The Huron Signal, 1881-04-01, Page 5f n a is �g 1. ai is of n - es th is in st ra- se d- e - of La, an nil sae re - nn et. in- •ur ly. Rat or- a ish 00 at of Bt. am her Ira ter the Citi key sat ing l THE HURON . SIGNAL. FRIDAY, APRIL, L 1881. Tisk SLASH BANQUET. 1'�, Cw,sidenblr•talcitesseue orers$s di . - Dry,ttv tt.e suet the �s �t attersisM ane aewlves ferried County Treasurer, lits Schofield. It made v e resignation- of th• e Nat.w. .00aarid that s sosctal wait esus i, vt rets � ty Mr.:h111ir4, epioee dew oesR il[sn lliwfurm Club, Warden of the Counties, a dofieiency art its yettagest political sasociatiuu, exceed- the Treasurer's books of about 07,000. ed aft that bad gone lefevs. The gra TIte w}rdpa µ 1o4t•dr! d �1e dieing hal of the Windsor Hotel was ogee, 1>xt 4� e t" 'f tilled In every part, seating sumo vl f uE the Chesty Ce • l y• hundtth!'tt�ets; while a httadrvd mur, Mr. Scliutielil in 'the meantime having wLo wuuld out be twruswi tickets, wee. reaigiiel His surittes are W. H. Fred - seated in the Ladies ordinary, and, when enbors, Wp sport. 01[,000; Juan Mt:Idil- the time fur speaking cams, crowded Lan, Bruckt1lfe, $t,000; T.' •Henderw,n, into the larger room. The scene her Brockville. 1;'L,1100. Mr. Schutield, it u was a remarkable one. The tw• • hun- i asserted, a ill inuke gout his deficency. dred blazing gas gets threw dad.. light I He kod en.4.rwed & number of notes fur on the brilliant assemblage beh.w, Gid some.'f•hia friends, and was eumpelled threw out the fine pro(eirti.us of the to pay the notes finest hall in America, with the on peintingitad tainted and designs, while two iuiu►euw u,irrors, u a cit of dinners, b,•s,tke ��� -'.' ><ertn.l y . � art ppe, ,end 0. .v under thcl \Z one on Tuesd&T ening, age stretching halt way scrues each .sod's YT.Crr scoICs doubled to the eye the size end beau*, ' of the seen.) All along tape aide, to din,' wen seated the guests. " The girt- ,i inlpton, Blai:e ansa I-aurie:. P it .` variety published opal cion, nut The constitution of thedtefurin Associa- tion of the District of Muutreal was ap- proved of. Resolutions wen &leo paa�- sd!-"That this Association is glad fo welcome as leader of the Liberal party Hon. Edward Blake, whose talents and integrity Ors reason to bops for the ul- timate triumph of the national cause; that the Canadian Liberal patty is ex- elusivelypolitical, having for its chief object the defenoe of constitutional liber- ties which are the onlysafe guard of all religious and nationainterests in a country like ours peopled by various rsoes, preferring different creeds; that therefor the Liberal y not only re - specie our religious an civil institutions and pretecta their acquired right,, but still defends them against whatever tends to destroy or obstruct their beneficial action on society." Mr. Blake spoke in his best manner, referring briefly to what he characteriz- ed as the terrible crime lately committed in the House of Commons. He did not s,)eak without weighing his words when he mid that not only outside the walls of the House of Commons, but inside, there was at one time • preponderating opin- ion the contract. Speaking of the offers at one time before the House, he maid the Government turned from light and preferred darkness -turned from the good and preferred evil -de- liberately turned from the better and ac- cepted the worse bargain. Referring to the financial policy of the Government, he ridiculed the ides that they were indebted to the thanks of the people because they had an increased revenue, which they picked from the country's pocket. The policy was bungling, un- scientific and unjust, placing the heaviest burdens on the prime necessities