The Huron Signal, 1881-02-04, Page 6T1IE HU&WNS1GYA144Nktt,A4!11Ji8U* ''4(488 .13
rite Poet's torn'''.
lbs waw. us Yin.
•.o forth to the battle d lite, arty bay,
filo w Mie 1t 1. caked Iod y,
For the years gds oust awl the years sees bi
ltegertYsaM d Mines who may luso r will.
Of those who may work or play.
d the troops as•oh y an, my boy.
Ts the army game
ou may hear the so teiQ of their falling fest
truing the river where the two warldi
They pis rotors so seem
There Ls • place for you in the ranks, my boy,
Aad dots. too, assigned;
step tato the front with • cheerful twee
Revisit to ether may take your place
And you may be len behind.
There Ii work to be dose by the way, my hey.
That you out never treadssatn,
Work for alts loftiest. lowliest men
Were ter Ike plow, plass spindle and pen,
IlfWera testis bands and Yenta
The serpent will follow year Mope.
To isy tor your feet a snare:
.And glossae* mks lo her fairy lowers.
Wilkg.rhsdis d poppies and lotus flowers
Ea,rreathleg her golden bstr.
reapaitssei wok by the way, toy bey,
Tsspattoae without sad within:
.And spirits et evil. with rohss he fair
\ s thane which the aligeb in heaven
win lure you to deadly aiq.
!'ben put on the amen of God, myboy, '
In the beautiful arms o you be
1'ut on the helmet sad Islas plate an t shield
.And the sword that t: e fa eat min may wield
1 n the case of right an . Opti,
Aug go to the battle of life, my boy,
%Tith the peace of of the Gospel rtod:
And before hoge heaven do the beet you ere
t or the great reward and good of man.
For the kingdom and crown of God.
wy boy.
bright .
The beat and world tut
Ng- Cures,
I_ r T •
lytr•'4"A .. 0
• the iltemaeh, Liver el• *pip
� an Rin
useme !ilei .1M�e•,
?Ai :gory etttw .h a1 d�ssa ls+l Tr7
inset* B-. and be ee.vino.d of
their wonderfd merits For sale
Jordan at 50 mita a beide.
wewee sirs mein.
The sheat event of obtaining riches, is
first to practice eounamy, and as goon
old Deacon Snyder says, "It used to
worry the We oat of tw-1w--p..y enerm-
ous duateen bilk, but now I have •struck
is rich.' Health end) ppiiurs reign
supreme in our little h old, and all
simply because we use uu other muds
gitwOMitiels, sand only 0040
kWil&a , le," flay by V. Jor-
Fun sob Fancy. 1
p/•la your r or aro you an-
noyed by a constant (lough 1 If so, unto:
Ttomptly "Bryan s Pulmonic Wafers
hey will gyp i iostauit relict
y relieve the kir' I.sangse of phlegm Or
nervous, and allay inflammation, and no
eater rem can be had for coughs, colds,
Qanda �•fer •willSold s
8b oenta aall �s
.. �. at kAlgw tr1 - SS
Yl ..LW . .0•l wtearer
4 Iris •1. .rr/eeettt
eruptions. s. Th1• Been, h
give perfect satisfaction e. torte
,e, rdWeela� Primp ,
our.. For sale by F. J
carred err IMa..s.,i.
i tut` , friend rl same we.
ail Mme. hula, tut LyW"', rota ....
au pr h eV•ateul trait lW wpm3
e to die) budilell.. Ile ser. v.a...
ly cured by the use ut Hop lfrtte.z.
allayed ed that buruia% Nur..L ; u
aws3 our M fur hying ; ...aur :.
aures, steady, did he Lae rutua .e'...
sober and steady roan for loom
years, end kir no. desire to Al.Dist t•
Qujts, dud 1 know of • nine ems o uthetn
curl:have been cured of .tr.-. auto by -.
-Front a leading IL. 1. Unwed, Ciucar.t .
Three tlutari•. e:ii .ars have been horse-
whipped inside of a month. No wonder
uewapaper tat :. :00 offering premiliva
for clubs.
