The Brussels Post, 1965-07-08, Page 1or-sr -
29,9 A Year in Atdlrenee $2.50 To U.S. TiE BRUSSELS POST, TkilillSDAY, JULY 8th, 166.5
Students And Teacher
Enjoy Trip
On Friday morning, June 18,
the students of Grades 7 and a of
Biussels Public School, accom
panied by their teacher, Keg b.
Ashton and TruStee George Mc-
Olutcheon left Brussels in Ralph
Pearson's bus on a trip to the
Niagara Falls.
It was a day well, spent — not
only time off from general school
routine but an education as well,
The points of interest visited
were;e.- A pioneer village near
Peter's Corners, Brock's Monu-
ment at Queenston. the Niagara
Power Development, the Gorge
and Niagara Falls itself.
The pupils and their teacher
evish to thank School Board
for our first so-called tour and
also Trustee McCutcheon for his
donation of soft, drinks. "Where
do we go next year?"
Brussels Ladies Win
By One Run
The Brussels Ladies Softball
Team won a squeaker from the
Winthrop team here on Monday
night 'with a final score of 11 - 10
in their favour.
In a see saw battle that was
filled with errors by both teams,
Winthrop, with long drives assist-
ed by Brussels errors, scored
home runs to surge ahead by
several runs late in the game.
Costly errors on their part enabl-
ed the local ladies to tie the
score and get the needed counter
to win the game.
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Smith,
Brussels, annOunce the engage-
ment of their, only daughter,
Donna Mae, to Robert Melvin
Gibbings, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Percy J. Gibbings, Clinton.
The Wedding will take place
at three o'clock, July 24th, 1905,
at, DUiPs 'United Church, Walton,
I would like to thank my many
friends for their visits, cards and,
treats while a patient in the
Seaforth and Victoria, hospitals.
They were very much apprec-
Andrew Turnbull
The history of the Brussqia
Branch of the Royal Canadian
Legion, which does not appear
In this issue of the pante, as in
omit& because of melt of
voi no putittomt In Inn om
440 144 410 *(00,4A
Daring the past year the
Board or Trustees have been
collecting gundS With which to
build a Memorial Chapel in the
CeMetery. Slightly over two
thousand dollars has been col-
lected. The eost will run over
Six. thousand. dollars, The erect-
ing of this building is now und-
er way and funds will be re-
quired in the very Rea.• future
to meet our conrmittments.
Won't you please make Your
donation now, as a memorial
to loved ones resting in our
Cemetery. It will provide
shelter for those attending
burials at the cemetery during
the winter months.
Please make your donation
R. B. Cousins, Sec. Treas.
Brussels, Ont.
Brussels 'Night
Saturday, July 10,
At Western Fair Raceway
The Brussels Driving Park
Pace, the finest of cue early
Closing events at Lannon s West-
ern Fair Raceway is scheduled
for this Saturday, July 10th.
This event, carded for non-
winners of $20,000, in 1964 will
bring together,,the cream of On-
tario pacers 'to vie for the rich,
purse or $3,000. added. Some of
pacers are entered for the event
but with such sharp stock as;
Baron Atom, Dapper Gratton S,
Rendezvous Boy, Highland Girl,
and 'Barbara Johnston on the
entry list, the field should sort
down a little. when final declar-
ations are made.
The Brussels Driving Park Pace
is named for the old Brussels
Driving Park race charter that is'
presently being used at the
Western Fair Raceway and
should be of special significance
to people of the Western Ont-
ario area. In honor of the event
an invitation and free admission
coupon is included by the Race-
way in to-day's paper.
A ,nuinber of parents of Brits-
sels and the surrounding' com-
mkinity are taking the opportun-
ity provided by the lodal Lions
Club and Legion. to have their
children receive instruction in
Tb Ps is good Every child should
should be taught to swim, also the
safety rules involved, fOr So Many
Mks thdit itiitliliillY110000
41.01 yk 4uuti
concert Of Music
An Avening or Music was en-
joyed by a large audience of
interested parents, .relatives and
Lien& when ,punils of Margaret
Thompson gave their recital in.
Mel Ville Presby Verian church
auditorium on Wednesday even-
.17ne 30th.
