The Huron Signal, 1880-11-19, Page 51 _Rig1,% qtr awls to OM Front. e..pion over • W* Icer lab At noun to -day the greatest sculling Ike wend W yet witu tau s et Harlot won as he Jean�s, it r said that bad he chosen he trig have left hie huge aatagottiat half a mile w the tor. -ft. general venues is that the Auatralan a Ito twee a match for Haulm than Courtney was Triekett was backed heavily .,s friends until the very last. dire otndture » com- plete. His euornaous star auk strength imposed on some psofoa.w,uala here out the keen eyed an l every --da -ea e. rl,.;.al Thames watennen gave the race in ad „kw, ,arae w Hamdan. They were in has + favor to a man delimit, Ana tli. s .taenia whirl graded hie appearance ..:.v .0 hearty as they were Iltrnea,us. TEA YOaYIM.. rs opened inauspiciously, the wu:ither be- ing lust-ky and showery, which Levi litany people who would .otherwise have lined the river back at home. The wa- ter was smooth, bummer, and ave acci- dent occurred to mar or deLty the .n,- m gramme. The excitement atnig bet- ting men all through was intense. t kids onHanlan junip4 from 6 to 5 the night TANDREWS before, to 7 G, 4 and 2 to 1. Despitet the badness of the weathr, then were large . 1 crowds at both the starting and finishing point., and on all available shelters along the course. Loudon had gotten itself THE SQUARE, - GODERICH. quite worked up over the event, au 8 i wu.e.tty on heed a t' sway of au Pet' kid. a< was resumed In the vicuat.. of I3sahan's tmlir yuanter., the Dial 14.4.1. i 121 i A s IYY.Itai lVe..uf IVAA had anae.ubled, and they applauded lust ily as he was soot with a oomutandut lead, ani paittgremiat at his .rime. H. towel to wit- kf and drawing furth white handkerchief waved it gr..c.fuhy in the dirvett.ri .f his admirers, while Peals of laughter acid rounds of cheers s` e�tedkhisr *ea attar time. He pawed benaat Bares* bridge in Y1 min. 40ca from tie start. The tett, u! terlyr f at Lad wore oast, 0+d tt r inse a.w0.0.4mutt Inter. ?hs».forth the pair plodded (el speedily, Ilam w geeing al►•ut hie wit' supretae► ludtlfererw.. A o►nnou-she anuuuuood the arrival et Hankin at the w;anise poet in /8 mtit& 12 stem 'r rick ett time was 9fl rni.a. 18 sena 7iickett �� .taut. y Opposite the flagstaff, . i apparently tett not sorry that the Joon ey was over Mr. Moore, the dis- Lu..:e Jades, gams tow verdict that the was went by three Lengths. con mAYvtar'Ost Tn1.ae.AYa. Haitian is tree gratified at the temp - hal uf numerous telegrams from America and Canada, including idle from the Mar- quis of Lorne. land os the man. street ul Winnipeg brings free (1'200 u, L3O0 per foot trent- age. BUTCHER, d on aturdayy and yesterday scarcely any- thing else was talked abort 'tri lie places, aa swung the Thames w' R E S H mEATs ear. The f..nn� w the � ens with Harlan, .rid hos easy triumph veto almost Y a waiter of course. , a• he sat in the hist, had that AND O(1RN BEEF, air of self-.atisfaction and cothience in the result which a lung series of vic- tories have impressedpp•..0 his counte- nance. Trickett was evidently uervoua, although he sat welland peddled his Sausages, &c., &c. pier Meat promptly delevered to all parts of the Town. .ors cleverly enough. A certain hollow- bou,td u Ft"aah{JT ANDREW$ ns about his eyes and tightly -drawn 17b0 T, e lips told the story uf ataltious, probably sleepless, nights. His backers and a few of the crowd cheered hien, but it was evident he was not a p .pular .darling, and the knowledge did not add to hu happiness. His spirits fell perceptibly, ,tibly, but when word to go was given, he re- covered tke old -tune determined look, and puffed away with his peculiar slash- ing stroke. Hanlan's appearance on the water was the signal for cheers loud and deep, which, however, did not seem to affect Heproeeededtobusiness with A MEI n. -??LY OF most admirable coolness. At lwtuth the p� Canadian jj ppri�gQ men took up their poaitiona Mr. Ire - forward, Heavy Jost the thing for winter clothing. HAMAN TAKEno THS LEAD. Off the boat -house he was half a length ahead. Half way to the concrete wall Trickett pulled into the shore. At this point the Canadian wars rowing 33 strokes to the minute, while the Aus- tralian us- wal post, doing 3 moos At the old O Y r ER ^ wall post, Hanlan was rowing in a be~att- �V[ /{�, jl Wel style end was a clear length in ad- vance of his tall opponent, who was con- stantly looking over his shoulders, as