The Huron Signal, 1881-01-07, Page 8THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JANUARY 1. 1881. t TOWN FATHERS. pt Meetingof the Year 1880. pithilingp Ike Teri Soalseep- • Dar .bk.g View -The Taxes of eke r.., -m. fire llosesillea tbe ilrigbN..,I. The last reviler meeting for 1880 was held in the Council Chamber on Friday eienine last. In the absence of the Mayor,1 Reeve Garrow occupied the chair. Present-- Messrs. Johnston, J. C. Detlor, M. Hutchison, John Acheson, T. N. Danoey, L Elliott, E. Bingham, Gordon, H. Clues's, S. Sloane, M. Nich- olson, F. Jordan. not to speak of the money spent in the town for books, stationery, (lc. If fees were Imposed'the nunthat attending would be reduced from one-fourth to one-third, and this of itself would nes:4e snrily entail a reduction of the Goverp- meat grant. The pupils iu both Public and High Schools now progressed more rapidly than formerly, and he knew of eleven cases where two of • family heel been atteuding the High School in mil year. During the ensuing year he he lieved we would have fifteen oases* of two or throe of a family occupying places in the High School, &ail. if fees were lin- mood, were it only the small sum of Visa great hardship would result to the poorer claim of parents, and draw a line between the rich and poor in the matter of education. If the fees were put on in the High School the parents would insist upon 'mother form being added to the Public School, and the employing of en additional teacher there would entail an expense that the imposition of fees in the High School would scarcely more than compensate for. We get at the rate of $2.50 s head from the Govern- ment for each pupil,and it was, therefore, in our interest ie have as few bur- ritos Re possible against those see'e lig admission to our High School. Circulars were being sent from High Schools at other points, offering liberal inducements to our best pupils to entice them from us, and the matter of a fee of 105 or $10 would have a tendency to turn the scale against us. The real difficulty arose from the fact uf the Government having broken faith with the educational lastitutions. In 1876 when they were paid from the Governinent ale epropriation by results, the amount per capita on Upper School pupils amounted to $40. The appropriation had, however, been kept stationary, while the Upper School pupils were au- nually incressuig, and the consequence was that now the amount per head was only $2 36 fur the half year. The in- crease in the number of pupils had necessitated a larger staff of teachers, and improved acct edation, thus en- tailing a great expense ; but while the efficiency had bees doubled, the Govern- ment aid had been, as had been shown, materially lessened by the stationary grant being subjected to a far larger divisor than in 1876. The Council should join in a remonstrance to the Government against the grant remaining stationary, or besieg decreased. There were at lea't three good and sufficient reasons why fess should not be imposed on tlte High School, viz :---•(l. ) A certain lees to the town in the natter of board, wheel books, stationery, etc., obtained by pupils attending the High School of Gixlerich from outaide points. (2.) In the event of fees being imposed the of the Public School would have to increased, and an additional teacher engaged. (3.) Practically the working population would be disadvan- tageously situated in comparison with' the more wealthy neighbors, so far as the education of their children wasconcerned, and this was of itself a great hardship. COKIMNIC.tgloro From Mr. Hicluron, manager of the G. T. R., offerin,g te work harmoniously with the G. W. R. in the matter of a station et the Clinton Junction. From Mr. F. Bronghton, manager of the G. W. R., similar in effect. From James Addison re extension of time for