The Huron Signal, 1881-02-18, Page 741•••••••••••••
_ .3r •01 .•* a 44.4;ix'
ciaireit. Aim KINCARDINE orE
Farm anti tbaroen
Illerse shoes teem ea s. flake.
Theme seems Su he au doubt that to
"pm lib-. um*" t. She bet of • horse
an thing etas, fur a,* woo Ile the
11111011 111 on • doable agues be -
SIM GI 11111 k0111 grows flown amid prima
&pied the adios, and the shoe is ham-
nneed tenably ap against the heel=
=•titZlii eel bask ega the
raised. This makes ties
double &onus which is w apt o peen
injurioua to obviate this, it bosom*
asemeary is Were the *hoe fit Mealy and
easily se all these bu the hocee's hoe.
To inhere this, it should be taken cased
, emet about untie s fortnight; and la
ilfr the clinching pert of the teas ou ide
*titan so case should be taken to first file
of the hoof, su they cannot make ajsT
holes or tear the hoof as they are tie
drawn. Sono let shoes remain ost the
hone for two or three months. Nothing
nista ea Mina
Men like Mr. tilpurgeon of Loudon
know what is the worth tits on time
in tilhug every eagle/ , and he
w eskit here like a man earnest. Mr.
SPur••• etla:-
Pareelvaiity is eae of the miner monde
Woe 14,g• ens whiek every yowling
men &mild earehdly eitkivide. The
eery sepaithees et the nettle maims its
appellate vies the ezewethie. It is as
JS le he in time es it is to Imo finale
atm !Me when you ease eereeire the hide
it. Let h be acquired vy all ateluss, amid
sever lust win. Upets the five senates
will depend • weeiti ei comfort to Ann,
and every Christine eheuld consider this
to be • tea "eighty assimieut. We
have no right to nese worry mid aggra-
vatien to AM& when a little thought-
fulness on eer would preveut it. If
the be ter 12 o'clock, We
have no 448*mM/to make it 12:b, sad
by se doing wea/sit - somebody's
oan be more injurious to Imeyng up • "FP 114""
2 teed heepe tit y, „„to. touch the sluggard a little more doer
se, ws out ‘3 •• • y, P• Y
int.s. Tbsit, 1 five minutes may
seend,eg:dttoteg than thia, betsflange utintettls dinionitir fedi: foLoautreeh Iviser=gai-
form. than any less selfish consideration. •
Orename ens Cad. who begins a little late in the morning
will hare to drive faat, will be constantly
C. T. C. has & 90-usoaths old steer iii • timer, end will scarcely „sitak„ kis
whisk was lately taken seek, vomiting all h • ••• at night; whereas be who As"
he Ask eaten. His horns are warm, iii the
proper done can mil the luxury
sot* as if shoat to raise the cud and .ndirq hie wok m st „mow, mid gwin.
chew it; bet iisteael of chewing it, be •
mg a ittle ponies of leisure. Late in
lets it run out of his mouth, drooling the morning may mese purling and hum_
relitio„snuf thiLtiMe.,..,.,,, ia,,IkEiNarangln.ewil!terA,I" ing all. day long, whereas an early hour
-a ‘,.. ---,-.-------ke,, -,,.--- : 4„,„-Y' will make the pace 1111 easy one. This is
- and-- - our ---- f r i cad- uk-s whk't •----ds hi; """vand' worth a inan's considering. Msch evil
how to treat him es of hurry, and hurry is the child
Answer. --This is known as droprng 4 tal-Paactuald'Y. The waste of other
the cud, &earthed in the Rural of Jan mAnpeoi:Isecunsciance.'s time ought to touch the Lte
result ot indigestion, which my result A gentleman, who was a member of a
ea, and is not vomiting. It is &frequent
from feeding too much dry feed, committee, rushed in fifteen minutes be -
•1 ' smutty fodder. It may „.. are. hind the appointed hour and scarcely
young &wawa', from wieweeildwei°ecthe-items-- apolugisod, for to hire the time seemed
and "es "tti° dulL th/ v°thiting I" of urstung his /wiling wit regulanty,
- •
Foul sir
, eamitio or
irnvale asiti &See to tire
langs. Irge's Catarrh Remedy
cures easel.- by its mild, southiue,
ctleausing bealiim properties. Koh
package prepares oleo pint 1 the Remedy
may for use, $od steeds oily kitty cents.
