The Brussels Post, 1965-05-27, Page 4`.1'44,14 44,11s$.41 ,0.E1 pous80.48, OV:44140. XXX. .0001. 1004: ' --s" guilEtoptgnialiou 'l...1: WI" . NOTICE Custvut Corn Planting. Pieter U. Dorsch Phone 331J6 FOR. SALE Girl's Bicycle, size 28, in good, condition., ileasdnable price, Phone: Braseele 46W HELP WANTED. Full time female help required. Apply in person to: Callauder Nursing Home, Etrusisels" FOR SALE 1341)Y carriage, converts to car bed and stroller, Vsed for only one child. Price po Phone 328J7 FOR SALE. Automatic Defrost Philco Re- frigerator, in good conditien, $89 ; Used 30" Electric Range, good. condition, $72. Oldfield Hardware iimmum FOR SALE •-• Irish Cobbler and Kennebec 'potatoes, suitable for table 11fie or planting. John Perrie Phone 422W5 WANTED Cash on the farm for good RAVI 6 lbs, 16c lb,; lbs.. 15c; 4 2/2 lbs. to 5'1/2 lbs., 12c lb. Call: L. Hood MOnkton 347.2974 SALES HELP WANTED MALE: :Mien — Pleasant outdoor work. Average $3 per hour. No ex- Perience necessary. Write Ka w- leigh, Dept. E-152W, 4005 Bleb- ellen St. St. Henry, Montreal. FOR SALE Cedar Posts and anchors, all sizes. Also Cedar. Poles up to 30 feet in length. George Pollard FOR SALE Case Baler, 3 yrs. old; 6 milk cans; water tank; wheelbarrow, Electric fence battery; electric fence steel posts and wire. 3 barrels. Phone 424W& Mrs. MIrozinski FOR SALE — 100 or 150 acres, Good buildings. Geo. Cook, Rh 4, Mitchell Lot 4, Con. 18, Logan Township Phone 348-81117 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY — District Dealership available. Axa.azing new machine relating to Car care. A novel ingenious invention needed for years. Sella immediately, high wont& Princess Prodlucts, 131 COMM Ave., Toronto 8. dim PLANTS FOR SALE Potted Plants Boxed Planta Geraniums, Begonias, Fuschia, Draceana Cemetery Pots and Window Boxes filled JOUVVS1MA MARKET GARDEN Wingham, Ont. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Ed. Bryans wish to express their sincere gratitude for the many acts of kindness .extended to them uring their recent bereavement GARD OF THANKS ;We wish to •thank Mir rehl.LIVQ8 and neighbours for Woir expres- sions of sympathy and acts of kindness extended to US (Wring our recent bereavement. The family of the late Akre. W, l,. 13aeker cARD OF THANKs My sincere thanks to all my friends and neighbours who, rem- embered me with cards, visits, treats and flowers, also those who brought baking into my home while was a patient in Clinton, Public Hospital. Melinda Johnston CARD OF . HANKS Words are most inadequate to express my most sincere and gilatelul thanks .to my many friends for their acts of kindness — beautiful cards — and get welt wi shes — a special thanks to Mary and Jack White who so ably carried on in my absence. Dr. John J. Kelly V A' 111 BEAUTY SHOP A Specialty Cutting, Styling, Cold Waving PHONE 140 BRUSSELS AUCTION SALE Household Effects Mrs. Anne Ellacott ,ATWOOD SATURDAY, JUNE 5th at 1:00 p.m. Gordon Jackson — Auctioneer Morris Township Federation of Agriculture ANNUAL !SUS 'two 'TUESDAY, JUNE 8th To Genessee County, in New York State. Anyione wishing Tickets contact aay Twp. Pirector, APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications log the position of caretaker for the new Grey 'Township (Central. School at Ethel will be received by the undersigned' up to Jtine 5. Salary to be negotiated. Duties to com- mence Sept. 1, ISO. Norman S. Hoover, 1111t 3 Brussels, Ont. Sec'y. Grey T. S. A. APPLICATIONS WANTED The Grey Township School Area requires for September 7, Six' (6) regular bus drivers and three (3) spare drivers. Wages to be $6.00 Per day for regpiar driVers and $6.60 per day for spare drivers. Applications for these positions will be received by the under, signed up to June 6. Norman S. Hoover, RR 3 Brussels, Ont. Sec.y. Grey T. S. A. '1 he service in Knox. church