The Huron Signal, 1881-02-18, Page 97�7--
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122,770wi and it is
OW, mtW tb&n ium the hanuill M611111P ilm MU"d'an' UA&
In the prowty, Valli& appur-
g4ft.ok id other �$eny, Ifackeniie At It Aras proposed to the pated that Its eamings udU A rus"MV
Z2.ijushadv b. gugjolded it. m infred, t118 pwt Old & tureorsolargeastimasS1,400,000, Y
geblis to mb dtUccoal 1121 And the di erxilises for mmy yeare to come. Were
company inaLwith thetzr Qf the Govera. the interata of this Indian tribes sections haviv Loom th bmilohm Oak- ten� MutrM and Ived fbr the con- expen enjar to pay the interest money nd land #rant, at Stated ; air
so Termsmiries OUT struatiou ,rkingd the road, and the it would be mui* MUTW the Eastam Section north of Lake Supe -
=ON& nknt he ot Yin h both roads.
us" W - -- at land* &A to" interestad, by qualif i the ounditiouls of neO44 wit be ox. abovu stated. i But it is said the members Charles Tupper, but there is rior, the only routa by which a railway
—d.. it. agreement with the&al�way Company T7_, Syndicate, however, io a moopoly, capital stock of the Company digrgreace between the payment of 4% on
of smorplying or Partially anpi guard every empt from taxaticsoliforover by the Domin- of the Syndicate would be Plew"GUY y outlet for the North- Went Territory could �v
JI%1 snob g-Saiso shal be tumto only to extinguish the Indian title. _The ani it Ilas talbon care to 7,300 for 26 Yeam; and the &ctual
be liable. This, however, is not
provisions of the charter to the Am4ricau atvnne of emapefront itil &raolfions. Com- ion, or by any Province hereafter t( in ment of a bonus of $7,500 cash. The Ile obtained, it would settle the question
I By per as to the propriety of building a road
i� iron imeas geog&uum4 veated in the Govemment.
regard petition from the Northern Pacific, or established, or by any Municipal COrpor, ��tion 3, of the Act.of Inoorpooratio Of $30
is exemption will t e contractors, as , tn&ridtlitlo, shali one is merely an annuit
Tolis Section provies that the selection Northern Pacific Railway in this ue of which upon that route. It h however,
Y that from auv other American line, is not to ation the-ein. Th year for 25 You-, the cash vL1 APIN011181
of land for the Company "I be ni &I- will furnish an dinstration. 4 e to that portion not be subject 0 anv liability Or re- the North- Wer
pter be permitted, at least for 20 years to apply for all time to earn in $4,862, which, calculated. on 2,797 that a Wier li-v blocks, one mile sqiuLre, Charter and grant it is provided, ch& the North- " sibility, otherwise iban &5 members of
4 torriate dections or 0anadiale seaboard can be
of time is to be of the mid constructed in n t t $13,116,7 4 2, and Territo'�N to tht
e, and for that The miles, would amoun
n* 640 socres. The -tit is 217, am. 2, 'On arri tory of the Corporation hereby create&* f $24W,000, and
m" omtsi btained for a bonus o
to be solected �u tibe fert 1#3 belt between -,The United States shall extinguish prohibited by law. 1'e"population of t1w West Terriwry and tile T not 820,977,500,as stateii by Sir 011111isles 0
ith p4tire North-West id to be Itanded ot*r to Kewatin. -,rid also so far as Dominion d beinj constriletei, the original proi4blyfor trea loss. By Consulting the Ps rapidly as may be consistent w r Ogit 0 Tur,00st of the MaCken& oon
410 ad 57 degrees north IaLita,ie, or else , portion of d7l 1,000,000 is returned. to them. tg ct map, a dotted lhp will be wm ex endi%
Poll. 'ansportaItion "Wylopoly, Find t&x(% are concerned, to thal
wiloery at the ovitiou of the Cow It public policy, and the welfare of the am givaidic to 2. Once incorporabed, they
act the road located in Ontario, Manitoba &e Section fwm Lake X to the foot of lAk(
is also providid soloould any o/ -said Indiana, the Indian titles to all so far as the privileges that an unjust would be an this,b&& %y transfer their stock to Men Of then
in a makrial de" f la,.d lands falling under the operation of this can confer upon a grout corporation can and British Columbia. The inhabitants ml item at I I o 000 per smile.... $r,^000 Superior, at Sault Ste- MkAe. Tu" 4p-; 8"rur 00"inet traw, and thus escape liability ibr their ;-7V7 m seven, as be -
is donation to the Secure that result, are to too rendered of the North-West Territory and Of 11 2,797 repromts the &Wt Ste. Marie Branch,
0104 famirif ois fw satiomea, Ad CooripanY Act and acquired in th Kewatin muot pay their proportion 0j t7te stock. The land and money subsidies to for* ............ 55.w�ow 2W Miles in langth. ti" Construction Of
-0 tA4m% as part of road named in this Bill." powerless to remedy their wrongs. 13,116.742 basUf of
Shea omml 44 ouroged go recet i There illy the Company a wilich they wem� entitled �lley have re- which can be nsicured for
of debt incurred in paN
are few businesa coutImm
The Company are to be the A provision of thin kind should certainly etrort.9 boillis of *25,00o,000 in cash and Wild- ceived as each 20 mile soct-iAmn was ow
importance it, Canada where T4,t&l .............. sw,ox.742 $2,40,0^ and pro".T for ILII,l 1,141A Pm TO been inserted in tbA section under
)udgemo in 140* matter his �Broanch. the 8tructed, an all the Gotvrameat an hou But it m1st 69 remember," that Xr. I... As 0. Sk. which easo
hav,I not been ada, or are not ingfor thein the Pentloilla
will enable them to *fears clooice I,udn consider%tion. It may itof be conAixtent y
ing, thar entire grant. A i- beilix ma4le, to secure additional milwav Lake 5&4perior 8ecltitnt and the 217 tonito is the 85,000,0W worth of bonds alread 51ackenrie proposed, to build a Alit 06" bridg4 a conslosookloti is secured with a
Intles ith pubh, plicy to do in all C41.1411 WhIlt 6wj Stated, with the further demand or propmed Anneican line running frovi
een rival fioin Kwnloqv to Port -4, COO and
side of th-9 Hall ndeed r6c"'t" su'l coluloetitionn betw less Mn $200,000 pow year. Such security im road, wiui easy gratisol am ow"em
in Wwth an seek wZY 14 to
8 Union. Toront and Ottawa desire new with 0o lialay fur ourvoys capable of Competing with other tramoson- It" &Wt to the Northcri, Posific Juno.