lad druegists. Au pesstivelosper-
thin in its reseals that it. forten-pro-
altietor geed bo eget • standing reward
of NOD• ewe it verde not cans
gleea avellean•
The great morel ut oblainisstriattes, is
lint to preen* economy, as goal
ela DOSeuti Snyder asps, "It used to
the bee mg of sin to pay mune-
ems r's Ugh, but now I have litetiok
is AA.' Health and leseptuees reign
supreme in our little househ-Old, u4 ail
simply because ere use no other medi-
cine hut Electric Bitten, and only costa
fifty oasts a bottle." Suldl by F. Jor-
incident to the shaddding of the teeth near enough; but a Quaker who happened
and the growth of the permanent ones. also to be on the committee, and had
' .. ThisshouAd be learned by exemination If beep compelled to wait because •quorum
could nut be made up to prooeed with
the teeth are right the cause will dyspep-
the business remarked te him, "Friend,
ill health in mild rises, exeepte perhaps, thou haat waited a full hour. It is not
sia. There is generally no appearance of
. r..0.... 4 th4 eArt,;.‘., .it maw. with h
only thy (twirler of an hour which thou
ast ost, uthe qua
I 1-, t rter of an hour of
sheep as well as cattle, :aid should be
. h of the other three; and hours are
• lireatednseed oasil andt1111rireap:OS-Give
teheontehirdPiatdauy: not so plentiful that we can 4urd to
. throw them away".
Thishanieegipie7iirahei et"grYeefunrdtriedga2r.liii lautesas We once knew a brother whom we
named the "late Mr. 8-," because.
oi scalded bran or linsevsl meat. -Plu-
Illef is se neill-er sieges, Ons
17,rgetah=es. fermembal. ebb
la your throat sore, or an you an-
noyed by a constant cough 1 If so, use
promptly "Bryan* Pulintene Wafers."
They will give you instant relief
They relieve the air .passages of phlegm or
ranouous, and allay inflammation, ,.ad no
safer remedy can be had for toughs, colds,
ur any oomplaint of the throat or lungs,
and if taken in time their efficacy will
soon be toroved. Sold by all druggist*
and country dealers at 25 ceuts a box.
•••' z
Weedleg taws weave el11•1111j.
M. H. C. asks the safest way to cleat
cows during the month or six weeks be-
fore calve. Our friend has been told
they should be fed upon hay only; but
t ' the man, in chew lit the cows says he
e Putney* feeds:grain up tee the last day
,14# gle before ealvier. yet as me cow has al-
' ready been lost, owing to what the
neighbors insist on calling his misman-
T• sqetnent in this matter, our opinion is
• •
ho never came in time A certain tart
gentleman, w
sooner thet name was literally true, the tfon can be steps upon to produce a
vents Da =e416.4ue
WSrdPUr It's Mods are ti,..r.„,,at. w The
M* will telt hem to gin goon
1111/ 6 Ceara Plata Yor
Illett•a meow and W linana. Mb
OS e le parer °evert MAW
La lterseem ter al%
Week's hostility inemmtme at
Poem L _ mare te .very smeser asill
mar wee 11.111 tis=
rive espies elk N
mmt. T.
cal BOILER-Lill188.
Marble, Works.
dr= 2". frilraimMir=teli
saetteda la Zilletd.ylenttaadt east
lits k opt ia
mock GisadtePrbeTionmmenee sad Winne
Imported to order.
Taos. J Derlingtou Engle:tel.
boTrr limeade of Li. 71.' tietaimi It Co.. Wel' i gays ; The OM/ Lung a us fit
tg he:ether& hemat the Tools sad
1 • •
varried on by the ooderich Foundry and Mann-
tattertog Company. ad Istvan bad an ex
perienoe of over eight )(sant in tha/ atop, are
now prepared ei carry on the trade to •I1 11.
