The Huron Signal, 1881-01-07, Page 6THE NURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1881.
e. rebMer:v Lowly.
velt:lt rantAPH HAHI:t..
to bottle, I»wever lowly;
:wl eeuuud by many •'pelt;
within its precious holy
„Rorie he towed for Love to ,twclL
The" la, sure, no spot ou earth.
W&ur'esu'er our steps may roam,
Cil oa to iiee the wuilirtg hearth
Ofa4raaquil. happy home.
Mime le Lome, however lowly;
Thele t. amity in the word;
Strife, avasut end Melancholy.
Whirr Ye comforts I record!
Woman dear my wing approve,
To my aid, pet auto, conic!
Mptlist 1 hymn', with duteous love,
time, however homely. home.
Home is home, however lowly;
Peaceful pleasures there abide;
Soothing thought* and visions holy
('luster round our own fireside.
Though the outer world be dark,
And its ocean lashed to foam,
Hate within Its sheltering ark,
Ail is calm and bright at home.
Home is home, however lowly;
lie sweet when sterna are rife.
Um have struggled slowly
tangled ways of life;
, faint, and weary,
ief again to roam.
ur burden dreary,
door of home.
'a daughter still lives in his
est features become hand -
es when eeeeciated only
i'gs; and the luvliest face
linked with ill humour
ladisi should conic r
ink of this ey
fel: the
been made
f the United
tatives to pro -
It is to appoint
, dating his com-
'nere trout the time of his
mission, and providing that
may call on hint in case of
e the all-ahsorbing topic is the
c ' : ilway Syndicate Terms. These
wttneis are now known throughout the
antsy, and have been disclosed by the
Very few of the newspapers
ve it a hearty support ; a good number
damn it with faint praise; while the
majority denounce it unequivocally.
Some young men of Toronto are form-
ing a "Matrimonial Association," the
,object being to assist members at the
time of marriage. Each one who is in
good standing is taxed S5 on the marriage
of a member of the Association, and the
bulk sum is handed over to the new
made benedict.
Heads we mitt -toile you lose, would
be a very appropriate motto to put upon
the Syndicate's stationery. Under this
contract all profit is of necessity, and, as
a matter of counsel, theirs, while all losses,
should such come about, will equally, as
a platter of course, fall on the country.
{Montreal Witness.
4 is
incial Govern-
tilent isunderstood nge he advisability of
employing an expert to purchase cattle
and sheep to be slaughtered for the sup-
ply of the Insane Asylums throughout
the Province with meat. The quality
of meat at present supplied by contract
has not been satisfactory. The Grand
Jury, last spring, contemned as unfit
for food, some of the meat supplied to
- the Toronto Asylum.
When the Irish orator, Curran, met to
tight a duel with the notorious Bully
$gen the latter complained of the differ-
ence in size, saying that he was as easily
hit as • turfstack, while a nun might as
wellre at a razor's edge a% at Curren.
Whereupon Curran proposed that his
size should be chalked out on F.ogan'e
side, and every shot that hit outside that
nark should go for nothing.
u Phrases and bele Origin.
The origin of phrases is curious and
interesting, and speculation in regard
to their origin are very common. The
common phrase, "Catching a Tartar,"
has its origin variously stated. Grose,
the antiquarian, says it came of a story
of an Irish soldier in the imperial service
who, in a battle with the Turks, called
out to his comrade that ho had caught a
Tartar. "Bring him along, then,"
"He won't come," answered Paddy.
`!Then corseoueself," said hid comrade.
To which the Hibernian responded,
"Alt, but he won't let me go."
"I have a bone to pick with you," is a
phrase that is uncomplimentary to the
ladies at starting. It means, as is well
known, having an unpleasant matter to
settle with you, and this is the origin of
the phrase: At the marriage of the Si-
cilian poor, the bride's father, after the
meal; used to hand the bridegroom a
bone, saying: -"Pick this bone, for you
have taken in hand • harder task."
"You cannot say boo to • goose."
How often have person relieved their
feeling* of irritation at the weakness of
others by hurling this phrase at them'
Had the latter only known its origin,
they could have 'wed the former back in
their own coin. The origin is this When
Ben Jchnson,the dramatist , wasintmduc-
ed to a nobleman, the peer was so atreck
with his homely appearanoe that he ex-
claimed: "What' are you Ben Jenson?
