The Huron Signal, 1881-03-04, Page 66 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MARCH t, t .• rhe Poet's Corner. www. on • pair of bright ayes meet. agate yo a heart >, raptor. beat: ane voile urort b you more sweet 'ocher voila you know, °tOw+ sey httitad d sNw; belghtsst yea have dt bMew; Q, weeteat voles of your& sad maid cry falsest thing let' add, teby rrrotight •deal of woe: Oo Mow. my friend, go slow. ou're oo°vtnced ou are • y past, doing all the world to know it, wine editor to show it, r71111. oes lull of glow and blow. w slow, ia, friend, do slow; many none hat dune thesams, ought to grasp the hand of Fame, Loa never seen hls n.nte And why - waste baskets know: o'low, my friend, go slow. oar to greed fur money yield, ■g the mighty p,w'r W yield a!ways found in golden field, aselaes o the th etre efling tis he igion e r Lund conspicuous asinees gh e n's man's mister—' ed lls sg r nu who plied; p neral n the seven ptt-Chutta-Bartlett her Farm find harden. _ One pilus MI treat's foot oil seized with four oar of lampblack makes a >> parhroees e>t life,.. the orbs, Ata beat Cf- ?'_ 1 YIOIC'B wined it .vsr tomo. The 'lid theme Wage Y,i/sff4l/11 iMS.ti NUMB al►eweseful setas with w we elite call • hummed Y awed He u but .l A --r- T ye�ss, new sod g0/ Illu■intitrs, V hove 7]owwe made g tcto be in the age wHe he Wroht to be in the full thedesage t,d. of cheerful t wtivtty, he to have exhausted life. — (Yuri 'e Cum- D E T L O & C a ' S • ' psa�d rat De esinsad ur Os est to aa$ty a� d� y, wantdss� s ilssb are best In Ith «world. The 11)oral Omids wW tall how to sod gssw f Pliu tolls t Dsdelus invented the saw. satrdie•t se d wl•ioh we have recorded was in Madeira in 14� When strawberry p is are set in rows three feet apart and • foot Ln tees . rows it requires 14,690 fix an act* one cud tarmrer w the+ he rehaaes g 1" histheir stock, when it u draper than it u w the st `he `t`it`er hu mitt f.ed `err he winter Charred corn u one of the htest things which tan be ted to hens to [make theta lay. It meet nut be fed as a regalia diet, but in lirnit*,d quaatiti•s mach qty There is no probabilit that milking either hells[ or cow before ate oa1ves Will do her goy hada., while wefieeting nr objecting ludo it stay de ..nous m- lull. A simple and crenae remedy fur lie. on cattle i° t.- . ve Ibm • tborossi dust- l with w+ . + ng ashes every other day, brushisg them dean the following day. Tu heavily foal a enw ec non[smal a it r e y. f� wH p�uce ery � „mks ,haii fd to WWI that give large quentiteas of rich milk. It is said by careful men that it is mast profitable to grow for beef these animal that can be turned off at two years old. Greater age will give weight, bat a much increased of»t During the comparative leisure of the winter the prudent gardner will take care to get in readiness all tools needed for use in the field; a littlo foretho ht now ng will save hurry and loss of time in the busy season of the year. The excessived ry summer and autumn of last year, oombined with the fact that now the round has so far been well $ covered with snow, will no doubt add tl to the fertilit of the soil, and oother ythings being favorable, we may reasonably expect good crops. A very simple remedy—are said to be effective—to rid canary bids of mites, is to place a clean white cloth over the cage at night. The vermin leave the bird and gather upon the cloth. They are very small, red and scarcely discerra- ble with the naked a e. Y The moisture in which one kind of seed would flourish would be destructive to another class, causing them t.o rot in- stead of forcing growth. The heat ne- to start one clam of seeds would dry up and utterly destroy the germ of another class. The aplication of rules raqui,ea a mixture of common sense and observation. Too many tarmers ,nanifeat a degree