The Huron Signal, 1881-02-18, Page 61
• :�.'i ,�sc yljf.'11tt1IJ,1* .lA ..1i .! IIIala
.1Fita74.1111131. attiza.A. lti)E HURON SIGN :%L, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1881. -6618"1"`''
acisT •a�
The t%rs•IM.'s Mr= Asst.
. nI >Q: s ra...eacnu.0 r tenet:
Ibava • severtalll tag bre
A satwras. elaRMIM Mixte balk 344111L..
No earthly bask is
Hewesewrlpa• *lea
Tis �r .U.4eee if
And I witheat a greet,
tasted to baser tasty lurk I
orliaalpeetal'lfelea la�
"Why dua't you ohne: a use!
--- Aril whew yon arm • tattle tarn
Why sox • Larger sunk;
Why Nye as niggardly diad pear -
Year hank esleaine4L pleat,1
Whe oesseaad take • un• Pound nota
When yen .light have . 1 meaty
"Yea twenty the .rand, ten Umes told,
Re but • trifling ram
To what your Father has lend ,p,
Secure in God, lir dun. -
Satre, taes m1 banker 1.e. rib,
I have no cause to borrow;
I'll live upon ally came. to -clay,
dstl draw again la -morrow.
I've been a thousand tames befor
Aad never was rejected;
Soueetinaee nay basket gives me mon
Than asked for or ezpeU.+.l !
Sometimes I've felt a'etle proud.
ave managed things so .lever;
But. ah! before the day w,, goat%
ave felt as poor au. ever.
Sometimes with blushes .n my fees
Jars et the door1 *tam 1;
I know if The Law kept me back,
I su.ely 01100 be damned.
I know my bank will sever tweak- -
No 1 a can never .s..:
The firm -three person in one Ga:-
J.:ltovah-Lent et all 1
f ! should all the banks in Britain break.
The bank of England smash
Bring in your notes of 'Lion. bank,
You'd evenly have your cash;
Ane If yon have but one email note.
Fear not to bring it in;
Come boldly to this throne of grace -
The banker is within.
AU forged notes will lit refused,
Man -merits are rejected;
There's not a rush. note will pass.
Taut God has not aooeplod.
Tis only tootle beloved of God.
R:deem'd by precious blood.
That ever bad a note to bring -
These are the gifts of God.
grr .tl lit Lauder" re -
"John Grumlie swore by the ►lobi v'
like metes► "�� wished lei had
er bseti ,T •sod LIMA fur this
*tholeDhruuM he' ^ale o'er the water to
hntilhei new he had teere.�i
that h1 wifewas _uAWMaumejWesThing,
and that as she "I.u'ed him best ave,"
• eioul%d hasoeIorth ' Marahantg
Altxig," with the motto "I has a wife o
cal stn At thiastage nattered "Dainty
vie," accompanied by "Jessie, the
sr a Duwbtaae;' sod ' W herr she
eau' its, she hobbit fe' tow." Envious a
hats.At-_is .. setters- "Annie Laurie"
whispered "Gang dots the burn, Davie,"
and thea " WA1eMs as' • UR ciente to ye,
my lad." Davie too her at her word,
*nit m going htustned "Dinas think,
Thearskeipeail 11'1/` pore 1�te have toe.
Tks i'L M of Wrkrsn' *eight there
wee "NM IIMh about the House," where
amolninatal song wore sung; he
In't care for "A kir *hint the door,
tOom a realer envli ie,' "Dinar ask
gin I1delied, � iib Nano*. 0,"
1 and
• sotdd with i)tstray,"
JAa lie preformed something he could
'latch; for n»taaee, "Gie me a lam wi'
lump o' ni_ for a Las wi a
toobutrr" !i V barb..." .ibe
Yantisy y nn sur tbsted
that for the remainder of the evening
the laird should be tied up in "RsbMor-
riaon's Bonnet:" but Rab interposed,
'eying, "It canna, mamma, wunna be
After this there was s dance. "Auld
Rob Morris" be. sn to play "Within a
mule o' Edinboro t.oun," when ho was in-
terrupted by "Jock o' Hsaeldean," who
wished him to play first "God save the
King. "Never mind the King," cried
"Bonnie Prince Charlie," who was im-
mediately knocked down with s branch
of "The Rowan Tree" by "Johnnie
" As he recovered he grumbled
o`uutthat he didn't like "A' that, an' a'
that," when he was politely revested to
"Whistle ower the lave u t. So the
evening passed away, till the chairman
intimated that, as he saw "The mune,
and kent its hern," and some of them
had evidently rather more than "A wee
drappie in their e'e," it was time to
break up, because it was not becoming
for such celebrities as then` to sing
"When the house is rinnin* round
aboot, it is time enough to flit. ' They
look the hint, but before leaving had a
final chortle to "Meet again some ither
nicht Li- days of Auld Lang Syne.
