The Brussels Post, 1966-05-26, Page 2TAB USSSILIS POK; IlltUSSZIA ,ON,TAIRO. THURSDAY, MAY 201, 1956 *lwaff•wwilialo-hintnot—eitolo-..usnw-rAsinwmanaisw.omp WOOD MACHINE OPERATORS FUANITURE ASSEWILILERS FINISHERS K.NIFE MAN and. MEN TO TRAIN FOR THESE JOBS Benefits include paid Holidays, sickness and accident insurance, 2 weeks paid Vacation after one year. Guaranteed Hourly Rates plus incentive Bonuses. Apply Mr. H. Graper imperial Furniture Mfg.. Co. Limited Stratford, Ontario. PHONE 271-0360, 271-0449 arna.....weetiaamipuiesuak •Torca......scr.ammakaacam.,,,e‘tal' n;:mw1,4.14ca.x,47.," SHERIFF'S SALE OF LAND UNDER. AND 1.31 VIRTUE of a Writ of Pieri Facial*. binned out of the County Court of the Coanty of Hurou, bearing date the 13th. kitty of January. 1864, to me directed, astaust the binds and tenements of WhiStaitiY BUD- NLRB:, Defeudeut, at the suit of David Brown Tractors (Canada) Limited, Plaintiff, 1 have seized and taken in Execution, all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of the said Wesley Budna.rk in and to; All and singular that certain parcel of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Village of. Brussels in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario and being composed of Village Lot No. 312 awl parts or village Lots Nos. 313 and 314 and part of Village Park Lot lettered "V" the whole of which said parcel is more pnrticularly described as follows: co...p.-..u.ExcaNu at the north-west angle of Lot No. 312; TilliVCE southerly along th-e- westEr);„ boundary of 313 and 313 to a point in the westerly bound- ary of Lot No. 313 which said point is distant southerly there- in 00 feet from the northwest angle of Lot No. 313. Tilli,%.\;CE easterly parallel to the, northerly boundary of Lot No. 313 and the production easterly there- of, through Lots nos. 313 and 314 and on into Park Lot "V" a total distance of 3 chains and 80 links or '250.80 feet to a point; THENCE north-easterly in a straight line to the centre of the bed of the River Maitland a distance of 2 chains and 80 links or 184.80 feet to a point, which said point is distant 2 chains or 132 feet north-easterly In a straight line along the bed of the River Maitland from the northeasterly corner of Lot 312; THENCE westerly along the centre of the bed of the River Maitland 2 chains or 132 feet to the said northeast angle of Lot no. 312; THENCE westerly a long the northerly limit 'of Lot no. 312, 2 chains or 132 feet to the place a beginning. TOGETHER with a full and free right to ingress, egress and re- gress to the ,Grantee her heirs, executors, administrators for assigns in, over, along and upon a strip of land immediately to the south of the lands herein con- veyed, which said right of way is more particularly described as follows; COMMENCING at a point in the westerly limit of Lot No. 313, which said point is distant south- erly therein 60 feet from the north-west angle of said lot 313. TIMINGS easterly and parallel to the northerly boundary of Village Lot No. 313, 70 feet to a; point; THENCE southerly and parallel to the westerly limit of Lot no. 313 a distant of 9 feet to a point; THENCE westerly parallel to the northerly boundary of Lot no. 313 a distance of 70 feet to a point in the westerly boundary of said lot; northerly along the westerly boundary of Lut 313. 9 feet to the place of beginning. pa the premises is said to be erected a 2 storey brick building 61 feet. by 50 feet. ALL of which said right, title interest and equity of redeitiptr ion of the said Wesley liailnark iu the said hinds and tenements, 1 shall offer for sale by Public Auction at my office in the Court House in the Town of Goderich, on Tuesday, the 31st. day of May, 1966 at 2:30 o'clock in the after- noon. Terms; 10% down, day of Safe,. Balance in 30 d0401, H. L. STURDY, Sheriff, County of Huron. WANTED I can take 10 yearling cattle to pasture for the summer. Plenty Or shade and water. Dan McKinnon Brussels HOUSE FOR SALE Freshly Painted frame House, two bedrooMs upstairs, bathroom.. living room, dining room, modern kitchen and laundry, room down stairs. New: oil furnace, and new hot Water heater. Wm, H. King PhOne 139W FOR SALE — Double House in Brussels, 6 rooms in each side. Also furnace and 3 piece bath. Low taxes. 