The Huron Signal, 1881-02-04, Page 88 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4. 1$11 ail] DOORS, SASHINO BLONDS, MOULDING/;, lead every Denc.ptitie .,t t., ia,yt•r M'irat'k 8rA RS, HANDS&ILle; N X w r and sitMBA A Speciallty. l s.a ',eel .rias Lists- stNfN,t►f►h:•:,. I.A NJ h .,o 1Lkiliii. Estimates an, app i lin SO- FRAN(7l8 3MLI11YR, -•' u„ tench deers ft alvtaable, setter ,;utm :wog sad obtaining the advise and .aarseit d the adJ/w,.ang Reaves, is redionot wonseGtNe int twenly feet alntu w• lamer, .tw ,hitt►' the swlewata built of stone, and to • sink the inuidation low eu•..t en . tet.arekeistg where it may be ren uitv.t. >dlrr eirli A number of a ,,a u . verSs r :ierr(:(L M. wed v,y Mr. eine iter, mesas tad by Mr. We r that this i7ri ,*1 do. now ad - j.. ,rn to meet at 1 o'slu P ,a. p*ii4 un. Th ,• ''•,"moil rent wired ;'she %'dram in tho ca.tir. res exec.,/' (0 rats otos) Ant )V( An ex,itireerno was thea re.ui mot *duple' : With re ;eel to the rq : 'rt of dlr. Meb- ziey R At. :,,-,miaAnuueq uu bnd;ets we rawswies t 1 diet the r.:p et be e1.,pled, and the. •.... Shag -merit rote/el t', the re- pairing .sol ooveriug'ot lobo bead {us men- tioned iu the report, lin,1 &het the, Clerk be instructed to mined Lir. M ,Hides to Lind his order -book teat stab too t:.wnt ytuoertyinhiaposeeeinnk, AIL ihupp Tender, were received ,.,r ter.: ..uditag of Ssua usrht.t brs.4;e, keit. &l t .d plttett we.... rot e.pnor.11 .:t. g 115,1 ;u natio siemens old s•, as zaan (:.:. ,r,) roc. ).u'od- ed by thew), eau stets I.tt t .) tatter be iduooa in tlr: h , . Le J. th + stood Cotememitesers to on tate ,,toy y c,c: , roe in the plans as they weenier n'sessw'y, and complete tue eentr Wt, w, long as the oust loos not tsoeey take aeoand highest tender; a i1 tbst ate e7 , uwis- sionere appoint oue Jr ,uvre •,i them- selvoa CO let the builds.►; of the inn- bankote.,ts and to eepuri.Atund the build- ing of the bri 1 to aca)rlin t to the [duce es revised by than. With eegard to the bridge on the b.wndt,ry hetweu,, flow - ick anal Carrick, ria mecum wend that Mr. Gibson examine taiah iusttur, raid re,,ur: at the Juds uteetin; of th .oun- ciL On the notiod u. Jr. Bill, for beildle a foot brides aro WI,ICLa.t; also upon teie aseu.u,)t,uu i,i rre.seer's also upon the buiidi.te of G.•.tllaw's Bridge, we ruoo• :w :.)i th it no action be taken. All of whic t u r.,.ipa;tfully seb- mittwL • Jolles )iol(tl..Aw, C`mirmetn. ItReOAT Or Grog. AND col/31' ROOMS Mt - (t1 rra i Your leo truittee bee !reeve to 'report as follows : - T'at they have vi&itelet.-i carefully inspected tree sleet, ant t ..trtd it eknn and well kept, mut the b it ti,C Ca'Irteot:e. There are at present two l' y -two n nota intsarrorat,'--twaft :y utdes ea 1 two fent 'dee. Year cn:n n;,t • •;ra, t r fed that two of the iron .;ei s's lily$ t We re om.nend that new flooring be pinnal in three' of the ~le, mei 1 tlo.,tinee tote of in tido 1l inche-r thie't, the, cotton for the m.lkine of two •1 r WV:lets sale) two duuon pillow -slips, s;i.1 .ales one dozen chaise, bs procured for the use o9 the Gaol; that a new stove be ern'nr,1 for 'the use of the Gaol, and that th o mat- ter h3 left in the hart la of the :lark; that the tender et Miller k 51 Qar- rie, being 6105, for lowerin,;, plastering and strapping the ceiling in the, Court- room, taking down the nor•ni(:os, and putting in tete icon rads, sitailer to tine plans &town by Mr. Goths n, be :.gee - ed, and that the Clerk .t -,w up the agreement for the completion .,f the 'vor.: and that the eacurisy toe ei Yeo for the completion