The Huron Signal, 1881-03-04, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MARCB 4. [881. THE WORLD OVER y The Week's News Is • Nubhell Ishsrest tea ceadeusss/.aa b Wire awn sr.11. Th. Koine .House has refused to con- cur with the Senate, and has indefinite- ly postponed the resolution expressive of sympathy with lreland. A bill snaking the keeping of a gambl- ing house a felony punishable by two, three, or five years' penitentiary, palmed the Missouri H House on Friday. John Gordon, of the fifth concession, London Township, has a museum of eigh- teen hundred buds, among which are some very rare specimens. Twenty-eight seizures have been made on the New Brunswick and Maine border by 8t. John detectives. They say that smuggling operations are very extensive. Canon Farrar, of Westminster, says: --- "I claim the fullest right to speak with the authority of . nowledge," that "neither hell nor damnation ought to stand any longer in our English Bibles. Pero Away. --We regret to notice i that a former Clintonitn, and one who has property here now, Mr. Thomas Rich. died at his home in the town of Water- loo, on Thursday, 3rd inst., in the 78th year of his age. A special meeting of the i -t. Catha- rines City Council was held yesterday morning for the purpose of taking joint action with the city of Kingston to oppose the proposed action of the Legis - Lours of Ontario to abolish market fees. Stephen Wesley, an old man oi,sixty, was nearly crushed to death in Chatham township Feb. 22nd, by a falling tree. Besides internal injuries, his thigh bone was broken, and his foot and leg, nearly to the calf, was crushed almost to a jolly. A member of the Quebec Legislature has received $ letter from a constituent requesting the aasutanoe of the Govern- ment on his numerous family. The ap- plicant states that he has twenty'child- ren, six couples of whoin are twins. Four art students at Munich were burnt to death at a masked ball on Fri- day, and eight seriously injured One of the number accidently set fire to his "'costume while lighting a cigar, and,in his terror rushed into a crowd of his comrades, igniting their dresses. Body -snatching seems to be carried on to some extent in Montreal. While the detectives were searching the dissecting room of one of the cullegee for the re- mains of Mrs. Gandreau, of St Timothe, they found remnants of the body of a woman named Louise Fournier, from the some village. Sark leers. Tea Loewe ueorrslal.T muvow, rtuesd by lb. Swat Padis►Lig t,Mo.. ti liar- viar Bt, New Musk. The January number of the "Quarter- ly" QuartM1,y" °untaius two btugt•Qhica1 .utioes. '!hat of "Lord Caw bell," which is very entertaining and flllod tells of • life not remarks but illustrative of what ow pushed by energy, industry? and al nee& "Lurd Bolingbroke in Exit gins with his career after the det1 of ueen Anne the portion preceeding that time having been discussed in a previous number. The ' object of "California Society" is to "bring together a few facts and considerations for the student of Suciolugy." which is done very interest- ingly. "Whether there is any suffici- ent beau en which religious belief can rest," and "the legal position of the question between the Ritualists and the church of England" are ably dinoesed and explained under the headings "Belief and Unbelief" and "The Ritua- luta and the Law." "Endymion" and "A History of our Own Times" are al - reedy familiar to us. The article on the former is, however, not so much a review of the work as a tribute to the author. Other articles are on "The Protection of British Birds," "The employment of Women in Public Service ' in various European countries, and "The Truth about Ireland." quotations, brilliant marm- wd be- 1,Mersledeal Report. Report of the weather for the week ending Saturday 19th Feb. Feb. 13th. -A ind et 10 p.m. North- west, brisk gale, partly clear. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 976. Snow flurries during the day, ceased at 3 p. un., 1; inches fell. Feb. 14th. -Wind at 10 p.m. South, light, clear. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 319. Feb. 15th -Wind et 10 p.m. South- east, light, cloudy. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 236. Feb. 16th. -Wind at 10 p.m. West, light, cloudy. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 235. Ceased snow- ing at 5.30 p. uL , 1 inch of snow fell. Feb. 17th. -Wind at 10 p.m. South- east, fresh, cloudy. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 591. Feb. 18th -Wind at 10 p.m. North, light, cloudy. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 35L Ceased snow- ing et 4 p.m., 34 inches fell. Feb. 19th. -Wind at 10 p.m. South, light. air clear. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 273. G. N. MACDONALD, Observer. Goderich, Feb. 21, 1881. Nearly all the colored people in the neighborhood of Pleasant Gap, Va., are joining a newly -organized league, the constitution of which forbids its mem- bers from hiring themselves as laborers to white farmers. The object of the organization is to force all the land -own- ers to work their lands on shares with the colored people. The wife of a late resident of London West, named Goldie, who with her fami- ly removed to Syracuse, N. Y., fell into a trance a few days ago and remained therein for forty-eight hours. Being supposed dead, all preparations were made for the funeral, when she gave signs of life. Hanlan, writing front the steamer at Queenstown to the Sportsman, says: "In a moment of irritation wrnte hard things about my old friend David Ward. I am very sorry I did so, and earnestly desire that Ward may be the first whom I shall shake by the hand on my arrival I now see that I have been misled by false re - posts concerning him. About three weeks ago a young man named Enoch Shantz, aged nineteen, suddenly disappeared while working at the sash and door mill of Truax & Cu., (fWalkerton It was supposed he had run (away, but Monday afternoon his body was found in the yard of the mill under a pile of slabs. He was fireman at the mill, and seems to have gone to the slab pile for wood when it fell on him. A New Jersey sportsman had been shooting and had d killed several birds. He sent his deg to fetch them. As he approached with one of the birds his master took a few steps forward, and catching his foot in a grapevine, fell for- ward upon his gun, which was diacharg- .ed, the entire onntents lodged in the dog. The animal continued to advance, dropped the bird at his master's feet, licked his hand, and looking up into his face affectionately, dropped dead. The mcGillivray Suicide. London. Feb. 21st. -Frank Neil, a thriving farmer on the 10th concession of McGillivray, about five months ago married a daughter of Mr. Moses Maw - son. They lived on the same farm as Mr. Neil, Sr., but in a separate house. The young couple got on very well, and apparently lived happily together, going to church regularly every Sunday, and likewise to Sabbath school, of which young Mr. Neil, only twenty-three years of are, was librarian. They were both members in good standing of the Metho- dist Church at Salem. A short time ..go it was noticed by some of the neigh- entice by fetter (returning a paper does boon that young Neil looked depressed not answer the law) when a subscriber bud dejected, and was apparently brood- does not take his paper out df the office, Ing over something of a disagreeable td.- ture. It has since turned out that he and state the reasons for lite not being had some slight misunderstanding with his father about money matters, yet there was nothing open or violent in their relations, only the young man fell into a fit of melancholy. A week ago last Friday his wife said she would go across to his father's, a few rods away, for some yeast. He told her then to bring his father back with her. After the woman left the house Frank sat down at the table and wrote the follow- ing in a pass -book which he had been using as It diary :-"I now take my pen in hand to let you know I have killed myself, and I leave you all that is in the house." There was no signature to the document, and after the word "you" there wus a blank, which it is supposed the misguided young man intended to fill up with his wife's name, but through nervousness or emotion he failed to ac- complish it. In another part of the pass -book he refers to the unpleasant rela- tions between himself and hia father,who, he seems to think, had been harsh with him. After writing he rose up and took a razor from the top of the bureau, and deliberately cut a fearful gash across his throat. He evidently did not succeed in nutting either the windpipe or jugular vein at the first stroke, and gashed him- self again end again till he had cut his head nearly half off Just as he fell down in a pool of his own blood his father and wife entered the door and gazed on the horrible scene, from which the shrieking wife fled, holding her apron over her eyes in order to shut out the tumble vision of her dying husband, who with distorted and blood -dabbled features lay on the floor gasping his last breath. It is now rumoured among the neighbors that there is some myster7 about the affair. The deceased kept, it appears, another pass -book in which he usually kept his accounts This book ls reported missing. The financial diffi- culty between Frank and his father is said to have amounted to an item of on- ly N0. There are many in the neigh- borhood who are of opinion there should have been an inquest held. Deceased was a tall, slender youth of fully six feet two in height, was very temperate in his habits, and bore • good character. amen sable a the Weis. - Daewoo, rob. 91.