The Huron Signal, 1880-11-19, Page 3wirminuta.011011411fflailAr18911
mid be— No, thank you. I >r�i flails'
q•ite *sough of early Ivrea and Ion stir.
g•gemeat.. I always meant to hue
eutaebudy whom 1 ooutd war v et ..rasa,
and be done with tt. '
There was a kali-truth to what Sm
said, though I could pot then W
other half to bt into it, sad prove tba1
her satisfactory circle of resaoehig wee
tpaartjy formed of *booing', untenable
t %behead, for false I am sure it wee.
Th •otagh I cannot argue it, Mall hardly un
den tend it, I fest it. There mast be •
trate' souteahere. Lisve cannot be all a
My . aster and I talked a taw minimise
tenger, , and then she rose, and said elle
.utast gas t, i bad-
e Win y. w not wish use happiness 1
"Itis very un tied of you"
I told her oc."might that 1 did not think
as she thought o. t these matters, but that
sh. had Duels her cipuiee, and 1 hoped it
would be a happy ea t
" 1 eat sure of it. 1%.'iw go to bed. and
don't ery any more, there's a gued virl,
for there really is nothing LL' er7 about.
You shall )nave the very pretteest brietes-
maid'sdress I can afford, and l"eherne
Court will ba such a nice house fur you
Eaucatiuonr t ,e4
$XT L CImegin- •
The .rat e:.ntiry uu fur adiniseMa
belederich High- School Ifs aina
will held on 'Nem* and Wedgies -
day Vis and 11114 4 December le-
teeili g didated must notify the
Plead M r air Town Inspector, not
hear thus Nan. 90th.
The worka prescribed in Lettish Lite -
velum for the lntermathate Examination
in July, 1881, are -Sam s Lady of the
Lake,' with special reference to Cantu
V. and t' L , and "Addiso.'s Sir
de Covert " (as reprinted by W.
Member& )
Latin: The Accidence and the Princi-
pal $ole. of Syutaz and ; &ter-
etses; °teem to Can* h sa, II. , IV.,
sad Virgil An
t, 14. 1., L, coming by
heart aeletted portlub of Virgil; Re
roe JULY,
tr.uslatiou into Latin of easy passages
from Clash/.
The Accidence and Principal
Rales of Syntax;yErereiees; De Hess
IuLrodm�m,•a French 1I9 to
end: Bonpacheee, Iasare BoeDW Re-
translation of easy ptaai.: es into French;
Rudiments of Conversation.
German: The Accidence and the Prin-
cipal Rules of Syntai; Exeruisaii; Aiders
Reader, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Parts; Der
(}auA each dem Eisenbanuner, (Schiller);
to visit at. Good -night, Dors," Die raniehe des Ibycus, (Schiller); Re
Strange, altogether strange ! ttsemlation of easy pasesges into Gman;
And writing it all down this morning $gdimenta of Conversation
The other subjects as before
Farm anb 'erten.
Yomemstoek used Sr* be hosted until
real 944 wugthemsqblot the, should
have t warm shed to"7"e"in at night, and
be kept in find -rate condition through
this month with turnips, fed tops and
Sheep bear inure exposure than any
other of our domestic annuals (nut even
excepting horses, not worked) that uris,
expose to the weather, not without
shelter from storms. The ewes ought
to be in lamb by this time, and must be
kept doing well Half a pint of *ern a
day each will go far towards keeping
them in good condition. Weed out all
these which signs of weakness, have poor
teeth, etc., and fatten them if you can.
Pius. —It is mach better to kill early
than late. As soon as cold madam
comae on, pigs will gain very little, if
any, and often lose during odd stones.
Therefore, crowd them if not fat enough
to kill Feed occasionally pulverised
charcoal, to keep their theaseive func-
tions ii,Lastsl issp there dean and wenn,
and oast Emus to eat etfsry mince pos-
Poultry need to be treated much in
the same wap That is, fattened and
killed early, if intended for market.
Though prices measly go up steadily af-
ter the tirst .if January, yet ths.ddi-
tional met of fattening in December, or
of holding poultry after it is fit, is but
rarely paid for by theher price.
