The Brussels Post, 1967-02-16, Page 1BRUSSI,LS POST, Till'ItSDAY, FEB. 16th, 1967
12.00 A Year a Aer mace 1:2..50 To 11:3,4,
Meeting held February title
Resolutions passed as follows:
By Lawson Ward and Melvillo
Lamont that the minutes of the
last meeting be adopted as read.
By Kenneth Pray and Lawson
Ward that we advertise for tend-
ore for 1400 Ms Warblo fly
no ,,-clor. Tenders to be in March
liy elelville Lamont and Charles
Thomas that the Clerk he in-
st raced to iciwertise for I enders
for crushing and hauling 20.000
cu. yards of gravel, N .;"screen tO
he used. Tenders to be in by One
reeclock, Monday, March 6th,
19e7. A certified cheque for
$000.00 to accompany tender.
By Lawson Ward and Melville
Lamont that the Salvation Army
he given 'a grant of $15.00.
Try Charles Thoinne and Ken-
neth Pray that the Brussels, Mor-
ris and Grey Recreational Com-
mittee be given a grant of $125,00
By Charles Thomas and Mel-
ville Lamont that Kenneth Bray
he appoined signing 'authority
while Reeve Clifford Dunbar Is
13y Kenneth Bray and Lawson.
Ward that William Miller be
given a rebate in the amount of
$7.74 for Holland-Andereon Drain
By Melville Lamont and LaNir-
Son that, all approved accounts
be paid.
By Lawson Ward and Kenneth
EL)y that we do now adjourn to
meet. again March Pith at One
o'clock or tit the call of the Re-
The following aeeemmits were
County of Huron tax collectors'
charges $:336.99; The Municipal
World, subscriptions ond supplies M S. 0 Telephone Si--
stem rent S.7- tolls 10.50 E. M.
Cardiff. Division Register, 1906
1.25: Bob Pearson, replacing
bulbs Ethel Villnee 9.50: ,Till
Dohsin. garbage collection, Ethel
Village 20.00: creorge Weson-
berg, arrears of teees notices and
assessment. analysis .18.00; Tre
Salvation Army grant Si0.0$;
Soil tC Crop Improvement Assoc-
iation grant 15.00; Mussels. Mor-
ris S: (troy Recreational Cammii-
tie grenI 121.00: Aseociatiot of
sseseine ()Moore membership
fee 10,A0: Drainage Debentures.
; Wm. Miller, rebate over-
levy 1TellandAnderson Drain 7.71;
Lothar Weber. relief 'aecount
152.23: Mcrutcheon Grocery, re-
lief occontit 12.1.54: Tlrussels Conl
A'ai'd. relief account 0.00 ; Bent
relief occeeint (10,00; Pelief :Tate
raey 50.70: Wiri. Bernie fox
bounty S.00; C. M. Stevenson,
fox bounty 5.00 NelSrin T-Tenria
fox hornier,* 2$.00: Debt. L, Citte.
ninghain futimee oil 21,55; Robt.
Cunningham antiffel, fire dept.
1,20: lionde Ptiarree,,
Clifford P. Dutfbne P.00476
it.klytbe rtiffliff Merle
Grey Centennial Central
Appoints Cominaittees
Ti K, first. meetrog of the the
central Centennial Committee
celebrati on was held on Thurs.
FfThruary 9th in the Clerk's
offico, The mooting was well at-
1(,a(10(1 indicating the Interest,
and enthusiasm for the celebrat-
ion, to be held ;rune .17 at. Ethel.
Charles Thomas was chairman
for the meeting with. Edythe
Cardiff as secretary. The pur,
lose if the meeting was to 00-
point the various committees to
arrenge the acItiVilies for the
The following commit tees Nc'ete
appointed, the first one nomad
being chairillan-
Itobt. Conninghem, 'Yfrs, Jan
van Yliet Jr., Mrs. Mae McIn-
tosh. Archie Mann. Mrs. Sim
Cardiff, Mrs, Chester Earl.
Max Demarny, Donald Bateman,
neneies Bathwell. Jack Adair;
tine Lardiff, (Nereid Smith.
Tack Conley. Wm. Mann, Bob
Bremner, Edwin Kranter, Murray
Hoover, Ken McDonald, Ross
Smith, (Ethel KR 1), Murray
rdi rf.
Publicity and Advertising
Mrs, Orval Harrison, Mrs. Stan,
Speiron, Mrs: Mac Engel, Frank
Smith, Hugh Smith, Mrs, 7rilfred
, Strickler
Rae :Houston, Donald. Dunbar„
Scott MeLenn, Jim. Knight, Bong-
his Hemingway, Kenneth Bray.
