The Huron Signal, 1881-02-04, Page 7•ser ---- THE Hit 1,(R4 SIQNA , 1, ZIt' You Want Good . GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, or GLASSWARE, _ OO tCl7.. D. FERGUSON'S Hamilton Street, Opposite Batley's Hotel. Ie addition to the onlll an linea of tie Orae -cry and crockery illblis 1 Harry • t u Kook of P1or, Ies, Port aid llouer ?roiz!ois M Y MOTTO td. "Fair Dealing and Moderate Prices." Mid OM alseesel . Bee my Stork and get my priers. sr coeds delivered so any part d the Town. D. Ferguson. R B' O R mea ORNAMENTAL WEDDING CAKES, CHRISTMAS CAKES, CONFECTIONERY OF: ALL KINDS CHRISTMAS TOYS and THE BEST BREAD IN TOWN, t�0 TO D. CANTELON'S yWEST STRRYT, (JUDSRLCH.1l1 rP•L.diee requiring Christmas Oakes should mend in their orders without :Islay. Illesemmade nibs talose in and ornamented ea short notice, and at reasonable rates. BIC CLEARING SALE t• ••1 - v . • AT C_ SZ=TZdOR elle CO'S_ e3i11 m Drees C+oods. BARGAINS 1N BARGAINS IN s Cottons_ BARGAINS IN Blankets. BARGAINS 1N Ordered Clothing BARGAINS 1r.N 'Table Linnen BARGAINS IN ALL LINES. 7_ C. =setlox dz Co_ 1881 JANUARY 1881 E. & J. DOWNING Return thanks for the very bleed patronage accorded them, and wish all their cuMoesen and ?nand. • Happy New Year We would also call your attention to the fact that we have a very stook of �oriarl�le C+oode on hand including LADIES, C+DNTS 8z CIHII I.EN'El BOOTS c!ir sxOEa f every conceivable style and price, many lines of which will be .old et • great eduction previous to dock taking. Dont fail to call on a when requiring any thing in our line as we have the large Largest, Stock of Shoes West of Toteatisteed ws Man and will sell at prices that will suit you. ORDERFyD WORK 1 every description promptly attended Wand sstisfactiou Auarsnteed. We keep a large stat of competent workmen, and being ourselves practical men of large experience, can turn out work UNSURPASSED iN THE DOMINION. F. J- DOWNING-. THE SQUARE, OODIRICH. 17+19. Daniel Gordon, sMinis .ti _ Oldest souse iw tyre t,omirsy, ansa[ Largest Stork Brie ride of Londo+, . ! Pavans Sorsa, • Baa -Roos Sums, Icor Onatlrt, r1r^ . . . .' f 'J^^.t' '.. -.. L meat,'rarc., orf:. tame miners wpt $.1 11 tit neer a scraps solid* y ate* it thew bread's pod astute at tow price. P. GORDON, Wee Street, neer Poet Odes, Ombri& Dungannon Carriage Wor S.1' OUSTER, 4111)18, dWi e s ew Swim weeds 1 or rinse sir einemweek.0111+ • ��� : ,.1 yeti erases tont eaanet to Metes i. tl .Osun trice 111r1W3ti'.4 'M1• GE: tJUN AUCTIGL BILLS PRINTED M the ulte+ et • uUt.ON SIGNAL, ...tib Street, Uud•riah. ocessemennummier .tic; •i m COMPOUNp :'. '1P OF HYPO-PHOSfFIITES FOR THE RCL11.:•• :tNU CURE WASTING DISEASES Consumption, Bronchitis, dethma, (}enAS ernl Debility, Brain Exhanattt . Clzroato Constipation, Chronic Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia. or Looe of Nervous Power. It is nn- equalled`tn the treatment of Palpitation of the Heart, T etnbltng of the Handstand Limbs, Loss of Appetite, Energy or Memory. I t arta with Are, ge.tletMa sad o.Mlety. owing to the exgni.Ete human, a its 1ngrwdieats, skis to peva Vend Men. Its taste is plasma; and itsetleeta permene• t, he tat app rent Abet is to Bataan" the appetite. It assists digestion, and owes t'.e food es _.iei'ass pesper!y--t es the epees. is nourished. It also. by its tonic seem on the dietsliIsOwe. Wase Mom emione and mules evecuatMre. The r yi.lity with which patients tab ea Sash *kik ander the inllae.ee of the Syrep, of nen iediesees that as other prepaMioa Mss M better adapted to help sad nourish the eeaitftatbs, sal linos be mem elleaisss in an depravation of spirit*, shaking or trembling of the ha& et body. ell j ahostaean of breath, or consumptive habit. The nerves and made treafbecome s' & sad the blood purified. 1.7-..tD WHAT T$a INvurTOR, AR.a�FZLIOWti, HAS TO SAY ABOUT HL, i Sean!. or TMAawlorUOarftlTE*. 1a the anomer! 