Warm quarters are essential to winter
FALL PLANTING.—Lite October and
early November are often very favorable
to the planting of trees. The soil is still
warm hum .the accumulated beat of sum-
mer; it is rarely too dry, and if properly
drained not too wet If m planting we
should put every broken root back to a
sound place, in t short time these roots
will have overcome the bad effects of the
the removal, and will be ready for vigor-
ous growth in the spring. South of 40',
in most years, planting may be done
during the greater part of the year with-
out any injury to the newly set tree&
Young trees planted this fall, or
even Wt spring, should have earthdrawn
up around them, making
18 inches high. This moun•mound 12 tod of earth c,nfere;K„� and consultation before large
e*pen•littwere entered upon, and
much irritation would have thus been
Prove sited.
he provisions of the Act of 1879 have
.ot altered the duty incumbent upon
I feel it stranger than ever still.
Nteech�h , shown how`ttlle�now of
a subject until I begin to expi..''n it or
teach it. Let any young person try :ale
exprir of in eonvereation,
t 1 u't1
eogmectillely atll in the aim -
Ian uage, the -thief Spines of any
xtk or*miiele and he will
at once see what I mean. The gaps that
are likely to appear in the know e
that he felt was his own will nu doubt
very surprising. I- know of nu trainiuu
superior to this in utilizing one's recta.
ing, in strengthening the uteut.:y and in
forming habits of clear, exumetded state-
ment. It will doubtless te:wh other
than those I have inentionel, 1751
whit the persons who honesc!y make
the espe:;ment will find out for thetu-
lidvea Children who reed can p c e n -
awrsgwl to give, in a familiar way, the
courage ti parts of the milia they have
D w A
read with greet advantage etoaleooncern-
1-1 A R
lyW spg$ tlett,07 Gapes ocean WMie sou tax I.
"Down. She Cornea! A itY
4 al
Whim we say "Use. Mae theme- ws tease te tea Mara Prices that leave
Mea asked s the tart fine
Watchet►, Jewelry, Electro -Plated Ware, Spectacles, &c. dtc.
W. T.
Ilmulating the musts* d etteoassfal business mea, has Nieman nut OOODs DOWN
TO THE LOWEST ST OTCH 1 and is determined sot to be undersold byembody.
Be has just received same really beautiful things in E7eetro-Plated Wartwhich
determined to sell at on most. }! Sole Agent for ROME Carmel.
SrrtTAc•Lra, the must palefitting glass tit the market- W. T. WELSH.
CI 0 w
D. - C. Strachan's
Groceries, Crockery and Glassware.
"'a-• eanec tit Family tiroevtas always kept oe hand, and at prices thief cannot be matey' by
say louse is tae tz,e e. • YARN. -PRODUCE.
CASH PAID pe;:: _
The Old Stand -south nide o?Court Hoose square.
1764 D. C. $Ti kCHAN
Groceries, crockery & Glassware
Hamilton Street, (.•'trio •
ed. More than one youth I.know has
laid the foundatwei of intellectual tastes
in a New England family, where hearty
encouragement ,cos given :3 children
and adults in their attempts to sketch
the lectures they had heard the evening
previous. The same thing was done
with books:
tiiotl A000amotte low.
like following circular has been called
forth by the action of certain municipal
corporations under the statute of 1879
amending the Public School Acta: --
I beg to submit for your information
the following, respejtidg school acoomo- 1711
dation: —
The checks intrOdttced by the School
Act of 1879 upon the demands of Public
School Boards and Trustees for expendi-
ture of money for school accommodation
were imposed with the object of giving
the ratepayers an opportunity of being
consulted, and thus making School
Beards and Trustees more strictly re-
sponsible to their constituents than they
bad been heretore.
Under the law, as it existed, Public,
as well as High School Boards and Trus-
tees, could demand from the Municipal �t
Connell any cOtIVINm they thought fit, and, F. is�,HINE/J
on refusal, compel the levying of the � � j
amount by no �aa, an e
mu,effectualflews achinoe, /ion will certainly miss It it you An not *et one or the other of the above
Reduced to Bottom Prices!
Farm aa4)Bchool Bells, Household Hardware—at discos/it prieea. Builders' Hudwci e and
oole at Wholesale Priors. Large contrae's filled at Manufactdrers' Priv( e.
G_ _ PARsoNs,
C Treat Rednotion in Prices.
