The Huron Signal, 1881-04-01, Page 1t APIakk.mle. • • . . ii111)t, ,,04 • ^,4418p...• ••• .10 •11;ko• -wg7a. 4:? • - -la al t ...neftirtektrArn% '14t+ , 0VOTgj coUN NEW TIfferv-siat! tra Ean. .% dULL N :31 tik•ic tsar • GODEICII", ONT., FRIDAY. 1, 1S'41. AND GENERAL lot, mot -r u°1111"nrika tifitraveA.Verumr- Ad nealsonseols. Drugs Iietorge Ithytuts II Misery -Miss Stewart Sheriffs Ileale IL Gibbons. Something New- 0. H. Old Dressmaking Miss Weston. A udItors Abstract- A 'infield Cottage wamimil-Sitto At °aloe. Card of Danta-W, D. ',woman Motion ad* of eabooner-4..gor a Mortoa. Yearialag aulde. GRAND TRUE Lain. Pam. Exp's. Mix'd. GodarleiLLv 7.00tun .12.115prt 3.L1Rio tram Seatorth 7.50 " 1.10 4.45 10.50 " Stratford. Ar &Dam . 2.15pm 11.30poi. 1.00 " won% Pam. Xxp's. Mited. Mix'd. Stractord.Lv 1.20sui..7.50pot 7.01.1a9t .3.1isou Seel • • .17 "t56 •13. Goderielt A r -11.1111•40, 7.15ime leap's. Mail. Exp'.. Clinton going north .9.11ani • .1.13pm 8-1_0119/ . " going truth „tapir .8.011seu 7.94 JTAGli. 1.LN ES. Lacknow Star idally) arr. 10.11am dep ilpm tact7...nn er " IIVedne•day and Saturdot arrives Lama G8E%T W TERN. Dentistry. XI NICHOLSON, SURGEON DEN- avx• °Moe and residence, West Street, law doors below Doak of Mootresl. Dede- rick 1752 . But 1.state. acres, Clabonea. Mistalaing 112 SAUL-Ler 9, LAKE SHORE scree cleared, balance excellent timber. Soil • good clay loam. As this property adjoins the Point Farm it Is in consequence moat eligibIrkrtusted. For particulars apply to J. Mare lst 1161. 1776-12. HOUSE AND LOT,...FyR SALE -AT Dungannon. 12 N. from tiodericb, consisting of 8 of an acre of land, well fenced: a tragic house. airport well and pump are also oa the premises. The lot has been well -im- proved. Terms reasonable. Particulars can be had from Mr. J. M. Ronsirro. NIerchant, 1 1,1111gneenon, or R. E. Barows. Nile P. 0. 1767.0. LIOUSE, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND 76. corner of Victoria and East strets, in Lbe town of Goderich, for sale cheap, or will be exchanged for farm property. For particulars gar) JAIL Swaim. Architect, Aloe Crabb's or J. C. Cuitioa, aactioneer. QHEPPARDTON- FARM FOR 4../ sale a acres, a sores cleared and well fenced. Brick Cottage 23130, stone cellar full sae of bowie. A lame creek runs through the lot, no waste land on the creek, A very Sae orchard surrounds the.house. flood barn and other bedldiags. Terms very easy. A pply to R. T. lisvitrot lot 16 Lake Shore Road, Col- borne Township, or to GARROW & Potovlo. FOOT. 1748 VAILM FOR SALE. -BEING LOT 9*„ 1: con. 13. Colborne, about seven miles fro Goderich. comprising 50 acres. AO cleared. A frame house, and a new frame barn 50235 and es stable and other outbuildings are 051 the premises. A young orchard. good pump. etc. es the farm. The term has • road on two aides of it. Four acres of fall wheat are sown. Distant only 1 mile from a post office. For particulars atm!. to W. Sawa She toil P. 0. TA1.4" QHIPPARDTON.-STORE, WITH 13 Post Office), for sale or to rent, with acre land. Stock all fresh and good. Will sell on very easy terms, hoeing other business to attend to. For further_ particulars apply to R. T. H•rxes. Also 100 acme at land. West half of 11 on the ad con., K D. Ashfield. Good Or - Frame House, and astable. Fifty acres °Dared and well fenced. Apply to Gointow • a Peet -Drown He. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. Lot 6, Con. 8. Townshi- p of Colborne, Co. Huron, containing 98 acres 73 of which are cleared and in • good state ot cultivation. There is a frame House 20228 with cellar under the whole, kitohen 16219, wood shed 16228, citable 18116, for horses, also cow stable 14x24. 'There is a well with • never failing mining, and • good young orchard with about 40 trees, selected. Terms easy. For particulars apply tO THORAX Warsom. roprietor, Carlow or to 0Aultow &Rot- Drool'. Goderich. 