of life. It was bungling because each year there were amendments, although each year the tariff was declared well nigh perfect; and nest year there would be amend - menta, and nest year amendments, and next year in the good time coining he hoped, still further and radical amend- ments. This sally was received with en- thusiastic cheer'. He severely com- mented on the policy of keeping a large surplus in the public chest, which invari- ably gave rise to injudicious and extra- vagant expenditure. He referred briefly to is views ontheNationalPolicy,estab ![aging the principle that to each man in a free country is due liberty of opinion, and liberty of person, and liber- ty of property, to which their adversaries show themselves to be opposed by their policy, and also to the Liberal party; that a free exchange of goods is a benefit to both parties. If the exchange were not mutally advantageous, it would not have taken place. If an exchange that would have taken place is not permitted, it is & loss to both parties With refer- ence to the future, be believed that not- withstanding the ebbs and flows of pub- lic' opinion, the general forces of the world were in favor of the cause he ad- vocates. He closed by an appeal to yearn¢ Reformers constantly to look •hies, to better things beyond, not being satisfied by the gain of single steps in advancement. Those who do are those who start in life ss ardent Reformers, and, having attained what they began working for, think perfection has been gained, and in middle life, settle down as trtaunch Conservatives. He con- tended that in all commercial treaties in in which we are directly interested, we -four millions of people -on this side of the Atlantic, should have same share of control, not being merely subjects of the Queen's subjects, but real! and truly subjects of the Queen. He be- lieved we, on this aide of the Atlantic, could rally with those on the other, each attending to our own local matters, but all working together in a common de- fence. Even the Irish question, he con- sidered, cannot he settled by s !sand Bill, or until their local_ affairs ars en- trusted to themselves. He advocated the limitation of the powers of the executive, insisting that proper notice be given of all measures. Without it Par- liament becomes a mere machine for re gistrating the acts of the executive. On sitting down Mr. Blake was cheered again and again. en were Hou. Messr9. Jet - eR Preghyteriae Rymealr Nei Methodist Hymn Boot; in all its forme. LOWEST PRICES at • SHEPARD'S BOOKSTORE. JOHNSTON'S INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP. BOYD S GALVANIC BATTERIES. HOP BITTERS_ AUDITOR'S ABSTRACT. MR. e MR. ROBERT HARRISON, TREASURER, Is socoent we* the jI.Mdpal ty of the township of AstssM. RECEIPTS. 550. To balaaoe on head from last .q audit ` 571 '• Reesiv d Rote couestor fir 1 M1.N *roti r,.la.a for !WILTS from Prov. Tress " Received trona Lissome Fund • ReoelAlCe f o. Tr'Msurer • Nor. rttsane.. ares • saes from C. Creep. .1. 1 saes Received relief not accepted Received interest on de- posits I,O.si ie 517. iY 5.00 5.00 mama. Ilea EXPLN DITU RED. iii te. itios ' ehalies f* 0 Schede W0.ee - H rd te. lerdres Ra!S uM 17 prlaU. n and menoer7 osier. to Treasurer's hands 579.74 $134111.211 We the undersigned do hereby certify that vto Ove easriaedthe above accounts and compared the vouchers, and found the came correct in C cC.H WK_ N l Auditors. P. J. SULLIVAN J Ashaela February lath 1M1. JAMES WILSON Druggist. 21sician's Prescriptions accurately pre - NOTICE. airing uo Photographing in Godetiek. Jeatt nay. returning wishinghanks or past • benefit will would notice former prices and present • Life Size Photos, 8:10 Photos, - - i-� 414 - - 1.25 Cabinets Photo per doz., - 3.00 Card I'hoto, per dos., - - 1.50 Preece t. Wormer. 