A batchelor at a banquet in Newcastle.
England, gave the following toast: "The
women and coil of Durham County -Oh,
how desolate would the fireside be with-
out thein!"
A Southern darkey recently made ap-
plication for a divorce from his wife.
Wheu asked on what ground he demand-
ed a divorce be explained as follows:
•'De ground of thin occasion i. sufficient
enough. When I rented 10 •vas ►nal
worked one mule, 1 married it woman
suitable for the occasion. Now I rent
60 acres of land en' work five mules. My
first wife is a good ten -acre wife, but she
don't suit the occasion ob 60 acres. I
needs a wnnsutt what can spread more,
IM t.'••. Jt
&neeta7K OaartA'
mails are Me beat The
.i.e. will tell how to get as grow
proem rem 111.011 la dead
u Lot N' t.ah
e •.ItNtld Yugo la gvery
;o;1,..fur gj,R
le ..enulye strut
so, es.. J 4_ MYd VI
Legal Notices.
kiiittAlt osvailititylltka Name. or
Cifiir miatiesiti by thin nearer from a
t cough soon sap the vitality 01
*Item and wreck the constitution
Such a catastrophe can only be avoide
precenttolmry mese, ek•- Faseent th
sigh with Northr.,p & Ly
s of Cod Liver Oil an..
Hypo hosphitee of Lime and Sorts. --a
ate owl q
0iii. -.►.4f 1
chemical harmony. Coughi, acoleK,
aryngitis, incipient broncuitis, and other
attntions of the r sapiestuey ors, are
speedily relieved by it, and it has like-
wise proved to be a useful 'Specific in
scrofulous maladies. The loss of strength
cotidequent npoo being disefiea 3001
ed, and the flagging physical ene
restored by its invigorating action.
Phosphorus, the active principle of the
hypophosphitw, :...t .i supplies the
system with .ui important element of
strength, but gives a healthful impetus
to the circulation. Thu lithe and soda
abo add to vigor of the frame. In wast-
ing diseases of all kinds, this prep;ir.t-
Lion can be depeit led poo to product is
beae[eial efegt- A ,'peyaiatent tr4 ,
is all that is no aeset . iko,p)wve. int
cy, either as a p monic or general ill-
vigorant. For poverty of the blood, with
which so many invalidsare troubled, it is
a sovereign remedy, promotfrig the srxpui-
sition oil both ire ngtb and fiesb. Pre-
pared by Northrop & Lyinan, 'Toronto,
and sold by all dru,ggista.
AS Suaat.Y as Enna Fol.LOwd Csuits
so surely will disease eventually -fasten
itself- upon a system deficient in vital en-
ergy, if tonic medication is not resorted
to in time. The necessary tendency. of
week discharge of the function of the
body is to disorder its organs. -Invigor-
ation, prumptend through, is the only
safeguard. Norenovsntof depleted physical
euergy, no restorative of lust flesh, nerve
power and oheerfulaess, has npre oleprly
demonstrated is efficacy than NortA[up
& Lyman's Quinine Wine. In this pre-
paration, associated with the salutary
Medicines which forms its basis, is pure
sherry wino and curtain aromatic constitu-
ents which imparts an agreeable taste to
the article, and gives additional emphasis
to its effects. in cases of general de-
bility and dyspepsia it is invaluable and
the desired effect is, in the vast majority
of cases, remarkably prompt as well as
decisive. That good natural appetite,
which pfivds a relish for the coarsest
fare, is Insured by the use of the Quin-
ine Wine, which also confers brain sooth-
ing and body refrosbng sleep. Fever and
ague and bilious remittent fever, are dis-
eases to the eradication of which it is
specially adapted; but it should be used
only in the intervals between the seizures.