Why, you look as if eencould nntsay hese,
r.. a goose " "Bon"' exclaimed thewatty
dramatist, turning to the peer and nuking
his bow.
The wall -known saying that "the shoe-
maker should stiok to his last," origin-
ated with Appellee, the celeb eted Greek
painter, who set a picture he bad finished
in a public place and co, mated himself
behind it in order to hear the criticisms
ofprassrs by. A shoemaker, observed
a d•Iaet in the shoe, and the painter
forthwith corrected it The a ohhler
name again the newt day, and mn-
eouragewl by the suooesa of his firer re
mark, began to extend hie repaint r.
the Seg of dui figure, when the anger
eater arose tont his head from behind
p1•toivw and held the shoemaker to
se -L ameioei
Laaatl.aal.a rarer..
The following papers were submitted
to cxndirtatus for eutrance to the High
Scboula Soule of the element were w
rich, that we will give thele next week :
uoMPuai7ION. Tune 11 h"urL
I. Vary the furut of the following sen-
tence in as many ways as you can, keep-
ing the idea,+: "It was out se touch the
lateness of the hour, as the sul$ude and
desolatiuu of the place, that terrified ute.
2. lie -write this postale, with proper
Is !ling, punctuation, and capitals where
It h y should be : -
te wipe and storming uf' delhi wad
the illustrious event that uueurred in the
coarse of that gigantic struggle the
leguer uf Iiicknow being the near skele-
ton of a britiah regiment the 32i d held
out for slit mohtks against 900 thouaand
armed ' enemeys has perhaps excited
more intense interest but delhi wow the
feet of arms of which briton has moat
cause to be proud there too the britisf,
were re, ler the besieged though osten-
sably the seigera they were a clear hand-
ful a men more titan J700 bavnots
sailed by 75 thousand men traiued men
trained to europealt dissip line by eugliah
officers deato wounds and feaver failed
to tura them from there purpose thirty
times they were attracted by overwelnt
ing no's and thirty times did they, drive
the mummy behind their defend..•.,.
3. Correct the cothposition in these
(at) I never have and never will adopt
this practice.
(b) He had thus host hie opportunity
which never again returned, not even for
a lilunteitt.
4. Show the different meanings that
may be conveyed by each of the follow-
ing: --"I cannot find nue of my books."
"Every ono is unwillingly deprived of
his property."
5. Write a short . letter asking a
friend to pay you a visit.
ENGLISH HISTORY. -Titre-1ly hours.
1. Tell how William the Norman came
to be king of the English, and how he
made his rule very strong.
2. What is meant by the expres-
sions- `to do homage,' `self -taxation,'
feudal tenant,' 'minsters of the 'crown,'
`prime minister ?'
3. What was the cause of the troubles
between King Charles I. and his Parlia-
ment, and to whet did they lead ?
4. Show !tow England and Scotland
came to be one kingdom, and how the
union did good to both.
5. Tell what you know about the war
against the American colonies in the
reign of George IIL, and its results.
6, What do you 'understand by Free
��7 Limited Monarchy, the Whig
DItttriort.-Time-20 minutes.
A. A group of stately figures wrapped
(Holiday Presents
Photo and Autogr'apli Albums in great variety, Work Boxes, Writing Desks, very
suitable fur presetata fur Teachers and Sokolars
Stock is New, very complete, and ckas%s of dies' and Gents Purses, l'hina
Goods of all kinds, Ruby Goods,Vtj,es Ladies'
many patterns, Flower Pots,
Cups and Flowers,
China and Wax Dolls l
A Large Assortment. Smokers' Sundries" Merteehauw Pipes and Cigar Holders
and Brier Pipes ---100 Different Styles.
School Books, Miscellaneous Books,
'pieties, Prayer Hooka, Church Sermons, W as .rt's Hynin Books, Psalm hooks,
Arc., fie. --Subscriptions taken for all the best F.NOLIsn, Somme,
Magazines at Publishers' lowest
rates --now is the tune
to subscribe.
