The Brussels Post, 1965-11-18, Page 112.00 A Year in Advance — $2,50 To U.S.A, TIM BRIISS,KLAS goST, THURSDAY, NOV, 18th, 19(4 POST PUBLISHING MANN
'Discussed At Lions ,Meeting
The regular meeting of the
LOW Club was called to order on
Monday; November 1.5th, by the
President; itailki+ Tetitias at 'r p.m.
'Ai St Aailireep Charci with 18
members ire attendance.
The gttees was Won by Lion Roy
Cousins. Minntes of • the last
regular meeting held on October
25th *de read and, adopted on
Motion of Lion Ghee. Thomas and
Jan van. inlet:
-aL notice of a eeMilinei Zone
Meeting of 3 North and 3 South.
Clubs in Blyth Town Hall, Wed-
nesday Nov, 17th at p.m. •
A letter concerning a. District
"A" Youth trip to Washington,
Ea'ster 1966 for boys and girls
14-16 years. Children to he spon-
sored by Lions Club, Liens pan
'ent or prtvate individual through
local cluh. Cost $110. After dis-
ciiesing youth trip it was decided
to talk it over and maybe decide
eornething at the next meeting.
Lion Calvin Smith reported for
the ways and means committee.
A meeting was held• recently with,
a good percentage of committee
in ettendanee. It -was decided to
carry on with the tickets, i on the
hockey games, with a, speelal
draw for the final game. Also to
have tickets on the World Series.
The eemniltfee Wtitidered it some
kind of a night could be held in
the Summer in the Arena. with
Outside talent for entertainment
to rake money ter community
Projects. Lion Calvin then went
on to read a draft of a letter to
be published in the local news
paper outlining how the Lions
had spent money in the past year,
and how they are going ,to help
the Recreation Committee to try
to pay off the $3,500 owing on
he arena.
It was moved by Lion Cecil Mc-
?adder,, seconded by Lion Roy
0ousitis that this letter drawn up
by the ways and means com-
mittee be accepted. Carried.
/ It was reported that Ralph,
Leonard and Cecil attended the
fell meeting of District Council
No. 5 of Ontario Seciety for
Crippled Children in Clinton o'
Nov. 4th.
Lion Jack McDonald' reported
Henry lxe1 had been accepted
into the eleb, ctid wood be Offic-
ially inducted at a later date,
The next Meeting will be held
on November 26th:'
Moved h 1 Lien Tlhes. Thetas'
try adlotirp, ,
it was witle feelings of deepest'
sorrow and profound regret that
the community learned • of the
untimley death of Dr. John Kelly,
D.V.M., of Brussels, which ocurred
on his farm while feeding the
tattle on Wednesday, Neverate
er 10th.
lie Sili'ViVed a serious illness
in March but had gradually..
returned to 1118 usual duties and
Was carrying on nobly. He was
an inspiration to alt who knew
hilil for his charity, kindness and
Dr. Kelly, who was in lira," 54th
Year, was born in Morris Town-
ship, a son of the late Mr. and
Mrs. .Tobet Kelly. Hee attended els in the township
and Brussels continuation school.
He graduated from the. Ontario
Veterinary College at Guelph in
He waS married on June 24th,
1064, to the former Margaret
Russell, wh.o survives.
Requiem mass Was said at St.
Ambrose Roman Catholic Church,
BMssels, at 11 a.M. Saturday.
Rev. S. G. Mooney officiated.
Prayer was offered at his horn&
on Friday evening, Burial took
place in St. Ambrose cemetery.'
Pallbearers were Alfred Nichol',
Olen Smith, jack Bryans, Harry
Bolger; George Blake, George
c tcheon.
itTonOrary PallbearerS were
Elinor H. S. BaeChler, R. Chin.-
gh am George Backer, Jaat
Ye.C.allgtiOy, Rev. H. Jennings,
Talale IN hi I . Dr. Willoughby,
nigor and Clarenee Martin.