OH Any work eetrested to us will meal% v.
preempt aileetton. risek-clima work ruminant
teed Millers made and alnrd. &lee
t iron Work. or yeara “Only Low Pad" gave me . am glad t
inimediate relief. 1 can recostineed it
New Malt Pass made and tad sees repstred tor weak envies and bad coughs. 1 can 'Mehl,
rectinineenit it. %lien the doctors had given me
ino the skieleat mot ice, and as emelt" rear IW- es the greatest remedy ever produced. ue, 1 . entuo•i,/•cit using your medicine, and 1
ST COMPFTITION. am raining heeith sae strength very fast and 1
Tin DAYS OF learier aro Nelms or Ohrystal 84 Blacki; 'laxly VAN NOITWICK, of Tided., nibac
Ohio, says: A friend previdled upon me 4 Yrittris
Cleaner eu.dured by the sufferer from a I
*De wila• procreenrreSzetrir*
OIL A piiirirrorsios•
Clit=tr asisenn Oweawasepeden•
earn 111Penalreg 4Liareesemi.
sad weed It la my
nessistes et
enterolle.sre with it betaireativ,
petai• end tee good rowans thatt
Iteete found It ver! eellial:=1
meantime thiseet „..aed pumumarr
IRA hi. LANG. Eat Broadway. NAN
Lesearelle, Bo.. Janina 1 1111.
eix‘rizient -roe the last fifteen mouths!
have seed par intarem klustialou, both le
hap tai vete tier,
=Pane ean 7aleten it is better
awe tkan
ay other pre OU. In
I have
oasuuiptl. J.IIktiotic
fount, it especl To
ta ni41
. t
ie capital.
thoroughly tried ere. One lady has al 1 Messrs. to-orr IL more 'meowed ticott •
uki of vs; DO n orkina instances
reoul received cat beuefit, who hes suf. 1 hetli foie t es taken.
for years in Bronchitie and Asth- rainedated. and rat im%roves the outritaa
ma, =Id cotteetion of right lung. and ficah. eons der t e beet Emulsion 1
H. IL Homes, Clembridr, sav . lams ewer used. RA1.111/1YOR, IL D.,
6 ilistere.Sr7T it Bow : I have even your
1 have been afflicted, wit Asthma re„„ely or of Liver fce.. • fair trio. rad
think It is Thz remedy
persistent cough ewe sap the vitality of .5 1i. 10.1. GAMER 14•111. 1115: tained immediate rhhOf (non a racking aeon & Pewee: I telt it mylbialouvt)**"- to nie.elynodil
j to try an "Only Lueg. Pad, ' and I olo I
the yeA hopeti 004 know the benefit I tao e derive d from tbe wear
Such • catastrophe can only be avoided 3'our Fmnbilon. 1 Its re bad OtOlIfil for
the system and wreck the constitution.
At retail by all druggist& ' • Imre, and oti coneult ant. 7 Gorsuch of
0111N RATLP11. by H. HAKWELL & ). , :tasth
•r rati:e"".,e't.e eir,19111.1 weighed
eat es iielPhr a nein aii•Ibure is in the city of
I'llen."112n en Mts. and now
_awisomminumiummairim irm
e AwDAltit'A. IS•OPIaltt.Mtre1.8711'.:•d
HAMILTON STREET, LIBERAL OFFERS mitre% reit. Or 1 raw end ir3 'wet: :,i,urbottleg
of late iimin es long congealed nee. Tide has
& Bowes: - 1 thought wcihid
FOR. 1881._ nruved true in my eve. wax riven iip to die
leld March nirh censmrintion. the best teed:est
aid made no mes okany,t trststrut. My husband
-1•EALER IN Two Yon for the Price of One I. trxgrt tre•cAnzzlacxfit.vserrexg:
ine to bealtb. l!...:jusrcaeaui
latioes of bun-
' IticetittatMot arlyifer,
as mulfri
man's gmulsioa of Coal Liver Oil and Montreal, I'. Q
•rhconlettee. Anti. taking two bottles, 1
by precautionary measures. Prevent. the
ciimax of a cough with Northrop et Ly- j
Hyporerhitee of Linve and Sexhe
which is a cenibination o the purest
prey of m professional ltt &tiers, and ,
and most salutary ingredients its perfect t .
