The Brussels Post, 1965-12-16, Page 7
the one beer so good
it's made Canada famous for beer
throughout the world
In Canada' and over 60 other countries, you can enjoy a world of flavour in the balanced beer.
Q LN 66-6 Brev.ers of Red Cap Ai, , Block Label Beer. Chorrington Toby Beer. Cinci Lager Beer, Binding Ale,
savosaws POW BRUME.% maw
1.1.-QW.41.N.Ck •NOTE.,5
4411(1111gs are:
Karen's Go GOs 44.
Marilyn's Marauders ...„.„ ,,, ,,, „ , 42:
Jack's Jokers 34 1is
Mary 'Lamb's 33%
Willis' Wonders
Ladies High Singles
Karen Hastings
Dianne Hastings
Mark% Machan
Ladies High. Doubles
;Karen Hastings 483
Marion Machan
Ruth Huether 339
Men's High Singles
Dave Hastings 238
John Cousins 235
Charles Fee 191
Men's High Doubles
Dave Hastings 468
John cousins 390
Allan Nichol 315
My last column regards a
dream trip to heaveh caused some
criticism, sonic complimmits, and
Ejl-he downright insults. Campbell
cornered pie and in a sneering
manner told me , if went to
I'-leavena good many around Jere
would not bp too particuiar
wheLliet ihey made it or not.
1\ O.\ C U.1:1-ur 611C1 ZipPece.1...nee
or. tile Post I Lip tuk2u Lill tilt butir4
at tut: (..t.entieniens With} }Alt my
ear to tile liey dole and iisteneu.
I heard I-toy 'ftirvey say, well, the
only Way he will ever reiich
heaven will tie 'in a, dream. 'Weil.
says Walter :Kerr, 1 don't taunt
he is much authority ou caurcues,
he hasut't been in one since he
was baptised. 1 was so upset I.
left at once and dropped into our
new store. I. was greatly pieasea
surprisea. siuves,
eveiyuung anyone ,,vottid re-
quire,. it's well worth a visit,
either for requirements or jusc to
brouse like
a- real curiosity suop.
Len Lainont was loafing around,
aud greeted witli. "Did St.
Peter enquire about your political
affiliations? You have Voted
NL)P, U1',U,,I-rogressive,
even recoustruction and now I
think your are a communist.
190 •
the festive season
with Carag Black Label Beer!
He kept on bugging ule but
was thinking of a story. A news-
,paper reporter called on a hill
Billy family in ArkauSas and,
asked the man of. the house what
political faction were represent-
ed. After explaining what he
meant, the man told him, well, its
like this. Me, I'm a Republican.
My old woman is Democrat, the
cow is dry ann the bab'y wet.
The dog won't vote, he just sits
on his behind and howls all the
Last Sunday I went to Goderich
with some members of the United
Church choir who put oil a real
nice entertainment for the pat-
ients at the Ontario Hospital. A
very worthy cause indeed. I en'
joyed the trip, except on the way
up. Barb McCutcheon says to me,
quote, in your column you said
we church women. were sewing
Kewpie doll clothes. I want you
to understand they are Barby
doll Clothes, not Kewpies, ThiS
+was a new word. for' me, (BarbY).
My first thought was the; Bar-
bary Coast, in San. Vrancisco, The
liable Barb doesn't seem. appro-
priate for a nice doll. She cell,
United, we in this car are all
Rebekahs, and at your concert
you insulted us. In the script you
gave me you were to say 'to me.
(Mae, you know everything about
everybody. I was to reply "Yee,
you were to Say, quote, you are
as good as some or the gossips
around town, you fooled me and.
said the Rebekahs. I should have
walked off the stage. With that
sly:, flipped, (a gadget this time)
and water squirted all over the
windshield. She flipped the third
one and the radio started giving
a speech On feminine foundation
garments: i blew my nose vigor-
ously. the ladies poWdered theirs,
I remained cool and collected.
After all, one man, in my condition
hasn't inuCh chance against five
either With the tongue or physical
I kept thinking, T. said to my,
sell, my boy, Your old Dad was a
lot smarter man than you are. He
raised a much more intelligent
Truthfully Yours
T. H. r,
Just two territories still avail-
able for Christmas sales, 'For im- I
Mediate placement phone collect'
to-night, Mrs, Millsoh London
64 Honda Motor Bike, excellent
condition, Phone 193J, after six
f`-n"". ntr71-'i
-f r finheistsrline
Belistels Representative
PHONE 79 entIssitut
Scotch Pine Christmas Trees.
Selwyn Baker Phone 4 or 79