The Huron Signal, 1880-12-31, Page 4aroi9114901 IMMO. Huai, Rune WINI/Oit. itIonsto R. a 11/uoloipal T. N. Wanted- OFR 3d Inne-s. Kies. KI. ElIGOL t80. .% ee Y. iw will be NS'eer's Day, in YR.4 R.J.-4 of our lorn, 881. Tillie fact be usersane of our reiseen;' neVerthelesa, we ice that wan of our =poi -striae In the habit of giving atioa ilar ni effect, and we join the mai fur it is said, one might as well, b.' •t of the world In out of the ten. New Year's Day is a P institutitue aiul the malt who first s..-overe 1 it conferral a boon posterity, and should hare name engraved in the temple of me alongside of Tubal Cain, Demos- thenes, Hannibal, Guttenberg, Christo- pher Columbus, Oliver Crorawell, Watts, George Washington, Ben Fnenklin, and others too numerous to mention. Tubal Cain, be it observed, discovered that manufacturing in metals was* profitable employment, and, even with t the aid of a National Policy, succeeded n building up a home industry in that 'ne in his day and generation. Deinosthenes foetid out that the easiest way to obtain eloquence was to chew pebblds on the sea -shore, when old Borrea W43 loving his day out ; Hannibal preyed that mountains were not obstacles, i one only knew how to get over them ; Guttenberg introduced the art of printing, Which has given ocettpation to thoesands and thou- sands of poor men who otherwise% would have filled the poarlionses .4 the civil- ized world ; Christopher Columbus dis- • tHE HURON' SIGNAL PRIDA , DECEMBER 31 IMO &I and pay up for the year. ,45f course, mate but hon- est peeple141111 the popes% and etat is - 4rby, at this festive season. when allet is being repleueshed, the tor joie+, in the lead FNMA of 7itto the geatlensait who discovered act, extime at wheel' theold year died, became orthodos to joie in the mildly greeting, "I wish you a Happy New Year." Tim coat of the C. P. R. by sectieps under the Syndioate agreement has been thee put by Mr. Charlton: The Eastern ae*ion will cost $22,766,000. For building thia section they will reoeive a subsidy of $10,000,000 cash, end 6,250e 000 acres of land, valued at $25,000,000. Total insbeidy, $3' 6,000,006. Prieht, $111,234,0041. The central section is es- timated to oast $13,000,000, and for this a subsidy of $10,333,300 in cash, and 01,666,664 in land, or a total of $61,- 999, 964 is given. For the Westeru, or Jasper House and Kamloops section, es- timated to cost $16,000,000, a subsidy of $4,666,700 caah, and $22,633,336 land, or & total subsidy of 07,200,036, a profit of $11,200,000 or a total profit to the Syndicate of $72,434,000, on the construction of the road is given and after the gentlemen composing the Sem- dicste have pocketed their colours' for- tunes, the Government still further aug- nient their hordes by presenting theta with the entire road forever, to make whatever they could out of running it. He asked if the people of Canada were prepared to accept this monstrous fraud We would direct the attention of the electors t' the fact that the number of dual representatives at the Council and School Resrds threatens to increase. Al- ready three candidates are in the field for Casuncillors, who are alai members of the School Board. Next year there may be double that number. In that case it would perhaps be well to lessen the amebae of Councillors and allow the Ceara:aloe-Trustees to run the whole affair. The two Boards are equally im- portanteand each demands the entire at - covered America, and will have r great tention of its members. If special deal to answer for when reckoning day meetings for each body were called on conies, especially hilIZO Chicagok was the one night, how could the dual re- founded ; Oliver Cromwell conceivee the brilliant idea that Irishmen were nue to be tamed except by the aid of the treaty • calyerin and blunderbuss (jedicimesly assisted by powder and shote and is serves:sem in government have never dis- covered that hie conception wiui not a solid truth (ride aeoxints of ructions in Ireland this blessed day) ; NVatts served that steam would lift the lid front off a kettle, a fact which his ammeters were totally ignorant