The Huron Signal, 1880-11-19, Page 6, FlLIQ* 18,E 1880. the Ptd tons? rim. Life is cot Ifvise Jest ter le -days Life Y ass drwsYag Ali the .bort way. Tolive lab de W.c �be� To warlj sad lertrue.re is some deem 'Tie living for others To lighten their bad; T1s helping your *ethers And trusting to God. • ri 'Mittsof WL ba 'N. • � and lofty s are always Trails of ahamoter whish yea sssk to missal you had better sssk to reform. Bower jadl a 6y rb4paa,a11eta. • Needy oust may cover a heart in halt doss. Pesetas Amoy. There was so old shoemaker, Ward,' as steel 01 gnat wealth and repute is het day. Who. if quesafoas4 het meet of look to reveal, Would chirp illy s bird ea s spray. 'It isn't so mush the vopatioa you're la. Or your liking tor it; he would say, 'Aa it is that forever through thick and through thin, You abound keep up a pegging away." I have found it a maxim of value, whose truth Observattoa bas proved b the mato; And which well might be vaunted s watch- word by youth, la the Libor of hand and of bruin; Mgr even it genius and talent were cast Into work of the strangest display. You ran never be sure of achievement at Iasi Unless you keep pegging away. There are shopmen who might into statesmen have grown, Politioa.s for handiwork made, Some poets who better in workshops had shone And mechanics best suited for trade; But when once In harness however it Mt. Buckle down to your work night and day, Secure in the triumph of hand and of wit, If you only keep pegging away. There are times in all tasks when the fiend Disoontent, Advises a pause or a change, And, on fields tar away and irrelevant bent, The purpose is tempted to range; Never heed, bat in sound recreation restore, Boob traits as are slow W obey, And then, mon persistent sad s{pnnch than before, Keep pegging and pegging away. Leave fitful endeavor for such as would cast, Their spendthrift existence in vain, For the secret of wealth in the present and past. And of tame and honor is plain: St lies not in change, or in sentiment nioe. Nor in wayward exploit and display But last in the shoemaker's homely advice - To kaep pegging and pegging away. Turf anti Fancy. Sweet home. --A _bee -hive. Well drilled -The oil faigiun. One act of charity ie worth * century of eloquence. The next sensation is to be a woman won't speak for forty days. A faint heart never won a fair -lady, but a faint whisper often catches her. Men are frequently like tea -their real strength and goodness are not properly drawn out until they have been in hot water. It is claimed by some medical men that smoking weakens the eyesight. Maybe it does, but just see how it strengthens the breath. Professor Huxley calls it a "corelli- fioral dicotyledonous exogen, with a monopetalous corolla and a central -pla- centa.' If you are in a hurry you can call it a primrose instead. "Sit down," said a handsomely -dressed and vivacious young lady to a companion at a fashionable watering place: "rat down: it's the only thing you can do here without being obliged to pay for it.. A hardy seaman, who had escaped one of the recent shipwrecks lir jn our ectez was asked by a good lady how he felt when the waves broke over him. He re- plied, "wet, ma'am; very wet. -Some men fail to get rich because they are too honest to make money in for- bidden ways, while others deliberately fail to get rich, paying ten centa on the dollar and reserving the ninety per cent. for future use. "Mr. Smith," said a lady at a fair, "won't you please buy this bouquet to present to the lady you love?" " 'Twould not be right," said Mr. Smith; "I'm a married man." A rod -natured traveller full asleep in a train and was carried far beyond his destination. "Pretty good joke this is, isn't it," said he to a fellow passenger. "Yes, but a little far-fetched," was the rejoinder. tidoo . �li.