1114. I wile enddsaly elf dried by • copious exp.etentimt • f amen -porn ant natter. I bead Men destining in Malth f r some 'seethe sat, b. -a.: +•aeaelingly nervous. the symptoms mend alarm. As ay boldness was thst of a 3.p:e+aing chemist, the shop was emseseely :raised by medical awn, all of wbc•n tendered their him. Datlsg IIS and 19115 any elan was exenained by ten tial clime phymhMas. memo of wires pu.etaeed the sees lheaehitis ; some, net wishing to c darn, eenewSiies N motors es opinion, gave no decision ; some stated un- eettiesselly .that I hid '111iteedar Dimas of the Lmp, and lauded the trouble where the mins were fit. By pedieriesal adrift. 1 ams•, in tem, hew -hack. exer- tine, .sentry life. amp sad area is th.sweiag, tmam Bourbon wbt.key, cod-liver oil, .trinity, tar, end meters lednieaM► beet the real& insusud. ltxpectsrstion km sane men peehms sad efs.ive. !fight -sweet. met in. Ovid china, diarrhoea., dynprome amm, sepsMseations, len of sleep, less of appetite, ieer of avmsy, less of amlitisa. amrrep.ai1 by roma pwtrauios, showed theme. tees. Hader thea _ismemps the bleed was bund te melds bet a, awn portion of vitalised eseperies; the Musts NM= we beide ; teas pubs ince cal; 1M stomach could set digest pteperIy, se thee Sssatmsy sad aridity wee the result. Finding the symp- toms tadteessd Oswm'pti--. I delmmtaelts ere emery stat terry its pegaets, and, if partible. te sues it. I asb.rd the mum pen.A1 tress amid asd.mwes. •cad non. lined them with teas viii ennrYee.ss of the be lady. Ree :Deaths I w end to emelgaernes them Micas my eilhrin were srow..d with wase. 1 c n t speak too plainly or toe 1cus41y ef the ism podated, and the Daises ! r ed from uhf esseeitis.- .At trot _y appetite i•ermsd.; t' a ew. - e ..ti . s herisnemsay. dipmioa better ; the faeces became sure r -pleura ail 1 as t e met ; edit skills wised ; Night -sweats Imemed ; I gained to er. tght ; the I ask lug levee' left m ; tvlrailag seep returned ; my spirits become booyset, time min 1 silt re ani vino- - -. I enei` of taking the 8yrep month after mouth ; but • vizi to the d imp fu,;,,,y..liede it la John, my recovery cam necessarily slew, although 1 could ohe'rve a glided silent of strength fee three years, during whish time 1 eintiasid asking th, ar ly. llypaes'stweight is one banded sad eighty-eight, b'ing thirty-siglit eh .va by a +d. 1 rove no symp• tom 1. ft d . (tagg dr ase. Tree .shy ao'akie stip de-iag lir Ire resew wee toe exp-etot.ti.m. N,w th hr Bopp d, and 1 eeeidrr _yrlf c Tot r ni r may ask, How di y..n know your dimoslty to love pe.ur 4 11- ra L10 : d o: :uhercue Weil inn 1 1 answer, 14 the mat anew d unmet . ter a. e.... i g. I - :13 ch bet i coughed from the right laag a nee of PIR03PHATZ OF LIN& pall tlet sus of a pe., which could have nom. from no other phess,ad which the bighestaothori:y in Lang DISPOSES (Laennec) states is the molt et tel.re'r, meiai hes laws awed Added to this, I had the leaden col .re I, purulent. b'ued ehetke l et• ext.tatdo •, s d the opinion of one of the best diigeot;iciotu to tD: oer:itry. 1 had ere I h lensed all the symptoms i .ci Lint to the tee first a'a;rs of Comer- y■t'es, and I.Dv.. aooceedully combatted them, .o that 1 .lo not dee ..:r • f r. mar. • w' r selleient long tunas tJ, build upon. .l cal onlyad•1 h• -t 1..• m r mines. y rc. • tion of increased odes wool i ,.rver i+,daee :_e tc p••:: s'1 tl.ie o.pw.r, 1•3 . k s .. to 4mpattlyfor the poor Consumptive, with w1.ur^vu. .' tuic I:v ict% it ri •suysotriL:- R.spectfn":-, %If:: iED")•St lessat.ro%F. err ('vac,.,.r, ::yrw;,C' Jlyffi T SOLD BY ALL DRt LISTS. nibs Fellow/ Oayewad Syt1W orf Hypephaapbites FELLOWS' COMPOUND SYRUP,' fed it mkt w kW's, sat :t fv,,d d er caret . "tide Wart .eJ, • sex. Sir SEND F. R A PAhl%IiL_7 -tier PERRY DAVIS & SON & LAWRENCE, Agents for the Dominica of Canada, MONTREAL. SUBSTITUTES ! 0.1u11t'1'Y OOUNOIL. tress tf1..,d.t n rn.--.a.a.. s d c t.• eeuser• Tae 1...