The far-reaching effects of a good tonic,
in all cuiuplaintc involving loss of pyei-
cal energy, are well understood by physi-
cians, and the comprehensive influence
for good of this preproration upon the
system goes far to bear out the profess-
ional belief in the value of invigorana
as opponerta of disease. Ile sure to ask
or the"Qu nine Wine" psepared byNorth-
rop & Lyma.t, Toronto. Sold by all
TOE res I e i La. -There are but few pre-
parations e. medicines which have with-
stood the impartial judgment of the
people for any great length of time. One
of thew is Dr. Thomas F.clectric OiL
Read the following and be convinced:
- Thomas Robinson, Farnham Centre
P. 0., writes," I have been afflicted with
rheumatism for the last ten years, and
have tried many remedies without any
relief, until I tried Dr. Thomas' Ecloctric
Oil and since then have had no attack of
it. 1 would recommend it to all." J.
H. Earl, Hotel Keeper, West Shofford,
P. Q., writes, I have been troubled with
liver complaint for several years, end have
tried different medicines with little or tet
benefit, until 1 tried Dr. Thomas' Eclec-
tric Oil, which gave me immediate relief,
and 1 would say that 1 have used it
since with the bestetteot No one should
Its without it 1 have • on my
ease el rebs, etc_ , and
t.'klak it is eually se er horse as
man. A. Maybe.,erchant, Wartt-
worth, writes, 1 have sold some hun-
dreds of bottles •,f KcI.ctrsc Oil,and it is
pronounced by the pubhe,'nue of the best
medioinestbsy have 'said: it hes
done wnrtlMe in aul relieving
pain, see throats, due. sad is w
of the RrssMM canie�enes." J
perey wail.,, ' 1
Raman, Township levy Dr. T>taensa' Ildslae-
tnie ral for a .Items knee whiab trodbied
ms few three ay her sad 1
aem. D is •
Bewatta of.
Thomas' Week* h' /M ' .. ' .1
seder. of R. N. Thanes is ea the wrapper,
and the names of Norlbop & Lyame ars
Wt1aia in Ihe leilitive. MN take no other.
Rola Int el rnlslielne ttsalers. Pries 16
eta. NORTHROP A ISM AN, Toronto,
Cent, Proprietors for the Dntninion.
Nova. Etle.elric - Re eetesl and Elea
HIS RIF Iiug.-Not lung since ayoing
I ',Ely, who had been engaged to a fine
young tnaa for some time, ;let a richer
person, and soon put off the old love for
the new. She wrote to her old lover re-
questing hits to return her photograph.
Hite was a chance for revenge, which he
took by sending her the following note :
•'I would gladly comply with your re-
quest, but if I do it will spoil my euchre
deck. I have a collection of photographs
which I use for playing cards, and 1
do nut want to break it by giving away
Vie queen of diamonds." Bonin`;,
Now Iona Raster wss4es.
In reporting the utar►et 1).t.,:., ter Lnt
ter, the New York 1'r,btes , of .nay o.u,
said, "Choios pedteges to the reuse Lia..t
roach 19 to 110 cents, bot light coat ie.
goods are hard to dispose of, end seve.a.
liner were theught well sold at ti to Its
cents. This stern logic t dohs• w. t.
cents is rapidly oonvinctug dairymen.
Ala they should use the Perfected But-
.,er Color made by Wella, Richardson
& Co., Burl .n, Vt. It give.
eeriest June or the year roun.t a.
dna ymen that use it no. er send light col-
ored oods to market.
Veno asserts that the present severe
winter eat ter was predicted by him
last Jut He declares it to be a repot-
itinn • 111. y weather cycle of 1877.
Mr. Wm. Stepphens; of Cookstown,
Minnesota, has puchasel forty brood
'tutees and a filte stallion of the Clydes-
dale breed, at Montreal, for his farm.
The nares avo:aged 0200 each, and the
,'tallinn cost 410:10.
„A grain buyer at Belleville, in giving
evidence recently, admitted that he had
placed a false buttons in an imperial
bushel to Winchester Measure. A raid
1.ns been made upon the buyers by the
inspector for ming illegal measures.
ai Eaf_.L'3 .
Time. Jewett, Darlington, Leglau
save : The "(fitly Lung Pal" is ben.
th •roug!y, ro
trite hare. tars lady kis
r ady encetvea bentiJtf, he.' se
fared for years m llronchitis and Aath
ma, and congestion of right lung.