If You Want coo►
l i
Though • thousand ransomed souls tray say
They have no notes at aU,
neoause they feel the plague of sin
So ruined by the fall:
This bank is full of precious notes,
Alt sennet, and sealed. and free:
Though many doubting souls may sal
There is not one for me.
Haile 'unbelief will lead the ehpd
To say what is 110 t rue:
I tell the soul that feels self -lost,
These notes beton( to yen.
The leper bad a little note--
ote-'•Lord if thou wit, thou cad
The banker cashed his little note
And heated the sickly man.
We read of one young man, indent,
Woos, riches did abound;
But in the banker's boo: of grace
This man was never touod.
But sec the wretched dying ,
Hang by the banker's nide '
He cried, "Dear Lord, remember arse r
He got his cash --and died.
Hapuilton Street., Opposite Baileys Hotel.
c.ti i3 1.11 i'_"
--.--T .,r ten•
YOUR ] . lt. .tor
GET e'i g
,e!v., . is ..t v'.Ifs+ee
,tt N SALE I B IL LS•.t,1
A�iC'�I4 ,..,ttw
ea t• 'PRINT= k the Altos et THX HURON BIalJAL.
, s , . North 8fssrtt Ge410144,
. Ic7 1\'•H Vee. R
Creatine Ttmds. 1 entry • fu stook of
In addiiloa to the atedlaa•rY lit..- of the Grocery sal
Floor, Meals, Pori and lleueral Proizioiiz
MY 1loi-ro 19.
"(Fair Dealing and Moderate Prices."
Coal Oil alselleold. nee my Steck and get nay prions.
ar Goods delivered to any part of the Town.
D. Ferguson.
C} O T
MMture atria.
"Zero" on the common thermometer,
like the fanciful name of the constella-
tions, is a curious instance of the way
wise (pen's errors are made immortal by
becoming popular. It may be worth
while to say that the word itself (zero)
comes to us through the Spanish from
the Arabic, and mans empty, hence,
nothing In expressions like "90 de-
grees Fahr.," the abbreviation "Fahr,"
stands for Fahrenheit, a Prussian mer-
chant of Dantizc, on the Baltic Sea. His
ful Inaine was Gabriel Daniel Fahren-
Froin a boy he was a close observer of
nature, when only 10 years old, in the
remarkable cold winter 1709, he experi-
mented by Butting snow and salt togeth-
er, and.noticed that it produced a degree
of cold bqual to the coldest day of the
year. And that day was the coldest day
that the oldest inhahitants can remem-
ber. Gabriel was the more struck with
the coincidence of his little scientific
discovery, and hastily concluded that he
had found the lowest degree of tempera-
ture known in the world, either natural
or -artificial. He called the degree aero,
and constructed a thermometer, or rude
weather -glass with $ scale graduating up
from zero to boiling point, which he num-
bered 212, and the freezing point 32 -
because, as, he thought, mercury con-
tracted the thirty-second of its volhme
en. bei ngg cooled down from the tempo
tura of freeing water to zero; • and • eh-
nded at one hundred and eightieth on
beyaing heated from the freezing to the
billing point.,
Time showed that this artagen:ant, in-
stead of being truly scientific, was as ar-
bitrary as the !Wilda-'*. of the Bibb into
verses and _chapters, and that these points
no more represented the real extremea cif
tempersture than "frotn_Dan to Beer-
sheba" expressed the exact extr, ;,:es of
But Fahrenheit's thcnnomete:' had
been wisely adopted with its incon-
venient scale, and none thought of any
better until his name became an authori-
ty, for Fahrenheit finally abandoned
trade and gave himself up to science.
