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The Huron Signal, 1881-02-18, Page 3
4414 ! rit InitT•clvc one ese IA tuts THE WORLD OVE f' I . a 5t J,I 4, ,1 li,"r1 I' ..i+ ' 4.0UJ 1 SHT THE HURO* 6I(1I1 . • IDAY; ARY _, ft ireyemama of Carlyle were buried on ib. Thuislay at VoclefeQlien. Dvmtri eshbre• ♦ Ch oalko _ WM *omelet ninp that sews of money Iu W sit A sympatilt/lag He replied, "Neitbe{is brie n jackass." a.ttt The Week's News in $• Y tlterviln* feaayswasls1I IN, 4 hut it sated knee day. whether he bad bens 1tT i or $ bear. Mr. F. W. Jervis. the Canadian Gil The Grand Trunk will run its fhst ex eutehin train to Manitoba this year act or about the first of March, the starting point being Ottawa Garfield and Arthur were on last week officially declared President aid Viue- Presideut rsupeccavety ut the United States for four years, beginning March 4, 11181. The oilicial oeunt i1vethe suarsss- ful andidatd 2)4 votes. London Fut: —"L it Lw you're talk- ing about? Look, now, when 1 was a saudger I shot ` melt fur the Queen, and she pre mea pinehun; hot if only to shoot one stray fellow fur myself, boded, I'd be triedfor uturthur. 'ftutre s law foryas." Mn. Itoimaick, of Lowing, Mich., one of the family affected with trichino- sis, died on Tuesday morning. Fred, a youug num of the fancily, dttld a week ago, and four more are trick. They all ate of rho same mw pork. A piece u1 tissue taken from the hey revealed hun- dreds of the worms to the square inoh. Both tits victims diet! In great nippy. Ftir *veld weeks beak .iso j* g bias been raging with great fatality in Jef ferson, t'uion county, Dakota. The settleasulit consists mostly of French Canadians, who, when the disease broke out, were unmindful of the contagious character. All burials were public and well attended, aid thus the disease spread rapidly. The ueighboring towns are quarantined against Jefferson, and the railroad authoritu hare forbidder MA ns to stop there. obrist scholar d IS Iwo j sat died w Ifdinburgk, whither be wentto pot is e three years enure in Est+.,.: fat. Jattis was a young Juan. uI sal lisi►++ns• and was ono 01 the nest tit ltIg'1 i.d of /21 Cala ane w hev succe:4il - the Giluhiist Th. !tete Ober Juin. Ms was pprrttyate oa W os bet faker dissK eo $tImams' d......,s, lbsesto, fres the ewTway s M twos, those wire followed the ret to thstr last resting Naos were, China Justice Wilson, Juatines Morrison, Pat- teson, (}alt til Oiler; rrt )rs Wil- ma oo and , Mol Dr, Scudding. dei. Dr. • eoaducud the fuse - ' Lori Dnfferin hat been'seMag otf 4!e remainder of hit Irish stats. There are probably two natenis for this; first, he is an extravagant man and is credited with haying gene through a good deal of menet, Gari enured, be has do.btiem e up his mind that there are more tory investments than land in lie has kept his eye steadily e ,lay will, no doubt, be viceroy rs'tr_}- The M .r elms of Ripon on most ever sums be west there, • ,.. is i n- eviiable- This will open the deanoeenent of some pr)satn and although Lori Dnfferin a under • Tag Government, the Li do not make that an nbjectioe to the e,e *paint s1' talent and ability, ohich thm ex -Governor-General of Canada ua- losbtedly Ms, akhough, whits in this country, he was somewhat liberal in his use of what the asoit ret Greeks called "taffy. '•-- [Telegram. enT rad service A a, Mr. for the first' time, s school girl going through some of her gymnastic exercises for the amusement of the little ,.nee ai Ise•: Mier *g et her with looks Mw+M► =td iost+- ,niseration f•,r a w ile, he eked a boy near by "if that gal had Sts." "No, replied the lad, oonternptuoulsle, "that's iyinnastios.