The Huron Signal, 1881-03-04, Page 88 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MARCH 4. 11181. DOORS 13411141:11113, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, and every Description of Intoner Finish. STAIRS HANDRAILS, NEWELS and BALUSTERS A Specialty. Send for Pries Letts. SHINGLES, LATH & LUMBER. &linters on applica- tion. Min -Address FRANCIS SMEETH, Goderich OnANus TRLIaaETING.-A teamesting under the auspices of L O. L. No. 1062, Nile, will be held on Wednesday next, Meech 9th. Addresses will be delivered by well-known clergymen. A large turn out is expected. EDceATIONAL -- The following are the tomes of the pupils of Nile school who obtained the highest marks for good de- portment, attendance and perfect recita- tions for February:-- V. Class-- 1 J. Sheppard, 2 G. Pentland. IV. - 1 E. Mcllwain, 2 M Mellwain, 3 D. Mcll- waitt, 4 B. McKnight, 5 S. Young, 6 T. Hogan: ITI. Sen. - 1 E. Kerr, 2 J. Mc- Knight, 3 W. Echlin, 4 W. May, 5 T. Sheppard, 6 E. Mallough, 7 S. Smith, 8 S. Black, 9 A. Echlin, 10 I. Dodd. - IlI Jr. -1 J. McKnight, 2 J. McWhi- ney, 3 D. Mcllwain, 4 M. Mcllwain, 5 E. Stewart, 6 F. Hutchins, 7 E. Girvin, 8 M. Sprowl, 9 R. Rhyan, 10, F. Hardy, 11 J. Smylie, 12 R. Young, 13 T. Ryan, 14 G. Jackman. Sum -Lime DL'ILl_ M ID • We regret to learn that on the 21st inst., Mr. Robert Torrance of this township fell off a load on his shoulder and dislocated the same. He was taken into town and Dr. Camp- bell set the unjointed bones, but it will be some time before he will be ready fur work. How FARMERS MAKE MONEY. -Mr. Samuel Scarlet, of lot 22, con. 9, McKil- lop, lately sold to Mr. George Case, of Seaforth, twelve head of cattle for the sum of $615, and also five head of cattle and twenty lambs, to Mr. Peter Daly of the same town for $350.• Mr. Scarlet intends improving his stock as he has purchased from Mr. Y. Shantz, of Berlin, i fine thorough -bred bull aged sixteen months, for which he paid a handsome num of money. Ashaela. (COUNCIL MEETING. -The Council met Fpursuant to adjournment on the 17th ebruary, at De Longa Hotel, Port Albert. All the members present. The minutes of last meeting were read and signed. Moved by Mr. McMurchy, seconded by Mr. Whitely, that Patrick Sullivan be auditor instead of William Kirkpatrick. By-law confirming the above was read and passed. The follow- ing accounts were paid: --Edward Pierce, on account of Statute labor, $3; Geo. F. Graham, do, *3; Mrs. Donaghy, charity, $5; Ann Philips, do *1.21; Mrs. Over - field, do, $5. Jeremiah Lacy, do, $5; Hart & Rawinson, municipal forms, *5.67; Mr. Neibergall, lumber, *7; John McDonald, repairing scraper, *1; Rich'd 1)e Long, gross of pens 5&.; Sam'1 Phi- lips, work on hill, 9 con., *6. The Coun- cil adjourned to meet at Youngs Hotel, !Entail, on the 24th of March.-Joew CooKE, Clerk. Welton Duasaanos. Ct.zAklxu $ALL li l'jsi.oisn:siug t Sun are offering to all u and b..rrel;" awl a 400ci.arwu to lion open to get a fine ready ,aide+ business ata reeauttable figure. '1,mA, stuck 11...4‘011 SUALsm. - Our thriving village now re- joices in the WAIIIII14 of as excellent Fairbanks scales, which is (wind quite useful in weighing cattle, Se. 'Mr. Case Allen is the obliging market clerk, and attends to kis duties in the rno4 ap- proved style. . Ores• 4 . . Mr. Isaiah Hall, - r,,se of our "old timers " loft for Manitoba on Wednes- day, with his family. At • recent cheese tuueting at Walton, a result viaiter to Engi.,utj stated that the county of Huron wan famous ever then for decimate. 3torris. John Armstrong, who as away et Abilene, Michigan, has returned to Mor- ris township again. The Carrel -Messer estate of 50 acres was wild on Saturday, 12th inst., to R. .asemore for $1,560. Andrew Ramsay, of this tueln:hip, died of dropsy recently, leaving a wile and a family of nix small children to mourn his loss. Sow. -Homer Robertson has dispi'aed of his farm containing 100 acres to (leo. Brewer, of this township for the anus of *3,400. Casette Fecroxv.