A full stack of School Books, for Teachers and High and Model Scho el Students
All will be sold cheap, and Patrons suited. I have a choice
and large selection of
Christmas and New Year's Cards!
otuinion Telegraph and Postage Stamp Office.At U
1782 L
If You Want Good
-00 TO -
Hamilton Street, Opposite Bailey's Hotel.
In addition to the ordinary lines of the Grooery and Crockery Trade, I carry a fu stock o[
Floor, Mos, Pork and Gelioral Prosioiiz
in rich military cloaks with helms glia l l F pea l t ng and Moderate Prices
tening in the torchlight, and plumes
a r
streaming on the wind, struggle onward
beside the litter.
B. Inspired by their poets, and cheer-
ed on by a superstitious belief in the
prophecies of their soothsayers, they
never thought of yielding, even when
they had lost the power of naistanoe.
G. In spite of the 'great disparity
the opposing armies and the formidabl
preparations made by the enemy, Gene
ral Brock prepared to carry the fort by
irrimeOTIC.-Tine-2 hours.
1. Define -Number, Numnwtion,'No-
tation, Addend, Minuend.
2. Find the G. C. M. of sixty-eight
million five hundred and ninety thousand
one hundred and forty-two, and eighty-
five million forty-four thousand and fifty-
3. For a voyage of 17 weeks a ship
takes provisions to the amount of 48 toms
4 cwt. 2 qra. 20 lbs 9 os. Supposing
that there are 73 men aboard, how much
mAy be allowed each elan per day ?
4. Find the amount of the following
bill: -14j tbs. beef at 10c., 124 the. pork
at 94c., 3 turkeys, weighing in all 354
tbs. , at 121c. per tb. ; 12 tb. 10 oz. lard,
at 15c. per oto. • 5 geese, weighing in all
45 ib. 12 oz., at 10c. per tt .
n. Simplify -
implify-59 of ZS
3 + 3.3 of 2 - 14 of £le 16a. 7 plot.
7 of (2.045 - .5) £'70 16e. old.
Coal Oil also -toad. Mee my Stock and get my prices.
Sr Goods delivered to any part of the Town.
D. Ferguson.
Daniel Gordon
Cahi�el-Ma�cr and Uudcrlatcr
Oldsaf Howe in the toasty, ani Largest .Stock this aide of London !
['alums Sunni,
Bin -Roost Smits,
EAMY C>taja, ,
Lot-somoretv., arc.
Cash Buyers will end it to their advantage to scc my stock if they need a good article at
dose price.
n. (;ORI)ON; Nest Street, rear Foot (tfr., noderidh.
6. What is the weight of a block of A R D W A R E S T O C K
stone 12 ft. 6 in. long, 6 ft. 6 in. broad, I t
and 4 ft. 1 4 in. thick, when a block of
the same kind of stone 2 ft. 6 in. long, -0E-
3 ft. 9 in. broad, and 1 ft. 3 in. thick,
weighs 1875 tba ?
7. A man, after paying in income tax
of 154 mills in the dollar, and spending
$3.37 a day, is able to save $1230.87
a year (365 days). Find his gross in-
The correspondence isbetwpen Captain
Boycott and Gledstoee. The fotner
asks the assistant* of the Government
to indemnify him for losses caused by his
having to quit Ireland. Gladstone re-
plies that the Government have already
largely aasisted Boycott with troops, and
to this Boyoott replies that the army was
sent to Lough Mask against his wish,
and regrets that the Government refuses
him compensation.
No man should do more work of
muscle or of brain in a day than he can
perfectly recover from the fatigue of in a
good night's rest. Up to that point
ozonise is good; beyond are waste of
life, exhaustion, and decay. When
hunger calls f* ttend flltigue' dm
mends rest, w/ see he aakaAC u/idise
and keep the balance of life. When we
take stimulants to spur our jaded nerves,
or excite an appetite, we are wasting
"Tim/ ALL no IT -To beautify the
teeth and give fragrance to the breath
use "Teaberry' the new toilet gem. (lot
25 cent sample. 1763
art tr te�nfi 1�it � a� to rdv-
of pe1,Mc pat i ' " trf'oifaldy no aritE
cls ever offered to the public has met
with the same success as GLT'e STRUT
or Ran Rvlrre Grog. Thousands of
mulies in tike Fkomininn it in lksior
homes ss finest&
llew gale of this kieiehas
enormo i5 proportions Our advice
the pehltc at large is to try its virtues if
they should at any time enfnrtnrrslstf�
...meow either c'„tighs or C.nlis ,jys.'•�/
tie 1sT '1'1 r'.etn,ate Arlo?
