The Huron Signal, 1880-11-19, Page 7Household }Lilts. 24 PROVKRBS IN 000KERY. Miss Duds' lectures are hill of little bits of information that might properly be called uulliuery proverbs. stere are a few of the:u : ;hers is a greenest' in onions and r- aves that renders them hard to digest. For health's sake put theme in wean wa- ter for au hour before cooking. The only kind of a stove with which you can prewrvs a uuiforn heat is a gas stove; with it you can simmer a pot for an hour, or boil it at the Lame rate for twenty minutes. Good dour is nut tested by its color. White sour may not be the hest. The test of good floor is by the amount of .4,it absorbs. OP cooking a fowl, to ascertain when it is done, put a skewer into the breast,aud if the breast is tender the fowl is dune. A few dried or preserved cherries, with stones out, are the very beat thing possible to garish sweet dishes. Single cream is cream that has stood on the milk twelve hours. It is best for tea and oodles. Double cream stands on its milk twenty-four hours, and cream fur butter frequently stands forty-eight hours. Omani that is to be whipped shonld nut be butter cream, lest in whip- ping it change t, butter. T. beat the whites of eggs quickly, put in a pinch of salt. The cooler the eggs the quicker they will froth. Salt cools and also freshens them. In boiling eggs hard put them in boil- ing water. It will prevent the yolk from coloring black. You must neves attempt to buil the dressing of a clear soup in the stock, for it will always discolor the soup. In making any sauce put the butter .and flour in together, and your sauce will never be lumpy. Wheneveu you see your sauce boil from the sides of the pan you may know your flour or cur starch is done. Boiled fowl with sauce, over which grate the yolk of eggs, is a magnificent dish for luncheon. THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY NOVEMBER 19, 1880 The best Salve to Ike 'weld ._ Bruises, (Bores, Tett.t,11 napped '.: , Chilblains, Corns, red all kiuds of Skin eruptions. This Salve is guarahteed tic► give perfect satisfaction in every caw or motley refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by F. Jordan, Goderich. tasted of Mating. " A young friend of mine was cured of au umetjable thirst for liquor, that had w prustlteted his system that he was un- able to des any business. He was entire- ly cured by the use of Hop Bitten. It allayed an that burning thirst ; took away the appeIite for liquor ; made his nerves steady, and he has remained a sober and steady man for more than two years, and has no desire to return to his cups, and I know of a number of others that have been cured of drinking by it." :----Front a leadiltg R. R. Official, Chicago. Illinois. New York Matter Starnes. In reporting the market prigs for but- ter, the New York Tribune, of May 20th, said, "Choice packages to the retail trade reach 19 to 20 cents, but light colored goods are hard to dispose uf, and several Iota were thought well sold at 8 to 10 cents. This steru logic of dollars and cents is rapidly convincing dairymen that they should use the Perfected But- ter Color made by Wells, Richardson & Co., Burlington, Vt. It gives the perfect June color the year round and dairymen that use it never send light col- ored gouda to market. THE DAYS or Muiaav AND NtoiT:i Or y UNassT endured by the sufferer from a Practical BOILER -MA persistant cough soon rep the vitality of the system and wreck the constitution. Such a catastrophe can only be avoided by precautionary measures. Prevent the climax of a cough with Northrup di Ly - man's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypephomphites of Lime and Soda—ap- proved of in professional quarters, and which is a combination of the purest and most salutary ingredients in perfect chemical harmony. Coughs, colds, aryngitis, incipient bronchitis, and other affections of the respiratory organs are speedily relieved by it, and it has like- wise proved to be a useful specific in scrofulous maladies. The. loss of strength consequent upon being diseased is check- ed, and the flagging physical energies Tepid water is produced by combin- restored by its invigorating action. ing two-thirds cold and one-third boil- Phosphorus, the active principle of the ing water. hypophosphites, nut only supplies the E. KNIGHT, BAKER .AND wmpappmansumuswev.1 r t't,VIPgCTIONIC ,'JOHN AOELESON W erect. et. near the post otece. VIENNA BREAD, VIENNA BREAD, VLaeria Basin. Try it once. and you will not want any other kind. g4 Wedding wake. a Specialty. sd liredeli. *red every afternoon to all parts of the town. I. E. KNIGHT. MRS. WARNOCK Begs to inform the ladles of Goderich and vicinity that she bas just returmed from sebotong her Fall Stook of MILLINERY, R•OOL' AND nitwit [4,01)5, andla prepared to state that she has never be- fore had such a fine assortment of goods. ,11[11' INSPECTION INVITED. 