$ $'
Roney, Cambridge, Miele. say :
I nave been a:. icted with A. hma 1.
years. An. "(>n•y Lung Pal" )4.tvc 1„
immediate rebut. I can re.iiiiiiiti
as the gt'astMt remedy ',`'or pr,nlucetl.
HINNY VAN` ' Noarwurx, of Tole&
)hio, says: A friend prevailed upuu w
to try an "Only Lung Pail,,. and i u.
Weed eli.'►te relief trout u rackip
eeugk. • +7 (rash° the Pad •Kelpecl in .
At retail by all druggitea.
Wholesale by H. HASWELL & CO., •
Montreal, P. Q
REANti BANK. --A branch of t,kte popu-
tar banking house of Messrs. ' Cameron
& Campbell has been opened at Ripley,
ender the management of Mr. J. Came-
ron, late of the Federal Bank of Canada,
last a valuable Shorthorn cow belonging
to Mr. Dan. Cambell, broke loose in the
stable, and getting to the box of shorts,
gorged herself to such an extent that she
died next morning. The animal was val-
ued at $75.
Coxuseaute.- Mr. James Hunter feat
present wrestling with the conundrum
how the Dungannon Band, numbering
five, who were in attendance at the Rink
at the last carnival, came to order sup-
per for twelve. Either, they must have
had their ap,.etites whetted up for the
occasion, or they gave their friends a
1. roast the ex pens+ of Mr. H n titer.-(Iien-
FOR 1881_
TwoTelrefor the Price of One!
Iii talTatw
ISSAUTIERLIt (B.vaayeteo01).
elle& .DA.TertLI (Conservative/.
101410.0106111 /W44).
fee Snu r ..r t ..._ .y kind, and
soma, osmotic or pooso uIs M)IutILMI
aggravate catarrh and drive it to the
Inn s. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy
cur a catarrh by its mild, soothing,
c'ieansil.g and healing properties. Bach
plc .wee prepares one pint of the Remedy
roil., for use, and coots only fiifty mote
Set 1 by groggier'. So positively cer-
t i n is Jitresults that its former
errt.•(rtr !tomes to offer • Mending ...0 d
/OM for a ogee it would not COM
st. i.4 • d•seita/.
Stich is the espt.esiat frees all Drug -
$.6 a arta ambers Mirywhere who dale
• i r; Dr. Ktwo'i 1!<tiw Discerner for
f , .11,noti,m. No like preparation can
i • r in have such an extensive and
t . I sale. And why 1 Simply became
c . truly wmtderfel merits. Nn Ont*
Ili is matter of how long .tending
• r s' nh', .rut. ran rens* it. healing
Aa hma, Rrnmebitis, Hoarse
1 the Vetter Pain id the Role ams
•11 diflcuky of breathing or sq
!;.lase of the Throat and
-ti Ily slept In its marvelous
t mill tweittvely care and that
w I else it N failed Ratio
tet myna t• have sired,
.1 --'u Irn , F.
file ten see ain eg •
' for 01 Por elmam M
'The Superior
3arii11 Ili Leas 3iciety
V4PITAL, - 0355,0VA
i 014 CY LOkJIID ea R la lEe664011.1 the R'
Di weldor d.uineB end Loan doefoty. Terms
favorable to beer'ewesa
Ovvica-Me Denim Moat. , Ont.