1756. FAR? FOR SALE. comprising Lots Nos 18 and 19, Cnn. 3. In the Township of West Wawanosh, trimming to the late Mr. Charles McDonald. containing in all. Over thirty acres are eared. There ars over Dames of good hard wood. and the balance Cedar and Pine hush. A small Frame House and • Well are also nu the premier'. A good creek runs throuigh the tarot For partleulars apply to J Altert Toole note., Esq., 'Dungannon. or to Mrs. W•RNOCK. Goderich. or to this nam. 1770-tf. VARMS FOR SALE IN HURON.- I.A splendid farm of 140 acre*, comprising north half of lot 27. con. 1, West Wawarosb• a acres cleared, and balance In good hard- wood. and situated about • mile from Auburn P. 0. The soil is good. and a neat frame house 112110 and kitchen. and • small barn Stand en the farm. There is • fine orchard. two prowl springs, and 30 acres are sowed with 7.51 wheat on summer fallow. Also • SO sore farm, known as north half of north half of lot 36, non. a meet Waeranli eer. with log mneiss'. a barn 81:40 It 2, acree are cleared, and nearly free from stomps. the hallow.. hang hard wood bush. 11 acres of fall wheat are sowed In simmer tallow. A good spring rune close to the boom. For fa partkvlars a to TRen4A8 Mein iteon. hotelkeeper.ti- bunt P. O. 1717.61. Auction Sales. r A UCTION SALE OF VALUABLE 71201Int PROPERTY The recast lot 40 mew of East area and Coati Room kanwn •• the McConnell prowl,. vtag • frontage of 101 ft to In. on the intones. Wel be sold b. ublic ••.-140s. RATUIR. DAT. APRIL lath Init. at 19 orlook p e. This le • aorinef I.,8 WW1 MO Of the moat eligibie lherilsest sites a town. It era be Jest 110 • reaerveot 184. Germ frn More knows at Liar of sae. J. auestease Malt. NEWS ABOUT HOME. "A Wes among ye. Lakin' notes An' faith hell prom, it." TOW' Tomos. Dust, Frost, Suneinne, And a snow stone, Characterised the last week of March. This is All Fools' Day --and don't yea forget it. The curling fever ran high on11014111- and Tuesday. Thu Ainerican Agriculturist for just received, is a very readable nun- ber. • Mx. F. Campion has removed his law offioe to the chambers -above Sheppard's bookstore. The Seaforth Erpuetfor remarks: "Mr. Attril makes tl.ings boom in (lodge -itch. He is worth at least one good factory to the town." Rev. R R Maitland, formerly of Goderich, and who is now stationed at Trafalgar, has been conducting a sense of mistsl series enhis circuit, and about seventy persons have professed conver- sion. Dams MALMO. -Miss Weston has commenced the business of dressmaking on Cambria street, .next to Smeeth's planing mill. Her card in another column will be read by all our lady readers. Mr. Chas, A. Walkinshaw, thechampion meaner, was among the Winghanicur- lers who visited Goderich on Monday. "Charlie" is hopeful of holding his own in the iron circlet contests this sea- son. The time to advertise is, when you have bargains to offer, when sales are dull, when specialities are..in season, when competition is keen, when new goods arrive, when you have old stuck to clear, when business is booming, when you have goeds 10 1111. -[Ki. The schedule of convictions in the County for the quarters ending March 8th shows 97 cases have been acted on; of these 13 are drunk and disorderly, 34 assault, 6 vagrants, 8 larency and steal- ing, 8 liquor cases, and the balance el Various offences. The amount of penal- ty or fines that were levied ie $358.- 64. Maxine' Corea. - -Re the ..hr. "Jose- phine." Judge Toms gave judgment on the 24th inst., in this case, which was tried at the recent sittings of the Court. He held that the plaintiff Mr. McCol- lum, had clearly established his right to The Couuty Ataditer's will meet on Din Mani go out like a iambi Monday next to sui.