The Brussels Post, 1966-12-15, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE smos - $2.59 To U.S.A.
Pres4yterian •COc
Elects 1967 Officers
The regular meeting of The
Children of the Church was held
on Sunday, December 11th in the
'basement of 'Melville Presbyterian
Chureh, The meeting was opened
by the club motto —
We are the children of the
We work and pray to-gether,
and trusting God to lead our way,
In all we think or do or say.
Mrs. Jim Ireland gave a. special
Christn-IDS Narration and 0 Little
Town of Bethlehem was sung
Mrs. Jim Armstrong gave the
Bible reading, Luke chapter 2,
verses 1 - - 20. Mrs, Gordon' Stiles;
led in prayer. •
There were. 34 present • who
THE BRUSSE4LS POST, lai'lI.SDAY, DEC. 15th, 1986
Meeting held December Sth.
Resolutions passed as fololys:
By Lawson Ward and Melville
Lamont that the minutes of the
last meeting be adopted as read.
By Charles. Thomas and Law-
son Ward that we appoint Andrew
Bremner to Listowel High School
Board. Kenneth. MCFarlane to.
Seaforth. High School Board and
Murray Cardiff to Wingham High
School Board.
By Charles Thomas and Mel-
ville Lamont that the building
assessment on Lot 6, Con 16,
owned by Alvin McDonald be
reduced $100. for barn burned
By 'Kenneth Bray and Lawson
Ward that we give Morierleff
Community Hall Board a grant
of $50.00,
By Lawson Ward and Kenneth
Bray that all approved accounts
he paid.
By Lawson Ward and Melville
Lamont that we do now adjourn
to meet again December 15th or
at the call of the Reeve.
The following accounts were
Clifford R. Dunbar, Reeve, sal-
ary 450,00: Kenneth Bray. Council-
lor. salary 250.00; Lawson Ward.
Councillor. salary 250.00; Charles
Thomas, Councillor. salary 250.00:
Melville Lamont, rounnilloe sal-
ary 250.00; Wilbur B. Turnbull,
Collector, part salary and bank
wallet 105.00; Norman S. Hoover,
School Attendance Officer, mi-
me-. 25,00. B. 111. Cardiff. nrenar•
in,c• fi,nanciet statement. !.>5,90:
The Post Publishing Haase. print-
ing contract, 200.2.5; Ethel Com-
munity Centre Board, rent, nom-
ination meeting, 10.00: Robert J,
'Walker, rent, Walton Dump,
75.00: Royal Canadian Legion
Poppy Account, wreath 14.75;
The Municipal World. supplies,
27,42:. IVTonerieff Hall. Board,
grant 50,00: Listowel Retarded
Childrens' Education Authority
tuition fees 391.68: William
Grant, chickens killed 18.0;
Judge R. S, Hetherington, revision
of Voter' List 14.00: George,
Vtresenberg, revision of Voters'
List. 6.60: E Zi, Cardiff. revis-
ion of Voters' List, 28.80. Them-
afro Nursing 'Home, Yoe. ac-
count. 11.6.25: Lothar Weber.
relief account.. 144.85; Brussels
reel Yara, relief account, p0.00:
Rent arid hydro, relief 57.63;
Relief account, November 80,70;
Joseph Brewer. fox hount.y 4.00:
Elmer Hood, foe hoenty, 29.00:
Wayne Wood, fov bounty', l6.00:
Elwood MeTaegere mai n fire
dept. 8.00: J. C. ronlev, bulbs.
fire dent. 1.58; Robt, L, Cun-
ningham, a ntifreete, fire dept.
1.26; ,T. C. ronleke hulble Ethel
Village, 2.52: ,TimmY Dobson,
earbage. Vthel 14.00: Roads and
Bridges Total $4.005.17.
Clifford R. Etnhro• Re.eve
Edvthe AT Cardiff Clerk
De yroir Chriettima ahoppina at
home this year..
answered: the roll call with what
they want for Christroae. The
collection was collected by Linda,
Moir and Barbara Elliott,
Shirley Pipe played a few
Christmas songs on her accord-
tan, Mrs, Jim Treland geve a.