11R.I: b. FERC+Usow
nearly all of said Stock, as well as my own original Rteek. was loought better she Airframe
•f Metaware. i am therefore in s potation to asrl caramelise. lay other
ttt.e 1. the County.
Farmers' Builder' G��eral
llardwar, IS �8
whbh i want to non off Qulokly.
OOMZ AND stir AT fIIoa !'thole All WILL reside roe.
Fresh Ground 'Water Lime in Stook.
AOjl't yih'1R saw '4TEEL, BARB PENCE WIRE
•8C [fit
4)1 3 Q
PRINTED at the ethos of THE Hi-'ItON SIGNAL,
North Street, Go 1.riich.
A distinct and peculiar
FOR '1.111: 1:F.LIF:F AND CURE
-arca Al -
Consumption. E:oachitis, Asthma, Genera: 'hinty, Bastin
Exhaustion, C'-i-onio Constipation, Chronic Dlarrhceat,
Dyspepsia, o: Loss of Nervous Power. It is un-
equalled in the treatment of Palpitation
of' the Heart. Trembling of the
Hands and Limbs, Loss of
Appetite, Energy or
t acts with vigor, gentleness and subtlety, owing to the exquisite harmony of Its
ing.e.lirit a, *kin to pare brood itself. I's taste is pleaaan', and itseffoots peraisnest.
les fi et moment effect is to increase the appetite. it acids digestion, and causes
the fuel to is nsilate properly -thus the system is nourished. Halm, by its tone:
aetioun on tee ti ,;esters organs, induces more copious and regular eracu u ani. The
rapidity with w',ich patients take on flesh while under the influence of oke Rump; of
itself indicates that no other prrparation ran be better adapted to help awl noureh
the constitution, and hence be mere efficacious in all depression of spirits, shaking or
trembling of the hen& or body, cough, shortness of tenth, or consumptive hab,'.
The nerves and muscles become strengthened, and the blood purified.
In the summer of 1864, I was suddenly effected by a copious expectoration of
muco -purulent matter. I had been declining in health fur some months, and, being
exceedingly nervous, the symptoms auaed alarm. As my business was that of a
dispensing chemist, the shop was constantly visited by medical men, all of whom
tendered their advice. During 1864 and 1865 my chest was examiaed by ten Ont
class physicians, some of whoa pronounced the caw Bronchitis ; some, not wist,ing
cause alarm, or unwilling to voltam an opinion, gave no decision ; some stated un-
equivocally that I had Tubercular Disease of the Lange, and located the trouble
where the pains were felt. By professional advice, I used, in turn, horse -back seer -
elm, country life, eggs and ale in the morning, tomes, Bourbon whiskey, cod-liver al,
electricity, tis, and various iahslenta, bat the trouble increased. Expectoration be -
c ,m• more profuse lad offensive. Night-aweets set in. Cold chills, diarrhea,
dyi:pams, cough, bloodatreaked expeetorstions, lose of sleep, lose of appetite, las of
memory, lose of ambition, accompanied by general prostration, showed themselves.
Under the microsoope the blood sees found to contain bat a small portion of vitalised
corpuscles; the heart's action was feeble ; the pale intermittent ; the stomach could
not digest properly, so that flatulency and acidity was the result. Finding the symp-
toms indicated Consumption, I determined to me every effort to stay its program, and,
if possible, to cure it. i selected the most powerful tonics and moderators, and cos-
bined them with the vital constituents of the hnmaa body. For months I endue.
orad to amalgamate them before my efforts were crowned with succor. I cannot
speak too plainly or too strongly of the effects produced, ani the beagle 1 receiv
ed from the oompo.itLn.
