The Huron Signal, 1881-01-07, Page 11 Old T It YEAR.sl Di cMUM t7et NEV ABOUT HOME. I *nu Or PRAY" --The union prs er meetings have been largely auen ed during the week. Ton -fight the last meeting of the sones will be held in the Methodist Church, North Street. MAsQeRADE BALL. -A masquerade ball will be held in the Albion Hotel Rah for s Erre uiarket' Ion Friday, Jen. 28th. We understand that it is under the management of Messrs. W. G. Macdonald and Roderick Fraser. Overcoats for THE VOLUNTEERS.— There are a number of voters who The new overact. fur the members of think they did it all with their little x. No. 1 Co., 33rd Battalion, Huron In - Mr. A. McD. Allan, wife and two fanst7• arrived lest week. They are children spent New Year's in Toronto. good looking and apparently serviceable, EXCHANGe —Revs Dr. Uri, and G. A. and will be served out to the members Framcis will changepulpits next Sabbath drill the Friday) evening alarming. 1 FAsstass. - Every farmer trading in Goderich will save front X to 03 by the Mr. A. M. Polley, lett uu Monday abolition of market fees. *1.150 will ppaa last for 8a.givaw, with a load of sixteen for Tim Sweat for one year, and thus rite horses. they can be kept posted en eventa Hoa. -They had a legs atthe "Albion" ottenrring at home and abroad. Every on New Year's Eve, and a most enjoyable farmer who opines to Guderieh should time was spent. read THE SIGNAL. Mr. Dixie Watson and Mr. H. W. C. CoaRzeiiox.-B)) a printer's error the Meyer and wife, „f Wingham. were ie types en the bill advertising the holding town during the week. of the Methodist Mission services de- bit.. John Foster, of Stratford, and signsted Monday next the "lith" in - Mr. Wm McLeod, of Woodstock, were stead of the 10th of January. The aer- in town during the week. vices will be held on Monday, Jan. 10th Mr. H. I. Strang, Head Master of M 7.30 p w. when addresses will be de- Goderich High School, left fur Toronto livered by Revs. Jac Harris, Brunets; on Tuesday, to spend a few holidays D. O. Sutlsrland, B D. , L L B. , of Clint Mr. W. P. Rogers', for some years on, and Dr. Ure, of Goderich. The connected editorially with the Stor, lad[ excellent choir of the Church will render for Toronto by the noon train on select moot during the serrioss Wednesday. PRaa=NTATION. -- At the regular monthly meeting of tke Goderich Fire Mr. Meckid, druggist, of Clinton and company, held on Wednesday, Capt. T. Ms s brother Dr. H. G. Maokid, of Luck- N. Duey, who has been "chief of the now, sniffed the holiday air in Goderich. Company since its organization, sena pre Both looked well *anted by Mr. J. W. Smaill, on behalf Aliases TO Rano&-In Tag Swear. of the Company, with a handsome Meer - this week will be found the answer to olleum pipe, accompanied by an address, iIG. J. Gc Ball's rebus, with the names expreeinve of their appreciation of him of the.aooe.*ful prize taker& aatheir head, and wishing hint long life Tia Pvzm. -The pulpit in the North and prosperity Capt. Dancy made • Street Methodist Church will be occupied suitable reply, thanking his men for this on Sunday next, morning and evening manifestation of their esteem for him. by Rev D. G. Sutherland, B. D., L. L. B. IwclrrrwT nem--Whatmight have Fara Loxes. -The well-known been a disastrous fire was averted early pro- prietor of the "British Exchange," Capt. on Saturday morning lad. Some young Cox, gave a free lunch on New Year's men going home noticed a light in the Day, and his numerous friends did jus- cellar of Mr. W. T. Welsh'* store, and tioe to the spread. on examination found that a pail contain - t fire. ing n FiCo.