The Brussels Post, 1967-01-26, Page 55 to 8 P. M. TUESDAY, FEB. 7th S7. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH NOTICE 11a.Ve. bet,41. akii(Cd to remind the public. that ears ',exited over- flight on the Strot,t, in(-luding titt: back streets are there at the owners risk, 4.F4• PANCAKE SUPPER THE ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY Established 1370 Assets $75,000,000 • Capital & Reserve $9,000,000 0 Paid on 3,4 & 5 year debentures or UP 61/4 % paid on 1 & 2 year debentures Offices: Toronto • Hamilton • Ottawa . St. Thomas mors••••••••••.... 1967 CHEVROLET IMPALA Please complete coupon and Mail with cheque to: ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY 137 Dundas Street, London, Ont. Phone 432-4158 A mount ........... ...... • • Years „ .... . .. „ Accumulative Mr./Mts./Miss Address E] Coupon Tel. Signature 0014'1' 1111,1,1414I'll ;41 ()PITXtilti l'OH44A Tv JAN, G to LA 7 FREE PICK UP and DELIVERY LiF AGENTS MOLESWORTH — SIMPSON'S STORE ETHEL — .i R STORE C,AiNBROOK — PRANK SMITH'S STORE iv,ii.)RRISBAJN41( LORIN ERS I CFIER'S SUPER TEST STATION BKUSSELS CLARENCE PEGELOW STORE GENTLEMEN'S CLUB NEWS ITEMS 1311! lingteu Ont. Jan, .17th, 1967 Editor, Brussels ;Post: ausband subscribes to your paper because he takes' a great interest in euchre, it is very sea, dont, Mentioned anymore in the COLUOlu written by We heard that last lime the Leg- ion told Cub met the Gentle- men's Club go( the worst beating in the history of Brussels euchre, Why was this not written Up in, ihe eo1in17n1 Yours Lruly, J1.1111.0S .P.1.1L011, fleet. Mrs. Alton.: A lira 4. at NN.latU. about, Lv 10(c1(2 D.101.1u, ).earb ago an astrology professor wrote that naiey s Cowin, unget, burn up the earth, 'thousands of people committee silicate. \NIten Prams .theware of Wales was uourting ‘‘ ally Sunpson, not a word was written in thuggish or Canadian newspapers. Does L. B. Johnston, tell you all about Niel. Nam? Will endeavour w tell you ex.- actly why we were bUatellSO bad- ly. It had to be kept secret until scientists figured everything all out. It all started in China last fall, You remember how them. Chinese exploded automie bomb. Now this bomb was not standard. It contained brain wash. The night of the card game the fall out was directly over Aiorris and Grey and Brussels: Our club boys were all affected except Norman Pheiter and Bob Fraser. *head- ache, ear ache, lazy, pains on top of the head, Just plain sick. Not one of the Legion had a chill or a sneeze. It seems this fall out works only on those With a great deal of brain power. The professor of astrology from, California. explained it like this.. You have a field of wheat. You set your combine knives 14 '11- elms from the ground. It cuts only the wheat. The grass and weeds are lett., So it was ..viii the fall out. The man with only average grey matter was not hurt. .1)idnt even know .anything about, lt. It elippee the utau WjLu too ninny brains, you see Mrs. Alton we hadn't a chauee, The boys were all better in a Yew Otqs, except me. It may take Jaotith.4 before Fin fully recover- ed, This is the only case on tile where it paid not to have ,top many brains. I hope this will ex- plain why we Were beaten so badly. The next game is Feb- ruary 6 when we will get re. venge. The Centennial Committee are hard at work and the evening of. June 30th and all day Sattirday, July 1st, shotild see a top cele- bration, George Baeker will head the parade driving two other asses. Slim McGlory will be next riding a two wheel bicycle. He will have the monkeys riding his shoulders: You can tell which: is Which by the intelligent look on tire monkeys. Lady Godiva Will be next, sitting naked on a horse. This should be a wonderful at- traction and gives you a chance to see a horse. Ross Cardiff will have the Eagle in good shape and Pit pilot a ten ton steamer. Will tell