&y roar car Ms - e. l.. -Tee AdI uarllaAe.t. W edaeniy, Jus. *. The followiag is the TIM AMU kale. ITaTZYan,T. COUNTT TiaASOaaa'. Orrice, Ow=stca, Jew'y 96m 1881. Te MAe Word" and Connell of the (1no„ty of Moron. Geten.tatglt,-I beg to submit here- with a stateuma$ in detail of the receipts and expenditures of the pest year. 2slt•tement of !cadger Balencee on 31st Deer., statement of collection. from non me lards, statement d Stskung Funds of Stealing Gravel read debentures, sad Northern Greed !lead debentures, and (,om erative.tateeseat of the estimated and actual espeediture of the year 1880. In accordance with my pectin to past years, I may call you attention to the most important discrepancies between the estimated and actual expenditure. The estimate ger ad•tinistrstu,. a Justice was $1,9u0. The expeaditere has been $1,4119.90. The estimate was based, not alone upuu the expenditure of 1879, which had been much lees than for some years before, as shown in my letter aooempsnying the financial state- ments of that year, but upon the sesame I lion that W year 1879 was e:oeptiui ualfy low, and that as irerethi ee. ander s hand might be expected to 1880. It is gratifying however to see that the emit of this servtoe, whisk is to seine ex- tent • measure of the amount of crime in the County, has leen tet only below the estimate, but 6140 has than even in 1879. The expenditure for Inquests also has been less than the amount estimated by $69.31. The estimate being $160, and turd the nett expenditure chargcahle to the oonnty over and above the amount received from Government, $80.60. Gaol expenditure has very closely ap- r•nrximeted to the estimate, which woe $1,600. The nett worst charged to the County was 01661.11. Jury expenses Bate bison 11ess than the alw,oefnt esUIII btk •• by $994. The aateent of se to under this head in 1974 Mal and in 1879, $3,623. In 'raw of th .Nfatie. of an- ticipated under the operation of the new Art, the ettinmte'filr 1880 was placed at 62,600. A reduction of $700 out the ,wean of the previous two years' expendi- ture, but the astral amount paid has been only $t,975, and this include. $100 paid to County seleoto.s fur selecting the jury liets of 1881, which in the former years had net been paid until the be- ginning of the year fur which the selec- tion wee made. The Jury account for 1880, contains the coat of selection for both 1880 and 1881. For the orftherefore the itare of '1180 b be taken as 32,275. Shies& Rlb>vrllgst•sot has ezoseded the amount estimated by $902. The amount cbsrged to this women in 1890, includes 3172.50, quanta's salary to Mr. Dewar, Inspector, for 1879, which belongs to that year, but which was not presented for payment until 1800. Secluding this, tb expenditure would only have over- run the estimate by 330. Lunatics and Charitim have also ex- ceeded the estimate by360.69. In 1879 11 the expenditure wan 496. In 1880 the amount estimated was 3600. The amount paid has been $560.69. Of this .13S.b4 is for the keep of indigent., a44 $184.50 has been paid for medical and judges' certificates of lunacy, and $343.59 for ceaveyaaa o of lunatics to amylums. The samba of lunation whose ouaysyance to the asylum was paid fur in 1879, was six. In 1880 there has been ten. The cod of conveying the six in 1879 was $.65. The cost for the ten in 1880 was but $243.69. The re- duced expense of this service is owing to the new system provided by the Act of 1880 -which went into operation in March last -under which the convey- ance of lunatics to the asylums and boys to the Reformatory is performed by Provincial bailiffs ininead of by the Sheriff, as formerly. Under the new Act the actual disbursements of the bai- liffs are paid by the Government and collected from the counties, together with 60 per cent. added thereto to cover the bailiffs' salaries. By the detailed statement you will see that $91.94 has been paid to the Provincial Treasurer, for the conveyance of lunatic under this system. Five lunatics were thus ooareyed--four to London and ene to Uamiltun. The average for each of thew is *18.30. The average for those conveyed in 1878 and 1879 by the Sheriff under the old system was 334. The amount charged to ''Solarise and Council nee,- bas been $800 