The three countries which use Fahren-
heit, are Englad; Holland, and America
Rusaian and Germany use Raumer's
thermometer, in which the boiling point
is counted 80 degrees above the freezing
Frame uses the centriaade ther
moo -
Frameter, so called bedanse it marks the
bni1i*�i point On massy accounts
centrigade system le the heat, and the
triumph of convenience will be attained
when zero is made the freezing point,
and when the boiling point is 100 or, 1,
000 degrees from it, and all -MB acl•di
visions are fixed decimally. ' ar
A Carnival of `(tenter seam. •i
There was once held a grand meeting
of Scottish song. The date thereof was
some time before or after the year "Fif-'
ty-nine;' the place cannot be fixed with
the same exactness, but it was probably
near •'The banks an' braes • o bonny'
Doors," in honor of the "Lad that
in Kyle." "Macgreg.
was nothing to this. Songs cause
pouring in from every quarter. Here
carne '%tollJ shepherds that whistled
thro' the len," and "Brew, hraw lads
from Gala Vater;" and there was abun-
dance of national music in the shape of
"A hundred pipers, nn' a', an' a'," ac-
companied by `The pibroch 0' Donal'
bonnets bonnie Dundee," and a nu-
merous company of others. It was mov-
ed by "Auld Robin Gray,"sseconded by
"The Laird o' Co1clrperi,
Buchan," take the honored place in the
chair '"Ayotrt the tire.- The repast that
followed was not what mortals would be
" apt to think the choicest, the delicacies
being such as "The H o' Dunbar,'
"Bann cks o' 11.trley Meal," "Caller
Herrin'." and "taaul.i Keil iu Aber-
deen." For this meeting, however,
"Willie Brewed a Peck e' Maut;" and
Neil (low had wittyet
etl ghee might
"Farewell to
. 'Whlalcey ; y g
sung something else un the occasion
.. _ than "contented wi' little, tor' uautae wi
tresis. "
Among the ladies of high reek present
web "Annie Laurie," "Mary Morrison,
"Bonnie Beasie bee,- "It.,y'a Wife of
Aldivalloch," "Highland Mary," "Bon-
nie Jean," the "Lassie wi' the Lint
White Looks," •"Maggie Leader,', and
'•Auks aloe Nichola►n's 11.1nnie Nannie;
while prnntincit owing the (*herr sei
were ''John Anderson, my )o, "Dun-
can Gray,- "Tam Glen," 'John Grum-
lie,. "Wandenn' Willie," "Jock 0:
Hazcldean,'• "The Rantin', Roarin
Hidandtan," "Johnnie Cope," 'Allis-
ter 111eAililttee, ' and ''Muarland Willie. •'
Thi chairman gave as ►count of wan-
derings, which extended from Maiden -
kirk to John o' tins ta.•• He hes iron
' ••Phe bonnie woods u' Craig's) Lea,' had
wandered by the basks . "Afton Ws -
ter,' ageing '''!'he Drams of Itallech,
angle,' and ''The Birks of Aherfekdy'
Many boon hard he spent "Amaryl the
Llmm of my ain native heather." he had
plucked many "A rosebud by kis early
walk," and knew by name all "7?t•
Plower* of the Forest But whatever
strayed he hail never f letotterObat
hale ender in Want way
}}rr y „ "The'
[.. , � Cam ,bells aro
_Oa -Ladies requiring Christman Cakes should send in their orders without delay.
Home-made cakes taken in and ornamented on short notice, and at reasonable rates.
2na100K H=R=I
I WONT BE UNDERSOLD by any other matt in the furniture
business, as I buy clove and buy for CASH customers will do well • to
give me a call.
a Picture Framing and Repairing a 3p
James 'G. Bali,
Opposite Watson's bakery.
1. at►
or nee
Nlnt do. 1 .
1/ lar wish N aero yew -
off, r teussily, red r e
(Nona a world of ,at feria
, red per, taticli et pna tat
flog meters nesdlssip,
dos saw ween% J'llare is
lorfor'sgo at 0•01 et
the neared ldere, and hay a
b.. &Atka of PAIN -111.‘11R.
WY Y experiment wish ...ukaawa miltures without
ohaneter or reputation, n:wn this world-te-
snwnrd PA's -Elites which hae.ureal the taut of over
40 ran, rasa Iv had for the erne pries at say Dreg •
Store in the ien.iaien 1
Orrewre Oar , Marek a .Me.