At fiat my appetite increased ; t'.,' toe crow:e: to became easy, digestion better :
the force became mora c epioas al 1 : S4 i; Scut ; acid dulls ceased ; night-eweate
lessened ; I gained in weight ; the Lacking cough left me ; refreshing sleep returned
my spirits became buoyant, the mee 1 sctire and rigo-ons. i continued taking th,,
Syrup month after month ; bat o Bing to the dole,, fuj climate of St. John, my
recovery wee necessarily slow, althoneh 1 could obrrre a gradual return of strength
for three yearn, during which time I continued taking the rettledy. My pr; sent weight
ie one hundred and eighty-eight, being thirty-eight above my u mal. 1 hare 113 symp-
toms left denot'ngdis-ese. The only notable Mign during twelve months was the
expectoration. Now that hes steppe', and I consider myself well. The trader may
ask, How do you know your difculty to hire pieced d from ulcerated or tui.ereu-
latee lung ? 1 answer, in the most certain of all moles for meet mining. 1,1 Molt
last I coughed from the tight lung a piece of PHO3PHATE OF LIME, half theses
of a pea, which could here cone from no other place, and which the highest authority
in Lung Diseases (Laennec) atstes is tli- result of tuberc'e, ecktcA ix..t mired.
Added to this, I hsd the leaden -colors i, purulent, Wood- atraake,l exnr;ors':on, sad
the opinion of one of the best diagoo.tticians in the country. I believe 1 hoe expo.
lanced all the symptoms incilent to the two feet r ages of f'onssnil.tior., and leave
sueeoshily combettei them, so that I do :.ot despair of any car, wee -r three is lett
sufficient lung tissue to build upon. I can only add that the mire montta y, oasiderx-
tion of increased aeies would never indure me to puhlisa this report, but a aincer•
sympathy for the poor Cont)amptive, with whose scot)• tune I believe it viilany to trifle
P.s•pectftc ly,
Inventor of Fellows' Compound Syrup of II,porhofiAilar.
woes Fellows! tJeyeetN d ru eat H
P !lapreephltee is ensured, alk for
4.4 fe Puns so ira.Wiwi u foist d or other artids
t*retet upon you.
Agents for the Dominion of Canada,
sad CbinaleaM, Idose/ sad .4101113**111141410.
.. ,, ... ilea..
Importted Haisnh and Domestic tiltsrs,istpakiTobaboovillte.
Physiologist Presseipi u. W fierily Reeetplsiarrhily etreetens as an nears
, t1
CND 'UR?' 110T.T831E7 844L7
U The mine are camehrted
int a twirl, vrhisi
is tie common of hate a
tnnn a cerasin Haas
of medicine dealers, and which is this : W
hew a bottle of Pals -11111.r. they meed far
the. '0M art" aa,aI. dimmer flat
are "
het have meeker ankle
J not Neuer," which thevst u
cc. elle will sou at the seats
eaofthisdeceMi awtri
aahatostn are merle es noarr t. These
the1P set! on the irritation d
ttia-Ehler and
and cites d teras of the nine
half what he fes � ilio des* at senor
rnabks him ober erns Pale -Il liar which
e4a+ra to realizes few omits
bottle the arm im t
M�i= article r►an he on the
ismatetm . limslene wee
Ai 1 •flHt.a PA/NII IN *NV
PART osTllgBove,
' °,neevAUAA
IOW pinta
Trwtr.-bo• see uremia,
eV Asp lain-- --
Walla Is lea a.--- lam.
m marry tartnrsrtl buwee where ti
Soo of esenulay Ie legendry IMM
debt, rir s desire to aouuaupli.l
cherished mid, a deal of waste
because of a falai implement as t
is really the truest . wantonly.
not, M have the French, arrived
state of art in the muerte which
MAW, SI IQ wake "a nice little t
of nothing,' '0' av we desire to
the Gamma chef who is a.., to br
eared a savory ragout from a pair
bootee s; but we may yet taro tht
of making "much of little," of tun
tuatertals to the hest atwount.
schools are helping us to understa
good csutkery es cheap coxokeo al
there is uu necessity fur ha e.ig
l , also an expeaslxe one. In
fi*ner's kitchen enough is animal
od to feel another family, limp
want of pr t:teed kuowlo Igo of hu
oeonuiny, and this, while tho pi
gettiutt of the ped a w.aule indigua
sent the imputation of w.teLe. U.
