The Huron Signal, 1881-02-04, Page 1y
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• . ' DERICH,, . ;'T'EIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1881,
r--eni -
1 liel1t 1dQUDDi Nik011
lM D
erre! . acmes ye. titin notes.
Aa' faith he'll great it"
Funeral alter stsMly printed M Tilt
8runu• other.
Widduws, the un -Munk, lectures ie.
Victoria Hall to -night.
Mr. Gifford £!host, futmerty of
nein addressed the ileaday t;ehuul ch
drec of Brussels at their annual festive.%
last week •
Paw) men -Mr. d 'Sew**, of
Negaunnee, Michigan, is revisiting old
friends in Goodench. He looks hale and
hearty, and is the guest of Mr. J•mes
>. titLspeas -The l nieneyti ela-
rt, sill reviait 00410ner ala
fining next, ,w a !FY
! af Sr%iW►e N*th liteset
RentraMmea -Ma Trainer, of the Cq-
teal lichee& staff, returned home on Sat-
urday lad, after & sojourn of • tnonttls
duration in Toronto. She resumed her
duties on Monday last
PRAWN/a. -Dr. Calder, en old Ha-
rosito,. atm of Pennsylvania, has been
visiting in Oodeeich daring the .week.
He was the guest of his brother -in -Ln,
Kr. A. Dickson, postmaster.
Ar ram BALI. -In its report of thist
Baeielor''s Hall lidd re
dd is Stretford last Fri-
day evening, c Herald of that town
ways . T "Phe Goderich ladies were unex-
oeptiontbly well dewed, Y meal."
Tem Pwene -Owing. to the absence
of Rev. Dr. lire et lflaackbe.. tteg,.•his
pips in HMIs claim& will bari417
the Rev. M- Pritchard os Sunday iafin-
"1/4pa A Vtsrr•-Hon. John Hibbsedi
American Commercial Agent at this port,
with. Mira. Rashest., left fie a wash's visit
to one of his eons in Chicago tie wee
also accompanied by his little grandchild
and nurse.
fen ItramoLa.--(Aar old friend T. W.
Smithson, well known to Huron pain.,
tank ' s &eat li weelWIT
oilixi ia. Qt4v fetid
an We will yet run a Balli -
feeder is monodies with his journal.
Ws raft pleased to learn f1y1 •lar
townsman, Mr. F. Graham, formerly mem
a sr at Bow Park, has been engaged b,
Mr. Thos. Bukett, of Base Lake, Michi-
gan, to take charge of his valuable heed-
eed of shorthorns for the next few month►t,_
As a IT ra 1 3ram•ne. --A hitch has tie.
curred in the proceedings pertaining kr
the friendly mane at curling, which es'
to have Dome ed here on Friday, between
the 81 Marys and Goderich clubs. The.
S. Marys men could not come.
TIN W sDDING. -Our esteemed towns-
man, Mr. Jas. Huston, and Mrs Hullos,
noi the vjtp at in ding
dalJoni,° 3$katfogd. fest
j *Sid
to igate;hit. a !tier 'look
L104/1Fate fee ° - sir eMe •A
MtaIIONA&T Manner. - The amend
missionary 'fleeting in connection with
St Chorea's C.nurch, will bo held (D; V.)
on We Ines lay next, in the Court Heim.
Severn oler,cymen [toss dates.* will
address the meeting. Tho chair will he
taken at 7.30.
Aoovo.irr.-- 'thile leaving the M en-
treat Bank on Tuesday afternoon. Mr.
Chan seater, 'barrister, sprained hie
•nolo, by slipping off the door atop. He
has been kept. from .his office for a few
days, but will likely be in his place re-
eularly after the woek is past.
Ttacrra's Smoot Itarosss. -We are
now prepared to *Mali"Pupil's Monthly
Reports to teachers, at a vgry reasonable
pnoe. Tsai/hers will please order mut.
Call and see samples. 8astrai ft.*.
IMO Hours
c•1SIi.Ootnz ' WI have
received Hose Mb .',p llishing
Co. Ts e County
. T.
John It is un-
neesssary to enlarge upon style, for
Vbe has not heard of `Little Breeches,"
"Stingy Ties," "Jim Blade'," Ac. Get
e sew frusuthe publishers.
