,800,000. In the United States a few of the church sittings are estimated is follows; Mdiat ethu. (all) 7,4.50,000; Baptists a11), 4,360,000; Presbyterians, 2,700,000; Roman Catho- lics, 2,000,000: Congregationalists, 1,- 117,900; Episcopal, 981,000, and the Spiritualists, the least, 6,970. There were three things which a woman should both be and not be at the sante time. First, she should be like the snail, always keeping within her own house: but she should not be like the snail which carries all, it has upon its back. Second, she should be like an echo and speak when she is spoken to; but she should not be like an echo, which always manages to have the last word. Thiel, she should be like the town clock and always keep time and regularity; but she should not be like the town clock, whish speaks so loud that all the town can hear it. Erac Rocca, the celelltrated but eccen- tiic preacher of Naples, once scared bin congregation in the most beneficial way. Ile preached a tremendous sermon on the inevitable consequences of a sinful life. His hearers were in a convulsion of excitement with the blazing picture of a sulphurous retribution before their im- aginations. All at once he stopped in the very midst of an eloquent appeal and cried out, "Now, all of you who sincere- ly repent of your sins, hold up your hands. ' Every hand in the assembly was up in an instant. The preacher looked epos the scene for one, awful moment, and then addressin the higher powers —"Holy Archangel Michael, thou adamantinewho with thine adaantine sword stand - est at the right of the judgment seat of Gal, hew m. off every hand which has been raised hypocritically. " In an in- stant nearly every hand dropped to its owner's side. new P. . store. HaRrsxs.--Mr. Henry Brickle, who recently bought out the harness business ,.f T. A. Hamlin ix a young man of energy and pluck, and is doing a splen- did trade. Fos Dagort.—Mr. Hugh S. Smylie, the well known shoetnaker. ham sold out his business to Mr. Wm. Seeley, for- merly of -Goderich, and'is now doubtless on his way to Dakota If the country suits him, Hugh intends taking up land near his brother. CARRIAGE MAKING.—Mr. H. W. Savage, formerly of Pointer's carriage works, is now in business on his own az- count in Brydges' old stand. He is an industrious young man. and rejoices in' 'the fact that he is kept busy in his line. Poarxaarza.—Mr. J. M. Roberta has been appointed postmaster in room of Mr. Robert Clendenning, who has gofte to Dakota. The post office will be re- moved to the building next to Mr. Robert's store, and will be attended to by our popular townsman, Mr. W. Mc- Arthur. Mr. Roberts has gone to con- siderable expense in fitting up the post office very neatly; in fact, when complet- ed, there will not be a snugger or more complete office in Huron. MeeeereleeIe l Report. Report of the weather for the week ending May 10th, 1881. May 4th — Wind at 10 p.m. East, light. clear. Number of miles wind breveted in 24,1( 011243. May bth—ind at 10 p.m. South -seat, fresh, cloudy. Number of stiles wind travelled in 24 hours 296.6. A light shower at 6 p.m. 0.4 cubic inches fell. May 6th—Wind at 10 p.m. South, light, partly clear. Number of miles wind travelled Airing 24 hours 129. — Foggy all the forenoon. May 7th—Wind at 10 p.m. South, fresh clear. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 309. Kay 8th—Wind et 10 p.m. East,frsah, cloudy. Thunder and lightning Num- ber of miles wind travailed in 44 hours 440. May 9th --Wind at 10 p.m. South- watelavoly. Reis dosing the i ' in Inehee mi rtetyp�d is IA boss 1 et Atm sa le pas. Bouch, fresh, sissy. Thunder, baps to rain at 2 p.a., eased et ` p. a., 1 Goble set fell. Nosoloor of man wind trsvdbd in 24 hours al& row saostly all day. G. N. Mat -mint', Observer. t:oderieh, Kay llti, 111111. it now wears slot des Pae1Bl NW - way Bpndhsa haws set doSsitsb desid- .d teras sis fiinq Ns ?rows* Piss root*, for ii it s rages ised OM thea wleba.I have reesivtd osiers to saviors Low Head, via: the Yesssilliss and the Kas.- &Nokia, Bowmanville, Ont. March 22, 1881. Where'ta certain parties in the town of Seaforth are advertising and offering for sale (hgans and Pianos hearing our natne. \1'e hereby pee notice that said parties have no authority whatever from us to sell our instruments and would advise all intending purchasers to deal with Messrs Wade Brno, of Seafort,h, who are our only authorized agents in and for the County of Huron. DoltINION ORGAN & PIANO Co. Joni( Ws=LEY Secty. Banking. I BANK OF MONTREAL BANK CAPITAL, - - efr,om,00(. SURPLUS, - - - - 0,000.000, Goderich Branch. C P., DUFSFORD, - - - Mtttttrger Allows interest on deposits. Drafts, letter of credit and circular notes Issued, payable in all psrts of the world. 