of contempt for the smaller pnoducta of the farm particularly these cultivators who are en ed in retain Lr a coo of g°g g Ps wheat avid corn, or who are largely en- gaged in the dairy business. Aa a con- sequence there is after a lack of vege- tables on such farms, with perhaps a short sup ly of eggs or honey, combined p often with a complete neglect of amall frnita A correspondent hands us the follow- ing method of preparing sugar for feed- ing bee°:—To four quarts of white sugar add one quart of boiling water, heat over a brisk fire, stirring all the time until it boils about five minutes. Remove from the fire and set the dish in s basin of cold water, and stir briskly until it be- gins to et white and creamy. Now ur on plates and let the sugar cool in large des, If it does not crystallize by stirring there too much water in it, and you will have to put it back on the stove and boil fora few minutes again. When you have got your cakes of 000l, herd candy, ut them on the frames over the bees. —[American Cultivator. pe.stun. ----01 s get th�irw Ylemor cad Y ble 01.1 s, 171 Anecdote■ of Carlyle. — Ameriwtu were always to see NOW Scotch T�eeds !Nei I S 1� f1 Irl r i Il s Hats . I a e. nom` t * lutb" W Pts fn pored Plate: /IAO In vinsp o InNied�: oe F r Fqr s steasaine- going him and were coutmonly rewarded for ' cttriwity and adttriratiuu by being told do his grttlf way Liar their ouustry wag bent devilward. std that it merited its doom_ Many of thein will remember Lin house in Ch Chelsea, CHOICE PAl TERNS 1 IMPORTED DiRECT ! TH1C NEWEST STYLUS.• Bales of NEW CAR PETS I SPECIAL VALUE:. -3S py culuead l'i■tely■te i uayry a h gad tastily tine Kngrsvlt�. Price {116 a year; 1'1ve Copies er $&OS. specimen Numbers ( 1e■ scat fur ° ccn 9 t rul aro dor rs lents. Address. JANt;tl VIC�. Rochester , Y his a row, andthte pLin drawi room in which he oeuamonly sat tottwlittg himself with hie cls pipes, and surrounded by Hume, An IMMENSE STOCK TO CILUUBZ FHOM. - BIG BARGAIN6 IN TABLK LINEN AND TOWELLING. P SEE i l Y I WHAT �T S I 'portraits of Frederick the Great Martin - — __ _ S 1 A lr Luther, Goethe, Cromwell, and .other heroes whom he reverent ed and honored. Engliahmatt once wn,te to Itir. Carlyle calling his attention to a news paper debate on his religious opinions, LTJ BOO S & S H O E S e And People iu l'art►da ray about ��o► ++} I M/No Y ij'S Emulsion pomp and pride and show, glow, my friend, go sloe; usar,d., tempted b the dare th. have fallen fn thesnare thief. And now despair, and shame have brought them low: : slow, my Mead, go slow. d old earth ls never wrong: bed works taus Jet ere beat pea. before a happy throng re in the meadows taw. r slow. my Mend, go glow. sting Elves life toeummer s Aew're, nnur'srunand summer'sehow'n the trait for autumn bow'n, tumn frost brings winter snow; r slow, my Mend, go slow. and asked the Chelsea sage point-blank : "Are you s Pantheuil' r. Cariyls adwered: "No, never was; nor a Put- theist either. Far the rest never mind these poor people. $o far as they don't meat[ well, the dautage is all their own. T. C. March 7 18; 0. " + + When Charles Dickens had decided to write "A Tale of Two Cities " knowi that Cartyle had made .renal stadia. ave ., bit French Revolution," he eked the latter to Nod him • few books that would best worth consulting. Judge of the novelist's su rise when a la a van fP r$ drove up to hie door and discharged its We are reoehl Ilberat ahi menta of Of Pure Cod Liver Oil s,g p S P R T -��-• 1\'I'fll 1 1v gQT1ophOsp�les O f bi1� l & Soda O O ID S J!f 7 which comprise an the Desirable Unca of the Lead[ag Yanufacttten or the Domialon. i A ` t The Promtnent Ferrara of ler Stook this ete.run will t>L 1 REMEDY FOR CONSUMPTION THE VERY BEST QUALITY , AND 1 THE LATEST AND MOST APPROVED STYLES , ( WASTING DISEASES And PRICES 'THAN