Thelieporter is the Mame of
s monthly journal devoted to religious
intelligence. It Limited by Hon. roe-
Chanoell.r Blake, and iita list of regular
contributor, contains trine of the best
<nown unease lar Co.nadaIts low peke,
fbc per sixteen should also etesseeui. it
to these who would like to hear of th
prugrees of the (bops$ at hens* sad
abroad -
A DANGERous LuNATIc -There M in-
carcerated in the gaol at present a dila-
;eructs lunatic named Thos. Joint, from
Wawanosh. On Tuesday lest he got
into tantrums, and set about demoliddng
the walls of his cell, which he succeeded
in doing to some extent, until restrained
by the officials in charge. He rent his
blankets and bedding, and broke drery
thing breakable* the Dell. Joint is said
to have bebom'e inssme from business
trouble, and religions eaciteetesR He
should be removed to sr, ayhms fit ones.,
The gaol is no place for
creatures of this description. 1 t•
Curling Match. --Un IMosday after:
Moor s rink of local players bad a ant to.
the losers te give s beg of front lathe
poor of the town. The game resulted as
follows: -
1 Andrews, James Thomson,
H Smith,
A. MoD. Allan,
IL Hutchison, Assia DiekseR,
0, R. Dunaford, PAL amen, .
• skip 12. skip 19
On Teesduy another genie was played
for a second bag of (tour, between the
following Spb
OE A Dsttleaii " Pieter Adenoma,:
!'flee, !lodes u apt Mefireguil
Si. lilistahiaety • -Tv N. rlaacy,.. • r
H•iLIlesith, •r e'ergenvy:H
akar 24,"
'Aar- 4> RA/LE "--At the .T CTsiato
l;leotcesl-Dsvisise Agricultural Elenetyie
:anneal meeting an animated disowning
k piece ou a matter. of interest to ex -
Whitey mud juken Mr. James Kong,
tn,the puree of his remarks, kaia that
iliejppaatteqee of the exhibitors should not
be efiiton,. on their tickets hetero the
inion .cif the judges, had been given -
mid much laughter ho instanced a case
ere ten exhiitor had taken seven
on a • single turnip. Mr. McD.
it. of Goderich, salol:-" That re -
®finds me of something- A farmer raiz
ed S•rtigehOlel last hummer, and oosdd.
not tellw it was a squash or a
amplcin.' (Laughter.) Re thought
e would bring it to the Exhibitten to
ode out. re`4te4 ZSt' liner.) Weil,
air, what d Qyon . think rt Asa ,squash
he took til Ord' 'rand ice n
kin he got s abound 011 Tit'•" pimp-
laughter.) '
Fesme-"Mc.. f, forte is de-
seripaion. When l o taker up a scene he
fete no feature of ,it escape him. One
after another ho fixes each fact and
eruups them together in a perfect pho-
tograph of that which ho desires to do -
pie. The ulcer; upon his audience is
axtraurdinary. Thgy follow him through
every word, and so are identified with
hien that they beoume°participators in the
eceues of which he speaks. He ways fre-
quently interrupted with hearty ep-
plause. Bre lecture was brim -full of in-
formation --such information as books
and papers can hardly afford. Those who
have not heard his graphic lectures have
suffered a severe loss. "--j Halifax (N. 8.
Herald. Mr. Furber lectures in Victo-
ria Hall, un Thursday next, under the
Aweless of the Mechanics Irutitwte
His subject will be ."The Inner Life of
a War Correspondent." We would like
to sea the Hall packed, and wo don't
think wo will he disappointed.
Ter LEY' SroCx Aawornsr,ox.--At the
annual meeting of the Huron Live Stock
Association, held et Clinton on Monday
of lad week, there was a fair attendance
of the leading stock peen of the county.
rhe chair was taken by tho President,
Jan Biggins, Esq. The financial report
of the 1'reaanrer showed that after de-
frevinz alt expense' of the year, there
will be a small balance left in the tree
awry: It wee unanimously agreed to
amtinue to the annual WWI, aid the
following officers and 1) wore
.Ieotsd -Jen Biggins, Req., President;
K. Y. Mellow, MeerMwry and Trews
r•er. Director 7 Clinton M. McTag-
(art and S Holmes; (iederieh township --
Wm. Wise; .1. Te Cowden and John
Widd1.tns; °ndenoh town - A. bfcD.