Piano compositions Or Handel,
Bacb, Beethoven, Mozart,
Schubert, Chopin, Grieg, Pader-
ewske, and Others, were included
in the Classic section of the pro-
gram, These were Zollowed by
Old Favourites, Popular Hits and
Proadway Show Tunes. Pianists
were Janice Houston, Debbie
Kefter,, Gerry Jutzi, Diane Turn-
bull, Joyce iluether, George
Valiance, Mary Gibson, Will Per-
ri% Kathleen Krauter, Joan El-
liott, .Dianne Vancanap, Nellie
Baan, Anne Olcifield, Debbie Mc-
Call, jp.dy Work, Julie 'Vallanee,
Kathy Work, Bob Black, Barbara
Bryans, Karen Cunningham, Les-
lie Perri% Jim. Wheeler, Gail
Searle, Karen Mutter, Dorothy
Elliott, Karen McDonald. Duets
'were played by Debbie McCall,
,Tulie 'Valiance, and Karen Mutter
Burhara BrYane•
Dianne Turnbull and Linda
Wilson, voice pupils of Mrs.
Thompson, each sang two songs.
Diane's ,selections were "A Ba-
guet .of 'Rosemary" and "He"
Linda chose "Saviour Teach Me",,
and "I Believe".
Organ solos were given by
Mary Gibson and Ann Oldfield.,
Mary presented an Elfin Dancer
by Grieg and Bells Across the
Meadow, using the Carillonic
system in the church. Anne chose
for her solos The Rejoicing (from.
Fireworks Music) by Handel and.
'Canaries Cake-Walk by Gilley.
Mrs. Thompson sang three
songs at 'the close of the progrom,
An. E0skay Lave Lilt, Ah! Je
vettx vivre (Romeo et Juliette)
and Without a Song. She was
accompanied 'by Ann Ofirifteld at
the piano.
Ushers for the evening were
Harold Mutter, Doug Davidson.
Doug Wheeler, Ken Work and
Greg Wilson.
t wish to thank my friends, re-
latives and neighbonrs for the
Visits, cards and treats while I
1V a S, in Wingbant and District
Hospital and, since I came home,
also for loalsing after things
n d Mae.
Mrs. Eleanor Nichol
NENT 11,4.
To Grade
Ilryans Barbara
Currie Douglas
Elliott Dorothy
Gibson Mary
littethea, Douglas.
McCauley Barrie
McDonald, Murray
McDonald .Sandy
mnOutoneon Yonne
l~i a chan Gordon
Martin Linda
Pletch Donald
Ritchie Ken
Wheeler Jim
Wilson Gregg
Workman Brian
Ca.11ander Debbie
Davidson Ann
Exel Charles
Galbraith Joan
Goullet Robert
Hemingway Neil
jamieson Brenda
Jamieson David
Kellington Murray
Krauter Kathleen
IVLeWhirter Gail
McAt ter Murray
Machan Ann
Machan Dianne
Oldrield Jim.
Pletch Bonnie
Pipe Robert
Prior Gale
White can
Workman iviprray
To Grade 7
Brigham, James
Cousins Murray
E.txei John
Grube Nancy
Hanna Maureen
Rernaghan Michael
Logan Jack
J.owe Penny
MeArter. Cathryn.
McCutcheon Pauline
McDonald Gail
McWhirter Daphne
Morrison George
Mutter Karen
PearSoli, Nancy
Raymond Murray
Somers RosS I :
Thomas Robert
Wilson Linda
To Griade 6
Adams Nancy
Bri Oath John
Ebel Kathy
Elliott Joan
Gibson Donald
Grenke Kim.
(Tinton Ronald
i 'nether Gregory
To Grade 5
Bauer David
Cardiff Doren
Cousins Kathy
Elliott John
Exel Chris
Gibson Peter
_Jamieson Patricia.
Jutzi Gerry
McCall Deborah
Mrozinski Tony
Prior Wendy
Rooney Helen
Rooney Moira
Stephenson Robt
Sullivan Wm.
Wheeler Dale
Wheeler Gerald.
Wilson. Scott
Worlur a a Donald
To Grade 4
Adams Andy
Brigham. Anita
Exel Francis
Hanna Julie
Johnston David
Logan ..David
Machin Lawrence
McCall Donald
McCutcheon Blain
Mcqutclaeon Lori
Morrison Rosemary
Mutter Paul
Fearson Joyce
Raymond Keith
Smith Doug
Speir Susan
Sullivan. Kim
Thomas Dianne
Valiance Lloyd
White Brian
Willis Wayne
Work. Brian
To Grade 3
Budnark Susan
Cousins Lynne
Cousins Randy
tilt o tt Barbara
Fxel Fred
Grenke Kevin
Hinton icennetp
Dail on
Keifer :Debbie
Minim Vincent
PO1,14104, 00 WOO
Mann POliald.
MeCuteheon Cheryl
McDonald John Wayne
MeWhirter Connie
Pipe Shirley
Raymond Bruce
Rooney Patricia
Rutledge John
Simpson JOan
Somers Rickey
Speir Deborah
'Stephenson Joan
Stratychuk Brian
Thomas David
Valiance Julie
Willis Sharon
Work Kathryn
Workman Donna