bo met "r% for this gr -at, aud also 081' it in asiortain that in moiny camea it will not outlets rI the moesixiard, though each have $31,000,000. And must in addition, pay simply a prellmnoe, and is no protection I^ke
W"11111 tilloutal roads to the South for the WaSs dam, so- Duluth, at the head Of
24 mile, ul width ouftwh "doulfarly, be. In vf," many ca�% it may not 6, ilway lines, rime ob)jot in miecuring i bat portion of the public burdens which whatwer to the oountrv. S Ai-,nce of 4W Miles. Over
of China and Japan - Besi(les, when the ad"Aw.
he'" that Use Usaps.'y Easy Wants- a" oLiumistent with the welfare of th� laidialms, rile
new Outlets, I@ to sweare o-potiton which should in justict, rest equally upon 6" 1. By section :10 of the act of 00 Mo.- nulow of this line in new ekber
M, Act of 1874 was palmed. it wat enti
domalsom thm4r taossitift to builit- Anil it im wilitow rights as the origiamil pone�ort For time maii I - road Gonstrucied or u adoer I olontralet, ani 8111101
at, rates. sootions of Country proprtif Lu the country. 11- tion several chargIns are made in the by in-Sandfurd Pleming that the
flurths provulled that "doo CompainY may, of this soik we an bootand In pnitioe to ""lto to "" order, of mobouls, of way Let of 1879 so far am it applied to the ould cost $120,000,000. By Mr. Mo- ?to Could be buib to Ar cuotstrae-
Vd by two or "Wror (V-11odivilY 'in" tenanoe of law and
wih the 00WAO&S A tbo Uovarnmont, reativign, to inAA uprou dispimoomomming th etn and inors Iva, Is, of tu UUicit insutu tions, and of 4CLl" Pacific 1jailay. Jiro" in "or Served 1"unise Plopoititioll, valuing the 1111041111 U siwq us Litoo )lottlIll-Wask TeMuwi- 6 KDY for the benedit of the Conipany, and in of life 96"ek stism assure. AA air line from
be Mioaply served than sodious 01 country civil righta, and be protootioll By section 17 of that act it is provided alued by Sir Charles Tupper, he would
of lnJ D04 taken ill,, am .0glug, immiel" the (ivy.-tnumut will
Itrient or troi.-As
&Uy Y1% sonalmis twaoilumplih this without an un- wAiCA haroe, bag one li4e. I%e ()rest and property; all property NLOuW that no tolls shall be leiied or taken untiJ lie Saving to the Oountr7 $23,000,OM ik PaqL arw* dooletwarIIIII- and *Oauvl a 4
yieg or PWU 0 W pay it
so" "ficunleW." Thbil justifiable rogort to forea. The 4 of supo Womiwru, the Grand Trunk wad all great be liabl a proper and after two wmkq notice is given in the 'I he sodulfite made by the Chief Bdfimw with 60 UGO -mid I b$ apeadlil
)OUntry IFI,
'Without the protec- Ca%alda Ussellille. t'.,i tho kind ol road to be oonstrustillod 6Y 24CU466d. Fr "a "them I%MSO
Owl 'yorok- West as paid in annuiLimms to Indian tribes, in the uu" lines, will pan@ frefflit whif. is eqnitablo shre go
reut.-iii-ed tit competing points, 07- t At
hs ti hich th rly oriforml laws of 2. Tliq By-btws fixing tolls are itot the sylkli4ftte is 148 OW,000, so " do Junction ciouu'nmhm ry towmaeLson
an W
twilallil, fiml 30th, rope
1879, -nor C,( the Case.
owd to Aftmost ftv year ending Jose
the entire leuilth of their lines at lower the hina will ffP,.i,, the itiveatments of the biniing until appmrod by the Uovet - pr,�Pasitiou now under Consideration, witli tile P
34 owtwm% IS "cillon" may $403,216, on stmoonat of the surrender of tea than will be charged upon freight 8 adio6te would possess all uljcL�rtain Lad In -Council. valtdrig th" lartilm st the same prim only than Pacific alreadriemAsta, anill 00, t1to
Two seatioun titles, to I ulds wuth of the S*Aa"e-an, rK Y
be taken by a. cposlq. from way stations. where the length of precariouavallie. TothecivilsouthaviLies The(kovemor-in-CousW-uhall re of $6,000,0W. taking Construction of t -he ffisoult Site. Mario
for the wbich represent tha interest upon
in a 4A tIownwillp an reserved
abut it; t ot%c-half or even one-third as they Must look for protection from riot, gulate tolls from time to time. into cousileratiou tho character of the Branch in C -I 401110MMASed UPM audWom J34Y Compny, 60 th $8,064,360 Lt 5 per cent, old the ban' is no 4. The Parliament of Canada may entire Luc from Lkw Northern
Q, from incendiaries, and
from oubtructiow WA tobe oonjiuucW under the two the
NOW as out of 36 waouoas are a ve"11116 to experilliture in this respect May become gre t to tinis, lout, Pacific Junction to tile sawt �%7-
Itis needless L.0 further illustrate the from, lawlessness of every description, and reduce the tolls from time schemes.