on Sunday morning, May 28, was conducted by Mr. Delfnm fold, Hanover, a stadout of Lou- (don Bible Quliege, Miss Kilter McNabb, 'rernie4.0.111, and A'100ha4 of TorOnt0 speI4 the holiday weekend With Mr. and Mrs. :NAL tin McDonald. Earl Dnon attended tile *merit' of the late Fred TnPlt in t.;qierd vti vriday# Mary Anne, 'Nancy and abf.. LIP).80er. 1440W01,1 visited over the holiday weekend With, their ;uncle and aunt, Stanley and Mrs. Fischer. Word has been received of the death, on Sunday, of Mr. Russel Alderson:, in Western Hospital, Toronto. Funeral services were held on Wednesday. The late Mir. Alderson was a son of the late Mr, and Mrs. Alderson, former residents of the Cran- brook area. Prize Winners At This W, I. Cooking School. A large crowd attended Mrs. Scriver's Cooking School in the Community Centre, on May 19, Are you sure there's nothing really wrong with your old refrigerator? Then you' haven't seen the new Westinghouse Frost Free Refrigerator Freezer. Mrs, Scr.-lver prepared beyerad dishes suitable for a "cook-out" or ;is supper dishes. flank steak and gravy was won by Mrs. Win. Bremner; thQ the bacon and apple wrap ups by uc.iolge Brown, L119 Inside out cheese blIrgef'S by Mrs. susdred Perrie; the inieen and wioner wrap-,ups by Mrs, :Houston Amy comphtlies and ,stores den- oted prizes. These were won by; Weston's rive barbecue SOW, Mr0- :Nelson L'. irks, Mrs. Ken. MeDen' aid, Mrs, Ronnie Bennett, Alp, George Pearson, Mb's, Bert God,' den, Shopping bags. Mirs, 130 Gordon, Maggie McDonald, Mrs,. Calvin Cameron, Faye Wro.p. 'Donald, Mrs. Stefiler, MTS. Dn., 011arme, Mrs, Dilsworth, *tr. garet Hetheringtou„ Priscilla Bray, Elaine Smith, Doris Fis- cher, Mary Ellen Knight, Mrs. Bet tha Krauter, Margaret bock- ing, Marie Veitch, ,Eldna Eilht Knight, Helen Bray, Mrs. W. McKachern, Cora A, Gibson, Betty Pennington, Joyce LoCking; Moss, McDonald, Mrs. Win. E rrst, Edna Pearson, Mrs. 'Alf. Nichol, Mrs, Ken McDonald, Bon- nie MCIutosh. Smaller bags of groceries were drawn ter. Other 0,•••••••••••• inercha udise drawn Or included cookies from Christies; Pepsi, Coke, chocolates and cake mixes from, "'Tank Smith of Oranbrook; Chocolates by CamerOn's Whole- sale; $1.00 from National Groc- ers; Butter and lee Cream from Cmisins Dairy, Briussels. The winners of these prizes were Mrs, Pearl Baker, Urace Smith, (leorge Pearson, Mrs, Geo. Blalco, 3.1!arie Coutts, Mzs. Veitch, Mrs, Elwomi Meiaggart, Joyce Calnerch, Aileeu. Mutter, 'IVIargars et Speiran, Marilyn Engel, Tillie lingel, Mrs. Ken Schnock, Mrs. Mrs. Win, Meehan, Nit's. Alexander 'and Mrs. Gary Smith, The door prize was won, by am Campbell Grant or Listowel, W.M.S. Presbyterial Members of the W.M.S. attend- ed the Presbyterial in Moles- worth on Wednesday, Allay 19, The Evening Auxiliary were re• soonsible for the opening deli votions at the evening session", Mrs. Doug Evans read the scrips ture, Mrs. Stuart Stevenson gay. the meditation and Mrs. Frank Sinith the prayer. The thenle was "love',. Speakers Were MO Giolla Kelly and Mrs. Harris, Toronto. et • Put this beautiful 13 cu. ft. two door Westinghouse Frost- Free Refrigerator in your kitchen and you forget de- frosting chores - - because frost never forms - - ever It's only 60-1/4" high and fits under your existing cupboards. The Freezer holds a husky 119 lbs. of frozen food - the new deluxe door liner, provides more flexible storage - the twin porcelain enamel crispers keep a bushel Frost rx;.; —Never Defrost Again positions. Besides ail inspired wood-grip handles Come in to have a look. of vegetables garden fresh -the Width Top Va You can be sure -- door shelves are full depth these features the handsome compact design to. Make this the most beautiful Refrigerator full and adjust to 10 features Dan ish- you've ever seen ue at $329.00 if it's WestirehOilie Oldfield Hardware Brussels, 0