lees thsuo the amount placed in the estimates. The amount paid to members of the Council for attendance and mileage, has been 377 lees than in 1879, owing tab the absence of some member" front some of the meetings. There have also been no meetings of Comtttittees a Council in 1880, for which 387.20 was paid in 1879, and the payments to the Road Commis- sioner", formerly charged to this account, have in the past year been debited to "Reads and Bridges,' to which a000tmt I think these charges mon properly be- long. "Repairs of County Buildings.' were eetirat•d for at $300, but only $40.86 has been expended for this purpose. There i.ue.tt • surpjsa of $269 u nder thin haat! The rust a repairs in 1379 was ML " Mism•r•OY and elbows a eilyi s el SIJO� li- Sm'ste being $1,800 The expenditure NW ' and Pemba." alio .how. • s sipMret S106.88 The e:aenditan alb Tke !mho: are taunt 'tied against a custom which ngerietag wise eaaao„a ne late smote a certain cies% of,aedicine dealers, and which is this . Wheis asked fqr $ bottled Pate• Tiller. they stvldenty discover that they are "motel nut" 'abet have sansei snide tee ss good if not Dotter." which thry will seek* et the seem price. The ohms of this deception is Murat. There dstitsM entammee coo to sell ea the fuse rep.neitra of the Tobi • Klltbr_ Loki brink tnettxmtu4stt of the rill et and avow !u 1,00 half what 44 fort d ' tot► teak* P'er SUDDEN COLDS emYa11ee114 tl.,eu..tel ANS .,.:: i Alt t,Trl[a PAINS iN ANY TAUT M TIM • k' 7 amount received from Government, aid this sum was deducted in paying t enuivalett in 1880. For Modal Schoule $300 wee plate., 0 the estimates, but w artier wia 14 their levee or imputed wade iota' be that thie StOO mortise us.ppbed. Reeds and Bridges bare.so•ededlthe Wtisust. by ice. The estimate being $6,000 and the eipeadittere $6866. r pe�on general accounts the of the year has beau 5 76n44lees than estimated. June Mat 1 repotted to you that I Ind been unable to purchase wunieipal dehsntules as our investment et .r sinking funds held for the Sterling aad Northern gravel road debentures, and dial I had pined the sum of 613,000 at epeeist deposit in the bank et five per pat hawrest. lin deptember last all the bait: a re • - d their rate of interest cm s: Imre receipt. to 4 per Dent , and I wits so,t abed dun no higher rate would 1 hertal t. r be paid ea this 313,000. As you we aware, I bays always been ublibe 1 iu former years to borrow from the haul to enable me to ppa•y the last half -yearly St enepoas on the erinsg debentures, and k meet the current expenditures of the latter part of the year. Instead of doing w this year I has a used them special t e- pwits for this put-poee, and have by that means been able to'meet all the domande of the year without dta000nting any put br. There are still no debentures to baa .d at :my ewu.nabfe rates. A few daya ago, whet, in Threw o, I mad. enquiry of several of 1 he hrok\ re and was informed that there was not a single County in Township debenture in the market; that the last Monty debenture that had been sold was at such a premium as to yield the purchaser only five per Dent. interest en his investment. Under thew circuit, - etsnoes it becomes a serious question how or in what manner to invest the Sinking Funds on hand and to be raised jn future years. •When the County rat::,, of 1880 are .11 paid in by the municipalities, there Will he as shown in the statement• sub- mitted, 320,000 at the credit of these Sinking Funds. The banks pill not pas on deposits now more than 3 per cent. Debentures, even if they can be got, cannot be purchased to yield inure than 5 per e.eet. What other sureties are available ? Stocks, although yielding fair Tutee of interest, are of two specula- tive and uncertain a character for muni- cipal investments. Mortgagee on real estate, after deben- tures, are considered the safest sec uritiee, but municipalities have no power to in- vest sinking funds in such. I wouhl. however, invite ytur consideration as to whether it might not be