-On Wednesday ueffected, and es had aythe burAngentrance embers evening the following Co were elect quenched in time to prevent them catch - ed for the Goderich Fire Company: 1*t the woodwork of the cellar. • If the McKenzie;Lieut , T. McKenzie; 2nd Lieu!, John fire had escaped notice much longer one Currie; Sec, J. W. Smaill. of the principal business block. of the Coram Averr. -The Board of County auditors, consisting of His Honor Judge Squier, Mr. Adamson Co. Clerk and F. W. Johnston{ met on Tuesday, sud con- cluded their labors on Thursday morning. No Saavicx.-Owing to the absentia of Rev. A. McGillivray, who will be at fiarrington, *misting in communion Seer - sizes, there will be nn service in the Client church, Goderich, next Sunday. 'A shiers &loses ye. Mels' butes, An' faith bell press It." TOW TO?TOff. Renew your subscription promptly. Mr. James Somervill, the "Father of Lneknow," was in town un Thursday Mr. F. A. Hibbard, wife, two children and nurse, of Chicago, were in Goderich " D. McKay; R S. on New Year's. Mr. Hibbard was vizit- C. E. Slight; F. S. ing his father, Hon. John Hibbard, • H. Holmes; Trims. Amaricnn Commercial Agent at this to Tose.- We are glad to see the port. CARDi or TRA -vas. -Mr. Horace Hor- ton, Mayor; Mr. W. Campbell, lat De- puty Reeve, and Mr. R W. McKenzie, Oouncilk>r, hare cards in this week's iasue, thankingthe electors for returning them by such andsome majorities. "RIvIRSDALE". -This popular board- ing and day school will re -open on Mon- day next. Mn, , Fletcher is -highly spoken of, both as a teacher and a Jody of refinement and "ood taste. Ws can commend Riversdale Private School to parents. MemoDiar Hvlir Boox. -- We have Leasure in informing our readers that Mrs W. T. Ooa is an agent for the new Hymn Book, and ia prepared to meet any orders. Specimen copies of the Hymn Book may be seen and orders lift at Mr. Abraham Smith's store. At the regular meeting of Hun d No. 62, I. O. O. F. last Thursday , the following officers were duly for the ensuing term :--Bro. Janes Robinson, N. G.; Bro. C. K Slight, V. G. ; Bro. David McKay, R. Sea; Bro. Jno. Nairn, P. Seo.: Bro. N. Campbell, Tree. Vice's FLORAL °Vint. —Of the many Guides and seed and Plant Oatalopes sent cit by oar ssdsmen and messy • ni n,and that are doing so much to in- form the people and beautify and enrich our country, nose are M instructive as Viok's Floral 4 std& Ila paper is the nhoioset, its illustrations handsome, and given by the hundred, while its colored plate is • gen This work, although costing but 10 emits, is handsome enough for a Sift book, ar a place on the parlor [chis. Publishedhy J.rots= Vim, Reicher • ter, N. Y. Morelos Coral. -No. 1 Divisor Court, was held in (kderieh on Monday lest, Judge 8quier presiding. The attest - thin of the Court was occupied the Lust- er part of the day with the cue of Furse vs. Beacom, being an action on warranty of a horse. The jury after some deliber- ation brought in a verdict for defendant. Mr. Doyle for plff. ; Messrs Oruro, S Proudfuot for deft. MARITIME -1 CurzT. -The first sitting of the Maritime Court commenced at Goderich on Wednesday, January lith, Judge Toms presiding. The only ease entered was re the Josephine, be- tween Mr. McCallum, M.P., fur Mink, and Mr. J. C. McRae, of Olensoe, re- specting freight on a cargo of ties de- hvered at Goderich last season. The case was not concluded, and the Court was adjourned to the 19th inst. Mr. C. Seager appeared fur plaintiff, Mr. H. Becher fcr defeudent. The Third Annual Session of the Ontario Branch of the Dominion Alliance will be laeld in the Temperance Hall, Toronto, on the2Oth and 21st of January, opening N 10 a.m. Al! who sympathise with its work and subscribe one dollar to the funds of the Alliance are members, and have a right to be present. The different phases of the temperance movement will be in- troduced fur discussion by gentlemen who have givenspecial attention to the subject. There aro some very important questions in connection with