Having determined 1�. dreontinae nerved./` with Organa, I have reduced the -prima so that
persons wishing to r-�kmse will dad it te the advantage to call at my shop and buy from
The w ANZ1i,R and WHITE Sewing Ilia Maes
are still tae Peepie'arraVoa Te, tiny ammo easy to
legal process to whit► d mak so Mule noise, that it is • pleasure to work them. If yon are about to invert in
ewes air remonstrance was makers. Sewing •chines to Rent, and a stock of oodles. OIL Oil Cans, kt•., kc..
In the exercise of thin power is wan always on hand.
generally found that neither r t era
nor Municipal Councils w-,, consulted
by the School Boards and Trustees, el_
though in most 1- eie the true inter-
ests of all ' ould have been promoted by
should be free from sods, std ;,reds, and
will serve the double purpose of a sup-
port to the trees against the winds, and
prevent the mice from gnawing them.
I?sentnr0. — Water should not be public School Boards and Trustees to
allowed to collect on the surface; a t ase furnish adequate ttooummodation in their
(arrows in the right place will ca- ry it sehoola, as required by sub -section 18 of
away rapidly. I'nderdraining, t a the !motion 104 and sub section 8 of section
best and mod economical, aka sod be all 102 of the public Scheele Art. I have
finished up before hard fres ,sing weather
sets in.
Cions may be cut r • seam as the leaves
fall, and should be. hacin naw dust or
sand, sad keptcooked, jllace
only from three y trees o�the beat varie-
ties. If ye* do not have them it is bet-
ter to bit., than to use imoond rate stock.
U'_oels upon tree-, should be ;naked to,
t}.at they do not • M lost or become illegi-
ble, The old k and of pine label, marked
with lead per .011 while a coat of white
paint is fresh upon it, u about the best.
.ick strips are used and preferred by
Swoer , rc,R Roo? Gultttwo. — The
greftlr ig of riots is done daring the win-
ter r .ed the stocks should be to a handy
P. ,ea Take ap the stock before the
cgsfreesia, swarf and tie them in
, afterwards put them in boxes,
sndpl.oe the is the cellar.
yAru,ttiro,—The orchard needs to be
as well as any other field when a rawly
crop is removed. Circumstances will
f manure to
That from the stlegible kind T us
is always in or-
der; ground bone, ashes, green crepe
torsed under, are all of great value, and
one cm mere should be med.
KBerme Farm -- The cellar of the,
had occasion to point tint the to the pub-
lic School Board of the city of Toronto
that this obligation of providing ede-
quate school accommodation is incum-
bent on all municipalities, and in case of
refusal •tan be enforced by l� means,
while this Department has
pouter, in ase of any default in this re-
spect, of witholding the share of the Leg-
islative grant otherwise payable to the
School Board orTruu$ees concerned.
The Public School Boards and Trus-
tees, and the Municipal Councils, owe a
common duty to the ratepayers in pro-
viding adequate school accomuiodation,
with due fegard to the resources of the
ratepayers; and when the subject is ap-
proached in a friendly spirit, there
should be no difficulty in all agreeing to
supply astisfsotory school accom noda-
Anatr Canoe*,
Minister of Education.
Education Department (Ontario),
Toronto, 15th October, 1880.
house, if possible net be et [reit geed
storing vaned*
used ere should be ample ventilation
to carry off the carbonic acid ptnduesd
by the ripening fruit. A uniform tem-
perature abort 40', or jest safely abase
aecompsnied with dry
there, is the best. Pesos .hieM.- be
--- •rd 000estonsllp Apples, it
mapicked and peened in
t„ troop unitinserbed-
Meta au. Sorge Pea INunri
op all rubbish in the nreherd. Philt
the refuse fruit and feed to the pigs,
the opentinedMeseta may be destroyed.
yyr���,i rattle
OFF101 —8beepsrd's Book Stere. Market Square, Mainntrca.
Extensive Premises and Splendid New toc ..
�}_ BgRRY,
Major Walsh denies that he has ever
had any conversation with Bitting
regarding his surrender.
Philip Martin has pleaded
the charge of attempting to
Mayor of Hamilton.
Sir �areourt is to
itrfi c1f a Secretary
Ha milton Street,. Goderich.
