The Huron Signal, 1881-05-06, Page 7some Am•asas nears es. We do not know whether the recipi- ent et the following letter felt amused sic enraged o11 reading it. It was writ- ten by a Buskinghamahire fainter to a distinguished scientific agriculturist, to whom he felt under obligation for intro during • Twisty of swine: "Respected fair, --I went yesterday to the fair at A—. I found several pigs of your species. There was a great variety et beets; and I was greatly astonished 4 sit seeing you there." We must lints in• this to have been written u, an off- hand manner, and without touch con- sideratiort; u also another, an illite- rate farmer, a ishins to enter some ani- mals at an agricultural exhibition, when he wrote as follows to the secretary ot the so:i•ty: '=ate- me also for a jackass. 1 have no doubt whatever of gaining a per" A very slight stretch of imagination is required to depict the amazement of that inquisitive old gentleman, of • botanical turn of mind, who inquired of the gar- dener in one of the public places of pro- menade: "Pray, sly good lean, can you inform me if this particular plant belongs to the 'Arbutus' family 7" When he re- ceived for reply: "No, sir; it doon't; it belongs to the Corpcnation !" This awe remark applies to that ambitious young lady, who was talking very earn - featly about her favorite authors, when one of the company inquired if she liked Lamb. With an indignant tom of the head, she answered, that she "cared very little about what she ate, compared with knowledge." Doubtless the party who put the question felt more amused by the answer than the parish priest did, who, observing an Irish girl at play on • Sunday, accosted her with: "Good -morn- ing, daughter of the Evil One," when she meekly replied: "G,sad-morning, father." Many an amusing mistake haw been made by people hard of hearing We are told that a certain Dean uf Ely was once at a dinner, when just as the cloth was renewed, the subject of discourse happened to be that of extraordinary mortality among lawyers. "We hare lost," said s gentleman, "not less than seven eminent barristers in as many months." The Dean. who was very deaf, rose just at the conclusion of these remarks, and gave the company grace: "For this and every other mercy, make us devoutly thankful" On another THE HURON SIGNAL. .FRIDAY, MAY 6s. 18S1. hsasee ireseses. Shirred draperies ere in groat favor. The new shade of red is called Oil Blas. New toilets of grecadme for the sum- mer ars, literally leaded with frills, cas- cades, revers, and plastrons of !ip•tuah Lau. New middies for ladies are of satin inervi !out, edged with lace and embroid- ered with oaths, lobsters, and groups of tiny mice. It is quite refreshing to see a silk gar- ment arment without a load of jot lace, fringe, and heal work. Jet garndere hsabecome decidedly common. The Luxe rullill linen collars, w nth a border utcolored linen, are veru st, lien for m rniog wear and travelling They allow a must graceful tie to the cra- vat. The Spanish lace bo ,:feta are very pretty and simple. The/ have some- thing the look uf a well a-ranggel Spanish veil suppplemented by aig:Aceful bat lav- ish display of flowers. Side pouches and chatelaine bags for summer use are very dainty affairs, and are made of tinted satin, hand -painted in delicate sprays of flowers dead trimmed with flutings of lace. Sacques are made longer and single- breasted this spring. tJue advantage greater length gives, it allows a lunger tail to the basqu., which, in the Most styliah coat barques, is an important fea- ture. It is very fashionable for young ladies to part off the entire front of the hair from temple to temple, then cut it short enough to arrange in soft, loess, curling rings of Bernhardt waves about the fore- head. The tunic jacket of foulard surah. wits lace jabot and flowing sleeves, will be much worn in the morning at summer re- sorts, over round skirts made plain silk, with narrow late plaiting' around the bottom. Elbow sleeves will continue through the spring and suminer months, not only for evening but for afternoon dress. With out door toilets very long gloves will be wont with them, edged at the tops with lace ruffles. For