of,—but because he did so, and is attributed to have said, when he observed it, " kettles sing most when placed on the hob to boil," he must not be confounded with that sweet sing- e, Ms namesake, the hymnist; George Washington tamed the American eagle, and gave it a life interest in the star spangled banner; Ben. Franklin bottled lightning, and now we are told that .a nurnber of distillers have of late in- fringed on his patent, and that verdicts of "struck by lightning," are of frequent oteurrence when men have indnlgel too freely. But can any of these discover- ers, and hundreds .f otheis that we might enumerate, be considered in the same grade with the benefactor of hu - presentative" attend botht If at auy time a difference arose between the Council Board and School Board, on any point however small or however great, it would be impossible for the Trustee- Couucillors to do justice to themselves or the question. We do not see why in a town with the population of Goderich there should be any difficulty en supply- ing both Boards with suitable men. The fact that the Trustees who are running as Councillors are opposed by good mea shows that there is no lack of candidates fbr the seata at the Council Board. We hope the electors will see to it that those persons whose ambition outruns their knowledge, and whose zeal exceeds.their fitness, will have to confine themselves to one office; and perhaps the dual -repre- sentative candidates will yet find that be- tween two stools they may conte to the ground. We regret to learn that Hon. Alex Meckenzie's health is still in a bad state. About four months ago 'he passed through Goderich on his way to the North-West in quest of health. The Premier then bore traces of a severe ill - inanity who flrat discovered New Year's ness ; and the desire was expressed by day? If it were not for him where us at the time that he would soon be re - would the pleasure corne in of visiting our relatives at this festive tirne ? If it were not for him we might let the days slip by, And drop in upon friends at a distance on the First of April instead of the First of January. We would not stored to his wonted vigor. But he has continued in feeble health; his old time fire is spent for the while; and hefeel quite unable to make any great effort la the way of it public address. The Con- servative papers take advantage of the know, were it not for his great dim hon gentleman's weak state to taunt hint °every, when to seal unr New Years' with cowardice in the matter of the gifts. We rnight, without eis valuable aid, forget when to straighten up the previous year's store bill. But above all, we would be bothered when to make all the good resoluliens, only te break them a hundred times during the ensu- ing year. This privilege of "rssoluting" ou New Year's is one Cud must enshrine the discoverer of the day in a halo of glory forever and ever, so long as men and women and boys and girls "reso- lute." The toper, who swears of on New Year's morn and doesn't know in which quarter the sun sets at eventide, owes the discoverer of New Year's a boundless gratitude; the scolding wife who in the morning makes up her mind t. mese her nanghty habit, and, figure Lively speaking, "raises Cain" at night. also owes a deep debt; the smoker and chewer of vile tobacco who bola the weed a Last adieu after his mantis& "whil" and returns, "like the dog to his vomit, before dinner time, is also a debtor to the discoverer of New Year's Day; the good little girl, the noble little boy, the graceful youth, the sweet maid, the teems husband, the amiable wife, the aged grandfather and his helpmate, the grandniother--yea, all who "resolve" ma New Tear's, (whether they hold fast or fail) have nisch to be thankful fir tbet the noshibmis of the day. sa a fit Nit roper bar for gift giving and ure- 11111wiwg," bas beim bandied down to Bet in ear mil for the ware d our neighhoso we forget to stab the! IDOW11- paper sae are alio melee oblissum to the iliserrerer of New ear's Dey. At this time of the year it is miasmas', to' renew mobseriptions. and the honed sub at—erm-- — • Looh