paynaent of ta.;es. From Mn Morgan, asking that the taxes be remitted on Iota 1256 and 1267, es the proceeds of the rent of the houses on said lots were the only income that she has for the sustenance of a daughter of the late R. N. Miller, and on these grounds Baked for said remission. Referred to Relief Committee. From Mrs Quick, Mrs blefiwain, John Newell, Mrs Wm Hislop, Mrs Hilliard, Mrs Allsworth, Mrs Gibson, Mrs Harry Reid, praying for remiamon of taxes through inability to pay. Referred to Relief Committee. From Thomas Dixon, praying for remission of taxes, on the ground that his houses have been unoccupied for a considerable portion of the year. Re- ferred to Finance Committee. From William Stewart, showing that he was notified by the aasessors that his property was assessed at $500, and when he came to pay his taxes he found he was assessed on the yell for $550, causing hirn tb pay *1 more than he was entitled to; therefore he asked to have the situ. refunded. Granted. From John Whitelock a.ndGeo Frazer praying that the allowance formerly granted to each of them and recently stopped, be continued. Both petitions were signed by the heaviest ratepayers in the town. Mr. Dancy said both the men had friends in good circumsta.ness, and he was in favor of sending them to their friends or sending them to eaol. Mr. Elliott could not see why one man got $2 and the other only $1.50. Mr. Sloane -Mr. Frazer has • cabin to live in; that inakes the difference. Mr. Nicholson thought they could be better attended to in gaol; and moved that they be sent there. Mr. Garrow -The town cannot send persona to gaol merely for asking amid- Rev. IL L. Elwood be remitted. Car- ried. Moved by Mr. Lewis Elliott, seconded by Mr. James Cordele that no person but au adult be allowed to impound a milch cow, lobe impounded under the Ily-law of the Town of °Wench. The chairman ruled the motion out uf order. HARBOR Ciritsrs141110(Tn. Moved by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. bettor, that the Council do petition Ute Dominion Government, leaking them to do the dredging required at the en- trance to the piers, at the earliest pos- sible moment in the spring; and that they construct • breakwater or pier in the harbor from the eget end of the pier to the new breakwater oar the noreh side of the harbor, in order to pre ve• the sand from washing into the har- t • lied that a pier be built on the north side ofthe present river outlet; and that the lietition be drawn up by the Mayor, Mr. Garrow and Mr. Johnston, and for -1 anted to the Government. Carried. ().t motion the Council adjourned. CO1b022S. A public examination of this pupils of S. S. No. 2, wa.s held on 23rd ult. The teecher, Mr. P. Cantelon, assisted by Mestere Morrish and McDonald examin ed the pupils in their different exercises. At close of examination several of the visitors in attendance expressed them- selves pleased with the proficiency of the school and the accuracy with which the pupils answered the several difficult pro- blems and questions propounded. Mr. Cantelon received a unanimous vote of thanks for the success which has se far accompanied his efforts as teacher in the section. -Con. . . Mr. Dancy was in favor of cutting off the supplies and then sending thein to The funds of the High School at present gaol. were made up as follows :-Government Mr. Sloane did not think gaol accom- fixed grant $450; amount per headof aver- modation good enough for old men. He age attendance $2.50 per annum ; addi- thought it would be cruel to send thew tional amount per head for Upper School to gaol. pupils, from $4 to $5 per annum ; the Mr. Dancy said some of the people County also gives dollar for dollar with who signed the petition did not wish to the Government, and the remainder is have the prayer of it granted. Mr. Acheson stated that Mr. Frazer could be dead three days without his next door neighbor knowing it. If it got into the papers that one of the poor of the town died on our hands, it would made up by the town. ()n motion it was decided to leave the matter over f. ir discussion at the next meeting. From the Fire Company, praying for the Council to take Into consideration "George Faliot" the famous novelist, is dead. Ituctio!teering. C. CURRIE, THE PEOPLED AIM- . 