Christmas Story. The members
welcomed Mrs. Ronald Meehan.
a raw teacher,
The election of officers for
1067 are as follows:
President John Elliott
Vieo President Linda Mair
Secretary Peter Gibson
Treasurer Chris Eve)
Pianist Joyce Ireland
Ass't Pianist Linda Mair
The meeting was closed by
singing "He Came 'Upon The
n 10-1 t Clear" and reneating
in unison the Trti7nah
Please accept my sincere
"Thank You" for the treats.,
cards. and visits, while erns a
Patient in Victoria Hospital and,
since coming home, They were
all deeply appreciated.
Paul Wilson
I wish to extend my sincere
thanks to all who remembered
me with visits. cards, gifts and
flowers, also the wonderful rem
rer:eved while a patient 'in the
Wined] ant Hospital.
Mr. ,Tames S. Artosttong
December 9th
Harold Bolger
Bernice McWhirter
Jack Brewer
Tom Warwick
IKTell. Rutledge
Linda Wilson
T'tuth 11/FeTaggatit
Mrs, Cliff Keene:Oen (.2
Mitry Lowe
Mrs. Henry,
John Elliott
Mary Pennington
Sean Bridge
Watson Sholdiee
$15.00 Oath Garnet
yrs. Wntson Shrildice
Mrs. klhrieht. Wingbanl
Mrs Wm. Austin, Seaforth
Door Prize
Carl Parinington
Thomas Howard Haekwell, 84,
McKillop Township, died Friday
in Seeforth Community Hospital.
Born in Mekillop, son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Hack-
well, he farmed in the township
all his life.
Surviving are his wife, the form-
er Lily Elliott; a daughter, Miss
Clara, London: three sons, Elliott
and :Merton. McKillop; Howard
Walton: a sister, Mrs. Emily
Wetter, Rochester, N.Y.
The funeral service was held
at the D. A. Rana funeral hoMe,
Brussels on Sunday at 4.00 p.m.
Rev. Arthur 'Higginbotham of
Duff's TInited- Church. • Walton,
officiated,-• Burial took place in.
Brussels cemetery.
111 Seaforth at Britssels4
"20 Brussels at Ripley
23 Brussels at Tiensall
5 1 l'ollgSPIS at Listowel
12 Mniev at Brussels
PrIl SSP] S at Seaforth
7Topsail at Brussels
30 Listowel Brussels
r,,I.Ar).FrrElnpr‘i ARROCIATION
C. A. Gracey of the Ontario
department. of 'agriculture and
food exploded a couple of mythS,
at Seaforth, last Thursday.
"The show ring is next to use-
less in assessing the value of
beef cattle," he said,
He. added. "Beef cattle are
more inefficient than dairy cattle
Lied swine in meat production."
Ire spoke at the annual meeting
of the Perth-Huron Shorthorn As.
TTe nreee hnor '1••!,11 ,3errq to cull
and shanc b orris according
to nerformanco. "T.i,-estnek f.lcalea
and record keenine." he said are.
erimery tools,"
There- Cril V IP:11 t 1,0111q in
OP estne performance test,
he said.
Perform:, nee 1,11 ,1 n ot nodigree,
s ti n ula be considered in
evalzy,ting animals,
TTe also spoke about a short-
ego of food.
"We have never been able to
sunnly enough food." he said,
"and !ii. problem i crowing,"
By `)000, he saki. there will be
• 1)11 '1 01,-;011S i,a ihc'world.
Tay then. he said, meat product-
ion sheuld 'be doubled,
is n frightening challenge."
Mr. OM assistant director
r the le :nrurer-ement branch
of Ihe (lona rt merit.
Slower( Procter of RR 5
I:reser:le, was etected president
of Asmeriatinn dtirliin the
Tie siteceede William Turnbull
nr C Brussels.
orfleni.g• first vire-
ee eete r rIPrelloe PP 1
St. "krarvs4 serotid vIce,nresidont.
,la -.", Smith 1111 llnissels•
sr.crotarv-tronnurer, Pouring 'Yin.
Congratulations To
Local Dairy
Mr. Lawrie Cousins attended
the annual convention of the I
Ontario Creamerymen's Assoc,
iation at the Royal York Hotel in
London. last week, at which time
he was presented with an award
for high quality butter manu-
factured during the Past year.
While in Toronto Mr. Cousins
also wrote an examination before
the Board of Operating Engineers
el' the Ontario Department of Lab-
our and this, week received his
4th Class Certificate as a.Station-
ery fligineor,
CR A NfiR 00K.
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Veitch and
family visited Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Henderson, Galt, on Sunday.
