The Huron Signal, 1881-03-04, Page 1^ r sr ;.,a•., ,. •- :rt.4 TailRTT-POURTR TSAR. WHOLE NI1.411161t li?t3. ( GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1881. sew .terortuoseeats. Yousd It. Miller. Trraeurcfs Abut.•tu:t. :lar. --J. J. Wry{• ti.it kA ..4teplie n'i a: ca. Hymn Hooks-i:teppartt. Yo; ,al' --David Lammas. Great rials-Ja'YM O lh•lL For :hale -W. L. Cra' due. Hop Hitler* -Juges madam. Card of 'iban:ts-U. 0. ittrechim. Osrd o! TIMnha-.1eti 141 hariL NEWS ABOUT HOME. "A chlel's among ye. t•kln notes, Au' faith he'll prem it" TORN TOWS. March carne in like a lion. RLL EWTATL —See first . I properties for sale. She Peoples tolumn. VOUND. —A, RED PLAID SHAWL r was found on lb,' II neon hued. near the tub cant.. Gude rluh'fp.. about the beginning of February. The owner mu have it by p sit prop -Pty and payuy expellees. It. MILLER, suow,l leas her, S. rtNo. 1776 WkOON MAKER WANTED — Wasted ANTED— Wasted • good man to run • wagon shop to lirueseb in wuno.alO1 wlthis ••good black- smithshop having three !tree, therewant go •• bedding sad lots of work. Also ply at W not 17 Beuadalight P.O. work. 177)4 NOTICE.—DR. SHANNON HAV - 040 PLACED 1N IIT 'UNDO FOR collection all look e,;Uounte. and V rommorr aches. dee hos up to Jan MI. I must request that all penema eft indebted would call upon Rae at owe. sad settle, utht•rw iso caste, will be twarnd. I wit be in Dr. Shannons office from ten a. tn. t p. m. each day. lTTt, JAMBS J. IteMATH. CARD OF THANKS. Taro Itostelsnts of (Jo.terieA. 1 tate this �tptrtrtualty of returning my sin - owe thanks to the many kind friends who gave vatueble assistance to Mrrs.litlinand the Myself at rho re,:ent duan trous d"'Albion Etion" C pK S� ive strangers In the town as we were, the good will of the inhabit/Lista exhi a t- ed on tat oewamon was extremely gest y g. Mrwill not 110011 be fos. Hibbard &kw sten toby Oe• her esince t�lftoseha he dimmer ycalledwbrnd expressed s>'s7+tb7Tows very truly JOHN HIBBARD. The demand for Senorita; Koeeded the supply. SALT. --The salt makers have not yet' conte to any agreement. American speculators in apples, onions and potatoes have been in town during the week. The town clock question was the cause of considerable wrangling in the Council last week. column for last week far Rad estate. Tuesday was Shrove Tuesday, and tie well greased psnsake was flopped over in many a household. DIvmos Cot wr.--A large number of un - Important oases came effort Tuesday last, Judge Squier presiding. A Smarten, Boos. - - We have been shown a copy of John B. Cough's new- est book "Sunlight and Shadow," and have been struck with the beauty of its appearance, and the general character of the work. It is a book for young and old, and we expect the agents, who are now canvassing the town, to make large ales. Cauaca Armiva1uu *Y. —Anniversary sermons will be preached in the North - street Methodist church on Sunday, March 8th. Rev. Dr. Um will occupy the pulpit at 11 a. an., and Rev. Dr. Williams will preach at 7 p. in. The annual teameeting will to held on the evening of Monday, 7th inst. , in the lec- ture room at 7 o'clock, when good re- freshments, able addresses and excellent music will be given. Admission to tea meeting, 25c. We understand that Capt. E. Ander- son, who was so well known to the tra- velling public as captain of the steamer Quebec, of the N. W. T. line, will take command of the steam barge Isaac May next season. Capt. Moore, of the Mani- toba, is spoken of as Capt. Anderson's successor on the Quebec. Le.:tesa COMMISSIONER*. —The Lieu- tenant -Governor has a,,pointed the fol- lowing persons as Lioense Commssson- ors, under the License Act of 1879 for this County:—West Riding—William Wade, Peter Fisher and