1753. MRS. WARNOCK. / IHRYSTAL & BLACK, make ake u)accaroni tender, put it in system with an important element of strength, but gives a healthful impetus to the circulation. The lime and soda also add to vigor of the frame. In wast- ing diseases of all kinds, thia prepara- tion can be depended upon to produce a beneficial effect. A fair, persistent trial, is all that is necessary to prove its poten- cy, either as a pulmonic or general in- vigorant. For poverty of the, blood, with which so many invalids are troubled, it is s sovereign remedy, promotfng the Reg- setion of both strength and flesh. Pre cold water and bring it to a boil. It will then be much more tender than if put into hot water or stewed in milk. .. The yolk of eggs binds the crust much + better than the whites. Apply it to the 9 view with a brush. 1 Old potatoes may be freshened up by plunging them into cold water before _,cooking them. pudding Never put a that is to be " steamed into anything else than a dry • mold. mgt pared by Northrop & Lyman. Toronto, Never wash raisins that are to be used and sold by all druggists. ill . 118. The Subscribers, have bought the Tools and Boiler Businee of 1). ROeCIMAN o¢ (;o., lately carried on by the Goderich Foundry and Manu - fact 1pany, and having had an ex- perience of over eight years in that shop are now prepared to carry on the trade in all its branches. ti' Any work entrusted to us will receivo prompt attention. First-class work guarana teed. All kinds of Boilers made and repaired, ate Smoke Stacks and Sheet Iron Work, dc., a- reawnable rates. New Salt Pans made and old ones repaired on the shortest notice, and et PRicas TI(AT De- rn ('OMPITITION. Chrystal & Black MOS 153, t;OYEM14'111. 11:571 UODERICH AND KINCARDINE Marble Works. Headstones, House Trimmings Monuments and work of ell kinds in Martilee. designed and executed in the beet style and at most reasonable prices. Marble Mantles kept in stock. Granite Monuments and Headstones imported to order. ALL WORK WARRANTED. SCOTT & VANSTONE. 1739- a 73L ` • in sweet dishes. It will inake the aid- SAMIIEL SLOANE, dinglies. To clean thein Lai pin a As Svaaty 'Irl Enlcrr rocu,wa li Al'nE ywipe so surely will disease eventually fasten dry towel itself- upwe a system deficient in vital en - To brown sugar for sauce or for pud- ergo, if tonic medication is not resorted 'ding', pis the sugar in a perfectly dry to in time. The necessary tendency of a 1 0 satlospat. If the pan is t e least bit wet, tie sugar will burn and y••u will spoil your saucepan. lac aline and steaks tuay be fried as Well as broiled, but they must be put in hot butter or lard. The grease is hot enough when it throws off a bluish smoke. The water used is mixing bread must be tepid hot.. If it is tow hot, the loaf will be full of greet holes. To boil potti..e. successfully : When the skin breaks pour off the water and let them finish cooking in their own steam. In nuking a crust of any kind do not melt the lard in the flour. Melting will injure the crust { In boiliag dumplings of any kind put them in the water one at a time. If they are put in together they will mix with each other. weak diaoharge of the functions of the body is to disorder its organs. —Invigor- ation, prompt and through. is the only safeguard. Norenovant of depletedphysical energy. no restorative of lost flesh, nerve power and cheerfulness, has more clearly demonstrated its efficacy than Northrop & Lyrnan's Quinine Wine. In this pre- paration. associated with the salutary medicines which forms its basis, is pure sherry wine and oartainaromatic constitu- ents which imparts an agreeable taste to the article, and gives additional emphasis I to its effects. In cases of general de- bility and dyspepsia it is invaluable