the submission and enforcement of the Scott Act, which should receive careful and thorough discussion. MONIS OATES' W iATaaR Boot -We have received from the Toronto News Co. a copy of the first weather almanac issu- ed by the Ontario weather prophet, whose nieces' during the past two years, in forecasting the weather, has been mar- vellous. The weather book, which con- tains the probabilities of the weather of 1881, interesting records of the past year, a variety of almanac muter, also gives a weather map of the continent, and articles on the climate of Canada and meteorology generally, besides a large number of prognostics for every day use. The book is neatly printed has a very attractive cover, and is well worthy of perusal. It is for sale at all the bookstore•. Price 15 cents. FASHIowARLz W IDDLNO. - The Corn- wall Reporter contains a long account of the marriage of Dr. C. J. Hamilton, former! of this town, and Miss Dickin- son of Cornwall We see that our towns- man, Mr. F. Jordan, acted as grooms- man, and also did full justice to the town would probably have been destroy- toast of "the Bridesmaids." Nearly ed. 1000'ple attended the church on the L O. O. F. -At a meeting of occaaon. Almost sixty beautiful pres- Huron EncampmentNo 98 1. O. O. F, enta were made to the bride, amongst held on the 17th ult., the fuollowing the list of which we noticed the follow - ng were duly elected for the ensuing i persona well known to our term: readers: Silver Butter Cooler, from R. Patriarch H. Bolton; 0. P.Shannon; W C. Hamilton, Celery " H. W. Ball; H. P. ' Stand: Mrs Lloyd, terra cotta Flower " E. R Watson S. W. Stand; Miss Hamilton, Silver Cruet J. Roberta, J. W. Stand; F. Jordan, Cream Ewer and Sugar Bowl. The happy 'r have the best wishes of many An gig Mime Leaving Town. Many of uur readers will regret to learn that Mr. Samuel Pollock, who fill- ed the Mayor's chair in 1878, and who has been a resident of Goderich for about thirty years, is about to leave town. He has purchased some ten acres of land in the heart of the rising town of Bad Axe, the county seat of Huron County, Michigan, and will go into business there as a store keeper. Mr. Pollock is one of the most respected men in Goderich, and in him Bad Axe will get a first-class citizen. We are oertain that the feelings breathed in the following address will be re-echoed by every one acquainted with Mr. Pollock who reads this article: OODI RICH, December 28th, 1880. familiar face sof our much esteemed young friend Mr. Horace Mann, now of Chicago, in town during the week, while spending his holidays with his father, Mr. F. R. Mann, and friends. We regret to have to bid him good so soon; but our loss is his gain, as he finds more *cope for his trade in Chicago than in Godench, and his healthy ap- pearance is proof that city life, plenty of work and money making agrees with him, and as for friends, his Christian in- tegrity, sociable and agreeable manner, will secure him true friends wherever he goes. -(Com. SUNDAY SCHOOL TaxPZRANCE MaaT- Iwo. -The temporaries meetiing of the North Si Methodist Sunday School on Thursday of last week, was well attended. The pastor, Dr. Williams, presided, and made an appropriate address. Mr. .l *s. Monroe. Willie Pasmore, Eddie Moore, 'Evart McKenzie, G. Price, Robert Nis- bett, Mina Stott, and Bella McKnight gave recitations in grand style, and Mises Mann and Mclean gave readings. Music, aloe and duetta were given by Kis Palmer, Miss Bosomy vd Carrie Williams, and exoellent choruses by the sobool under the direction of Major Thomson. After a few remarks from Mr. le.epben Yates, M. O Sharman and Mr. Moore, Superintendent of the school, a number of persons signed the pledge. It was a very 4rjoyable service which we hope will be repeated. Dannrax's AasrcwAwa or Weinman Oiir*uo. -The