out for gob Canada Pacific Railway. We appeal against such brutal journalism It is mean—nay, it is ghoulish. Alexander Mackenzie is no coward; he has always shown himself to have the courage of his conic tiona. Casaims Turraa's estimate is that the Canada Pacific Railway ceimplete will cost $78,000,000; and yet the Syndi- cate are to reoeive cash and equivalent to nearly double that amount, and own the road seer they build it. Mr. Blake put it in a practical way at London when he asked: "What would you think, if you engaged • man to build you a hoose worth $1,000, and he were to say, 'Well this bouse will be worth $1,000. I will build it for $1,600, if you give it to roe whoa 14 1. finished 1" Tat proposal to allow the Syrebeate to tie sad on the standard of the Ugliest P. when fint oonstructed will lately be abandoned by the Govern meat. That road was first eoustroceesi with a maximum grade of 116 fest to the mile, with no beak* laid with cotton wood ties, shoot cau a par with baniwood The clause is a fair simple of the nog! jeut manner in whit* as Government have drawn up the agamment. Mom lawman Btans'a Aurora spark thas lalkswod by ass es greatest galas *al wpm vistaed Owe& Brim he has boss bolding patine meetinga on the Synthesis matter, old Berme has also bona spree/ism himself. The form wesithar prophet would hit it any V he I were to put it this way "Blare speak! Issue trees 11. pogs.1 fees and the harbor tolM, (which were each doing an injury to the town, it was claimed) were aueiaguu. and he weld nut see the ounaisteney of the Coursed adv • the abohtion of the oue and the of the other. (Hear, heitti Mr. Ora* and ke had .inet bel he (Mr. H.) had fared well at :I:m& of the electors on these occaaionss He had no intention of making a pelsonal oativass. He had lived in Cioderich forty-eight years, and during that period had served the town twenty-four. lie had served the town faithfully to the pert, and if eleoted again would devote his time and attention to the furthering of its beet interests, Mr. F W. Johnston, one of the can- didates* fur the positiou of Reeve was the **it speaker. He said that after the favorable speeches mule by his mover and seeonder, it was hardly neoessery tor him to say anything in his owu behalf. He was whet might be calledadauble box - relied candidate, representing the rate- payers, as he did, at the County Comma and Town Board, and he had to endeacor to please the majority. Some four years ago he sought the suffrages of the elec- tors, and un that occasion the strungeet objection brought against him was his youth. This was not. an objection in the present election, for he had grown in yours and municipal experience, and had a good teacher in Mr. (arrow, the present retiring Reeve. A large num- ber of the members of the County Coun- cil had a decided aveveiee to the towns and villages, and before at town repre- sentative could be id much service to the place he represented this antipathy on the part of the township members had to be overcome. Duriag the past year or two Mr. Garrow, Mr. Defier and himself bad shown their colleagues that the interests of Goderich were nut ini- mical to other sections of the county, and had thereby obtained tho confidence of the County Council, Ler year the Goderich representatives had been placed upon the most important commit- tees in the County Council, and he, as chairman of the FinanceCommittee, had pleasure in stating that in recent years a reduction in the County rate had been the result of their labors. He d d not vote in the interest .4 the township of Morris to the detriment of Goderich, although he had been charged with so doing, but had endeavored to do justice to all. Ho had voted against the De- cember sitting of the Council being held at Winghain, for he was aware when the motion was made it was merely a dodge to popularize that town. If elect- ed he would endeavor to obtain a grant to maim in beautifying the Court House Square, which he camaidered would be alike in the interest of both town and country. He then explained the hnan- eial Condition of the town, explained the action °lithe Outwit with reference to the bonus question, when Mr. Stephen Yates, the returning offi- cer for St. Patrick's Ward, took peerless - ion of the chair, to receive noinmations for Councillors in that Ward. It was then agreed that the candidates should meet again on Wednesday even- ing, and continue the discussion which had been thus interrupted. The following is the result of the no- mination for Coaseiliers in the different wards of the town: PATRICK'S WARD. i Mr. Stephen Yates. Returning Meer.) S. Sloane was nominated by Elijah Martin, seoonded by John Knee. R. W. •McKenzie was nominated by John Knox, seconded by Elijah Martin. M. G. Cameron was nominated by Mr. J. H. Colborne, seconded by John Knox. Charles S. Miller was nominated by A. McQuarrie, seconded by J. Bailey. Henry Spence was nominated by W. Mitchell, seconded by James Bailey. ST. DAVID a W ARD. (Mr. James Addison. Returning ()dicer., C. A. Humber was nominated by F. R Manni seconded by James McVicar. T. N. Danoey was nominated by Robt. Gordon, seconded by F. R. Mann. Lewis Elliott was nominated by T. N. edestion had been a muted we fur many years. A steeple ef years ago the Comi- c& deterneuel e. remove the unsightly market 'hid fneu off the Square, and II situ was purchased in St. Andrew's Ward, and fees Mid be impede:1. Wr- ing the past year a 'lumbar of business Ines had taken exception to the working of the market by law, atud a deputation from the towuship of Culborue had pro- tested against the the continuance of the fees. Shortly afterward the aeitation become stronger, awl the Courtrai took off the fees eta agape butter and Malibu. small Muff. For this action Mr. Mar- tin, the Market Clerk, claimed $150 cornpenaatpu. and was awertied that amount by the Council. The matter was near before the electors, and they bee the power in their torn hands to setae it, if the by-law was working to the detriment et the town. He did nut understand why he was opposed by Mr. Kmaill, un- less he attributed it to spleen on the part of that gentleman, because he (htr. J. in his place at the Council Board had ventured to criticise the high handed manner in which he had acted when architect of the Town Hall. A publish- ed letter font' Mr. Stead' against Mr. Johnston was here read and commented upon very 'strongly by the latter. The harbor tolls were next alluded to, and the injury being done to the shipping interests of the town, pointed out in strong colors. He beheved in tearing damn all obstacles to trade which at pre- sent existed, and placing our harbor on an equal footing, so far as fees were con- cerned, with Kincardine. Collingwood, Sarnia and other pointa. He cited the opinion of Mr. Porteous of the G. T. It, Mr. Ogilvie, of Montreal, and others in support ..f the premises for which he contended. He also stated that when the deputation recently sent to Ottawa by the Town Council were in that city they intimated to the Minister of Public Works that a breakwater, extending across from the north pier, was a necessi- ty. The Chief Engineer, had entertain- ed the idea, and Hon. Mr. Langevin advised them to get the Council to peti- tion the Government to that effect. At the next meeting he purposed bringing the matter to the notice of the Council. He had served the people of Goderich four years. and had endeavored to werk for the benefit of the town. If the deo- ' tors saw that he had done his duty he claimed re-election. The business out- look wee now becoming brighter, and he Laked for the early dawno a prosperous I future for Goderich. (Loud applauee. Mr. Smell" sued as a candidate fu the Reeveship, because, being an old publie servant, he had been requested to do so by a large and influential body of the eleeters. If elected he would work for the good of the town, and not from personal or ambitious motives. He was in favor of free markets and a free her- bor although it had been circulated by Mr. Johnetotz that he was in favor of re- taining the harbor tolls. .This statement of his opponenta he world most unquali- fiedly deny. The matter was now in the ihands of the Government, and would I doubtless