of the same, ami that the wort be done under the asap :rintend- enoe of Mr, Hardy. All of which is respectfully subnuitteI. F. W. Joaw.er tri, Obairo:an. VAPORY Or NALALISA C')tta(1TT101« lour Committee recotnmrr.l gnat no change be mule in tri .Jounty l.rh.3als salaries for the present year: CH•)s. BLLL, Chai.in'-t. E_•;'uer . ' YINANCE The fulluwmg matters haying (erred' to yule Cowl nitte they resoulale! id as follows: That on the petition of the Ontario Rifle Association, $10 be grant-. od. That the report of the.Treasurer of, the receipts and . expenditures for the year 1630, and the statements in connec- tion therewith bo received and printed in the minutes; that no interest be ctu►nsd on the County rale ut.til after the 14th day of Feb. in int h year; and that the Warden and Clerk be requested to memorialize the Legislature to se amend the Municipal Act Rs to allow all Municipalities to invest their 'sinking funds in first mortgagee on farm property (tin recommended by the Treasurer in his rep .rt) and first the same regulations for its investment he enacted as in the case of the Municipal Loan Fund distribu- tion, viz: --thit no municipal rofficer, such as Reeves, Deputy Reeves, Coun- cillors, Clarks, Treasurers, or Auditors be allowed to borrow said funds, and thst no investnneet be made to a greater extent than 50 per cent of the cash value ..f the property. That $3,000 bo raised for the improvement of boundary lines. That the account of R. McLaren and L Hardy for repairing Grand Bond Bridge, 427. 75, be paid. Also the following ac- counts: White sed Cowan, printing. 52; C. A. Nairn, supplies for Court House, $13.46; Hvaoii Sweat, advertiairtg, $1; Brussels Past, $1; James Hitchen, printing, $6; Geo. Sheppard, ached ex- Minim/ion supplies, SR..18; W. J. Pais- ley, caretaker Clinton lockup,596; D. K. Strachan, repaionR handcua, $1; C. W. Dunlop, caretaker Seaforth lockup, $90; Jas. Rmaill, plans and description of Court Hours for W. N. LeBow*, 56; T. .1. Meorh. rine, .tatiomery, Cleft • office, $.1.66; John Storey. snp ins for care- taker County buildings, M. 40, supplies for gaol $6.86, supplies for Registry,s2; Jae (launders, repairs en goal, $10.31; White k Sort were paid $8621, instead .f $90.65 nn account of $1.82 being over !harged on 400 enptes Dee. minutes, John Breckenridge lime and teaming, =9, Buchanan it lawnon, lumber, $22; O (' 11.11 r in, advertising, $1 Kli Moor.. repairing Court House 61.76; W H Ranafnrd, supplies Model School sainination 04 each oaf flu Riding ncuitural societies west OM; hummed d • in vain tried A Harrison, Help's • Gs' het them N in buddies the 17taetcod, repairing Irma . Mt Jobs Joann, repairing Turner's Blridoe, *de; M. Pulley, livery hire, E!; Jobs n , board end mainteoairee of a des - ate letis fru Deo. Ttb to Jan. 961h, al, 6 weeks and 4 days, , printing, Sil. We t „ th• is I that ail effort be reads to get Mia ore lunatic ill tq te.e Waterton "boo liown or into * e0rablea, and fiat the stake the neosawarp MI of which is D. D.11'ij Wm, • Moved by Mr. Meier Mwaded b Mr. Weir, that I this a des and Cl reeseeriabas the metien 93 of the 8lwatotial seta no pest. !t; 11be asessiswas4 of pl tag power to the .o.Usc tan's to dalrtrain tet tbeienee IN, the demand, sad M say line dories tltw fourteen days when the goods end chattels liable pslFaae brief removed fruia the multi dpahty, the'Mlle to procure • war - mat ur eatiburtty ler au .long a a nsaeP+teste or other person ea the Government may think fit- Ler- 1'iea Moved by Mr. McMillan, seouaded by Mr. Allan, that the Comical now pro- ceed with the emodins of a County Poor Home. Mr. ',dila, in iatrudesiag the re- solution, made an sae.Uent speech, and made a strong appeal for a Poor Holme, free a humanitarian as well as an eco- eoesioal eteadpoiat. Mowed by Mr. Strachan, &scowled by Mr. Miller, that this (,cooled do now ad- journ, to half -post seven o'clock, p.m. - CLrried. 