The Brussels Post, 1966-05-26, Page 1. . . TUSS THE situssms POST, TaugspAy, MAY 26tli, 1960 12.00 A Year trz Advance — $.2.50 4*w:eel:es-ere— Hi-T Donate $50 TO Brussels Lions Crippled Children's Fund The regular meeting of the Brussels Lions 'Club was held at Mel vI I Ie Presbyterian Church. Lion President Hank ten Pas presided. Roll call, minutes and correspondence were dealt with by the secretary Lion W, J. Armstrong, Mrs. Margaret l'hompson was the accompanist for the. Sing-song led by Lion Tamer Selwyn Baker and. Lion Al Johnston. Miss 11/ ,Smith, on behalf of the Brussels Hi-T, presented a cheque of $50 to the Brussels Lions for their work on behalf of Crippled Children, Lion Gerald Exel won the guessing contest. Following -are the officers elect- ed for 1966-67. President Lion ,Geo. Mutter 1st. Vice Cal Smith 2nd Vice Cal Kreuter 3rd Vice Jan van Vliet Directors Gordon Workman, Henry Exel Jim Armstrong Jr. Gordon McGavin Secretary Cec. McFadden Treasurer Cec. Parker Lion Tamer Hank ten Pas Assistant. Selwyn 'Baker Tailtevister Ceo. TVIcOuttcheon Assistant Chas Thomas Auditors •Cec. McFadden Geo. McCutcheon Lion treasurer Cecil McFadden presented the following report on the "Amateur Night" ; Receipts Receipts at door 8244.75 No Entry Fees Expenditures M.Lea.ch, standup plaques $ 47.79 Engraving plaques 10,68 Prizes for judges 18,11 Bridge Sport Shop for crests 36.63 .R. W. KennedY. adver- tising and bills Supplies, Tele. Hall rental (Legion) °K1'47, . . . • . .. .... • 215.76 Net Proceeds $ 28.99 0. F. Parker Treasurer Considerable discussion took Place on the Ontario - Quebec Lions Convention being held in London this Weekend. at which the Brussels Lions Club are :entering a float Most sleeping pills are followed by it defieite hangover period Of .0401.141ii Firownies Visit Brussels' Creamery Brownies of the 1st and 2nd Brownie Packs enjoyed a, guided tour of the Brussels Creamery, by Mr. Cousins. They were making butter and wrapping it in pounds while the Brownies were there. They also showed them how ice . cream was made, bottles washed, milk put in the bottles and all the rooms where ice cream and milk are kept. At the end of the tour Mr. ,Coueins treated the Brownies and Voides with ice cream. 'Decoration 'Service And Chapel Dedication June 12 The annual Decoration. Service of the IOOF and. Legion, and the Dedication of the new Cemetery Chapel, will be held at 'Brussels cemetery on .June 12th at 2 p.m. Everyone welcome. U.C.W. Meeting s The Spring Thatkoffering of the UCt1W was held May 17, with about '90 ladies present. The pre- ,siderit, Mrs. "Watson, welcomed guests from. the three sister churches. Mrs. Joyce Johnston and Mrs. Melva Scott were rn charge of the worship. Miss. Mary Lee iclolieribeck of Clinton was enest soloist of :the evening. She was accompanied by her father. 'Mr. Bert Hollenbedk and. Mr. Peter McQuarrle. Curran. James., graduate of McMaster University. currently teaching at Clinton Secondary School. gates itti 4444 44.4' .01.441 • Don 'Hemingway 'Receives D.Vi.M. Degree At Guelph Don C. Hemingway, graduate of S.S., No. 1 Grey and Seamen High School, received the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of lauelph on May 20th, 1966, Dr..1Teiningway is the son of. Mr. and Mrs J. Carl, Hentingway,,:Briseeele, Oat..,, aria.. • will be. practising -at Charing Cross; Ont Ogngratniatiens,.. are extended to. Don, WALTON Walton. W. I, antertain Guests At 10th Anniversary Celebration The Walton, Womten's Institute Itelebratted their tenth birthday in the Walton Hall on Wednes- day evening, May 18th, with guests from Brussels, Moncrieff, celebrated their tenth birthday and several forMer members. Mrs. Roy Williamion welcomed all the guests and thanked them for the plant they had presented, to the Walton Institute for their birthday, The minutes and roll call of -thirty years ago were given by the secretary, Mrs. Gerald Wat- son. Mrs, Wilbur Turnbull gave a summary of the last ten years. Mrs. Turnbull had helped organize the Institute, and was the first secretary of ten years ago. An "In Memoriam" service was conducted with the past presi- dents, Mrs. 'Ken. MacDonald, Mrs. Nolan, Mrs. F. Walters and. Mrs. Humphries taking part. A social hour followed with Mrs. Ken McDonald. and Mrs. Jan van Vliet Jr. in. charge. The cutting of the hirthday cake was followed by a. delicious' lunch. 8th And 16th Unit of UCW Hold ,Annual Bazaar The 8th and 16th. -Unit held their annual bazaar in the base- ment of the church. The meeting was opened witn hymu 376 fol- lowed by a prayer by Mrs. 