Anel Convention rd this associatowo will be held in Stratford, on the 2nd, 3r¢ ani 4th of February, 11181,eand the iressatttee will endeavor to make it ea intsredtnff•ind intrnettee as usual Every effort will be made to uti- lise any improvements the experience of "Sit Jowx A -We _gem presented i the pad year may haus developed in the on New Tear's Da yr by Aludertor Craw interests of the dairymen. it is .tpeet- ferd with a hamisoprme photograph of rid that a number of so eratiio and peach. Kr. D. McDonald's well known black oal addresses will he delivered by gseitie- hots, "Sir John A. The picture was men tenver met with the interest, in Was as Friday of the week ltefore Let, ' ceder to assist dairymen to keep pans and the noble equine to *bow hie &ppm- with the protrusive spirit of the age. Matins of Mr. Crawford's kindness to ivory dairyman, every keener of a enc, securing his shadow ere the substanos or oows, should beam* a member of the faded. gave the hitter airiest around the damnation and attend at these woven- only the Sashay, whish wee tions, uthe know gained tMee- oaly rsoond in to the tim. made by will wally repay usual many. Square the mare k . belonged to that Any party wishing to attend and become fiiamdefRnbbioBerts, "TaraWithanter,' a member can do en by *pplyitq to the `q. Rut Mr Crawford was need to Secretary, 0 E Chadwick, IsgessoU. hat traveilialg l,etweeen tiederieft and who will forwerd them a eorti*witett en- ()Mflege, !'rineess-etrset- Tis friends of Stratford, and kept Sir John in hail tithes these to a rsd,trtion of radws7 the d.nt+aaed tont charge of i1. Along- enttl he settled down to an ,,rthoolox I fare. ie a►selding the reinventing'; der ` side of the robbed greys wee found ne CatSunday travelling, `jar's" 1 e r-ny 4f theatnud report, This Audi ernv.._ .a, postwiark tl Towsatol ad - looked looked fora spill -oat and did not 1 be doss at mete, seas to avoid arelik ion atr'eaKal to a student et Qterea 6 V71i ver. have their anticipation matinee soft •lsiay sit, A STINoY Oovz.inmrr. - In the House of Commons on Tuesday some correspondence in relation to the 33rd (Huron; Battalion Rifle Association was brought down. It related to the impor- tation of air Anider-Enfield rifles by the Association. Sir Richard Cartwright had impressed upon the Government the advisability of admitting these wea- pons free of duty, in accordance with the Act providing that rifles for the mili- tia shall not be subject to duty. These rifles were for the better practice of target shooting, but the Minister re- fused Sir Richard's request, as he held that there was no precedent for the re- mission. The Finance Minister is so anxious to swell his,customs r•ecipte that the Government cannot give the least enoouragement to our volunteers who would perfect themselves in target prac- tice. FEARFULLY Frosbitten.-A man named Lloyd, living on the 6th con. of Goderich Tp., who has been making himself notorious in connection with his treatment of his family, was badly frozen last week. On Christmas Eve he was arrested for kicking up a row at home, and lodged in jail. On Tuesday he was dismissed by the magistrate through some informality in the manner of the arrest or information, and took the train for Holmesville. He claims that he mis- took the direction from Holmesville, and started east instead of going west on his way home. He also states that he was sober, although some dispute him on that point. At any rate he was discovered as Wednesday at a creek by the wayside trying to thaw out his hands which had been terribly frozen, in the running streamdly bands were ale brae cent !roam s elbows He was seat home, an been ender mediae.' at- Mmdanee eine. A gentleman who saw Idea unfortunate wort the day after the seeidest says that his acus presented a sickening