Allan and F. Graham; Colborne • Win.
Dixon and W L Ferguene; West Ws -
warmth -John Washington and Rnhert
Medd; Meet Wawennsh Then H. Tay-
lor, Mervin ---Jas Logan, W. 0. Ht
stow and George MoAlatt; Smartt -R
Rnell, John &tee m, Jobs Cmaming.
Mos Moon and nice. J. Hell; Unmade/
John Rstetson. Alex, limas, Wm Rig
gm., Wm Dennie. and Herb 1.•ve
fir, Hay -Jae 1i»itwwtn anal filmed
Ronnie: Euler Janess Oke and John
Willis; Jsborne Leung.' Hunter and
Thea Resell; Tiseksww,nith George
iptreat, Robert Dickson, A. Klo.t, Jno
Mtlai.ean, jr. , and Robert Charters; Mr.
Kiiop - W. J. Grieve and Rnbt Gov
eobok; fleaforth---Alex Dai Ideon and
John G. Wilson.
• .rave ' attll 'isI
A J. P. Di an earn. - Considerable ex-
citement was caused on Monday by the
report tial Mr. C. Crabb had been die
missed from the magistracy. The
report turn,d out to be true. Mr. Crabb
perh spa, triol more caws than any
other J. P. in Goderich, and he is of
epinien that he will yet be reinstated.
- Archibald Forbes says that he once
facet an audiences of one, and that after
looking at one another for some time he
proposed that the audionoe should choose
between hearing him lecture and going
to the hotel and having a drink. -The
audience being a Scotchman like him
self, Moose the latter. Mr. Forbes is a
man of prepossessing appearance, pow-
erfully built and well fitted for the du-
tiet of a war correspondent. He lec-
tures in (loderioh on Thursday next.
We silted a crowded house.
SLATING MATO=.- A 40 minute gene
between fast skaters came off in the rink
on Friday evening The contests's,
were D. Morrie, W. flooding, J. W.
Wilkinson, A. Gooding, J. W. limed',
and Ted Andresen. Morrie wow by
three laps, W. Gooding seoond, and
Wilkinson third. The number of laps
severed was 172, or 7 miles and 18 laps
The judges were H. Chow. J Story.
J. W. w and and .1. W W esehorelt
Prat retest's band was in attendance.
The band will play in the rink on Setur-
Cali Anoarrso. We end/portend
that Mr. P. R. Rose, who fer the past
fl Sew wales has been presehNlg in Knox
duel% here, has received a allanfesees
call from the hong , atien of Cab de
Noises, Montreal. A000mpanyiagtheeall
is an oder of 000 a year, end a free
same Mr Roes has *emoted the call
and his ordination and indention will
take Owe abort the 1411 inst. He will
pprasnh his antiserums in Kam chervil,
Gederieh, es Beals morning. He
made mew dn sduring his stay in
Ooderieh and *vanity
Po&raArr. -We have received a copy
of the steal AaepatdaM poetise at Hoa.
Osage B. * emu to the iubecriba,s,of
the (Reba . the 1i'- is s capital one
et the ispesied jeueselist as be appeared
i fart It essellod sae ea-
peotatioe, iR the• ereatitom d the
walk, the. iriWfola see el the re-
Tier Viers on tam Hvireaa . 71e vote
talon reeently in Rues Church, elide -
rich, upon the adoption of the sew hym-
nal in the church servioee was museeu
bat week, and Ibund to be as foYwei
w -
r the hymnal, 144 a,eesbees sad 21
adherents; total NW Against the hym-
nal, 14 members and 2 adherent; total
14. Majority for the hymnal 141. The
new hymns will be introduced into the
* views in Mech. The intention R nut
thilt they should supersede the psalms,
brt"Nat they eboetd be used in ouejuae-
'Wn with then..