Wm. M. Hill- iard. South Riding—James Lang, Wan. Bawden and Edward Cash. Bast Rid- ing --W. J. Shannon, Thorne Wilson and Robert Miller. ♦ Rui s or Jovalummlt. —The follow- ing from the Watford Aksosak-Adviser is to the pout and should be taken to heart by those who are interested in social and other meetings: "We accept complimentary tickets, simply as a re- quest for our reporter's presence; when tickets are not sent we Dome to the con- clusion that the management do not wish a report of their meetiag. While we cheerfully give these none's, we find it necessary to plainly state that we do not intend it to be license for imposition. When s society gets three or four dollars worth of posters printed at a one-horse job office, and sends us for gratuitous in- sertion, a notice worth more in every re- spect, and repeated' the dose, it is time to have an understanding." Cusi.lxo. —Two rinks of the Goderich Club met an equal number of rinks of the Wroxeter Club at Lucknow, on Saturday last, to play for Sheriff Gib- bons' Medal. The game resulted in favor of Goderich by 31 points. The following is the soore: WROZETU -. Mean. Gibson. Brawn. Paulin. Saunders. Skip 13. Walker. Ford. Ritchie. Roderick. Skip 14. A Mr. McsLean has been assisting in Knox church pulpit services during the past few weeks. The Roman Catholics and Epiecoope- liana had services day before yesterday —Ash Wednesday. VON. a _THAT )IBIRABLbE rossidonothe isle Charles Dyott Two lots. Wit all well throughout modem oonvenieso- Aahad10ioAysep1 at once to w. �Asaid cheap- Think of IfMatt. al . Creighton, Manager t5oso& LlOR SALE.—IAT 9, LAKE SHORE I: 'rp, of Colborne. oo•aising 111 acres, M ber. Soil Wood d clayd�m balsam oaproperrtty dlet•e $olpdrlgs situated. Vans 1t is is mossesenee forpariMolar* applyto L most J.�► MI. 1T76•tf. Mr. J. R. Miller, of Goderich, was recently elected Grand Foreman of On- tario Grand Lodge A. O. U. W. SPRING Snow. —The West Riding of Huron Spring allow will be held in Gode- rich on Wednesday, April 13th. The Wingham Presbyterian church was destroyed by fire on Tuesday. The building was a large wuoaen one. W AriTzD. — Rich and poor to read Tea SIGNAL at their home. Advertisements of articles, persons or things "Wanted" willmeet thousands oftpairs of eyesweek- ly. Advertise! The literary contest in the Temper- ance Hall to -night, under the auspices of the High Schooliliteraryfsooiety, promis- es to be a sucoeas, judging by the pro- gramme. Copies of the fourth annual report of the New York State Dairymen's Associ- ation, for 1680, gall be obtained for 21i oenta each, by addressing the Secretary, Josiah Shull, Ilion, N. Y. POOLSIORIMM I sMAYW,> i The Variety Store ei now in, its new quarteara on West street, neat W the Poet oroe, and intends to be the scene of • rushing business. Poerro fungal r. —The Band, which was to be at the Skating Rink un Friday night, will not play on that evening on ocoount of the literary entertainment under the auspices of the High School. The children will boar in mind that the Band will attend on Saturday. Tuesday nest there wili be a carnival and May- pole dance at the rink. MAasar Fsas Some —The sale of the Market fees, (that is, the fess accruing from the weighing of hay, cattle, etc., and the measuring of wood) were sold by Auctioneer Currie on Wednesday, forthe surof $315, to Mr. David Patton. The figure is an exceedingly high one, the spirited bidding being s surprise to the habitues of the market. 'Ihe bidding started at $12! $swrsecaD.