�, hy wisdom`s sd tis le de o be dine when The It is Ito vanity far a man to pride him- eelf tin wisp be has honestly gel and prudently NMI Let him who mi eda the toss of time mak proper use of that which is to come in the tutors. Idea. `ewerate ideas, like s potato which, out m pilose, reproduces itself in s multiplied foes To endeavor to work upon the vulgar with fins sense is like attempting to hew blocks of marble with • rasor. Happiness is like a sunbeam, which the east shadow intercepts, while ad- versity is often as the rain of spring. "The book to be read, " says Dr. Mc- Coah "is not the one which thinks for you, but the one which makes you think." A wise man ought to hope for the best, be prepared for the worst, and bear with equanimity whatever may happen. Of all the actions of mans life his mar- riage does least concern other people, yet of all the'aotions of our lives it is most meddled with by other people. Flattery is the hocus-pdLss nonsense with which our ears are sometimes ca- joled, in order that we may be more effectually bamboozled and deceived. Wisdom is better than riches. Wis- dom guards thee, but thee must guard thy riches. Riches diminfabt in the using; but wisdom incre•aes in the use of it. A pretty answer was given by a little Scotch girl. When her class was exam- ined, she replied to the question: "What is petieneel' "Bide a wee, and dmna weary. It not given to all mortals to be al- ways wise. "If there be those whose folly has never appeared," says La Ro- chefoncauld, "it is because it has never been closely looked for." Beware of judging character by single deeds and be even reticent in judging et all. Only s perfect sympathy, by which we can see things from another's stand- point and forget for the time our own, can enable us to do justice. While ten men watch for chances, one man makes chances; while ten Hien wait for something to turn up, one turns something up; so, while ten fail, one succeeds and is called n nun of good luck. The sale of the penny Testament, the cheapest edition ever published, has al- ready reached nearly 400,000, and the publisher, Mr. Elliott Stock, confidently erpectethat s million copies will be dis- seminated in twelve months. The memorial cruse of the Prince Im- perial, on Chis.lhurst Common, is made of gray granite, on which are sculptured the imperial bees. On one side is in- scribed this sentence from the Prince's will : " I shall die with a feeling of pro- found gratitude to her Majesty the Queen of England and for all the Royal family, and for the country where I have reosived during eight years such cordial hospitality." The Rev. Joseph Cook was entertained at breakfast in London ten days ago by the treasurer of the Christian Young Men's Association, a large number of the lights of British nonconformity being presenshouldtregard it as a great et wrote : greea*mature aaue to .o- Amyl the invitation to meet so eland seek' • timber. But, 1 as an invalid, and must be denied many of the joys of social life fora while. Per - :mit, me, however, to charge you with a e msage of grateful respect for Mr. Cook for whose at this jointure I bave blessed God many times. Bight hal rti'(y . hope that Brwband noel be favaorresi wlti some of ^dhow maiming words which hay.' bass eo nsefel to the mag, sed thus.'footusdiin a argu- ments which have wattsi 4"6"- ing ar..t,s,.