A good assort sseat of Kitchen, Bed -room, Dining Room and Parlor Furniture, such as Ta-
blea. Chairs
betas, , cane and
woodseated),ted GlasseCupboards. Bed+teads, Mattresses, Wa•4hstanes,
N. it. A complete assortment of Comas and Shrouds alwys ea [seed ago Psarses for hire
at reasonable rates.
Picture framing a specialty—a all solicited. 17b1 G. BARRY.
guilty to
bribe the
resign hie
to become
os the resent er, the Right
Hon. H. B. �.�, heft'k� to the
gonted at
to j11 per bas hal in Montreal. Tba
lays melee have been made at them
Tb. 1 0tvt le iaW1ipvwv., the organ
of the Minister of Cuustnwte, ooeeolingly
ree.erks to those fanners whose the pro-
mised duty on iadeeed tc vete
nn the 17th of September,
er, Cheap and in
ne bet • fool would ez
thti duty 'es ^ss�y to gine the far• t
Red, White and Flue 1
Acheson GEORGE
New Dress Goods, Gloves & Hosiery,
To Ind b
read plitHAL
1tRR � 1!�a �1 tftst�"r i�i
Mercantile Printing
Of Every Variety.
.—UI AL -
Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma, General Debility, Brain
Exhaustion, Chronic Constipation, Chronic Diarnccaa,
Dyspepsia, or Loss of Nervous Power. It is un-
equalled in the treatment of' Palpitation
of the Heart, Trembling of the
Hands and Limbs, Loss of
Appetite, nergy or
. Memo
It ads with vigor, gentlesem and subtlety, owing to the exquisite harmony of its
iagredtents, akin to pure blood itself. Its taste u pleasant, and itaeffects permanent,
1 to first apparent effect is to increase the appetite. It assists digestion, and cruses
tLe food to assimilate properly—thus the system is nourished. It oleo, by its tonin
arts ,n on the digestive organs, indnoes more copious and regular evacuations. The
r,pi pity with which patients take on flesh while under the influence of the Syrup, of
Rea indicates that no other preparation can be better adapted to help and nourish
the ceumitt ti ui, and kenos be Piore efficacious in all depression of spirits, shaking or
trembliag of the hands or body, cough, shortness of breath, or consumptive habit.
Tho nerves and muscles beoome strengthened, and the blood purified.
the Best Style!
t.:10lb"I McGILLICUDDI' BRCS., Signal' O e
a +•tr irlrnrist f.,t ' art tnerwrd tab” f" l tritsd he lea
Iu the summer of 1864, I was suddenly effected by a copious expectoration of
inc:;Ai-pfruleOt matter. I had been declining in health (Jr some months, and, being
t .c elintJ:y n--rvous, the symptoms caused alarm. M my bunnies. was that of a
l spensieg chemist, the shop was constantly visited by medical men, all of whom
t :)dered their advice. Daring 1964 and 1865 my chest was examined by fen first
Fars physicians, some of whom pronoanoed the ease Bronchitis ; some, not wishing to
cause alarm, or unwilling to venture an opinion, gave no decision ; some stated un-
equivocally that I had Tubercular Diaeaee of the Lungs,„and located the trouble
where the pains were felt. By professional advice, 1 used, in turn, horse -back exer-
cise, country life, eggs and ale in the morning, tonics, Bourbon whiskey, cod-liver oil,
r',rrtric.ty, tar, and various inhalenta, but the trouble increased. Expectoration be -
cam, more profuse and offensive. Night -sweats set in. Cold chills, diarrhea,
dyepuoa, cough, blood -streaked expectoration', leas of sleep, loo of appetite, loss of
memory, loo of ambition, accompanied by general prostration, showed themselves.
