The Brussels Post, 1966-12-15, Page 21-1131.6PAY, I 1 O 15tho 1,966 ONTARIO •
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Give the gift with a future...and watch it grow!
With EXPO '67 now well on
the way to become the greatest
show the world has ever seen, di-
rectors of the mammoth ex-
hibition can look hack to the re-
cent past when there was some
scepticism ahead --- and they can
do it and know that historically
speaking. they are in good com-
You have only to delve Into the
pages or "Albert. Prince Con-
sort." a bingranhv by Hector
"•olitlio. to realize that the jeal-
ous, the extremist. ,and others,
have always Isnekerl at the Pedes-
tal of every great undertaking.
Albert, as the hook relates,
spent much of his time on
rnyi, rir e nt rshibition, and on
answering its enemies, for he
was perhaps the greatest pro-
proponent of the Great Exhibit-
ien in Hyde Park in 1851,
Writing to his brother, he re-
smirked that extremists in the
Church thought the plan, arrogant,
curl likely to hring wrath from
lien ven ; manufa cturera feared
Olaf the Briti::h isles would he-
flooded. with cheap goods; doct-
ors threa toned plague and the
arrival of hordes of foreigners
with scores of different diseases;
.•,r:±151,5 ainiSed the
Prince for suggesting TTyde Park
as tin, site of (he exhibition, and
reported that ;Miens were renting
houses to rim as brothels and a
s ‘eret Si'f'i01‘" boon formed to
assassinate the Queen,
But, as _k Iherl Inter Ivrefe,
'the nom ,' prophet 5-7 ''oR1.1.11-
duet]. thr site r,f TTzr+l1 Park wa s
allowed ;Ind all to. v..,old has
corn*, ioin in tbk , r, Irl•vation.
And indeed. it must have
seemeel for the Rajah of Tra-
van corn ht•rl !will an ivory throne,
and there were objects of zebra
lacquer; jeWelled weapons froth,
Madrid, cabinets from. Switzer-
land, chairs hewn from great
slabs Of coal and from. America
Samuel Colt's pistol with the re-
volving chamber.
And there was an ice machine
for :Making ice. with the use of
sulphuric acid: and a model of a
floating church tent. drifted am-
nr7 the ships en the Deleware
river: and a collossal organ,
crowned by an eagle that played
endles<4 funes• and a great elm
tree within the Crystal Palace,
constructed especially for the
Prince Albert's Great EXhibit..
ion of 1851 was a great business
sprees Ps well. Tt made an of..:
icial profit of 18(3,000 peUnds
Decision was taken to use the
money to encourage the arts and
noieTI ,etJ. P ,!(1. 'sy-!iriqh the British
4 ,nr] •v , Intl( : The
Albert- lluseum: the
Science, Naturrtl ITistory and
flpoiogient 3.1us^um• The linperial
,rid Techno-
logy; the Royal Colleges of Art.
Mush. nod Org.mists: the Royal.
Roci et y the
Entomolo.,:rical Society and Others.
after all this, the trus-
t oes were ahle to announce schol-
By 1.96', 110 ;year: offer the
ryla t IriNhibition. 960 students
Irrin Brit:sin -int the 177.'nnii.e hod
<1 9 hi't 'I We viqh tIr I
tit 1 ;Trhi rx ,, rintn
‘1."111 t10 ,..
FXPC) '47 'Ivo looking
for big things doring, April 28 to-
nelober 27 period, fTtinadn's Cen-
tennial Year, hat long after, for it
is sincerely believed that a great
deal of permanent improvement
for 'Man and His, World' will be
the long-term legacy of the great
exhibition now being- readied on
the largely-man-made islands just
off Montreal, in tile mighty St. '
LaWronce River,
The Humanitarian Service
-Committee of the IOOF now
have 4 wheelchairs, 4 hospital
beds, walkers, 2 sets crutches,
and canes for use by the general
The annual New' Year's Eve
Dance, in Cranbrook Conununity
Hall will be held Saturday, Dec.
21st. 'Watch tor further partic-
Do your Christmas shoppitm at
home this year.
air • •
The .1\,tinister of Education, Will 4 ant G, 1,a,v-is, (left) and the Minister of iligh.vira.ys, Geotge E. Conitne, look over a Mititiplex stereo-plotter that the highways th:Tartment donated to the Ontario Department of Editcation.. The equipment will be used ie. the training of cartography technicians at the Vocational centre in 0MM/fa.