The Brussels Post, 1966-12-08, Page 6Please complete coupon and mail With cheque to: ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY 137 Dundas Street, London, Out, Phone 432-4158 Amount ....,,. ... Years .. 0 Accumulative 0 Coupon ivir,Mrs./Miss — , ....... .„ .... Address — — • , ..... ........ ..... ..... — ..... . _ ...... _ — „ . Tel. Signature ........ , . _ „ , W .2 * ............. For information, phone the local CN Passenger Sales Office CANADIAN NATIONAL TIELlitSDAY, DEC. SUL 1966 THE. BRUSSELS POST. I31 -eSel,:la, ONT11110 111111111111111110MMTMEEMISUSIMIEMIIIMINIMINIMMIIIIIIIMMIMEME HE ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY Estalalished 1870 'Assets 375,000,600. Capital & Reserve $9,006,000 Offices: Toronto . Hamilton • Ottawa . St. Thomas. Paid on 3,4 &5 year debentures or We% paid on 1 & 2 year debentures. 0 Ask about convenient departure end return times Y imp Fmte By Tracy S. Ludington .ny day — for six months in, summer '67 — you can see the wonders of 70 countries of the world in Montreal and have the time of your life doing it! Pausing for a moment to think of it Montreal is in a most strategic location for the great- est show on earth. It is the world's largest inland seaport, home of the world's two largest trans- portation corporations, and on the intonational air map. Montreal is the air-crossroads of the world! Now, with the opening day of April 28 a half-year away, en- thusiasm forTiNpo is mounting at a atonally and rapidly-increas- ing rate, in the city of Montreal itself. throughout Quebec prov- ince generally. an Expophilia is spreading all across this count- ry, Prom the outset, and through the prelirnin ry period of gesta- tion, a great deal of the Expo- story hod to he. taken on faith. T ,aie. the International Exhibition Bureau had nzlthori s Ad an Ex- hibition Cateeory outside of Eur- ere In, the very fire} hu t the very magnitude of the under- t refine was too-staggering for many to grasp. and the task of develnelese nme-morle areas in the mighty St. Lawrence River an- neererl to cnnit, ton rrrcint to be' cnnable et' erheleverneet, !!urine the first week of Oct- ober however, the word was 1-7‘eno will he ready nit 'Immediately there 'tens a Treat lingerer, of intr,7,0t in all eartg of Catnln, an erent r1r. enseree In ?pet. that the aver-a11 tetal In the attendan ce fnrres st was linnet, from 20 nor; nun ft, lronn.- onn. ?tbei are springing into view as if by magic. in ail their weird aed wore derfut forms. EXPO '67 is in Canada, Expo '67 is next summer with Montreal's locetiot and today's modern transportation, Expo '67 is et every Canadian's door-step. Locking over the long list of 'fabulous feeteres hying pre- pared iV"- the visitors to F4xpo one realizes immediately, that slLperia Lives haVe lost their mean- ing in the attempt to do justice to a great many of the individual exhibits. Never before has the gourds of so many lands been. assembled at one Place at one time. A (ley, a week, even n month weted not suffice to see every of all exhibits belie.; set up for alceitrears greatest show on earth' but in fell realizattoa of this. :ire) ngem Pitts be re been, made so teat the visitor may -se- lect, and hewing -setected be . freely transported to the land of er her desires. Daily there are new news bomb- shells exploded -- the Possi- bility that U.S. President Jolla.. ston will open the American. Pavilion for example — and week- ly in this columB will be gathered the most titilating of the tidbits, So that the man in the street in each and every eanadian town and city will be kept aeretst of the latest and best at Expo as plans arc made for a visit to the `the greatest show on earth' that opens April 28, 1967 an4 contin- ues until October 27, 1967, seven days a. week from a 'a.m. ''n 11:30 P.ne and with the entertaere meet area open until 2:10 a.m. (Address correspondence to Tracy S. Ludington, EXPO '67, am 79C5 Keleare Road, Montreal 29). NOTICE.: Do your Christmas Shopping in Brussels Santa Claus Day, Sat. Dec. 10th, mushrooms on a spring lawn, the Theme buildings, the Nat- ional Pavilions, bridges, harbors. underground, surface-level and. overhead transportation facilities • Many Cnnadiane visited the Chicago, Seattle and Yew York World Fairs but these were largely commercial and not aancliened by 1he -international Exhibitions Bureau some Cat:lade!. ians -visited the Paris and Brus- sels Teebibitions, but these were in Europe, and travel was a. cost- ly beeinese• TyirE C.C.S mmkagEo UN= 0:IRVING YOU AND YOUR COMIVAINITY ameeeettreseeeseererforteeee Pick yours up now WHILE OFFICIAL DISCOUNT PRICES APPLY at your neighbourhood chartered bank branch! Open and build a Family Expo 67 Tour Account. Be gore yaw too* NM tsp. er Apal 28 to Oct, 27 at Montreal.