eigiu4 They were bluish -black and whet appeared to he blond and Water was twang net of than. it was at Act feared that Lloyd would lase both hands, and perhaps his Ids; but we are glad to learn that he will probabiy mover tally. or perhaps be. a finger or two Samuel Pollock, Beg. Due Sin, -After a residence of over thirty years in our midst, the greater part of which time you have held the unportant offices of Mayor of Goderich and Deputy -Sheriff of the United Coun- ties of Huron and Bruce, Official As- signee, and Justice of the Peace, the various duties appertaining to your vari- ous offices you performed with ability and satisfaction to the public, we can do no less than express our regret at your departure from among us, and trust that you and your good wife will meet with freinds wherever you cast your lot. W. R Squier, Judge County Court; Robt. Gibbons, Sheriff Oo. Huron; Hugh Johnston, Justice of Peace and ex - Mayor; Peter Adamson, County Clerk; H. McDermott, Master in Chancery; T. F. McLean, Coroner, County of Huron; Daniel McDonald, Clerk of the Crown; In Lewis, Clerk of the Peace, County Attorney; Fred W. Johnston, Reeve of Goderich; Horace Horton, ex -M. P. ; J. T. °arrow, Warden Co. Huron. Hili rebel Exassimmtes. THE ELECTIONS. The Result of Monday's Polling. The lase I.r Mee. and was Ms seek, iNry4IMrs Were. The following is the result; of the usual written half -yearly examination for pro- motion: Junior division -Maggie Rob- ertson 75 per cent; Morton Robertson 74; Hector MccQuarrie 69; Lindsay Elwood 67; John H. Watson 67; Rose Currie 64; Edwin Moms 64; Edith Wiggins 60; Frederick Linfield 60; Ida Jophnaon 59; Nellie Mann 58; May Palmer 57; Rhoda Jenkins 55; Katie Macara 54; Maud Start 53; Jane Wilson 63; William Wil- son 50; Agnes Ferguson 48; Minnie Mc- Kowen 48; Carrie Williams 47; Mary Ferguson 45; William Hutchison 44; Hattie Price 41; Ruth Cox 30. Second division- Mary Watson 72 per Dent. ; Lottie Polley 71; Lizzie Dickson 69; Fanny Rutaon 63; Annie Cooke 62; Wm. Livingstone 61; Minnie Stotts 61; Mary Macara 58; Ellen Mackee 58; John Swan- son 58; Maggie Robinson 56; Thomas E. Miller 52; Walter Taylor 48; Wm. Cox 46; Maggie Baxter 42; Bridget Vaughan 40; James Addison 37; Minnie Cooke 36; Jessie Broekenridge 35; Rebecca Bates 35; Thomas Williams 33; Lizzie Cattle 31. Ou Monday last the municipal elec- tions were held all over, and the various Councils for 1881 were duly elected. In Ooderieh the result has been, on the whole, favorable to the interests of the town and, aithengh one or two good men were left at home, the present cow- postion is certainly superior to that of the Council of 1880. The following is the result of the polling : - Mayor. No. ! 3 3 4 5 6 7 Horton. 31 48 52 38 56 77 44----315 Crabb. 53 58 29 29 21 95 5--916 Reeve. Johnston. 66 63 46 53 81 83 58-4>K 8ma111. d413516181713-170 F Depot y. Campbell. 50 64 M 41 57 64 >18—S71r Watson. M 37 36 34 9t 36 39—ti18 8T. DAVIDS WARD. No. 1 t ' Aelrews. m 43— 71 Clucas. 1 36 30-- Danny. 0--Slllin bol 10-111 FA wards. n 46 79-147 Humber. 70 75--186 The Yang Ides si.sttag. Some rather peculiar answers were given to several questions propounded to candidates for entrance to Goderich High School at the recent examination. The following are some of the most amusing: "Self -taxation," means the trying of one's brain, means getting confused. " Self -taxation," is the king taxing the people himself. "Self-taxtiq t," means to pay their respects. " Self-tt cation, ' was a rule that every man held hs land from a lord or chief, whoever man or vassal he became. "To do homage," is that the king should give his people homes and was not to tax for it 'To do homage," is to visit their own oountry. "To do hom- age," is to do good. "To do homage," is tiOirt anybody on the throne. ,Ministers of the Crown," are those w$io preach to the sovereign oeruler. "Ministers of the Crown," are the chief persons that Sourish while the country is bein(4 governed. " Ministers of the Crown, are those who minister to the wants of the king. "Prime Minister," is one who stays at the same church all the time. The body of John Gilbert, whisk was tatsrred on Christmas Day at Seeley', Bay, was reearreeted Kingston The pollee feud t obrought to to s shed no the Pear of the old Misdeal ST. PATRICK'S WARD. No. 3 1. 