—Wm. Holland, a lad from Seaforth, convicted on two charges of larceny, was en Wednesday last sen- tenced by Judge Squier to four years in the Reformatory, at Penetanguishene, the terms to run concurrently. George Trott, a companion of Holland's, was en Thursday morning sentenced to three yeah in Kingston Penitentiary, (being over age for the Reformatory) on sim- ilar charges. Both prisoners have been previously convicted for stealing, which fact acoounts for the severity of the sentences. A POPULAR MUSICIAN. —At a concert held in Hamilton last week nnder the auspices of SL James R.. E. church, Mr. F. C. Bond, son of John Bond, Esq., of this town, contributed to the programme, hip performances on the concertina elio- itipg the following favorable criticism the Spectator : • Ahother concertina solo by Mr. Bond gree ebcellently executed, and displayed aentlemao's thorough mastery of t LI INSP for Licensee OTIICe&.— AU tcatio•e els el Wear, must be in my bands before tboert of AVnI next. hiTaPNaw ATM. Llamas poderl•b. March int i$l1. int. ALK LA AIME Sss AND LOT y0 Ag d' situ- ated Ha o 4 ed �� �amer •f ss acre. An mood wellare os the lot; also good eat water cistern. Thr douse has • egged andrarood• aad is very eoevsnieol en the proa1as. to DAVID 1nabs.. HOUf3S AND LOT FOR SALE—AT 1paogaaassk 11 mites from Godericb. Qaaalstlsg et t d ss sore of load. well tooted; • temas boeas. • good well and pump are also M=tress ivaed prgabw im- �&� �°Tri can b 104 f es ssKr. J. M. Reggaes. Merchant. Dopsena. sr R. E. Baoww. N lie P. 0. t!. LIOUS$ AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND Ins tows normal' Victoria.•abeep. owill Tor labe �l�� r.. bras property. odoo Crab's'. I� sir J. C. Cousin. ~Wow. Paare rLlrrlsla.—The Rev. Dr. Wil- liams will preach a sermon 00 ''Protest- antism, its essential principle and ul- timate aim," on Sunday evening next in North St. Methodist Church, at 7 o'clock. New Liens oy Goons. --The pushing man who has just received new lines of spring goods will advertise in a paper that is read by nearly everyone in town. If he has bargains, he will let the peo- ple know about them through Tse Ssa- IAL At the congregational meeting of Knox church, held on Wednesday evening, no business of public interest was trans- acted. Mears. M. C. Cameron, D. C. Strachan and H. I. Strang were re-elect- ed managers. RscovaRINO. —We are pleased toknow that Conductor Crawford, who was so badly burned by the explosion at the "Albion" fire, is now in a fair way of recovery. His face and hands were greatly swollen owing to the injuries he sustained, but thanks to the nursing of Mm Crawford, and the careful dressing of the wounds by friends, he will soon be able to be around again. Tua SEAroaTH Expositor SATs :—Mr. Wm. Young, the genial Reeve of Col- borne, w u in town on Friday last. Hg attended the Seed Fair, where he met a large�uuuiber of old friends, all of whom gave him a right hearty greeting- There are few who more thoroughly enjoy life than Mr. Young. It is enough to make the most morose gay and happy to be in his company. May his portly shadow never grow less. Ha's Gar Naays.—A story cuuleti% from Howick that when Chief Constable Currie went to that township to bring; down s bruiser named Rolph, interested parties endeavored todoter theChief from searching too closeiy, by arranging a trap door so that when he stepped upon it, hi was precipitated into a cellar, out of which. he had considerable difficulty in getting. Dut the Chief Constable had been "through the mill," and un deterred by the mishap, continued his search with perseverance, and shortly after had the satisfaction of arresting his man and bringing- him safe to Goderich Gaol. --�;we mom �ON� Mreeakand well Mot Cottage toll almstoacof boon. �1 a creek to ough the toys° .waste lana on the creek, Ins oeesere serrounds she home. Hood bars bog T. Hair:1m of It Lakelf oreSLAM- other�s Township, or te Gamow & Paoutr. roar. 1751 QH.EPPARDTON.