-A correspondent seat out to investigate the e$eota of the hard winter on the cattle in the ,Treat gracing regions, telegraphs frotn K8118as City that uweng to lite vast espause of the beefire in which the herds ruani 11 is impossible to roll/ibis uses. Intelliigence from the ranches of the North Plate River between the townie on that aver andtey, Nob., and northward fur 150 miles from the Nio- brara ranges extending 200 miles along the valley of the Niobrara and running over into Dakota from the great grazing ground in north-eastern and contra! Colorado, from north-eastern New Mexi- co and south-western Kansas, indicates great probable louses, while the gravest fears are entertained that the thickly populated pasture lands of Montana, Idaho, and Oregon may be strewn with cactuses by the time the spring opens. William Parton, a member of the Ne- braska Legislature from Omaha, reports that he will lure from live to seven thousand of his fifteen thousand herd on the North Platte, entailing a loss d from $100,000 to 11125,000. J. N. 51...eiluum, another member, anticipates a loss of 311 per cent. in the Creighton herds of 30,000 head. Cattle men ne longer try to conceal the fact that at best the season of 1881 will be diaastroas. Cows will be so wakened by exposure and starvation that they will be barren for a year, if not longer. The estimated loss on the various ranges runs all the way from ten to seventy-five per cent. 6.artstip d.•4 s.rtrlesc. This is a year before marriage. He is making her a call. He is at the front door ringing for her. There are his boots, newly blacked, collar spotless, his form ditto outside, his gloves drawn un for the first time, his hair newly parted and oiled, his face newly shaved; his heart palpitates for her; he fears she may be out, or that some other fellow may be there with her. The door opens. She is there and alone. He is happy. This is a year after marriage. He is ringing at the door. His face is un- shaved, his Dollar is much worn, his boots unblacked, hair unbrushed. He rings again in exactly ten seconds. He gives the bell it sharp petulant pull. He is thinking of her. He is grumbling that she doesn't answer sooner. He has not all day been thinking of her. He has gone further, maybe. and fared worse. Now she opens it. He pushes past and remarks, "Takes you forever to answer that bell." His unbrushed shoes sound sullen as he ascends the stairs. She follows meekly after. He thrashes into the room and around. the hoose, and sings out, "Isn't .!inner ,ready yet?" She bids him be patient for a moment. But he won't. Because dinner isn't ready within one minute after he gets home. Because this is one year after marriage. Because the bloom is off the rye, the down rubbed from the peach, and various other considerations. Be- cause it's the way of the world, of men, of matrimony. 0, Tempora! 0, Moses! O. Matrimony! -[NewYork Graphic. Newspaper Laws. INSommars KORSB and OATTLI FOOD IN HVL$_ EQEAPEST CONDITION POWDER 11,4 L'tltt. DR. BROWN'S BAIB,A11 OF 'QO"ild Cherry Barks Cheapest and But Co.p& Reused, Musk. PRION 25 071NT8_ JAMES WILSON, Druggist. Bole Agent. Goderich, Jan. 111, 1881. 1770. BY NES FIMTSi[' NEW VALENCIAS, NEW LAYERS, NEW CURRANTS, S. S. ALMONDS, WALNUTS, FILBERTS, CHESSNUTS. We call the special attention of post- masters and subscribers to the following synopsis of the newspaper laws : 1. A postmaster is required to give Mr. Hartmann sends to the Paris Iso- tivinsigsaat a deplorable acoount of the famine in Russia. In the villages, as he relates, people die of hunger every day, and men rob and pillage for the sole ob- ject of being immured in prison, where at least they are fed at the expense of the State. In the extreme Swat a band of Kirghis and Kalmucks attack towns and villages with impunity, and maaascre the inhabitants in order to obtain the pro- visions. The Bsshkirs all their chil- dren for small quantities of flour, and the Halmucln dig up the bones of horses that