66 314— $0 - 8-4004-- 78 61-140 6t 37-136 14 19-- 33 ST. 0FAROF.'S R' ARD. Cameros. Miner. McKenzie. Sloane. Spence. No. Dunnstord. Jordan. Nioholson. Smith. Williams. ST. ANDREW'S WARD. No. 7. HI Khau. 60 311---1068 Campion. . . 88 47 ---137 ()omens. , s AR 7-- 34 Lee. 7' 6D--116 Sheppard. "> , IID-- 49 Swanson. 43 56--110 5. 70 *7 53 re THE M RKgit They are Lrooic.d Mahe "Mey's Site. RiCAPTTV LATION. Mayor. Horace Horton, Ma,Joelty-110 Reeve. F. W. Johnston. lit! lat.-Deputy. Wm. Campbell, '• red Deputy, M. Hutchbon by aodamatles. ST. DAVID'S WARD -Edward, Humber and Dancey. ST. PATRICK'S WARD - McKenzie, Sloane and Cameron. ST. G.osoe's Wase-Dunaford, Wil- liams and Jordan. ST. ANDREW'S WAOD-Campion, and Swanson.• sy • OTHRR MUNICIPALIrIaa. Lee A Majority et ON LNaNses et Haseg'riss---Tie Cease et " seetersee by tie Italmweir rr. Four months ago, 'when Goderich, and assumed co utterances of Tins StoNAL, we town groaning under the taxed market. The b place was suffering greatly ` an. when brought into competition ,tj!n, of other towns poasered of free The matter had been brought 1 Council by the farming commtm without avail, and it seemed aa erich would be forced to bow to. t evitablo, ao tar as the fees war corned. We determined to educ people to a knowledge 'of true interests Week after we kept " pawing away," until t was decided to make the matter at the municipal election cont Monday the election , culla j of handsome majority of 396, ft-' that the efforts of Tea €k borne fruit. The tint at the progress of Goderich has away with, but there are ot_ removed Tan Sioaut will, endeavor to lop off all the dead w that a healthy growth will Goderich. The following is of the poll :- St. David's No. 1 2 St. Patrick's. No. 3 4 St. Gr rp'a No. 6 St Andrew's. No. 6 7 1- Bimnw - Essen, Reeve, majority 29; Councillors --Dr. Stanbury, Cleave, Howard and Morrison. CotsoRNa.-The members elected for the Township of Colborne are as fol- lows. Wm Young Reeve, Anthony Al- len Deputy Reeve, Joseph Book, Arch. Malloy and Patrick Carrot, Councillors. Ci.nrrow.--Mayor, D. A. Forrester; Reeve, Joseph Chidleyy Duty -Reeve, W. Sheppard. Councillors -St. George's Ward, W. Costa and J. C. Steverson; St. Andrew's Ward, E, Corbett and J. Twitchell; St. John's Ward. W. Cooper and 8. Morse; St. James' Ward, T. Jack- son and J. Pickett. Farms.- Reeve, Hardy; Deputy - Reeve, Pickard. Councilors -Bissett and Veritty. GODORICH Towne-tr. --Reeve, Gabriel Elliott, by acclamation; Deputy -Reeve, Joseph Whitely ; Councillote, James Peacock, John Cox, and John Beacom. HAT. -Reeve, Dr. Buchanan; Deputy - Reeve, S. Rennie, Councillors -W. 0. Charters, H. Hayrack and J. F. Moritz. KINCARDINL.-Mayor, J. A. Macpher- son; Reeve, A. Gordon; Deputy Reeve, E. Leslie. Councillors -St. George's, St. Andrew's, and St. Patrick's Wands, all the old Councillor re-elected by ac- claimation; St John's Ward, Jos Van - don, Bert Coombe, A. Malcolm. In accounting for the trouble between Charles I. and the Parliament: "Then Charles revived the system of benevo- lenes by calling rich subjects before him and granting them large presents which they dared not refus. "limited Monarchy," is when it is at an end. "Free trade," means when they lave laws to prevent then from doing what they liked. "Free trace," is the trade for fishing along the shore or selling whatever they lie, and can do what they think best. "Free trade," is that a man boys a piers (4 lard and pays far it and receive@ a deed few it and is subject to wothing but the taxes of the eo unitttyy "Tree trade,' is trade car- ried on without any assn to pay foe it. '"The Whig party," was am army whish tried to skirmish every town. - "T he Whig party," is the Onossrv*tives "The Wing party," ars the ones that wish for program, and they don't is ',sterol dries as gay as the Tories. 