The D. A. Minn funeral home
was in -barge of the arrange-
Drgesels Students. Receive
Scholarships And Awards
Scholarships, a wl.irds and grail-
tp.i ion diplomas were presented
at Wingbain.District High School
etmunencoment exercises.
Vaiedkitorian 11rt15 James Robin-
son and the, speaker Dr, L -111.
StUdents Who Won top scholar-
ship* were, Jo nie,S Robinson,
.Ontario scholarship and 'Univer-
sity of Waterloo tuition schofen
ship; Floyd Smith. iniversity
Waterloo first year scnotarship
and Leonard Foundation scholar-
Pralrineiro stUdent aid
bursaries W0'6 awarded to Doug-
, las Rieman, lieroVI Campbell,
Twth Casagrande, Mao, lInegh,
Doug, MoTaggart, Toyce:Ptoetef,
...Robinson. Floyd Smith, Marlene
Russell. Lorna Woods; Atkinson
feundation bursaries, Mary 7-laugh
171 oyfl Smith.
Others whd won scholarships
and 'awards were Frederick Al-
Donglas Elliott, Elizabeth
Millert Reran Brown.
Proficiency awards went to
Anne Oldfield, Mary Ann Smith.
Linda. Stapleton, Doris Ross,.
Linda Turvey, ID-ian Kerr, James
Robinson: Gail Dinsmore, Mary
Anne Schaefer, Ruth Cosagrande,
James Deneau, Brenda MacLen-
nan, Murray Procter, Lynda,
Reavie, Lois Fe.rguson, Douglas
.Ruth McTaggart.
Grade 12 French awards were
,worn by Douglas Elliott, Elizabeth
Millen and ,Linda. Turvey; stu-
dents council award, Sandra
Cameron: trophy winners, Doris
Ross. and Lenore Chambers.
-James °Leslie „Jamieson, a
fermet resident of Brussels. was
killed iii 1t two-cat crash. in Len-
don. early Sunday morning.
Mr. Jamieson is survived by six
eons. Ronald of Kitchener; Sam-.
'Illyth: Bill, of ' leresselet
Robert, Jack and Pert_ all Of
London. and a foster son, Tom
Sullivan of Foinoka; three daugh-
ters. Mrs. Wellington (Isabel)
Marks, of 'Wewanosb Township;
Mrs. Sack (Lila) Sullivan, and
Mrs. Harry (Flossi e) Wright,
both of London.
The funerel service was held
from the D. A. Rana, funeral
home. Brussels, on Tuesday at.
condi:Men be the Bev.
Allan Thbusten of Brussels ITnited,
P111 4 :1. '111110.1 in lene-
eele cemetery.
first used as a piiin-
usi titicsreflon iii IPt 41,
Majestic W. I, Entertain'
Guests On Famgy Night
The November meeting of the
Majestic •W, T. was. held Thurs-
day evening, N.Qvamber 11th.
Mrs. Lowe presided and. open-
ed the .1/, with tho Ode and
Mary Stewart eclleet. Minutes
of the October meeting, financial
report end correspondence was
road by Nr!•,. SPei seere‘aiy
treasurer.. Plans were made for
m the olithly card party, Dec. tith
itt .the Library •ba'sement.
.!k. reminder to members, don-
ations fo"flre slmi-in boxes to be
brought to December meeting.
This being family night guests
were., present. including members
of Molesworth, Ethel, CranrirOok
and Walton branches, and quite
a -number of member's husbands,
-tvim wore most welcome.
ifiet. Doug Hemingway presid-
rT thy erweram The roll call •
was answered by M•ombers giving
fhpb, • ideas... n4' • what makes a
good form wife.
Two girls who won honours at
rile Tielgrave contest for recitat-
ions gave their numbers. :foyer:
Ireland recited inners adven-
tures and Linda Mair's • choice
was Mrs. impossible. They' were
(.,vod by all.