-t' 1•aarle •'5sw Welland atseag t' SHIPMAN, Illino,s. Dr. R. V. Purace, Buffalo, N. Y.: Doer Bir -I wilt to state that my daughter, aged 18, was pronounced in- curable and was fad failing, as the' doc- tors thought, with oonwmption. I ob- tained a half a down bottles of your L.soovery for her and she conunenoed improving at once, and is now well and strong. She took the Discovery lad fall. Ve,"' truly yours, EISv. Lase N. At-- OIIBIIIf. Never 5dara. It is said that one out .?! ev four real invalids who go to Denver, to recrver health never reture to the INA or South except as a corpse. The un- dertakers, next to the hotel keepers, have the most profitable business. This excessive mortality may be prevented and patients served and cured under the care of friends and loved ones at home, if they will but use Hop Bitters in time. This we know. See other column. "Tee 1Met.'t Knew their Value." "They cured me of Ague, Billiousneas and Kidney Complaint, as recommend- ed. I had a half bottle left which I used for my two little girls, whom the doctors and neighbors said could not be cured. I am confident I should have lost both of them one night if I had not had the j'lo" Bitters in my howl to use. I found theydid them so much good I continued witthem, and they are now well. That is why I say you do not know half the value of Hop Bitters, and do not recom- mend them highly enough. "-B. , Roch- ester, N. Y. rdlc•te Women. Cases of female weakness, delicate and enfeebled constitutionsand those suffer- ing with Stomach, Liver and Kidney complaints, will find Electric Bitters speedy and certain cure. The sick and prastrated should rejoice that such a re- liable remedy is placed within their reach Health and happiness wiil surely follow where Electric Bitters are used. For sale by F. Jordan, price only fifty cents. Spread the Coed News. As a family medicine and tonic, tiers is no remedy at present giving such uni- versal satisfaction, and effecting so many astonishing cures, as Electric Bitters. Our druggists report a lively demand for them, at times being unable to supply the many calls. All Bilious Att•oka, Stomach, Liver and Kidney Complaints Diabetes and gravel, readily yield to their curative qualities. Sold by F. Jordan at fifty oents per bottle. Ifo Seem et hapMaeen. How often have we longed for enjoy- ment and how seldom found iR Mis- fortune has copse, or ill health overtaken us. Perhaps • cough has come upon us which threatened that dreaded of all dis- eases, consumption, and we feel that Smith is sear. With what joy should we be filled then, when such • remedy as Da. Kiaa'e New DlaooviRT for Con- sumption is placed within our reaoh. It has curd thoassads who were nearer the grave than ourselves and made their lives peaceful and happy. Asthma, Brnnchitis, Hormones, Loss of voice, difficulty of breathing, or any affection of the Throat and lungs are positively oared by this Wonderful Discovery. Now to mve rao s Nye s,, v will i iyo f y K if will call at. W. Jog's . Drug Ston you can pit a trial bottle for ten cents or a r gaW Ise beetle for IMO& Nsw.v�taa, 22, 1M0. Moses Piny 8a t L•wr ere, I have soldthe Pain -filler for arts* yeas i have metes sin who wadi }ems• eider it infortuaate to be witbes( 11. Many re no other patent medicine/ All NM it �k W. etrungest i could ssoniels speaking ef its eel ei: Years very truly, ALLEN ('ATO, re' N.. advertisement in another M+lgnnw. JOHN RALPR HAMILTON STREET, GODERICH, James Wilson, 1880. Fall Goods! 1880. Chernistand Druggist, miaow 911111111411111190. Colborne Brothers -SLIM/ lei - STOVES -AND-- TINWARE. The subscriber las a oomplete assort- ment of Stoves, Tummy and Srovi Pira., at Prices as My a tit:leapt $+elle the stock and y.0 will be ea11e to he salted. Wool -Colton Rntfib , BMW and rid Metal taken in eechange for Goods. 