Under the microscope the blood wet found to contain but a small portion of vitalised
corpuscles ; the heart's action was feeble ; the pulse intermittent ; the stomach could
not digest properly. so that flatulency and acidity was the result. Finding the symp-
toms indicated Consumption, 1 determined to use every effort tostay its progreo, and,
if possible, to cure it. I selected the most powerful tonics and moderators, and com-
bined them with the vital coastitnenta of the human body. For months 1 endeav-
ored to amalgamate them before my efforts were crowned with mama. I cannot
speak too plainly or too strongly of the effects produced. and the benefits 1 reoeiv•
ed from the composition.
fl in my a,ip n -tits Fe -ea , i ; t • ..oratl,a 1 r' i>a (nor:, digestion brit. r
the f:. • r. -^t no to r, c ,1 a e hs: i • ,p rEd ::: ceased ; night -sweats
heart.d ; 1 r•:i ed 'tet w i;; •t ; th•: tac:,.ttd r i as 1 :_ami ; f,, Rhing sleep returned ;
my. spirits became bucy.ut; the , i. 1 1- '1 -.1 a t 1 riga Jit • I omitinued taking the
Syrup month after month ; Ira o ing to t'ii d,^.:p, fly 4finite of St. John, my
recovery was neceanrily plow, alihna h 1 could obsirve a frad1al tetvtrn of strength
for three years, during which tiny. I c,utinu'«l t.cki•deg the r ne ly. Mypr'ea`nt weight
is one hung 1 n -i l e'g'oty.ei;ht, b in, thirty -sit; fib T. my nmol. I brave no fymp-
to r.s i f• • .1r c: •.. T :n only no '.oto t.iCt .0 hug tw leo i:.o *t!is w is the
(to a.• ; r tart h s etonp d and 1 eotcs d r myself we", T.,, reid:r may
ask, plow u, you k:iow yrw di8ii malty ti hie.• p' d d f:cm elect + d o: 1ulbeen• `
tai d ln•.g 1 1 s sa •se, In t• a «wit o^ttv:n of a.l ^.i,? a fa: r. o t. aloha g. In kla ch
last I c:.ughe1 f;vtn the ..glit Meg • p ece of rllO-:i`HATE O? LIME, hrlf the airs
of a pea, wh'c+h enr� him c )me from r o other p;aoe, a d which the hti;tintamhority
iu Lung D:8' Ire (Ia^nitx) shies is tate r•su t of tub role, tehieA h'a bre.tcured.
Added to dti'h 1 had ti:e leaden col r:+1, peril n 1, .rod •atria mitral t,c• ectordio t, a..d
the apf'.,onrfset i of the beet dic,;no•ticiins in tit ca nary. 1 br.ier� I lt.r,' asp r-
leDrd all the eymptome i•.ci!rut te the two fiat o'ar's of Consumption, ate; Lave
successfullyeenlatte.l them, s, that 1 .10 not drsleiir of ani• env w^e-e t•,•• :a 1t ft
sufficient ling Heade t, ba 1,1 s_r, t. I rn 1 caul: add .hct .,c in re nt m.•tu y ea n.dcri•
teii of increased Rae. wool t !•ever icduce ice t.i 1•n',.isct this icpnrt, bn o r •.,ere
sympathy for the you Consumptive. n :tot whes • iu:sf ,ttnn•! I believe it vitlany to trifle.
1; speitft: ., �,
.1.\MF.'• 1. Frl.i'f1'�
IvjmdM sr F4 ions theyee a•f Syrup of IIypopltorphitu.
.rr •
who. Felines' Compound Syrup of Hypepbmsphites u required, ask for
4wd be sure no imitation is fo;,kd or other article
thrus• c i.t , yoe•
Agents for the Dominion of' Canada.
!tar The puhnc are caut,onemi ursine a custom which
u growing quite colpo' ,n of Imre among a certain clam
.d medicine dealers. and which a this : When *asked for,
a bottle of Pal.-111Uer. they sukienivdilwver that
they are "said nut." "Met haus another art,de tort as
...,.,t if not Netter.' which they will sur sol the same
ace. The object of this detentiontear erent 'hese
substitutes are made en to stn cat the rem men loon of
the TaI..kIller; and being comnnundmi of the vilest
and cheapest drngt-, are bought by the dealer st about
half what he pays for the genuine Pale -killer. which
eatables hies therefore to rrah ie a few cents mare twotit
Par honk epos she osltatw.n ■mrie than he Un na the
N[U5Ai..e,r. RwvusArio Awe
�• ecmot ut•o
riaPAu..anilit 1.P••t roiv, s"s en.1t. maul«
M ere le ester 0060e11t,wtrr—,err• 11•0 1106 WV twee
sods S'Y alt atomises •