chemical harmony. Caught, colda,
aryngitis, incipient bronchitis. and other t
affections of the respiratory organs, are I
speedily relieved by it, and it has likel•
wise red to be a useful specific in GODE
sarofu us maladies. The lose of strength
oonsequeid upon being diseased is check-
ed, and the flagging, .physical energies
restored by its invigorating action. I
Phosphorus, the active principie of the i
hypophosphites, not only supplies the ;
sygeni with an important oUnt ent of
strength, but gives a healthful impetus
tothecircelation The lime mai euda
had been irritated by also „,da to vigor of the frame. In eaat- ,
lo nom v ravidicand continued
the brother's unpunctuality, said that the ing diseases of all kinds, this prepare-
better for the temper of those who hie eenseeird effect. A sii., ye , ,
to wait for him. i Ls all thid is uor,eieary to prove its poten- 1
Many a man would much rather be cy, either as a pulmonis or ginetill in- I
fined than be kept waiting. U a man vigorant. For yilvel-ty of the blood, with I
must injure me, let him rather plunder which so many 'eyelids are troubled, it is
me of cash than of my time To keep a a sovereign remedy; prornotfng the &Nue
buey mau waiting is an act of robbery, sition of both strength and flesh. Pre -
and also an insult It may not bo so pared by Northrop & Lyman, Toronto,
intended, but certainly if a man has pro- and sold by all aruggiats.
r respect for his friend, he will know ,
se surely will dissolute eventually fasten
itself- upon a system deficient in vitalon-
ergy if tonic medication is not resorted
asked. 1 the value of his time, and not cause him
says, calving th
period of e system becomes i to waste it.. a cool contempt in
unpunctuality, for it aa, good as
Atower.-As a cow approaches the
touch disturbed and the circulation is "Let the fellow wait; who is he that I
considerably increased, the cow is taxed should keep myappointment with himi"
to the utmost to keep up the extra quan-
tity of blood which supplies the calf,
and is in euch a condition that a very
alight cause, as cold, indigestion, or
over -feeding, may do much mischief.
It is therefore very dangerous to feed
asygrain to a cow in this state for save-
A "arsenate" Searribed.
"The Weaned Stor is of the opinion
that what this country needs most is a
'Ishmael esthete. ?whim& a syndicate
oould be formed to build 0110. .-{Mini.
• •Steaks befure site °"1" ht. Gaud No doubt. Let the Government offer to
hay is all that is required; a few roots furnish the syndicate with a printing
would be advisable, hut even a bran slop office to publish it, allow them to charge
1410 be given with caution and only whatever they please for it, place the
h it is lured as a laxative. To port of the people in such a
undu y and is alwaysproductive tigarget, •• it, geerentee that Tho one else &ha to its effects. cases of general e- ,
• TEttRIEPEINTs OF t win perieetly earede
- • ••••S' AVAAttAtir ree Irrrr1(411).
To rfelkarlIGN (tvtio.
vr cwt.' Otli.11 (Liberhl
Terials sr **barrier toe 11n•InellIng roeinge.1
Yours witL respect.
MRe. el.DRt-Doe.
i For sale Ity druggists at in per bottle. 17M
Bleakwood's 31diabulth Magazine,1
'Prows the lust fvoiloa poriednwis in a con -
3 -either form and tr fthitut atorhkint.'nt or
The subscribe r has a e• Ilt ASC. mt-
ment of STOVES, TINWARE and 14•IliVE
Prices as Chap as he Cheapeg
te in time. The necessary tendency tat a Examine the stock and you will hit
weak discharge of the ftuictions of the
sure to be suited.
body is to disorder its ortana-Invigor-
safeguard. orenovantof epletedphysical
energy, no restorative of hest flesh, nerve
power and cheerfulness, has more clearly:
ation prom t and throw , is the 014 she ese Wool Pickings. C..tten
Rags, pper, Brass and ohl Metal taken
exchange for Goods. -
demonstrated its efficacy than Northrop
& Lyman's Quinine Wine. In this pre-
__. ____
medicines which forms its basis, is pure • ' ' .. .--rnr.-• -'- - ---4
partition, associated with the ealutsry
" Manchester . litotii4e SS ,
sherry wine and certain aromatic constitu- '-‘, ' . . • -
OHM which Union& an agreeable taste to I ' k'''
or congested udder. After eatring, too, butIld a rival anthem, exempt the piper ty and dyspepsia it is inv uable snd ! •7.4.3!•ilM S A _ IREX
' ': ' t '
. •
Blackwood or any one Review ... $1.(X) peran.
