The Brussels Post, 1966-09-01, Page 1ntliSet THE BRUSSELS POST, THURSDAY, SEPT. 1st, 1906 WOO A Year la Advaace KEEN COMPETITION AT FLOWER SHOVV. The highly successful flower show, ,and turkey supper of the `Brussels and District Horticul- tural Society was enjoyed by the many who attended. The event was, held in St. John's Anglican Church Hall here, Friday. In spite of earlier dry weather there was an abundance of beau- tiful flowers on display with 160 entries in the various classes. Mr J. Warden of Goderich was the judge: Top honors for moat. points went to Mrs. Jas. W. Armstrong with Mrs. Earl Cudmore as run- ner up. Mrs. Logie MoCutcheon was awarded the Rose Special. Mrs. Armstrong also won most points in floral arrangements, Asters, 'mixed: Mrs. Frank Shaw, Mrs. James Mair, Mrs.. D. A. Rann, Needle Aster: Mrs. D. A. Rann. Oosnos: Mrs. Jas. W. Arm- strong, Mrs. Lottie McCutcheon, Mrs. Earl Cudmore. 'Calendulas; Mrs. Douglas Hem(ingway, 1VErs, Alan McCall, N rs. Frank Shaw. Petunias. single: Mrs. J. W. Armstrong. Mrs. McCutcheon, Mrs. McCall. Petunias, double: Mrs. Mc- Outcheon, Mrs. Geo. Wheeler,Mrs. L. Frain. Petunias, frilled: Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. Rann, Mrs. McCutcheon. Snapdragons: Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs, Shaw, Mrs, Mair. Cactus Zinnia: Mrs. D. Hem. ingway. Standard Zinnia; Airs. Nelson Reid, Mrs. G. Wheeler, Mrs. llann Pompon Zinnia: ./Virs, strong, Mrs. McOutcheon, Reid. Roses Peace; Mrs, McCutcheon, Mrs. W. C. Kerr, Mrs. Frain. Not Peace: Mrs. Bert Bray, Mrs. Hemingway, 'Mrs. McCutcheon. Floribunda.: Mrs. McCutcheon, Mrs. Hemingway, Mrs. Bray, Three Hybrid Teas, assorted: Mrs,. Earl Cudmore. Pansies: Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Cudmore, Mrs. W. H. Bell. Dahlia, decorative.: Mrs. Thomas Leeming, Mrs. McCtitche&n. Dahlia, cactus: Mrs, Cudmore,` Mrs. Looming, Mrs. Ross Bennett. Dahlia pompon; Mrs: Wheeler, Mrs. F rain. Gladioli, five mixed: Mrs. Cud- more, Mrs. Learning, Mrs. Wheel- er. Gladoli. spike: Mrs. Co(Intcheon Mrs. Amy Speir, Mrs. Heming- way. Sweet. Peas: Mrs. Shaw. 'MI'S, P. rfcminglvay, liTg; rUfiffhlrfl: $2.50 To U.S.A. JOHN S. Koop John S. Hoed, 71, BilisSels, died FrLdaY n Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, Mr. H,00d was born in Scotland, a son of, the late Mr. and Mrs. John Hood, and had lived in Canada for 55. years. He is survived by his wife, the former Margaret Baillie; three sons, Sterling of Ethel; Glenn, Atwood, and. Harvey of Grey Township; two da,ughters, Mrs, Robert (Doris) Brown, Blyth, and Mrs, Orval (Jean) Diehl, Brunner. A private funeral service was held at the D. A. Rann funeral, home, Brussels, on Monday at 2:00 P.m. conducted by the Rev. riarvey Waite of Atwood Presby- terian Church. Burial was in Elma Centre cemetery. Hemingway, Mrs. Reid. Arrangements "!Stinday Morning", Mrs. Arritstrong, Mrs. Cudmore, :vrrs. Mair. c`CoffeeBreak": Mrs. Rann, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Cudmore. "Trousseau Tea": Mrs. Arm. strong, Mrs. Bray. Hospital Boquet: Mrs. Arm- strong, 'Mrs. Mair, Mrs. Cudmore. "Tn the Pink": Mrs. Rann, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Cudmore. "Time ror Tea": Mrs. Rann; Mrs. lArmstrong,. Mrs. Wheeler. 