-$I'ORB, WITH f' Once, for sale or estwit b � 0 Olslslomowk all fresh e� further to ( tw ao• �ea a ulor dd, oo�Oesr- yya�t 1� on the sed ass., R. D. t had Prams House, sad getable. My sores said well team& Apply to O w Pnouroor'. -- VALUABLEARM FOB SALE. Lot 0. Cos. Toweling .1 Colbersc� ('.o. Mersa containers SS wee 75 of witted* are and in_gasmi Onto of cultivation. Erte a trams Rens > with e•D•r users w i1al, weed nod 1tMK Obi M slakes s at Meeh with GIATeow, iOow s The thaw on Sunday was so heavy that the church congregations were smaller than usual, particularly in the evening. It is well worthy of observation that in bad weather women are more re- gular in their attendance at religious ser vices than are mea. A BS* Seem.. —A correspondent of- fers us a little "advise" in a letter re- ceived last week, and a4 lifts --close of his epistle informs us that he doesn't like our "stile of doing busness." Our friend ought to give us a few lessons— and perhaps he had better include ortho- OtJR TOWN FATHERS. WastTaey Old as tour two fbetlag -The rtia of 11e Proceedings. Council Chamber, Feb. 3dth The regular meeting of the Town Council was held this evening, the May- or in the chair. Present—Reeve, 1st Deputy -Reeve, and Councillors' McKen- zie, Dancy, Humber, Edward, Campion, Lee, Cameron, Williams, Dunsford, `Swanson, Sloan and Jordan. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The report of the Treasurer was read and referred to Finanoe Committee. The report oethe Street Inspector was re- ferred to Public Works Committee. The Auditors' Report was referred to Finance Committee. A comutunic&tiou from the Secretary of the Separate School, asking that • special committee be appointed to enquire into the mode of amassing for the sup- port of Separate Schools, and complain- ing that they had not received their lust proportion of School monies. Referred to Special Standing Committee. A communication was read from the Howard Manufacturing Co., urging pay inent of town clock. An application was read front P. Nunn for further relief. Referred to Relief ,Committee. Account of W. F. Gooding and ethers to the amount of $12, for working at the fire at the Park House, under instruc- tions from Capt Dancy. Ordered to be paid. Capt Dancy requested the Council to state what power ho had in case .if ne- ceaity] arising to engage men un such oocasfons. Moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the question of giv- ing power 'to the Captain of the Fire Brigade to engage men at referredinc se he may deem it necessary, be to the Fire Committee, to report at next meeting—Carried. The following were tread and referred to Finance Committee : Rowsell & Hutchinson, books for office, $5.58; E. Graham, relief furnished,$6.53; E. Gra- ham, cleaning hose, $3.50: A. M. Polley, taking engine to fires, $24; Jas Mitokell, printing standing committees, $2.25; D. Ferguson, relief furnished, $16.50. REPORT OF FINArpa coMsrrrrsa. �b1e foe se wee• 1a • well a *aver w FARM NOR SLLK theto tlha /0 OMcDssalA essl bs iag ver thirty •w�a susses& Is a we ever fa wires or Fgio*oea weed.terir e1�a .. ♦ A resin vii eb• less lass• Tavr graphs. Aw gDuoanosh1. Huse —The Goderich correspondent of the London Pro Press had the following in his last budget:— Our High School is full to overflowing. It is contended that better work and more of it is done here than in many of the sn-aslled CoUeiliate Institutes; yet these latter receive yearly an extra grant of $750 This should not be. Lip awl to _____ a �y*ss Os� ►oak. Tteu.s •std s►A�p aw Kra. In? boli Fie ilstrodnoed, emongat other airs, The Last Rose of Summer, Rule Britannia and an imi- tation of the bagpipes, the latter testify- ing a elicit- ing mends wnds of applause,if thereby g- ing