aTsts Co,.Dne• Ynr. -The nsereary in
the thbrmometer toadied the- lowest
point yet reached this winter In (lode -
rich on Wednesday morning. It regis-
tered about 18 degrees below aero. The
shop eery running the shutters off in
Iiglhtning style, refrained from the
usual chaff with the boy of the next
store. Nobody buttonholed a neighbor
on the' street corner to talk over polities
with llhn; and the youngsters going to
school kept on such a trot that made the
snogl a waned reporter imagine that
• ' rte t hear to be longer away
'Awl than their parents
'The thwmenster did not
h as tow here since 187l.
eine mamas Of CAnaai. - When I
was here bulose 1 only ranted with inc
We hazy idol► that all Canadian ladies
woes;beautiful. That belief, or rather
'tsaddien, haa•lseted in twenty years,
&rad I retupt sow, having seen the ladies
of the hal►itahle globe. sad having ac -
queued a seesideraUa amount of cyni-
cism is wesequence of finding a
aaeune of female beauty turn nal lite
the apples of Simone only to be confirm-
ed, in a general wnse, in the belief cod
y .early days The ladies of Canada
ye a heights* and sprigh$bnees
whish the racer air of the *pantry seems
Aeon the old dock 4 home.
7, r
b►es Aural &lancer portion of the
• noes, of lain oosntry than at borne,
which is extremely gratifying to any
!sourer• whole Bete, age "tail aesthetic.
+ {Archibald Forbes.
Su Dern Diners ---Mea. Phillips, mother
of Milssrs. John and Win. Phillippee died
suddenly on Sunday morning. She was
evidentlyin the set of drinking a cup of
tea, when she fell to the door dead. No
person was in the mom at the time ; but
one of the some hearing the fall, wont to
see what. was the matter, and trend his
neither An the floor, apparent! dead.
Hastily calling in rir. Dunlop: who lives
near by, the body was examined, when'
it was found that life was extinct. line
Phillip had been a resident of elederieft
f„r many veers. She leaves behind hat
three sons astU two daughters. Messrs:
Wm. and John Phillipa tivo in town, and
Mr. Joshes Phillips, who attended the
fancied, lives in Fort Erie. It is step.
posed that the deceased was serried off
by heart disease •
Tarr OagADIait entotemer !1fse tP<1t,
-✓the February tlWilber of this Maga'
sine Maintains iter usual high standard.
An interesttiifg' article, with numerous
higi *class engaaviugn, describes Mrs.
Braaeey's vein to Spain, Africa, Sicily
and Italy. Thies is ant her "Voyage
Rimed the World," as some havetht,
but quite another book. Mr. Su er-
fend Rives a graphic amount of his visit
to Alexandria and Cairo, in Egyj,. A
portrait and Woe/etch akettch of Dr. f4arper
.,owes. r'l.►thanael Pidee.m describes
John Wesley's koyalty during the Pre-
ender's invasion of Bngtand. Prof.
'thaw, of the Montreal Theological Ool-
e;e, gives a Ane study, of special value
•o every Sunday -school worker, on the
Youth of Josus-a prominent topic of
the International Leeson Notes for Feb•
r'aary. The Logende from the Apockry-
phal Gospels about the Boyhood of Jesus
ire very curious. The editor toile the
remarkable story of tit Francis, the
Monk of Assisi. The story of " Valeria,
the Martyr of the Osteopaths," gives
striking psetures of old Roman life. A
review of Tennyson's new volume gives
copious quotations from his "Northern
Cobbler," an (Kid Yorkshire sketch, and
from his grand "Defence of I.uoknew."
We sadeentand that Mr. £meliw Ir-
visg. (4. C., of Hamilton, has been ap-
pA►Ned„Columiemoner to examine into
the alleged irregularities in ooanectjpm1
with the County Judgeship.
A Vsav OLD Hossse.-- Mr.'` Darks,
et • liuderich, owns, perhaps t . ceded
wase is the ouanty. The animal is
forty-eight years old, and has beea in
rte present owner's possession for thirty
years• rhe old veteran is fat and frisky,
and raga yet kick up its heels in a way
that cannot be equalled by many a ten
year old.
OarruAtr.-Weregret to announce the
death of George Robert Cattle, eldest
son of George Cattle, at the early age of
17 years and 19 months. The dammed
youth was bora i■ Goderidstand was very
well known and reopened. Por about
two years he acted s chub is his lekis is
drag derv. He had been pecenraind for
only two weeks, he hod not
been in good health for a esoeph d years.