'Harold Bolger. Miss Mary Lee Hollenbeek. Clinton, who was guest soloist for the evening, sang' two songs. Rev. Higginbotham then intro- duced the guest speaker, Gnrnos James, whim spoke about his native - homeland, .Tamtaeia. This was followed by two more Soles by Mary Lee. They were delightful gueete and much enjoyed by all. They were thanked by Mrs. Jari van' Vliet Jr. Mrs. Rae Hmiston pre: sented them with a gift. After the closing hymn. the bazaar was opened. A delicious lima 'Wee, sei'Ved by the ladies 44.1lls 111(41 Mr. E. J, O'Brien, Executive Director of the Ontario Tuber- culosis Association, who will be the speaker at the annual Huron County TB Dinner at the Towii Hall, Blyth, May 30, 1966. PEOPLE WE KNOW Mrs. Edna, Armstrong, Guelph, and Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Mitchell of Toronto, were guests this week at the- hom'e of Mr. and. Mrs. R. B. Cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Jamieson, VancOuver, visited. Miss Mae Skelton.' Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lahn of Hanover were holiday weekend visitors with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Smith. Mr and "Mrs. John Currie and daughters, Cheryl. and: Rhonda of Pranisitore spent the weekend with Mrs: Violet Meehan and family. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Machan, Donna atul David, Brampton visit- ed friends iii Whssel8 over the Weekend, Mrs. J. O. Galbraith and danghter, Mrs. E. 'Tired in of Tor- onto were visitors with Brussels friends last week. Mrs. J. C. I-Seeker, ivho spent the. twkriter with her daughter, Mrs. Beaver, in London, has returned to her home here. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Kreuter and family, Windsor, were week- end visitors with friends and relatives in the community, Mr. R. W. Berwick of South Burnaby B. C.. now' employed by Canadian Pecifir Airlines. spent Tuesday with his inother-in-law, Mrs. Violet Maceian of Brussels elso Visited With friends iti eletleeleli yeti WIIIP411411le POST PUBLISHING HOUSE GLEN BRIDGE ESCAPES DEATH IN EXPLOSION THAT DAMAGES GARAGE Glen Bridge escaped what might have been a fiery death in a flash fire which heavily dam- aged Bridge Motors garage, owned by his father, George Bridge, her, on Wednesday, at approx- imately 12 o'clock noon. Me. Bridge, who had been Work- ing on a car in the pit, was on his way out when an extension cord light bulb broke and the gas tank of the car exploded. He was treated in Winglmin and District Hospital for burns to his face and arms and released. Loss in the fire inoluded one' new car, two used cars, equipment and much of the stock. The upper storey of the garage, used for storage of tires and accessories, was not as heavily damaged as the• lower floor. Mrs, Geo. Bridge, who was in the office at the time of the explosion and, subeegent fire, quickly removed the ledger and cash and locked other valuable papers in the eafe. The fire did not reach the office but 'it suffer- ed smeke and water damage. At the height of the blaze dense clouds of oily black smoke billow- ed over that portion of the bus- iness section of the village but the flames were contained within the building'. The prompt re- sponse of the Brussels volunteer firemen, under fire chief Gorden. Stephenson, who were on the scene in five. minutes. and their efficient action, had the fire under control in half an hour. No accurate estimate of the damage bad been reached at this til130 of writing. The loss is coyer ed. by insurance. The pest office staff, in the adjacent building., were, alarmed at one point when the office filled II with smoke and it seemed the I fire might get out of control. YOurtrter 'Thrilled With Big` Catch A Norhern Pike, 22" long and weighing 2V lbs., was pulled out- of the Maitland River here by Toni. McRae of Willowdale He Was spoutling the weekend here with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. Donald McRae and sister Bonnie, Dr. 11fieRae. who was fishing With his son. didn't get a. chance to wet his line before Tom pulled his beauty out. To ads? misery to humiliation the big fish bit. the doctor when he was taking it off the hook. The youngster was cagey about reveeling jnst where he pulled out his fish, hoping, no dOitht. to catch more like it in the 4ii4fttP 20.00 5.55 25.00 2,00 To U.B.A. St. John's Masonic Lodge Hold Annual Church Parade Ahnual Divine. Service of St. john's Masonic Lodge was held in !Brussels United 'Church this past Sunday. Rev. Allan Johnston preached a sermon on Prejudices, pointing out to the congregation some that are bad and some that are good, The Masons, headed by Wor- shipful Master Gibson Willis and accompanied by the officers, members, and past Grand Lodge Officers, paraded from the Lodge Hall to the church and then paraded beck again after the service. Attend District Divine Service On Sunday. 'May 15th, several Masons from Brussels attended the annual Divine Service 'for North Huron Huron District in the Anglican Cnurcti at Palmer- ston, The many Masons of the District who attended, heard Right Worshipful. Brother Arthur Ge Edmunds of Palmerston: District' ,Deputy of the Grand Master of Ontario. take part in the service