- -The cheese facto- ry talked of in the neighborhood of sun- shine has fallen through. The mesons for this were want of stockholders and sufficient inilk. Last week Bennett Ruttan, the cham- pion hunter of Morris, killed a large wild cat, which weighed 25 lbs. Mr. Ruttan has killed this winter 11/ foxes, 16 raccoons, 2 wild cats, 3 mink, 2 ut- ters. SUDDEN De•ru.-.- An awfully sudden 'death occurred in the tewnahipof Morris on Monday night last. Mr. W. Gal- lagher, an old settler, was in town on Monday, went Lune, had his supper and retired to bed at the usual time. He made no complaint of feeling unwell, and appeared in good health. In the morning his wife, who was sleeping be- side him, discovered he was deed. The family and relatives of the deceased have the sympathy of the community in their smd bereavement. -{Advance. PROPERTY SOLD. -The store and dwel- ling, together with 43 acres of land, in this village, the property of Mr. R Pat- tieson, has been sold for the sum of $3,920. Mr. James McDonald, oaf Mor- ris, is the purchaser. We do not know whether Mr. McDonald intends to occu- py the property himself, or whether Mr. Pattison will continue on in it. Naw PARSONAGE. -The members of the Canada Methodist congregation of Walton, intend erecting a handsome brick parsonage fur the use of their pas- tor next summer. They have purchased a lot from Mr. John Hewitt as a site for, the new building. This lot is facing on the gravel road to the east of the new English church. It is pleasantly situat- ed, and a nice brick building will show well on it. FAais SOLD. --Mr. Jas. McDonald has sold his farm, which is situated in Mor- ris, about • mile west of this piece, to Mr. Charles Carter, of Stapleton. Mr. Carter gives *5,200, and Mr. McDonald gives the farm and a span of working horses. The farm is • very good one. We do not know whether Mr. Carter intends living on it or not. Mr. Mc- Donald intends purchasing a farm in another part of the oounty. PRaatNTAnow.---A very pleasant even- ing was spent in the Methodist parson- age, in this place, on Thursday evening of last week. The members of the church in the Walton circuit, to the number of about 60. surprised their esteemed pas- tor, Rev. Mr. Baugh, and his worthy wife, by taking possession of the houas The invading party was well supplied with baskets well filled with the choicest prevision'. Having Rained fell perva- sion, and having assured the good minis- ter and his helpmeet that their inten- tions were peaceable, the ladies reseed- ed to spread the tables, and in a very little time a spot mompruMEMOS past wee prepared This portfewt of the mired- uigs over, Mr. M. Morrison was appoint- ed ekasrniars. in a few appropriate worts he stated the nhjert of the visit, and Mr Andrew Morrrrwi reed • very kindly and s5srtorwtatelyworded oilers, and Mr Mille presented Mr. Ranh with a handsome, substantial and value- 1,le teeter, robe. end Mn Jackson pre- sented Mrs Seegh with a iwwnfoti•hle e re -king eheir Mr Baugh, ie behalf of himself end Mew Rsugh. made a mita- hie and feeling reply The remainder 4 the evening was pleasantly spent. . .,e'chea, twitations and mrtsir forming eh) poen-rania. The Wile.,• app,snt meet a.ao rreasntewl the personage with • Meek 1i'v Mr Baugh in deservedly veru poopnlar with the people of the eir e•til, and they do not moors to he snap •inure of his earnest labors in their LntiLL MATaII ONIAL. -Mr. Wm. Buchanan, merchant of this plow, who occupies the store lately owned by Blake & Co., (of absconding notoriety) thinking that "it is not good fair man to be alone," and believing that house -keeping in ■ingle- blessedness is nut consistent with true happiness, took to himself a wife from among the fair daughters of the village of Exeter, The happy couple were ,har- ried in Exeter on Wednesday, 23rd ult., and arrived here on Friday. We con- gratulate the happy pair and welcome them to our village. Viarroa --Mr. Sylvester Thorne and wife of Burford, who were also married on Wednesday, 23rd, paid • flying visit to their many friends in Ashfield. Mrs. Thorne is a daughter of Mr. John Win- grove, an old resident of Ashfield, now of Burford. The happy couple started for their new home on Monday, accom- panied by the good wishes of their many friends. Acciesttra.