1754. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Paid up Capital, - *6,000,000. Rolf. - - 11,400,00.0. PresirLent, - NON. WM. McMISTER Gerimal Moanoer. - W. N. ANDERSON. Goderich Branch. A. M. ROSS, - - - - btaxaaaR. Interest allowed on deposits. Drafts on al the principal Towns and titles la (l nada Great Srftatn and the Untied !hates bough and tool Advancestn Farmers on Notes. with one or more endorsers. without mortgage. 1753 Seeds! Sods? The subscriber begs to draw the atten- tion of the public generally to his large and varied Meek of FAH ag G1RDII SEEDS, consisting "f CLOVER, TIKOTH%', Hr23(itARI N, MILIIT, PEAS, CAN, BARLEY, and choita WHEAT; art, TVRFTP, MAA1�OLD,, CARROT, sother od GARDEN ANN VEGETABLE SEEDS, at rates that eannnt be beaten e. 8�e III A !mese teem as $66 Isewtllt'eteve.A(I_drmrsH. t (b . Partisan Maine DISSOLUTTON ofPARTIERR1P. lb* pulimilp bousisdor. rt.sttaw t.4a sea EPHRAIM IT3eOWNING and JOHN DOWNING, us,der the name and W le f E. & J. DOWNING, Bout and Shoe dealers, Gudench, Ontario, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be carried on by =077\rINT11NTC1-, to whom all moneys owed E. & J. DOWNING must be paid, and who will pay all debts contracted by the late firm. EPHRAIM DOWl�T INC+_ JOHN DOWNING_ 8. MALCOMSON, Witness. Goderich, May 10, lt'81. The Detroit, Macbnac, and Iarg ette Rairoad Company ' R 1,.3 JO,000 ACRES Of tie Choicest FAR.MINO and TIMBERED LANDS in the Northern Peninsula of Michigan, flrstaned to be the best wheat -producing region in the world. These lands are situated in the �a of Chippewa. 'tacklnar, SSchoolcrsft and Marquette. and embrace many thousands ens les et the he agricultural lands in the State of Michigan. 4110111111 Nee. le the counties of Chippewa and Mackinac are tracts of what are known as the "lend er clearer Lands. 'recite lands offer many advantages over the prairie lands of the Wen, as the timber Lands adjoining Insure a supply of fuel at little cost. The soil being a rich clay loamof great depth. The timber remaining upon the land being generally sufficient for the settlers' use in building and fencing. These partially cleared lands are now offered at the low price of from 4 to $4.50 per acre, one-fourth (ash. and the remainder at purchaser.' option, at any time within nine years, with interest payable annually at seven per cent. Reads are being opened through thole lands, and no better opportunity has ever been offered to then of small means to secnre a good farm, and intending purchasers will be wise by availing themselves of this chance before prices advance, as the lands are being rapidly taken and settled upon. The Lands more immediately on the line of the Detroit, Mackinac. and Marquette Railroad from the Strain of Mackattac to Marquette are more heavily timbered. and are almost univers- ally good sgrk ultural lands. leaving splendid farms when the timber is removed. The iron and lumber Interests of the upper peninsula are of such magnitude as to call for all the charcoal and lumber that the timber and wood upon the lands will produce—this will enahle the settler to make good wages while clearing the land. Lumber Mills and Charcoal Kilns will be built at various points along the line. and Furn- aces are now being erected along the Ione of the road at Point Rt. The great demand and good prices for labor. both in winteranlf summer, make these lands particularly desire hie as homes for the poor man. The lands adjacent the Railroad are offered at prices from $5 upwards, aeording to location. valve of timber, etc. The lands are at your very door. and are being rapidly settled by Canadians. For pamphlets. maps and other lnfortnalton. address, W. O. STRONG, Land Commissioner, M Ne*berry and McMillan Building, Detroit, Michigan. 