Wawood coot wry one Review. euu -
Met wood and two Reviews... . 10.00 "
Mack* owl and fhree Reviews... nee - „
Any two JP/views. • ...4. ; .. 7.00
The four Reviews - ......t.... 12.00 "
Rockwood and the four Reviews 15.00
These are About ant f dar prams charged by
the Madinat Publishers.,
eirenlare giving the Contents ST ttgte Period -
1 nen for the year-VISO, and many other parttc-
slam. may be had lea Silltggigaggoa•
• . 1011,33:iiittilb"DeEE3-
Nevr imherribere mar have the ntrmbers for
IMO at Mal at the video of cite year's sub-
'''"rritriany ettheS•riher new or old. we will fur-
nish the peetodicale r •
AR erde ni 1,, be seta to the pubileation office.
So sev tire premiums apply promilgis •
The Lifortard Eloott PnbliAliing CO.,
4780-30i. JOIIN
• 41 Will.CL1111 1111101 lf•akik•
tion that they will be compelled to the article, anIn d gives addite nal emphasis i
feed !rain stimulates the milk organs •
for at least a week, grain food should be and ink from duties and make the the desired effect is, -.---- majority .••,
fare is insured by the use of the Quin- n."71;17'. G- 0- 0 D S
given with extreme caution.- [Rural.
rinting office and stock free from caws, regn""biLf)r°111Pt " wen 94 l•
. taxes au time pay twice the c„,„t deciaive. That g natural appstite, tessiset 'if -cell -1e a eboice let Of
blication and build the most difficult which gives a relish for the coarsest 1\1 -
We Fine which also confers brain sooth-
Jig of Beiniiiditlalhisple, that wise ruler ing and body refrealing sleep. Fever and 1 New Dress Goode; lillitins*' rhetnels. Blankets, Shirtings, Cottons, Prints, ese c
decided to trod the artisans employed ague and bilious remittent fever, are dis- 1 wl•ich for valee Illmenitwitteneed. New Rhawls and Mantles, special value.
an that famous edifice to a banquet. ' 1
While the moo were enjoying the ved ease* te the eradication of which it is
things his bounty had provided. King specially dapted; b
aet it should be used I
only in the intervals between the seizures. 1 T ee r LA:DIN Q- 7320]Pate..11•19iAlilieTT...••• aplehcLici selection of Tweed
Solomon moved about from table to The far-reaching effects of a good ton* i and 4:ostinge. Can and rears year ismaure tor a suit or overcoat --stylish made, well trinune
rhysi_ land ett saarantee•:. Cletb bought ent tree of charge. Pr Rate. caps and Drawers at CUM*
table, endeavoring to become better ac- in all complaints involving loss of , . prices.
quaintest with his werkmen. To one he cal energy. are well understood by pnyse Th. teeter pr.., . pale ger t ar.d pggs• Java= A. fame,
said- ' Jordans Mock, ootterteti
"My friend, what is your trade?" clans, and the comprehenaive influence . . . -
„ for good of this preparation upon the
ional ief in the value of invigorants
The story leteis *RA during the build
all of the sMhem for the syndicate, and
the "capitalists" will be fortheoreing. -
[Guelph Mercury.
• Jennie Robertson, alias "Soldier Char-
lie," died at the hospital, Nashville, aged
85. During the war she - donned male
apparel, enlisted at Cningo, and served
several years as a soldier and teamster.
A revolution in the manufacture of
real lace is threatened by the invention
by a Frenchraan, of a machine which
terns nut. with he utnioet rapidity work
which is indistinguishable from the hand
made 'whet*.
Tele QF monno:
TIMES! -T10 Pills Purifj• the 'Mood, correct all
disorders of the Liver, fltemaeh, Rkineys and
Bowels anti are ihvalisable in all complaints in
cidental to Females. Yin Ointment ta the only
reliable remedy for Bad Lege. 014 Wounds,
dares and Ulcers. a however long standing.
