The Brussels Post, 1964-11-05, Page 3Tian 1egimesa4 Post IiIIMENNEdll• oamaiuo THURSDAY, NOV. ,6t4, 1364 Fotblished in connection with the "Make your comfort complete with. electric heat" campaign which will run to March A, the information cen- tres contain displays or supple- mentary electric heating equip. merit. Through the co-operation of participating municipal utilities, /Manufacturers, d ,letribu tors, electrical contractors, and Ont- ario Hydro, information centres are located in municipal utility and Ontario. Hydro offices, con- tractor's showrooms, building Supply houses, and, other trade centres with display facilities. The electric heat centres are geared to provide information which customers can act upon quickly. Planaing guides with scale diagrams and layout, and pamphlets on electric heating and insulation are available. IM PROVEMENTS. ELECTRIC HEATING On-the-spot answers ta ques- tions about supplementary elec- tric heating installations were available, starting October 16, , at approximately 300 eleetri0 heat information centres set Up .across Ontario. Lists of local contractors and distributors participating in the campaign are also available at each *information centre. Al- though utilities will not sell 01' install supplementary electric heating equipment themselve% they will arrange 'contacts be- tween potential buyers and a OR. SALE. D-Case Tractor 444. M, H. Tractor Used Cave Combine 4 furrow International Plow Used 66 and 68 New Holland Baler 2 Used 4readers All Makes of Tractors Serviced. Come in And See Our Complete New Line Of MA44EY FERGUSON IMPLEMENTS R. J. ESAU FAR. ii„,, EQUIPMENT MASSEY FERGUSON DEALER BRUSSELS, ONT. HE BRUSSELS POST ,r,,tablisbed 1872, ,S or% tx tree Z''arlDing C014044.111:" .tblishod at BRUSSELI,S, ONTARIO, every Thurpday . ROY W. KT-INNEDY, Publisher 0-1.iihorized as second Clue Mail, Post Ofrree Department, Ottawa .49311ber Canadian Weekly *Newspapers Association Ontario Wcesly Newspapers Association Canadian Ponareunity Newspapers Representative;: DR, R. W. STEPHENS araguate 9 ivnrsIty of Toren**. SURGre.11 stliep hene D. A. RANN Licensed Funeral Director anti Embalmer FuNEP,- AND AMBULANCE SERVICE '•HUNF. or Er.i EtPLAS.:ELS, GNI'. samainummunianammuunotammausum •I HE AILKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Office — Main Streci SEAFORTH Insane • Town Dvvellinls * All Classes of Farm Proneery cf summer CONON * Church.** Eel*** HafPg, Earteaden ocrrerage (v ein-le, water aastaite, Ottinag 1:.'ojects. etc.) is also scre.ilat0.- afilittiTil: James Keys, RR 1, ,Beatort.11: V. J. Lane RA 6, beatorti MO. Lelper, Jr, Londseboro; ,!-istiV711 Bruselat Igen* Mire, Clinton; George Coyne. Dahlia: Ilutald 4. Matost, Esadortl, WIltItilLIMAIMITIERMUMEMISIIIMMIREVIEISEINIMMOR ....11••••••••••••,•,,,wrmw local participating contractor of CROP REPORT. the customer's choice. is OPTIMISTIC. The "make your comfort com- plete' with electric heat" cant- paign is being supported by ad- Tertising and pronbotipn during the entire 20-week period. REMEMBRANCE DAY - - 'NOVEMBER '11 On this anniversary our thoughts turn to the Wars of past years in which we have fought, always with the basic hope of peace. Hunger, disease and misery have always been a driving force behind War - now, through the United Nations agencies we are pasture conditions continue tot Winter wheat appears to he harvest is well underway and well established. be favourable in many areas. The sugar beet and turnip supplying food, medical aid and education to the leas fortunate peoples of the world, to help them achieve peace and prosperity. YOUR PHONE $ Grain corn harvesting is pro- gressing rapidly during warm, sunny weather and above aver- age yields have neen reported according to the weekly crop report issued by Don Millen, assistant to the agricultural representative for Huron County.. The completion of fall plow- • tug has already marked the end of another crop season on some farms. R. S. HET}IERINGTON , Q. C. SRUSSELS PHONE 1210 "Trioaday and Saturday All rny oft* Open Every Day Istii.leattLL end WORSHAM a. L. LONGST,?s,FF OFTOMOTRIST ",.EAFORTH MEDICAL CENTRE 0— Tuisaays, Thursaays, Fridays, •and Saturday a.m. 1 hursday evenings by appointment only. Plias,* fisafarth 7111 Clinton Office — Clinton mejleel Centre, nattigibury *treat Monday and Wednesday 9:00 to 5:80 p.m. Phan? 4124010 WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP 'QUALITY, SERv IDE DRAFTSMANSHIP Open Every VAN% Day Your Guarantee for Over Si Ware of CEMETERY LoTTIIRI NE 158, Wingham JOHN MALiCK ...••••••••• Dear Subscriber: As of January 1965 all Rents, Tolls MO. Will be billed quarterly is #ulvisaca. This system is being enforced on the recommendation of 'the Ontario Telephone Service Commission, to insure having the monies to operate each month without borrow- ing from the Village, and also to cut down On toe high interest charges. The aecounts will be due 18 days after the date of rendering, with a further days before service is discontinued. Hoping to have your full eaeperatioa oa this matter. Yours atm Brussels, Morris & Grey Municipal Telephone Commission ier 11.7-11111--- '-'11112111-1111111111" 1101 111"1 THE JILd000ridt HOTEL Cenede's Gopltal, %In Boulevard* Leerier Are. 411110utelde Room - Free TV end bulb Lounges PM PANNING FOR REGISTERED 0411TS FAMILY PLAN limas blew Single V.50- P.25 1'leublei510-512:39 *Claire! 5-3333 TORONTO, - The Lord Simcoe Hotel