The Brussels Post, 1965-05-20, Page 3440444..4414444.4:4.444o4:444‘.4v ,44,441A4VtV ,404144, BRUSSELS STORES WILL REMAIN OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS Until 'ICI p.m. Until Further Notice You Are Invited To sl'OP IN BRUSSELS • to,"110011•1 0wara. • H E • . Totab113bed !872, Lite 3:a.-atraiel at 1.-itirSS ELF,: every 'ROY 77, KIDINEDY, .Publizher ttuLtiorized as Second Class Mall, Poet Ofrice Departmei.i, atexteber Canadisu eie,wspa:ers 21Eniat.att Wee.tOy 1.'ewspnivars Associattea Canntiast r.-,au-iunfty a.owspapere ileovev.tattaa °trawl. R A.N.j:q 1..lesnaed Funeral utractor and FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE PHONE is or Enneolnior SERVICE BRUSSELS, ONT. Aio-treelekikiiaa.aaatigireattortiMas ntiitiasZarrecZaWs.erkli_ raisi4.i.itaNeat91111114.. NOTICE. FIRECRACKERS business Places are allowed to, •sell Fire Crakers for only the two days prior to Victoria Day and Do• minion Day. By-Law No. 4, 1956, states that persons :Riling Firecrackers on days other than those stated "will - 'be fined $10 for the first offence; $25 for Ile second and $50 for the third. warned that it is an offence to set except on the above mentioned holidays. David Hastings, Chief of Police, Village, of Brussels Children are off firecrackers 4,1 THURSDAY, MAY nth 106I5 VVINGHAiVI MEMORIAL SHOP QUALITY, SERvit;E DRAFTSMANSHIP Open Every Week Mb, .You;- Guarantee for Over 86 Y@atri 'CEMETER? LiaTTERING •,v). '169 VVIrighilin- JOHN NIALICK PHONE 120 Open ivory Day Yk,/ MOH At! THi BR0880a.a eotaT, 13 it USSK•SI OMANI). -• ERUSSELS 4 tifkiday and ' &aterday A 1 t ::/ay !..4 4411411.1-5 L tlactt arid Help Beautify Your Village "Ontario's Prettiest Village" is what Brussels tells, those enter, ing this munieipality. The council is, 'requesting that all residents or Brussels do their best to make this assertion a truthful one. They are starting by brightening up the signs at the approaches to ()tar village and the Lions are also re-painting their signs. The Horticultural Society are more than doing their share by planting and maintaining beautiful floral displays adjacent to public b‘uildings 'and a number of flower beds elseWhere that contribute much to the- attractive appearance we want throughout the summer And fall, it is up to every resident to do their part, now, by tidying up their property in a general clean- up campaign. Where possible it would be a good idea to add to the beauty of their grounds with flowers. Let us all get behind this effert to make Brussels as attractive as possible to -visitors as well as a lovely spot in which to live. 4-H Swine The second ir.el'ata of the Huron County 4-ff S‘.,,•ine Cit0) was held at the Oritario nee -Partrilent of Agriculture board room, Clinton, when Don Pul- len introduced the new Sum- mer assistant, Brill' Myers. Lessons on "Care and Man- agement of Pigs:!a aa2re taken. ‘‘..hich was followed by iVIalcom Davis dentonstratiaa how a. tattoo pigs. There was a quiz on the lesson, THE DO'S AND DON'TS OF HAVING FUN WITH FIREWORKS Before firing y cfur display, a tew elementary precautions should he taken in order that the rules of fireworks safety be maintained. 1. Remember that younger child- ren will always be fascinated by fireworks and make a good audience, but they should NOT participate in the actual firing of the pieces. 2. One person shoull charge of the display. 3. With the single exception sparklers, NO firework is de- signed to be held in the hand. when lighted. utuer children, should be taught -to , participate under adpalt supervision. 4. Read the printed instructions on each piece, and plan the order of firing. Twill in mind, that the tiring location srould be clear of overhead obstructions, trees or wiring. a. Assemble buckets or boxes of sand of a wheelbarrow filled with earth to be used as your firing base. . (h Items such as roman candles and other long pieces should be the sand in yonr container and buried at least halfway down in .set at a 10 degree angle from. spectators, 7. If containers of sand are not available, dig holes In the ground deep enough to bury the firework piece halfway up the barrel. Stamp the ground firmly around each piece before firing. S. Have a large container such as a metal gargage can available to dispose of used firework pie- ces. 'When the display is over these pieces. When the display is over these items can be sprinkled, with a garden hose. 9. A glowing cigarette or cigar makes a good substitute for punk as an igniter. Hold same at arms "length, a.pplyato •the wick and stand clear •inrnediately.• E. LONGST A FT ivC OPTOMOTRIST• • t.EAFoRTH MEDICAL CENTRE J Thursclayv, Fridaye, and Saturday a. Iv huraday evenings by appointment only: Phone Seaforth 791 4 Clinton Office — Clinton Medictil Contre,, Rattenbury Street Monday and •Wednosday 9:00 to 5010 porn, Phonc° 412-7010 b Coma% OmplesIK. Elsie Boulevard of Leveler &ie. „ ft/ Wale Resins • Res TV and Radio Alen tesidlIllewed Lowness kin 0/111141 FOR REGISTERED GUESTS 444.4` PAM" CARL TAPSCO"ai oiNGERS. The Carl Tapscott Singers have good reason to look happy laormed by Tapscott (in white jacket) 11 years ago, the 12- voice choral group is one o the most successful in Canada. The TapsCotts are heard regUlarly • in their own series each Sunday evening en. the CEO radio net- work. They also have four reco;a1 taleir cretin. The Tap- scat Singers have appeared On one television as well. and make numerous personal appearances throughotit the country. Tap- scott, 56, expresses his hopes for the Pattire way, "t hope that our eVarts will be stifficiently re- cognized by Canadians so that I May continue to turn down offers La live elsewhere."