97.00 $7.00 2. 1.50 3.50 2.00 And Frames to suit the above at BOTTOM PRIDE8- coma one. come all ! sad have your gladdened_ by getting good andc ,tt 1755 E. L JoeNioN'e. }s- THIS SPACE HAS BEEN ilk Mi SECURED BY len ae - GORGE RHYNAS, len Ito- DRUGGIST. Oe- LOOK OUT FOR HIS ANilk - }I NOUN CEMENT N EXT -1st Air WEEK. -sac In Leaving Town SOMETHING NEW. 5 Per Cent. Discount for Cash on 81 sales. 5 Per Cent. Discount on Monthly Accounts. G. H. OLD HAS ON HAND JUST ARRIVED) A CHOICE LOT OF FIRST OLISS UBOCERIBS And is Giving EXTRA VAL -E to T1o11,.8 Japan. meet, Green. Land Ouapowder. Try You will Ana they are Good. Also. ke keepR K.1 AHS, BMOKLD BACON, �n hand. Highest phos paid tar EuELOOS.BACON, Also. a lot of CHINA, GLASS, DINNER and [)E:1F1lT PETS, and all kinds of GLASSWARE and CROCKERY. hint • call and get Cheap Goods. C}- $- QLD, 1 . House Square. Mr Farmers' Produce Bought and Sold. Y wish to return my thanks to the public for their patronage during she past, and solicit the same in future, and to remind them that I have let a reliable person in charge of the business. $5 to.$20 perday at home. i;amplea worth .5 free. Address $rnesox & Co.. Portland. Maine. NEW OVERCOATINGS, NEW SCOTCH GOODS. A MI SUPPLY or Heavy Canadian Woollens Just the thing for, winter clothing. Some Good Lines of Gents' Funawhiaga ■eseeresegteal Reeern. Report of the weather for the week ending March 27th, 1881. March 20th -Wind at 10 p.m. North- west, light sir, cloudy. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hours Began to snow at 2 p. m. , ceased at 9.30 pa, 1 inches fell. flat --Wind at 10,.w. North - pl.' READY- WADE REPAIRING AND PICTURE FRAMING will be done on SHORTEST NOTICE. T_ G_ 1 OVERCOATS, W well made and reliable. CLOTHING MADE to ORDER under my own supervision. 1ne' ALL WORK WARRANTED.1W Hugh Dunlop, PABAIONABLE TAILOR, Next Door to Blank of Montreal Stoves 1 Stoves 1 EAVt TROUGHS and CONDUCTING PIPES, CISTERN PUMPS, LEAD PIPER, wileneKs biomes 419.d 11Int nArx slit .hetero �j, °l dog Uwe sir the pea North- TI 1 ! IAT �+ L. west fresh, clear. Nasion of sails@ vied bewailed is 1114 hone. SR Marek *Bed_ Wiad at 10 p.a. noel O A L O '10rabsr d spies wind t .ilei 14 bodies M111 Scow ehtrrer et !4 am., d of an lash fell. .*attasras urn wen. Me- Wind at 10 p.m. North, light, altar. Ntesitar of esils@ wind travelled 1, 24 how 472 - Marta IStb-Wfsd at 10 pin. North- west. fresh, oleos. Ntsesbl,er d a0es wind travelled in 94 hours OM. March 2; th-.. Wind et 10 p.m. North- west, light, clear. Number of nines .wind arOn11 in 24 hours 504. MsceolIAto, Observer Goderich, March 28th. 18111. nitre ee the Cieel Oa bar PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. Farmers Attera tioiz Barbed Fence Wire contracted fur in any quantity at very lowest prioea. I SELL EITHER 2 OR 4 BARBED FENCE WIRE. Wire and barb galvanized after being :.vlsted N hieh cannot scale off. Use Barbed Wire for Fences. NO SNOW DRIFTS -NO WEEDS -NO WASTE LANDS. For sale by G. H. PARSONS 1779. CHEAP HARDWARE, OOI)ERICH. CAMID OI TI2.Es.INTICS_ TO THE PEOPLE OF GODERIC Ei I esters, my best thanks to the townspeople who worked so well in endeavoring to save my goods at the recent fire. It is pleasant to know that you have the good will of your neighbors, and actions like that performed by those whom I take this opportunity of thanking, make one feel that "a friend in need is a friend indeed.' Yours truly D. C. STRACHAN. Mr. Thos. Sneyd, who for s number of years has been in the employ of Mr. John Acheson, has entered into partnership