1Baby Welcome": Mrs. Arm- strong, Mrs. J. C. Hemingway. Mrs. Cudmore. "Autumn Grandeur": Mrs.Cud- more, Mrs. Armstrong, Alfred Knight. Chrysanthemums: Mrs. Cud- more. Rose in rose bowl: Mrs. Cud- more, Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. Leeming. . Coffee Table: D. A. Rann, Mrs. Carrie Dunbar, Mrs. Bennett. Arrangement of white or colored Flowers (3); Mrs, Reim, Mrs. Armstrong. Mrs, Oudmore, Hall Table, mixed: Mrs. Arm- strong. Mrs. 01dt/tore, Mrs. Ra nn. "A, -GSralk in the Country": Mrs. ArmStrong, Mrs. Reid, Mrs. Shaw. Patriotic: Mrs. Armstrong, African Violet, single: Mrs. Reid, Mrs. Dunbar, Mrs, Mc- Cu tcheon. African Violet, double: Mrs: Mrs. Allen McCall, Mrs. Reid, Mrs. 0. Dunbar. African Violets )3): Mrs. Wheeler, Mrsh. MeOutcheon. African Niolets Special: Mrs. W.C.Kerr, Alfred Knight, Mrs. Dunbar. Mrs. Sean Lamont, Mrs. Ruth, Thornton, Mrs. Jessie •Strachart, and Mrs. Agnes TenPas Were in. iris( iE)10(1 Tone! pi t lies iiYa"§ PEOPLE WE KNOW Mr. Alex Dark of Blyth, foriner7 ly of Grey ToWnship, spent last week_ with George and Mrs, Evans. DIAMOND RESULTS Tri-County Men Monkton 12— Brussels 8 Frank Stretton was awarded the trophy for the most valuable player, donated by Barry Nolan. Bantams Brussels .9 Wingham 4 Brussels 14 Wingham 12 Squirts Brussels 1 Wingham 19 Girls Brussels 10 — Goderich 9 (Goderich eliminated) !Brucefielcl 9 — 13russel8 Brussels 10 !!—• Brucefield S Attend the games your home teams need your support in these fins! games. W, I, MEETING The Majestic Ir. r. will hold their 'Agricultural and Canadian industries" meeting on Sept. 8th at, 8:00 p.m. There will be a film on the annual fruit harvest "The Thorn of Plenty". Gnest speaker will. be Mrs. •Olare Veitch Roll call either a current event or a Canadian industry.•There is to he a sale of produce and bazaar articles, This is an open Meeting twyrip, At a well attended Centennial . Project meeting, called Monday night by the chairman of the Cen- tenial COmmittee Herbert Stret- ton, and co-chairman, Archer Grewar, Mr. Stratton proposed a municipal medical-dental clinic as the Brussels Centennial Project. The proposal was discus- sed and unamitously approved. •• Representatives of most com- munity organizations were present and signified willingness to participate in making the project to secure much :seeded local medical and dental care for this entire area, a. successful effort.. Each organization will name a member to the project commit- tee, names to be in by Monday Sept. 26th, at 8.30 p.m., when the striking commitee, Mrs. Kernaghan, Mrs. George Elliott, D. A. Rann„•• Ray Bron- son and Fred •Thuell, • appointed at the meeting, will set up the ameilectl, publicity, program and• finance committees, from those named, 'Organizations represented at the meeting included, Lions Sts .Amhose, United, Anglican and Presbyterian Churches, Rebekah Lodge, IOOF, Legion, Gentle- men's Club, Teen Town, LOT, Recreation Committee, Ladies' Division of Fair Board, Majestic W.T., Busness Men, Curling Club, and Fire Dept. Mr. Stretton had obviously done a considerable amount of research and extensiVe•.entrairy concerning the feasibility of the project. A popplation estimate within a ten mile•radius .Was 6,000 to .7,000 people: Cost of building was quoted at $12, :per square foot. Grewar, Fred Thuell Archer and Father Mooney of St. Am- brose Church, spoke about .slinies With which they were familiar,ilor Jack McCutcheon, i moved that.. surrounding town- ships and communities • he in- eluded in the planning and he extended an immediate invitation in participate. Available grants Were sneken Of, and other sources of finaneeS discussed. 13 Cousins, chairman of. the Wingham and District Hospital Board, said ihat the hospital was ready to give every possible assistance. Various groups will plan pro- jects of their own. Majestic W.I.