laterwit lead te Rovloss HsakaD1).pe Itesa-
os�a, 1Tor�ir V the third oos-
oa5 0,,I W wDt� et the Tuwei-
sI 'a at y��fprtl 4�,1ae ms,m �morae mor ltim,
whisk Breis .an Tone Yssts I sba(l oiler for
t*I� THE
D. len, at ata t r d 1!thpe �1tenoon.
UISICT1 riff. Hurun
ttperifl's tmrtis, �srl�,
t'he :iutr,rtbers, have bought by Timis aid
1! willies of D. HuneiMA)t s Co.. UO47
c.1 ua by the Ouderich Foundry a.d Masu-
•uri..i{ ('ompany, and' having bad an ex-
-,tone of over eight years In that shop, are
r pr.iparecl to carry on the trade in all its
work eatrtstnd to ua wW roeuiro
.,.opt i tbretloi. First -dam work guarsnt
...ds of Bailers mode and repaired. also
'.e kooks aid t3heet Iron Work. ate.. t
••.ble rate
• w Halt Pats made and old ones repaired
to shortest notice. and .t mucus TWAT Dn-
Jhrystal & Black,
sox Cwt. e:OSLPICU. 11757,
The ctrowa sig essevet _menses women is a
twautltul u..AD u raOM 'chis eat salt be oh-
unrd b: rm. Ct1i *LIMB, which has
pro. ed ttselt t ube B] 1BT HAIR
,r'O R int the market.
ems a .calth d the ndere ,t
.r r) it bettor .using aay oder. tiefi'a�
la. Itieoe 5u eta. a bottle. 1752- r.
! T tl
Coun of Hurun, tt pi T4,F.e of three Writs of
Wit: ( awn, trued out of
Her ss►1 Cs i�aty�EOmit of theCounty
sed �l�gM le lama Iiae��te� _ the twits
or IMI�i4 tort chert Ustlls aniere.. v sad
ofMsi' order trolarZrssM4�ttd,�.e 1.
Junior Judge ofthemidi a_O tort, _ la
W V mask din the sus MY
January. A. D. I have e,1ged ��
taken in.fdtoestdon p lU
cant and �. f H~em• hall of
tamed Itptnt-�ea sole wer�.�tr. bead
• oroththe said
Int. osifsWmione-quarter
aeissiv {hp south -weep
er or tot num Wise eleveuth
ocumesise of the ' n eat Wawan-
oe�, la Ms maid len. tintoeacressnorem ars dual or len. 1, w 1
Teem -
meats shall offer t. • • sane tgy
(kart Hoes,, 1a 1:at 'Mead
Saturday, the TrrlltI dor q(FryA.D.ei•.
1x91, at the hour or t twelve of the clock, noon.
1tOfiIita' OIHHONI,
Sheriff/. (Mice, Ooderleh, t Sheriff of Huron.
Nor. 4. ESN. 1 17304d.
No readUI(at trulred. Jsaas l7
es. west rktystetese ata elseboattt~OIDaLIVgJrttitis. %enMMITIor•' • • '
5oriat Ill ani 1, .L.4t Comae
UMW& Bose, & lss►gg: GIMPTLIMI6- I
Rave iota d COE Liver
oil. eta. w!tygeeotlses It itbt m Mir
ily. i am ewer }�
I tsmenehas. t•a_ good amt the&
lu use. 1 lave toned it very eery
scrofulous diseases and pdnasary
IRA M. LAN . M D.. Druadw+U'.'-r'T.
Lanai -Me, Ky.. January 3. 113g -
O yup -!or the lest tlttees mouth@ I
have need yesrOod LiverOti 3.51k. b4}La
d vetspea�.•tioe.aad have ebcesw
wttb its effect,.. 11 le better
os. be taken fur • longer time Lasa
say ether preperatioe of ltd Liver 051. is
Oo I ptlea sed cblldren s diseases 1 have
found 111 valuable.
Vie. Physician, Louisville ('ity Ilospit•J.
Mesta. Serums & BuwNE: 1 hate used Scon's
Emulsion of Cod Liver Oilin varluus instances
And I have found it to be easily taken, readily
assimilated. and rapidly improves the nutrition
and flesh. l consider It the t est Emulsion 1
have ever nerd. H. L. HA U IITON, M. l
Indianapolis, Ind
ndLpolts,IndI Meagre. ec0TTa Bow NK: i have given your
remedy of Cod Liver Oil. Ro.. • fair Wal. sad
am glad that I oro say 1 think It laT,Igremedy
for weak lungs and bad coughs. 1 urn bleat
recommend It. When the doctors bed steeliest*
up. I commenced using your medicine and i
am gaining health and strengt 11 very feet end I
tbtuk I shall soon be well.