died lest year of plagno and grind them into cakes. The 'Ware are en- tirely des.rtad, aad the men and woman have fled to the cities or to Siberia, abandoning to their frightful fate the old man and the nurainve A terrible experieaee, almost unique in military annals, is rwerrrded by a oor- respeedent at the Cape of Good Hope in emanation with the marsh of the Dia- loged Meld Hiroo to the scone of opera - time is Brwtelund The men had nat- ter breaktast, when a heavy storm suddenlyburst river there severe oere is its pisses t th y were fow- Isad M elandoa their testees >1 to procure sank sad swwnssstsi in the hope a amt est et the steres. Towards three is /1M afternoon, hiwewer, it broke upon then with increase, violates, the rain apparently Oman in sheets and the sliaise of lightning appearing continuous At hist a flash struck the troop, flinging 17 horses with thole riders M the ground, and killing 10 men and ft horses on the These who were nit killed were all sorimusly injured, and it was long he - fore animation maid he metered in the roam of seals of the men. The hits and , The perinatal property ef (hewer. dist stirrup irons of the whole nsni ee were amounts to 840,0110. It hes hese for hl•nkened, and meaty of the teem. thongh for the sant pert to atonnherl et the personally unhsjured, a gl had their i Lewes family. Her husband, lir. Orme, clothing rent tor for". ..f the electric is hard at work preparing a biography of discharge the gifted author taken. Any neglect to doe° snakes the postmaster responsible to the publishers for payment. 2. If any person orders his paper dis- continued, he must pay all srrearagee, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is made, and collect the whole amount, whether it be taken from the office or not. There can be no legal discontinuance until the payment is made. 3. Any person who takes a paper from the post -office, whether directed to his name or another, or whether he has sub- scribed or not, is responsible for the pay. 4. If a subscriber orders his paper to be stopped at a certain time, and the publisher continues to send, the sub- scriber is bound to pay for it if he takes it out of the post -office. This premeds upon the ground that a manumit pay for what he uses: 5. The courts have decided that refus- ing to take a newspaper and periodicals from the post -office, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is pmts facia evidence of intentional fraud. Mr LAKE SUPERIOR 111 TROUT, WHITE FISH & HERRING. ALT WATER -Mat HERRING AND CODFISH. LL$O, A LABOR A.K,RTY1NT or Teas; Sugars, And General (koceriea ; CROCKERY, GLASSWARE., A ND CHINA. Do Pace's Creant Baking Powder. Dr. Palcs's Lupulin Yeast Gems. Chas. A. Nairn, • THE SVC.ABlE. 1758 ANCHOR LINE. MO TO D. C. Strachans Groories, no Mouses llaslb Qr.osrles a rias" Rept no haat& aid at prices that cawboldest aet is boest by say butene 1. its nese. CASH PAID. EOE. FARM PRODUCE. 1.-N rel::) 9T.1Tl:i 31 kit SrE.t,]mRe Sell every t;atardar. NEW YuRKTOGLASGOW CABINS, Me to J5s. STE1fmAOE lies' These Btoesen4o sot cavy scabies, sheep orplls NEW YORK TO LONDON DIRECT. CABINS $is to yd..:. Eveurelon at Reduced Rates. Passenger accommodations are unsurpassed. All Staterooms on '.Mtn Deck. Passengers booked at lowest rates to or from any Eta ,lroa'l'tition in Europe or America. Drafts at lowest nates. payable Gree of charge.) throughout England. Scotland and Ireland. For books of information, plans. &e., apply to H.NDI-aaON Hiram oi. 7 BOWLING Ogaxx, N. Y. Or to MILS. E. WARNOCK. Albion Block. 1751 Agent at Goderich Yellow Oil is the great pain penao.s, magical in its power over pain and in- flammation. It cures Rheumatism and Neuras, Lame Back and Spin Affeo- tions, Contraction of Oords and Muacles. Used externally and internally. For sale by all dealers. - The Durham Osman* says:--Jasom Ashdown, said to be the richest esus io Winnipeg worth at least 115M0,000 -was in the spring of 1868, about thirteen years since, in the employ of A. % A. Cochrane, of Durham, aa a journeymen's tinsmith, at one dollar a day wages. ZorutBA. -i have secured the agency for this new compound for Dyspepsia anti Liver Trouble& it ennuis to sone under most favourable auspices very highly endorsed and iwHtrn Its wonderful affinity to the Digestive Organs and the liver, itpuring the dissolving Owes, eort.ef<isg ch. aside and carrying of 4apWities e1 the Stomach and rewashing the Liver, • .an lig tested by amour* a ample bolds SAO& Nall et 10 assts, or large imam bottle 75 amts. F. Jordan. lips Croup, that dire disease has lost its terrors to those who keep Fellow Oil ft band. Yellow Oil oleo cures Stars Throat, Quineey, Congestion and IePan): tnation of the Lungs, Now is the season to guard against sudden diseases. Ask your druggist for Bagyard's Yellow Oil - Dr's onona. --OAAWe ikftrernmee. 