'nONSILE. Goderith. Oat. 1711. FittNOES GRAHAM, LICE N SSD ueissaser for the Counties of Heron and Middlesex Terms reasonable. ( lee Iplo no Hamilton Street Goderich. opposite Co r Hotel. Orders left at Eitusui. office il be attended te- 1751. Miss Anna Hebden, of Llaniilton, while on a visit to her brother in Chica- go, shut herself on Christina day. No cause is assigned for the rash act. be a digrace. the furnishing of a fire alarm. The vote was then taken, and stood:- Mr. Detlor said the Howard Company Yea - Messrs. Johnston, Detlor, when putting in the clock would have put Hutchison, Gordon, Clucas, Sloane. In the fire alarm attachment for $25 Nicholson. Nay - Messrs. Acheron, extra - Mr. Dancy said it waf understood we Dancy, Bingham, Jordan. were te get the clock and fire alarm corn - Accouters. bined, but in .the last contract the fire The following accounts were read and alsrm was thrown off. In the second ar- referred to Finance Committee : -D. Runciman, $12.5b; Wm. Lee, $21; Hart rangement with the Howard Co., we Laid $50 more and threw off the alarm. & Cu., $4.14; G. H. Parsons, $7.81; R. nlThe present &hum was nota satisfactory Flonoy, $9; A. Kirkbride, $4.90: Bu - $46 33; one. The town at present possessed a chanan, Leeson d• Robinson, r'd firecompany and nothing should Benj. Evans, *2; Tn. 8108st, $6.25; be done to militate against its efficiency. Peter Nolan, $24.75; Williams a: Mur- ray, $102. 43; T. J. Moorhouse, 66..; ; The alarm bell was not a good 'one and could not be heard at a distance. gfar account, $2.64; Estate of John Mr. Jordan asked if the alarm had been tried. If the bell did not come up to the guarantee, we had the privelege of returning it. Cattle, $2.30; G. Robertson,$1.75; Thos. MAUR/M. Campbell -Dickson-- At the residence of the bride's father. on the 28th inst., by the Rev. 1'. 31usgrave. Mr. John Campbell, Teacher. of Gorrie. to Miss Jane Dickson, daughter of Charles Dickson, Esq.; of McKillop. A meet -Rock- In Logan. on the Itth by the Rev. Mr. Stein, Mr. August Ament of Mi- chigan. third non of Mr. J. 0. Anent of Sea - forth, to Mary. eldest daughter of John Rock, of Logan. Lindsay - At the residence of the brides'father, on the 2.1nd, by Rev. W. Henderson, Mr. Allan Lindsay, of Hallett, to MIRE Mary Ellen, daughter of Mr. B. Wil- liams, East Wawanosh. Snider-Rayme.nn -At the Manse, M_'Uranbrook. on the 15th init., by Rev. D. B. cRae, Mr. W. S. Snider of York, to Mhos carolers Rey- mann, of Orey. Hiles; -Barkwell-At Londesboro, on the 16th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Caswell. Mr, Wm. Hiles, to Mary Ann,eldest daughter of Mr. It. Barkwell, all of Idullett, Townsend -Crich -At Loudeeboro, on the 14th inat., by Rev. J. Caswell. Mr. T. Tswnie end. to Miss Sarah Crich, all of Tuckersmiih. Chidley-Flemming-At Mildmay, on the terd inst., at the resilience of Dr. Flemming, brother of the bride. Mr. Joseph Chidley. of Clinton, to Ube Mary Flemming, late of Argyleshire, Scotland. Echlin -Haynes -At the residence of the bridegroom's father. Ashfield. by the Rev. It. W. Leitch, on the 254.11 ult., Mr. Henry Echlin, to Mite Ada ' Allicid Haynes. of Colborne. Symington -Medd -At the Manse. Manchest- er. on the 25th ult., by the Rev. lir. Prit- chard, Mr, John Symington. of Colborne. to Miss Mary Medd, of W Wawanosh. Armstrong-Kernighan-On the 29th Decem- ber, by the Rev. S. Krupp, 51r. .1. W. Arm- strong, teacher in S. &soften No. 4, Colborne, to Mho Ellen Matilda, eldest daughter of J. Kernighan, Magistrate, of the same town- ship. Ring-Rosker- On the 30th ult. by the en' erable Archdeacon Elwood, Mr. Charles Leta King, to Miss Sarah Ann Hooker, both of the town of Goderich. Estray Animals. TRAY HEIFER CALF - CAME 1A;bbituathe tetra:area kr.f. the sub, riab:.tr4 Pont white betier salt The owner will please peel e property pay expanses and take it away. We. Rice minnow. 