For Bropeisitis,Dipht herbollOtighe.Colds,Ciout,
Rheumatism and all Skin Diseases, it has no
ITS. I most respectfully take leave to call
the attention et the Puldic eenerany to the fact
that certain Bowies in New York are sending to
rawly ports or the globe s1.111101:8 IMITATIONS
of my wins and Ointment. These frauds bear
oa then labels soma addrea In New York. .
do net allow my )4edieise to be sold in any part
of, the United states. T have no Agents there.
My Ifeelgclees are only made by me. at 533 Ox-
ford Street, eondoe. Intbe Hooks ot directions
eased to the spurteua make is a eautten warn-
ing me Public against being deceived by coun-
terfeits. Do not be nxisiederbLtilla audacious
trick, as they ore the counter Ms tkep prettied
to cleawartee. These count a are purobased
bYtinprincipled Vssolorast omehalf priceet
my Pills and Ointment and are sokitoyou as my
;routine see/mines. 1Mtlet earnestly appeal to
tWin. senaeofj satins weloh test sure I may ven-
ture upon asking trom ell eonorabto person& to
sesta me, and the &afar as may lie In
their power,indenmmeregthigshanieful Fraud.
Each Pot and Bos of tke Genuine .Medicine
bears the British Government Stamp with the
words *1101,LowaV's PrITIII AND CJINTMILMT.
LoNnost.' engrave(' thereon. On the label is
the address, 5.13 oxford htreet,_London. waere
eimeethey are Manufactured. Frolloway's P'Ua
(tad Ofnesseat Morten way Ober address are
comoderfeg. The Tra&v Marks these Medi-
cines are registered in Otte**. ence 7.117 0541
thrOISHildIM the BABA , who may
tinplate A tnerioso tulist wee mle, will be
proseeuted. (Signed) TR dB RoL.Low AY
Oxford Street. London. an. 1.1511
"And who makes your thole'. systembers far to bear out the profess -
r Rai or the"Quinine Wine" prepared byllerth-
Drug -
e who are
A carpenter.
• ',Mho repliiMthe carpal
rop & Lyman, Toronto. Sold by all
ptieett tend the rept,
as opponente of disease. Be sure to aak
- • i C • g o'• •••••
. • . • druggista. •
• 'rN
A mason. a • WHAT TIM RAY OW IT. -- A Frit FAt
h ere4
=Seel& of ese is Dr. Thomas Zelectric Oil.
The feurth man that King St elomon Read the following antl he convinced:
addressed was the blacksmith himself. - Thomas Robinson, Farnham Centre
He was a powerful man with bared arms P. 0., writes," 1 halts been &filleted with
"And who makes your tsiols)- res Tn1 P1101Pli. -There are but few pre
"The blacksmith." replied the potations of medicines which have with
third stated that he was • stood the impartial judgment of the
ce and that the blacksmith also ,tv. for any great length of time. One
I VERY for
Conaurnption. 0, reparation eaa
begin to have such an extensive and
rapid vile. And why t Snip* bemuse
of its truly weederful merits. No Omagh
or CoM, matter. of hire long standing
or how Atobbosi, can reined its heeling
qualities. audbigulltlrenchithi Beers*
wet, Say Fever, Pain in the Side or
chest alvfl dculty of breathing or any
lingering diseeeec ipf ithe and
Leap raiM *AAA°
0,41 VI,.
td° " Tz.14 J STORY
on which the muscles stood out in hold rheumatism for the last ten years, and 19CO..„
••;AA41 raw •Tot 'trade my geed Oil manses then have had no attack of
W45 of the tinsel and sledge. P. Q., writes, I have been troubled with
,. ,:•
r ,
relief, ntil I tned Dr. Thome Edectrie I ANY STYLE OF Vg1.41CLE BUILT TO ORCIER.
relief, seemingly almost as hard as die have tried nuiny remedies without any
• ,••• manl" isa the king: it. I would recommend it to ell,- J. I REPAIRING JOttillegli gone w ith Feature and /*patch, .elailvai h
"Blackamith,- laconically replied the
metal he worked.
Ala and that
iromir ousands hare already
done by Wing Of rot diettggist, F.