tioU, 'd
neWers for himmaintimedis alud pro"'amp a very serious charge upon the revenues
imt that Competing lines ine failities to &oempt their capital a property fro -M not so as to give -the Company a lower
But this is nut till. The preseut COD- would be COMFloosed. befors, the
f Ole puRic rate of profit on the mpital line Could the some Boy than arrangement, R"*"Y 4 the country if considerations of public the cost, The the, paymeia of ite just share 0 actually tract Confers many advantages upon the clanSiotlian
a for business and diminish
lands, are widtheld fur adoor from UA rket, ime and morlial of puirhasing
Prices as C railway corporations, even burykni is a a act of gross notice to the expended is construction, than 1.1%. sysdicat*, not contained in the Mackenzie point, thus gi vilai& upola db empletion 4d
exactions of or am hold at undulIo bugh r111.17t "111: of the title of the 111dians
is likely for a tune to W. Illie class, W ItLnds )f which the oompany desire to where lawt, am framed for the exprem future settlen of the NOZ West, upon 5. Now by Section 20, ref6rred to the Contract, all of a valuable charactr. the Sault Ste. Ataris Brosiolb a d~ -o8
rpa" 0( h&fiug them in check. and of whom mu,4t root the cost of protecting Gomirner-in-Countlil is deprived of the 1. It exemptA the lands of the rail route from Winnift to oftrowl ma 71 -
Settlers Will be scattered arolland, upon the become posse-sorm, are not allowed to pul tooting the interestq of the public, are the property of a Wulpany which will power which lie, possesses in regtril to oate from talstion. for 20 yegre, unkm quobor� This route, by the Imp DOW
most It agotiou" out of the govern in bunit; le,4ree 6e course which pro opew
16 ISOL"I 00VOrn uis public int6reNtS. iao8Vit&bly OXAWt from, thaw all the Other railways by the " of 1019, and i sold or ocI Then, am no such ed from near Duluth to W111111 Wftu
$6 emotions ourupoetwig a sawnahip- The the Government in required to take. a 601 of dauI
tit be that By a i-Lv.cnt oonwlidAtion of telegraph revenue which its command Of the prevoptA from reducing die tolls and exemption in the Maukauxis Atit. be moo 68 MUM IGW
offoLit 4 auto of things Sm 14. TheCopany shall have the riaht, couva"its in tbe United Station,, one for. avaus" of trulds will on" saw .. maintained fn�= lusam to time. to Jay out. oomiaLrolA. M8,1111. it to woure. treights below that V101i" th" would It exmplts the road -bed, staGirin, than the proposed rouu
and work blow lines of railw ir%iomm tunate operator is said to Lave made In Great Britain, Prance, Germany, y!loolil it pro6t of 10% on tke capital in orkshops, k;c., of the l6ompally trom IS111P9604" bet, n0twitherabolix`7 Its moulame. r
00 ran& ww be poor Slid b"t, upon " —two
ihod low paroolons using of pointo alnug libtr main 1144 61 $2J.0W, thaAustriii, Rolland " Russia, and in the Tested- In the own d other railways, wb*A greater length, U would be the best
within the 00(). Much mors Union, (mes allb4oction, 10) be may reduce the taxation �orm-er. (Sw Stiodion. 16.) , will be scourty "Iwar. bo any Point or PrAnts great Sulu vi ill be Paid. by th blic in tons Statee of the Ammorio" 3. it exempt, certain alsolierial used in commercud lum, owing to calmer gradesa
Grob P iviles" torritury of the Demaunart. Provided &Iwo^
irAWWAM Mb" 1011, famompol. IQ greed rolidways an taxed elther in the form of toollolfMini time to tirne, Irrespective etiltirely the first ,OL,,Uuctwn of the road hvm and a milder cliumatiol. It is oartaii., h,,.,
moo" isitatirotiour" itilr6q,101at- TAO h,t befosis assionommomes any bramosih In the Case a( &Oy, (go, HrCtion 10.) ever, that " soon as the I*Lildlng of tile dons in the taxes upon raceipts, direclt tax, taxes upon 4profit to the Company.
-p wool plan �,f ou,-h and t% ranny of railway Corpora
&W W&iu laboring so vornporil Aois Aill first (tspom,t a m ys Awl way this )owpr frm
br4na-% to the Depirtment of Railwa Western stsowis Compellot it)-) pecplo, pKi,"ilgerg, speeific tax per Mile, or com- the cnuaimno reifin mi t *& X-ris 1111vani" is
a@ country,
the sball #rant to the Cofflt- be 0( himp om in iwu is housed to the 1,11111" Of fit already upoll, it direct line from near Dulft so
613Y t wisju, reasult years, to a"- smatat'" by paysm duty. (See Seetiou 10.)
as larry 4" 0" ad—i sov,-d for timerremod bW W mob bra"b". mmm6 II w If Sri OI.Ay OLLimer Ealertaii or the k"venimiest stati'm ff�uuwla hu I 1111W.. pol i t ical
issues and unitoe in a dotervainod of taxation. 11, 1879 the Utoon Pacific named. Tile power imuneut is It given tlw C-040PILUT the Mon
t. f tZ sta"o'e, to zoo to do baoiI of similarly limitoad-the wants of limitation of tLe tradog, 20 or W & POLVIL Wag 49 Z,6�
to him own, wad allI be I ustios., Loliplat ury stages Oompany pid of the North Went for')
workiliv w SA, movetah,-ps, Y"d smid o44*r &PPartauanoome "Bart to S"C'm
alady reqn-aito fur the *11110ofst wmatructlun an h4,i bosio, (he PaW tools of —64 --Vs. The $279, 1.", tipon 1697 miles of read tied being two4old yoLm (See Section 16.) builit. Both proposed linime are reprea-
a*. lima of soach kw.noh-s in a., far as each me. For the (I.) To the capital slatually expended in 6, It gives all tLe leads too the Oom- -toil by duittod linen upo,
10I rullingAtck for the aw p the and
INA hem, own, N doweiva" CA4 d.Xi lly we resoI to the Government. Oroanger movvulo"ut sw�eed.,d in Pupply already
W remedy for the great evil. year Pndiug Decamber 31st, 1876, the the Construction of the Raavr6Y- and (2) pany in the fertile portions of the North- the first nommed has
kng It Pon cAd wo hary to bear Ad HT tis Section the company -bad (we "Nor unless West. The Mackwaie ADt the land Charter. U -t ion of coithose
of elaouOus or roiI oorpoi-ations Central Pacific paid ta\ss on road gave pm the oconstruc