‘it th" "c""untl t/1 Mr. Daniel McDonald has purchsed the first quarter of. 1884.- tits Dyett mansion for $2,600. Mr. Th. vorsou who left a waterproof Mc». has got a bargain. overcoat and pair of buca.'llin In" Pal:ern:G. Mr. Harry Clucas's paint - anions Mr. Hilliartl's goods, a..n ha"4/ logof the steamer " Chicom, " now on tberu on application to that geut„la 'wan- exhibition at•Toronto, 88 attuded to by Mr. Hilliard desires to express:. a Sise Mad '18 "3 well executed oil paint - newt fervent thanks to the firemen and lag. " Clueas is working up a good towneperiale for their exertions during re,outation as • marine painter. lime progress of the ire. McD.inagh, son of Mr. McDonagh, Ammer - Mr. John C. Curiae, v1 Stuit'' returned from the Old oPOoderich, the popular auctioneer, hailwesk,whither Ile had been two "rattling good" lahe in Ashffeld this irelsk. Cows averaged nlabut $40 *Pries; and the ether articles sold in prigiertmet John C. is a success on the *WON' Mobk." ' ' AGA= hr Blanmess.-We are. pleased to state that Conductor Crawford reaum- ed es his duti, on Monday last, ater companies interestertin the fire which recently occured in his Mona The build - month's caseation from work, caused by injuries received at the Albion fire. He ing was considerably damaged, but we still been tress of having gone through are {dewed to see that the energetic pro. 541ordeal, butit is a pleasure to know pnetor has set about putting things that he ran gra.p his punch and call .straight. The painters and other skilled nearly &I well RS of yore. "Ticketaworkmen are busily engaged in renovat- ing the premises, and Mr. Storey thinke Advertisements are the racist truly ihe-will have everything as bright as anew cumulative business investment known. quarter -dollar by Saturday next He Advertise feebly and you will not be purposof holding a big clearing eale short - troubled with strong customers nr heavy ty, of which due notice will be given in receipts otcash. Advertise widely a1"4--- our advertising columns. largely and you will nuke and keep the rr. 1HE etail.. 31r. R., J. Thompson, most substantial friendships, with s con - of H ullett, a student of Knox Collage, stantly widening and changing circle ef preached in Knox church on Suitday morning, rnd also un the previous Lord's - Day. Mr. Thompson is fluent, schol- arly, earliest and clear in his preaching, and, if spared, will yet occupy a high place in the Presbyterian ministry. During the summer, Mr. Thompson will fill the pulpit of the McNabb street Presbyterian Church, Hamilton, in the absence of the paatur, Rev. D. H. Fletcher in Palestine. On Sunday next Mr. Turnbull, of Exeter, also an ahle and eloquent young preacher, will occupy Knox Church pulpit. AN Incestuous Brute. -- Matthias Thomas, of Ashfield, is now lying in Goderich gaol, charged with ravishing his thirteen year old daughter, Absona. The girl also charges her father with 1 having forced her Oil several occasions during the past two or three years. His last assault was made on Tuesday, March 22nd, the man again ravishing his own child, amidst her tears. and pro- testations. Thomas has beea separated Cerritos Eatratzanitoaa. - Mr. Samuel from his wife for a number of years, and Platt, Census Commisioner for Centre the child had been keeping house for Huron, met the enumerators appointed hint in a shinty in the bush for some for this riding at the Queen's hotel in tirne. The preliminary examination was Seatorth, last week, and gave them their held before Mr. James Mehaffy, J. P., obtaining via Alone! degrees from Edin- btta:gh TiniierstZst. We are pleased to barn that he hag been eminently sue- emmfnl.in his efforts, and congratulate him upon his success. Irian AwiaD.