-Mr. Jas. Johnston had his back seriously injured while loading logs; one of the logs rolled back, crush- ing him severely under it. Mr. Wm. Bayne had his leg severly hurt while rolling Togs off a sleigh in Grant & Boyd's log yard. Both are improving. AuRICUI,TUaAL IMPLaMSNT$. - -Mr. P. J. Sullivan has received several improv- ed seed drips and ploughs. Intending purchaseers would do well to give him a call. They will always find him atten- tive, teddy and willing to deal. And now ye wire pullers, and contract brokers. Awake ! arise, for be it known to ye faithful feeders at the public -crib, that Port Albert bas another $1000 vote for its harbor. Where art thou, Didymus 7 and thou, Geordie come forth. Now is the time to put in your claim; now is the time to den your plug -hat and forthwith to Ottawa, and tarry not by the way, lest Hector may be in advance, and nonsuit thee. Tell the Chieftain that we sent the and he will use thee right and well Why wait the slow process of a tendert Are ye not valiant) aye, and "truly boil," and deser- ving of the job 7 Tenders, bah, ten- ders are only needed by the Grits. Since writing the above my attention has been called to a letter which appear- ed in the Star of last Seek signed "Geordie." He thinks "Congneror" does not know the difference between • forty- two gun ship and but ("Geordies") pule driver Well, let me say there u as much difference between them as there is between "Geordie" and a successful Government oentractor He knows nothing about wire pulling. the dear boy. Perhaps he means aucoessful wire puling As to wheeling staves I we. not aware that Mr Mahaffy had nay laves to wheel, if he has. i will coin' down and see how many staves Geordie" can wheel. and whether he looks like kis pile driver, when wheeling thews. He says the inhabitants of Port Albert are not all dyed -is -the -wool Tunes Thai them are some seared in the retard Grim Ha ' ha ' and thereby hangs • tale Perhaps those Grits were the per- sona who spoiled that little family mm - pact, pile driving flame of his !sat sum - seer. Eh, "Geordie' de tell ' Myattention has slue been called to the actLthat a syndicate has bees form- ed in Pott Albert with the ostensible ob er, et vi news, lest in reality to clerk that little harbor scandal they IoM there Lot year The syndicate is don- ppro prowl of m would be politician . nen• ileser7 t and • would lir government nAirial 1 think they mart have hese socesmfuI for 1 heats) a gentleman say the other da) that 'Tine Syndicate I was in labor and brought forth a mono flnwnert+nv Mr. Francs Siwp•rd is about to m- eow" from Hetrick to • farm near Pal au+lain, and the place he leaves will be at once occupied by Mr. Geo. Mitchell, f,,i, , near (ilenellan. l'ne Orange Lodge at ()range Hill in- tend erectinj a hall during the coming summer. 'They have teeter* out invit- iuu tsuders for building The building must he 1 tMe f by July 1st. Ma. J. J mitre, • deaf mete, whp lip es on the 9 con., Howick, had the inTs- fi•rtuue, while cutting wood on Mr. Brown's farm un Tuesday last, to cut his foe.t in a very serious manner. He will probably be laid up for the rest of the whiter by the accident. Mr. Jackson will be remembered as the person who s vomp..nled the Scarff'. corners Lodge I. O. G. 'r. to this village at the last District meeting, and delivered a speech entirely by geeteres.