load of volumes in five ur six languages. This was Carlyle's notion of a few books —re►lly euough fur a moderate libra- rya A characteristic ane,odute is told of the Scotch image breaker. A ship owner, a fellow countryman, went from Glae- w to call u n him and enterin hu go + K pmence, tai with fervor and feeling : 1 have come to see ou, Mr. Carl le to tell you that I admire and honury you, that I have built • ship and named tt after you on account of the good you have done in the world." Then quoth the author, with his [narked accent, "I LOWER EVER ., We have also added s So4e='at1 New Linea of Orr Ona e, to both Sewed and I'e'glvd, which saw be foead alt chat tc.e cusw,ner oar desire. ORDERED WORK &REPAIRING Promptly Attended toand promptly Done. gar Call and examine tor yourselves. We ahall pleased to show bloc rue (}Dods gad quote prices, whether you buy or not. etfte■dMc. N. ti, rot. S 1010 Yemrw titOTr et=7tOW NE: t Irte,ssedetrl pees�.-ribed fox same time -Scott s kinulsdor of Cod Liver Oil,' sad fi d it an eradirat preps - ration. agreeing welt with the st..rnach. esaiy taken. and iu uonuaW qac adding gr■atb to the n. and h dud comfort of the ingpianist. A- x. SICK, M. a l'on°' Yod. Ovllege. -- Amherst, Nova Scotia. Nov. t, 1� Messrs. $ OTT ic DOWN E. -tient.: Foy nearly two yarn I have beta .Pya.tntod wttb scolt s /Cm ul.ion of ('od !Aver Oil with Hypo phosphites. wad consider u the great prepsaa- •ton low before the public- 1t.parmareuoy°s an Emulsion with the pleaettot t1■vor, makes It the great favorite for ch.ldrea, and 1 do kadhl1 aecommend tt tar wutiag dissaw of the Words of lissom. d not t.o tem tation. P ie the time fur improvement. are but the aggregation of mo- t and self-esteem ,se,ea alai W es. '.elf ie s person of distinction; inn ea such. ng and old alike need the sympathy ig hearts. •' d your p.,sitiun whenever you find If to the wrong. Iy reaolutione amount to nothing carried out with a decided will. for the right comes naturally ie goodness in the human soul its, like the devotees of fashion, �wom out at last in the service of ng people often think that old pro- fools; but old people know that people sometimes are. thful hopes sae 1(reat incentives to and action, if guided by sound ant, will bring health, wealth and rit . y usual employments and every -day nces of life are the hest things for away our grief; jogging effectual- woe to sleep. end of life is.to be like unto God; soul following God will i* like Jim; he bei the &nein mid- ngg g+ d end of all t}tittga is semething that is to be had moulding of the whole man to a pattern, the Exemplar of which ia Jesus Christ. don't believe you, mon. I never did ony garde in the world. The» ;. na gude in the world." Win. Black, the novelist, once called on Carlyle , and after a little coavers- tion the philosopher remarked: Yon (� E & ■ ■ V THE SQUARE Oodench, Feb. ` 1 D O �W N ■ -lilt IAtlI N G 17'111 all system. \Dura veq Into. t . A• •MACE, IL D. .` Halifax, N. 8., Nov. 11. 1M). Yearn. SWT'P * BOwNE.-�entJ■maa: ! have prescribed your ltmgbio°for the posit wo know Scootland wary weed, I see. I've kread your novels with pleasure. They're v amuse v But when are a Pain' to write soave real books, mon7" y g Carlyle once asked an Edinburgh stu- dent—who tells the story in the Miltrau- kee Seotinel--what he wan studying for. The youth replied that he had not o uite made up his [Hind. There was a s den lightning flash of the old Sootchman's eyes, •sudden pulling clown of the ah a +brows and the olein fee» ew s Y , grew sterner as he said: The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder; a waif, s nothing, a no man. If You Wa.l1t Cfood GROCERIES y PROVISIONS i CROCKERY or f GLASSWARE ' .pO YO_ ston,,acb and have d Itett�res tsfrom Dagreeable s use from any other preparation of the kind 1 