His sorrowing parents have thssynipathy
of the whole town in theirailie ren, and
what makes it more poignant in the fact
that Mr. Cattle has bimetal nista a 'con-
firmed invalid for thepateps .
L. 0. L -- The annnblilseetifg qI the
L. O. L. fur the South Riding tribe
County of Huron, use held ih Minis
Hall Exeter, on Tuesday laet,r '18ro.
Froth W. Johnston, O.M., in the *Blair,
when the following officers were elected
and duly installed :-Bro. Fred. W.
Johnston, 0.11.; Btu. B. !. Holmes, D.
0. ti. ; Bro. John Halls, Ohakp. ; Bro, Jar.
McMath Seo. ; Bro. W. H Memo,
Treas. ; Bro. John Scarlett, C. D. of Q;
Bro. Thos. Cooper, C.L. The prooessioa
on the 12th of July next will be held at
the village of Exeter, when a large geek=
ering is expected-
CaxDLEYas DAV. - There are a number
of superstition attached to the 2nd of
February. One is that if the bear, in
coming from his lair un that day, sees
his shadow, he will return to his *miter
yaarters and stay there for six weeks
longer. Woduesday was Candlemas Day,
and the sun shone so brightly that if
Bruin was fool enough to be outwith the+
thermometer at it below zero; 1 carinal
hardly help casting a shadow. There is
not mach ooafott to seine in the old.
rhyme :-
" U Candlemas day be bright adtelesr,
"We WW have two winters 1n the Jeer.' '
Ia TSB Toirw.--Windham has SWIM -
enviable reputation for harboring more
prostitutes than any other town in the
county. A batch of persona was Mat
down to Godench gaol frons the "Wiok-
odiet Town in Huron," last week, 'charge
ed wi.h keeping a bawdy keine. Among
them was a young rear named Wm.
Webb. Upon being searched at the
gaol, a pair of cut handcuffs were found
in his possession, and a letter written to
his "wife," (Annie McPherson, the keep-
er of the Winchesn den) while he was ie
Guetph gaol. After telling har that he.
has been aentenoe:l to a month in gaol,
and other practical thioes, he, wound up
kyr stating that
a r ; -"hie penis bad. Ilk is pate
:WSax love tar nee .fitu never tale,
ebb ei evidegtry a ba'd• c'harat ter. If.
*Mid to have beknihp1tcatt dih s num-
ber of ugly loba'fffrthe ritfighbbring coun-
hLvstati.- Wo t,Fo gje ised t,. learn
that the tis na'cf Si't's. B.
L Doyle, the midtw a bf T -i i xyor
Doyle, aro grewnng very pOpidar. This
Wanted lady has sir 3i pp7nplitihed a
'mother of pieces, grid • the1r 'tbreptfon
can be judged by the fact that alto
for the plater .Dd. pyright of the "Lard
luld Waltzes' has been made by
a firm in New Yolk, and by Meters. 1.
Suckling & Sons, of Toronto. These
waltzes aro said to bo exceedingly popu-
lar, and many enquiries aro being made
by parsons from a distance for copies.
Mrs. Doyle has also struck (copular mato
in tho "Lad Lisgar Galop, the "Velo-
cipede Waltzes,' " Brilliant, (:chop,"
"Home Circle Quadrilles," and ether
compositions and adaptations. We aro
proud to have a lacyy of such originality
and ability in the hermonic art, and trust
that the fair composer will meet with
cuntinued success in her musical efforts.
Mr. Doyle has had a number of copies
of the shove named compositions struck
off, and persona demi leg any of the
pieces can get them in the bookstores.
We thank Mr. Doyle for the copies pre-
sented to ourselvee.