-Mr. John Story his been awarded $1,271.58 by the different customers, for every satisfied buyer COM be reckoned your friend. Benjamin Franklin appreciated this when he said: " My son, deal with men whu adver- tise; you will never lose by it" - [Ex. Leer Towe.-On Friday last a well known resident of Goderich, left town in the person of Mr. Joseph P. Connnugh- ty, lately employed at the Albion Hotel. "Joe," as he was familiarly called, was a general favorite in town, being of a most obliging turn, and possessed of no small share of the keen wit pnwerbially at- tached to Irishmen. He hati lived- under many skies, and could regale a party of listeners *ith tales of other countries, in an inimitable and racy manner, and with a voice so touchei.with Erin's "bro- gue," as to be melodious. to all ears. "Joe" has gone, as he expressed it, "to seek his fortune," and we only hope his most sanguine expectations will be real- ized. the freight claimed, and a decree was documenta and instructions for the work made in favor of the plaintiff with costaof taking the census. The enumerators Mr. Seager for plaintiff, Mr. Becher, of are to commence their labors on the 4th London, for defendant. At the meeting of the H. S. Literary Society, on Friday evening last, Mr. Strang pronounced the word "restaur- ant" to be derived from the French resteur. This is really too cruel, Mr. Principal. Consider how sharp a pang mist have ghat through the minds of many of your audience, to discover that so glorious an institution was not, then, derived from two Latin words : thing; and taurus, bull; -a bully thing. It is not better, sometimes, that truth should remain in the traditional well ? Racirairara- -The following paragraph refers to • former editor of Star, and will be read with interest by the people of Godench. It is from the Toronto Warta ..f last Wednesday: "The day of prayer and fruiting is going on to -day as Shaftesbury Hall. The hall le well filled with people, and considerable religious feeling *owns to preyed amongst them. Mr. Rogers. at one time city editor of the 14trAs newspaper, gave an affecting April. The following is a list of the enu- merators appointed for the respective municipalities in this riding, viz: Tucker - smith, -Richard Napier, Robert Newell and Robert Barbour; Goderich Town, - Fl. W. Ball and John Doyle; Colborne,-- Joneph Beck and Wm. Hilliard; Hut lett,-.1ames Morrison and Ituusc Barr; McKillop, -John O'Sullivan and Jus. Evans; Seaforth,-F. A. Meyer; Grey, Matthew Morrison and Thome. Eng- lish. YOUTHFUL TEMPEILANcE Foi.x. -The juvenile temperance association in con- nection with the North Street Method- ist Church gave a very interesting enter- tainment ih the school room of the church on Tuesday evening. The at- tendance was large, many adulta being also present. Miss Williams presided at the organ in • veryacceptable manner, ad Miss Mellish, Miss C. Williams, Miss Polly Bonamy and Mr. Halls as- sisted in the musical jart .if the pro- grammer. The following boys and girls account of his lapses and hew effectually took part in the recitations, readings his heart and life had been chanted by and dialogues, some of which, particular - the grace of God... ly those by the very youthful Bella Me - A Magma Binuat.. The Brantford Kinght, Charlie Sharman and Everett Brpoeiar says- - An unusually solemn McKenzie were rapturously applauded of Montrose " "Henry of Navarre" was I scene was presented at the burial nf the Diaegue - Misses Minnie Yates, Ids rigorously given by Mr. Cobblerlick, late A B McWilliams, at Berton!, MoEwen and Ella Johnston, Dialogne- and was heartily applauded by the su- rturgrisy evening The shads of night 1 Misses McLean Robinson, Cox med diens. Miss Maud Rtert's 'Illepetra were gathering as the erersearees enter. Bonesny Readings Misses Limes Dying" was