be solved at no distant day. ' The cow by-law was an injustice to the poorer elms of the town, and had com- pelled many ef them to sell their means of subsistence. He then explained the Town Hall embroglio between himself and Mr. Johnston, and contended that he had acted consistently. all through. Mr. Johnston'" doings in the County Council were then criticized, and the sposkee pointed out that the interests of t. town of Goderich had been sacrificed when Mr. Johnston recently voted $600 to a bridge in the township of Morris. Mr.. Johnston—I never voted 8600 t. the township of Morris, end if you can prove I did, 1 will immediately retir and allow you to walk the course. up cows at night. That was t /us, hut he did it as a euraproinise so Vest a vote to prevent them running at mete would marks" l'eamt andlia.freewash1Lit.f,":, batut 'iv'toi11.1fnr7 like te see the burden of keeping up the cuArteTigreivialingd(Icke,s Mit)! A°I'dory tortIhteheht:triwb0"; question, upon which he seemed to be thonmehly wtted, the speaker closed by hoping eeet, aa he Mel now nothing to do, Me friends would kindly find tom. PleYneeet for his Spare time d ring the eteneag year. (Laughter.). 1dr. Hutchinsou, who had elected :wood Deputy -Reeve by acclaim& took advantage of the oppurtemity meetiug afforded of giving thanks to ratepayers for electing him. He A so dunked the ratepayers of St. George's Ward fur their eontidence in him in years. peat. Mr. Cobb spoke in favor of obtaining increased railway facilities, a tree harbor, free market, and the encouragement of twolufactures. He favored assistance to mauufacturers in the shape of freedom from taxation for a number of years. He then ewe into the question of the estab liabenent I .f the Goderich harbor of refuge and alio claimed that he had saved the teen $2,200 at the demonstration at the opening of the Grand Trunk Rail- way at this point. On motion Mr. Hutchison took the chair, so that Mr. Horton might addrewe the electors. Mr. Horton had only one or two points to touch. Mr. Crabb bad claim- ed the credit of hawing had the harbor of refuge ertablished Goderich. Many of tkmerentlemen present would remem- ber that ou that occasion ( elr Horton) had gone to Detroit, and, with the assist- ance of Hon. Richard Hawley, obtained the signatures of prominent shippers there to a memorial that had the most to do with locating the harbor of refuge at Goderich, notwithstanding that Mr. Crabb had duets the whole thing single- luultled. Then Mr. Crabb said he had saved the town over $2,000 at the rail- way celebration. The speaker could not see how that was as the vote was only for $1,000 at the start. On that occasion the speaker and Mr. Crabb were against the outlay, and centinued so for two days, but on the afternoon uf the second day Mr. Crabb weakeued au& went over to the extravagant party, and he(r.H.) had to go it against thein. The municipal uestione had been very fully discussed this year, and he sincerely ) hoped the best men legislate for the r welfare of the town would be chosen. (Hear hear.) Moved by ,F. W. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Hutchisuo, that the thanks of the meeting be tendered to Mr. llort.ti for his conduct as chairman of the meet- ing. Cairried. Moved by Mr. Wm. Cainpbell, second- ed by Mr. A. C. Simmens, that the ratepayers of Goeerich tender their sin- cere thanks to Mr. J. • T. Garnet, the retiring Reeve, for the services rendered the town of Goderich in his official capa- city during the past seven years. Car- ried. The meeting was then brought to a close. Union ear ado. 114)•• WO proper apostles 11111.0 U. Aeneas' oldiers Welt= that 11 V* WO 11 .1* are at towat Ora. Attorneys, Lwow rim AUNTS; .:r4.,Averrrtt rrizzierru— /OSI Carpet Weaving! In new Patters' aied Warps. DIENCI-ROOM 0112111 and all work in itis wavelike Una etre full,' neatly and promptly done. Kingston street. Cksisrioh. NOTICE. Gieiee up Photoirapkinj Godinteh. In returning i."1...lthaRy for =roma 11100d . tottcactrinther price :trews. • w Life Sire Photos, - 14.4=1. wormer roe cabinets Photo per doz.. 16.1 111.110 %of - . LSO " 1 AO Card Mime per dos.. - • 1.00 2.00 A.4 flumes to suit the abets. at BOTTOM T. re Ioiest. Come one. came an! and have your hearts gladdened by getting good and cheap Photos at 1755 • E. L. Jonathon's. (1HRYSTAL A; BLACK, Practical BOILERIAIHR8, The Su * beashiltis Tools and • rrtedlionarrhe li .44111=u7 E:=6% getaring mpany, and vlits/st am ex pericaee of over eight years is are now tempered to carry on the 0 In it. inntle heti- Sir Any work entrusted to us Wel TOOSIVo =pt attention. ramelaas wort guarset All kinds ot Bailers made and repaired. rev Smoke Stacks and Sheet Iron Work. do., a reasonable rates. New Salt Pans made and old amen repaircd on the shorted Dinky. and at pitICES THAT DE- FT COM pirrmoN. ,Chrystal & Black, BAUSSZI.S. —ReeTe,John Leckie, and F C Rogers;Councillors--WGraham Thos 1 Fletcher, C R Copper, W H McC4eken, Jas Drewe, F Vanstone, and J R Smith. Como -ere —The nomination came uff very quietly. The Reeve, Mr. William Young, and the Deputy Reeve, Mr-' Anthony Allan, were re-elected by &eels- I notion. The following gentlemen were I put in noinination for the ration of Clarke, Joseph Beck, David Fisher, Councillor—:Patrick Cerro , James c Archibald Malloy. mill Geo. Morris. 1 elessrs. Carroll and Clarke are members •f the old Council and are leoked upon! I EXETER. —Reeve ---L Hardy; Council- - lors,—J Pickard,E Drew, W Ilissett, W 14 Verity; all by acclamation. . Gouzabas TOWNSHIP. —Reeve, Gab- • riel Elliott, by acclamation. Deputy Reeve --E. Acheson W. Whitely. coal 00 Lam etc.. Old Iron. Copper. Brass Wool likings and Sheep mina. taken In exchange. Mr. Smell said Mr. Johnston hat voted $600 for a bridge in a distant pert of the County, but he could lee rernem ber the exact location. By reference to the County Clerk's books it would be seen thathe was right. After soliciting the support of the ratepayers on Mende) next. the speaker resumed his seat. 1 as efficient public servants. Dancey, seconded by D. Hale.'Mr. Campbell, the next speaker, had H. Clucas was nominated by Gee. H. represented St. Patrick's Ward for a Parsons, emended by W. D. Shannon. inuniber of years, and had done his duty Jos. Edward, was neeenate.„1 Gee. in that position. He intended to con - Graham, seconded by R. Tichborne. test the position of Stephen Andrews se nominated 1.y C. Crabb seconded by J. B. Edwards. ozoitos's WARD. ' *Mr. I). Gordon, Reef:timing %Meese Joseph Williams, nominated by D. C. McKay, seconded by Arch. Dickman. Francis Jordan, nominated by Geo. Grant, seoonded by Horace Horton. C. R. Dunaford, nominated by Ho- race Horton, seconded by W. G. Smith. H. H. Smith, nominated by A. Dick- son, seconded by Hugh Hamilton. M. Nicholson, nominated by Robert. Campbell, seconded by E. Oranpiou. RT. ANDREW a WARD. High Hamilton, Returning °Moen/ E. Campion, nominated by A. Me-, gam_ , seconded by W. Moss. Wm. Lee, nominated by John Bain, seconded by Capt. Finlay McPherson. Geo. Sbeppard. Jr., nominated by J. Melearlane, seconded by John McSwain. E. Bingham, nominated by Peter For, 'acceded by John Brophy. Geo. te vellum, nominated by John Brophy, seconded by John Wilson. R Coszens nominated by A. C. Simmons, seconded by Capt. T. N. WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEETING. There was a Lege turn nut of ratepay- ers at the v:1 municipal eleettion meeting oft edseaday evening. On weir Mr, Horace Horton took n the c.heir. Mr P. W. Johnson, who on Monday last had teen interrupted by the advent of the returning Aker I or tit Patnek's Ward, was the hest speaker. Continning from kis previous speech, he referred to the agitation with regard to the abol- • of ,DecleCtee alt of .311! 