The Brussels Post, 1966-05-26, Page 7FORD SALES and SERVICE '65 FORD Galaxie 500 2=Door Hard Top '64 MERCURY Park sane 4 - Dr. HardTop ullY powered equipped '64 FORD XL Convertible, power equipped '64 VOLKSWAGEN '63 MERCURY 8 cyl. 2-Dr. Hard Top, Auto. '63 MERCURN 8 cyl. 4-Dr. Sedan, Auto. '62 PONTIAC 6 cyl. 4-Dr. Sedan, Auto. '61 FORD 6 cwt. 4-Dr. Stand. Transmission '63 FORD 1/2 ton. Pick-up, in Al condition These units are all in Al shape and ready to go BRIDGE MOTORS BRUSSELS WINGHAM PHONE 249 357.3460 gameta. mbrczaio.afta„..m.a.nui...muvd.u.m...aa ,11.I•••• far,Q11111,111/* • offers a •'711NO,YEAR WARRANTY plus 18 advantaget that make it the most convenient- power mower money can buy.. Come in and see all 18 features. Few other makes have half of them. No other mower made ha's them all. Lf36-4 Oldfield Hardware Brussels ••••••••••••••• pavasaigi posT 09NT4.144). THURSDAY, MAY 26th, Mg • As with all CO-OP quality Petroleum Products, LUBCO (Multi-Purpose) Lubricant delivers the performance you need for modern farming. And every time, toot In hot weather, cold weather, under most conditions, CO -OP LUBCO (Multi -Purpose) Grease ccin.sistenoy never , vanes. Discover the difference the smoother-running differ.. ence CO-OP LUBCO (Multi* Purpose) Grease will make in: WHEEL BEARINGS/WATER PUMPS/UNIVERSAL JOINTS CHASSIS/BALL AND ROL- LER BEARINGS. (MULTI-PURPOSE) GREASE every time! BUILD EARNINGS AND OWNERINIP animal standing separately from the rest of the herd or flock and becoming easily excited, w muscle spasms producing ubilin pr, mal stance and.difficult gad. As the disease progresees, gonerida, ions are followed by a coma, and then death. Geese TetiallY, or 4)110414g' Ilesaenna, is a §14.4 or 44aglie, sium levels in the blood serum'', Dr. Neely explains. "Young grass is not so nutritional as summer turf. Also, grazing is a change of diet.. Animals out to early paeture should therfore be provided with libeal =Punt of hay during the early lush growth Period. This VIII not only assist In Graze, Tetany prevention, but will also be useful in controlling bloat." Dr. Neely points out that care doesn't stop just because livestock are on. pasture. Animals should be checked often for abnormal al)- pearance and behaviour. If there is to be any chance of saving af- Eated livestock, a veterinarian should be called immediately. 11•01,1•1 EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN TOPS MILION DOLLAR OBJECTIVE The treasurer of 'Ontario Society for 'Crippled ,Children, Mr. George E. Mara, of Toronto, announced that the 1966 Easter Seal Campaign objective has, been reached: =mks to the faithful and considerate support of• more than 400;000 contribu- tors in Ontario. "In Ontario, 'we have the finest program, of care and treatment of crippled chilren that is avail- able" stated Mr. Mara. He added "The advancements in the field of rehabilitation and the increas- ed number of physically handi- capped children each year has meant a continual rise of financ- ial needs. We are delighted to re- port, that 1966 Ester Seal funds will again enable the Ontario Society for Crippled Children and its affiliated 230 service clubs to provide the help that must be, given to the more than crippled children in the province". Me *W. D. Whitaker, Chair- man of the Provincial Easter Seal Committee paid tribute to all campaign Chairmen and com- mittees in the province. "Their combined efforts coupled with ex- cellent results are heartening proof that the Society's work has the confidence and support of the public", said Mr. Whitaker. Grow Cucumbers and Make EXTRA MONEY If you have a IA acre or more grow cucumbers for SICKS all Hybrid Seed Highest prices paid Free pick-up' at gate SICK Dublin 343 HURON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, MAY 27th The Historical Society of Huron County are holding their annual meeting on May 27th, 1966, at the Londesboro Com- munity Hall at S p.m. The speaker will be Mr. J. W. McLaren, of Bennailler whose topic is "The Making of a History Book". Mr. itfdLaren has a vast store of knowledge, in this re spect being the author of such a book. Election of officers will take place at this important meeting.. A new volume of " Huron Historical Notes"„. the second of series, will be available to members and interested persons. BURNS Health Tips from the Canadian Medical Association It is generally agreed- among those acquainted with the prob- lem that the best first-aid treat- ment of a burn is to wrap the in- jured area in towels wrung out of cold water, the iCanadian Medical .Association reports. This This pi:Uzi:Wee serves two im- portant perposes it isolates the ovetzeoleurtairr-,Rtsupr A Family Favourite Is DELICIOUS CAUSE OF GRASS TETANY cout..D BE EARLY PASTURE Livestock owners may be very iainiliar with bloat, but another disease called grass Tctany also takes its toll among ruminants Put on early pasture. - "Grass Tetany victims include beef animals, (Thiry cows, and even sheep", relates Dr. Howard Ian. "The problem happens most frequently on cereal-type pasture like oats or rye seeded as a cover crop for late fall or early spring posture. It also ',occurs on well, established grass-type range. The cold weather accompanying early grazing also seemed to be assoc, iated with the occurrence of this disease." symptons include one LUB * * burn and lessens the possibility of infection, and the cold applicat- ion relieves pain. It should be stressed that any i.l.iplications of salves or strong disinfectants add to the damage already done by the burn. Prob- ably one of the worst steps is to apply a preparation which forms a crust, and all preparations con- taining tannic acid are offenders. The C.M.A. says gentleness in the management of any early burn is most important. When applying cold, wet dressings, are should be taken not to break blisters, since blisters play a big part in keeping out infection. Tf an hour or more elapses be- fore a patient with. a bad burn can get ,to hospital, lie will be- come very thirsty and drinking tap water or fruit juices may do serious harm. One , of the best drinks to combat' this early shock is water containing a shake of salt and a pinch of baking soda. Pain-relieving pills such as headache tablets may be given In moderation to help relieve suf- fering until medical. attention Is available. I••• .g.1,•••••••••••••• 1• Most sleeping pills are followed by a definite hangover period of depressed mental powers. BUTTERED PECAN i•CE CREAM You'll, enjoy its sweet butter and nut tastel ALWAYS USE COUSINS ICE CREAM To be sure of FRESH, CREAMY GOODNESS