if an well made and reliable. measuring the short gap that divided then. OA' the Soap Works, the son of Anak from the Antipodes began to show CLOTHING MADE to ORDER CW NEW OVERiCOATINGS, NEW S(X)TCH GOODS. . &,me Good Lewes of Gents' Perniabieps. Air ILLDY- YAM. TS, signs of punishment,and the Canadian soder my own supervision. shot the centre arch of Hainmer.mith three lengths ahead. At this period of the race he won the bet of 300 to 400 pyo ALL WORK WARRANTED. that he would be first through the fam- ous arch. It was jest 9 min. and 20 sees. from the time of start, at tie aque- duct at Putney, until the bow of Han - Ian's boat, like an arrow on the wing, FASHIOtiABLE cleared, Hammersmith bridge. That structure groaned beneath a dense crass Next Door of elicited people, who cheered as if each was gifted with lungs of brass. The Toronto champion clapped on another length, and, confident of victory, he con- tributed a little to the amusement of the spectators. He was now attempting a piece of hariequiaade -the like of which was never before witnessed in a race. Dropping his sculls clumsily into the water, he fell right forward upon his face and lay there for a second or two. No long did he remain in a recumbent position that a kind of groan bnrst from the spectators, who imagined something terrible had befallen him. But before they could find their voices to shout and inquire what was the matter, he had sprung up, suddenly resumed the sculls, and was at work again, laughing merrily. A roar of laughter greeted this feat, and it was some minutes before the intense e=citemeut oucasioned had abated.— Trickett had meanwhile approached to within two lengths, but he had no power left to draw nearer, and Hanlan, appa- rently se fresh as at the moment he started, went away again with consum- mate ease. He had a spell of rowing with alternate sculls, stopped repeatedly, looked anywhere than at his pilot, dawdled in every conceivable style, and generally was AS FULL eF A1rTICB an A CLOW/I. His time to Chiswick Church was 15 min. 34 sec. Trickett was three lengths behind. A little further on Elliott was observed ahead, pulling in the direction of Barnes. Hanlan pulled toward him, and the pair went on in company, main- taining an animated conversation. All along the Duke of Devembire a meadows this farce was kept up, Hanlan and Elliott rowing leisurely trade by side tar w trri�g end�Tridiett with blanched face arid laboanwl breath* toiling in the tsar. { As the Bull's Had at Barnes was neared, Harlan bore away from the Middlesex shore. Ohtoe more some of the inspired one in the press boat now buret into prophesy They observed that Hanlan had threatersd to beat Trickett out of sight, and they imagined he was about to o. ommenee that effort. Really there E h Dunlop, tat sots. �IOyit4 der the tuppteition, j r the Oy,rdutrr ird agtard Lis thud. • t *. eft and was skin rallog slang at a rapid pace. This newly developed energy was even. oeet. 1a a monad or so he dropped his scalls, dipped his right bead snooped the water. Nodding heet rally in the (fixation of the apprnac,ing etmarnerw, he pretended t.: drink, then i enothad his hair. p.••sd his palm seemed his brow, an lice more resumed work in a languid t.ahion. Hy this time Elliott was ince amore along effete. and the pnlitiesi . TAILOR. to Bank of Montreal. W. S. Hart & Co., PROPRIETORS Gode�c6 U1s (Late POer's.) JA�d� Hes lost r Books and Staff Ot76,000 ENVELOPES nery. Winos 1Lr.sr+, &o., New press Goode, »� New i thiklerAllY4utis, pea}ue white ter valve ie easerieesed Z,p D�PJRTMIl1N'T_ -A s,.leedMI esaasllsa of Tweet ve your wesaere far s where yertritnaved, a teed. hu.aght out far of share.- gild ' at rise priest •� t _��q The big►eet pare paid for Butter Awl hit 7ordaal sten.. (Ieiarao\ Oristing done. Flour exchanged at their Town Store for grain with p.rties who may not find tt convenient to go to the mill. W. S. 11Awr & Co. have also ppnrchaeed the buslnees of W. M. HiLLIARD. and will keep for sale FLOUR, OATMEAL and FEED, and all goods in their - line. TWO CARS WESTERN SEED CORN for sale. Highest Cash Price paid for all kinds of grain. Office and Store under Masonic Hall, dart -St 1751. 