common spring wear the rough straw bonnets, in black, cream, and white, or in browns, blue, and greens, to match the suits, promise to be the favorites. Two yards and a half of broad ribbon, will trim such a bonnet. A bow oa the top of the crown, and the rest descending along the sides for strings, formes the chief part of its trim - wing. Spun silk is a late revival; it is soft, and at the same time strong. For dith- ering and t,'auging, which is so much used for trimming, it is very suitable on ac- count of its pliability. Three who pre- fer silk to linen underclothing will tind light spun silk verydesirable,as it washes well. It is now as popular as surah for occasion, at a militory dinner in Ireland, garments of this deecnptiou• on the postal cars. This rule, however Dainty Roman sandals are trade ,of does notap 1 to a "duck" of a bonnet. the following was on the toast -list: "May white and tinted satin, with rich white Sp y --{Pecks un Wolfe of Wisdom. Aim at Perfection in everythhtg though in most thugs it is unattainable; how- ever, they who aim at ii and per.mvere will ousae much roarer to it than those whose kinins' and despondency make them give it up as unattainable. The earth is now traversed by sslf- denyin missiooariss, who encounter •very hardship to wry Christianity to remote regions. Bat where is the infi- del who bas exiled himself from his country to civilize savage tribes! Nut one is to be found. They sit at hew, nursing their pride, and cherishing the virtue they cannot equal. Uovsanttnr Unarm - Senator Trumbull, of Illinois, ono. said to • young lawyer who wee to him with an application to be appointed to • place in the government: -"I presume y. a can have the place; but bion I Wee • step in that direction I feel like giving you one word of counsel If you take office in Washington you will ruin your whole life. You will never know how to live without office afterward, and no office can surruuud • man with the for- tune of'a gentleman." Woes Flag, THEW PLAY. -A man who is very rich now was very poor when he was • boy. When asked how he got his riches, he replied: "My father taught me never to spend money till I had earn- ed it. If I had but half -an -hour's work to do in a day,I mist do that the first thing, and in half an hour. After this was done I was allowed to play. I early formed the habit of doing everything in its time, and it soon became perfectly easy to do so. -it is to this habit that I uuw owe my prosperity. Peet *e�ea.�. "Timm Au. too tr.. --7o beautify the teeth wad give fragraaos w the breath oM "TeSherty' the now toilet gen,. Get 0 sent sample. 1763 Tyle Greet dnweriain COUGHS, COLDS, BBT BRONCHITIS, LOBS OF VOICE HOARSENESS AND THROAT AFFECTIO71 tau rad ` eeem sparyw�ia neerAul sale Isere am ha* hosed el the w /s ea . 1pr..so sad I. Nana 1a oases of Lase D4 : 4 rawa tip,.: as r e■.d • r s.s• les It u earnestly requested that lovers writing to their girls will please confine their gushing rhapsodies to the inside of envelopes only. Parties are earnestly requested not to send postal cards with money orders in- closed, as large sums are frequently lost in that way. Nitro-glycerine must be forwarded at the risk of the sender. If it should blow up in the Postmaster's hands he cannot be held responsible. When watches are sent through the mails, if the sender will put a notice on the outside the post master will wind up and keep them in running order. When eggs are sent through the mails and chickens are hatched on the journey the chickens became the property of the Government, if it is a Conservative one. When letters are received bearing no direction, they for whom they are in- t nded will please signify the fact to the Yostmaster that he may forwe d it at once. Ducks cannot be sent through the nails when alive. Their quacking would disturb the slumbers of the clerk the man who has lost one eye in the lace apps iques drawn smoothly over them. of his beloved country' These are wom with bridal toilets. A never see distress with the other." seta glori, us se novel pair of slippers worn by a young lady at a masquerade party lately was formed if the softest white kid, lined with pink satin. Upon