The Brussels Post, 1965-01-07, Page 61964 Meteor 2 Door Hardtop S eyl. auto. raIhS.
1963 Pontiac 2 Door 6 cyl. auto
1962 Cornet Sedan
1960 Meteor Rideau 500
1959 Volkswagen
1959 Pontiac .Seclan
Several Other Models, To Choose FMCS
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Mr. Kansas Vari-aer,
Brussels, Ontario.
Dear Kansas:
Federal government beef
graders take age,' eotiformation,
finish and quality into consider-
ation when, grading beef.
Sohn Leask, a CDA Preduc-
tion and Marketing official, told
Lethbridge cattle feeders re
cently that weight was not a
faetor in beef grading. Finish
of a carcass has to be propor-
tionate to its weight but for
several years beef carcasses
have not had a minimum weight
Sex was not a decisive fac- .
for either, be said. There were •
instances when young bulls
graded Canada Choice, though
it was rare.
Heavy male calves were not
bought by packers for veal, he
told one questioner, , because
they lacked finish. On the con-
trary, heavy .heifer calves fre-
quently carried good finish.
Type of feed could affect the
color of a carcass finish (the
fat), he said.
Selling cattle on a. rail grade
basis eliminated the need for
live weighing and for estimat-
ing shrink, yield and grade.
However, producers who, want-
ed follow an animal through
from live to carcass stage fac-
ed the problem of identification.
Anyone who comes up with a
satisfactory identification meth-
['oter Relley and DaVid Levy
bare been added to CBC's roster
of foreign. correspOndents. Reilly
will report to CBC radio and
od would make- a fortune 'from
it, he predicted. Tattooing, us-
, .ed for hog identification, would
not work for beef because cat-
tle hides are taken off early in
processing. Identification was
the responsibility of the owner.
Research was also ,fluded in
the field of dark-c'utting beef,
said Mr, Leask. He knew of
one packing plant where record-
ed music was - playec to the
animals to soothe them. It was
probably impractic,al to use
tranquillizer ilrfigi at 'the kill-
ing stage, as 'the process of in-
jecting them might create more
unrest among the animals.
There was a belief that dark-
ness in meat could be traced to
cattle„ subjected to extended
stress and strain „prior to
Meat grading is on an option-
al basis so far as the federal
government is concerned but
the service is there for the pu-
lie convenience and is, based on
grades' established by the Can-
ada Department" ofAgrieulture.
Only carcasses were graded—
not cuts, said Mr.. Leask,
Grading identified , e a t,i n g
quality to the consumer gave
the-beef Industry -a -"convenient
basis for „trading and provided
the producer with another meth-
od' of selling—bY rail' grade.
Mr. Leask said' the Present
high volume of- ieef> consump-
tion was largely due to the high
quality of the, beef currently
produced. estiMated that an
average of more than 25,000
,carcasses a week graded, Choice
and Good. This is more than
double the number in those
categories ten years ago.
television networks froln 'United
Nations' headquarters' in New
York while Levy is CBC's first
correspondent in Moscow. Both
men have extensive backgrounds
in Canadian journalisnii
am writing you because
no you. After the concert at our
fair My pop ARViteu yuu and,
Clark Johnston ,to,...,pur house,
Mom made coffee, and sandwiches
and pop opened a new bottle of
whiskey. When you left there was
lots of cmtee and sandwiches
left but pop had to close one eye
and hold the bottle up to the light
to see the wee bit what was left.
Anyway, last night at supper we
talked about my future. My aunt
Jenny wants me to be a minister
but then I couldn't go to ball
games. I. said when i growed up
was going to be like the ;Kansas
Farmer, go all over playing
the fiddle and having people
laughing at me, Pop grabbed his
head with his hands and said the
14,04 forbid. Mon , she twisted
her :Uwe and said no, no, no
not that. Pop said I'll tell you,
iismas writes for books and
papers, try your hand at that,
which I did. i made up a poem
all by myself. I could make up
thousands but I. have no money to
buy paper ana things.
This is a story about a. mule
called ,Rick
And a boy with a pin on the end
of a stick -
The boy poked Dick • and made
him kick
The next line is so sad it
Mikes me sick.
The funeral for the boy will be
held next wick.
Made up by Larry Lamont, age
9, Stayner, oat.
Dear Larry:.
I must say yotii .poem is LW'
gue and shoVirs no little' amount
of merit. I like the Way you make
things rhyme. 14ither Long-
fellow or Burns ever thought of
making week rhyme with sick.
I am sending,' you a-$ but don't
send any .more poems until you
bear from mei-after all a master-
piece like 'this requires some time
to digest. What mikes you think
that a Minister 'Cannot go to ball
games. There is no more harm
in going to a ball game than to
a horse race -or --bingo. My uncle
Robert was a minister and..always
came to our, place for his, vaca-
tion. I recall him and I going to
• • •
none ,ana buggy, to see
a soccer game. My uncle never
stayed more than Eve years in
one place. The Lord always
called him'''elsewhere. My Dad
said the LOrd wars mint to' him.
aways called him 'whefe the avi-
ary was a-bit"bigger. NoW lArIT,
one of the cleared? truest? and
,most honourable? 'friends I- have
is a, butcher. .Why not consider
this rewarding business. What
you have to. do. is , very simple.,
You hire four or five young men.
One will be YOUr valet. He will
look after your gloves" and your
car keys, tell you when your tie
is crooked, keep track of your
cigarettes and go to the Cafe for
you when you are needed at the
the shop. Get yourself a 44000
automobile and take iu the races
1.1144 the ball games, especially
when the girls are playing. There
will be' times when the going
gets rough, such as slicing' your
thumb, too much sawdust in the
sausage etc., but the renied.Y
simple. Get in your oig car and
visit your Dad. Tell him a drive
in the country could do him good.
Take him out a few miles, show
him some good herds, then land
him back into the office, ask hint
if he would examine the books
and get the show on the road
again. in a couple of days poor
old Dad will have everything
going fine and you can get back
to normal, coffee in the, morning
and spirits in the evening. For the
life of leisure that's it.
Well, a happy new' year to all.
See you next Va.
Truthfully Yours.
T., IL if.
I Thanks for renewing your sub-
scription and to new subscribers:
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