rocely reciter! The reci ed the village: the old shush bell. that Proctor, Ida Johnston, Mary Ttiomperm, tatimas all bore marks of closer steely haa sernrennwl se many 'internees 311 Aggie Humhow, an.1 Masters Albert and more carotin delivery. and showed that all amid profit by a little impartial criticism. Ts election of ofteters re- sulted as follows- President, Mr 8 J B. Duncan; by amilarnatien, 1st tins Pres., Mike Henderson by aertlernation; and Vire Pres., Miss Reinhart, hy se eleinatien; Seenstary, Mr Donald, Ss nfOrmivaitteme, Mr T Tries scene an 'Limner, per -steam residitiori. Githenetny briefly naiket at the eernanitiern M Leong. Editor, Mies K Ratph. Atte the aged renther wee unable to ha / ef ate prograternot Forty-one new Librariere, Mr W tong. `owbcaken, present te take I. lora 'nob %we thrall t reamer ware aeldhot to tha -era" t C. Winton,. 4,o. V Sanwa. sop 'ma enenre .eineeters tohaor- WI^ 4. nereper, and the prisoner was sent to Goderich gaol to await his trial. He is about fif- ty years of age. i HIGH SCHOOL LITRRARY SOCIETY. - The regular meeting of 'the Goderich High School Literary Society was held on Friday last. The attendance wet very large; indeed, a number of peraons could not obtain admittance to the room. The Trtasurer's report showed that the receipts during the year were $63.85; expenses $14, leaving a balance on hand of $49.85. The Society is now in a very flourishing state, and as well as valuable additions to the library, a well equipped gymnasium is proposed. After the reading of the report, a number of recitations, songs, etc., were given by members of the Society, Miss C. Wil- liams, Men Hei.derson and the choir rendering the music. Mist Minnie Seegmiller recited "Bernardo dal Car - pio," putting perhaps rather too much emotional acting into it, yet showing undeveloped power. Mr. W. B. Dick- son, create i much laughter by reading "Father Phil's Hubscriptien List," in swirl style. Mite Mary Macara very pleesantlynicited "MaryQueen of Scots," being distinct in her articulation and naturei in tone and gesture. Mien Kate Strata filen did well in "The Execution I N THE MARITIME COURT OF similir areastons, minded eat ite mourn -I Humber, John Mann and Morton Rola- / ONT A R10 A.°!'_•iff___ mile °f 11/41".1.6r 414 petty.** the stores were elsed and ! ertann Recitations Misses Melly -wmiame wanes,- suer a amnesties ter I maw, less mai at the saki nerare la the mussel lryowleso4o We,. Ortallt•WW1 in the rem/eery, Aitk in, Rolla McKnight, Minnie Me - elf mr. emit seinroser mia te as dinineen, a oweci ar,., fnt sale by Pohlie ArectIcs a hot ' Owl the solemn Masonic. Aerial mortice Ewen, Minnie Stotts, and Masters titter rhambers la We Covet HOIIIIIP. awe et oegp-1, seat by the Onkering Hen cif testes in ?le Sharman and Everett McEensisi. „ I rich on the bram ei Warr rig DA 1" of APRIL. lal. a •nCre onto* neer. _ LIM "etneworl Masks' tones, manor cep a pietas ef arse 1 Rev Tte *Miens athilressed the au- •-ttltriivi winter- AT Irwin! il iiiii toss seems aweesere Ash het tookle, apparel mei • lade* lens to he rementlwreii The he 1 diens at the erasers of the entertain- hinentre art &her lire et et. l'ert, of eies4a. i rieh. Terms, es per rent In Wit it GINO ,''' row.'04 wife 1'06 ennre'rect Awn" fres the , innent. mei Mess Mitchell and T. Me- rino. and the be wee a nese menith Thereafter • c erfthoot *area Dated ale March. IAN , 'emotion.