• "Oh, 'tis, hey r said the verdant, "how long has she had 'em r' The celebrated author andpphiloeopher, ('homas Carlyle, whose deathuannounc- •d has several relatives in Canada. Among them area family of nes and tie ia.8urfwd, Oat., the children of his diri'wllwWOW there; a family 4i ' we aistrefeedign Brest township, the ahAdern of his brother John. Dr. Oartyle, of tis Norman iiohsol, Toronto, is a nephew, and Alex. Carlyle, B. A., see of the late Alex. 000404 of Swim 4,> married tis at*. and wad pr.aial aR tits dulls-bedi fAsi, ow Wears= Paorwrnt.—It was is the smoking -room of an Atlantic steamer that a worthy Tester wee re- cently talking about weather furseasts, "Look kere, said he, "I dell you vet it is. You petter don't dake no shtock in dem weather bredictions. Dare beobls do'l't know goding. Day can't dell no patter as I ewe" t`8u4, my dear tsar, •s3 a persen present, "they foriloM'the storm which we have just oneouatered.' ••rid►, ws," *id the Tbut tern f•, "6ttkidell you rat „!r dew yarn ave.* „ye; 11 ,11I USWIota' •..I Must U owe WssRsr. svepil p..t bass to the breed mak ak bat, boiled sad 14410164/1.2tr •itfan t. .lyt *steal tw .c,.•ss r Wt,of ear d butter, fair 441i4otdd at imiseatus, gleer ;+tops to coil AO,. .w . tri ,a.,•,.)1 i1• •. Mash titan is was ' i li t:te`" !Zoic sari wenn caster or pmt with the Reek 1ialler. Wass mash ens improvement se it is ming " floss is STAacs• — Salt should nevertfe 'road in store. Although it gives the linen a good appearance and makes it truu snwuthlg, it surely destroys the fa- bric. I have tried it to my satisfaction. and know it is not a fancy. { bare dotertn G 44 seiseAPB aigis.,w yt sdi $• Oil3kiriC at "111 • i::t 1., : RVEDRIt$$, • flrats a e41 ni ai 11 Ht il&htle, • rue ; ^.•d tial n .`;it. (lROCEdlI, ol• :.t , :KQFis). . encs, GIL 7.11 cos ►eon{ to clear Boca Caaminut — Fourteen teacups tit sifted flour, half a cup each of butter and lam, two sups of oink or water, two o tesapuosfda of oreetn-of- tion a roll thin, of suds, Mix, do not pr. out iaw avows*, prick with s fork and bake in a -moderate overt• -.--- Dean Stanley has been pitching into the newspapers. But this u probably only fair, seeing that the newspapers have been pitching into him. The Dean's wear point u t wh4heveiany gloat man .dies he sea an effuri to get hold of o rersaias, sol to adStree I nember bf cenoeitits b his cam . maseufn. Se is a inert of male u" Tt>llitaud. The papers make fun of him, and in the ase of the late Prince Im- perial such a row was raised against the remains being Led in West minister Abbey, that the Dean had to give way. So Ise says the newspapers are mere sounding braes. All the seine, the Dean is a good- natured old gentleman and stands ltnldt in the estimation of the people. The only thing is that ho should try and re- strain his monists for body -snatching. dry on. con- fit is Dat shtems would have come yust de same if it had net bei bredigid • story is told of Van Ambufgh, the n -tamer, now dead. On one oc- while in a bar -room, he was be got his wonderful power He said: "It is by show - 'in not the least afraid of ping my nye steadily you an example . of e." Pointing to s sitting near by, fellow? Her s aka him one d I won't say a wn, be fixed' Potato Su-au—Thin slime of cold hoRodfps kn ei onion. Into a of hard bodd sated dish put a layer of potatoes, cover with the eggs and strew ever a few bits o1 the onion. This alternatem uatil all - are ia- Make a deemingtion of une tablespoonful of vinegar to three of Naiad oilyone teaspoonful walk to nae-thisti tonlipounftd of popper' and the lance quenttty of made mustard. Mitt thoroughly and lour ever. Let stand kilt an hour hiiure edit+ Parrot Meats.