1880 NEW FRIIITS.1880 NEW VALENCIAS, NEW LAYERS, NEW CURRANTS, S. AI MONDS, WALNUTS, FILBERTS, CHESBNUTR. /y LdN6 BOPXRIOR TROUT, WHITE FISH .! HERRING. .SILT WATER HERRING AND CODFISH. ALPO, A LI1011 AASOhTtrW1R 0? A. B. OOI1t \1 vast LL I : STILL .11!.1..1*IC FURMTURECHEAPER Tti4't *If'Tll R HOUSE IN TOWN. IF ' NtJ NGTISII TO SECURE THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN TOWN &SD INSFS M TES tato 'troLt.Y onion 111 PARLOR SETS, BED ROOM SETS, WASH STANDS, single and double : DRESSING BUREAUS. Di'ALSCY CANS (SEAT CHAIRS, and all kinds of Good furniture WAswk7sT.D. Teas, Sugars, JOBBING AND REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. GIVE MIs .i CALL. lob' Saws well sharpened for 8 cents. Remember the Plate: Hammiiion Street, - Near Colborne Hotel, - Goderich. Ind t}ewe►ef el -nervi ; CROCKRY, GLASSWARE, A N D CHIN A Dr. Farrell Crean Batting Powder. Dr. Puct'a Lupulin Yeast Gems. Chas. A. Nairn, TER 1441flARE I?7 IT Wall Papers, Fanoy Goode, Toys, Maseolkiliamt and Hrier Pipe.. l`I�ar if olden, WLw,elanaa,u. Hooks, Flower Puts and Vetoes Wove, Work Doren, 1u) N..s.ka• 1)01118, Monk and Purses. llemn. Hooks Toilet Setts, China and Ruby hoods. Caps, "maw Newspaper end Malrnaines kept no lend or of all Made. ordered. 10001(2. of all kiada. kept uu soul k and as low as an) other bottle.. WIMP 711LIPTIONt4 taken for all Magastnee ENGLISH. S4YYPt'II. Ilt1e•1I..i& l•.f:it N and r %THAN, al the .cry 1 .)w Her Publisher., react. d&N,faetiun 5oaru, le, -1 At BUTLER Plante oaf at so Corner of Wcat Stn'et and Square. 13 DalalaM- Tela reph and Postage Stamp Office. S 1731 X188 j06E38 Wilsoa, MIL LINER! And Dealer in Fancy Goods. Just in. a new and carefully chosen stock of ►l�illiuer Flo�ers Feathers &Laces I have rocenUv punbaesti a large supply of Herder Wools and FYuperings which I will offe at pikes that will s.it. A Wan Hornets trimmed in the 4teet style.. 1 and ace. MISS d$S$1E WILSON, Square, Godetich. Sr One orf too pp milieu toneted imutedfetlpjy. 1753 ptungan non Carriage Works 1 Mawoeatoracn ur - V O'a =ICs,,5a CUTTERS, SLEIGHS —11111114 Su. au I have on hand a few Buggies which 1 w dell Omar. to make room for winter work. As it is coming on winter Ramon, 1 intend making Cuttersand Sleighs a specialty. (live me a can and 1 will give you prices that cannot be beaten in the County. Repairing and Jobbing done. lit. IIVINTICIt. et- BooCShoe Emporium ESTABLISIIED 1874, SENSONABLE Aln ICE. Grand Fall Show "I say ! Aunt Julia, the weather is getting odd, and you ought to buy a good warm Jacket to keep you cxenfortable daring the winter months." "Well, my dear girl, that is just what I was thinking of. but will you tell we which is the BEST AND CHEAPEST don Golerich." "Why, yes, auntie, but I tholight that every person knew that the best in town is R. B. Smith's. They have always a large stock and their goods last so long; besides they are the NEWEST, MOST FASHIONABLE AND CHEAPEST that eAll lt* got. But Auntie, be sure to go early in the day, for about eleven o'cioak, they !ft so busy, that many customers have to wait • long time before getting @creed. " Thank you, Jennie, for your advice, I will do all my trading at for I have heard every person speak ao highly of that store." BOOTS AND SHOES. Rave reoeived as IMMENSE fiTOICE of Fleets and Sham for MI and Winter wear, a very *babe quality and very low IR pride. We are determined to give oar Customere the helmet of esperileime and capital In plowing be fore them every variety of floods is our line and et emelt Woes as will defy the keenest comp* Shoe. Masse esti and examine ear geode and prince whether you buy or not. air emotes* Work receives oar special &Meatiest aad every effort made to snit and plea oar esisfefferra 2. DOWNING. Crabb's Sleek TO THE TRA DZ. -Lsammitt and Ftwrintes in any swasalts. sad as knee* poem (17511 The Square, Mercantile Printing, Of Every Variety. VW". ■111111111014~ *MAP. Boots and Shoes. Every Line is Full and Complete! The Largest and Best Select- ed Stock in the County to Choose From I Parties wanting to buy Boots and Shoes would deriVell to before purchaaing elsewhere, as they will find PRICES LOW ER THIN EVER Ale- CUSTOM WORK attended to with punctuality N. B.—Any quantity of Cordwood taken in exchange. WM. CAMPBELL, Court [louse Square. Goderich, Oct. 15th, 1880. 1766 I HAVE BOUGHT THE 4:1'-•14 HARDWARE STOCK MIR,. D. FMIR.GITSON Newly en of said Stoek. as well as my own original fitoek. vthe beivothl before the VIII sacs Manse ha the Comely. MY STOCK OF iS PI 00X2 3IITT AT /VOX WO= AS WILL PLZA F`resh Ground Water Limo in AGENT FOR BEST STEEL B Pvvrk PI_ Idc311\T-71.1:T2,