* to*" ' MO OIRRT tryniontra k ,ore Pc mot by_owurrr senate Marshal' 4 I tolirlfors Gotterler 1718 Mr. Geo. Rhymes will open with 0 new stock of drugs, etc. iu a few weeks. The attempt to get ups curling match between London and Goderich fell through. London did not come to time. Warden Keine, of Gerrie, was in town last week on County businss. He was looking as bright and cheerful es ever. ' Mr. J. M. Macke!, recently of Cl'in• ton, is in town. He purposes crowing the lino shortly, but has not yet decided upon his location. The attendance of ladies at the Dyett auction sale yesterday was very large. The advertisemenfin THE SHINAL drew many of them. Removiam. -Yesterday Mr. D. C. Strachatf, grocercornmenced the re- moval of his stock to his old stand, fr.ole whence he had been nonce/. to flee fire some four weeks ago. liy la IT Taug l -Wo lea.ru that Charles Melton, better known is Nigger Simi' died in Detroit recnntly. 14 88 said that, previous to his death, btx made a confes- sion in the natter of the Park House fire, and acknowledged that he.waa 'paid 11.00 by an interested party- to apply the brand. Ugly rumors were rife at the time, and although the " poaching " " Nigger "cannot be aticepted as gospel truth, yet it is sufficient tie make the wiseacres shake their beads, and say, " I told yog so." COISMI01203L -In our last now, ow- ing to information received, we wore led to censure the U. S. authorities at Pert Huron for extorting duties from emi- grants going to locate in Dakota. We have since learned that we were not cor- rectly informed on the matter, for al- though nearly $20,000 worth of goods were taken across the lines by emigrants from this section only about 840 were charged in duties, and in the particular instance where this levy was made, the authorities acted strictly within the let- ter of the law, although it was a hard- ship for the person mulcted to have to pay the additional sum. AND YET ANOTHER FIRE. Vet Derails'; Miele of Dr. W. 81. Milliard Destroyed ea anaday Morning &V4. A strange fatality seems to prevail in Goderich at the aresent time Lt the mat- ters of fires. The fourth of a aeries of occurrence in as many weeks took place on Sunday morning last about 5 o'clock, when the dwelling house of Mr. W. M. Hilliard was totally destroyed. It seen* that one of Mr. Hilliard's children -had been ailing, and about 3 o'clock the father arose aid gave a drink to the sufferer. Tho morning being exceeding- ly cold, Mr. Hilliard started a fire to warm the houae, and again betook him- self to his couch/ Shortly before 5 o'- clock he was aroused from 1111 slumbers by the sharp, crackling sound of burn- ing wood, and thinking that the fire in the stove was burning too strongly, arose and wont to examine. He then diacov- ered that the goof of the house was un fire, and hardily awaking his finally, gave the alarm. By hard work a small por- tion of the furniture w.it removed from the house, but although the alarm hell was rung an 1 the engine got quick- ly to work, nothing e'en be donate save the doomed building. A home. immediately adjoining ani occuaied by Mr. Reagan had a narrow escapa, and would undoubtedly have bean destroyed had it net bean for tort c .nit on' work- ing of a party with pails previously to the playing of the engine. Mr. Hil- liard's loss is estimated at $1,049; insur- ed for $301) 03 th it., 11 1 $5)0 on the furniture. - - Tramp. Tramp. Tramp. ed eut tim itaummerkikg tramp, kkt 6. cker calculated to melt the heart et Ow sternest magistrate. " From Kincardine 1" repeated .the meyor. . • " Yey-y-y-yes, " replied Mt* other, " and we bed f-f-f-f-forty.af-ftlive sec -c- c -cents in our p -p -p -pockets to net a 1 -1 -1 -1 -l -loaf of b -b -le -b -bread with. " And you're going to $t. Thomas'?" queried the Morn, mi a tone of evident sympathy. " R -r -r -r -r -right o*, sir, " eagerly. re- sponded the stammerer. it Then I'll diseharge you, " said His Worahip, with a pardoning rave of • his hand. Thah-th-th-th-th-tkank ye, lir, " ejaculated. the discharged prisoner, 'and he and his more silent companion filed out of the chamber,and turned theirfaces awkward. CURLIANA. The Three Matches -aloe's= 'Nelms fiaderlea. seafera arkess sad Roderick “geee ter" olealbrira We had what might have beau cal- led a curling tournament at Me Rink on Monday and Tuesday last. 