advisable to a authority from the Legidateve to invest such Sinking Funds iu filet mortgages on farm property. By Section 360 of the Municipal Act, power is given to mnnicipalities to invert surplus no.neys derived front the Municipalities Fund, or other surplus moneys set apart for educational purposes, in first mortgagee on teal estate, that power might be ex - teethed to include all Sinking Funds, not immediately required for the redemption of debehtutes. I as informed that some Townships in our own and other Counties are acting under the authority *ivun by this section, and investing their tidier - time' funds in mortgages, on which they are receiving from 7 to 8 per cent. In- formation can be obtained as to the working of such investments by the Councils, from the Reeves or officers of these municipalities, and if found matin factory, and the Council should desire the power to invost their Sinking Funds in such securities, you might petition the Legislature so to amend the Municipal Act as Wgive the requisite authority. Mr. Dickson, Registrar, yesterday paid over the proportion of the receipta of the office, payable by statute to the County. The amount is 32,504,46, the total ro- ost of the oeloe for 1880 being $8,- 60890. In 1879 the total receipts were 39,036,90, and the amount paid to the Coun32,, The receipt. f96.rom fhice lavn reducingty eac767h year is o1877. Fe orbeethe information of the Council I enclose statement for the last five years compiled from the returns made by the Registrar. I have the honor to be gentlemen Your obedient Servant, A. M. ROSS, Treasurer. Thursday, Jan 27th 4 p. m. The Council resumed, theWarden in the chair. Moved by Mr. Bell, seconded by Mr. Henning., that this Council instruct the Road and Bridge committee to build a foot bridge over the Maitland river where the Graham bridge formerly was. Re- ferred to the Road and Bridge Com- mittee; and also the three following motions: Moved by Mr. Hannah, seconded by ' Mr. Grant, that this Council pain a By- law assuming Fisher's Bridge as a County boundary bridge, on condition tl at Tnrnberry and Winghnm build and maintain a cafe bridge for foot passage at Graham's Bridge. Moved by Mr. Hardy, in amendment, that this Council do not wane the Fisher Bridge, but build the Graham Bridge as soon as convenient. Moved by Mr. Young, seconded by Mr. McMillan, that the Warden and Clerk be authorised tt+ momorahire the Legislature of Ontario 14. amend the Municipal Act, so as to give nounicipa i - ties the power when necessary to co., pel parties to build .melt fences as w. old prevent any hig.awa from hemp • h- etrseted by meow drifts, and alai t.' em- power the atm'd ities to give such parties such se the Ow .1 of the umnietyality stay deem advise' le wail, SA lariew, or the erection of , h as 347 being,owlask 6 r w� M sae abo gpive me of aerial 18711. Thestimate Mr 1 was 31,634 M" b parties Iii Eng "Cwswa wftrsmr a weals m.t emli.4 4dla f� t r1 bssadaries where cif h• r eserk in., • ask ewe 40 the oesai. Imes rte newlesta to build 47;reotielt8 hem. eueb M coop el them to de so. AMMratisiasimeC$11111. . Tis east in °MI 1M mea MI mis b lid, NIL Yr. Oeok , seconded ly Mr. WW L11s aunty IienlcaM Goths Genies Nhby this Onune it do sew , 1 MOM 1. theMeksol., has I"' R' asst to -morn w at tun o'el•� k dew a o. Carried."" >tearaty aro Illi ltiday, Jan. ?t•, 10 a. ns sasiee8. ftNraesM'It The Council met poryoent to ad ., '1Ae lamlt d t:ri.e meat, the Warden in th• choir. A the moat• is I baa eith lows :-- Couneil were present Geiwi.h, >p: tt7-, 570183; Th. minutes •d yesterd• • .A 1711. !1a� caw,/_, subsist, and ad ease each. 8« a Muer for Motel by Mr tot riche 3180 krsed (n le 1� es •e- llir. McMillan, thee the want of County equivalent, eel then inners be authorireul u , aseetkaiaed was Me Ag ie ewers of the that My bo vegairvi t• w PERRY DAVIS' PAiN-KiLLFF e t vse e,atA. • 1 (1TRIM A1.t (*T rrelt1Val 1 • • .,e P4'11.1.114_2. amt a+ Pearl v.et-AMh'.-.'a, .e bolt' ,... +torn aY At . estanc,N. a , • e •