'Ry * thorough taewsaasa et the eatersl lows whine govern the sed neer'tt1n . and lig a oarvdu ks er Ow .nepostts. K wem.eket nose., 1[r, seshas 1 tlestta•t ISN•. wlab • .,tpp.ssr.((yy pp 11 ,111pp ..t.{op s t } aayZ} esnanT%ca., . It Mbyeasms} bent op iE s.Mi.4asrd wadsto ~ rsaia'iro Barr od es eadr le Mayeet.aw.iumooraZtrkw In syn I byy teoetstreetwetlr.e. well =tuft ft w.re Awa l er.r.. G ...= .5 sIkerea use. lett the Year 42 41°J 0 H NSTON'8144/ SARSAPARILLA I Int CYAiY8iA1f B11111111t And tar Purifying the Blood. It has been 1n use for 10 years. and has proved to be the beet rreMntlon In the marina for SICK HEADACHE. PAIN IN THl EIDE 011 BACK. LiVER CON- PI.AINT. PIYYi ES Olt THI< TACO DY3PEPSIk. PIL1..S. and an Dlssaas that arias from $ Disordered L'ssroraa Impure blood. Thousands of our hast purpletake it and give n to their etY- are.. Phyutctaas prescribe it daily. Moe* who $once• recommend 1t to oaten. Is h padus, a k6ttlsoodiau- sad, as ioe, 9awfras, grintee eea Daneswem well-known taable !ta mod Harts r► It Is rietl, vegetable. and can- not burl the most delicate coostituttoa. it n one M the beet medicines in use for Regulating the Bowels. itis sold b an responsible des Mono dollar a quart bottle► er sin wake for ewe dollars. Dottie tide BedtclnsIMM igloo ofrom their not tdruggist may Hod IB cam deem. ma we will sued to them W. ttloritt. i CO, ttsaettme Aametsaea icor axle I:y .1A]1z.t N IL -CIN, Ch'tuist and Druggist. The Old Stand south side of Court Hewes ,quare. 1762 D. C. STBAOHAN WM. MITCHFT,L KEEPS "THE CHEAPEST AND SEW ' Groceries, Crockery & Glassware rN TOWN- AND MAKES TEAS A SPECIALTY. GIVE HIM A CAAAL. W. ➢Q'itOHELL, 1751 Hamilton. Street, Goderich. HARDWARE OJ 1F VERY DESCRIPTION Reduced. to Bottom Prises Farm aod School Toots at WholesaleePPrttcces. hold Hardware -et Large contracts NledtatMaaufactcarers' Prices.rices. Builders' and G- _ x_ pA.R S N G}ODERICH_ 1751 Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. G. BgRIR, Y, CkBINET AB BIIBEIITAKER Hamilton Street, Goderich. A good aseorhrent of Kitchen. Bed -room. Dining Room and Parlor Furniture, such as Ta bleb. Chairs (hart cane and wood seated). Cupboards, Bed -steads, Mattresses, Waad sh-staa. Lounges, Sofas, What -Nota. Looking Glasses. N. B. -A oompleteaesortment of Cons and Shrouds always on hand. also Hearses for bine at reasonable rates. Picture Framin¢ a specialty -A call solicited. 1751 G. AARItY The Gree American 0O UOf COLDS, Al AT A, ilIRON01117'11A LORE OF TOW " aD' ARD AN= e.ss "TIM ALL be rt. -To bow. ' the teeth send give fragraaes to the nee "Timbers,' the new toilet gua bat 5 cent .slnplw lii3 . Yokes should nor lir worn he human beings ,,,, yy Is 'hes GRAY'S fi M; ems sadt Its P • SWUM • r• • props!~ . r• RED write. 'At ew IN SPRUCE :::s. dao esti -at GUM.. =ant ,.. Red, White and Blue ! Acheson GEORGE Acheson New Dress Goods, Gloves & Hosiery, JUST ARRIVED, SELLING- CHEAP_ 1 BOUND TO GIVE BARGAINS! 1751 power 71rbwtAptd, mod ate 610•14mideille eittet in corky, e- sil a t Aaaibier norcen, ie now mil *IOU rola- et M1 resreswss sausrstss less fa ens be • sr week sad epi. Bowel • sae RY• A TRoNe! /If) air AeR,jrautiedadJ1'';..ia/t.:l.e.►. MEDICAL HALL. GODERICH. F. `JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist, MARKET SQUARE, GODERICH.Wholes al Potea` Med1oi.es. Drags, end CiiWiMe4idae8. est. cry. Toilet tCusses. Articles. &o. Phystokeas' Prescriptions carefully dispeoped. via GEORGE OATTLE, Chemist & Druggist, Dealer taWare Drip sad Chemicals, Fancy and Toilet Articles Rc. Imported Havana and Domestic Olgars, Pipee,ITobacco8,!&C. Pby*Bias' Prescript )Bas and Faunal it.di , sa hairy M'epsr.4 et .l tears. COURT HOt78E BQVARE_ 1711 The OLD Family G. H. OLD, Grocery. wham heck eaptpllesaro BBB awaits fere) s t►s 1Wbwltlg 11 few sittyw BB Squarr, the 'Denali of bar as aistsed QSide . deer waw •11.1=110, lensuod eyes.... aweettll e ar Breakdown mo ss. r. waw Maras c..w leaser++ db. .. M. A i11ll saotwtnseat of 8128sM 011112411111 sad Ltsmons. Teas from 4do. Upwards. AM • (!holes Aawtwwt.t of CROCK RAY Iaeiogrest DINNER and DESERT SETS, TOILETS, &c. * TRF y)UR lAr TRA --BLT VALi7E IN TNS MARKET 1m RIZ yAMB&MICR TBE in P I_AaSD a'2311B.ALH OLD ATA.2•7 II OLD Square 17?f 11•0*41.11...:., rte. .l