INDmc:mxr ASSAULT. -- On Sunday, 31st
.f October, a young lady, sister of Mrs.
rhos. J. Marks, of Bayfield, was follow-
ed on the street of that village by a num-
ber of young men. She ran into her
sister's house, where the remained. Ma
Marks had noosaion to go to a distant
part of tho village after one of her chil-
dren, and left the hoose about half past
six o the»k. She was pound upon by
some of the young mon, who had been
waiting outside, and who were under the
impression that it was the girt After
someatruggling,they discovered than wet
Mrs. Marks, and ran of The unfits -tun
tate wotwan was badly frightened. and has
been confined to the house since. Last
week Mr Marks laid an information
spinet two of the ringleaders, Frederick
Ahern and James Walwin, for vet
eel assault upon his wife, bsferts Mr. 0.
Ci'ahh, J. P The cnmpbvinent had pre-
viously guns to a number of magistrates,
but al mimed to take the ease, offering
various emew.e. Diem Er. ibebb being
testified of ha theme& ferias the magi.
testy, he dr.ppe•I the ease, and as no
other Justice of the Poems in town would
take it up, it will prehsbby be alerted he
fere the Chem, Jury by the Chenna At -
00brir SMATZON BaavIQa.
An seliftkw s CMIaesew--fe
J WK M Tena Merano er
•1 •. Mb belqbta Isaacs waw, .r
Oo Tueadaz last a very imposin cere-
mony was celebrated an 81. Peter's
Church, Goderich. by the Right Rev.
Dr. Walsh, Bishop of London Pieees4.
The occasion was the administering of
the sacrament of Confirmation to 83
young persons of this section at the
hands of the Lord Bishop. Mass was
celebrated in the convent at 7.30 a. m ,
and Rev. Father Watters oftlouted at
mass for the children at 8 o'clock, during
whiah the iloly Communion was par-
taken et
At 10i* a. ten High Mass was cele.
bg't1id'f Eek. Dean Mnrphy,
p was 'tea
ere Shea of
of Wawanosh.
of (Wench also
= those about to
hiked, and corn -
;adjuring and en-
mmeAy tarts and pars-
ulrialtgeo, tiAatittl
st e
8Sesdortb, end bar tit:
Bev. lather 1[b►
sseisted Y at theHL _
neersgtng Biota
Was from Roily Writ, an the neeessi of
their battling against the world and its
temptations, and instructed these who
to-citiy„were about to pled thensseltes
to be geod,aolditrl of Christ, to go on
and oonquer for His sake and the sake
of the salvation of thoft own beds, which
would profit them more than all the
eillimeinetatf► of this •olid i pin. He
.l kcasd them t 'eipthi s' of the erred,
which would in time grow strong and
powerful, and withstand the teeipest
alratait p11111 fy raged around them.
$a sited' the wondirfel power of
Francis Xavier, a young nun of extras.
ordinary promise, whose aim in life was
to earn fame and achieve honors in order
to restore leis family to their past grand-
eur and who on being reminded at
different times by St. Ignaties of the
text, "What doth it profit a man te gain
the whole World if he lomat his own
sold;' (aid
!tilde alk his worldly views,
!Girt", 0144i o111 and ' +eopt .14ettnir
eepgo this datum Of Divine
1.. e,.
ffpplie ria- i fit ad boys' M'kgus x tan -
ilio `r` a ''wearing 1944,11rtar Murk,
the lied ' sshite rosettes.
iordahtp congratulated ' there en
their inteffigent and remarkably nest tip•
pearance, and also the Misters of St.
Joseph on the care and attootion bo -
stowed upon the children in their pre-
paration for Confirmation: He also ex-
pressed his high approbation of the real
of the pastor, Ifo,. J. 13. Watters, and
regretted that hewsrgbeent on this grand
occasion, owing to the death of his
father at Quebec Vila week. . •.
At the oofccijt,iettftt of the Monies the
BiL}fnp administered the pledge of tem-
perinee to the boys who had partaken of
the sacrament, binding them to abstain
from intoxicating liquors until they
reached twenty-one years -of age. By
that time his onlship believed they
would be imbued with fixed temperance
principles, and hare the fouudetiun. laid
for sober, active, Christian lives.
The attendance from other denomin-
ations was not great, owing to the fact
that the ceremony was performed on n
week day, but the number of mem-
ber; and adherents of 8t. Peters' pres-
ent was large.