Yours truly,
Galveston, Ind.
&Arr & Bowes : 1 felt U my duty to let your
know the balt I haysderived trout the use of
Your Idiul-im. I bad • very bad cough for
years, and a ting Dr. 1. E. Gorsuch of
this city, he Informed me at m lett Inas was
. and prescribed Noon's Diaseites with
Heygpnonphuephpirtene. After takin
very rapidl. and contained
elg two bottles, I
mite 11 until 1 Chad taken ten boWat, mid sem
It. he been l r • man a• there i (t Ill:. oteug l
Baltimore. When
115 pounds. i now weigh Ira pounds -
Yours. D. P. FARM/li R,Ma
Oct. 3. lett. Bfi.1UI'mtsarre.
CArsNDArars, &epi.*3. 1877.
ScorrS Howes: Om+Tt--1 thought would
write to yes, del law a nol lee Asn soar
of ter upon Its long contlnue0 _ . 7ltM
proved true In my due. i win
last March with
std mads r use li pule ei st4.
aDDlied fns your Emabbo t�af
has bought twenty-six heldseesitts
me to health beyeed the.mpseo(teY
luaun expecting to bear of my death every •ams
1 should like to takelt for ayear. when, Ilidisk
1 will be perfectly oared. ratpn�
Yours wM1* . T.I,I)RiDGE
For elle by druggists at it per bottle. 1751
"Manchester House."
-4+77.00 . '4 itf .°2 wI" 14.441-
11.. Jost receiver! • •Loire tot of
New Dress Goods, Winceye, Flannels, Blankets, Shirting,, Cottons, Prints, A.;
which for value is unsurpassed. New Shawls sad Mantles, special value.
Blackwood', Edtnbtis'gh Magas zo.
Present the best foreign periodicals in a eon
venient form and without abridgment 0.
term. et*.bsertptton Wciedtng re»Cage.
IfkttoktoOd or any ono Review... 11.00 peran
Blackwood and any nne Review. 7.10 "
Blackwood and two Reviews 10.01 "
Blackwood and three Reviews13.W "
,Any two Reviews. 17.00
the four Reviews
Blackwood and the four Reviews 15.00 '
These are about half the prices charged b
the Kndbh Publishers
(`Ireulsrs giving the Contents of rho Perioti-
ieals tor the year 1880. and utany other partu -
utars, may be had on application.
'1"-&-.11.400t0,112.713-, J MZi71�T_-A splendid selection of Twee*
and Cost ins, age* leave yoke ran terovroo.t--ylshmade, well trimmed'.
and et guaranCloth bought• t of 0hsrge. Sr Hata C ins sad Drawers at close
pr tea.
The highest prior paid for Butler and F. Jamas A. Moo,
Jordsa's Block, Ooderic•h.
New eubecribers may have the numbers for
1880 and 1881 at the price of one years sub-
ubscription only.
To any subscriber, new or old. we will fur-
nish the periodicals for 1879 at halt pries.
All orders to be sent to the publioatlenofce.
To secure premiums apply promptly.
The Leonard Scott Pabl1shing 00.,
41 3A*CLAT r.. NSW iUM.
Marble Works.
Headstone. }louse Telmminga, Monanoints
mind work of .11 kinds in Marbles, designed
and executed in the beet style and almost
reasonable prima Marble Mantles kept In
stook. Granite Monuments and Ileadatoase
Imported to order.
The sakeriber has a coniplete amend-
ment of Proves, 'New Aar and *rows
Pimm, at
a;Chi astke Meet
Maarten. the stock and rne will be
sore uta be suited.