- -It .oinetia•M hap - from uafooseen droometaroes, that quantities of cooked meats retrain on net How to preserve them is the question many hddis are unable to 'm- ower. Pot them. Out the meat from the bones, atop fine, in fact it should bs rubbed to s paste, eereon highly with cayenne, salt cloves er say spies you like, moisten with masted butter, wine, vinegar, cider or Worcestershire sauce, according to the kind of mad, and pack in small stone jars. Corer the top with half an inch of matted.. butter and keep in a cool place. It till keep weeks sad is very nice for lemah etwlr. deka, Over ing theta them, and on theirs. the power of loutish fellow he said: "Yon des reviler clown. ra across the robl4y to Milt word to bio." Sitting his keen, steady eye on sently the fellow stta •;rs4ually, got up, and a to the lion tamer. When _....r-04,,.: i.. et ear room wive. ea SATURDAY, J1IARY 10114 .tie• 'i., ., Y1 ottii 83o*1 ;,►,t"B. el..,OAN . 1§04: Street cideeits. 0 .11'r " 6 • t r fsitli, .1 ,ei.wt r .. t.,: rasa.i eta w.: .... cot, TO :v, ,,,...1.4: 2-* a •t .raassraeib o•..4 11 .a fleas • • •f &TV • F! -to' •. StraCI1aIX$ ostler • • Lai ....9 ..., ` 'NA f.•,ita I eta ,3i.% ,,,.•t tilt —MO— _ .r. .. 4 . ' 4 $;,,.omni e l he. wan Q RE NES FRIIITSJ[' NEW VALENCIA/J. NEW LAYERS, NEW CUliLi NTh, S. 8. ALMONDS, WALNUTS, FILBERTS, CHZBSNUTB. A felt' days ago when temperance was being diocese:LI in the legislature of Nora Sootts, Mr. Ford, of Queen's, referred to a member of one of the families of oke province, recently buried as a pauper, by means of his being addicted to stroyg drink; and tsslled it a temperance lecture in a nutahell. Mr. Pugh, the member of Halifax, rose and said that he was a liquor seller, and he considcre 1 his busi- nese just as respectable and legitiinate as that of a carriage builder. This struck Mr. .Veldt 'tk,o is a carriage builder, and so ho replied briefly as follows: "I build carriLges, and ,lett I turn out a fine wagon I amt proud of it, and point it moving along • the street and sa : 'That is my work.' I would ask tie honorable member from Halifax if he is proud of his work ns he sees it reeling along the atrects•." To this there was no response. • "Tom Brown's" colony at Rigby, Tennessee, about 1( 1,0 so meet" use written a few mon! iMR•pe¢nv- ed a success. The land dhioh fltey settled was poor, and there was a scanty supply of water, and there were many circumstances which militated against the oolnny. The pettlers are to he re- moved to Minnow)* where n grant'of land has been made free by the State Government. We re jet that the Mail ii 4any Mr. Hughes did not trees - !plant -ski colony to Manitoba, where land as good as any in Minnesota is to be had. There is no cause for wonder. Mr. Hughes does not care to go iuto s country owned by a rai way core nay. whore all the imprnveinents his colon. c made would be for the benefit of the company, and where all the prod*# would be total exbtMtably to oirr ' it to market Besides the mile block sys- tem effectually prevents any extensive colonization 'chew like the Rugby ole' At Rock Hill Station, on 10, e Notth Pennaylvutis Railroad, pas- senger trach ' ran into. Is Might train about entering the siding. Both tininess were demolished, the baggage ear tele scoped and t matter of freighth rare wrecked Michael Manahan, =re, South Reston, and Jan Parity, 1 .egs lt of Quakertown,. killed. Rev. 1fieFetridge, Getman_ tmeek and John Gadfly, ps.ngets; Riohsret Morton, South Bethlehem, hie ern fireman f cfely we,ademns. w est injured Cita as Seifert, engineer 1 of the freight engine, George Green, pn- nf parrigpr.. t n . mall• !bre- ed 'Minton ttly xe:',es t alone enough he drew back and eek Van Atnburgh $ tremendous blow under the chin, knocking him clear over the with the remark, "You 11 stare at like that, again, won.'! your . -14 • -s At`r'M ',Ai...) boos► The hmbaafi was of qun.k .tei per,- oftsn inconsiderate. They iniad not baei marric p,esr wen one day in afit of toast t ilAn,,, l 1A his wife: Sorr Soar. —Put - one and .ne-balf pails of lye that will bear op an egg into your strep barrel and to it add sight pounds of melted grease,ifree from sedi- ment. Then with weak lye mit is ob- tained freta tis leash.