---[Katerpriw. lu. -We regret to learn that the wife of Me. Jacob Swart' is dangerously ill. iiMODUY. -Colborne has again been visited by en uuposi or, in the form of a shoddy peddler. 212W. Fero Som. Dr. Holmes, of &tussle, has sold his farm which lasituated en the 10th cuneeasion of Grey, about a mile and • half from Brussels, to • Mr. Duncan McCallum, of North Easthupe, for the sow of *5,000. The faros con- tains 100 acres and is an excellent lot, but the buildings are not very good. Mr. Livingstone has also sold his fares, which is situated ua the mama ooncessio u, to Mr. Pepper, of Tuckenmith, fur $5,- 060. Thia farni also ouutaius 100 acres. Both farms were sold for cash. Mr. Livingstone intends giving up farming as his health is not gaud. Lusk:Low. ` 5. zta. New Cavaca.-A meeting of theBuild- • ing and Merging Contssitteesin con- nection with the proposed Presbyterian Church at Grey,Ox was held mire school house at the latter village on Tuesday evening last. Various plans were dis- cussed, iecussed, and it was decided to apply at first opportunity to the Presbytery fur permission to form a congregation. The subscription fund has now swelled to $1,776, and it is expected to nuke it $2,000 ere long. Baca PROW KANSAS. --Mr. Thee. Cain, our old townsman, now of Kansas, is back spending a few days among his old friends. He reports things in a flourish. ing condition in his adopted hone. The prospects of large crops were never bet- ter than this season. We understand that the Messrs. Cain have beeu made the offer of *50,000, cash, for their land., with the crops now in, stock not taken into the beagain. As is generally known the estate consists of 2,800 acres, all of which is under crop. We believe they have declined the offer. -{Sentinel. Brussels. PzoFEn.LY SOLD. -John Kippin has sold his house and lot on John St., to his brother Duncan of North Easthope, for the sum of *800. Mr. Kippin will not leave Brussels, however. TIMBER MAKING. - Messrs. Platt & Bradley, of Hamilton, who have 105 gangs, of about five men each, along the Great Western line, have been pushing things in this locality this winter in the timber business. The timber used is elm, ash, pine, oak, cherry arid a small percentage of maple. After being ship- ped to Hamilton, it is rafted and sent to Quebec, from thenoe it is exported to the Old Country. In this vicinity J. L McCrea, acting for the above mentioned gentlemen, has with a gang of ten hands prepared about 25,000 feat up to the present, 10,000 feet of this will be ship- ped from Brussels station. the elm sticks will average about 48 feet and the average price paid for stumpage and hauling is $50 per M. Pine $100 per M. The total outlay for this timber will be about *3,000. The timber u bought standing, either by the foot or bulk and is then handed over to the men. Mr. McCrea informs us that this will proba- bly be the last winter for timber making in this locality, as the timber fit for ex- portation is about exhausted. -[Poet. From our own Correspondent. Pero/fel.. -Mr. Isaac Martin, of Smith's Hill, paid us a flying visit one day last week. His beaming counten- ance brings to mind reminiscences of days of yore, and titres that never will be forgotten, when he was one amongst us. Isaac will always be welcome among his many friends in Brussels. Fres EieoiNay. -Mr. J. D. Ronald has reoeived a definite order fmm Am herstburg for one of his celebrated fire e igines, and it is to be forwarded with- out delay. WOOLEN MILL. -Mr. F. C. Rogers has been negotiating with an eastern firm relative to the establishment of a woolen and knitting factory in the town with a fair prospect of success. Mr. Rogers also asserts that he will invest or become a partner in the concern should he prove succeesful. No better point than Brussels can be found for an entsrprise of this kind, and I hope his most sanguine anticipations will be