and the desired effect is, in the vast majority of cases, remarkably prompt as well as decisive. That good natural -appetite, which gives a relish for the coarmat fare. is insured by the use of the Quin- ine Wine. which oleo confers brain sooth- ing and body refreshng sleep. Fever and i ague and bilious remittent fever, axe dis- eases to the eradication of which it is I specially adapted; but it should be used only in the intervals between the seizures. The far-reaching effects of a good tonic, in all complaints involving loss of physi- cal energy. are well understood by physi- ciane, and the comprehensive influence for good of this preparation upon the systemtee far to bear out the profess- ional beef in the value of invlgorants as opponents of disease. Be sure to ask or the"Quinine Wine" prepared hyNorth- rop & Lyman. Toronto. So1o1 by all dr't�i!tgists. WHAT THEY SAY or IT. - A FEW FAITS FOR THE Peoria. —There are but few pre- parations of medicines which have with- (ttoed the impartial judgment of the people for any great length of time. line of these is Dr. Thomas Eclectric Oil. Read the following and be convinced: — Thomas Robinson, Farnham Centre P. 11. , writes," I have been afflicted with rheumatism for the last ten years. and have tried many remedies without any relief, until I tried Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil and since then have had no attack of it. I would recommend it to all." J. H. Earl, Motel Keeper, West Sheffori, P. Q., writes, I have been troubled with liver complaint for several years, and have tried different medioinee with little or no benefit, until I tried Dr. Thomas' Eclec- tric Oil, which gave me immediate relief, and I would say that I have used it since with the besteffect. No one should be without it. I have tried it on my horses in case of cuts, wounds, etc., and think it is equally as good for horse as man." A. MaThee, Merchant, Wark - worth, writes, i7 I hare sold some hun- dreds of bottles of Eclectric Oil,and it is pronounced by the public,'one of the hest medicines they have ever used;' it has done wonders in healing 'and relieving pain, sore throats, etc., and is worthy of the greatest confidence." Joseph Rumen, Township of Percy, writes, i was persuaded to try Dr. Thomas' Eclec- trio Oil for a lame knee which troubled me for three or four years, and 1 never found anything like it for curing lame - new. it is a great public benefit. Beware of imitations.—Ask for Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. See that the sig- nature .•f S N Thomas is on the wrapper, and the names "f Northop & Lyman Aro blown in the bottles, and take no other. Sold by all medicine dealers. Prier IS eta NeiRTHROP & LYMAN. Toronto, (int. , Proprietors foe the Dominion NfY1e •ls floored and Wee DEALER IN ALL KINDS OR SEEDS AN AGNOSTIC. "What does the word ` .: atic' mean !' asks one of our readers, who has been too Bauch absorbed in other affairs to follow closely the course of philosophic thought and discussion. We presume he is not alone in his ignorance ; for the word has often been used and rarely defined, and it is of later birth than the dictionaries and encyclopiedies in common use. The wordy is made up of the Greek letter e (alphh privative) and the Greek word gnostikos. Thus the substantive "agnoa- tic" means, literally, a know nothing. It is used, hoWever, to define the posi- tion of those philosophers who claim that the human mind can know nothing but phenomena ; that is, such manifestations of matter and of mind as may be studied by observation and experiment. They hold an entirely passive position as to the existence of God, neither denying nor affirming that He exists, but declaring that, as we can never know anything about Hint through the evidence of the senses, it is useless to waste time in vain speculations having no other basis than faith. They call the Christian religion a delusion, human in its origin, like Mo- hammedanism and Buddhisin. They profess to be seekers after the troth alone and to search with absolute honesty of thought discarding hes and dismissing fear. —{N. Y. Times. O/N•Mdav B.SS.Y There is always an active demand for butter that is up to the gilt-edged stan- dard in quality and color. Much butter that is otherwise good sells at a reduction of from three to jive cents per