the insteps were placed the heads of two little white kit- tens. The latest slippers for evening the person whose duty it was to read the toast accidentally omitted the im- portant word "distress," which com- pletely changed the sentiment, and caus- ed no end of merriment by the blunder. Another instance may be quoted, if only to show how careful„psopll should be in expressing themselves on public occuioni A church in South London had been erected, when a dinner was given, at the conclusion of which the health of the builder was proposed, when he rather enigmatically replied that he was "more fitted for the scaffold than for public speaking." On the other hand, some mistakes, al- though amusing, are not altogether com- plimentary. Few, for instance, would care to endorse an observation which fell from the lips of a gentleman, after gaz- ing some time at the skeleton of a don- key, and admiring and wondering at the structure of that despised animal said he,- "we are fearfujly and wonder- fully made." Equally as good was that d At greenhorn who at a menagerie was patiieelarly interested in a baboon. Several persons were present, one of whom expressed the opinion that it was a lower order of the human species This so nettled the oountrymafl, that he immediately exclaimed: "Pooh, pooh ! he's no more human species than.we k wear are made of black velvet with buc - les of old paste or cut steel. Short sk irta for the spring are not changed an shape, and are trimmed with plush, velvet, satin rouleau:, shell sha.- ed plaiting, and the inevitabla knife or box-pleatings made of the dress material and put nn in various ways. One model for a dress skirt is to put a wide band of plush around the bottom of the skirt, the arranging the trimming to sweep down from the belt, and simulate an "eagles wing" tunic. Over this trim- ming is placed areal tunic. forming sharp points, with the plush trimming follow- ing its outlines, giving the appearance of a double ovit-dress. The bodice $is cut in sharp points to match the design of the shirt. The late Lord Lansdowne 'use to re- late that wben,after Turner the painter's death, be *ant to the artist's house on a fuggy morning, in the hope of • peep of his reserved works, the old woman in charge, looking up through the ares rail- ing., took him for the cat's meat man, and bawling up told him he "needn't come slain, u the cat had died the day before. -(Chamber's Journal. aus- The audit books of the late County Treasurer of Leeds and Grenville is still going on. The amount so far foots up about $12,008. Burdock Blood Bitters a the hest Blood Purifier, Busy and Kidney Rego and Seetowtive Temic in the buten. It sets epntt the fiver. the Kid nays and the Bowels, curing all manner of Bilious eompWate, Kidney complaints old diseases ofthe Blood. Ask you int for Burdock Blood Bitters. bottle* 10 Denis, regular sire �petiCOCOA. -0 law 6.elA The ham at C a.reh. Mollie had a little ram, fleece black as rubber shoe, and everywhere that Mollie went he emigrated to. He went with her to church one day - the folks hi -la -nous grew, to see him walk demurely into Deacon Allen's pew! The worthy deacon quickly let his an- gry passions rise, and gave it an unchris- tian kink between the sad brown eyes. This landed ra:nmy in the aisle; the deacon followed fast, and raised his foot again. but ah! that first kick was his last! For Mr. Sheep walked slowly back about a rod, 'tis said, and ere the deacon could retreat. it stood him on his head. The congregation then arose and went for that 'ere sheep; but several well di- rected butts just piled them in a heap. Then rushed they straightway for the door with moves long and loud, while rammy struck the hindmost man and ,hot, him through the crowd. The minister had often heard that kindness world subdue the istcest boast ---"Ah!" then he says, "Ill try that game on you"' And so he kindly, gently called, "Come rummy, rammy, tam; to see the folks abuse you so, i grieved and sorry tour' With kind and gentle words he flame min that tall pelpit down, saying Ram - ,my, rummy, ram; ram, rammy, rammy, rammy, ram --bast eheepr in the town. The ram looked mask, and on be some, with Tammy, rammy, ram; ram, ninety, rammy, rummy, ream; niee pretty Chief Griffiths, of Brantford, fully be- lieves, in spite of the facts that the body was found in the Grand River, that J. B. Sage was in Michigan tvhen he was looking for him. GRAY'S SYRUP w RED �"� SPRUCE stir a. >t aoarstwa order Ko▪ os Q.aw�t�t�• to drink tramp from GUM. r6 �a �a as Sprites ba ba ss Pro era pre - Mu yr. esrs- r ra- /irsrai aet a tow res .w fit e,.y lore a togaasrt(ow, Its rernarkabSe power in relieving certain forme of Bronchitis, urrul i'.