IT"s wftb
he hands the " bt to owuntruct branch liumme from
rig have beau Lwought within JpCoUndA by LAW@ And plurtona, orts to the amount of the net income from all sou &lot the wl Is road from Nipisming-to of those limomo, and ULeir alloulasotioto
IM Ck"empany am exempt from A"" any point on the Mainline to any point
regulating ratoo of freight and by other Pro- $378,9M. For the year 1879, taxes were 0 is found to have exceedied the Poalifill Ocean. the Canadian P"fi- Me
far 20 years, under the pruvisions (If the or pointa withill the tarritory olf the ital go actually o"llid. A* Ivat 0) 010
7-4, section um/or mytaiiJairation paid 6y tle following railway uOullanies 15 U" the T. It provies that t6ew lands "I be poi9, on &W ro" W
mates" " sisawbowe ollsolisiL L)oruiujoij without being placed under ""0"
r emook:—Chioago, ed." Thin not 2. Y' included the capital Is." fit for settleinera. The Mackenzie junct ion milti be no ~a by " Itne ""a
of the AA of 1874, ttle necessity of obtaining chartorm, r of opeur &Air door for 1wre evile in A* North. in tbe. Sulu named afte Burlington & Quincy, $328,844; Chicago Is 'P' Aut gave 6LUJA Of ovem" qualitY
by As We xpendel in construction and only. qf Lak;e Suporier Asn bi JJ6 iiw nwwW
an *Lw &ristmod in tile
which ithe acquiring rights further thast those grant West ih
the terms upo 96; Chicago, ment, but also running 0"naes 9Z
at might 000tractwith IL Com, ad by this owtmot. TAe only condition Sol". So fair an possible it renderti com- & orth Western, $359,' 8. It given the lands in alternate blockii ttition by independent oorpors- Rock Island & i'micific, $218,135; Illinois engine hire, wages of all mployecs, of 640 acroo eacL The Mackenzie Act The Rellarru Imarty favor the UOUNtilroo0o,
for the building ot 6e L1111da imoposed upo,& t1tota is that they sAdil be- F� d
Wish an impossible remedy for the next Central, #396,010; Michipu Central, Directorts few, and a the ten thuhatio gave the landis in large blocks 20 Miles Gon of the hue south of lAke bul
20 years, and 9U Act you"ded uv&n the $201,681; lAke Shore & Michigan items that enter into the usual outlay of
Mile F"way, the land gr*ut was to fory otimmencirw upon, suoh bromA
deep, and from 10 t 12 miles in , boasaw as a commercial outillot for the
can" of X�000 acres to the mile "i depeteit a map anoi plan of the Shod"" in Southern, $437,187. the rarway. Itig-oontended, that frontage along the railway.
of 20 square tAe Railway,. 8010- contract wat tillable the Company to de/y In Francs runiony -North-West, it is, at least, as good so- the
blocks The ireot, and indirect, amount- the I rofit shall apply to the money
"Girt, in alternate all attempk to secur the reduction of railway taxes, d 9. It Conveys absolutely the land to, line north of the ladw, and call. be obtain -
oil" e"b6 fivai IALke NippLosing to the tion, it will be noticed also, pr;vides 1878, to $16,241,800. by the Compa" in construction. t&COpy�mme6ch 20 mile seotiooniof I eid %I YORM GOODOW than the north I=*
Foolific Ocean, which, would have embrached )undo for "horb"On't rata offr-ght. In short� for ed, � in the ear
that the right of way, and icate wil i Cases almost without number might be Hem 20 does not say, so more the road is oompleitd. Under the Mac- and at much smallow
gr( .)o years to come the Synd tbo§44 whilool the Iwo
scrom of almost worth-
aba%,413�000,000 Aittious, buildings, workshops, Yards, etc �ed showing the enormous sums paid over the Railway Act of 1879 4mose sub- kausi, At ly j of the land wax to Le north of the Leas ww
monopoly of the o,4rrying trade qual lend in British Cool- 0
whia, and about shall be granted to the ComlwLUY by the " "' K: Dy Railway Corporations in w. 11) provides a double basla Or' conveyed to the Cow --tike Govern. $22,7 76,000, wd WO Cost, W" Lftpvfrnww
Of equally poor land mat far as the of that vast rgion known an the Canadian in taxes I
111,000.0ow serse Uverumant free of Cost, .00 world. J ridging by which the profit in to be calculated, -viy-, Merit rti,,d the Otj
ae Eled Rier, and No N bk-d to various parts of tl which were to by the proomilmim of the motgrisal a toortus OJ
it in Pro-bl-dtinat the ovenmenhall Own the gtne. levy such tribute upon the the inhabitants the average rate of taxation imposed upon the oapiW expended and tile net earytse.,14 be sold at a price to be agreed upon be- Voy"Aw in OZA &" to rVat -qr
t of 54 000 000 Korea provision is made for determiriiing the y, in the shape of tolls upon Railway Gorporations in the United St&tes, Now let us see wb&A thin would amount twee, th, Government and the Company. 6,-'60,000 acres of to". in tilme fortilos
by the
;Loon rem p width of right of way or the amount I of that couutjp 0
exemption to the to, taking other railways an a basis 10. It makes no valid provision for belt w rth $3 per &cxilo, $18,TbO,M
their productions wheu seeking market, it is safe to say that the
Ast, ist 187 4, woudd
16" value land that the Company may sI
&&ve been of ropniste that the growth of the country Will be 0anad& peoific upon its OSIAW atO4 The toial orratin4 "seem of the the reguixtion of fmights or toll. The or a total bonus in Isoad and money
to be seloct for station grounds and yards, am - and it Grand Tritak Railwaymoad Lasted
j66,0W0W acres q( land
and the welfare and interests of buiWings, appartena, provides that the of $28,750,000, the line south of the
would seem fAir to infer that the Company impeded firism in Is" were .............. Kau.816
ed bv thom 0 umd#r Mies contract iin made subservient too the etc., will, wb*u tbd NOrth- 'We" Territory FAMi-P fOr 0111 SMO WM ........ 8,567,810 G-verser-irm-Coutivil should deteirmius loloke OLD Ile 110011rolod for Q banal,
eir require its inhabitants