speaking, the Irk of es ou0uty
etident in two respects: Fin:,
Imo -anon of a greater quantity
'hail is ueoled forth 6uuity, ata
in careless and ituproioer m,Mlue
ing, by which food is reuderea
table. With a view to lessening
bor, the housewife prepares a lar
ing of breed, which in d;uup air
weather becomes mouldy, and ur
ircurustances dry and unitalatate
it is all eaten. She tent then
upon her busily "at the point of
suet.'Then, t...,, the supply
',read on hand when a fresh IAekir
rem the oven is often given to
r to the chickens, when it u:
wade into a toothsome relish for
Cut or dinner. Dry bread, cru
,mail pieces crumeed tine, seaaol
pepper, salt and butter, with a
.1 nage if the flavor is »tmptable
cued with hot water and baker
fifteen minutes, is a nice aide
dinner at which any kind of fro
is served, and is prepared of who
,otherwise be thrown aside. Sea
tight in 'west milk, to which sea
soda, » little dour, and an
.added in the morning, stale 1
biscuit ntay he re -presented on tp
fast table in the form of griddle
which the sharpest criticism
letect the ingredients.
Pies, to be really nice, should
the day they are trade, but thee
ye supply is frequently made
and set aside. Naturally the lo,
becomes soaked anti unfit to er
he 'head of the family," hap
have a atomaclrisobjectiou to cls
crust, away goes the whole heal
the convenient pig -sty which te
Ixetie Altar- removing Oho ail
elan by Inuning tette pin, upsii
upon another te, and puttire
few moments in a moderate t,
fruit -pie will be ss "good as new
with either hard sauce or sugar an
while c oke that has Leen "kept
pal till it is dry and unentibl
made a delicious dessert by stoat
serving with wine or lemon lark
A dish of sauce is prepared
or other fruit, and "stands :row
sour and is then thrown out, in'
waste not only of material, In
what is quite as valuable, labor
the needful amount of meat or v
is prepared fur the table, and th
finds us way, after bating "vial
once or twice, into the crops of
convenient brood of chicken!
voracious appetites "cover a mu
sins." Even if such fruits and e
are raised on the farm, and he
fore a hardly appreciable mon
• he other materials used in cowl
.n earnest in current coin of tl
.and time also enters largely as a
to be taken Tutu coasideratit
again, such a "superfluity of ab
is not half as tempting to the
and cannot be *erred so dai
smaller gttantity. Cook just en.
cook that "enough" exactly tt
palates of those who arg to e
the result will be far more sat
troth as regerala economy and th,
of all onncernei, and you will
'he annoyance of laving yet
"furnished forth with funer
,neat.," which are finally dire
with an inward feeling that it it
the right thing to do.
r-eedlsa to Live and Feedlots
The that appetite is a
gree of hunger, Bpd hungeran i
fora 1 dq dere itot
luweoof ylit by
t1akR. re twom
longings are different in the
Appetite is the
' 1 taste, andson o sometimes of the
organs; while hunger is thed
the organism as a whole or
its parts of food. Use the L
tite and hunger how we may,
actually two needs to be expr
lnuch michief arises from ea
them. The one cry for food
all appetite is an affair of h
price, lend may, for a time 1
stiyudatcd by APp}eIitg bo tl
taste, or promoted by certs
and stimulants; hut, looking
ter from a physiological point
,2s difficult tee vita! weti
it i n m'fte
wAR nlrBQ
short, to look to hunger rath
petite as an incentive to the a
nig, instead of exciting the
setae 'Ate to take food
have ..tItgu}gpis • Feelers tv s
there ilia bitter newel of f1.
There ISM Sertsist rota eons
the civilized mode of feeain
tite on the hams of habit, we
be useful to point nut. Fir
ing appetite from htmger, •
,ng it se an indepetdeetse
tion,oft here naturally apnnge
,nn life which may be d
''living to feed. The puree
•rates on the tastes and 'rnit
nes of the amstnnwr, and to
ion what to eat and who
lenses to occupy a place in I
kion which )t wear posh
.ail ; p, phi sirs far
f evwy it K map, an
than he
• i 1 A # a •.�, ox,rtcvo
lei rated r
offensive than the simple yr
savage. Thera are sante