realised. AGENCY. -The Singer Sewing Machine Co., who, hist fall opened a branch Oboe in this place, are about to remove their agent, Mr. .J. E. Barnes, to Exeter where another branch will be opened. The Brussels office will be in the future under the supervision of Mr. John Kippen of this piece. We congratulate the Co. in securing such a valuable and enterprising agent. HAY SCALA& The tenders for the erection of a suitable oovering for the hay scales were opened on Monday evening. They ranged from *69.00 to $106.00, Mr Wm Hartry being the lucky man. Ci7aurro. - A curling match came off on the Brussels Rink on Friday last between Brunel' and Swfosrth, resulting in eight points in favor of Arusaels. Two Wingham rinks played our curlers on Wednesday March 2nd with the following result Wingbam 29, Brussels 17 An equal number of Wrotetor players defeated our loyal players Own the same day by 30 to 25. forth pima Wroxeter in Brussels oft Satureay for i the Gibbon's medal fa IT AN K iarnrstt•. CorsciL -11 will he remembered that a few Teske age Mr. F. C. Rogers, promised that if salt was found in prying 9taantitie• he would present the Corporation with a bell to he wed in time of ire. Tot our esnsoeaisal council on Monday night voted ME towards raising the totter and hell ni 141 John's Church seise 10 or 12 feet Surely the eoonomye f our "Mme or the exciting iwffoerse of salt OR Abe bruin, is nn tltw warm* when a few short weeks would decide Ile geestron hum eoe esota already n tole on the subject, we Safer it is not relished by a number 01 the ratepayers Reel Lfrtet Mr Wm w yeti hes purebred the M. iR Church property alt John Inert, error ing of a quarter of el sere ..f land, Mick church. frame par- sonage and stable, th' prior paid being *111(1 Mr Wynn he. get gond value for 1++. w,. once We are pleased to learn that Rev. Mr. Buggin of Mount Forest, formerly of Seaforth, and the father-in-law of our re- spected deputy -Reeve, Ur. J. Beattie, is now nearly recovered from his illness, which has incapacitated him from attend- ing to his pastoral duties for some Sab- baths. Our enterprising townsman, Mr. Wm. Hill, has added another to his list of cheese factories, in the purchase of the Logan factory, paying therefor the sum of$640. Mr. Hill has now three factories which he will run during the coming sea- eon erson to their fullest extent, Are moor. -- An accident occurred in this office to one of our workmen which might have been attended with more ser- ious consequences. On Tuesday last, as Joseph Pinckard was running the job press his foot •lipped, and in order to save himself from falling, he put out his hand which caught in the press when the impression was going on, crushiz two of the bones of his left hand. the press been running at full speed at the time it would undoubtedly have smashed his hand into mince -meat. He will be incapacitated for work fur some weeks. -[Sun. Exeter lNsbieel 11 F O. MAOLID. M- D. , PH7i1- clan, Seeger sad Aoueuaa.r. Ursd.as. ei T to Vatversity• t oeuppp• ilte Omer - lea Catsetos's Bsek. I.e keow If not to omoe, enquire at the Beak 1711 .y. On Thursday night last, a.me evil dis- ponee n or persons entered the ore on Mr. Thomas Hamlin's farm, near Exeter, and cut down one of the best apple trees in it, the top and stump only being left. It is supposed that it was to be used for making mallets, planes, &c. A few nights previous, Mr. Priskator'e orchard was treated in a similar manner, only that the tree was not apple but hickory. We want sharp constables and peace officers to look after such characters, and bring them to justice. IN Dearness. -The London Free Paws says: On Saturday night a woman named Elim Dristal came into the waiting room of the G. W. R. station and asked per- mission of Constable Logan to remain there for the night, which she was allowed to do, owing to her being shortly about to become