The writer has bee. seam, Perry Divi: Psi. Killer sow fart+• a
last ea years. seal can cmia.eali' eeo'te•sa•'i it toot''� os lic ea
nue remedy far t�ukra. Diar'laa. Sore Threat, to entre •sae d
ayphi is (tiers, amoScalds, kc.two
Have knows tyles all tlw seg
,o.aiieie gavebled The
ti aero l f• tsamodiso water
ra 1 0 failed. TM Wn tookthetMnn tfhree ivies sul is day - Mace
oneea� u(r Iwww( rte, u( aster. and sail as a eargls-
Yews. N. F. ltacCARTIIY.
Hint NO. 2. _
Ask Dniff id, fin. a betils f
er R. If As ,awes
it dews without e.dor•ety, ask
kin while detracting the ?'tar-
ter dollar front yaw wallet,
if this w tie /nurses trade by
_-stay Davis h SON, tat sate
.swan watch As sspreanon -
hie Jew. Pott, all
if kis eoisefeada fe all rteht_;
also aarswa' the lents firs-.,
1881 JANUARY 1881
to e.„„ " We. d area n rrhs.l x 0.41
" If Faltreifllit had done th �st, , r
even if he halt made this one orhis many
improvements after the public adopted
his error, the lnck of opportunity, which
was really; his, would have secured to his lt
invention the patnap of fhe world,
at the Aakn O
over' bred 'Me RIO firesidepraA
ret ..f eh, rompers he had °consoled
himself altl, 111 awe u' Nannie, O:,,
ear, imolowal ho h'•ped thee) would all bre
304644> riff at tit. akar „1 life. "Aappv
7rr•e♦ hpen hryrither Demean
3 Igtatag rat been releatrl by
emiti.i 1 left re4* SP VONA
b, meet "" her, Ilele,saki Ilea.
"She was fair and false thnt , Rased
him 5,nsrt." and to cheer himself ftp,
ilArruen.JAT., PeM-w!•� ew'
I twee much adding to lbj*n00ber u( the wta�raa
testimonials you hart already received, as to An value .d`�
resowad Pain Killer. I have sold it and used ,t ,n my (smile
for toast fears or more, and have ao hesitation ua ...wog that ,t
it u the toasty pataat medicine 1 her eve used for the purperes Is
which it i. nicenaessaded : and. .weovw, ,,,ice it. and 1
I have ever sold u, has bens parfectay
know, maay petses• who will tot 211to bed M might errs `key are
rare then 1 •kat o�Pery. u " in she here. MI wise
Isakes friends rd nears
have used a ciao., NOM: .
thee'.Yuan.rete, •
S►axceev,u.a, O,rr..f'sMwry M. tare i
we have winch plase's i• ceti�g that as a e kept year
Davis' Pstn-KiWrooasrnt(yisstoclt- Par upwards teary
I d,arig mite► `taw becomehen the leir ia �
a old, reliable famiover ly other" -
Ne silferi is remind now on oar pen to sell it, as it u as staple r
welsh r Ase is our anile. v ustil tP! 1 MRiT Is CO
Manx. °WT., Peir•tmry se, Ma'
I t dew r yea ^'erre to ante that dente a reefgird.- M
:-ion ear a W,IVIsr emery, 1 can weedy that roar basal+ "lege
laveld Rat Rise front oat oaten wA Dever d ity rs ea f�aa (. M r.
nut 'sl peak ee thehlof ii1, eel I could seed se end of tett&
teasers speck ag poi and �c worth were h soca
wiry.w scows[ up w serif. fled •' excelsior
�, which it is not It ,et n v vin tout d it
pa,a-[ilk-." i pride spelt s .ever Mag
Yours very respectfully, JOHN G. DEANS,
Hint No. -.