/W" of te Act will fix the limits of th rests of vrpomtiCAL Before this in deveLoIssal, be worth io.the lCompany at freighta knod "IL Of. at the outido, $V,40OAKK), (Aeromby
1874, the -1 t -he grant in write which it wKy be presumed WlU bie to;Sjeh Cost Ot Railway .................. 168.111,10,P011 ww a Saviv to $A* Glovervolomew W cad
toad betrayal of the intilrests of the people,— Ies",$2oI per annum -z.-4 own 11. it accepts the Union Psaific an a
blocks of 20 equare, in ilea us exceedingly liberal. / the NordTsw must grant sseiiaaaw at 0J am
his Frave infractiou ,t t',, principles of the inhabitante a Opermitialterp-mosesolGreaIi 2 U4.0134 bereen the Mackatuds #A pro 400" and '-"d
alternate blocks of one sq,',Irft mile, as Under t -bis secoLit-on the Company will II A
enoss, it pay in ad ho" to thoif own prt1w #Adm Own. of ormoss; W I ........ 3,064 M ides thilt the MAIIArial used in the oon- 4011 WOMA50,""tht) "u` 80HYmm"I wit the
would have a moomorojil, ofshe con, Justice, row o"isomqu
4 leader the present contract from "Apossible to for$* as 01hoorowayeaturde qf the public b"ne. Zost TZ I—T .................. 36.8wo" stametiou of this ran 1, it's 091tipumoUts 91 Jim mAw* qf ik lake. U sioder theam circuits
bM me" cond"ve to the intereaw of A~lmsmom qf &vveak lines, altartina From to68 Agull— giviou above, saii4604 to the appororal of the I sLatmew It is claimed that that -1
tAd contrad rop inu in#4w�iwnm taken stwuld be
*0 awAsir, as the Government blocks of pointim upon their amain line. TiAsicslt, Section 16 bko that Lhe lands
Ad should the contract be radiod in its frow t�� r-taimiq *k4mAiiiiiiltli
d by Mr. NL&o- my" the ye of a wall in JW
30 miles, provide ith the Minister of Rail tk2 DossiI timssam— af It lammikft IN 116i fb�
411074, womimlof Ames Sul r6la wpoly would the-Gra�� VW Imealod urchaae of the road loy the Go"wastment, W Isooks Superior, till it is somwilleaw,
Gosablo herweinps She u Frooponsible milivsr wor OtV pilwl, shall Ion free fro- t for ly live, a T, 7 saff4wooft" df Competry to ::�=rizc U. a ftr"O an u Profit Of 1% Oft tJw* Capital cut the Matikenzie act provided that tile the Sandy obtsiomild line wMith of the Ink*
lono ad as ot 00-i-4 cOm rigAit to otinsoriscit (k liond, W d#0400S@ii . 20 years odt.-r the grant rout from this expend" in the 001alitt"040111 Ot Goverimucoat might pitirchass the road -LU W4 64311swor all PW?Q0000 and stialmis -At
*ftiough so mecurs L40 -40 restriction in imposed limiting the luiltiouse region which in believed to be ,— Wu. TAis is an ovemotpolion, OF4 Im asetes"
mmsiom kwp a population of it .. the rosid. To secure 6 PrOO then 0( tram the Contractor at any time by lay the 00ow" to save 8700AM of tillis
i a -I of seetleire as fV"8 Och"48, length of time that way ei-PI 11fW Such Capable of SuPporting a" waa&ils &4an LU one a" dwsli wren I or. the rates on the STOMP would have
wore of millions. the cost pnoe P W 010000opw boam is pr%lippow so pro pg
roA� mw bun"*" WW -A& llive tim" this figures at
4, UPS, --- tuar or plau is deposited before ih6 work because it is not pfrpoluk For 20 Years be Increased to 14r= am Only put roof the to As lanom suivith of rAe hwily, ea Ako4Ae
of this Act of W74 with be proceeded with- and completed. A, an illustrauou of the loommi a the 6),lanarly 111*3 throw upon the settlers 60 Xpecial
mw ooa&ekow Inner which thoy wood In 1875—eimilmirly with privilegue conferred by the Government land yview W6,WOAV Goertse.
0001MAIlity May 11110114 -Li" from the italics- of totr,mo[ii ICovers one- repomi to the dide 0( railway lands were I Map and plans may be de"'Nit45"d to where its grAla
Mou of inordinate Charges upon its the Great Western Railway. Tbe net on this Syndicate, SIM& were not pro- With a line South of Imike, 6
PrO&Mble a that of the t con- merely for the purpose of obstructing prtinctionsi, sftking market by ritil, the half of the lands, tile entire Cost of roads. essI of that road woulol yold Only posed to b000nf"rred under the Mackenzie UnArr th" Act the schools, wbool bounce, Municipal inortituti- other railway schemes, if tlum ()CwP—Y 3 per cent on the cost Of "On't"niction- Act. And as these prooll substantial, the North Want 11arritories, amaid he
wag too rown i4 me possession t— raw@ charged upon rho St. Paul, Minns- and all other tazes. The
hirds 0 desire. It must Ioeonfessed, however, ons, direct taxes, To sectire 10% profit would -oossailloiote to tlough it is solmovolk" difficult to All rail rou" Of Xontreisil and Q%Ao% a -
sell the exemption. from t&xation, together polia and Manitoba FAIIIISys, MAY
01 the great to the railway, that other Companies are not 'likely to be quoted, Thin line is owned by tlkb the privilejp� of rRiaing moue7 bz land- incrase present rates three -fold., Can it emumsto thg& exact value, they Lffert rod &uod. water rout, to Timuntlow buirped
al, PRISIS ISSWOOI to itself- sc- enter upon the preserve of the Syndicate be pow" that it is proposed to limit materially the eguirmt put upon the cost of Moultreal or Now York, and OOMOAM
0@=Aimg to the Company for the proseeds th it, Syndiftbe, Which seeks to obtain the bolatimi ranteed gitook, and bonds upon
Most Contract for the Cat" Pacific Railway its the control of Paritswent to such a the read as atat,4 by Sir Charles Tupper. at Plewhosmoo, with the outl Amed
and build bra -Chen om--O"g wi
Under the present contract main lille. such a Course would "I XZ1 MAL40 the Company to ecs"WIM degree that before it can inteirfire, Even at a very low estimatoe, the examp- Railway artow. nme fl -0168s,,
(3mapany halt absolute control of the certainly prove to be an unremunerative now under construction. The distnce withhol its landil from " till the Wil Of thib huge moDopiol can Oba five ti.. from talation on Iands, the beilboad wouM be amols for all *a
Y was"
Paul to Whinipeg is 467 mileL the Settlers who in the meantime bar*