'MOAT, 7 p.m. The Connell resumed, the Warden in the chair. The discussion of the Pour House question was oontinud. Messrs. Strachan. Hays, Weir, Kay, Currie, Bleck and Hislop, speaking against the establishment of sock as institution, and Messrs. Hannah, Rogers, Campbell and McMillan, advocating it. The resolution was evsntually with- drawn by the mover and seoonder, with the understanding that the question would come up again at the June Session. Moved by Mr. Johnston; seconded by Mr. Rogers, that having made use of the plan submitted by 1(r. Graham, for the lowering of our calling, we grant him the sum of re. Carried, u -e Moved' by l4r. Johnston, amended by Mr. Campbell, that permission be grant- ed by this Council to the person or per- sons appointed by the town of Goderic for the purpose of attending te the taws clock, to have access to the same. Car- ried. Moved by Mr. Gibson, seconded b Mr. Walker, that the Warden and Clerk be authorised to petition the Local Leg- ialat ore that the amendment to the Mun- icipal Act, now before the House to re- duce the number of Reeves, be nut pass- el. Carried. • The following as the report of the ta79OOL AND PaIlf,rwo COnMlyyIa. in the matter of the communication fnnn the County Council of the County of Ontario, respecting a change in the mode of appointing auditors, tariff of fees, etc., we recommend that no Action ba taken. Seven tenders for the County printing were laid before us. We recommend that the tender of E. Holmes & Son be accepted, it being the lowest. Your Committs would further remommend that the Collector's Rolls he bound similar to the Assessment Rolls. Your Committee would also recommend that the notices of Council meetings, and examination of teachers be advertis- ed in the County papers u usual. All of which in respectfully submitted. W. CLeao, Chairmen. Moved by Mr. Rogers, seconded by Mr. McMdlan, that this Council do now adjourn, to meet at nine o'clock tomor- row mnrnine.-Carried. Saturday, 9 a.m. The Conned abet ;)ursuant tto adjourn. trent, the Warden in the chair. All the Vauucillors were present. The mambo of yeah:lay r cud and approved. The following report from '•;r. Dewar. P. L. S. , was read :- To f.' ialurteiprl Council of thr, (;o...rty of Moron in (baneil aase.JbfeI: (ig'NYt1;YA i, -As I shall furnish eta- Hetics in fall for your next meeting. I ihxll merely state atresent that upon the whole, our schools are doing very well; n number indeed are in a highly sat.iefactory state of efficiency. It would perhaps bo ton much to expect every one of one hundred and twenty-nine teach- ers to be all that one could wish, rope - chilly as so many of them are young teacher& The great majority of these, however, have acquitted themselves well, and have given good 'satisfaction to all parties. All our schools would bo more easily handled and better rosette obtain ee, were the attendance of many of our pupils more regular. I am ready to ad- mit that this irregularity is in many in- stances unavoidable, but know just as well that a great deal of it can and ought to be avoided. Of the teachers employ- ed during the past year, nighty -two hold third class certificate.; some of them, of course, held second class