Hloa &oaom. Lrrrp.xv elocxvey. -A
debate came off between members of the
above Society in tho High School on
Friday evening last. There was a large
attentiame of members present •ud mach
interest. wee manifested in the oratorical
til. The subject of diacniaion wan,
"Reso lvd, that it would be for the bed
interact of the Do ninion that the Par-
liament should retie, the contract eater
d into between the Government and
the Syndoate for the construction if the
0. P. R." For the Affirmative Meagre.
Hagen Bruce, and Davidson.
N a
Negative - (leader),
Donald (leader),
Cobbledii end Hall. The subject was
bandied io petty good style, and the doe
balerstripped up one wether with as
suds vies and ougernss se if the fees of
the emirate iepsaded epee their read-
ies of th• stile The demise toss not
by any enema oueiid,i sad iis sum-
ming up Me. Stsnag, 1¢riasip6l of the
ssh.ok, gave this credit to t*Lhee slfiriaa-
tiro` while he scowled the victory to
the negative. The Sweaty is in a ur-
ishigag esrnditi,s, and its member's took
her a geed time sI every fortnightly
The Hulled Branch Agricaltursl Aon-
te g oontemplatee bolding the anneal
1.11 %bow for three dare this year •natesd
of two
CYMna r Judges Crtme.41 team.
Be:ureHis Ilene' J. Age Heeler.
February 2.
LAR FIN . - David White, of Hetnall,
charged with the larceny of $97 from one
Tremier, nppeaaed for trial. Sereral
Witnesses for tho Orown were examined,
acid the ease was adjourned until Friday
morning, for tho production of further
February 3.
John l'erfls, who last week pleaded
guilty to two charges of bm'ceny, appear-
ed for sentence, and was sent up for two
months on each charge, the sentences to
be concurrent.
To as RE-uLAMINID.--O'Rourk, coc.-
mitted as insane, will, under the direc-
tion of the inspector, remain in gaol a
couple of weeks to enable the Judge and
medical men to gua'v'a another examina-
tion at the end of that period, as the re -
porta of previous examinations diff rod.
A• Awe as e►- muddwapr Came Rlag to
a wormier sr •• sea Selsey."
in* tial of .James Carroll, for the mur-
der of Judlth Donnelly closed on Wed-
nesday. After being looked tip for about
four hours, the jury brought to a verdict
of " Not Guilty " There is still a pos-
sibility of charges being brought against
the prisoner and his colleagues for the
murder of the ether members et the ill-
fated Donnelly family. The prisoners
were released es bailer sad left for home
amid the rhea! MI itl•ireds of their
!!lucre ellfillliewenase ss 5*, Aust Ms-
.na ►genal ,.
Js pert sew• y
41 a, Feb. let, like •
Thenal" greeting of the Baasd'of
High Tradeer was held tory
pursuant to Statute. There wage pre-
sent Archdeacon Elwood and Meseta
Kay and Adamson.' • •
Moved by Mr. Elwood, seemided by
Mr. Adamson, that Mr. Kay be r'e-dp-
pointed chairnma fer the current yea, -
Slimed pd lir. Elwood, sernnMd • by
Mr. Kirit e
Mr. Adanson be rap -
pointed Secretary -Treasurer for the ear -
rent '7ear-Canted. .4
The minutes of hist meeting were rend
and apihrived
yup? of
Cooneil resolution ution neon the Town
of Clinton in refeeeoee to the
treeet'nment grt.t to Huh Soheeks was
read and approved by the Board.
A communication from the chairman
of the High School Trustees, Stratford,
in reference to the reports made upon
their vaults by the Nigh Solvent Inapr' -
tors, was read and reeeivede
A communication from the chairman
of the Board of High School Trustees,
Bowmaavitfe, complaining of females be-
ing compelled to study mathematics and
of the unfair mathematical Amore pre-
ppaarr'eedd for the Intermediate s amrna-
tiun., was read and received.