• abreast specificeet in curing el- *finate hacking Cooug/ts, is nine ireS knouua to the public at large. Sold bis rr:i re peet.bie des4ta 'A1er.:s sea.. O3 ea ass a hom& The awed. " Syrup_ at AA Grea '• r+'a'! rw:44 our agrtet�vi 7r.ut. lac?, sod w.' .rnry y..r .s.lf abl. are uio rtPM.errd. HERR i ; WA TSOY d CO.. iravinsas u. %.. r}. Sots Proprietor, .t"...' •'ars, yrs roar Nature, after all, is the great physi- cian. ° She hides all the secrets of health within her broad, generous bosom, and man needs hut too to her intelligently for his every need. The discovery of the great Cough Remedy, GRAY'a Seams OT RED SPRUCE GCM, is an apt illustra- tion of this. As a cure for Coughs, Colds, Loss of Voice and Hoarseness it stands unrivalled, while its low price and readiness of access places it within the reach of all. Try it and be convinced. All chemists keep it in 25 end 50 -cent bottles. - ad ANCHOR LINE. The People's Drug Store. owing to failing health 1 have disposed of the good will of my hominess to MR. 050RO RH Y N AS, and would reoosatead him to the public for [Cris intrusions. r .trend GEO. OATTLE. 11. reyurd to the above l would awwow•c'e to the people of (h,denal and vicinity dust I have vow! out aDrOg Business in the corner u Bloke's Block near the market, and hope perchosied afresh ,tuck of Pure Drugs and Chemioais, and by careful attention to business will endeavor to merit your patronage. Yuur ub'dt servant, CPEO_ RH YNAS_ A FULL LIME OY PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, TOBACCOES, CIGARS, &C. ALWAYS ON RANI,. Physician's Prescriptions Carefully Prepared. AT THE OLD bT AND. D. C. STRACI3gN 118 REMOVED Ela cEaOCERY BUSINESS To the old stand In the Albion Block. formerly occupied by him, where he will be pleased to welcome all his old customers and the public generally. A large Quantity of UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS Sall every Saturday. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW CABINS, SM to SM. STEERAGE $?* These Steamers do not carry cattle. 'beep nrPies NEW YORK TO LONDON DiRECT. CABINS Sat to Sen Excursion at Reduced Rates. Passenger accommodations are unsurpassed. All Staterooms on Main Deck. Passengers booked at lowest rates to or from any Radroad Station in Europe or America. Dohs at lowest rater. payable IAre of charge. ) throughout England. Scotland and Ireland. For books of Information. plans. eke. apply to HaiER mDEwiON BROTHS. 7 BOWL'S ? REEN, N. Y. Or to MRS. E. WARNt CK. Albion Block, 1751 Agent at Godertch Record of the LYMAN Barb. STEFt'LAwn� i1 :* p a with *ski? sVIP • �aatlhere ti • • C • Ise r IMHMij Berm '.5" r wfe prnt.erty v e rishert Mw,e yrs rtrn (erne.. P•OK, o ly ie Earam an> ess miefie Obe I oodo fete* rC tit 1vM. 1 enation. lige a Acne faak.e• Or s C"bo e it. Engenv ter atterse•e esa . ",s V none a►'at sin. The ram quite dropped his humble, ir, and rose from off Iles feet. and when be parson lit holey beneath the hied - wet vat. Ash* shot oat the :Ten .n door. and ahead it with • shun. his elegies word was not • 'nm-edietion on the Teat► e 6 FIRST"PRIZES AWARDED" THE I..YM Four -Barb Wire Fencing at MONTREAL Q t' E. HAMILTON ONT. CINCINNAOH10. SYRACI.HIL . Y. DAVENPORT. IOWA. Poo Ths Ae rnk sate 11 :haul 8, dl.asse Pare•taad Beat II•dle:ne over Sade. int of Hops, Euehu. Ma and L ande:ion,t•'.!sit ase best ora L.e prv;.cAirs of L.1 otter L.tte ere•:♦..t E:cod Purtt:cr, Lae sod rife mai Health ' ..rt1 an palmibty leer iris where varied and perfect aro 7314 gas area To ss. wan* • y *ob.. IL:re as Appeasing. Hop LnIU...n ase to 1 Anoa. ,-.lrersiisssyst oo•r y feel bad or astserabls it soy save your I/fe.it baa $DOO wm Mood tors n cello ``Do aid( wirer killObireri intakes .ortr.:_t, brat tLe rarest a. ,iterate ever mode the *Minims sad cors' sad ro p. son or snare .base 1. wahoosthem. pD t.0. r ase aasnew ear 1reaswhra ea,* for .,soak=.