to the nationality of a large portion of his hearers. He was recalled before the curtain, and favored the audienoe with some more choice selections. SiltrMat errs. relEIANT Alt. ORDER 0? et it5ata- _ le of diii lwsetti wbe ea OR aboos mos* of Joasip trio so or bailee Atte ormath rebidf . eirrnerme. partichalo' *oar' eresa or le dAfiottpineimileert5w ret ereledal flea w hells► hate sed oNawso, tbetlr A dlt TaTLolumunav Citroen Justisa. --The Pope in his address to the Car- denas, in reply to their congratulations on the annivergsry of his election to the Postilion, expressed regret at the re- newed attacks and insults heaped upon the Church in nearly all parts of the world; therefore as extraordinary jubilee would be inaugurated this year through- out (Ari tsetdom for the purpose of im- ploring the Almighty to bestow better times upon the Church MOM A car w i wavrvcT'a i )n Saturday evening • number of newspapers sad genes aero sold by the authority of the Directors of the Merhasici Institute. The Landon fkrephtr brought a very lair rime but tam remainder of the lot west sheaf Ws think it s mistake for the to ssli scads etandaa,d pub Bather Y (B)wwbo►e' Jeoreof and SOW dam et Ram. These publications should M Mound, anti plated in the (insulating libritry, which is about bare of betad volumes of the bettor class of m•gMlses. Sine* peening the abnvs lines. we have reeeivAd a letter from a lady nn the sub feet, which ora reproduce in another edo+RrtseeleaiSt rf taw salsas of the iredl b ad the soldprodm ere tate tame e ti OW* ran at 411 at Osdeeicsi orev twelfth tlAs ^ Kara. to D. tat. st tea a ineileked dIbJe+,••r�t• on et .lash laMO to Tea tat ease Voefusgt. Hal. sanest . H�Illsotbnimeorr setae at Messrs. Martin. Dickson. Moorhouse. Dsacy. Skip 28. Dunaford. Colborne. Smith. Hutchison. Skip 30. 27. "TEs Twa Dose." — When Burns wrote about the doings of "the twa dogs," he little dreamt that in the tor of Goderich a episode would oetur to two canines that would bear recordigg. Our genial old friend, Capt. Cox, of the British Exchange, is the possessor of a a well -regulated black-and-tan, called "Scamp," and "Scamp" ha a chum dog- ey, of the Skye terrier persuasion, yolopt (Bob." The Captain says "Scatsp" is an eioeedingly well-bred, orthodox dog, but that "Bob" is an immoral, law- breaking, reckless fellow, and is eternal- ly leading "Scamp" into mischief. Tues- day eight "Scamp" was enticed o snore from the path of rectitude by • i"Way ward eirdner," and brought to a hennery ut the suburb, where gory victims testified that a "fowl" wading had taken place The owner w the defunct birds caught the left ill oho tact end imtaedietoly tn1a1 S WRIT Hcaon TaAcssas' IesTITVTs.— The semi-annual meeting of the West Huron Teachers Inititute will be held in the Public School, Exeter, on Friday and Saturday, March 11th and 12th. a,m- menciag reach day at nine o'clock a. m. The following is the programme of the session:—President's address, Mr. H. I. Sig, B. A.; Natural Philosophy, Mr. E. A. Caverkill: Third Claes Geography, Miss M. A. Taylor; School Routine, Mr. J. R Miller, I. P. S.; Promotion Ex- aminations, Mr. G. Baird; Cultivation of Memory, Mr. J. Connolly; Fifth Claes Reading, Mr. T. Gregory; Re- views, B. 8. Nash; Music in School, Mr. R. R. Collins; Grammar for Third Claes, Mr. H. E. Huston; Difficulties in Grarnnear, Mr. H. I. Strang. On Friday evening a free entertainment under the seeping of the Association will be held in Drew's $a11, commencing at 7:30. fi& AFTER TEE FIRE. Fads bleared *lsee this €.. lagratlna. .t List of the nettleaeata FJ5lesed to Yate. The offoots of the loss incurred by the "Albion Block" fire are more observer ble at the time of writing than when we issued last week. An