7 room. House with 3 piece bath. New cupboards. Good barn. Apply: J. Wade, Brussels, Phone 9. Agent for Clayton C. Hogg, Real Elstate, Gait, Ont. AUCTION SALE for the estate of MRS. ELLA SHURRIE at Lot 1, Con. 12, Grey Twp. 1 mile. South of Brussels. Furniture and Household Effects Including Antique Furniture and Dishes etc. Farm Machinery including Allis Chalmers Tractor, etc. SATURDAY, JUNE, 11th at 1:20 p.m. Lloyd. Wheeler Executor Gordon Jackson -- Auctioneer AUCTION SALE of Household effects at. Lot 18, Con. 6 Morris Twp. 1 1/4 miles South of Brussels and 3 miles wett.. on SATURDAY, MAY 28th at 1 p.m. Day Bed. 'Upholstered Chairs Piano Platform Rocker Sideboard Dimingroom Table Kitchen Chairs Couch Rocking Chairs Beds and Chairs Small Tables Dressers 1VliattresSes Wash Stand 2 Trinika Toilet Set Coal Oil Lamps Dishes • Glagsware Frigidaire Cook Stove Kitchen Utensils Chest Drawers MitrOrs bedding Table Linen Other articles too numerous to mention Terms dash Proprietor — Toni Pierce Auctioneer Harold Jackson Clerk George Powell ATTENTION Atiy one interested in broiler litter contact; Mrs. Lyle Gordon Phone 470,17. FOR SALE Electric stove with. ' coal' or wood annex. Good condition. Joyce Glousher Phone 157,W F;OR SALE Number of Registered York- shire Boars, 7 months of age. Eligible for Government Premium ,of $35. Murray Cardiff Phone 441J6 NOW AVAILABLE An opening with Avon Cosmetics in the Cranbrook or Winthrop area. Write, or phone collect evenings for information, Mrs. M. Millson, 17 Hawkesbury Ave. London, 451-0541 /1•111,,P1•=•••••• SALES HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE Wanted immediately — Man •or woman to supply consumers in Huron County 'with Rayleigh Products. Can earn $50 weekly part time; $100 and up full time. Write Rawleigh, Dept, E-152-336, 4005 Richelieu, St. Henry, Mont- real. T E DIE R Tenders 'will be received by the undersigned on behalf of. the Township of Morris School Area Board until 12:00 noon E.D.T. June 1st, 1966 for the Demolition of the existing BLYTH PUBLIC SCHOOL loCated on Mill Street in, Blyth, Ontario. Specifications are available from the undersigned. The lowest or highest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted. Snider Huget and March Architects and Inigineers 26 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. FOR SALE — GIFT FURNITURE For weddings. Also fine select- ion of suites of furniture living room, bedroom, kitchen. 0. E. SCHUETT SHOWROOMS MLLDMAY and MT. FOREST FOR SALE -- BEDROOM SUITES. Good stock on hand 3 piece 'Suites at $139.00 to over $300.00. Also carpets, pianos, appliances. GODFREY SHUWT SHOWROOMS MLLDMAY and 'MT. FOREST SPECIAL ON PERMS FROM MAY 16, to JUNE 15 FREE CAN OF HAIR SPRAY with each $12.50 Perm NOW $9.95 $10.00 Perm NOW $8.50 Phone For Appointment At PAULINE'S BEAUTY SHOP WALTON • MORRIS FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE TO SPONSOR MICHIGAN BUS TRIP, JUNE 7 The :Morris 'To'wnship Feder- ation of Agricuiture are sponsor- ing a one-day bus trip to Giratiot County, Michigan which is west. of Saginaw, on Route 46, The bus will be leaving Wing- ham at a quarter to six on Tues- day„ June 7 and will stop at Belgrave and Blyth. The trip is in co-operation with the Agri- cultural Branch of the Depart- ment of Dx.tensren, University of Lansing. Several area farms will be visited and meals will be pro. vided by Alma College. Our host and director, will be, Mr. Baker. Please get your tickets NOW from any director of the Feder- ation. It's a real friend who likes you in spite of all he knows about you. sessemmusoammor "Worn W To 1 Nodully eckling Invitations _ Iliairmarmagraved (wan iI.SETTERINO) Wats aei engagement announcements, birth announce. nients, assionstise invitations, golden and silver annivonan 11111110111.9•11111111S. Thermo-engraving (RAISED LITrEittING) and jN. like the finest hand engraving, Thaetwe mad individuality only the finest psi one. paving sake. Thauso-engraving (MUSED urrrcrallo) Cso Ass hod,. stack as hand engrwing, benefice fd dial& MN do mow plata that makes hand engraving so ezpitmiat MO IT'S KRAUT WITHIN THE WEEK mum ,is eau mite matching criaiaseaa cattith asspaaaa, tnaab you ere pR hmmil (aria, at& - ear giant catalogs* cal fix vrtamity come sheaves *oft el knurls& Vt Wings F liwiligs• and Outlet. ea 50 her OM sad MO frit $13.50, ammo SKR OUR DISPLAY AT The . Brussels ?ost