a mother. Yesterday morning Mr. Logan applied to A Hisoock, Chairman of the Relief Com- mittee, to have her placed in the City Hospital. Mr. Hiacock immediately procured a hack and had the unfortunate woman conveyed to the hospital. She states that she came from Exeter. DR McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, BUR- N' UR- Oarener, &t. Odes d e. Drupe l tiwen treet. second door welit h is DRB. SHANNON & HAMILTON, 1'►yrklaas surgeon, Aoeouchers. o. Moe at Dr Shannon a rmideac.'near the Jul. Ooderich. U. C. $MAwMow, .1 U. HAMIL- Tot, 1731. Port Albert. Flu. -About 2 o'clock on Wednesday morning last a disastrous fire occurred at Port Albert, which completely destroyed the Royal Hotel, with adjacent sheds and stables. The fire was first observed by Mrs. James, who was awakened by her sick child asking for a drink of water. When observed the flames were break- ing from the cellar at both ends. The alarm was quickly given,and eflorta were nada to save as much of the effects as possible, but comparatively little was saved. Mn. Delong and Mn. James lost nearly all their clothing, and • ride- able gold watch, valued at over *100, belonging to Mr. Delong was also lost, with other effects. The total loss is in the vicinity of $4,000; insured in the Royal for $1,200, and *500 in the Huron and Middlesex Mutual The destruc- tion of the hotel, is s great loss to Port Albert, as it was a fine looking edifice, and well appointed in every particular. At preae nt it is not known whether Mr. Delong will rebuild the hotel. GovaaNMaxr Garter. -- Word was re- ceived • few days ago that the Dominion Government had made appropriation of $1,000 towards improving the harbor at this place. Although the amount is small, it is gratifying to know that the Government is taking an interest in the place. When the work now in program completed, end the amount of money lately received expended, • decided im- provement will be noticed in the appear- ance of the harbor. l4TZAwos Fnsraa•MoraaR. A gentle- man from Port Albert relates the follow- ing curious incident On Sunday even- ing a ewe belonging to Mr. Finn, gave birth to two lambs. On Monday morn- ing, Ending one of them suffering from the coM, he took it into the house to wars it by the fire. A few days before a terrier bitch belonging to him had • litter of pups, which had all been drown- ed. The lamb was placed near the bitch in a warm corner, and on looking after it in • abort time, to his surpries Mr. Tim found the bitch nursing the lamb both animals apparently quite contest- ed. Dpltistrs a.. NTOROLlON SUROBON WMMob - JAIKZNHEtAD V. fl. , (SUCCESSOR . to Dr, ( mdn•1• of Ontario Vo- ter dye. end residence. on Newgete test, leer loess east of Colborne Hotel, N. 8.-llorsse examined AA to sound - net. 1731. tonsorial w. cwBAR- T PRACTICAL BA llra • wiitaid a vas ysic tehavisa Legal. e vGARROW & PROUDFO(YT, BAR - t RIaTERIS, Attorneys, solicitors. etc.. Ooderich. J. T. Oarrow. W. Proudtuut. 1751. toctionesring. -- ANL--- J(' cT-RI .,THE P'10Pi 'e LVO - . TWN RIM. Oedembl , Out. .B. L. DOYLE, BARRISTER A N D 10 Atch. t ly, Solicitor In (hauoery, c., EAGER & MORTON, B A R R I S- KY TERS, to., etc., Ooderich and Wingham. C. seas, Jr.. Oudertoh. J. A. Murton. Wing - 1751. SMALOOMSON, BARRISTER ANA . Solicitor. Mee -Corner of West Street and Market Square, over (Merit' Atbnisto a, Goderich. 1751. CAMPION, ATTORNEY-AT- -LI. TTORNEY - A T- E .LAW. Solicitor in Cbanoery, comes,- saoer, kr. Olf ee over Detlor's store. Oudo- t-kik. fent. Any amount of money to loan at lowest rate. of Interest. 1751-y. CAMERON, AMERN, HOLT S CAMERON, Barristers, yollcltors la Chancery, ex., Goderich and Win/rheum. M. C. Cameron, Q. U. l' un C.; P. Holt. M. •tme oa, Ooderich. W. Me. R'Inghan 1731. Miscellaneous tame. JAMAS SIIAILL, AP.OHJTSOT, Le. Moe. Crabb's Block, Rlaelaa mt., Goes - rick. Plans and specMoauone sawn correct- measured daandv' piaalesefs and mason's work E. R WATSON, HOUSE, SIGN and Or'sameWl Painter.. Parlor decor- ating made a specialty. 