The Brussels Post, 1965-04-08, Page 1Ala
t.L00 A Year in. Advance $2.50 To U.S.A., TH1 BRUSS141LS POST,
Brussels Council Enter
Into Fire 'Agreement
With Morris Two.
Harry Goll, labour 15.63
Frank Aleock, labour ._ 13.75
Mrs. Eilla Grater,
cleaning 4.00
and office 309.15
C. J. Cardiff, truck symbol or warning that there is
licences 6.00 a Slow Moving Vehicle ahead as
soon as the sign is seen. The 'Mrs Otto Popp, donation
signs will be sold by local club to Historical Society 10.00 members and will cost '$2.50 each.
13ruseels Coal Yard, coal
The 'ICI( meeting will be held and snow removal 74.75 on May 26. 1965. IV, S. Scott, Truck
Insurance 20.00
W. S. Scott, office TROUSSEAU TEA
insurance 37.60
Mrs. William Peacock, Binevale
R. "W, Kennedy, state- is holding a trousseau tea on
ments 4.00 April 10th, afternoon and eaten:ng,
Ma.chan Hdwe., supplies , 20,54 at her home, in honour of her
Bridge Motors, gas, oil
daeghter Anne's fortheemn.ig
and repairs 1938 marriage. Anyone wishtntr to
Glenn Mcliercher, March collie will lie made very wetcOnie,
plowing 100.00
MacLean's Fine Service
gas and oil 12.25
McCutcheOn Motors, gas, I wish to take this opportunitv
oil and repairs 63.52 to thank all those who renienlb-
Sant Sweeney, pushing
dump „... ....... 21.00 those who helped out at honie. ;It
ere(' me during my 1110688, and
was greatly appreciated,. ceo. Mutter, office
Mrs, Leona OcinnelV fuel. . 126.23
Douglas D. Callander,
March nursing account „,. 306.75
Art Henry, labour on
streets 40.00
.T. M. McDOnald Lumber
material .... 1.5'4
&M.(;. Telephone, tent
and tolls 18.44
Fred ThothaS, balance
of account 307:50
I 0000.140 et boa Pogo)
in the nine o'clock draw_ Elmer
Young's rink, 2nd and George
McCutcheon's rink winning con-
Al Johnston's rink placed
first in the al o'clock with Doug
Rathwell's rink end and Selwyn
aBaker's rink winning' consolation.
The 4 n'm ny lovely -gifts fi nd
flowers 1.received while I was in
Sick Children's lioaeitei were
appreciated. I sincerely thank all
those who oo kindly remembered
Caroline Lake
Mr. end Mrs, Calvin Davidson,
of Kitchener, Spent the week-end
with her. mother, Mrs., Ivan
Mr. and Mrs.' It TK. DetWiler
and family of Toronto, Spent
Sunday with ha father, D. G.
Phimb and Miss Rithy Plumb.
Mrs, X, Taylor, Belgative, is
Spending a. few 'Weeks With her
sister, Mrs. E., Cardiff,
Mrs. Alice Blanchard is visit-
ing friends in Shit: have this:
Robert .Arms+;r,mi g Prin is
Visiting his brother L. Arm-
'Ross Ni C:1101 wctc a three-time
Winner of the Lions NT-it, linekey
61 6 W When he held the whining
.Scone, Ottee. again. nn Saturdny
;tight, ITMAT litoky y,m 1).1!
Huron Deanery Clergy
Meet At St. John's
The Anglican clergy of the
Deanery of Huron met at St.
John's Rectory on Monday,' April
Ote commencing with Holy Com-
munion at 10:30 a.m.
The clergy discussed the new
cutriculurn of Religious Edu-
cation for the. Anglican Church.
The Right Rev. H. P. Appleyard,
-hoe of Georgian .Bay attended.
Mrs. IL I,. -Jennings assisted by
m'y her, Mrs. C. Lawrence Of
(aortae, served dinner,
Variety Show Presented
To Large Audience
A large number of residents of
Walton and the surrounding COM-
munity were in attendance at the
Walton Community Hall on Fri-
day night to enjoy the Variety
Show presented under the aus-
pices of the 8th and 16th unit of
Duff's U.C.W.
A pleasing varied program of
singing, music, dancing and the.
North Huron Junior Farmer
drama festival one-act play "The
Reluctant Hero", was presided
over by Donald McDonald as
master of c.erernonles.
'Cho program was as follows;
Chorus by all children of the
unit members. Lynn McDonald,
Janice ` and. Murray Houston,
Potty. Cathy, Heather and Bruce
McDonald, Rick and Karen
McDonala, Randy Praser, Caro-
lyn, Dianne and Clayton Irraser,
John, Debbie and joiris van Vliet,
ccom pa n ied by Glenna Houston,
Vocal solo Julie Campbell, Brus-
sels accomparl i d by her mother,
Mrs.. Tvon Campbell.
Step Dancing. Osborne sisters,
Scotch Songs, George Procter,
accompanied by Mrs. Harold.
Piano Accordian, Jim. Oldfield
and Brian StratyChuk, Brussels.
Play, Mr:s Keit Johnston,
Murray I400yer, aeorge.Procter„
,Tim Spivey.
!Miss Ruth Ritchie, attident
nurse, St. Mary's Hospitnl, Xitch-
ones, with her parents, Mr, and.
Mrs.. Clifford Ritchie,
Mrs. MeGele, Toronto,
Was a weakend guest with her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Mc-
41,1r. and Mrs. Bobert nila
fed by he' mother, Mtg. ,Tits.
led by his mother, Mrs. Jas.