• hkir occasional - Y. It shbdd •thiekon ttid be ready lot 'use in two or throw prevudtrig• trendier it' wanrnr ile barrel stands in $ wafts! i phiee. ' ' This asathod : arises vek'y gtwids. soap, Mid it t$i i will -of tire, strength mit Net, width lis Wtad!- .efMIt to jurtfty one in throwing away the Ms, which may not bequite sothorOogh- 11y YtLtlecl out," as in the old method. 'iihe scraps; the best use can •te t'te, is to Obey them to the -Misr will repay SIT LAKE SUPERIOR wit TROUT, WHITE FISH & HERRING. Jet SLLT WATBR'WE - HERRING AND ©?WISH. "L went no ,oereestim frons you. If yeU'afb iiot bsrisAAd' with my conduct, you may return to the home whence I tom, and Sed heppinese,with. yqur Mill "If I leave you," returned the trittp- ppp wr(Q• "will you give me hack that Which Tbrou;bt to you 1" "Every dollar. I covet not your we :lth; you shall have it all back." - "Ah !" she answered. I mean not the wealth of gold. I thought not of the dross. mmy- sed mean eiy levmy e -myn heart— my-free- hopes; and the promised blessings of y` womanhood. ou githb"^+•• rea44. 1 240 nfywife: i t ,d t, but I will do more. 1 willkeep them henceforth "mouthed sad iupsined. I will s my own, and ctseter again cal) 1 forherish your get a the pledge I gave at the altar, when you gave your pence and happiness to my keeping. amober atWel * 4 Lviiiasies. addition to P.ssidgnt Porter's 'dee- m regent to the fatlao. y of Evo- lution, the late Francis T. Buckland, ?she English naturalittwo days before his death, wrote last book on tie, isb Sialtee: I have . melt ; ikt4 to sea dthe,AttaaI. water rr w r, t Ito SIM oa Godr a5 ism." Of Of late years the _ Mdo+cetrine of "ev- olution" and "derdopns" bate t r ringly gained inninl mo sated to natural hr a but +, otve much faith in the acumen. at my think that these lived. To pat AL90, A LA16S ii5OI1'>s!r'r OT Teas, Sugg •#. IA ,. ! •,- N .fou ,i e.'1,,) -rev + •. , i. ..-. k r .. ,a)> The shsie•atikessrtss Mum's keet ss Med. diet My fr• Ital Aa W rials house in the Lnyt•.ii .! . tr. CASH PAID POR FARM PRODUCE, LE) 1b7Ottl'et ad—aura mea otoemt Huw.e! ous1e- 1764 ' A C. WM. MITCHELL Audi Oessersl Ovoeeriu ; app Y, (iLAs81yAE , :' AR' D CHLI!fAi.t ,:. Dr. Ppt* a Cream Ba teenier. Pasur's LuputllttYeast Geon. in thus PrelaOe his 9 '1- 'cot ie writing bas Ip ably end good- in the crest - r 1 t a1 i tielltlltr se h in N t e Cie as.' A. P4 irn,. me KEEPS "THE CHEAPEST AND BEM" Groceries, Crockery & Glassware IN TOWN—AND MAKES TEAS A SPECIALTY. GIVE SIM 4 CALL. 176,. W. *T1MHBLL, Hamilton Street, Oodericl,. - '1 Farm and School ellal Bouaehold HAtdware—at discount prices. Builders hardware lin Tools at o le Prices. Imre contracts filled at Manuteoturers• Prices. OF $VERY DESCBI1r1'1A1‘,;;iu, $Lucca to Bottom Pas$ i G_ g- P- ,-R 801`TS, 1711 Extensive premises and Splendid New Stock. Ja i_ 11I1I1ERT .i 1 1 1 l a: Ll R 1.) or. et t$ T t Goderich. ter ,stir. ri .'niAt•-a . a• lis t• : tJ ... Mh.i..i:c tones, hio ng Rt oom and Parlor Furniture. uch OA sod red r, dabd) C.P ra4 aed•stoads. iiia resseo ▪ 10ps/!hs so t Shrouds always on hand. also Manes tor Ur) fie Mlaistprist P;itatims. DDR_qqa• toratrRb Want; a rimy able speech delivered during the Reno sPtil, eflow-cooMr old , to sill,,be de 1„ ag' v t, I *Wadi:oily believe t the esprit realer, aa, iutised. w e are directly Lord; imide all filings Pmt and "very Alumgood".jr,vin ttheri Li isntap ; perfect and yery.g_Qf I tluit tow• fawn, tobe and w w ooa- sinus to dm en f fume. ,, ' I,. Pacific Railway debate, said that he had always admired the allegiance which the Conservatives gave to their leader, but they s 1ould recollectIthst their discipline was not yf the army. He quoted the words cotnmemoratieb of the charge of Brigde : idt'erT eflg n. sd Natilr NI! .rt -5., - A r'ath'er gone story is toid+trf$6 'John A. Macdonald and Burster.. 