0RAtwito. GILDING. GLAZING. Shop on North Street. opposite the Registry oice, Ooderich. 1751 STRATV)RD BINDERY-ESTAB- LISRFD ISM. This establishment is chiefly devoted to Job and library work, especially to those unique and eoomrnical twitted and mor- rueoo styled. In all oases the best of stock and workmanship, with strength and beauty com- biaed. BinderyoverJohnDutton's drug store. GEORGE STOE. !`COMMERCIAL HOTEL, DUNGAN- J NON. -This Snt•clam betel, has rectally been refitted and Improved eons to furnish the best possible accommodation to the travelling public. Good liquors end choice tiara a speciality. An attentive ostler always on band, and excellent stabling end sheds. on the premises. THa.. SMILIB, Proprietor. 1781. Loans anb insurance. T500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO • CAMERON, HOLT&CAMERON. Oode- rich. 17011. 175,000 TOLIND ON REAL K S - TATEY LT,O-odTonna taves.Ue. Apply totatL 50,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND 1117 on iced Farm or fleetemes Town Property at 8 per oenL Aovly to R. RAI CLIFFE. 1751 MONEY TO LEND IN ANY ameant to suit borrowers at e1 to 7 per oast Private tvada. Apply to Stacie and Morrrex, Ooderich. V &LETINmS. Just opened out an entirely New Stock- (f tock- (t Valentines at price varying from to $1 each at MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST Moetsaee d reaserbie rates of therm* and on terms to wit banowers. Address Jeans BTZWART, SMItoed P. 0. 17011. MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE ammeter Private Funds for investment at Iowan rotes ea drsiclass Mortgages. Apply to (JARROW & PROUDFOOT. MONEY TO LOAN. THE CANA- DA landed (red& Company, Toro•to- Joas Irmo Berm. loon President- Marey is lent by this Csromp•aymto individuals upon o• Circul rs~HUGH HAMLLTON,-C.sL Ageat. Goder(c4 1751 *70,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND om learn and Towa Property at lowest la - tenet Mongers parebawl, no 0ommtssbe charged. Cos.vwyasdaa /dial reasonable. • B. - Borrowers osa la & JOHN- STON. 11 Hir- ir uis ss title eleeq.eee-DA ETON. Barriste s, dee.. God1751 j RADCLITFZ, FIRZ, MARINE, • We and Accident Ie•r•noe Agent. itrprsssatt.gfintolams0omprafem. Almsageet for the CanADA LIVE STOOK bs.uaares CO. Messy to lead on Mortgage, either is Tows or or Fars Property. la as way to salt tie borrow- OaRO £ u brook, God mak, INSURANCE CARD. BRITISH ASS. 00'Y. Tonoxvo letebliaked 1173. PHt> i1X INS. (YYY, of Lewes's (Laglandl- Establis ed 17! HARTFORD iNR 00'Y, or VIawvvoetn, Casa. listablished 1175 Risks taken In the above first -Masi Oeioes, ss the lowest rats by HORACE HORTON. '7'ke uadeerstaped is aloe Appraiser Por the CANADA PER. LOAN AND SAYINGS 00'T. Te.mrro. Money to Lees on hrst+•Isss asea r(ty. hem 7 toe per Gent. - Chap moderate. HORACE HORTON. Oedeeteb. Sept 7e. 1e1e. Ili FXI0Tr1'OR'A NOTICE. J 7s tbip eet•se1 I A•- diew. N as tae Omit, Hurea. osetaera. viefelttiv mtls . 0.401: tfr H wile seer1 are er of A. t et turrra R used log *4 R is ifav ^d twee' nr t>w tact 1mile cif sate Meisel L6 A s - W *Mr AfYYaa te - _ w301 ftl lattTh etatt Orrtsest meter air tM amen psi the parties seed ol smaNwr• will be of r.e •Iy 1L the Maims et nal teaat'Y 'Y Masa received. sad the e•N amt be Weis ter tis assets ea wheys dW i bave te 4 the said ereeW at SOD sap tins a a assess or eat► the aims nag IS 01R1110Y►! PAQUQ*()O'f. S e MOORHOTTSE'S . ReOpolli.11 ofSchools. All the Text Books authorised ler use in High. Model and Public Schools can be bought CHEAPEST from MOORHOUSEL COPY BOOKS, FOOLSCAP, PENS PENCILS, RUBBER, EXERCISE BOOKS, and every School Requisite, ARE OFFERED AT THE LOWEST,POSSIBLE PRICES FOR CASH at Moorhouso's. N. 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