rund, became deficient in color. Dairyman should then use Wolla, Richerdson k CO's Perfected Butter Color to gpive a bright June color. This older is by far the brightest, purest and hest made. Sold by druggists. Piis your throat sore, or are you an- noyed by a constant cough if so, use promptly "Bryan. Pulmo W�afers They will give you (retain relief They relieve the air portages of phlegm or muewons, and allay inflammation, and no safer remedy can he had for (settees, colds, nr say eomplaint of the throat or lungs, and if Wren in time their effeacy will soon he' proved. Sold by all drnexids and country dealers at 25 cents $ hos AND GrE AIN_ Hamilton Street, rel ids o'eYd e11sP daeise the peel flew weeks, meetly X6,000 ur Of New Goods HD 1752 NOT Ail UNDERSOLD of my IIammeta cheek 4 reepeottallj lavtted. Every Rae complete. JOHN ACHESON, Square, Goderieh- " Dominion Carriage Works," Goderich. MORTON & CRESSMAN, MsitUrAiTUlaan or BUGG I ES, CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, &c. Ft a wW sell cheap for the batanoe of the sea- son, to make roan for winter work.. A few second-hand Rigs for sale ('heap. A few good Horses will be taken in exchange for Rigs. AO" Opposite eolborn Hotel, Goderich. John Knox, Manufacturer of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &c., &c. ANY .TYLE Or VEHICLE BUILT TO ORDER. REPAIRING and JOBBING done with neatness and despatch, and at resnsonable terms. Call and examine before purchasing. JOHN KNOX. Hamilton Street, Goderich. "T:11 E S IG NAL," From the present date until January 1st, 188211 ONLY $1.50. We ere. now prepared to fill and ship orders for Tres, tc.. for Flu Planting. Descriptive Price Catalogues rias to applicants. Gro. LEeLIE & Soo. ,,CHOR LINE. .."DiTAT�ILSMAILrSTEAMERS •tyToP.[y T�LAaNOW. STEERAGE, Nei. .r t carry csW., sheep M Mas. cry Matsuda', • 1,os DON DIRECT. . • • f % Exrarseon at Reduced Ranee. -. ., :-.odatioos are as,nrpaseed. • rooms on Main Deck b . (1 et lancet nus to or from any •+.d '-rctaon In Homme or America. • cow ret rates. payable (Ree of charge; •• ragland. Scotland and Ireland, •-, sof inlormatruo, plana, ac.. 'pity to .•,.•....;,sore Btora=is, l Bowu.nro Geta. N. L Or to MRS. E. WARNOCK. Albion Block. 1731 Agent at Goderich OME OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN TYE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Croup, Wbooping Cough, Asthma, and every affection of the Throat, Lungs, and Chest, including CONSUMPTION. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES. " It does not dry sop a cough, and leave the clue' behind, as is Ms nue with more preparatidns. but loosens it, cleanses the lungs and allaysirri- ration, Ouse removing the cease of complaint." DO NOT BE DECEIVED by articles bearing a similar name. Be sure you get DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, with the signature of " I. IUTTB " on the wrapper. 50 Cents and n1.00 a Bottle. Pre- pared by Swru W. Fowca k Bona, Boston, Mass. Sold by druggista sad dealers generally. MANITOBA AND ALL POINT! IN TUE Great North-West. The North-West Transportation 00. I I.I M (TRT I.AKF.+1 PER TOR LIN K. eon/owed of Five Magnificent Steamers. thoroughly rr fitted with new Steerage Berths on the main Sleek. one of which will leave W'I wow andgerriorrever/ FRIDAY at 0 a. m.. Rands every: Ti'1rADAY dad FRIDAY at fp m. (weather permlttloOggl, carrying the Oauadian Mair. In ennnectlon seflh the Grand Trunk, Great Weenern and Canada Southern Railwayyss. Call!ng the tattooing days (weather permitting/ at Grsderich. Kincard- ine. Southampton For Renee !tine+• . Joseph -4 island. Sault SU. Marie, Michipl- ent m. Nippigon. Silver fMetThneMw Ray And Dntnth making nkreermnaetton with the Northern Pasdac. St.. Paul and Dul uth Rail ways for Manitip4ba, Dakota and all point W.et. Foe farther particulars se Sorrels/At s esu M rates. apply day agent d Pal ways, or to t> M i.lClt. nr to Wharthiger, (Sedarldt. HENRY BEATTY. Oeamal llweaskr.ata 1751 l�taarrw S7891.AE AT ()N('F FOR THE 17 �¢t•w.o" i5v4wAI_ Onix ! nanr from Mar Jath iso. fMet Rpesutaen orapiast Mata ndento wanted in or err Township is 11."