1764. QTRAYED FROM THE PREMISES 13 of the subscriber. during September, two steers, one year cid: one grey. and the other red with • white star in Um. Well marked oar both ears. Any information 'eliding to their remover, will be satiably rewarded. Roamer ecnse. hot & gotta. Colborne. 1764 -111 - the People's !Column. JOB PRINTER WANTED IMME- 11 None other need apply. Stead T employment. Apply to Told Soo At. Ooderteh. ANY PERf4ON HAVING A GOOD Rain& or other robe hassle, leave word at Tax Stalest. slating orlon 1297. CIAUTION.- THE PUBLIC ARK itio, e hterebeyintattlOuld3i .1bgRultit roma:thigcns hs W. F. Fnwoett, =ring date of Dee. Mst, 1881.1 As the note has not been endorsed by us, is not negotiable. SECORD & COZZENS. - - Dentistry. XII NICHOLSON, sunknoy DO.1 TisT. Office and resideare.Wattlissoi.1 rich three doors below Bank of MuntreW CE HAVING JUST FILLED MY Ice house with some beautiful clear toe. I invite the public to examine my stock. and ret my rates for summer delivery. Call early. before the stock he all bargained for. W. McCaw asilkmea, near the M. E. Church, Dederick 1768-3t. MOORHOU W [SHIN W KNIGHT, PRACTICAL KAR %Ws 41.11it,,itiii,i,121riirosert. hero. to otled RAPPY NK iu 7 Ilell tri continanoit cUtoloto. Ht. can alwaye he foundtlat his Shaving Parlor. near the Post Office. ilosierich. TO ALL. ' ThebiCal: _ . tonsoriel. USIC -MISS SKIMMINGS WILL .1v1. resume !treeless in music for Mao and Osidaet Organ, on Monday. ard Jan. atter the Xmas Vacation. Vacancies for two or three pits. Terms 116 per quarter in advance. 1.erich Mils Dec. 1880. 1767 -it. BOAR }OR SERVICE -A PEDI- DIME Berkshire boar (from Bow Park.) 1.1 G. MACKID, M. 11.. PHYSI- 1 1 . clan, Surgeon and Aceoucher. Illeadunte of Toronto Univernity. Office opposite Cages,- ronedcCerrequirerona': thbeIla enk, nkLocknue. line, 1. oftie. %nay. - -I AR. MeLEAN, PHYSICIAN,-SUR- tieos. Coroner. Ste. °Mee and realtiene0751. oa Bruce Street, second door west of Victoria ------ nRS. SHANNON & HAMILTON, • Physiciann. Surgeons. Aesioni hem, &r. 011oe at Dr. Shannons redirect. near the Jail. Goderich. O. C. SHANNON, J. t'. hisiOl -- 1751. TON. JAIKENHEAD, V.S., (Sr CCESSI/R . to ))r. Duncan) Graduate of Ontario Ve- terinary College. Office, stables and residence. on Newgate Street. four doors east ofroliboroe751. Hotel. le. ti. Horses exaniiited as to round. for service. Terms et to be paid at time of service. F. SEMCIMILLER. flume Road. Mitchell, $2.75; S. Weller, $1.50; F. R. Mann. $4; D. Gordon, $5; Jas. A. Mc- Intosh $2.50; 0. W. Davis, $20.78; G. Mr Ciucu cker.u R $4; Geo. Clark, $2.75; John beli.v.ed the fire alarm uas obertson, Hillier, $1.44; Jas. Cragie, $1; D. Fer- me right if it could be made to strike peon, $10.78; E. Graham, cleaning q ' Mr. Dancy understood , a change had hose $2. been made in the oontract An aceount was also presented fnen Capt. Cox for injuries received by " the . ?be Chairman -No change was made falling of an advertising erection, placed In the contract it was merely a chalig- on the sidewalk, to the amount of $70, being the amount charged by the doctor and an attendant. Resolved that said hill be paid. A statement of the Treasurer was read showing the receipts to be $16.737,33, and the amount paid ont ei have been $14,782,19. Balance in batik, $1,994,48. ens HION semen. ran evilin11011- Moved by Mr. Nicholsint, seconded