non professimtal. These held old County Board certificate& Forty-two held .e Gond class certificates, and two held first class certificate.. Teacher, who were employed as suistante for part of the gear only are ezeludsd from the forego- ing and from those that follow. (ht of the forty three changes made at the end of ou, there are seven temilters bold the nm-prefesaicad asoonds, where were thirds were, See Eu0 seeoads where third class teacher, were One holding a non-professional seconded where a fall aemnd was, and one boldidga third clans certificate when here was a Mteher holding a fall srsead W pear. !bare am ale two b,lurbnsa balding old Qosoty Board c,.' tsiss wbnse there were third ekes tesebae Inst year. It will he no sews to say of you that amebae sal• ries have come down eery reoak 1t t g • their the r, that ski treed towhee, ses eir sitaisiions have not hesms red except by rine Rowel of TrneMse. Yount ntsperef.Yy, Annie% Dewed, Moved by Mr. Gros.., seceded b1 y Mr. Key, that !be Meth of Ibis tstsrieil be aatbertssd to oownueitca s with tie round' nr Midaleses tea elate that the for le- y Clerk at uric.. nab ,•abruitteuL on the boundary airmss the thimble, beers" the Wweehips of phett vv t11,0it will now kold df til respoaaible for say aoutdenta that may occur in tour views of such neglect - By -law No. 1, UHL appo ttltMg Cuu- ty Auditore, was read add y,( By-law No. 2, 1881, appointing • Board of Audit, was road and passed. By-law No. 3, 1881, to appoint Road Osainiaeloaets was read and passed. • By bite No. 4, Hal, iu 'sed- By -Lw No.3,of lbs township Of 8tealey, for the .1 'stain seed allowanoe, was read and passed. Moved by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Black, that this Connell do now adjourn to meet at Godarich ea the first Tuesday in June nexL--Carried. OOMMIJNIOATIONS. We do nut bold outvote opts pt o to tor the la OSatrlbu- same coeds' them easedews, and be brief. To the Editor of Tho Huron sternal. Dans Sha, -I take the liberty through your neper of bringing into. 'ties a charity, which, although located in To- mato, hes a Provincial object. The "In- fants Home and Infirmary" was organ- ised about Ivo years age, and iia object was and is to succor and reclaim the erring sister and the unfesttttmte off- apnns Since its institution many a be- trayed girl has been saved, protested and stayed in a course which might hese ended in utter ruin, and the offspring, have been cared for and rescued from destruction. The child and mother are admitted into the Home and kept then until the mother is fitted to go out into the world to support herself -the child remaining in the Hume till adopted or the mother out provide for it; the mother, however, helping to support the child whited it remsiae in the Home. As a natter of fact, many of the in- mates. probably a majority, have comae front country towns and villages, and are in no way legitimate objects to the charit- able of Toronto. But still the have been taken in and oared for. Beales'' of this, and because it is a charity which may fairly appeal to the sympathies of all, it has been determined by the lady managers to crake an effort to obtain assistance outside of Torouto. The pres- ent Home has become too small. The City of Toronto has granted a lease of a piece of land at a small rental ups* which it is proposed to erect a suitable building: Keay havegendarme'," sub- scribed towards the Buil ung Fund, but when it is erected it still will require to be furnished, and this appeal is made to hour readers asking them to contribute, owever