(131-rit' A Protected Solution of the hotezits of Iron) is as easily digested and assimilated with the blood u the simplest food. When the Wood does not contain the usual quantity of Iron. the deficiency can be supplied by the vie of the PERUVIAN SYRUP. It Puree 'thousand ills" simply by Tome() Ur, taut Toro, and Vnacirien the system. The cbed ani vitalised blood permeates every rt of th• body, repairing damages and w e, searchir.r out morbid secretions, and leaving nothing disease to feed upon. This ls the secrtt Ot t' wonderful success ( f this remedy in carinti Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, Boils Dropsy, Chronio Diarnccca. Nervous Affections, For-alc Complaints, And all diseases originating in it hal ata'• the biped. or accompanied by debility. or al, state of the system. CAi'rzort.-Be sure you get the '•1 RU 14.4 V R FRCP." Roll bydruggl.ta ally. Pamphlets soot f•.' • dry edoi: s Sart W fowls A dose, i trpriatial, b::►• dare Arenas (baton Mas> .w..rwstssswl Nam filmic r1 e b Y Jr tt � 1w�WM��- lrzt 1Mm•r. sOt"swrwtd Palr ho Lata PPhotossal0 Pboaew - - 1.21 Cabinets )foto pee dos.. Rae Card Pies, per des., - - 1-00 Aad rlrsee 10 mot the above at MOTTO7([ao�Et 0 313 gtidd teaed W — pipet and o ff. ��iar/s 1756 E. L Joansolr's. .[ t�atis�- old Rai u.. Sitters. 11 are yam.: ,red or N W a Biagi.. • r r ated w leu ubh asa rt'.4,s 1100 Wheemf o save, wSosaver 1a• Seal - y astrat ds+s`i• tor er ak.•11111Mg e• p Hrsyri or twiner Phiet armaga sl.. Hier emf �r t+ et MOO Hya y .ett •k owe ti t ma •as5lou lite. iv awed has d"de. 11 re= war niat. tare wt'ds, .sdarb.g hens any 1n- eOiAain ..a i t((iii'3t slaw, 0.8 d H0P NEVER FAIL 0.1.0. .ere Mese oat''. 5 aeoo,e aotdeB_d or UMW arras ere os., 1. I. A Tu..15, (AL Pond's Extract Subdues Inflammation, Acute and Chronic - Contralti all Hensorrhapes, venous ®riot Mueous The Wonder of Healing. HEYWOOD SMITH, M. D.., M. R. C. ✓ ., dc.. ds:., ,kr., of the Hospital for Women in Soho .quare London, writing to "The ce Lanunder date of A wriest 29. 1879, says* "POND'S Extract is a good preparation. have used it for cones time Men to fifteen minims) with marked benefit In casae of passive uterine hemorrhage." POND'S EXTRACT. THE VEGETABLE PAIN DE$$TROYEB. DP, ARTHUR GUINNESS, F. R. C. 8., of kmg land, says: " I hao c prescribed POND'S EXTRACT for Hemorrhages of different kinds, ter Hemorrhoids, and for affections of the eyes. and oleo !rheumatic inflammatory swelling of the joints, with. great success." Also supported by the following able phy- sicians POND'S EXTRACT. HCALINU—(WMFOaTINO. DR. HERING, a physician of national reputation, says : "This medicine comprises the virtues of Aupeite and Arnica, and con tains a tonic property which renders it im- mensely superior to both." POND'S LXTRACT. A RENOWNED *ED14100. DR. A. E. SUMNER, of Brooklyn, N. Y., writes in the Medical Union: Out of 1W cases of Egyptian Ophthalmia idlsease of the"eye). 130 cases were cured by POND'S EXTRACT." I PONITS EXTRACT. USED ONCE—USED ALWAYS. DR• H. G. PRESTON, of Brooklyn, N. Y.: "I know of no remedy so generally uso- nd 1n a family." • CAUTION. POND'S EXTRACT in sold only in bottles with the name blown in the glass. and our landscape trade -mark on buff wrapper. tar It is unsafe to neo other articles with our directions. Insist on having POND'S EX- TRACT. Refuse all imitations and substitutes. Prices cf POND'S EXTRACT, 50c., $1.00 & $175 POND'S EXTRRACT 14 West 14th Street, New York. Sold by all I)ruppt's(r. The "WILY" LU11S PA Manufactured b alta M. s rr E,rg Pad Owe YetizWts >><Iish► Absolutely aures Asthma, Bruaekitis. Catarrh, Hay !ever, all Throat and Last diseases, relieves sad Mires Consumption. A trial of Mit excellent ready coats you as more than own van egos voile PHYSICIAN. to say netts., of Prescriptions. The (act that disease eau be cured by Ass -sr -rine is wolf established. The "ONLY'' Luwu Pas (innate& the en Swim- •t of rhe research e( soma of to best imelieat stud. 's dad writers ie the world, and ones ruwa So.,. y all druggists throughout the Dc,rn r.,en, H. HASWELL & IIS and 150 Metiill Street, Montreal. 1'. Q., °Peers, Agents for the Dominion. OLDPLAICE1t' tie bast pip" smoking tobacco avow Mtn Cae4s. It is sade h.ei the kat 4 ss4 I., old Wish* V Virginia ram (Tb rw afiras *sick tltc (win t/ it PR +fie rrrtr rnir tela I!irw freer .b ,vs.whrtre-d le Canada 1e.**riv .pioraup t.) •. is reale ebs,rtestypert soul neatly pwkd rta • t a.. redek M v s:: . 'e : R..: -e raters be as pars red /1 1fi OO . wwaw,..t)iiiM.