The guest speaker of the even-
ing was Mr. Cliff Robb.- farm
contmontaior CIT,,NN. radio and .
TV, Wineharre I-Te entertained in
his capable manner with readings
and 'stories pertaining to Agricul-
ture. His talk was greatly apprec-
iated by 'all. •
s. Lorne, Niche, spoke on
the motto "The garden tools men
most admire Must be efficient and.
durable bit( :light enough for his
wife to handle. in . her usual
es ere:1Tc. way." •
Cuamore . reported CO-
Yen!, 1,:vents. local and national.
At the. close of the iriteting a.
delicious lunch of sandwiches
and tarts was served by. the. con-
fr, and Mrs. Thomas R.
Bernard, 'RP 4, Brussels, announ-
ce tliQ engagement of their older
daughter, Irma. Elizabeth, to
Gordon Pryce, eldest son
of 'etrs. Leslie Pryce and the
late Mr. Pryen of BR 1. Dublin.
The marriage to take place in
St. john's Anglican Churn, Brims-
o).1) .Solurday. December 4th,, im
reRD eie' THANKS
0,„r pe tio1,)1 rorrollitteo
1-11^111; :ill for their demo tines.
ss;OP110‘, ntlr1 aftendrineo. of
nil' 1•fsf'1'111 Th,inininfro Auction
gale. Your r'O enere fleet aele
Remembrance Day
Services .Field Here
The Brussels Branch an% of the.
Roytd. canadion Legiou, aceeni-
partied by the Ladies Auxiliary.,
Boy Scouts. Cubs, Girl Guides.
and Brownies, paraded to thee
0e:total:h. for service at 11
oil November 11th.
The Cenotaph service was .led
Ely the Branch Padre, • the Rev..
If. L. Jennings who gave the fele
lowing' address on Remembrances
Once agaie lomemerance Day
with its poignant. memories of
glory and grieving draws .near, cca
remind the people of Canada ,
of the wars in which a million and
a half of their fellow-citzens serv„
ea and from which more than a
hundeed thousand did not return.
The, years pass, 'but time must
not dim the memory of those he-
spiting, chapters 'written into the
history of our country, nor • the
remembrance of that great host
of gallant men Who made the,
supreme sacrifice that their
loved ones and countrymen at
home might he free from tyeapny
mmrd oppression, • .
What more sacred ditty is
there for all Canadians on Novi-
ember 11th, than remembrance,
olemnly 'and reverently expres-
.sed. of those immortal heroes who
sleep their last long sleen in for-
eign fields over the sea -- those
valiant sons 'of ramele who gave
in life itself for the things in
whieb then' believed':
"'1r the the wocl of November 11th
should not only be :,n occasion
for snirituni remembrance of the -
Cl'-.'-ions Dead. It shoeld. es well.
e;..,see for nroctical re-
membrance of the livid~ ais-
abled veterans and the • widows
and dependants of the fallen, who
ere in 'need, of a helping hand.
Thal is a responsibility • 'which
ee l: he bermeathed .us, a duty
which :nest not be shirked.
pee, altar Sohnston read .
the scripture's; the Rev. Arthur.
Higginbotham led in prayer.
The following. narticipated in
',1,T 0 2 -ri, laying ceremony:
Reeve colvin I:ranter
f Brussels
Reeve S. Procter --- Township
o r yorris
Peeve C. nil nb:' Tclnesllili
of Grey
Mr. L. F. Cardiff -- Pre ee
neee.: , ,,, tf 'rem l)-,lercurlane
Royal C.:mai-Tian Legion
-President :Tack Lee:-
On Pine Rand
President Mrs. 'Doreen That-
(le --- -Ladies Auxiliary
Poliert Richmond TOOF
r.;lwocy TVirtis 1, aelin
The Brussels arena is under
tireouration to ready it far 111 r.
ice sports enthusiasts. The i ce
Stirfnee iti 'shone very" Ether was
iltiortN fetietitipild an rlt-R lia!!•i'i