+, t -e of a. -a. tobacco and ,tam5te• alt livid iso dr.gtr1'.o amid for ci,,rlar. sop Oaten Of,. C... au.3.reer,N.Y and tomato, cot yer oeaweL we 1 . . wee.," organs, or who 1,ai ' and end wide, without Into ois, •r rim rent is we Hop no .deli bat 11 awe them at oats a.ve.1 bundevda •e tbey .1n or baryons w use Hop s vii:.• r. 1 ref nada LO\ELL' S Province of Ontario Directory NEW, FRESH GROCERIES Ai CHE.4P AS THE CHEAPEST. D. C_ STRACHAN. I HAVE BOUGHT THE RDWARE STOCK. MR. D- FERGU8ON —Ar 1-- VERY GREAT DISCOUNT! '01:2.1881-1882.- TO OR1881-188l_TO RF Pi'iBLISHED IN NOVEMBER 1881. Peke t.5.0u. \, Iro lall of said Stock, as well aa, my own original -iu wee bought before toe Ad%sue et hardware. i am therefore, i i a position to - „ , Irvup. , thou ally of her Mouse la the fount,. MY STOCK Ol'' Famis' Builders' c �eueral KiirdWait 'IS (010160, which I want w run oRgni.'::>. MP.. IOVbLL. at the request of several Men •hants and others of the Province of Ontario of the City of Montreal. R"„ begs to announce that his firm will publish a PRO- VINCE. OF ONTARIO DUI Et TORY. lit No- vember nett, containing an EXHIBITIONS. NICE LLIQQi s ad 11127112.10 11.17^1 Over ell Compel dors AlphibeticiI Directory AND A THOROUGH Classified Business Director; COME AND DVT AT MICE PRICES A5 WILL 1'LLh,"-eT. YOU. Fresh Ground Water Lime in Stook. AGENT FOR, BEST°STEEL BARB FENCE WIRE. R_ W_ 1vr0 E NZIE 1751-1m. of the Business and Professional men in the Cities, Towns, ao4{ Villages of Ontario, with a Classified Business Directory or rue. CITY OF MONTREAL. The name rare and attention bestowed nn the Dominion and Provincial Direetorics of 1871 will he given to this work. Subscribers names reepeetfull), solic;ted. Ternts of Ad- vertising made known upon application. JOHN LOV ELL R SON Montreal, Dec. 1881. Publishers. 1789 Tit Cleapest & Best Few M Tlta W ORLD_ Aasld ea• ae N Railway Lhasa to the l . d. sad tree that our trade mark, -trues is at melad os melt rest Wt Ito dead hr Mess ebe fun to R. . c mime. O�sad c DOMINION 14*1 WHIZ Plwcs ea. 1776em. Mese rest. Carpet Weaving 1n sew Pattered ud new Warga DINEII-BOOT OIBPITS acrd an wowk is the w•a_,.._ vll/t lfaeiM•.1 earefolll ate lay d _ Kingstrn street, Godurtob J. \\ `ase Year 2 JOHN TS ON'S0Q' SARSAPARILLA L 7 1 70111111, Yilliili Lad fx Purifying the Eloed. It has been In ase for Mysore and nas proved to as 1a11 bet misname h ,n, SICK HLAI,tCTIE AIN T,IL OR BACK. UVEB (. - r.t�ip r puma'' ON TUE T 1.6A. end all Dsm tee AA: arise rt'i o -n a Junrecred L`.er ar ma saner* mood. 11 ~ands et new hast se•� sotto ltd s� k s0 there Zr .i •a. Physicians re earn: 1tdatb. r1tw rite •ora•, rest u b e bees wMewls ieem w"O� ass larta/Ytlla, Ire Da�rdsi �sssatr•a .lagan w stat esIitb wasowww. and ma- re hurt the meg IslicateretsartasMOM c. one of um fag as.dtaltnm 11111110 1 nae t ear el Waft •e At .tar lobe esaaea *brats • bottle nor d. eel blit N jai» 100.limenenta dear rake try his= Wades, Oboist and Drugggist. HURON CARRIAGE WORKS. T. & J. STORY ISUCCISSORS TO JOHN- KNOX(. MANCFACT C•ItEIRS 's !fl!' arc_ 8cC_ ANY STYLE OF VEHICLE BUILT TO ORDER. 01' C arr!aaes REPAIRING and JOBBING done with Neatneas and D..41 'Itch, and at Reap- ,nable Rates. Call and examine betora parabolise elsewhere. - T_ oft J.. STORY, HAMILTON STREET. IKNOX8 OLD STND. GRAND CLEARING SALE ---0 F— foots and _Shoes, --AT 1'AMPBELLS BOOT and SNOB EPORhl1L F()R UNC M(.)NTII. Previous to Stook taking. My Stock is Large and well -assorted, and G REAT BARGAINS will be given 'TERMS — CASH WM. CAMPBELL. Goderich, Jan. 13, 1881 owsnith sad Ansa,5wary Pee. earie.erowl stn msss dsai.t► v1 C TO RIA-- ii-u&UVAURSt 7rie ••r,EATS/t. /1/ C' 1c.0 A .r `. 1 i.) [ ;. . 1 ,. r)• .4N 1;119 BEEGMILLER Chilled Plow -AND AGRI.UITURA WORKS. Ravioli pordis eel rite PlAr MI wt. Mg new • mite d meter a /nen ke 4'4 011.. and else.' an le OMR% . cord melt .4. Mr. it mole half of 1 pear. WA 1 lana ..Is. ..+ , . , ,.-swt41•4••. r - 9 5EEGV1l.Ltip Pvoerieto, f