1►7oes you ask for s batik
PAIN- KILL1a, sped Lie gem -
L. -wanly sMwbeper, es..Aotat
.4area'v looking, remarks, " -'4
etre lout, nut haw richt :
ttsrlkL an g .4 or baler,
•whir'. wile for Lite se.1 aria
,ie, 23 ante." Denton w.:r
;tai end n , (haul. byre• " r ,
Teat ran rarer more for lh' , cwt ) p.a., en
tams er f*'a ants extra pnal .. . , c n . ter
tAieA h. Tats than Ae d,rs fur
your hos11.'t or happiness. y , a I. einon
Return thankiaarAeltagy.liberal Patronage accorded them, and wish all their
customers and friends a
Happy New Year
We would also Dail yours tistockto flu' gash- we have a very large
`` ref
l Scii4b .21a 1 iCa�'r'md�d-t�
on Nand including
S- ADId-C'HATTIi v-.. �••-
of every conoeit.thte style :.mid Eric'. man} hues of which will be sold at a great"
reo3tsl:tiea ieng'itiOshoek taking Dion Ftftip to2offian us ,+thea requiring any
thing do Your line afire hi* Se
Largest Stock, of Shoes
Wea..,f Try wed w c can and will sell at prices that will shalt' you.
of every dere • ettendeld tooted satisfaction guaranteed.
We keep cargo ltd of ebtnpetetit workmen, and being ourselves practical
risen of urge reperirrter, ten- tern rat work- -_" _-
E. 8z J- IDOWrTING '.
l'HE Slt7kR_VfErrliff 1768.
In a late issue the New York Nen, dill
cussing the Canadian question, remarked'
that the United States "had nothing to
f en a .beast d
point M vtfwan;" vihreronpnnana inteCl-
nadian r'eteifla as f,,Ik'4s in A letter to
the tame journal: "When 1 Harte*
seeds to another columnthe ahamr pap. rte,
and Me you ski, t year Govern-
syseemeek hijaaliee if yo
towards the Indiana am constitut-
ing 'ad totallfof infamyo ret greaterpeopthan
on thtfall f a,' d 1
waseiff h�read in egett ono to
quarter. of • million of mhabitants,
tors as
•err ,n the last year se many
Canada with its
au fir wholenta, 1 comfort
myself wit e t mit 1 that w« ahouM
not at least. in the event snppriard, low
et pen arena] ben.- jntrlllleecctticlly 1
grant, Cage* has taken no great Itghta.
rot have iVo often oho can uphold the
-reedit of then reentry o on) interns
Daniel Gordon
—Ur -11 Tliiertior
Oid..t Heade in the Lova*, soli L•rpuf Pboek fAti side of Lowdoe 1
PAWN' threw) �
3.#7, ,tort lo�lle ate,i,is„, .-- V OT
toy Omens.
_..LOVitGat'ETC race
Leak Beyer, wall J U M resit tadrantage t_ {114 they seed}hettrtiste at
.loss prtn.. K; Mut tier Pool O Goole ish. •
SToco, OST . Peira ', t7, tela
We 'ewe greet pleasure to state that the Pam Killer Welt W
position is this pilot* warheadd, re ublafawily asedtuew Ah=vellI'
tiers are a peat nary anus reosdw is the market some hear-
ing snarl lbc 'same ee - as Pain Ream, Pais Remover. P
Do.t,oyrt, yid suet lie- same., we find the people tasew
difference, and ase sere to s.a f r Perry Dain: 1' 1 Killer ,We
lw re bees selling Pala, Ise err 4.r tor Lois 1.,. •tees yurw
Y .rani., N . 1'. aj1JRPUT.
C 614Wbrksi
Jig 17;77;k; .%I$ .1
Mint No 4.
Agree! ! of n11 the trorfhlren
minuses, and dirty, pre..,
osmbznott'ws wwhith are offer-
ed yeas evelsaeat twee more
you nein, and wawa some uN-
pnac1pled Skop-kdrpers try to
palet red st w substitute for the
PAIN -Koons. Them f►.17
arae we gotten up expressly
to sill on the reputalios oe
flu PAIN-K1LLek, haul hare
•afhine in common with
r !'are t
t . , it, tmkal
. r ,.. saesi
t toll ea a
ittdt-• ' • • •s ?n
Al It" it 1
�wis+•, lilfilt•IA1Mn
t., or
• 1010 Myth, N .ry ,\,: v bare t .,orf toe os We e . • `•va 'r
.,,le+.ary snick to he k.nt in .11 K. ee5.4..• - a a ..aft a use
11111111111110 last eaywurc l0 dual: ' 'd...y t ....
J..REM1AIt Ct;R17Y
J. d DLowatAllt :.1
• jabs"( P. Jt..t>aiwlae.
tARtel. GRCER.