with JAMES A. REID_ The business will be carried on under the name and style of REID & SNEYD. We have considerably enlarged the premises, and put in a general Dry Goods, which has been bought entirely for cash. We invite the public to take a look through our stock, which will be sold at very close prices: of the general e publicdour as to secure s vof ergybextended iness ill patnmage. meet the views REMOVAL I have removed my stock of general groceries t.. the corner of Blake's Block where I will be pleased to meet all my friends and old customers. very large stock of D, C_ STRACHAN. Jars aa4 sr bave worn mt. C..r. t 1 base • •.w iM rearmrearmtb re.. e.r. I.,we [tip C. .,uoatbean . ase are, lb. hips V bmk.n. •r.re 1. .•- , etW pwfsat Rim at SN=YR- MANCHESTER HOUSE, JORDAN'S BLOCK. G4derich, March 18th 1881. 1778-im. r I3anhing. BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, - ett,ttoo,030. SURPLUS, - - - - .5,000,000, Goderich Branch. C R. DUNSFORD, - - - Manager a Allows lredit interest and circular n�otesishoneed vewable in all parts of the world. 17St CANAD(CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE IAN Paid up (!spital, - X6,000,000. Nest, - - 9i,400,000. best J . STORY . President, HON. rs'M. McMARTRR General Mammter. - N . N. ANDER.Oy. Goderich Branch. A. M ROUP, - -�- - M ossosa- the Towns sal (MIwDin tCCaanaida Latest sibs the L' !*lasso, scud este. Ad Fsnssrs on Nota, watt one or mere .L's. without .ee*esrgw IWO LOVELL'S Province of Ontario Directory LJ1?OBA IICIES!ONS. GreenwaY win inset another LZCURSION TRAiN F'OR 1881 -1882 - TO BE PUBLISHED IN NOVEMBER 1881, Price 85.00. A LOT OF NEW SPRING PRINTS. and Melt oris fur Ladle's Cloags and 'Esters, SPLENDID VALUE at Colborne Bros. THEY SEEP T1 C R M='TON CORNET! Ti3E BEET IN THE Miff -A RSETCOLBORNE BROS. MR. IOVELL, at the request of several Merchants and others of the Province of ario of the City of Montreal, Qc . o Va INpublish CE OF ONTARIO D RECTORY.ain PRO- VINCE next, containing an Alphabetical Directory ANI) A THOROUGH I HAVE BOUGHT THE HARDWARE STOCK. -OF- MR. D. FERGLTSON -AT A- VERY GREAT DISCOUNT! Classified Business Directory WEDNESDAY, DTs PAIL, $$N. ;O, Vigil sae .kine erste W. IL ZZITEIR OR CMINTSALLA. MIGHT HONDA T BzFQU APPLE TO MON. 0illEE1tWAYOentraila • Is W. swan avec seisr Nearly all Rardware k 1 am therefore In • positionito sell Cheaper Stock, was bouthenht �any otherefore the bdvast /nose 1a the Comely. MY STOCK OF ' erg Kalrdlarc is Comi0,s,luiesFarmar& lea�p which I want to run off quickly. of the Business and Professional men to the Cities. Towns, and Vtllairee of Ontario. with a Classified-ueineee Directory OF THE CITY OF MONTR AL. The same carr and attention bestowed co the Dominion and Provincial Directories of 1871 will be given to this work. gnbecelbets names respectfully solicited, Terms of Ad- verttsing made known upon application. JOHN LOVELL k SON Montreal. Deo. 181. Pebliehers. 171, t west tofryy�oour own town. Tensa and Co. Perthine. Mian regia H HALIJR s • Mrs. Mary Wingate, tfer.sety of Ooderioh. later .r Detroit., Has open., s MILLINERY AND DRESS MAKING establishment nn BOTTTH T. tiro deews tram the Albion Hotel, with s full aasestaset of 'hnreae atld Trask Lamm. ltvfftsse, roeoo. v a.vwre and Dugs Tasatawas A GALL 11 INVITED 00XE AND BITTILT SU= MONS AL.WU L PL,ASE T04. Fresh Cfround Water Lime in Stook. AGENT FOR BEST STEEL BARB FENCE WIRE. R_ V.T. ivr0 -ZIE+ 175140. GRAND CLEARING SALE -0 F - Boots and Shoes, -A T CAPBELL'S BOOT and SHOE ENR1ij, FOR UNE MONTH. Previous to Stook taking. My !Stook ie Largeand well-aasor•te.i, and GREAT BARGAINS will be given - C,tA►SH WM. CAMPBELL. gtliggyl• Jan. 13, 1811 1710