17110-3os. JOHN RALPH. a rola DPW; ea' PVRIC DRUGS Alx� s O Palma sit p All the standard P ears*lllewfamd. I hr ..1l~Mf Yr..aellNhas Int JAMES WIIJION. The Superior Mill all Lots Society CAPITAL, - 8355,000. I/eA�i1iD Estate by the Su- ItertaruMm l#, Society. Terms kgs h 9ivft i Binnit Deepodt art ITU)i. E. NELLES. Have opened out ler the Fur. Tithes a OselMint Meek 01 GENERAL` DRY GOODS. A la U.. DRE4°°13ff imam Vaal la lee. COTTONS. •pIt1NTIL 16""C1><'a A -MU. srocx or GROCERIES` ALWAYS ON HAND. Highrst Price Paid .for Butter and Eggs. COLBORNE BROTHERS. Stoves 1 Stoves EAVE TROUGHS and CONDUCTING PIPES, CISTERN PUMPS, LEAD PIS, S. PLAIN AND FANCY TINWARE. COAL OIL, WHOLE/LAIR AND RZTAIL Coal Oil Lams. etc.. Old Iron, Copper, Bram, Wool Pickings and !peep Skin. taken in exchange. J. STORY. Simi of the Coal 011 Barrel. " THE CHEAPEST HOUSE UNDER THE SUN ! I" Saunders' • Variely Store AT.AUNDIRa' YOU WILL FIND The But Beating Moves, The But °coking Stores, The Bat Baae Berner., —AND— CHEAPER than any other dealer in town. 200 STOVES TO C>loosi 11011. Stoves fitted up without saettiwy any Fur - niters and wo saner made. si &l aid Ira Tort attended to pros= by experisaoed r . RATIZ7ACTION QUARAirsXD. The seal stock of Taneinvelryy Novel- ties, Xovel- . Jnr ,Win !Id qwW's &ink Mese! Hewae Blore. ITV CIINGALESE HAIR RENEWER September 3rd. 1810. iTU The orownLg of nor worse L tt beautiful same t emit, L can onlybe ob- tained l�tsalf 111 les Ce M�T 13Ji7 R ls� Z`OR market. It pro- motes a healthym�aoow�'� of the hair, readers { soft and salty. strengthens its roots, and pre- vents its falling out, and acts with rapidity in RESTORING GREY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL COLOR. Try it before tatag any other. Sot% by an druggists Price. 30 eta. a bottle. 17b3 -1y. FOR CONSUMPTIVES. See what Phyatelaas cad the PeepIe say easel MCOTT'e 'INCISION OP' 000 LIVKAt OIL AND HYPOPISOO- PITK'S, as a remedy fSr Ceaeemptlei, 5sseolata, and Wnettag Ateetleas a Messrs. Scor h Bower: Oa..trtsisex-1 have prescribed Scots s Emulsion of Cod Liver OIL etc- in my practice and used it in my fam- ily. I am greatly pleased witthh ft because of its palatableness and the good results that follow its use. I have round it very serviceable in scrofulous diseases and pulmonary affections. Respectfully yours, IRA M. LANG, M.D., 279 Nast Broadway, N.Y. Louisville, Ky.. January 3, 1875 OcvTLrnax—icor the last fifteen months I have used your Cod Liver Oil Emulsion, both in hospital and in private practice. and have been greatly pleased with is effect". It is better borne and can be taken for • tomer time than any other preparation of Cod Liver 011. in Consumption and children's diseases I have found it especially valuable. JOHN A. OCTERLONY, M. D.. Vie. Physician, Louisville City Hospital. wieners. Server & HowNr : I have used Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil in various instances Ind I have found riitpitdo be eparsiily taken, readily assimilated. and conaid ly t the be.$ oven the nutrition cad Aeah. 'I oo wit have ever used. R. E. HAUGHTON, MJD.. IndianapolL.Ind. Messrs. Score& HowNC : I have given your remedy of Cod Liver Oil &c.. a fair trial, and am glad that I out say I think it isms remedy for weak lungs and bad coughs. I can highly :eoonunendWhen the doctors had given me ^cd using your medicine, and Ip. I comm.:...- Yrgth very feat and I ao health tuna t...: I shall poop be well. Yours truly. O. A. BIEDERRTADT, Galveston. Ind. Soorr & Bo Weg : I felt it my duty to let you know the benefit I have derived from the use of your Emulsion. I had • very bad cough for years, and on consulting Dr. J. E. Gorsuch of city, he informed me that mi left lung was diseased, and prescribed Scott's Emulsion with Hypophosphites. Atter taking two bottles, i be�aa W improve very rapidly, and continued pdng it until I had taken ten betties, and now am as healthy s man as there bin the city ofBaltimo3fAkg1�T SQUARE, began using It I weighed 14tondsreI now weigh lel pounds YoursD. P. FARQ1 11AAR. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Drugs. Chemicals. Paints. Oils, Oct. A 1879. Baltimore,Patient Medicines. Horse and Cattle Medicines. Perfumery. sr Physicians' Prescriptions carefully dispenaed.7i NOTICE. CLEARING SALE Raving purchased the stock of the GODSRiCP FOUNDRY & MANVFAGTVIiPO Cow - PINY, consisting of one 40 -horse Engine, one 20 -horse do., two 5 -horse do., new and second-hand Boilers, a nut of Flour Mill Machinery, Saw Mill Machinery Plows, Gang Plows, Land *fillers, Straw Cutters, Horse -Powers, Braes Fittings for Engines, Gas Pipe and Gas Pipe Fittings, Cooking Stoves, and • huge assortment of castinga in general use. The above stook will bo sold center, to make room for the manufac- ture of other articles. Omen taken for Engines, Boilers, and all kinds of Mill Work. Repairs attended to on the shortest notice. Addresq DAVID RVNCIMAN & Co., Goderich 1;31 Daniel Gordon, 011101-Mti 1111 Mader 11 cildeat !lone in the toe,nfy, and Largest Stock this eidtof Lowdou; PARLOR SCITRa, BsD-Room SUITES, SID+-BOARDN, EAs'r Cuomo, Lovasrn, SVC., me- Cash close priym will find it to their advantage to see my stock it %My need a geed ankle at 1). GORDON, West Street, near Pod ()Ike, Goderich. MEDICAL HALL; GODERICH. F. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist, GODBRICH. Tee les tc. Colors Steak Artist Md. CANANDAI3UA. Sept. 15, 187'7. Scorr h Bowxa : Gerers--I thought I would write to you. as I saw • notice upon your bottles of late upon Its long continued use. This has proved true in my case. I was given up to die Lid March with consumption, the best medical aid made no use of any treatment. My husband applied for your Emulsion et Cod Liver Oil ; he has bought twenty-six bottles and itis restoring me to health beyond the expectations of hun- dreds expecting to hear of my death every day I should like to take it fora year, when. I think, I will be perfectly eared Yours with respect. MRS. ELDRiDGE. For sale by druggists at d1 per bottle. 1731 ►�Fti ��dli� a THZ gaAATEST WOND ;I OF MODERN TlMlpill- fiver, lhelNon�eorTectal1 =read rte I.Ivw. sand >owek and are Invaluable in re in- eidensal to Females. The Ointment s the only reliable remedy for AadOld Wounds, Soren and Ulcers, of ehroywever odd all enuehe leaBronchitialliped rlbtp II,Masent tt et BEWARE OF AMiERiCAN COUNTER- IrEF M.-1 most take leave to coil the &amain of the blitnerally to the taut that certain lionises In Newyork are sending to e u sr a IT.noxs a My mut of YeP1119 and tmear Wsal frauds n en their labels some address 1n ew York. I do not allow my Medicine to be sold in any part of the "hated Sesta. T have no Agent* there. My Medicines are only made byes at tat Ox- ford Street, London. in the Books of tilrt tles* axed to the spurious make Is acantion warn - SW tte felts.�llo nMblic ��m1. deb csthiss da�j trick. a owe ere the rower efts e*ey w draerwre. Theae roam are pnrehased by uaprncild vendors 4t one- alt the price of gay Palls Ointment reel are sn1.i to yon as my Moine M..dicines i moat.avestly that sense of ostler which i rers,ireTame von- tyre taper se Irug� •�kaeseaMsM+ans, to •t#1A air apo Ttf*Wq M t Se Ny eve in d. rlwrsrsr,tMdenonee �T'ra Bash Pat cad Des d erne edielse bears the British Ooverronent Rtampp with the words "Bor.iow•v'a Plea Axn 0/r7fi Loaeaa " *weaved thereon. On the ►Mi 1a the addresas. 't* Osfnrd Rte London. where they ►a alone thaMntaet urea. Hdr way's PAU mod r/MMwwl A..rr•/,y nay doer .A.lrya, ewr�ra opetor,terleee The Trade Marks of these Weil. time see reghtber0 In Ottawa Nome awy epi tbto,:ebn,tt the WIWI i otweseinns, wit. ism keep the Americas Conete•rfefts forssa�lee�.�' win be e ,resnted. mistemi THOMAI HQLLOW A t I Oi?nrd /brew. 5ee.fe,, .sae t aane ITN a GEORGE CATTLE, Chemist & Druggist, Dealer in Pure ugs and Chemicals, Fancy and Toilet Articles, he. Imported Havana and Domestic Cigars, Pipes, Tobaccos, &c. P'hysicians' lirescr1pt;