ugly gap has been created among the business blocks, and some well-known firms are missed from the "Square." At present we are sot in a position to state whether the burnt block will be rebuilt or not, but we un- derstand that tenders have been received by the agents of tho Bedford estate, for the cleaning of the backs and clearing tho cellars, so that the indications point to a speedy commencement of work in the burnt district. The hotel proper has been badly shattered, and some time will elapee before it will be fit for Occu- pation. So far as we have been able to learn, the following are the Your committee begtotorecommmendof din relation to the pay Co., for balance due on clock, that while there has been some misunderstanding regarding who should pay for the fire alarm attaohmont, we would recommend that their draft at three months be ac- cepted without interest for such balance, upon their furnishing an approved bond, as per agreement. In relation to the Treasurers bond, we have submitted the acne to Mr. (arrow for hia opinion, and wduld recommend Alit Mr. °arrow he employod to draw up a proper one, under the direction of your Finance Committee, and, as Mr. (arrow recommends the amount of se- curity to be given should be fixed by By-law, that a By-law be prepared and submitted at next meeting, ng e amount and nature of such security. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. CaifrssLL, chairman, Moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Swanson, that the report of the Fi nance Committee be adopted—Carried. Moved by Mr. Campbell. seconded by Mr Kdward, thou tko care of the town clock be plaited in the hands of the Pub lic Works, Committee, and that in add* tion to his ether duties that Mr. Hood, to the Street Inspector,be instructed wind up said clock -Carried. Mr. Johnston, chairman of Market Committee, introduced a By -Law estab fishing new bounds arld otherwise. amend ing the law; also providing for the re peal of all waisting Illy -law■ inconsistent with the present one. The By-law was read a first and second time, and the Council went with committee of the whole, Mr. Jehnetnn in the chair After duly discussing, aid By-law the commit tee rose, and tate Mayor resumed the ohatr It was thou reanive d that the By-law come in force and effect on the lees day of March neat. • Moved by Mt dumber, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, Gut Rule 34 be now sus- pecdecl, and the 8y law he read a third time and passed -Carrera Mooed by Mr. ithisne, seconded by Mr Humber, that tho Market Commit tore he instructed to advection end tell by puMir'auction the fere •n W^lnes day, 2n,1 of Month treat at. none • Car nod Mr. .i oi+t,at'nt .ts cad that he nheerved, teat the aunt of $8,000 cud been pissed in •he estimates by the (7ovetrnsnent Mr tee aspr"vest.ort of the Harlan Mr. Mealier called the attention rat the (%ousoil to the Counstl Chamber he mg used as a wood rano, and rnr'w'" L,wnd reef theta wood •hMA h. buil' Mt. Danny etst.d that the Pan. Ile t was in nosh of MO feet of www gathered is Fire. (lnrnaodtee, with power to )rder anal prestity se 1ETTLEIIfNTS PROPO145D &Nu RPTfOTED. Mr. John Hibbard, American Consul, loss allowed by North British Si Mer- cantile Co., $1,450. Mr. Durand of Lon • don, adjusted the claim. McWilliams h Postman, low nes of the "Albion Hotel," were insured for $2,000 in the Weed Co. f To Myo. He They were assign ey, of Toronto, who adjusted the claim. Johnston Bros., loos! •genas. D. C. Strachan, general grater, was awarded $450 for the damage sustained by his goods by removal, smoke and water. The amount was finally aooepted, but Mr. Strachan considers that matin was not done him in the adjustment. Mr. Wade, of Toronto, acted