4 the of uty Reeve be- cause he believed he a right tr. it, now that at vacancy foisted. Hiso piton- ent, Mr. Watson, claimed the position on ta• same of long service and faithful work. If that gentleman had been good and faithful a servant why had his friends not placed him in the preition years ago, and not let young men like Mr. Johnston head him off Mr. Watson would not have been in the field now if Mr. Elijah Martin had not brought him out, and he was only Mr. Martin's second choice at that. Why did not Mr. Watson contest the Second Depute Reeveship, if he wail anxious to sit in the County Council? The 'pother then referred to his screens during pert years and stated that he had always been the champion of econ- omy in the Council, instancing his action on Use Silsby Fire Engine freight, and on the fraudulent census of 1676. He agreed with previous speakers on the market 51sestion, and was not in favor of the Imposition of feet. The cow question was also touched upon, and the action of M. Watson in cenvassing was criticised. The speaker closed by wish- ing the electors the oomplimemts of the Beason and asking them for • New Years gift in the shape of their votes and in- fluence on the 3rd of January. Mr. Alex. Watson on coming forward eaplained why he had never stood in emanation for the C linty Council be- fore. Herastetore hejsad net been his 01,11 master, and could not leave hie em- ployment for a week at a time, and al- though he bad &wired to the iw•sition, be never let his ambition outrun his die- meitiaan. He had not been put is the Mr. Martin; tbasitirandannaa bad the field, kip his Oar. a march" usi hiPbillui r. urnig thie yea" He to aild go in with the Ideas, and amiteneed the opinion elf Mr. flemeipm, tir talereed ev• tedreyinfesidtelhilter asse'..iid bad compared tralweemit:. who ^a re thmker epos lier Weevily by the lidgisksbare arsd she 1 t(b"Mand awented is Otn the %Nor He then .L.*- as rmaith wit' coo volution from his stood pellet, and centended that he had always bees be Con Isibier* ttists early bib the field 111:. Csaylkall-- And ill steel a march you ahs am of January Mr Walloon ---Not on fast It is the electors who have ths say in that 'Dotter This se mai Use bit 'election at whieh you we pe•pheisol. awl with sorry results. The ekes et the poll rear Monday aright actually um/nal to yea. (laughter.) tarn& the eposher said that Mr. m hem in the intereeta ef the town Campbell had messed him a haviste ne neessise newel resolution to shirt the "poor man's Mend." To the market fee matter he had done what he aunt Ca nee DOI SOU. .eau UW) Stoves! Stoves! HAVE TROUGHS and OONDUCTING PLP, CISTERN PUMPS' LEAD MIK A. rue. TINWARE. COAL OIL eerie lemur tee eerete Councillors—J. Beacon, John Cox, David Cook, James Laithwait, David Lindsay, Charles Naftel, James Peacock, Oliver Pennington, John Wigginton. Lucknow —Geo. Keneelected by meta- matien; Councillom—J. N. Ross, G. W. Berry, Cainpbell, Geo. McHardy, Robertson, R. Dawson and J. Stewart. —Mayor—Jno Beatty mid A Strong ; Reeve—D D Wilson ; Deputy - reeve, Jag Beattie. Councillors ---North Ward—J G Scott, M D; Wm Campbee, M Morrison and Noble Cluffe East Ward —Ruben Willis, John Kyle, John Camp- bell, M D John Ward, and Andrew Young: South Ward—R N Brett, OC Wilison. Z Beam, Alex Stewart, and John Lounsboro. TURNIIIRRY. —Reeve, Samuel Black, by acclamation ; Deputy -Reeve, Jar Henning' by acclamation. Councillors —F Barton, T Hislop, C Griffin, .Tohn Gurunel, Jr. and Win McPherson. _A_PPD 2,000 Barrels Or Coop, r Arnim Wanted a t Once ! „,i41- Private Families supplied w choice handeaeked apples for winter LOW RATlia. James McNai Hamilton Street. eoriertch. st Ise. nth AT muurrs SALK OF LANDS. 1.1 J. STORY. sign of the Coal Oil Barrel. Legat Notices, SHERIFF'S MALI OF LANDS Comity of Ilurun 1 Ry tines of Two Writs of TO Wit : Mere eionsa. mob lamed oat of Her Majesty's County Covet of the County of Huron and to oto the Lands and Temente ig Reheard Pierce, at tits ult.? Right, Thee are Crabb, have seised all the aral=" or Itesinnetien of the tants, is and to Lot Neeentvalt cession of he Western ship of Addield, itin UN 4 taining t -n41 eresC=11 which itia sale at IMP asai, la obs Tow' of TWZNTYVIVINI'D D. ISM, at the Sheri* *a °Moe. OM- , -•mk- INZTIrOf la the I • - erre Huron r, 11(Imlitierzrisittyiertil.1"14 Pt awl toast las& sod 115 aNLIA ' A I "! r \"? . Tee evening grey se beNOViii Rtals MOM; Wood I* .4, Ca veneit IlESTO1111111 NET MIN TO ITS NATURAL COLON. """'" Tr e it hetet .ueiag any saber omilgen "h"lani Mk* Ir000loo is • Ob. 5*4 pro re/4day tai