IAO Goviproilment cannot frOw St
lall, aosel estment. Such branch lines, it construct times Foster daip the Gralud runk, and
tA, jnser"t of 9A.3 s4ttler by Luv The rates charged are as fcollows on the exemption from taxes of the railway of the Kffth- Weekend ahouldit III
be tribittary to GreatWestern itself, and the pi,,itege of importing the appear that the Iwo north
ed, must ti&oourve the settled upon and improved the so4joining tbree times greater than the
&0jG2wV at -Aas prlico any ?w*on qf the Maw Imso(Jime Canada Pacific,and w
Cold articles named: Goveminient sections which are Offered Railway I Or in it proposed to deprive mstwial used in the ittoonstrtic-tion bee bul"Orwi Was required, its coustructim
8 As" be so" it Sad placed .......... 44 for homestead and De-emption, Am in -
he Controlled by the Lumber per oar load .................. R5.00 the Goversoor-in-OlounC11 at the 1) . ower from duty, wotild amount to many millions- OwAld than be proceeded with on tarlW�, The want extent 01 6 'and grant a' mercy of the Syndicate. By me" of in live 8tock ... do ................... 121 W orvased tile valu of a4oitsiag raihoor he now posaeuses of
MWQDW may be best remilsed by cotto- ..frodly polwy the gresur Company Agricultural I ariplements pw oar load 1.300 sediam abliost in an equal 41" W entirely irrev"vo Ot PrOlItO t1W It in ollarooly ueoewary to ta"mofte now pruposed, wh
point out than life in
It is naefifth larger than Irs- could grind and oppress the smaller Slid Irou and Coal Am been
%*Mparlyj lAt UPL&PO luo- nomiew"s, ow cowary wvuu otividtAo LA twodLirds as large According to the testimony Of 0xPOrta expotd6d. the Islamic MIO that the Conditions under which the
iiiIsutary me and render its iurtatment t,
al"%S" ezn=y tal sham to the Interooloua kensio Contract was made have entirely 9-POWkwv qf - twy 1wr
it wijl (umish a" coadd in the end se given before Committees of the Oon- which will enable opyoystif a
ress oftheunited statesoharged wit mak- "lly with the settler in this C**4 "t the 1 "w"cls"d .. ...... AK317.706 011anged. At that Urne them was but a Tory -MU _ * 11 W adywat" ;172
earil, an,' will othan Cost. In , . - T.OKOU -ch- Woo that ille oxopladis"ris
olf, loo sere aboorio its I vestigationg Oil the railway tranapoll-I 1.18cm In" M"on in the North-West to on&- ol Could!
amay @Up a P"ak"-wn of 4,000,000. fact, ,ch ti;e Avapest way by which login 7rant" resulting from W privations 09pbm-I pensetam a rail way—aeome to the omntry was somm or I
uAl cost of M ted
-snob hum
two" Staot* 0( the 14vildwals --ka loon in were of Coca
Now York to Unt one -Aft could obtain tion question, the act oving and toil without having OmLnbu To pay 107. on the COOL of the luter- PS`M_ The road woutIll, of IAMM Superwr wewd
larvor IIIIII this Tee tract o( fertile land woua lie to ind,see sanguine OfiPitaliffliII freight on a first-class road is 21 cents per one iota of the cost either ill exertion or Colonial R"Wny above the omt of very discult, do More them ta, Nra" the b" aftolk,.
ton for ten Miles, and b moms good author- rely oul "uire a ,n, tively litUe and any investment
I iki.L it is lWoposed to convey to build such roadt, and then by ptrtting Money. When the pioneer ban operating.
is cents Made in a milw-sy or any other undlea- Sb" rOutol fflm 40 Silarth-Waft
The grant t T= at I at least of fire and W million dollara,
szoeeds the &rem t ities the autualoo" A
on the sorews Secure, possession of them a conquered the diffmitlas of the wilder taking Would. f r a much lo"w tissel Montreal. by all rold; it wouW salq-
n for ton miles. If the St. KUL ; ril.
Stasing of V erm,,QLNew H amrh a large reduction flow first c(A nook and halt in other word, would require that itS
planted alitrilined onumust,
riespoolis and Manitoba Railway is A Erst- ban at present prove unreintumforutive. tile short" rout* to tide Waller Mmoashumaow Rhodso L0611-4, —1 1& por So years fr.,tn the data hreof. ities in the silver wilds thoot SyV Y04 rates for freight and imnamengerst wouk be t Is 6o, soLhorind by the class road, and the highest estimated cost it the Macieuxiii, pilau was even no I" Mmuitial for the rad a olitoos"d
aset&qat, by over 4,000.0W wrfAL BY the so tine of railway a all to be reclai=4 a r-09 -OW *41461Y incretelooil firefiAd. go that the state- be N=
ro-atructed somot-I of moving freight on such a road is taken cheaper than the preoent., yet vwiwing the the Anwriamon
st 1671, tile &am 4 improved Dookosion Parliament to b favored corporatooft WW "t avid claim ment that the publile interests am ampl y
the (�&Kadian Pacid altered condition of things, and placing Iiad road efirnestIl me" as atlet via
R-il extortion-
daAerent Provinces at the " 1. the following table wiU*ahow at a glance a joint interest in 1146 of A40 protected by this oliation from )anaA-,
tv,4 6S& fit the Point at or near th C ... L. r. - - side by Kide in (lots an well am in the dault t -
the difference between the s0tual Oh&rV the Tory land that has Cost ri6tited ate charges 6 a Inere pretence, And them o"porta. B the &a.11 Stie. N" Bransk.
Doessahm were ttailwey ozoopt sucti line as shall me mouth- and
ade btwen Winnipeg and St. Paul for somiley, it is 4duxitoly better, and viewed
kit. Paul 1, 300 iles .. ............ vot"t. or to the westomild of 50"th"'I"; nothing, tow" the taxes his 16114 had to piactically, no security wh"er.
nole 49. And trsnaportigtion, Lad the actual cost or %be its effects upon the future development
Uor tn% -thin flifeen, wit" of latit will be offwvd to lum " high prince 8ac, 22 _11711mm Railway Aut of IM, is W In Duluth will fhe
... 1.171.167 u the estabb-loirsent of -y new Pr-iu06 is the 9 considered as ten Pay, libs, pperisinns nf the same ve appliable of the country North-Wesit, it ylsiom the than Now York.
