The Huron Signal, 1880-11-19, Page 111(119'4 iff:►!N ,(1111JHH
Ant. TNT. Oleos and random)°, wee. Heat
terse rebore below Beak of Montreal, lOfo+Oe
1J B. LUNDY, M . D,, PH I(,
Herpes and Ano e
mato and Trinity led d'�
door South of Whyard'r tin
OKON, Comae*. etc, Mee aped residence
en Bruce Street. meowed door we of V lcturU
Street. 1751.
Physicians, Surgeons, A0o0aohee0. ice.
Olio , at Dr. tikanasn's r ddM.oe, near tete
Juh Oodericb. 0. C. Su/tiro:4, J. C. HAnnr
Tox. 1711.
et • to Dr. Deutemed 0rslsate of Ontario Ve-
terinary College. Of loe. stables and residence,
on Newgate Benet, four doors east of Colborne
Hotel, N. 11. Houses examined as to sound -
nets. 1751.
RIBTSffs, Attorney, MAW/Wm etc..
J. T. Darrow, W. Proudfoot. 1764.
qty. Solicitor in Chancery, &e..
5 .7 TSRB fee., Ito., Oodwleh and Whether-
CBeeger, Jr.. Ooderich. .1. A. Memi
von, W ing-
Sollellor, Gl(C
ow-orner of West lltreet
ani Marks* tlqutaee evse (ieoeg. Acame=
0odsrteb. • 1751.
LAW. Solicitor in CLanaery� ('onvv�egg
armee ftc. Oecc over /tellers store, 0o(s
rich. Oat. Aay amount of money to loam at
lowest mire 01 interest. 1751-y.
Hartck al/ rlttmeltWingham. M. C. Cemeron,
Solicitors in Chancery. ac.,
0.; P. Holt M. G. Cameron. Goderlch.W. IL
Meow., WIagham, 1751.
Miscellaneous £arbe.
JAMES EMAtLL, Aitonrrwfr, Zoe
Met Crabb's Bloch. Kleiplpa it., God*.
rlob. PLY ani plasterer's
emotereatlo.sirawn correct-
ly. carpenter's'
ed •Les' plasr's and e
d •so s work
Huron Hotel. Kingston Street. Goderieb.
Rees encs-MR8. MILLER. Reshot. 1751.
and Ornamental Painter.. Parlor decor-
ecorating mads a specialty. Orutxtxo, 0itn, eo,
OLawt w. "hop on Narth Street, opposite the
Regtetiy Ogee, Goderich. 1761
k LISHID IBM. This establishment is chiefly
devoted to job and library work, espeelallyto
those tongue and economical halt calf and mor -
r0000 styles. in all oasis the best of stook •.d
workmanship. with strength and beauty cone
bitted. Bind overJokn Dutton's dreg store.
NON.-This first -seam hotel. lea reeeatly
been refitted and Imprrg�sed moss to tarnish the
bed possible accommodation to the travelling
public. Good liquors and choice viands •
epeelallty. An attentive ostler always a•
Land, and excellent utaand sheds, on the
pre ,es. Tame. Smits. Preprletoe. 17U.
Loans anb insurance.
(600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO
rich. 1711.
76,000 TO LEND ON REAL E S -
TAATE. Terms favorable. Apply to B. L.
1)OYi`1., Gedetic&. 1751
iter on good Farm or find -cgs Tows
_ Property
ate per oeat. Apply to R. RADCLITIPIC 175
to lead at the shove rate on fine -clam se-
curity. No. deb!. ��pty at mos to BEAOER
& MORTON, God* rfch.- 1751
Mat iabb rates of Interest
tnd on
Jana, brim to milt are, Saltier& P. Address
meant of Private Fundi for Investment
st to GAest RROW Prates cm ROM/FOOariersems TT A
THE DA t Oomp►de, 'T'
Jose LAfxp HLAifI; L0. PrwddeeC
is lent by thio Ceimpay to ladlvlda•Y i1ppwe�
the same system se to is_untcalltles. deal
for Circulars. HUGH HAMILTON, C. L
Agent, Goderich. 1761
AV on Fenn and Town Property at lowest he
*rest Marteeces purnhawed. no CoessNsMoz
charged, Conveyancing Fees reasonable.