small the sum towards this ob- ject. Oootriltutions may be sent te Lady Howland, 'Shrewsbury Lodge, To- ronto. Yours truly, A La'.Y MANAngR. Toronto, Jan. 26th 1881. M.assii. Boycotting still tomtinues;• so do the snow -drifts and pitch -boles, and life here was becoming monotonous when, lo! a distant noise u heard --s faint, euwblina; sound as of distant thunder, or the warring of the elements that portend a dreadful storm. fia! it grows louder! now, to like the ,the tramp of armed hosts. Hark! the noise is from the southward, and is drawing nigher. What can it mean? Some terrible calamity must have fallen our country. Has there been an earthquake? or have the Fenians come to desecrate our hornet? But hark! what means that cheer? the Syn- dicate or N. P. must have collapsed, and Edward has superseded John. Suspense wee becoming unbearable, when brave Donald volunteered to go and find out the cause of commotion or uprising, and bring us news ..r die its the attempt. He mounted his gray charger, and ridiug boldly to the South is lost to eight; but goon returns. What new. bring you bravo Donald? Have the cents come? bet's hear quick, that we wry arm. Wh,tt meant that cheer? has Edward superseded John? "(loud now:;," quoth Donald, "I bring to you. "What!" we A:1 oxclaiin, ''good news Donald" "Aye good news, glorious news. Port Albert, sur sister village, hath given birth." •` What! hath gists birth, said you 1)onald'" Donald. "Aye, verily, hath eivon birth." "Alit hath given birth to what," Donald, "To a great railway' achene from thence to Winsthatn. ' • What! a railroad, ye gods! Citizens, dost hear, a railway to Port Albert." Citizens all as with one voice exclaim, c.eto prrp^fua. And en it came to plan that the inhabitants of Port Albert and vicinity have come out of their Tory shell at last, and coiping out. have de- manded railway and harbor 'teem -initi- ation. We scud thou) our congratu- lation, and hope they will succeed be- yond their most sanguine expectation. With railway facilities, the rnagttifi- cent water- privileges on the trine -mile river would be utilized to the public benefit. An impetus would be given to agriculture, our villages would soon grow into towns. Mills, workshops and factories would, touched by the magic wand of energy and capital, spring into existence, anti our surplus labor, our young men, the bone and sinew of the land, who now have to seek employment in Armoriean cities, on the wesisra prairies, or Manitoba, would find h,wour able and remunerative employment at home. By all means let we have a rail- road. As to the Harbor question 1 fear it will fall through, u we am not repre- sentedin the Howe rot Cotnssopa as we should be. Ws have been such thorough Tories., that we would rather become famalrned or be represented as we sow are by as seer as to a tteleeaa- aa it is poem to Imat7ae, then ear awed. n - -- ly, North =got tis grant of $1,600 for Pest &limit while Soots Hereto theesh represeeted by, e. the Tories say, "a rabid Ont." got the magrtiOeeetgvatrt of x,000 f.r flay letd Harbor. The electors of Nrrtk Hares are taking notes (aOWQrsrtna A gentleman -by the mem of Rearether, from Ilevi k, baahsusht est the planing min t. Meth, trtreel y W ('lest. and eilahlalipalent Lavit to full Mast they. Mr. W.Mtt vvtone, from A n been, intends erecting a woolen mill in Myth on • lame reale shortly Mattes. i l' Feb it lt.. ftt r :1 t 111 W. vl N I.t v • • 8 M •1u • • :I's +•Ia aal,atts4aMi M T M Wapp rr nd : : i h alt per banal She People's Clumn. .ter SERVANTGIRL1H1aaW A . - . and (.asaares s,. Mo (ioaartchsaer 070. I(ST. - ON TUESDAY AFTER- -I ths no n{, betwesa on rock u s.Oyibpbonna 'modern esse„ The fader wigbesuiM Owarded by lnarttwr It et O. H. l vja' mere. • : I►Z I dL-HAVII6A' JQ ILiiCD MY toe buuas with sons beautiful clear tea. I invite ilio publlo to gleamine my stock, sad Trot my rats for snmtAsr delivery. (ell early, before the stook Is all bargained fur. Wu. lloGedOenk milkmen, neer the H.LIC 7 hurvh, MUSIC -1188 e8KIMMINGB WILL LV.L rrasp s het.te to a r alo liar Pleas lead Zsm Vaoallca~ ViMsiirsMb Joe. otter two fur threeke pgtl} -lower r yer I L adv baa For 8ale or So Let. FAIO( FOR SAL& Vompr oink Leta Nes. 1st and lf, Con- 3, is the Towaa►ffp of Weal Wawanoah, belonglag `o the late 1[r Charles McDonald. containing t'O sal r be all. Ouse thirty acres are cleated are over 16 acres of good hard wood. smolt the balsam Dealer and P1ae bush. etstaa frame end a Well are also ole Lim: A creak runs through the !ll saarriarrr sammaa Per to JANO ' xutr. raw. )aus soli>rfo Mrs. WARNOCK,77011. 6 'e,. it at elpa EMIL Fj gALS -- A 0001) HORSE, and emter. Hasa good simle r aerials. 'luta ter to drive. will be sold or era cheap for cash. AppH• ea R' ]r •AiORtMwa. R tiro.. Fanning M LU aaakees, (}eder%ch. 176841. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE ----AT DIVaVARapp., ti mils from (lodcrich, eosaiaetat>br $ elan acre of land, well fenced; a frame seam, a good well and pump are also poen the preach eyed.as,rsTaahoe l ot hes been well in- rs can be had from 1[r. J. _. Roamers. Merchant. Durimeaw, or R. IL itiwowx, Nile 1'. O. 1767-11. 1_10U812, AND LOTS NOR 33 AND egAsr of Victoria end Nast strew. le the toX of Oeaertcb. for sale chestier will be ezeheagea'P rtant, proPert,iYrs u , p y to J 14 014AR . Architect„'foe Groote 111isdk, tar S. C. Ctltetra, aaetrsaeer. TO LET --A BLACKSMITH SHOP i'mvenienttydteated, being in the Iso• iMlate v1 et Mill Motel and rust Otho'. This is a d for horeeshoeing " lead Jobbing. Weeae story frame dwelling hors; T is a rave champs Lora k▪ er. Apply .5 euea+o R 7. atelop Albert. ()aL 17tiY • t S. , SR•EP'PA 1tDTO114. I1r.kill& FOR a oggpp 50 leared and well tented. BAc Cn t rMilltflb.cstent cellar full ehrelef Now A large creek runs through the Id, po waste land on the creek A very floe orchard surrounds the house. coed barn and ether but/Maw. Terant,Ver7 OW. Apply to It. T. UAvvtnt, Int iG Lahti Shore Road, Col- borne Township, is W swarm & PROVO - TOOT. 1 SHSPPARDTON.-STORE, WITH PastOIRos, for sale o to moat, with ! aces land. Stock all fresh and good W ill sell on very easy terms, hhving other business te_attend to. For further partteulcer a piy to R. T. HNta ays. Also IGO acres of lanai Nes hall of hot 5, on the 3rd con., Y. D. Ashfield. Good Or- chard, Frame llotte,snd•staM Fittyscree cleared and well ?wicket. Apply to Gosttow & t'Rotrnioo'r. 1761. VALUABLE FARM J'OR SALE. Lot 6, Con. 8, Township of Colborne Co. Heron containing 96 acre. 75 of which are cleared and in • good state of cultivation. There las frame noose lt with sellar ander the whole, kitchen 16120. wood shed 1612S, 'table 18126, for horses, also cow ,tabic Iix:11. There is s well with • never Wile' sprinx. and a good young orchard with about 40 trees, selectee. Terms easy. For particulars apply to THOMAS WAi40N, proprietor. (G•dge of to GARRow dt l'ROUD/OOr. Uoarrich. 