17fle, G. C. ROBERTSON, RAST BTRRRT, JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK WO, PAYER! Green Window Paper! Carnets taken up and P.elald. Oil ('loth ted. Hair Mattresses made over and all kinds of Repairing done. Pictures Framed as Cbeaply as ever. ti.Ohaira Reclined. ROBERTSON'S VARIETY STORE. Merchant Tailoring! HUGH DUNLOP, The Faehienable Tailor. is now to a position to execute all orders he may be favored with, in j THE LATEST SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES. ON HAND, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF TWEEDS, WORSTEDS, ETC. C-ir('all and see onr Goods, Hugh Dunlop, Fashionable Tailor, West -St,, Goderich. JOHN PASMORE, HYMN BOOKS Manufacturer of • auolis, Cari'iaes, New Presbyterian Hymnal, Etc.. Etc.. VICTORIA -St., Corner of Trafalgar. Agent for tbe Celebrated SEEGMILLER CHILLED PLOUGH gad Agricultural lesNewseuts. Also. agent for the Queen's Fire& Life Ins. Co. me Is one of the best Companies in exist- °• �{. he°` rt ns eta a apppplkmtenablstltn�tormatlon 17111141m AMU PAW NOR&. 8EED8 FOR 1881. na mtlita M�iNrtw t3tes i ~vOrs' 1 take tisalantl • .seas, an% sea Steam A (tilt ills ssesevisatt of flXLD. LUMP sad FLOWIR SSDI, @sleeted is wt egeatry. Oil sadwrest ears treetae Eben ii“!kkeep@s but petals. mss we vernal C$IPTON'S SURMISE CORN, 'ulna MId (Men yet Intrndared ('rreend ell rake kept constantly on hand. JAMES McNAIR- tns Ramiltne 1r.. in every variety published. Net Iethodist Hymn Boot in all its forms. LOWEST PRICES at SHPARD'S BOOKSTORE. SEEDS, SEEDS A FRESH SUPPLY or si Grim Sacs Ail Passive& Odd la gni er 1 psekasea JAMES WILSON Dnialist AT DETLOR & Co's =+ACE CTSRTAINS_ An ta.atease lot of Lacs Curtains b„ug'it AT A GREATDEDUCTION IN PRICE. (neeb lit of ('AHPF.T3 AT ah J. P JO RICE. 0- DETLOR & CO. OUR CONSTANT ENDEAVOR I8 TO PLEASE OUR MANY CUSTOMERS therefore we are always oa tbe lookout tor NICE, (-'HmAP, AND 1 FASHIONABLE GOODS such goods as will give satisfaction to all who may buy them. With thisobieot la view NPEB BtTY O F'11,1131Bir, WE BUY LARGELY FOR CASH ----WE BUY DIRECT FROM MANUFAC- TURERS—WE BUY IN THE BEST MARKETS. Our stock- is well assorted sotthat all classes of cuatouters. he they rich or poor. may be suited. Ld"I`he highest price laid for butter and ergs.' W JAS. HUSTON, Manager. ESTATE OF It. I3. S;1HITH. prf,N. B.-2 Goon Nsw Buoalsa Iron a,,s vgar caa.r. f SPECIAL B13RGAINS. RE= c'z SNE -Y":=_ are offering some Special Bargains In Dress Goods, Prints, Skirtings, Denims, Ducks, Table Linens, White and Grey Cottons. PRXNTB_—Fast Colors, from 5c per yar•1 n i. HLACg CASI3MEREB. Ste,'I.t1 Make, without exception the bent make In town. COTTON SI IRTINGS_ Extru \'..lir, from 1".!e. up. • =Arm S --Fine Selection i„ Englirl+. Scotch and ('nuadian. Suite made to order to First Class Style for 310, 112, $11, il8and an. All cl-,th bought cut out free of charge. REID & SNEYD, Manchester House, Goderich. Spring and Summer Goods. NOVELTIES NOVELTIES_ A choice selection of FANCY. STRAwn.. in HAra and BnNrsri. STYLISH, NEAT AND SUPE ro PLEASE. FRENCH and AMYRICAN goods In the latest novelties. A splendid assortment of RIBBONS, FLOWERS and ACES. Hata and Bonnets trimmed in the newest styled. A CALL IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. We take pluuttre in shotring our goods. MISS WILSON, Market Square, Goderich. SOMETHING NEW. 5 Per Cent. Discount for Cash on S1 sales. 5 Per Cent, Discount on Monthly Accounts. G. H. OLD HAS ,ON HAND ,,JUST ARCIVED) A CHOICE LOT OF FIRST CLASS GROCERIES_ - And is 'Giving EXTRA (VALUE in TEA -8 Japan. Black. Green. and Gunpowder. Try them. You will en'd they are liood. Also. he keeps PORK. HAMS, SMOKED BACON. on hand. Highest price paid for BUTTi It and EGOS. Also, a lot of CHINA. GLASS, DiNNER and DESERT SETS, and all kinds of GLASSWARE and CROCKERY. arfllve him a call and get Cheap Goods.03. g- OLD, C. House Square. Farmers' Produce Bought and Sold. 17'? Farmers �.tterition. 1tar:e,d Fence %Vire contracted for !n any quantity a' very lowest prices. I SELL EITHER 2 OR 4 BARBED FENCE WIRE. tt Wire and barb galvanized after befog to'iated whirl: cannot scale elf Use Barbed Wire for Fences. NO SNOW DRIFTS NO WEEDS- NO WASTE LANDS. For sale by G. H. PARSONS ('HEAP HARDWARE, CODE 11CH. A.FTERI TEE FIRE. JOHN R'I'ORY The Tinsmith 1s still to the front. I have pleasure to state that despite the Inconvenience 1 wag put to In my business by the recent are in my premises, that 1 am now In fall blast again. prepared to give the greatest bargains to Goderich in STOVES, TINWARE, LAMP GOODS, and every other line In the btrineaa. 1 would also return my thanks to the Fire sad peopie M Goderich Inc the sse- o.@sfnl retitle in ravine -7 peoltevt7 is my attarnce trt0a, hea,e at the late ere. John Story. SAUNEIS' VilIETY ZTOIE. NEW GOODS. 5000 "Lis STALL PAPER ,.-FRESH STOCK -Is s.. -NEW STYLES -sr WINDOW SHADES, TRAVELLING BAGS, A rum mots, BASKETS B pCARRIAGES. Note the Stand. 1fThe Ch .peat Nsr■e Under the dun." !'Xeat ur tr 13s Past Alin