The Brussels Post, 1964-10-01, Page 4)3X4NOS/4111 VOErri 434'080,444 .ONT14410 1,•••••••••,,•••••• FOR .SALE 2 Oil Burners in good condition; also a 200 gal. oil tank. Albert .TenPas Phone 165W FOR SALE Dressed Ducks and Chickens. for Thanksgiving.. Phone; Brussels 254J BETTER HEATING MEANS BETTER LIVING NOW! COMPLETE COMFORT CONTROL 21 HOURS A DAY 6 ii w home comfort (All For The Low Cost Of The Oil Alone) • FREE BURNER AND • FREE 24-HOUR FURNACE CONDITIONING EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE MID-SEASON • AUTOMATIC CHECK FUEL OIL DELIVERY Let' your Cities Service dealer give your oil heating equipment a complete, unhurried and personalized conditioning—NOW! When cold weather strikes again, just flip the thermostat dial and your home will be filled with the luxurious comfort of Cities Service. Premium Oil heat. No last-minute calls for serVice.— no possible delay and inconvenience. P.S. Protect your budget! En- rs,„6 quire about our low cost re- ' placement parts insurance contract—PHONE TODAY! CITIESGSERVICE R. L, CUNNINGHAM ETHEL, ONT. Phone 446J13 Are you going to. Brussels Fair on Friday? You bet I aim It% the last fair of the season and we might even, meet our Sister Elsie there. 7,,,r"!,:•!-TtrrI• TkrOBSDAY, OCTOBER :Me iI06‘ •,..r."..••••••`!..'.4,•••••el,,,'.•••••".••••••• • ••••nr, NOTICE. TO .CREDITORS In the estate of ADELINE ROSS CARDIFF (Addle Cardiff), late of the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron. retired telephone operator, who died on or about the 17th day of August, A .D. 1964. • Creditors and others having .clanns against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undesigned solicitors for the administrator on or before the 5th day of October. A. D. 11+64, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. DATED at Brussels this 7th day of September, 1964. Crawford & Hetherington, Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of CHARLES WILLIAM PENFOUND late of the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron, gentleman, who died on or about the 14th day of August, A.D. 1964, Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send fun. particulars of such claims to the solicitors for the executors on or before the 51.h day of October, A, D. 1964, after which date tne estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. DATED at Brussels this 7th day of September, 1964. Crawford & Hetherington, Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors. X JP .1"...nrs• WANTEU S Hanging Hen Feeders. Cecil Maynard , Phone 325W6. FOR SALE. A quantity of furnace and stove Wood. Glare VanCamp Phone 378W6 FOR SALE Good ii.orge Space Heater; "McLary combination coal and Electric Range in good, condition. Ilachan Hardware Brassele FOR SALE One complete Bedroom Suit; Set of And Tables; Large Fridge with Freezer; 30 inch McLary Range; Mossberg 16 gauge Shot Gun 3 shot mag. All nearly new.. Phone: 227 Brussels HELP WANTED — Roy Gramm of Pinkerton, Unt., wants to hire a married man for work on farm and in Seed Clean- ing Plant, and his wife to Clerk in General Store. Man must be capable and understand operating all farm machinery and feeding beef cattle. Good house avail- able, equipped with hydro, new Ail furnace, new bathroom etc. This is a year round job for satisfactory man and wile. Good wages paid plus holiday pay. Apply to; Roy Cra,mm, Pinkerton, Phone Cargill - Store' 366-2494 House 366-2478 OPPORTUNITY Write and tell me about yourself. Reply at once to' P. J. Harrington Vice-Pres., Box 84, London, Ont romoviimpirellaiMMINOUINIVIW Tomlin. Trails Wily dark al hemp FOR BALE 1955 Chev, Cony. VS Standard. shift. Good motor. New trans- mission, paint. $350.00 Cash. Phone; Goderich. 524-9185 FOR SALE Durham Cow, 5 yrs. old, freshen Oct 10th. 2 Holstein Heifers, to freshen October 7th Torrance Datums, Waltoe Phone:- 390W5 Brussels FOR SM.& -- Girrs black and white fleCk winter coat,, size. 7 and S, in e* cellent condition. Telephone Brussels 361W6 KITCHENER UPHOLSTERY Expert re-upholstering, refinish- Atii;, repairing and cleaning of alt types of furniture. Free esti- mates, work guaranteed. _Hume 43 Brus•eis FOR SALE 110 head Choice Hereford Year- ling Steers. Weight about 800 lb. each. Will sell as one lot or split in 3. Roy Cramin, Pinkerton, Phone Cargill 3664494 •••••1111 TENDERS WANTED Morris Township Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12, noon, Oct. 5, 1964 for 3 trucks to plough snow anywhere in the. Township of Morris as directed by the Road Superintendent. Tenders to state year, make, model and horsepower of the truck, type of plough and length of wing and price per hour. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Helen D. Martin, Clerk, Morris Township, FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION *Wedding Boquets *Funeral Design *Cut Flowers *Corsages *Planta BRUSSELS GREENHOUSES Phone Brussels 248J HARR1STON FLOWER SHOP Phone 205, Harrlatos LISTOWEL Phr.r-- 149 Liston& ACHESON'S "_ad Stock Service I-1 t 0 r. e. S PRICES Phone Arwled 366.2e,"; CstIont. Lleinos No, IteCtin •••••••••••...1101, MICHAEL. MACLEAR Michael MacLear, formerly Far East correspoondent for the Canadian Broadcasing Corpor- ation, has now' been appointed to ;the London office of the CBC. Since joining the CB.0 in 1956, aViaclear has reported from Cuba, afirca. and South Viet Nom. One • iof his first assignments in his Mew post will be the reporting of fills year's campaign and election, • Britain. iLfHEL Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bremner were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Bremner. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Speiran and family were visitors with Mr. UNUSUAL and Mrs. Stan Speiran on. Sun- III Large United Statee and Caned- Mr. and Mrs. Ea. Griesbrecht ion Compa.ny in agricultural field of Regina, .Sask and Mr. and Mrs. itobt. Agar of London were visitors with Mr. and MTS. Fewin. Reibein last week, Mr. and MTS. Wm. Morse of Brussels were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl McDonald., urgently requires representative in this area for Crop Service department. Applicant must have I recent agricultural background and be well regarded in area. Position is full time, or can be handled at first along with your present farming operation. Suo cessfal applicant can expect earn- ings between $100 - $150 weekly with excellent opportunity for early advancement in this area. le teach them to never cross from between parked cars SELGRAVE TRIMS MOOREFIELD IN 3rd GAME. BelgraNe trimmed Moorefield - 4 here last night to put hem one up in the the WOAA finals. Belgrave Nips Moorefield 2 -1 Belgrave edged Moorefield 2-1 to square the best-of-five Western Ontario Athletic Association In- termediate "0" softball finals at a game each in Moorefield on. Monday night. Jim Coultes went the distance for Belgrave,'striking out 15. He gave up just two hits, both singles. Coultes and. Galbraith; Burns and Cole. 3 CRANBROOK Service at 'Knox Presbyterian Church. will be held at 11 a.m. this Sunday, instead of at 11.15 with Sunday School at 10 a.m. Misses Beverley and Patsy Evans and Maxine Smalldon, all of Kitchener, spent 'the weekend at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Don Jacklin, and Tracy Lynn, Kitchener, were weekend visitors with her parents. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Dunn. Miss Patsy. 'Evans underwent an appendectomy in lAstowel Memorial Hospital, Sunday evening.