Mr, and Mrs. Ronald McLean,
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Simpson, Mr.
and Mrs. Murray Pray, Mr. and
1T,'..' Al 0 X- Callen Mr. and Airs:
,Tack Cox,
Grounds end Peeking
Thrank Smith. Donald McDonald,
`,11nn McTeregert, Wilfred Short-
reed, .0loorge Pearson. Sam
Sweeney. Mr, and Mrs. Andrew
M Rohr.' Bremner, Mrs.
Archie .Theklin. Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Merarleue, Bebe ITerrison, Chas.
Harrisnn, Melville Lament, Law•
son Ward, Mrs. Norman Mac-
T.ot tie as Citizens ofe (Gtey
Township do all We can to assist
theee «munittees. and Make this
eennv, and memorable cocas-
5 (.11 in (1111'
Vfy sincere thanks is giten
to rill those who so renee.tu-
m„e•eil me with vieits, cards and
rears. 1' was a patient in.
Wingitron TtosPitill•
yowl' 1'11°11,5411i fulness was ap-
Elinor Yotreg
Arty girls 7 to -10 .yenra old
'wishing to join Brownies plense
thr on e-'100 or _f 41{F, Wei AV(11111/
Sermon preached' by Al, Johnston,
B.D., Brussels, Ontario; on
Sunday„lanuary, 29, 11 967,
Suppose we Were to v isit, a
country where, night after night.
w e could fill halls by simply
bringing a covered plate onto the
stage accompanied by loud music
with a heavy heat and flashing
reeete. At the rirew moment IN
slowly uncover' the plate 4n 1.
then, just before the lights ;gm
out. we let the audience si•e that
the Plate. contains a can of pork
and Beans, Wouldn't you con-
clude that in that country some-
thing lion gone wrong with that
nation's appetite for Pork and
Well, something like that has
Imppenod to us in the realm of
sox. it has been brit- on staqe,.em;
plmsized by loud music and
everything- else imaginable. An
-et sidre. 10 our shores • Woule
swear that our sexuel appetite.
11;1,1 Emn ]1a' -W1 re. The irony
nil is sex is about the only corn-
modify that doesn't .need
None can escape the. attention
'this ,part, of life demands.. The
Young may not understand it;
the Bachelor. and Sp ineterpray
overcome it; the Old may ignore
it; the 'Married mis-use it; the.
Weak pervert it, but all • Must
come to terms with it in one way
cr another. •
A hermit. in India had not
looked at a woman in 40 years. It
was the First thing he. Mentioned'
when he returned to ordinary .
life. For 40 years he had been
running away from sex only to
discover one cannot escapr,,,
A born-again Christian -
writes in a magazine "Art Open
Letter to Boys": "We girls are
tired of he ring our b'anday - night
dates break speed records getting
a way after church in order to
hark on some lonely country
rood. AVe're I free 'of listening to.a
glowing testimony at S p.m. and.
then fighting off the same guy at
910 p.m." Apparently, those who
now live by the Spirit emu have,
trouble ignoring the demands of
the Flesh!
Sex is here to, stay, But for
something thais elWaye :been
with us we don't seeln to have
learned how to live with it as
learned as we nee. We show a con-
fusing picture of contradictions
and inconsistencies in the Sr.txual
push Sex tti: out young
people the across TV
`screens, the billboards, the pap-
ers. etc,. and then we ore shucked
when younr people act as ill Sex
wore 11i0 only desirable gift; in
life! N'Ve• push our children into
edulthood by dressing them lip in
admit Clothes. encouraging early
Thrting (it's sn elite.), give them
the cat for the night, putt money
in their pocket. and then Wond-
er where our children Woof that
we once knew! We refuter, to talk
about sox to our chlidren. and
lira talk abOltt little else Wbr'n
on:wt ittitim10, ftiti*ri Stt
bree New 'Members
Join Western Star Lodge
At the regular meeting of
Western Star Lodge No. 149 Brus-
sels on Feb. 9th, Elmer Bean,
captain, of the 151 clegrQe team of,
1.islo%vel lOOF und staff visited
and conferred the degree on three
ea edidates, Frank Wilson, Mel
MeCutcheon and -Wm. Stephenson.
Visitors were Present. from
Teeewa ter, Wingliam, Seaforth,
Monkon Approx-
imately seventy members attend-
r ,c1. Lunali was served by the com-
mittee in charge..
World Day Of
Prayer Service
The World Day of Prayer see
vice was bold in the 'United
church. The theme for the day
being "And of His Kingdom
there shall he no end. A paper
was prepared by Miss 13essie
Moses, road by Mr's. H. Thomas.