by Mr. Bingham, that. Mesers. Adamson and Strang be heard on behalf of the High School Trustee& Carried. Mr. Adamson said a Committee (nen the Council had met the High School Trustees, but as no raturfatnry arrange- .. men! had been come to, Mr. ihranit and 4 himself had been instructed to wed on the Courted regarding the matter. If fees were pleomi on the High School an additional form would be required in the Public School, and in that ease rio saving would result to the town. If • fee was pot on it it should he es light as poasible certainly net more than St. Of the 105 High Schools in °Marie only 22 chersted fees. After explaining the tinenciel position, and eientriurting the positien of Oodench High School with the schools of Oalt, Hamilton, Kingston end other points he resumed hie seat. Mr Stnuee, the Head Master , of the Rigb Schon), nn heing .eked to 4111111sia the position of affairs bit the Onessil, staesd thet an erroneous neoreestre os. looted that his malary was endangered, and that, therrfore, h. Piaci • direct per- sonal interest in the result Seel was ••efilt nM the ease. as the questior ef fees or no f. An had meshing whstever te An with kis soden. 11%• III fiehonl was or- iestitinion in the interest of the t ,wn. end as there were from thirty bit cony flee pltrile etteRnalle ?Mee OME- ed offer. Moved by Mr. Danoey, seconded by Mr. Jordan that the matter be referred to the Fire Committee Moved in amendment by Mr. Ache- son, seconded by Mr. Elliott, that the /natter be referred to the Clock Commit- tee. Cerried. Yes -Johnston, Detlor, Hutchinson, Acheson Elliott, Bingham, Gordon, Cleats, Nioholson,--10. Nay, - Deasy, Jordsa,-2. wow OP rrwasvcs onsinsirrris. To the Mare Goehicil of Goderie.h: Your eon:mates beg to recommend as follows- That the amount of John Mc- Callum for services for pumping water during four months, he referredhack ie the Council, and would recommend that as the Public Works Committee had to do with the matter, explanationi should be received front it We »tom- inend the payment of the following ac- oremtse-T. J. Moorhens., 66e.; Tn. gluill•t, 16 ; Boobanan, Lawson & Robineoa, *453 3; Bestj. Erase, St ; Wm. Lott St; It. Boanotny, $9; flIer, $2.64; B. Weller, 411.50,• Peter Nolan, $77.75; G. H. Persona, s7 RI; F R Mann $4; lestate et Jolts Mitchell, $3.75; A. Kirk- bride, $4.90,• D. Rencimen, $12.56; Bart & Oa 6114; James Bailey $1.50; 0. Davis, oars; Tun Alessi, in* & Murray, *102.43: J. RiWor, $l. 44; Om. Clark, $2.76; Thos. WorAherskl, $4; Gen. Robertson, 1,76; Ose. Cattle, $2.30; Jas A. Mo - 1M, PM; D. Gordon, 1116; James $I; D. Ferguson, $IG 7A. An ?II= is respectfully subwillied. J C. Dimon, Chairman. Moved by Mr. Ditaey, swoons:ad by Mr. Noise, theft the sonnerat Jobs MeCalhsia lie also pawl. amounting to mreet. WOOD WANTED --100 CORDS OF green wood. good maple and leech, four feet in length, tree from limbs and back hoga to be delivered at the Oodertch publi school, by the 1st of March. 1881. Tenders to be for not ler than ten cords. Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 31st December. Md. W. Mercuntt. Sec. Board, 1766. Manstone-Montgotnei y -At the residence of the bride's father, Walkerton,f on the 30th Dec., Mr. W. F. Vanstone, eldest son of Wm. Vanatone, Eaqr. of Brusseln. to Minnie J. second daughter of John Montgomery. Esqr. of Walkerton. Hamilton- Dickinnon -At Trinity (Memorial) Church, Cornwall, on the Und inst., by the Rev. Canon Pettit, ansisted by the Rev. Mon- tague Pool, Dr. C. F. Hamilton. of Ooderich. Ont., and stepson of G. ('. Shannon. M. D.. Eaqr. of the same place, to Harriet 8., eldest daughter of J. J. Dickinson, M. 11., gage, of Fairlawn House. Cornwall. hi Eh. Campbell -At the residence of Mr. John Whitely, con. 7. Goderieh 'Fp, on Thursday. 