'than- gtilar fight for the Gibbons' medal ' was an the ice, and speculation wig rife as to the result. On Monday afternoon the first contest took place between Wingham and Goderich, and ilthough a rinse fight waabad. victory perche'd on the stanes of the former club. The re - hull of the game was telegraphed to Seaforth, and the club of that lively town' pluckily wited the victors that they would be up on the night train, to play against theta on Tuesday. 'Wing - ham club waited over, and a game was had on Tuesday morning which resulted in the victor of yesterday being the de- feated of to -day. Things now assumed an interesting shape. It' had been ar- ranged that whichever outside club .cored thename, should play 'off with the Goderich club, which had previously succeeded in winning two champion games, and on Tuesday afternoon Sea - forth and Goderich went at it "wi' bo- soms an' stanes." Another close game was the result, but fortune veered again, and deigned to smile upon Goderich, and the club of the Lake town now holds possession of the medal. The following is the record in detail of the games played: - winterise vs. redearb. Tramps have been soiree in I lorlerich this winter. A year rho as many as twenty-one Plaid the oeils in a week. but, from whatever cause, not MI solitary vagrant pedestrian has at rrope•1 neer night in the stone house this wirier, if we eleept the cam' Jamie Taylor sod James Clarke, two broassil. nagged fore- parts, who were brought before the Mayor en Wednesday seaming hy cow stable Sturdy 1pen Hs worship asking th.• couple what they had to say for therms/vest Taylor, who had • meat penciller stutter. bet wbn wadi evidently was the spokes- man fi4 the attle perry, respraparel- " W. are .1- j•.1- just m m -m Doak ing our w w•w way to sis I T -T T.Themnia. sir '' And whore din you entire fr. ntr sakewl Mayon Herten K -e. ney .-st sante*. -ad( Rink No. 1. C. T. Kent, J. Dinaley. S. Kent, W. T. Bray, Skip, 30. Rink No. 2. T. Gregory, G. McKenzie, C. Walkinshaw, Geo. McKay, Skip. 20. Majority for Wingham, 6 shots. riyareete vs. magmas. Rink No. 2. C. R. Dunsford, H. Colborne, Capt. Danoey, H. H. Sinith, Skip, 21. Rink No. 2. Capt. McGregor, A. Dickson, Col. Ross, M. Hutchinson, Skip, 23. A. Young Cj.. DT.i.naKieteryit I.A.Ieo.‘.ivatnetfonnl .1. R. Lyons .1. U. Wilson R. C.ninon Skip -21 W. T. Bray S. Kentskip D. D. Wilson (T(14... 13141.ireceKkg ay C. A. Walkinshaw nerYnzie JolsaknipA.-32Wihion Skip -14 Total shots in favor of Seafurth, 22, asterisk vs. Aeatertb. T. Hood J. G. Wilson A. Dickson D. D. Wilson A. WilsonA. M. Hutchi8.n A. M. Roes C. R. Dunsford Johnoe0. 4AWil .4. ,,rdson A. Skip-28n-oung Z. Martin 11, Smith R. Common J. R. Lyons T. finNiirDa-nncy Skip- 20. Majority for Gloiterich, 5 show. ouritHen Forint& In the evening. the Swifortit `anions" were entertained at an oyster supper held at Currie's. Hotel. The chair was by Mr A. Ditison. President of the • •-• lent 11 Curling Chat% and that veteran curler. Mr. M. Hutehiersei, pre- sided at the font of the table. The us- ual loyal and patriotic toast. were duly given and respenrie I to. wet a•eroe excel- lent speeches were given on the acca- awnrh• special t •14.4 hnoiy,iht feet many talented erators and vratelista, anal sentiment anal some were blenderi namther t in..st eitie.yable evening win scant ani the centiliter 'trek* up at • wasonahle heat Prof. Fetzer s *trim; l,an,I we. present, end added in no small degree t.. the herviony of the gatheri.n4. ' rho tonili cation ..f Cartylts's Rene nisi:saes " it in the gone ral stelict. have ' e sn tv,turr • l',- 4.1.. reaisaeaan 4