Lsaders were Mrs. C. iTeming-
Wo y. Ades. '0. 'Gibson, Mrs,
Comwdly and Mrs. G. Davis.,
A. lovely duet was sung by
'Mrs. L. Cousins and Mrs. I. Camp-
bou with Mrs, Wm. King Sr. at
the organ. Other 'voices in the
service were Mrs. Amy Speir,
Mrs, B, Elliott, Mrs. Bleke, and
Mrs. C. Kernaghan,
A splendid offering of $30.•00,
but we would like to see more
women attend these services.
Mm'. and Mrs, Cecil. Eckmiete
Ethel, Will be "At Home" to their
friends on. Februnry 26th from
I en • 4,341 pen. on the occasion
of their 40th wedding anniversary.
"o gifts please.
Mr..and Mrs. ,lames M. Baeker,
Burlington, announce the ongeigo-. ment of their daughter, Susan
;Jemmy Coleman, to Mr. Donald Neil
McNeil, eon of Mr, and Mrs, .T.
C. McNeil. Brussels. Wedding
tea take place March llth,
three o'clock 'in Prussols 'United
the minister's references to sex
in. the pulpit and therm tell jokes
about: it when he's not around! We
smile at the man who is con-
re•rned about being pure before
marriage but a womun is the low-
est form of animal if she does
what an increasing humber of men
are doing. We provide devices so
the man can do what he wants
to. married or not inn at the sug-
gestion lhal women and e-irls be
allowed to protect themselves by
1180 of The Pill we serpent to 114 reh
herivee! have said far years
that one religious faith kept us
eluisie \ellen it becomes %evens
inglY otottr that it. was not so
1;!ucli our rnilb as it was rem* of
(mikerwory er a Pero. or ilvoolinm,y!
We nitre Play 0 1.011 ild before nr-
i'lago then (remind that MO girl
.tvo ritirry
Ir''ittliil'rir~il nil lit3Mr1
Tim young lady who Wa,a. the
Slim''oundidatn ill
ing for lirussels Centennti4ael- Queenbalot
\ ill be mimed and crowned at,
Ii!, Iii-'l' dance in tit. Legion Hall
this Sulart1;3y night at approxim-
a! :'1T•p.m,
'If' • I WO 11111.11 -Up will he her
attendants, All receive gifts.
The girls arc all a-dither in.
nervous anticipation of the morn-
ent-of-truthe •
Demol'is'h: Building For
Medical-Dental Centre
if you hear unusual noises in;
Bruesels please don't panic or
call your emergency measurers
headquarters. No doubt it. will be
hr eound of the demolition of
the former Budnark building. in
preparation for the new Medical-
Dental Centre.
It is proving a difficult Job be,
Cause of the sturdy construction,
We have been told that the walls
ore four feet thick, Many will
recall when this building housed
a thriving industry.
Friends are glad to see Elmer
Young- out again after surgery in
'1A"inghare hospital.
Mrs, Allan Btown, Walton, is a
na t i en t in Victoria Hospital,
London, IvberP she underwent
font surgery last week.
Morris, East Wawanosh
S7hool Board Meeting
Morrie East Wawanosh Town-
ship Scheel Amen llomel regular
meeting in Myth School, Felne
nary 6, All members were present
Minutes of tNiv"0 January meetings
were approved on motion of
Stewart and B. Elliott.
Several delegations and :rlive-
men were 'present to interview.
An order Was given Knecht-els
wholeeale for a. supply of wash
room materials.
Orders for general supplies'
(or all three schools wore pricserl.
-\lotion of Ti. Elliott and .T.
Currie that the ordtr for pianos
frem Carnet -Farrier he changed
to Sherlock :Tanning insteed
I feint zman pianos.
'Motion of S. Coultes and
Stewart that WI, P1111111t1S0 two
ci ,e1 Pi(' nit to macbin,ss on 00 day
trial offer with an option to !my
third machine at the same
nil( 0 within olio year.
The relcase e 1 limo enutraet
il1A;;1'nrIC 0 011 file tiv11001 Old
ho li,.htlity policies r,rt tIn 3 dor-
1 is S'('1111(11S W41,4 S iYn?
The Barents of all children of
1114: area who to nit ,',nd
Kind' ch 5.“-,s in Sentemb.
or notify the so-- Iery of Ill,'
Board before M'arel, 'Ill. Trans-
,10 ”intion will his nral\idcd one,'
way bv tho
'Mesiion ati
[pH,. t11•'/ .,tahl ri ,1- •
Piqj titiilit•.,Vjfign)