6th inst.. Mrs- Margaret Campbell. Goderich. Aged 81 years. The funeral will take place from Mr. White- ly's residence on Saturday. Jan. tsth. at one o'clock. *A* nioonts sr wnnld nof etherwise WM °wrist Pomp to Cl vderieh al least $100 a week Moviwi by Mr J ohnston seconded hy urson_ 'i and lorigung , 14v WicAreasuott, that the emotes las of For Sale or To Let. CORDWOOD WANTED. - THE UN - tee DERSIONED. having purchased the Do- minion Sail Block, is now prepared to buy all kinds of cordwood, for which cash will be paid. For farther penholders. apply to Chas. A. Nairn. the Square; or at the Star Salt Works. JOHN SCOBIZ. 1753 FOR SALE. - A GOOD HORSE, harneee and cutter. Horse good BiAgie or double, and sate for children to drive. 1'1111 be sold separately or together. cheap for cash. Apply to E F. Amenettome, & Bros. Fanning M111 makern, Goderich. 17813 -It. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE- AT Dungannon. 12 miles from floderich. consisting of i of an acre of land, well teased: • frame house, a gond well and pump are aloe on the premises. The lot has been well im- proved. Terms reamonable. Particulars can be had from Mr. J. M. Roamers, Merchant. Dungannon, or R. It. BROWN, Nile P. 0. 1787-0 OT I C E. Re-OpimgofSchools. All the Text Books authorized for us, HI High, Model and Public Schools can lo bought CHEAPEST from . Legal. .- - crannow & PROUDFOOT, BAR • , RISTERS. Attorneys. solicitors. Mee Goderich. J. T. Garrow, W. Prowlers*. ITU, D L DOYLE, BARRISEER A N D .5.. ch. liofti,ir.y, :-Iolleitor in Chaseerfie.. ni& 0 . QEAGlitl 4t MORTON, BARRIS- 1 13 TERM. R...., s: ... Onderich and U. ingleiln. C. Sews.: Jr.. 4 i .1,trleh. J. A. Morton. v% Ing- ham. ll'M. Q MALCOM* oN, BARRISTER AND MarketSolicitorsq. ua(lbrefle.e0-Cverornateoarr of W.e4stommarstreect aoodkinclerich.1711. MOOREOTTSE. con BOWLS. Sealed tenders will be received by the un- denugned on behalf of the County until the 14th instant, for lowering the ceiling of the Court Room. Plans and specifications may be seen in my office. The lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted - PETER ADAMSON. County Clerk. Goderich, JaPryith, MM. 1761-21. NOTICE. The Annual Meeting of the Horticultural Society will be bold in the Grand Jury Room IM Welt o'clock p. m. on Thuaday the 13th Jan- saa7, for the t lectIon of °dicers. etc. PETER ADAMSON, Jan'y 3rd. NM 1768-11. secretary. Lit/USE, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND 11 I ft corner of Victoria and Feat stride, ln the town of Goderich. for male cheap, or will be exchanged for farm property, Icorparticulsrs. _ appiy to Jas. Mune. Architect, ata Crabb's Block. or J. C. cream, auctioneer. rLET A BLACKSMITH 81110P e.onvealentty 'situated, being fry tbe mediate viciTior of Mill, Hotel and Free Oillea. This is a ottani for horseaboeXC jobbing. leo • one story frame hones. sad oboe shop. This is a rare ebrisliNo for • good Bat once to R. J. H. Deumit Port laekemith and fereeenakAz41 QHICPPARDTON- FARM you kJ Rale ID acres, st sores elearisil and 11 fenewd. Reek Cottage 16:11, Mose cellar else of hones. A large creek rune throng% the lot, no waste land on the meek. A very fine orchard surrounds the home. Geed barn sad Alum handlings Terms very eaLikiltz 10 81. T. Wisteria, lot le Lake Mime horse Township. QIIIIIIPPARDTON. STORE, WITH ki Pest 0111oe, for sale or to meth er1t hire Matt. Stook all fresh and good. WEledios may terms. having other hoist= to to. For forther partheriar, 11•Tranas Also im mires ot 10.1 WeraMW Lot 8, on the lei ma., E. D. Mord Or - rear& Trams Home, sod au15bk. Fifty aeres cleared and well fossed. *30e eros with 16 &wee of bay. will he gives lat. R. T. N. OW. 1-1 CAMPION, ATTORN E Y - A T 1:4. LAW, Solicitor in cheseery. Convey aneer, &c. Ofilce over !letter's store. Gode- rich, Ont. Any &memo of money to ken at - -- - --- -- ) lowest rates of intereet. 