Moved by Mr. Adamson, seeoxaled by
Mr. Elwrlod, that the cattiness and
Head Master be appointed a committee
to draft a manorial to the Minister of
Education, supporting the views of
Messrs. Buchan and Marling in 'their
reports on High fthnols, in reference to
the undue ptomineeee given to mallte
maticw, the additional grant to collegiati
institutes, the diminution of the Gov
ernment grant M High Schools and the
corresponding increase of the burthen
on the local municipality where the
High School is situated. -Carried. - •
The application of Mr. Tisdale, 'care
taker of the High School, asking for
an increase of eddy, was greed. •'
Moved by Mr. Adamson, 4los*ded by
?tr. Elwood, that an incrrsne of tsalary
to the amount of $10 be grented, mak
ing his salary 6190 per annum -Carried.
The following Is'a synopsis of the sta-
tistics of the High Rcolpresented by
the Head Master; Mr. rI..
Number on register for Jatwakyi: 52;
average attendance, 187;number ut u-
pile from tonni}e. 41; nurnbnr of•' pile+
from other municipalities, 61; nein r of
the Latter that bgpid or partially intnern,
51; number that have held certtacates as
public school teachers, 2q;, nen?* pre
paring directly for ezeminstiori Tprento
University let year, 1; number proinging
for Toronto t7nitiersity matriculahon, 2;
number preparing for Toronto Univer-
sity matncukatien in 1882, 4; number
preparing fur Victoria let year (in part),
1; number preparing lei Victbrta ln tn-
culation, 1; pruning examination of'Law
Society, 3; primary examidatton M4dical
Council, `J; Intermediate Mid l red& class
cxamitu►tion,56; numhbr of boys study
ing Latin, 51. •
Record fer 1880:-haled)j riot• ma-
triculation, Toronfe Vnivorsitly, ,(tak-
ing ono; let class and Are 2d califs hon
ere); Fumed feeler matriculation T9Qron-
to University, 1, (taking the neathetnati
cal and general preficiegcy scholarlhili;)
passed matriculation examination of Vic •
toria University, 1; taking two 2d 'class
honors; passed csannitietion fer • eteftanco
to tel year Knox College, 1 •," ps(e%od pri
wary examination for P, L, eutrdyora,
1; passed second clam examination, 9;
passed intermediate examinatii,n, 5; pass
od third clam examination, 9.
On rsetiou the Board adjourned.
By all means adeaRise Chanje oi-
ten, and when y,eeuu e ass admits of it
make different tresses.hraof it prominent
in their turn- 4n•day sae thing, tremor
now or next week meeker -esti the
eemething ales LM year advertise
melte have sensethiem of the 'task in
them, without groat ewageerstinn. Hun-
dreds of fortunes have beim made by ad-
vertising, and yet as an art it is hilt inn
psrf erele ne j*,da d -fah
M.trerwlealeat *eptevt.
Report of the weather fot 1.4u nock
ending January 29th.
Jam 23rd. -Wind at 10 p.:n. ortlt-
east, light, cloudy. Number. ,.miler
wind travailed in 24 hours 2 , Snow
flurries during tho day.
Jan. 24th. --Wind at 10 p.m.. South-
west, fresh, cloudy. Number ,0f miles
wind travelled in 24 hours 876. 1
inch of snow fell during tho day.
Jan. 25th.- -Wind at 10 p.m. South-
west• brisk gale, oloudy. Number of
miles wind travelled in 24 hours 744.
Snow flurries during the day.
Jan. 26th. --Wind at 10 p.m. North-
west, moderate gala, cloudy. Number
of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 856.
3 inches of snow fell during the day.
Jan. 27th. -Wind at 10 p.m. North
west, fresh, clear. Number of mile'
wind travelled in iK hours 657.
,Tan. 281h. -Wind at 10 p.m. Youth
light, clear. Number of mile, wine
travelled in 24 hours 354.
Jan. 29th. --Wind at 10 pen. South -
asst, light, cloudy. Number of miles
wind travelled in 24 hours 287 1e
inehos of snow fell during the day
O. N. MAorxoe•LD, ( Sleety et.
(lneierich, elan 31st, 1881.
N. 11. ---Snow fell on 23 days during
the Amount of snow felt 48
Oarn•.r . Wo regret to lean,. that
Kr James McIntyre, formerly of Col
borne township, who o left home on the
let December last, to vein an uncle et
Pitt.hurq, Penn contraot.d mernetin
typhoid fever, from the effects of which
he sencumbed on the 25th of January
The deceased was well known *net highly
Reopened e•ria seo`tien