Sliespekine, Wool Pickings, Cotton
INK Ogre, ]kegs and old Metal taken
OWN, milts RALPH
+"---1 '-
Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness,
Throat, Bronchitis, lnfluc-z
Croup, Whooping Coug!-,
Asthma, erni every
affection of the
Throat, L.nngs,.and Chest,
.. It gloss ed dry rpm sea Rad Lave the a,
b.Ased, M. is the. 44•/ gist preparation
tat thin �J of tlasltPlafsL'
hearing a B. N see get 1)1:
with ih•t 50 b en
-jar BUTTS " on ter
w r. b0 �'.'enii an woo a Bottle. Prc
8.iw W. Fowa. & Sows, Boater
.s. Id by druggists and dealer. generally
but /owns rte lady, and alayf ire
DOR as fAIO>i7'R71� r
A Pretested Salaam) et the Proteslde of he:
L se •miry MI turd assissibited with r.
ted se the espies$ food. Mee the b'
deep Cwt eoerlain 1M weal y of Iron
geek be by an we oft
raw hist sac . homes a " thou
Me" simply'Mens C1, IwtteoaIT1sG. .
t8TAtngeg6 fir to
tyle.. The et rie4ed •
toed tlresl., •ear
vas mow e-. lving nnthinv
.1e Ie art toes • !1M I. the Mer rt r t
illeaidig sees ies of title rss.dy in curs r
r Rt, B.
OMM�Mb Oisl'rF:^ •
Newest Albanese, Forrt. _
*0111 1 lteallee��M/iMiy is a '.amt st a .
the HMg.
or pgltij�ri loitiey- .-
reale of the epyustsw. .
millT1 #.•••"8. here nu
Rr7.P!r/pagP.c." lad bjdrums
si1• 3Nlr wt fr'. to Y7 stela
Bggw 111. Ifw1F.s & f Penedo.". • '
rises Avee. See/.
TiM ES! TI e l ills Purify the Blood. t erred all
dittoedcrs of the Liver.JSfomac'r . Kidneys sad
Bowels and arc invaluable in all complaints In
cirlentnl to 3 r males. The Ointment is the only
reliable rem. dy for Barb Legs. Old Wounds.
Sores and •Ulcers. of howe�vter long standing.
For Brunchlta. Diph' hrria.('ougha('olda,Gout.
Rhfnmat'mn and all Bktn Diseases. It by the,
FF:ITS. 1 most mamma fully take leave to cal!the anent 'on of the Piddle generally to the fuer
that ceyta'n l! oasts in Nbw York are sending to
many perp of the glide et'Ultlal N IMITATIONC
of my Plls and Ointment. Theis• frauds bear
on their labels tonne address in New York. 1
do not allow my Medicine to be sold in any part
of the 1"n1t..1 States. 1 hove no Agents there.
My Medicine% are only made by ma, at ti13Ox-
ford !-erect London. in the Books ofdirectiea
affixed to the r.
me epurlous make is a caution warn -
Ing the i'nhl''e against befog deceived Mus-
tertelts. Do not be misled by this
trick, as they are the cowafrr efts Chep
to denote *CC. These coenterlrite are ttarekated
byunnrincivled VenelofMatone-hallt prleeof
my Pills and Ointment and am sold to you as my
genuine 4edlc'ne,. 1 most earrestty appeal to
that tense of i 051 ice w -h ieh 1 feel sure i may ven-
ture upon asking from all honorable persons, to
awlst me. and the Public aster fie ma♦ Ue 11.
their power, in denour c►ngR th to ahaSoren' Pard
Each Pot and Pox of the (lenuine Medicine
beam the British Government Stamp with the
I.orrs'N... engrnve,l thermal. On the• label L
the addrew, sr Oxford Street, t "intim. where
alone they are Manufactured. ttnl/manyyjDian
and Ointment 1,nrino any other eukhysanrr
counterfeit. The Trete Marks of these Medi
cines arercgi•.ered In Ottawa. 'fence say one
thmnrhont the Pep bib 1'oesaelnna, wbenay
'mellitus A mer'can ('mtnterfe is for axle. will le
prosecuted. (!'e Rnexit THOMAS 11O1.1.(1WAY
Oxford Street, London, Jan. 1. *570.
The Great American Remedy for
Its rtegssrrivele
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k! sertatseaL �►rads! fdlr)s
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81111111", SIA TRoy et CO.