17111. PAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, ' N._} Barristers. Solicitors in Chancery. Es. Ooderich and Wingham. 51. C. Cameree. L()WEST POSSIBLE C.;' P. Holt. M. 0. Cameron. Goderich W. Macare. Wingbeer. est. PRICES FOR CASH FOOLSCA.P, PINS, PENCILS, RUBBER, EXERCISE BOOKS, and every School Requisite, ARE OFFERED AT THE N OTIC E. _ The .tanuel meeting of the West Riding of Huron Agricultural Society will be held in the Court House at Ooderich, on Wednesday. Jan. Illth. 1881. at one o'clock p. no.. for the pur- pose of reweteing (he Annual Iteport of the Directors. electing Officers and Directors for the ensuing year. and other businew. JOHN VARCOE Colborne Tp., Jan. 4.1881. 1718-21. Secretary. VOTICK-THIC ANNUAL MEET- 1NG of the Ooderloh Petroleum and Salt Company will be held at the Mike or Cameron. Holt et Cameron, on Saturday, 15th January. at 7 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing Directors for the ensuing year. HORACE HORTON. Seey.-Treae.G.P. & S. CPy. Goderich. 100, Dec., 1380.-1713.6t. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE tot & yea s, Throws of (kosserse. Go. 5=4 rootaistisig ill sores 7, of void)* am and le e geed Mate of reltiestiott. rep ata trams Home EOM with eollar molar wtheism 141* wood AM Melt illithiebZi.heter series, also weer nal* mem There ie a wen with a serer *MIME IIPPIME sad a goodc: seelhard with Mehl 011 trete. setteebsO. may. Pm parthielan apply to TROY Ae ATMS, it=t=r111161474/Lts Gamow s. l\TGTICE-IIAVING BOUGHT OUT .1.1 the right, title and interest of Robt. headman and Wilson Salkeld in the Gode- rich Foundry: The firm of 1). Runciman ttCo. is theretore dissolved. Al monies due or to beeome due. are to be paid to O. Runciman: who will pay all legal debts contracted by said amt. All Hook accounts must be paid on or before the 15th January next. lisvto 1764. Doderich, Nov. 12th, 1898. Miscellaneous tart*. AM118 SMAILL, ARCHITECT, &c. tr Office. Crabb's Block Kingston st- (mole rich. Plans andsziefications drawn correct- ly. Carpenter's' rer's and wason's work measured and valued. TO THE ELECTORS OF T. PAT- RICK'S WARD. OtteTtgair,-Accept my thanks for the very hearty support you gave me in eiecting me as one of your repreeenta.lves at the Council board for the year 1181. Yours truly. 17191 It. W. McKarrens. ER. WATSON, HOUSE, SIGN . and Ortutmental Painter.. Parlor decor- ating made a specialty. GRAINING. GILDING. GLAZING. Shop OR North Street. opposite tbe Registry Office, Goderich. 1751 STRATFORD BINDERY-ISTAB- LISHED UM. This eitahlkahnseat la &left devoted to job and library work, especially to those unique and economical half calf lied mor - root* styles. In all oases the best of stock and workmanship, with strength and beauty cent- bized. Bindery overJohn Dutton's drug store. GEORGE STONE. 151LECTOR8 OF THE TOWN OF 1.4 OODERICH. Ocrrrt1wur.-1FlavIng been elected by you as 1st Deputy Reeve of the Town of Ooderich. 1 hereby tender you my most hearty tnanks for the honor conferred upon me, and 1 can assure you it wUl he my most earnest desire to din - the duties develrine upon me no as to cintirriir& oontinuanoe of your confidence ours truly. 11118-11. WM. CAMPBELL. CARD OF THANKS. To irketors of the Tows of Ooderkh. 1 desire to surer ray wannest thanks to thos Ictretexair bertAubr • purely nasolielted vote rat large majorfti Mayer tor the merest year And Estau ra earneet attention to the duties wWi 'Mee Impores. with such ability as I limy =1:010. nosy. in pare nay Mewls for the ha me. Wishner to aU a pmemirovie=ey year. 1 YR sinnerely rows. Met. HORAPII itearon. MORTGAGE SALE OF HOURS *ad 103, 3* the town of Oederlob, in the Srse Stow Ceder sod by virtue of a ef emir) osotafted ln a certain M seed. by *wry *no A Ilan 11 wilt be =AIM the time ocIV:. rualea, ."1"1141 ... REM. Auctioneer. at his 'HI be hold ItietrIZ Amelia M.. ....... on awn:funky, JAN. 18th 1881. 