'Phre Mire bar for Vancouver called upon the. Pre- mier, and bilked him, as rnewbsrfor Vic- toria City, tosupoe+•t tt his amendment to the Railway B , or else Mr. mster threateni ed to go into Opposition. "Oh, &matter," said Sir John, "don't do it. ' You know I could sever oarry on ere (lovornasene without your support." "But," persated Mr. 11., "you are a etipreesritative for Vancouver Island as dell as myself, and we both pull in the sauce boat." "Very true," was the reply, i`bdslot with thiamin skulls (scalp•) ' strop oa r.,t^socls 11 loth Zeno*,.f,f %Ata; tit tfi.glk141111, u. ■ This wasrflawd end noble nn the field of battle. bat should ant apply to meet` bers.of parliaptent. Their part was is reww oaf end• malts reply *halt tilted to vote something. which was not in the interest of the equntryit appears to me that Mr. Paterson would hrve much taerb eh•redity dts.oiibed the patRen the ('',nservstvs in the House had Mto n an to w s,a stints ttooada0Aeto ! at t e2e IS +jilN elaMU _ tion of Wired poilksn—!LIS s" one of theGeoreFlevemeterselmei wow.. Gat. )<t is eoestantly peed by tho•'Mnds of per' sons suffering from the above tdismal* i i_,. lir iS' to ie, Lic +0.4 Cr orlize ethe pat tARS4PAit&i.' hind fee Pertf'yh'•g the Wood. " It hes been is u -c Aar 2 part. sad posedrees Ames mgrito t b. Se fit ADAME.diOOM• Tt1E AIDE 1'4F DA(-iF,•Urn 'i.aTttT. Pt -11 1h_i i1:L T E Fut., U itiYEP01.. FL1.',..d. rod et'an .volt arks troln ti iso tnpare blood. Thomson* o0* trey. "wising it. give it te Itd241 *moose. Iii once. rt'i ewuneoA it to otters. 3tbraadb rrota Ys4Wrr oadsu,- ras sar+s , Bo:. fr aid ►b ttei ' wn iia ti' - Tirana and rn•ibsstric veer ale, and ean- .iestta the m col, adio p htylt tis sneer dN a eoastn 1 h Hew, or pis bra tMdhi.ea 1.1=44 Eli tt•l6o"raV ani 600000te s,dd bo ea s St one doter a 2022202 tot flee .SW a ret ,tqa. r fnnon obbt I41 Yt es konne dollar, aid we wiu need 10 ts jaintwrow t e0., ltssalkola> k Aynnur ronso . if r , IlAltltY Vie.. n -iG:aets Bad, White and Blue 1 :, +, 1,' tat" j+ :•,i - to t1c esOt+'rtd'''' . Acheson ,1• 4 New Dress': ds, Groves -"$c Hosiery, rocs also.• ,ii::o'a ail: or ,tttr' 1f oh 'a JVIllir Hover at ,, 't• .,. ■ .y ..l t. . h es ,•.r. 7 14 iw c few .1 $411r •, on er sjfjiw r. f14 7!r , sbv al! Nun(' 1' Gl FCAL HALL u mag d nom FOOD r:rti Mc))Mff StTL army' comma ,1 vI•ia:. ., Ukiplik'1,• as ,y. .., far 'rue,) it itseJ(- won .tit ', r oliorq Basks t, , f2sswim W ;,,.adia•N'LwE! rowitsM epsharsens•rettwo) - •,'., )•, '•.,K•r+afi sttistst mitosis . + A '•it,..a t)+wtt • t ririt • .t,', --• -t..1 1 .+' m n/Nwu,o w ya unpviefn d .rola , , .r.. -•-•Q ats.vi"l.0 -},0G. -3' Ai Ob'.L V ii liNd.i Atd.rn.,e J N4 fire • now 4111,1404 „lawn !; Mr Jb .t+•. ., ,t., M t,.,e cawso •1••••"0 aN »us •' rt• 15 5144 "'0•'fi,rs7 ,' 2Ftgnd Pin oo t,,.,tow,,y vino! w Wightol fit/WAN vvovt's Of ;Inn .5 .1ri,44:41 :se: 4.. 1047 ate Biredcl g. .11 The flag nen whit end the telegraph to the by the freight engtneer, who rad is 211611 011 Os! wrong snide/ A &MSS fog neevail- mi Cough apoodily •iisappears Try it and be esavirieed. Rotel by all chemist; f'rioa 25 and 50 cents battle — It*Slawtrit Al* Wit ISarES, \to 1PrInwomasett iTit Street st oh 1117. • iii4 1, 1 tie •Li ,trod.:, m, acini a rot qo,f • t e D I 0 -- ' • _ a(r ,i / 'ir -:fill ' • .) 91. 1 1-:11[6 „}Wilm, .5, it*:.m . 1.11,014fi'011 thve i ; . r..• .- .t:t a our''•? ':Ott `rel, ,I,Trt.l 'i n yf.3t+r, dwU - _ tell'. oat. ov:e 1:•1 ',.a ,WRA D GlichmiSt and Druggist: a tent medicines fet_irsti ,111111Meoe. Cilemistv .Druggist, 414:14.44, oir 4,41 vete Atwitc,i, • 17.711310 faciikt.74A311-111.. $161. #11aiveti: Mom( 1.1 twit Int 11119011S item