Jordan a tr4ItoMie.fer tau cents. or a
regular aim for a. Nit mie by
F. Jordsa.
01..46"..:Tebrilitry 17, 1SO.
the Pete- • holds tie peetieioe in this
We hsvieltt pimiento to state that
Oace Ott , reliable Mindy medicine
Altheughthime ane a great, many other
rented*. tile • insert ee-mine
H. Karl, notel Keeper, Wt Sliefford, enable Rat'Sa• rail IPA extant/le brfar• Prgr'holrIng eloewherr• . ,
SsUs fy e the black tried di t medicines with little ,tr no eijaLTON eTREET.
benefit, until I tried Dr. Thomas' Eclec-
trie Oil, wheel gave me immediate relief,
and I weaild my that I have need it
since with the beitteffect No one should
be without it. I have tried it < wi sty
horses In cage of cute, wounds, etc., and
think it. is equally as good for horse as
man." A Maybee, Iderchant, Wark -
worth, writes, " 1 have sold seme hun-
drds of bottles of Eclectrie (eland it is ,
pronounced by the public,'one of the beet 1
medicines they have ever nand ;' it las
done wonders in healing rind relieve"'
or the jereatest nonfidence." 1.11
pain, son throats, Me. , and is
Rama, Ilowaship of Perry, erriteses'is:
mai penesteled to try Dr. Thomas'
Mk Oil for a lame 10,1, ire which trembled
ler three or fear year*, and 'I awn.
igeftbing Ma R fer=„lainse
1,.. 54 .1 Vile almost W*
' t...., et WiotWilii. -A* Poe Dr.
limmokt Skikda* On. See thit the *-
nature of 11. N. Thomas is swam wrapper,
hives in gildl hot**, UMIEIX
bed the iteinee ef t Oy.
t11 ik 11/f11014, Tarsal*
, Prertgaller*At the Dominion.
---arigglkilt-fhlorsrel mod ase•
"And who makesiour teeda?"
e kine of me -
d ditty make
11Tis 6 oet e artiine rim
forced to go te him to have thar igele
/. I •i
dbglikk: Ceuta Aststittrs and his wife hase
• h lived totether for fifty years in 0101Liinta
• county, ma., end heed never quuseited• 1 PADS Re
• Wlenesked ice the earristot their domee- F:ii7Ralsdespo . Deatinyer and ma;
What At
tic happinees, the <adman reiied:ulren• like maniee we find the people irnow the
liver coingtit for **moral years, and have
trouble between man and wife over mak differliMniut 11" kin alligilPog2
I have &terms noticed that there is more
ing fire in the morningthanarrytheagelse Davis. Mat' We IN"
Ifyitylevytile can it almagainnothis about that "fle f"r ah• lost *MP
• intt 1e enterd.k y wit. NA Fear°
• I went te ooselteaging together in our Years trl,
log cabin SO pare ago. Wrire orilg 0.„, see ed"rtissemimis ha
Critz. it
we het that's a big one.
in I said to bar, '8.11
1 11 make the Ike, mid I'll tend to it
leads that Gm and it's beenlberning ever
eine* For nigli Aft Tye emersi
that fire lied, mid rire
4 I'm never
, eask there
p4541715ia IMO
ilzd =UM.,
there is pear* in Outgo A
" Domini= Oaniage 'Works," Goderioh.
maerefecteren ot AI
'VI it 14
give perfect solitelkor Immty oft sek
'A 4
' bliedbelidninniAs oritiO
' **KW 11.1707111191.
SAD •I soars:111111147grer ..t.:11ehts
151000 IN COLD.
Ne paid for Cabe tb,i win taectica
help, or tor attinagpsitiair: or
0-1 ast abiehde and irmetr.ibte ewe to
DIsSISSIMII. OSP of opium. mama ad
""•••• 1111,1•7=0.4.Y. . 1••••••••,n.i
II obld by d
Onventee Oadhoraa Matta 11$ • east* art exassamatien 04 our rshicles.
4514 wag
vastallta 'top' My In
iZiporb,ftraITCL "411:4an
I tte atonal etalwed. Jenne Lea Os.. on
AGENTS 4am"'..t,
• truo gliabee