have tried. it. tc t AMMON, Y. r. - 1ie.we C • [lei lei i dgty1ow� art onty wyou Dot wsihe community. to make the following statement About three years ago my eldest daughter wee taken with a ■even odd which settled on her eines, and not withstanding all that her medl- cal attendant could du she got worse and worse, and appeare t to bP in the last and hope crus stage art . ore, b t roc The ded or yosald he nl+,uione. d thheo n.D t or (rpt wadi indU t' umldosac p Beforee alb hhoeeod the hIr� b ttttle she ebM much better, and to the surpriac of are all, she Have a purpose in life, if it ig only to kill and sell ozena well, but have a par- and having it, throw such strength • S O ' continued to mend so r•pualy taut In [heat mentheshe wag ableto gar celle as usual, and has continued l etch hzcellent heaps that slrgut msrr;ed 10 munehs naso red has now pose; of mind and into it sa God drag purpoes given you." This last anecdote shows Carl le in y his boat Hamilton Stree[ Opposite Baileys Hotel. ' es1°e and healthy ■ son a■ yea can nod in the +sentry. WILLIAM BLAND. M61ors. Ont.. July, 4000. one of muoda. This is to certify that my daughter has Skobeleff telegraphs from Geoke Tepe on the 11th inst. that the pacification of the country is progressing very favour- ably: Sixteen thousand familieshave returned. An amnest ra roclaimed Y , p and the chiefs have promised fidelity. In �j 1 addit[on D to the orcllnaty I e linea of the Ora cry and Crockery Trade, I carry s fu stat of s Pork aid GoIl6ral Pro�sloas l Lung disease for roma time, and very moo to v aceos lobe street not act idne w s y4.ed Di a lady friend to try Soolt's emalrton. and oar nit surprise before taro had tared three 1 �or her health ewasve completely d wiIhrIb ease it (o every ua, troubled with tht JOUR w. "OWE Tun ana Fancy. he counting Toom of a Galveston tan the following notice ie sNtck uP place: "Persons having in this ufSce will please get with it es sten as possible and ishionable young lady was seen ng her brother's boob the other ng and the next day she helloed to family washing. It is thought fittin herself to become the f an Indian count. fidential friend (to elderly and not .tctive spinister)—"So, dear, you. ve u 'advocat' woman's ri hts!" trig y spinster --"Yes; I now go in for lefts." Confidential friend— left! What's that?" Elder. Widowers, my dear?" e u sn Old Cit bo who was sent Y Y fleeting recently, and when he re- in the even& and handin id g unpaid, he said: "The neople d this town like me first-rate.— were so enixuu% to see me often very man I went to told me it, „ sin, young milkman and hie girl stood the justice of the peace. "You this milk —ahem!—this man for, or for worse[" the m' ht man of Y w inquired, the girl said it never -a• o her before, but she supposed she if that was the only whey. are weak," said a woman to her wa remonstrating against her ing again. "Yes, mother, i am," "I am so weak that I can't go father." Sohamataweehakiemenkoff in- to advance the railroad interest in x it would not be a bat] idea for run a line of his own by 'eying me dude and spiting the rails to o(d ba,k and a gond woman a» ent thieyls for those who know hew tly appreciate their value. There en, however, who judge o1 both beauty of the covering. to the date only two hundred and newep•Pees hill's headed the wexdding "De- and )lay." Ws thought there be more.