Christmas Concert
Plans were made at a meeting
of the School Board on Thursday
night for the Christmas Concert
to be held in Grey Central School
on the afternoon of Dee. 21 at
p.rk-. Everyone welcome.
WMS Afternoon Group Meeting
The afternoon group of the
held their Christmas meet-
ing at the home of Mrs. nick
n"adshaw. with en attendance
of 14. Mrs. Wilfred Strickler, the
leader. opened the meeting by
;waive. "The Star of the Orient"
The Christmas Service or worship
from the "Mad Tidings" was fol.'
lowed, Mrs. Calvin Cameron gave
a reading* "A Leff-Pt' from Santa
Clans" and ihr3 Christmas tonic
w'as egvet, Iv, /qrs. Mare Veitch.
Mrc.. ro,arl Dunn, nresident, eon-
(11101 PO the 1),“4 /1 ,-,:c.
tary. Mrs. Alex Steles, read the
minutes and called the roll which
was answered with a Christmas
verse. Several items of business
were discussed and it was decid-
ed to bring used cards and
stamps for the roll call at the
February meeting. Mrs. Clifford
Bray will be hostess for Jan-
uary m eeting', Mrs. Stanley
Fischer presided for the election
of officers and opened this part
of the meeting with Scripture
reading and prayer. Mrs. Alex
Sieiss was appointed to act. as
secretar. The following are
cflicars for 1067:
President Mrs. Earl Dunn
A-ice-Pres Mrs. Clare Veitch
Mrs. John Pemrirsies
Mrs. S. Fischer
Welcome er Welfare
A. Eorrest
Sup ply Secretary Mrs, W.
Tch. Soc. ... Mrs. Dick
(1104 1.101 .l'3,,.i.ia ds,,vr'htarNs‘-
'Ca.l'Vin re moron
Platilet Miss A. J, Forrest
„„ Mrs Mee Emrc'l
1 1-1(:;11:6;;;:r.
n r, ton.iorv, were loft t.o
the r.vouine; Auxiliary. The lunch
n" aloe ATrg. John Berrie
lea Mrs. John Schnoek assisted
in serving hunch. A turkey eon-
test was conducted by the lender
rind PnioYed 1w U.
I wish to thank everyone that.
remembered Me With curds
treats. and inquiries While Wee
in the LOS:tine] and eitiee Cottt
ing home. It was all very nitteh
QA rry Long'
We would blzo' to thank ollr
friends 'and imighbotitS of Crnn-
brook community for having a,
presenialion and dance in. our
honor, Your 'kindness will diWays
hue retnembered.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jaekliti
George McCutcheon Heads
New School Board
The six trustees of the newly.
organized 111orris-East Wawane.S4 •
Township School Area Board held.
an organizational meeting at
Brussels on Monday of this week
t.o lay the ground work for the
inaugural meeting of the. board
'which will likely be held- on the.
first. Wednesday in January,
Ceerge eleCacheon of Brussels.,
former chairmen of the .Morris.'
board. was named chairman of
the amalgamated hoards of Mor-
iss and 'East Wawanosh, James
Coultes chairman of the. East
wanosh hoard, was named 'vice-.
chairman. •
Other trustees on the • six-man
board are 'Jack Stewart of, Blyth,
Carl 'Cowing and Bert, Elliott of
'Morris and John Currie of East •
Wawauo sh.
The new school, area. under
the amalgamation which. • takes . •
effect at the first of the year,
will 'look • after education for
BruSseTs.' Morris. .Blyth and East
Wawanosh. The first three tftni:-..
cipalities arnalzamated two years
to form the Morris Area.
The new school board will be
responsible for the educational
requirements of some 750 element-
ary pupils from the tour muni-
cipalities, in three schools, lo-
i.c pl itgeidavaet .1 Brussels,. Blyth and
It is expected that building
programs being carried out at
th.e three centres will be complet- •
ed by the .• end of the year and
new facilities put: into, use at that.
At Brussels three new rooms
and a gymnasium-auditorium are
almost. completed. Cost of the
three building programs totals •
nearly $700,000,
The new school area will have
an assessment of approximately
Morris Township has already
had four Of. its one-room schools
closed a nd when the new fac`• ,
ilities are put into use another
five will he closed. At the same
time seven schools will cease to
opornle in Nast •Wawanosh.
The changeover means a cot-
sidcrable number of transpor-
tation problems will taco the
new boa.rd as all rural. ptiPil8
will have t.o he transported to
end limit school by bus.