as agent for the Lancashire and the Northern of England, in this instance. Mr. Strach- an has removed to the corner store of the Blake block, where he can be found by his old customers. Mr. George Cattle kw not yet had hie insurance settlement completed. Ow- ing to the precarino* state of his health, he will nut again resume business; at least, not for some time, hut we under - Karrangements are being made by George Rhyne', (for some years past manager of Mr Cattle's business), to open nut on his own ac rotmt, in the Wake block. The vacancy canoe. by the retirement of Mr Cattle from active trade will therefore be filled. $r. Rhy- ne' is in every way capable of conduct- ing • first claw bmtnnsa, and will &edit. lees succeed Mr. W H. Redity bassi los library 1r* mired in the Union of Termite, to the amount of $100 He hag been rekin that st sod by the local age r F 1. the (loco his loss has boon eugn y - paay et+C'ILI.AYSOU • The l: nited States Cnnwl'a olh:•,, i, re been removed to Jordan's Mnok. Mrs W •meet's rowers 4 eh+es t. is rot yet boss adjusted. Kr. Ns.wttv .s attending to ler interests In another column lir and Mill, lith band return thanks to the people of (hwf erich for kind attention's at sad after the Gra �. K . D Shannon s tomes rave int se yet boon adjusted, hat are wader min - sideration by the insuranne clan la lir. D C. Streehart's rend of Ilsnas will be found olaswiISre a filo hose Mrs Newcionhe's loss hen not Tei been estimated +. Sa '- *alai! .tf I asttinariont. MsrnoDIET CoevaNTlol. -A conven- tion of ekes leaders and local preach- ers, was held on Wednesday and Thusday of last week, in the Methodist Chltreh, Clinton, ander the direction of the Rev. Dr. Williams, chairman of the district. There was a large attendance of the official members of the various circuits of tie district present, who en- tered hear'tt'iy1 into the work of the con- vention. Atter devotional services the organisation was completed by the appointment of Rev. James Harris, of Brussels, as Secretary. and Res. J. Philips of Betrays, assistant Papers ware rend sr* various suhjects relating to the work of elan leaders and local preachers, by the Revs. W. McDonagh, Harris, Smith, Sutherland, Caswell and Bryon", followed by coevereatinos on the tope presented Dr Williams preached Pee Wednesday evening to it lasgr coneys foists, on the subject '4 "Christian Et- as a pesitive evidence of Christ- " which was followed by an iwter- ft and prnAt*bls feikiskip meeting eonv•ntiotl was bright tat a close then until thou owner aouldbeMmalogid with a Bible reading on poieta of diE- madb to pay for the damage done After hefty in the religious life, Maid was a rich in blooming. Argngesesb such searoh the Captain discovered the eo*sewt • convention in 1111‘2, and whereabouts of the two ran OM friends, Wore Ina& for paid $3 for ts.e fowl dwotrnyed, and eel rwith thanks to the 1, airman far his able them at liberty "Soarer returned at and eppropra•G' season. and to the of Clinton for their kindness and ones to the British Exchange, but "Bob"'Wit the Polo ewition closed its bas lost yat turned np, and thy, (•spa*' asp. y• avers that the latter s lust await * modes Te was tkreegb.'ut a great another opportunity to once again ,eco s, hoth in attendance and in inter - the mild-mannered "Scamp- intra „. a est. awl. may we not hope, in the lasting gond s000taplsshod. aloshes( it�ma deew, neewer•ry by Mr ienIan. vctxnhd try Kr Millntims, tit at estssaolcee his ar pnnnted roma ang •t Nr Mayor, the Univers and Ooenallot Williams, to take into nmrd*ratirm and realm trend a s needil* swwswensl m rww►geitiuwt cif the pest erwvtews of than r*inwg Mere Gar nod The t)nuacil tem, •djoternw - . owe again on Pokily sonatas; ' ft t