1756. De0tietcw throe door, below Bleak of Moeieal, Lc NICHOLSON, 81311010111 10/al VORq sNew Stock Of Valentines earplug from le L1XECUTOR'S NOTICE. In the matter of the estate of Michael An- drew, late of the Town Of Goderich, in the ('ounty of Huron, Oerttlemeaa, deceased. Notice in hereby given pursuant to the ile. viued Statute of Ontario, Chapter 114. that eke creditors of the late Michael Andrew. of the Town of Go&Ierich, (Goderich P. 0.) in the County of Huron, wit. tiled on or about the twenty-fourth day of November. A. 1). IMO. are fin or before the elftcenth day of Mardi, A. D. 1881 to send by I .it, prepaid. to favid Me. Brien, boderleh P. O. the Executor of rho lent will and testament of the said Michael An- drew, their Christian and surnames, address es and description, the roll particular of their claims. statements of their accounts and the nstare of the security (if any) held by them and that on and after the said fteenth day of March, the eases of the dossed will be dis- tributed amongst the part es entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall ha^o been received. and the said Executor will not be liable for the wets en distributed. or any part thereof to person. whoa- claims shall not have beep received by the said executor at thn time of the diauibu- tion of the said assets or any part thereof, as Il,e came may he. .iAItROW dt PROU MOOT, 17 :9 -et SDlleltors for Nuecntor. ('1HANCERY SALE OF A VALVA - ole Phan in the Township of Colborne. Pursuant to order of the Court of Chan. eery made in a certain cause or matter ofJoha James Campbell. an infest ander the age of twenty-one years, dated fid. IMy of Vebru. arr. A. I,.. 1880, thor0 w be sold by PQtatq Arc -riot', with the inion of }leery MacDermott, F.atl„ 1rMtf of the said Court at (toderich, byTila6 ( ihir•rie, Auctioneer, •Ot Godes** tn tyt at the Town of sataraa,, Ma Dee rreareary, A. D., OMD. u 18 dolsek, soon, the ildlowias property, via: Tbs'awt .1 agarygeh 3, in the alb Con, Weyers of {hi Township of Col - bawl. la the Of Berea, containing* Aff/Ak mon Or abetIt Meet t>fltfarad wK Abend 411 Mk▪ t sad two wells es IYc Gravel Read teens of Roderick. and teens gm v a a ealssawer a Carlo. dr. ot Is alga b m a ere Meoeed M 15 other M the • memo's Of tial will of the (fart of GIP Aar of January (Td.) :. MACDEINMOTT, M (iadsArh OA BROW&PROD waseeW eslbawe. -'ser-.-- • O. CURE, Ti0Mlsilt, Ueasrteb. AUa 1751. Q, MACYI, 1t- L,. 1'181 Of aioe, esquire at the Sial taro. i It McLEAN, PHYdICIAN, bl t► 1J O&ON, Oo runer, Rc. OAtn+goad reedl.tu4 es Helot Strsa4'woad door wort 0/ Vb:tur.n direst #--+ 17ei. Dli18. SHANNON t HAJILIL7'(ti., ''tr1. M.s tunrs•oar. Aicesk n, te..- Oitoe at 1». tit goes. eesiausee, e. Jail. (loderlcb. O. C. SRANrob. 4. C. Hama Torr. 1731. AIIKENHEl-AD, V S (SU(,'CISiet,., • y j Ilea ct, Oradisle or queen., r'.. terinary cr. • reen., . on 1.•.,, ate Street, m dour east of (;inborn., v. B. -Hence emendated as- to awutt4 11( 1751. Legal. \AMERON & R4JU RS, BARRIS- Mf. tors,tt,leproma.bpd Nptarkety Wlsy;hatn, Mfr. otters eDpa•tsiW1'at Mote "R"lsttbata M. C. cone, on, Q. t',, M, P., F. Itoger.. 1'. u. Drawer PRY. 1Klagjtatn. Jan. rr_ 1770. ARROW a PtOU DPI )OT, 11Alt- kegRISTEIIti, .Attorneys, Solicitors, etc., Ooderich. J. T. (Jarrow, W. Proudfoot. 1751. L DOTES BAllR1$ESR 14 D a.e. Attorney, t sttetenr in Chewed. Sus.. SEALER & MORTON, B A R R 1.8 - Th218, ko.. deo.. Ooderieh and W inrham. a Sewer, Jr., Rede<Mk J. A. Morten, W an4- Mae 1751. Q MAL.00MSON, BAR1tIIftlTYlt AND Solicitor. Omoe- -Corner of West Street and Market Square, over George Acee/bals, oderic 1751. Lit P1jiUl11, *7O R N . ' w -Solt:ULM eer, &c. ()Mee over Dollar's , Gude aa tutee, te()MeeI) Ont. An'l imeLt of mossy to11olatt.at ftbr teff , BOLT & t7AIIIERON, Barrister, solicitors in Chancery. ac.. Ooderich and Wingham. M. C. Oasnsaos. Q. CMotRnk ; it Rolt.i C4111001111. 