MAITLAND, fl.T , February :k biro
I ...Te uwt y^-rr _ sin Killer fox the I..e a sew y tag
reed it with me ail tkmuglr eta Americo War 1 he eKf Waw
love been dead tons ag e, d it had not been for gnoc Pai 'sr
1 think it it the hest remedy is the woad for width It I1
1' ours very truly, f ai W. LAFONTAUUIi7
.t !1
Posture, Oar., Feiroory a6, sMy.t
I ave sold the Perry Davis' Par -Killer toe over thirty yearo
and the same has always Riven m7 Customers entire . tj ipttiat
and t have much Pleasure in recommending.'" as a gaunt aid rat
liable family mtdlcine.
S. ? NCtyvd.
Psgreyer, ONT., Fd,wort :7, giro. u
!Lave sold your Pais-L.IIw f'r the la.t eraser years retie,
-lace. and feel safe m recommending it to the public for t
1 itemise given in your circular. 1 can assure you. my cos
.peak well of n as • gertel family meMene. 11 take the
f an other similar preparations Yours, tc.
GEO. D1RK4,,,
Cnsocac, ONT., Jferch 3, slit •
Mint No.4 1 a.. I.e.. selling Perry Davis' Pain -Killer for the paet'tl4
1you tawnef emu,. as
as vami
n, d lave moth Pleasure m erre that ai
t bra ask is that Om:
hew b than as cher wgM,ctrw that 1 have
yow laality. (e fad oro( tory anght Mit wnrds of the highest prat. in ,n fns rIr 1: ,a an • e�ele
-that seems to hive combined is it e l that goes to aka r:!
Irl tl�yl A yon Tholllal (saws, reefing , sopa"/ s -its aeJtris, a,d u los as 1 have a house sad tags
the 1 roprt.fara, 014 asdswq Perry Dav,� Pain Kilkr will a round in both.
Wet Me arcet �.00, ase
darn rgiiler sisal bottles, or
le west, chirps 1w�� to
f ne rgrr y
(feature Pasts • KIU.Si lila sty salves, and m these ,ran 1 have nee. beard a customer'a7
et A44/' lief' bake fedi
yew", he., J. r. 1i1r1f;tb" i4!
Metre, Der , Prbreiry ti.ywo~
Pour Pa,e-Killers. a family eters, eta has been in cremate she
tiesrsas allow bI -wiles- se in my household for a long term of years, and I would never de
say l e,L I sire • better one It never Sib me 1 cell u Srt" OW Reirtal ."
I Yours very truly. HORACE SEYMOUR
TAtewO1T14, LINT , Meer. s, t
slaatll. afire
sei��/��s��T �"��•
A' II is entnrnl nn win
making 1',ours anda
Mee me a MN ate i waif •• yea prom met crena bt beam in 11„. 00nnLy.T eReve ins,
and Jobbing Aonr -MM
Tor twenty three years hat pest i ave .nil Perry Davii pkia
Killer, and a.s always treed it to give greed sri ribe1kn t Nati
fnmemtl ad it in nay family, sad reoe,.d t{reat'Eea.6t use of it is tint way Although many im,tauOss of it tee-
the put s to ma,M. and areYuen ohed rv.a,wwhard.fs et, the *Mime: ►east
Perry naris P.5. -Kith Adds itss oma. rah . • very ycp*I
mestk sdiase. ,.
1. rsealsnendedb! F ekt
lye era, Xiwtrtere, YiesitweeNa, Jfaepalts
eo0orias, 116rk•Meps, Ploaleitbns, Nurses irk Herpitat.,._in shot% 0'
Nemec* everywhere who has ever given it a trial. t
TALX$ I11TYtNALLY, it came liynenter•y, Cholera, Diarrhea, Cramp eel
Psis bade flta.w i, Rowel (lesephent, Pander's Colic, Liver Complaint Ir iprpes
oarladlgirtien, Arabes Odds, Roan Throat, Camelia`, &e
, LIZOLTIALLY, it tams Roils, ?teens, ('tits, Rrineni, Rarna, Pebdolq
Aft Illus sad /pries. Pwelliaga of the Jorste, Toothache, Pua In the Fain, ltearal-
kallitillhoosatlran, (Tapped hands, Street kiwi P..t, he.
. 'lie 111-EIi.T. R le put op iso 2 or and t ea betties, retsina' a SS sad is
.—)large bottled are thirties" cheapest.
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