Ei same, a oar load bein because be has unproved the adjacent far wo
Xem SwAls ............. 1,4U7.01111 imil-on absol I be tromi-io
North.W"t TeMVIries, prw to the undertaking referred be in this present contract beyond alloonsideratiollm. bW Ir ilea maw to Montreal than prohibities after such toils:— ll
Inv oontiouing much k,,,tal lan. asod in so far so they are not ilic,006466ut bw*' RNATIVIII MERITS OF THE Lnm Novirs or 110011541,011,
...... 17,*16,81.8 setablisluscut until the expirmillim of the said aboarse. ooft. By wation 17 �6* requisite set;urit7 with or Inconsistent wM or oon" to the the United Sitais and TwIveleteim oompan- 06 ro UER bUPILs.101� A14D T132 LINE TO THR
—POrt"ties" to be "or" of a 4ne drawn fftes to Multiply pairiod.
on on after it provislocisoftboAct of in
above given serve to show,in ition8 of this section it will 85 00 $11 43 r runuitrff the road far t "d to 111111le, L)IM
elm By the oond pony, 611111,11 &PPIY to
-4 iftsellsafed to a San Fruncisivi, it "oarer to J[onkVn1 9"
rig mainsmor than by the wero be wen that no branch lines shall be 121 00 It 43 is completed is =4% Pacific Railway. MAXILIL Ag. Implements ..... 173 00 11 43 In effect it amounts either to $5,000,000 V a close she Sault Sts. Alarie ititan it is to Few This section maloes the Cow
authorized or obarwrod bv the Dominion o doubt, vwy much that is written
dM641111int of figures, the extent of the ..... 129 00 11 43 sod
V.;.! Iroo and Oi-al in land bonds as contained in this section, corporation. By subscribing the about the Eastern Section North of 1ke yOrk The Prol"O Una to tL4 bLuk-
Wit #rsolat to tile Synducate. Is is nearly Government south ofthe Canadian Pacific, the extortion
This table fully illuxtratea or one-fifth of tbO lands granted, Provided stock required to oVzixo the Company
t or near the C-nadian r, the Sault Ste. Marie BMI,* would afford to ortherri
timoses as .7roa em Me area ofimproved firmum any point a aced by the above named Cow ny
inore than Pacific Railway, except such lines as shall I,rw lan sse n themselves, they are enabled to appoint a n"Mhe Northern Wworimn, to
in 1871, and upon the settlers of Manitoba, line south of Lake Superior, is
Section 22. But as the 5,000,000 acres such Directors as they 0110011164nd by disir Mon
at or ovestward of south-wout. imperfectly understood by the g"netal L"KkOI taIna, and Washington, t6i
four ticaft law " the am of improved run south -W reader may imagine What will be the fiLtu re, doul)tless, nivab wore valuable to the power to prevent,the tra"ferof the stock to nearest POB&i j route to asm AUsomitic asg,
at the mine ti6e; while i. A glance at the MAP will Show that of future settlers in the far North-West, a ublio, for the want of r
land in Queboo; ng ' Compan bonds on all the ; and that wepart would I* MantramiL
the directious named Y than K00000F in other partieos,, -tikey can shut Out Inowledge as to the location Vd in
OX r F, a 4 the total am of improved lands lines runni, if handed over to the tender mercies of t W
tlists of Canada from any share Quid Make our own to the D&WMI isulan in 1871 b 7,664,181 become foodeTIS of the . (lotuadian which the Government is bound to F!�7 other ospi positions of the various lines named. In
in the Dam the same Syndicate, with r 0 the r robabili- of the
evo 'y avenu them four per cent interest, in the protlw of the road. If this were not the position emporium a vast "Oft in
Po'c1fic, am' cannot become Competing for osoupe through the healthful Camped- ties am that the only security the Govern. order to ,how it to glance
a huge speoulation. why not &llow the Ulftiu!od States, Sb"dy
to be permitted to run and advantages of the rival routes, a map po""saft
am Lt The Gowsormoinamot shaW -UsIgnila tines. Were roads will be the bonds. Then
tiou of other lines carefully closed. tit will have to take she" in a population of a Million and a lusirter.
We [adjoin Utle &ffeabog the lands herein ficl- others has prepared and is placed at the
be herlowtOr granted in aid
prepristod, and to to the south or south east and allowed to Between Toronto and St. Paul, the die inCharles Tupper that the ri4k of the iludertilki rhe btsildiny qf this line ZW" wX touch the American bonridary, and there it is ad ittell by Sir nt But go head of this shoet, which correctly gives
Of the reAway. tanee is 924 miles. The effect of Cow- ing ex- sure are the Co that ey have a
with American lines, ri" routes petition upon rates charged is the Prairie Section will pay runni the geog lines of the region it a doubie parpa". It will W boa
shown by he
1, thin section no provision is inserted oonnect wt attainable r"wa &laid to
e nd but the two 01116—thst is It monopoly, and th�t t1at monopo,13 is to Covers. rtyyini 0 tl i map the 140
public poticy, L4w weVars the following table shovAng the tariff it =Zftr Goorna bian sm- Oky Mounts" Section. and the Eastem
proviotislig thins be a source of untold woulth, that they route Of the Canada S`s1s WM, and "Cured. Not only, however, does the upon it is pro -
the classes of goods above Onur`10- S"On to the North of Lake upe a vast tradefrom A meracian Terri",
of L44 IWhaw, or _ny oWr Consideration, nor, to to
owtionproiidetbAttbetx)tigtructionof lines are bound to keep all tile prof, posed t locate it from J.&I Nippisaing
6hmL,usI or define %be obligation rest- rated:— 50 must be run at a 10-8- W-11 th811, 8uppO6 thenwirm Mora, they have so hedged to the Pacific Ocean, und or the pendin nearly all qf wA" ?ww seeks the ocean t
ing ill" *@'(kywernwent to extinguish except to the wag and South- West shI be Grain, p. -r 100 Ilis .................. COW as
40 ing the Syndicate tO have I)leted the themselves around in the prowting sectiO,
mono Lumber. per oar 1064 ....... ........ 96 arrangement with the Syndicate is W5 A tnerican porU.