• are anticipating the restoration of the grave and headstone of Ulm AinleY. pioneer founrin of this village. Stretton was chairman, and principal spokesman, end psit.ph. wrimirv, POST PUBLISHING HOUSE a-- IS APPROVED CENTENNIAL PROJECT meeting which was hsW in the Brussels Library. While a considerable amount of financial assistance can be expected it will be necessary for the whole area and the surround- ing communities,, whose residents will benefit by spell a clinic, to pi.,t forth every effort, Alt neces- sarily financially, but by rartici- Oa Lion in all efforts undertaken, to make the project a success. SPIN AROUND THE TRACK Wet weather dampened the the racing spirit Tuesday night at Nilestown but Friday night found the red and white fleet at Dele- ware for an excellent night of a c ,-i i a n c g li • started the race off right with a first place finish in the first heat. The semi found Jack crossing the finish line in fourth, spot and then came around to finish the night off right by piek- ing np the checkered flag in the fesIsire race. Saturday night found the big- gest race of the year knocking at the door. The fastest 26 cars had to qualify for the 150 lap feature We fOund Jack turning the 1/ mile paved track in 16:00 seconds seconds flat and was beaten only by Nolan Johncock of Michigan who turned the track in 15:95 seconds. This placed Nolan on. the pole and Jack right beside: him as the race started. When the green flag dropped .Tack took the load but going wide on a corner dropped hack to second place. When the first 75. laps were over after a see-saw battle Jack was bolding down second place. Alter a fifteen minute rest they went back to the wheel again and when the checkered flag dropped Jerk was still in second place led only by Glen Shnrr of Tor-7 onto, This race Proved to be such a tremendous success that it promises to be an annual event. `With just the' right breaks ,back proved to be a great stoek ear driver this oast. week, but what about a bicycle? ENGAGEMENT and Mrs, John Ha.ntia, Brussels. Wish to announce the engagement of their daughter .Catherine Frances, to James Brian Spence, son Of ' Dr. and Mrs. J. Spence. 1.4stowel. The wedding Will take plaee September 10th in At. Ambrose Roman Catholic Church at 2:30. net yrear rais Ticicets Wri:4/• trib M ArM. rs. Mrs. Charles Davis is holiday ing at Schoenberg and Lindsay. Mr. and 'Mrs. Ivan Campbell spent the weekend :at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Reardon, in Sherrill, N.Y. Mr, and Mrs. McCurdy Lowry, Fairview Park, Ohre, have been visiting her mother, Mrs. W. Speiran. Mrs. Geo. 'Ohidlow returned home Saturday after spending two weeks in Rostock and Hespler. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Glassier and family of New Liskeard have been visitors with relative here. Mrs. E, Beelswith of Torontro, and son Alan S. Beckwith of R.i,Ch- mond Hill, :were visitors with Miss Besse Moses over the week 1 end. MTS. Beckwith was. I the for- mer Elizabeth Wilson of the 2nd line of Morris and served as a missionary for thirty years in , India under the Mission Board of the Presbytehi a II Church of Canada. Mrs. B. Vodden London, and Mrs. GL Roy, Sudbury. were guests of Miiss -Bessie Moses. Dr. and Mrs. Regis Pelloux and children, Marc and Babette, Mrs. Dorothy Higgins and Tom, accompanied Mrs. R. W. Steph- ens from, their snmtmer cottage at Red Bay to Brussels for t few days. `MEDICAL-DENTAL CLINIC AS THE BRUSSELS,