6oderie 30' 1,-. 51. sL i ne6a r - TAMEt3 SMAIILL, ARL•H1TttCT, atc. (Noce, Crabb's Block Kingston so. 004. rich Plans and speoricat.on. drawsmrr•ect- ly. Carpenter's' Laterer'e a..d mamma work measured and ea L, R. WATSON, HOUSE, SION and Ornamental Painter,. Parlor deoor- ( • n Wry. G IW. GILDING, Oto lTl,sar'N on North eppeolly►b Meet Ooderich. J STRATFr)RD BINDERY ESTAB- T.11nifr D 181. Th is c.mbUs t iaehiefy dcvotaes ed to Jeb and library wt, Glom Gluni.5ne andeconesieal ltel t end pd•- rocoo eeyiea. In all eases the beet of lest and workmanship, with strength and beauty com- bined. Bindery overJobn Dutton's drug store. OEORoa tr1e'cri 1L, , COMMERCIAL HOTEL, DUNGA lV NON.- This nrat•elaas hotel, ISM been ---- been retitled and Improved Boas to furnish 1- - best possible accommodation to the travelling public. Good Billion nod choice viands a speciality. An attentive ostler always on hand, and excellent stabling and sheds, on the premises. Trod Sxit.i. Proprietor. 1761. Loans and insurance. 600,00u To LOAN. APPLY TO CAI/RHOS. HOLT s CAMXROII aode- rlch. *76,000 TO LEND ON REAL 1 B- TAT1 . Terme favorable. Apply to B. L. DOYLIES Oodertch. 1711 50,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND on good Farm or nrstclan Town Promoter at 8 per coat. Amity to R. itiLocni.rrs. 1711 tIONEY TO LEND IN ANY amount to snit borrowers at 61 to 7 per ent. Private funds. Apply to semeea and )loasolo, Ocdertob. `,IONEY TO LOAN ON }FIRST Mortgage at recoupable rats of interest and on terms to snit borroAddress. Address JARED9rtWART, Sanford P. O. 1761. • ONEY TO LEND. -A LA RC E 18/ amount of Private Fund. for Investment at lowest rates on ,m .olds Mortgages. Apply toDARROW A PROUDFOOT. MONEY TO LOAN. THB CANA- los. DA Landed Credit Oonpaay, Tar to Joint LAING RLARrt, Rai., Preekieat Money is lent by this Company to ind ivlifduals upon the ssamessyussa. as 1 ait A MELTON, Rend L 4`gsat, Ona'el IL 1751 000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND hylleat In err tilit./41- .,, „ •• w ion serest 9TON, Barrhge96. 701833 111) RADC Lite )Wv R Rel tthe 0 j g a (, „ Aloe al at Money Ile tsar esMcrtg. . either (• ,Leas or Co Vans 1Posoeff9f, la say we" le isle the barrew er.°Doe Inp-etalrel i&7. Meek. Oeaerieh, 1754 INSURANCE CARD BRITISH SHH AMS 00'1. Towe oro Itstabtlahed • 1slabilehed MILL .1 Lunen (l:artisa► II A RTIZD lits, t , d HAa1 roe t.. ( roan. E• ..r Mnsssw a s*s at CAVA Agit M (*Pio. roar 710 i par Certs. Reasrieb Se's )iia 6211 11.11 to t'l,argm assamatlesehr.0 ~row NOR ACV iHORTt'NN le MO oat All the Text Beaks autlunsed fee use in High, Medol,aatd Pt* Schools, oat, be bought CHVAPEftT'fruu, 1►200Rg0USEe •7r7''•Al 1!`7413M4.IHp COPY BOOBS, FOQJ.8CAP, EMIR PENCILS, RUBBER, EXERCISE BOO*, and ever, i-'•- School Requisite, '1) cr ARE OFFERED AT THE LOWEST POSSI-BLR .YRI Et1ijt CASH 4,7 at oorho e'erL N. B. -T1118 18 TR4 oip r. LAMM' AND ! BOOK STORE WEST OP 4fi 8 'Sr ► TABLISIIED 185S. :hste • 7'90 4411. -s BLANK BQQfS A oumpleto assortment of every die eription of ;I.; .t."'N 3 BLANK BOOM DA Y BOOKS, LEDGERS, JOURNALS, CASH BOOKS, MINUTE BOOKS, PASS BOOKS, POCKET Hi OOHS, MMI. BOOKS, INDICES, &c Alia full et.>r:c of ?1e! fliaria For 1881, at greatly rednoe. rates. SUNDAY SCHOOL 9, LIBRARIES. A fresh assortment of Boob;* specially selected and adapted OK circulation in Sunday Aohoob. A liberal discount alinw.'4 .,wwAenR t amount of purchas. Call and see rampsod 44 suss tines at f r w b MOOPh9 86 S. Ved'et'te )« {