Dilehmigh. Don& Man.. visited
last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Clarenee Martin and Mr. and
'MVO, ThrAld
A surprise party was held on
Saturday night at the home at
Mr. and. Mrs. George Thornton,
for their daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 'Weiler, who
celebrated their sixth wedding
anniversary on April 4th,
Friends were present front;
Stratford, Sebringville, Dublin
Toronto and Brussels.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jacklin.
Brussels, Of_tario, are pleased to
announce the engagement of their
only daughter, Mildred Marlene,
to Mr. Brian Edward Rutledge,
elder son of Mr. and Mrs EldWard.
Rutledge, Brussels. The wedding.
will take place at. Brussels
United Church, on Saturday,
May ist, at. 2:30 p.m,
Melville W.M.S.
The Women's Missionery Sodie-
ty, of Melville Church met in the
church parlour on Friday. April
2nd. with the President, Mrs.
.lames Mnir in the chair.
The call to worship was two
verses of an Plaster poem, fel-.
lowed. by the hyran "Jesus keep
me nett: the ("rosy" and the
Lord's Prayer, repeated in unison
Bible reading and meditation *aa
given by M-a. IV. C. King and
Mrs, Morrison led in prayer, A,
piano &let. "Open the fixates
Temple" by Mrs. W. C. 1-,Ong and
Mt.s. E. Cardiff woe en'eyed by
all. The Message, "The Lost
Eight Days of the Life of Jesus"
was given by Mrs. Gerald Gibson
followed by hymn 213.,
The business part of the meet-
ing folldwed. Tile secretary's and
trea,surer.S reports were given.
The roll, responded to, by a Bible,
verse eontaining the word "Re-'
joice". The offering ",vas; taken
and prayer lists of env mission-
aries in Nigeria were distributed
Correspondence read by Mrs
aliatheatoin and discussed, canA
on sick Were enumerated. The
meeting of the Presbyterial in
MOlesWorth, May 19th n rd the
Synodical in "Wellcc:.-ton. Vert!
7 and S. 'v us announced-
The meeting closed with hvtive
36'.1 and MIZPP11 ilenedietion,
Moved by I. G. Campbell, sec-
onded by J. L. McCutcheon that
Brussels enter into an agreement
with Morris Township that the
Fire Truck and a Brigade of seven
' men service that part of the Town-••
ship wheircalled at a fee of $35.00
MoVed by 1. . Campbell, sec-
onded by J. L. ,McCutcheon that
the accounts as presented for
per hour
payment be paid — Carried
Fred Thomas, part pay
on tree removal 350.00
members being present.
Mr. George McCutcheon met
w,fth Council and gave a resume
of his work as trustee on. the Huron -Perth field day was
discussed and the 1:/xecutive are Morris Township School Board
and Representative to the Malt- to meet with Perth on April 28th
land Valley Conservation Auth- to discuss the event.
ority. Bill Campbell reported on the
possibility of holding a Hoot- Mewled by H. J. TenPas, second- :,
ed by C. L. Cousins that the mlii nanny but plans were incomplete.
lVfaurice Love, Provincial Director', I sites of the meeting of March 1st ,.. . reported on the exchange visit but 1965, be adopted as rend
— Carried
1-11-T NEWS
The recent dance WaS held
On April 2nd, with the mitSle
supplied by the Casuals of Liman.
There were in attendance about
one hundred teenagers who en-
joyed thetrischres.
Thanks is extended to Mr Mitt
Mrs, Lloyd. WheelOr all4
Cruel Wiwi nr.
MOVING VEHICLE SIGNS Wednesday, March 24th., play
The regular Meeting of the , Couply Junior Farmers offs were held in Brussels Arena
Viillage 0ouncil was held, in the [ met in Clinton on lleareh 31st rAt and winners }were as follows:
Municipal Office On April 5th, all I St 30 with the l'esident, Tom. Wm. Turnbial!s- rink obtained
Uunningha.iu, in the chair and first for the Uniiary Round
twenty-six members answered the Robin. His rink eonsisted of Mrs.
roll call, Ralph Pearson, Alex Pearson and
R. Bauer. All received small
trophies with William Turn-
bull's rink also winning the D, A.
Patin trophy for having the highest
points of the. season, and will be
hold by him for one year.
Tom McDonald's rink obtained
his rink being Mrs. Max
Denraray, Don Dunbar and Miss
this was also held over for lack of :P earl Backer, They received,
information. Plans: to co-Operate trophies as Well,
with the Ontario Plownien'S Assoc-
iation in coniunctiOe with the Jn..
ternational Plowing Match to be
held at i'leatorth in 1966 have
already started and will prove to
be very interesting.
I 'The feasibility of having a
project for the Centennial Year
1907 wan discussed and a coin-
mittee set up to look. into this.
The committee consists of Donald
Young, Murray Hoover, and
Mae Stewart,
The mem hers unanimously
agreed to sell Slob Moving
Vehicle signs for the Farm,
'Safety Council. This sign (an
inverted yield sign) has been nat-
ionally adopted and it Is hoped
that in the future will become a
Mixed Sonsoiel Closes
Curling' Season Htere
March winners were: :1st, Bill
Stratychnk with Joyce Johnston,
Glenn Rathwell, and Orville
Bauer. Second prize went to :tack
McDonald with Nora Stephenson,
James Ireland and Max Demaray.
These players received trophies
presented by I). A. Rana, pre-
sident of the club.
Tuesday, March 30th, a local
mixed bonspiel was held at the
Brussels Arena which brings to
an end the curling for this season,
Jack Bowman's rink placed first
Ladies, Get Your
Prize List ;Now
The prize list for the Ladies'
Division of the East Huron Agri-
cultural Society can be obtained
from the secretary, Mrs. James
Mcii', RR :5, Brusseta, or you may
get your copy by asking for it at
the office of the Brussels Post.