tftk Of lod"M 118 SffeCti "dS that rrobibited, but it clit" the .1 Ole road, it will thes, no, simp y a matter
vie" that no line here"Ifter to Live Stoek, .............. 126 00 wh that any possible lose Will accrue to the down. The proposed line stmI from The bWJection that part of the road
20 00 -10
orth_We@t to Montreal ria the
requirs- other they will
Company usay s000lo& Government, and by no Possibility can Lake Nippissing at the essitand is carried from
ed bv the Dominion shall approach Ag Implemenu, .............. of businoli" with them wh the
awaft ad the &WAamn am mandatory and iro &ad Coal . .. .............. 60 forieit the security or run it as per agree
Government sh,44 ex- nearerilman within 15 miloe oftheAmeriosin rjzr,. 16. The Canadian Pacific Railway, Ana they beconve permanently involved. north of IAke Superior to its Junction Sault would be upon American u-nitory
went. It is estimated that it will cost coxi%AcT or 1874. is soLroely worthy of notice. It would be
boundary line, for the space of 20 ye8rg- all st,tions and station grounila, work sh", It THE MACKENZIE witE the Thunder Bay branch of the L#, Indian fiae is the language $,6,000,000 a year to run the road. It is alleged that the OODUuct Pre have Canada Pacific, a little to the north-weat road bringing to Canadian purte, the Vi The intention of this PrOiKiOn will stand buildious. yards and other proWi-ty, rellmil. rpin than
No Slier%usure is provided for. or
clearly revealed upon Consulting beau conside in a better be nZe ofAmerionn an well as the
the ap- stock and &I-purteriances required anil used lor costs $2,343 per mile to run, the oth Of I.AkS Nepigon, an Assumed distance of t of -shk we
It is easy to south
onilmoslive of Circumstances the oonstruotion aud working thereof. and the Rd& At thin rate tbo uZie in 1674. Sir territory. Is wouid be or rosel
it will be seen that to the of the raitlways of that uiade by b"a 683 miles. From the junction with the
umpa to we re a cession of ospital at ck of the Company shall be fore;ar Prairie Section would Cost & tr'fle over Charles Tupper in his sPftch delivered in Thunder Bay Section to Red River, the "11� "O"a"d the clldW, for the 640 m4no
American bound -7 It "t free from taxation by the DLiininion, or by any
din tribes would fail - and $2,000,OW a year. It is quite clear then the 11ouse of Cominous, on Tuesday, the ro" in now built or undorcontract. The fron Saul, Ste. Marie to Montreal snould loo tientol line called the N111rithem Pacific, is P,o-ionop hereafter to be established or by AD'y
an motosewo o mks possession of their lands pay the Syndicate to forfeit
being Constructed. This line wW lead to Municipal Corporation th-reiin aLd the lands that it would 14 th December last, stated that, I under portion of the road from Ake Nipplosing upon o u r own soil.1twould Lie an interuation.
ast Territones, the security ai o7wo, rather than run a cost the
cold "wax in - 0owy -"d unjitsithabils �qnuectious of the Company, in tholi road the huckentlescoheme, it would to the junction with the T &I has conferred upon us vasitly own them No
huuder Bay ontreal by -ea- of its
t arise, and Util they are either sod or occupied. Shall fit,
(*AM Migh that must at least, Cost KOWA)0 -country $t04.000,000 to 00DAruetthe tion t the eat LAke Niftpig,011, ko., %h" go Americans do ,t to
1"deaft Wow south of lake Superior and via Sault Ste. also be to so from such taxation for 20 years see o wouth-W. of Itit"t f
obeiAy wW arivis, where the solectious of Lg expenwis. Besides, Canadian Pacific Railway. This sum he
Marie, and will be a rival to the Cana- Ztar the grant thereof from the Crown. year to pay rultsu is designated in the contract as the ar Railway Liam if " affmill the soda
aby the Coolm under the section that on the made up as follows;— FAstern Section. It wi7l pas through a U I y -1 ectinvituroal tr"eporbsdo- #"a
either route. If granting a trataportation. monopoly Syndicate failing to riltu Trask
dian Pacific, for till business that may be With the exception of the provision, it in provideId by this
fell upon the road as Par toir a ae, The business of "a urad
h~ 2,797 miles of Railway At $10-000 rocky and dj#kult country,lia ring a severe
is desirable and even permitted to C not only forfeit ....... 527,070,000 the Canada '400thern and the Orie" W456� IS
ViAch it thdy shall
"New d .4 ''BAill!"A " at 20.0m *Pment tram dom Weneft
1, lines touching the Canadian, Pa- to the Syu ioste for 20 years, covering climate and very little land capable* of mily acenposed of
remem for Indian reserra
to cific were permitted to reach the'boundary the entire North-West, noJeaturo of t1w 000,000, but they shall. Pay interest 2,7917 iniles cultivation, where very hule local bueine" t=.
acrea of land per mIlle (the land Effigpows staws. Grow
per I"
with brolo at the rate of 0. =
=rl,: ly jAd jamrim1i qf the Gvwrn- line and connect has of the contract is mare objec6owille t1iiall, the to, the Government 4 valuedst $1 per so") ......... 55,w.000 can be developed, and wbero the hue sw to w from 440 dendrod— ut am maw loselbf the Imaitow b4ould been of this suaL This would Inlarest at 4% on 17,800 for 96 must rely almost entirely upon tbrootigh
'ed to the COO11- cant 01113num It WiU fWaft — — Weft
jorthern Pacific, a Lee- co-paVionfor t-antion exemptions secu)
ly:yiftv Provisions. fa -no �f t,6 Iyarto, pany by the en"Iniloitt contained in 9A4 be $1Z 000 a year. NOW , it will Cast on years ........................ 20.977,6M business. It will be a very expe
U F=Mvernment the &UMes 0 sm "a an already usire ---
W,,t U,i,,g acca to both the Caseldian abom qU40t4d Redi(oll 16. It is rovk1ed theavoragoo$2.843 Per Mile, $104.W7.6w portion of the road to build, the am" an
a of 5, work. Asted, aboutill 40-000 ow
land to IK&iJ-&Y (k)m ;oui to ran the RM t- wo dww"v;
tAw fortUrls PaI would be I tbat station sad allticin S44kn I& &VWygr=&ul1 Uswplltreut istimaeli vA bWq (or M milea, own
gh130 it, in soda quite
ab". bw6inm yu*, and 0#w
to the aldivantOr of SH WtUft
so bm a PIP"
P-0 -.7,
N, jZ 301,
X -
'4�N 4