—[N<rrrieu,wn erald. - Hagyard'a Pectoral Balsam is the most safe, pleasant and perfect remedy known for all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. It cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, As thma, Croup, Whooping Cough, and all Pectoral Complaints, in the most speedy MY MOT -IO IS, gt Fair Dealing and Moderate Prices." i manner. A few doses will relieve the most troublesome co h in children or adults For °ale by a 1 deaden, at 26 cents per bottle. emit Otl alsollsold. Seeley Stock and get my prices. tt� Oouda dell, rred to any part of the town. r D. Ferguson. t .' { r ' L eel , ✓ 1 �jr / _� -" — The IMe,eesarat Mar. When our successful man was a bele and lived in a manufacturing village of New Hampshire, a widow a sen, the &greatest luxury he knew was to eat ap Ple s So he told us the other day when we fell into conversation about old Limo° "Yes," be said, "when I was ten yeon old I used to think that if ever I wax + rieh enough to have as many apples as I wanted all the year [round, I should be rioctl ha And now !" Y ppy' He went on Go say that he had one of the finest orchard on a +mall stale to be found in Massachusetts, which t .- Panhing. �• ; ke P ` _____ . ____ —_ BANK OF MONTREAL Q �___ — F O R 13► ORNAMENTAL WEDDING t .. /i l _ _ ( CAPlTdL, 1te,roo,oao. BURPI,fTt3, - ts, xxt,opo. CAKES, CHRISTMAS CAKES ' TI1R OREATItti1 WOND OF MOD gt TIMES: The PULPnrifT the Illood leaver{se Goderich Branch. C. Il IIUNJFORI! lluuager CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS CHRISTMAS TOYS and -., d1.ordera of the Liver' >iIowiaeh Rldbeysasd vela gad are tbvat■able fa W msippia[etatsr oidental w Females. The (llntmeatb the etefy reliable remedy for Rad Legs Oi i Wooni. THE BEST BREAD IN TOWN; B res ..d Mr' othoweveelo staa�t� For Hrenchltle Allows lntePMt on de tar. Drafts, lever poo of credit and olroular °otos famed. able pa a aU Mat* of W Waeld. 17 — C� O T O °ha°v°m °11�v °� Os+si Dlseasea it °° eq BIC A.RIZ OF AMERICAN OOUNTER- . -I m n 1 toast veep [aka oe to sa the the uta to ga l anywhere produced last year ninety-four barrels ui But he did nut est two • les d e les of the idbest t satnet o ppples per annum. He could not, for whi a he las 'asking hu fortune he worked so hard, and confined himself so closely sa to contract a chronic weak noes of d' ex- ig tion. With all the iuzcries of the world qt. his command, be waa obliged to lire rinct l u n .atmeal and milk. P �in Later to his youth, his ambition soar- ed above apples. He was beggining to get •little more mune than he absolute- Y y needed, and war able to occasionally to ind in ride. He then the ht ulge ug flat it M conic& ever own • house tad .t, enough to pass everything on the n,ed, and take no man a dust, he should be the ptoudad end happiest of men. Well," he continued, "I have • hots that think is the fastest to my country. beg I nev.r drip him. 1 •hie to d Mr to own sr Mm but swimtrmer, an y use i keep an old pug that Inge •boat six miles ae hour without m tmnDlir y g rn seifAt t •boat him," At thio mint, our pour successful man wearily to ►k out his watalt to see how lame was Betting on, and we obse vets that the watch was of a peculiar pattern rarely seen in this country. "This welch, said r, "is wtxolher .*ae in point. One of my young ambi- tion was to pnamem a. good a watch as inert man could make. i have one. 1 gave� in ,lead for it, ata time whom K i•s i valve etp�tlsive Otrlicle than it r now lilt kisn•ktns *boot the erodeh ,n slee ,n care and editnaane+an esey,nbnsM, i wee *Neavr a little anoinue for the meaty of my watch, and besides. the pnsssseket of en costly an °*bola he a freesias, is a tesnhatttinw In rebhers c)ne day in Paris 1 re bowl in a shop w�indnw this enrions little wateb, marked twivety fee ftanea A Mi.e dollar watch was a novelty, WWI l hbngit it 14 timwkrs m. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE `/ . A N T E L O N' S attention of able Betake l to ly t that certain Ho■sestn New ort bre ed/net* many of tae� ylobe ■rtmlot•s ttrrrartoMa of my and tMntm t. Thties frauds bear on their Paid u ( tel - js,oOO 000, p , , jlsn al 000 K' a S T Y T R 8 ET, ly O I) S R 1 C H.1E . . Ia.dies requiring Christmas Cakes should send in their orders without delay' some MAdreas In New Yert, i do ant allow Iv Mediotse to be sold in my part of the United Sturm. I have n �Aeg,e�ntt I . d lig is Ali l7a Uao elsby s. fd[tr*tttO _ President, WM. Hoe. -trade cakes taken &nand otnsmenled on abort notice, and st reasonable rates •1g: to spurious nst bung ls aore4 b wees- Put)o e�[ astltningdsoedved oeuse - 11ON. McAfAVTR'R Oeweevtl Muisa.er, W. 4NDICRSON. tarfelta borai►Ebe ualeled b tib trot. wE4ap CAo ,Y. a eifsfAsp �'°`eoona " Goderich Branch. Daniel Gordon bygmmrttw�IsA tr(den■ao■e 6•If(50 TO °� tar Me °lotuses&sad &resoldtorow ■°say aims Medbtnss. I A M. ROHR, MAwAngL Interest allowed on deposit*. iha to on al lbs pet ncipal Towne gad Cities to Canada nd so'est Arleln and the united Sates• bough • % maer Mgmle �s���h�lo ,elMayoy. w e am' Po , bNa }gel mesa Vd eh Roir w mom endeneee, without mortgage. 1763 Advent -este Farmers nn Notre, with one orIlli ■� illligriater mag�gt rYiet� "HOLLOWAY'° PIW Awe O car Lowson." waved thevees. Ott ysa ii — t itM the Record Of the LYMAN Barb. g �aldram� Le°de, wh e I Mo f x 'ms's OLAeat Hmur is the cownty, and Lory.st Rtget this side of Loudon f w1st.,e f °tip tom' ecsk�ee� em target T e e Ya.b et taws 111eN- elassres 1*OMaws. PAULO* f3UMraa, r n ceases, th,'O std 1fMltse �se'°lOY• who [may BRp"ROow St 1Tma, �eAsi�' t rteitsMAS �oOLLsale, wilt he Rtps-BoAaBe, ' IstgSN) Osfee,g ssre•t 1wse� dos, Ears Coosa, m.JeAl$OtdeOWJt >. ML �R `2iMAN"lis Four -Barb Wire Fencing ease tleyers win did H 4 their adveetap ee sew ay stook i/ [ditty geed% gnsd}riled. al dares avt eat Nass price. r). GORDON, W„*ghw,I, weer Pott elle., Osd.ri , t �+ '.ti' s N Gi A LES E i!AIR R E N E W E A dock Blood Batters is the hest Purifier, Liver and Kidney Resta- and lisstorative Tonic in the it gets upon the Uver, the Bid- rid the Bowel+, nar.ng all manner use complaints. Kidneycnmplainta mom of the Rlonet. AGM your ist fee Bnrdoe i Blood Bitters- s betties 10 cents. r gnlgr sly at Y()NTRE41 Q}UUrL ■At)ttaNNATO - ,-___ — — _ _ _ ___ . __._ �et�hl �s�,en er er tvepsa u a st �i� pswj Mob 1Nt(, LxHiRiTiONtt iYRACUI,>. �. TtAvsNPO 1 w A. GET Y Q U R �� M eesseewwr� ZS 1• as•atsa l�C��at d �EERI(ITT (,e.. ,.n r v+.wr,ee/ree■ Tie Cbeapelsi &Bit Few t* TMs %ORS_ ♦depwn a■d In gar l tattw-- Ltnee [a e.ha U s ana that oar toads „ . U �1 T T O r T v a L 3-11 L 8 e E ) w PUNNTED at the ngiee et TIM H1i __-_ � ...2. s■rtaard �y�y ~° res�a a pe modem ►t vststses�tae�r■l�5(ea asd star with eapMsy if RES 1 ORING GREY HMR TO ITS NATYM�, gout � a b '� - Edward Attrifl, (ewmple; .4 Hyde now of the o i„rr ,f f.nnAnn her not ified orf props le which h°, PI to Aim an month, R.n='. ', glen are Maine *0.000 Hs lgavts g m . -Zuisr Rs, is •••remise ne ~A rest. sat g, Otssta !4e..1 (nt pitta+ sed el,�.�1g�g revs W•x el[s•rr,��s ri n -r rinh t tiPTRR r![ii ` 1 AGENTS wertl” f11.1 qy, Wert gM lama e�t Nis twsttitwA racy +IMM► pe wits+ her anal 1 find that this little wgbe6 no�flrroly d.t� �si . �.b. nL atrd. `Itwul W hen y that waea Tata Mt Go Yee Aad . The • And the When y And w Call on Your ve And th And yet In print n When y Aad to That's With se Cho For this Ot weal :let by Regret l;IJ The goo Each of Months 1)f dais! G. And opi And se. Prepare And au 0. Yiel You Rents. Yeas q ualiti You treat h You of luvi Yiel. yours+ Year unless Yea from ti Yac beoom pleasu You pie are young You Action judgm pope The occurs taking ly sen The and t unto Ale an Rel by th highs the In t Irish: in a no b throe leave. A f blacki mum& do th she is wife u Con unat t: given Elder] woma "ere ly sp The out coo turn his bi aroun They that e call The before take butte the la curd t would "Y son, marry he re a ate Ge tends Russ& him t his na it. Ag 'teen to jus are m from Up efty- Burd . rem would Bur Blood (stew, world sof eep and d Samp ideas Mr fork, been fallen am •n, ek ,c1 • load h w 1