1 the bout Of a Vete* noon, the followiag . 501 8.. 1011, In the said sewsJL costsitatig mie-firih of as ssearaolmr There la epos Om s' lemma nets , with sad gond well. Tit* pee liffl OT RAI*: eelers per rent down at SIM OWN fe..W._Mmos to beanspamwedpathide sae• reareyeare apd ,..Timpeebseeesrth. egtoWnt for th. mena portion se tire pur Sr1•7111.=clible4n"Iti!ronS le =wd Itr.""V.....pistIterane he ireews on t Meth or etut aiptpelay. Ike tr tbe vendor"' Prir forth41r to-threAVea sot er to TriVAVIriglisL, M6.4 Mr 111181 #10410Ma0. OMMERCIAL 'HOTEL, DUNGAN- NQN.-'This first-class hotel, has recently ;Nen rentted and improved boas to turnish Opel beet possible accommodation to the travelling public. Good liquors and choice viands • speciality. An attentive ostler always on band.and excellent tabhlng and sheds. on Ibe THOe. SAHLI& Protr1or. 1716, at liloorhouse' s. N. ft -TRI." I TBE OLDES7', LARGEST AND CHEAPEST BOOK STORE WEST OF TORONTO -E.'4 T A EL INMED JR51. BLANK BOOKS. A complete essortment of every die. cription of Loann s o 3nsurance. BLANK BOOKS, DAY BOOKS, e500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO 1 elP CAMERON. HOLT &CAMERON. Gode- rich. Mg 4k75,000 TO LEND ON REAL E8-; qv TATE. Terms favorable. Apply to B. L. DOYLE, Goderich. 1751 a50,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND ni1 on good Farm or liret-elass Town Property at 8 percent. Aooly to R. RADCLIFFE. 1751 Ayr, ONEY TO LEND IN ANY .131. amount to snit borrowers at ee to 7 per cent. Private funds. Apply to SILMAKR and MORTON, Goderich. MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST Mortgage at reasonable rates of interest and on terms to suit borrowers. Address Jaime 9TZWART, Saltford P. 0. 1750. MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE amount of Private Funds tor investment at lowest ratan on first-class Mortgagee. Apply to °ARROW k PROCDFOOT. -NSONEY TO LOAN. THE CANA- ASA. DA Landed Credkt Company. Tomato - JOHN LAING BLARIB. Le.. President Money is lent by this Company to individuals open the same meteor ea to muntotpalitim--essid for Circulars, IRTGII HAMILTON, C. L. Agent, Roderick. 1716 *10,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND tilw on Farm and Tows Property at lowest la - tercet Mortgages modules& im Commission tairi, C,oriveyeacing Pees reameable. sorrewers can obtain nomey in me day if this 1. estiodeelory.-DAVISON k JOHN- wrori. Barristers, Ite.„ Oodierink. 1755 RADCLICITE FIRR, MARINI, lAfe and Aeoidest Isestriusee Agent. RepresenUag ilirst.elnescempaaies. suseagest for the CANADA LITZ 9TOPR Isisritsisce Co. Money to lead on Mortgage, either is Teen or Tana Property, hsay way to watt the borrow. sr. ostoe--inpetatrio NAY. Meek. lioderielt Ont. 1704 INSURANCE CARD. BRITISH ASK CO'T. To.,.rro Mstohgehag WEL 1PHOENIX INN. dCOT. of towers illogloadh- EstablisheMIL RARTVORD IW&CWT. 08 iii merroan. Comm MotaiMsbed WM. Risk, bikes 10 (1,. shove dest-elase 011iees, at the lowest nem by HOKACK HORTON The it adortAgiosi h also Appraiser 10 (1,. CANADA MR- LOAN moo NA V INGO teyy, Toeoirro. Messy in Lima ilemeeses seciertty. frem 7 to / per OWL sioderats. 11101LACE HORTON. GeGeriek Mogi. W. MIL 1751 BOARDING AND DAT 1ICH0014, Owe sf the heat Private fishoole ef miters tbit4tereielteil terbeet=tw4iwistly estrittherl itt Gale- FLETC1M., North irommer nth' Tag be reeereed (1). 1.1 se LEDGERS, JOURNALS, CASH BOOKS, MINUTE BOOKS, PASS BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS, MEM. BOOKS, INDICES, &c. Also a full stock of Pocicifilaites iar 1881, at greatly redu rotes. SUNDAY SCHOOL LIBRARIES A fresh assortment of Boo specially selected and adapted circulation in Sunday Sohoole A liberal discount allowed according amount of purchase C•11 and see samples and me en tines at MEIN thideroodi al 1800 7