1ionnem rens Fur: W' 19 124 Majority agahnat,.. ZMbtJl1 , Captain Gibson of God t 1 here lest Sunday in the church. .d A meeting was heti at Ti Wt Thursday evening. for els.. poss. Capt. Bogie in them; statute labor queauioa was c It was the voice of the MAW pathmester should collect old tr his beau, and lay them not to ' of his judgment- After tits[ t teaaant time was s in cusion over the q64. Some stifling addressee wetsrt oar leading politicians On New Years' eve last, a rep parents with their children sit met at the Presbyterian alines d p.m., for the purposeo! hostel' sant evening gathering. A. donald being in the chair, reed' given by D. Cumming, Mr, Mat 8. I3. Williams, and the ch several fine pieces. Allier ggrr &nmlmn e had been gime [lira tfayweed of Milburn, and 1M of Leeburn, were appointed New Year's tree, of iia fruit company then adjourned to [' room where the tree was, an., pleasant time wu spent, to the bachelors, caused mach Merriment to all present. Locw:xow. . - Reeve, Geo Kerr. Councillors-' W. Berry.Geo MoHardy, D. Campbell, and John Stewart. Sao diem. -Mayor, A. Strong Reeve, D. D. Wilson: Deputy Reeve, Jae l eat - tie. Counoilors--Alez Stewart, John Loun.burry, O. C. Wilson, M. Morrison, N. Cliff, Wm Campbell, Dr. Campbell, John Ward, Robt Willis Uasoina Tow/rum. -Reeve, Kay; Deputy -Reeve, Hackney. Councillors - Hires, Hells, and Homey. Warr WAwanoon.-C. Girvin, Reeve; E. Gaunt, Deputy Reeve W. Durnin; W. Kinnehan and J Washington, O oncillora. Wnrnaan.-Mayor, Iter. McDonald; Reeve, Thos Beit, by acclamation; Deputy -Reeve H. W. C. Meyer. Coun- cillor - First Fare Neelanda, Robinson, Reuling; Second Ward, Guest, Buchan- an, Howhoeth; Third Ward, (cordon, Lloyd, Reynolds, Fourth Ward, Angus, blabs, Wer. Wanting&—Reeve, A. L. Gibson; Oownoilloes-T. B. Panders, J. Sander- son, J. Paulin, Dr. Brawn. A bargain, dem'[ Mali it. For nate, Oehler' Tye, leo Ipso half catalogers polss,good as new. Weald i dehtrage for +eling hnn.& setts iii. i1. to 50 HOOL BOARD sit.Ic-TION. 2. ..... *owes and a.sR MAsseed. The follow' N the remit of the ela- tion for Rs►ooi on Wednesday OT a WSSHwa. Swenson • Maj for Swan.,n. ET. DA v ins (`rahb, 'o(ir•larn. SrtuieelA Our band serenaded the Mer Xmas and New Year's to the ire isfaction of the public and, th in particular, having netted f1 some sum of $57 as New Yw'a On New Year's dq the al'ns Vsnstone & Sou was tiirrad". Vanstone, ar., retiring. The will, in the future, he carried two eons, whose repettation as a guarantee of their aromas New Year's day pissed off good aleixhing and plenty of evening John Leen., IYq. at his house about thirty olbtt timate friends, among whets or some of the old pioneers who their home in this sailor' E vast wiluernes. Remising* days were vividly brought to the put oogapered with it The band plyed several ehot appropriate music, intersperse and recitations until about 11' one of the happiest ever attended was b • On Monday lest o took place. The and lively through having been brought as follows : Fort Raava.- .I/, Leckie, AP. t"' Toe Ooaw. n --W, ' '" v 171; C. R C,00peet1111!;'3, W. H. disC!r Ile W ' T. Fletcher, AS; J. R It will be reds-- .rt .tion dog lir. 1' C fiat if domed he 'w~. meewbaw im the sleek bai the saes d boa ref seat as. woad eprtimer 1 toe r Myer,* 1