you more about the parade next week. Don't forget the euchre game, Legion. versus Centigram Feb. 6th. The last Contest should not count. It really wasn't fair. Saturday nite is Hockey nite ill Brussels. Ail my life I've wanted to be coach so 1 could wield the big stook. guarantee to coach this team like the Maple Leal% or Canadiens were never coached. Tnithfhlly Yours, F, VAL'S BEAUTY SHOP Features the Annual February Special CREME OIL COLD WAVE $6.95 PROTEIN COLD WAVE $8.95 Complete with Cut and Set Phone 140 THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Minister: Rev. A. M. Johnston B.A. B.C., Organist: Mrs. gyred Stephenson ( hureli School Sermon Topic "The Pill" PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CANADA IVIELVILLE CHURCH interim Moderator: Rev. McLean Organist: Margaret Thompson ARCT 11 ;00 a.m, Public Worship 10:00 a.m. Church School THE ANGLICAN CHURCH. OF CANADA e risa Priest: The Rev. F. G. Braby, B.A„ L.Th, SAINT JOHN'S — Brussel; Organist — Mrs B. Elliott 8:00 a,rn. The Holy 'Eucharist 11:30 am. Matins and Primary School SAIN'T ALBAN'S ed. SAINT DAVID'S — Atwood. Organist — Mrs. C. Dickson 10.00 Mattins and Church School Congregational Meeting Annual Congregational mem Mg of Knox. Presbyterian Church will be, held in the rhumh basement on Tuesday evening, January 31,. A pot- luck supper will be neld at 7 o'clock with the meeting follow- ing. Personals Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Commies awl family, Toronto, were week, end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Stevenson. Miss Myra McNair, nurse-in- training at St. Mary's Hospital, 'Kitchener; received her cap in the capping ceremony on Stinday, Her parents Mr. and Mrs Stuart McNair, and friend, Miss Anne Sills, Seaforth' attended. Mr, and Mrs. Tom Consitt and boys, Varna, and Miss Beverley Evans, Kitchener, visited on Sun- day with Mrs. Stuart Evans. Cranbrook Evening Group The January meeting of the Cranbrook Evening Group was held at the home of Mrs. Jack Knight with nine members pre- Sent. The leader, Yvonne Knight, opened the meeting with a Verse followed by prayer. Hymn 07 ;;‘), 'NN'tt read in unison. .lean .1-,valis gave a running "When. rou're Seeking IbiloWed by pray- er. 1 he meeting was turned over to the president. ilaci business was disscused. The World !Day Prayer" to be held February 10 was discussed, Yvonne gaVe reading "God and His Ways". Iiyam 582 was sung and the meet- ing closed with a closing prayer. Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Eleanor Stevention, and Joyce Cameron. EUCHRE PARTY 'rime Majestiie Women's Insti- tute will hold a. euchre party on. Alonday, February 6th. Reserve this date, NOTICE The CPT committee of the Oddfellows Lodge will hold a Card Party in the Lodge rooms at 8:30, Wednesday, Feb. 16th. Eveyone welcome. See you at the arena this Saturday at the Miter Hockey tournament. Aduns: 75c 12 and under 50c ON ALL DRY CLEANING Fith)AY, JAN. 27 TO FRIDAY, FEB. 10 Listowe! Dry..Cieaners The 1901 regular Chevrolet line, with 17 medels in five series, offers a diversity of choice never before achieved in the automobile iridtistry. The 1967 Chevrolets, well-represented by the sleek impala sports coupe (above), retain their luxury Car proportions along with an elegant new look. Front fenders, hood, grille, lower body side panels, rear quarter and rear fenders all have new styling, Each new Chevrolet also offers new, rich, interior luxury With new trim styling,. fabrics and colors. Significant new safety featureS, such as the GM- developed energy-absorbing steering column which telescopes up to 8% itches, are standard of all models rand many hriportant chassis and power train refinements will result in a Smoother, quieter ride in 1967 Chevrolets. This year, Chevrolet otters a choice of 10 power teams, ranging' from a 155-hp six to a 385-hp V8.