N. B. Borrowers can obtain money In needs)
of title Is satisfactory.- DAVISON & JOHN-
RTON, Baeai.ere. fto., Ocierlcb. 1751
. Lite and Accident Isa'aaoe Agent.
Rtprwwpling 6 rst-elass Coupealee AIse agent
for tie OARenA LAVE ftroce lerno *'o. 00.
Money lead os Mortgage. either In Tows er
Fars In any way to colt the borrow-
er. -1 day's bloek. Omlerlah,
Oat. 1751
• sIoJ1M& Gal ri.b. Om. 1761.
Ationeer tee the Comities of Hares
and Middlesex. Terms reassemble. Oeee -
Remiltos Street Goderich. opposite Oft
Howl. Orden left et Sweat Mace
attended to. 1751.
Uj. BER end Hairdresser, to return KNIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR-
thaelts to the public for past •and
soliolte 0 continuance of c °' can
always be found at his Shaving Parlor, near
the Post Ofllee, Goderich. 17x.3
middle aged woman to take charge of
llpsrdlnr House at Ridgewood Farm.
rleh Apply to Mn. HAnw, Manager. 1761.
Public School, Goderich. Beleriee. 6250.
I 3300 and 3100. Applicants to state grade
Certificate, The undereyned will receive
applysattons until Nov.36,1MO. W.MITCHELL,
Secretary, B. B. T.
• DERSIGNED. baying purchased the Do-
minion Haat Block, is now prepared to buy all
kinds of cordwood, for which cash will be
paid. For further particular, apply to Chas. A.
Nairn, the Square : or at the Star .Salt Works.
Estrau Animals.
Heifers and one red and white heifer;
came on the premises of subscriber about the
east of Oct. The owner Is requested to prove
poperty, pay charge. and take them away.
• HN WuRor, lot, 9, con 7. OoderLcL town-
ship. 17111-I1.
premises of the undersigned lott. Late
Road. west Colborne, about the 24th Oet •
array ewe Owner W requested to prove pro-
perty. pay expenses and take her away. JOHN
LINKLATOR. 17194t.
of the subscriber, Block D, Colborne.
about Juiy, four yearling sheers, one grey. one
red, and two red and tribe. Any person
giving such informattwo SO will lead to their
recovery will be suitably rewarded. ALEXA` - 2. That It shall be lawful fur the ppurpe•e
lxem McNrn. Sanford . O. 171641 aforesaid, for the Reeve of the said Menial. WzALEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE. -Rev.
STRAYED. A HEIFER ABOUT I pally to muse any number ot debentures to be Dr. Burns, Prinoi l of the above named
nude for such sum of money
may be requir-
one and a half ears old. red and white, ed for the mid purpose. not than 3100 each institution recently left a catalogue at
pretty much roan, abort and stout made. Any and not exceeding, on Use whole. the said mum at our office, giving much interesting in-
ose giving me Information of it will be suit- of 67.500, which said debentures shall be sealed atructiou about the Female Colleve.
ably rewarded. WALTER HiCK.. Huron with the seal of the said Corporation and coon.
Road, Goderich P. O. 1756 -ret. terstgned by the Treasurer thereof. Among the list of students for 1880 we
• 3. That the said debentures shall be made noticed the name of Miss Hattie Smith,
T Let. payable in 10 years from the date hereinafter
So mentioned for this by-law to take effect at the Goderiek
olBoe of the Barak of Montreal, in the Town of I GRAND MILITARY ENTERTAINMENT. -A
Goderich. County of Huron, and shall have
HOUSE TO LET - A 000D attached thereto con{oonsbirths payment of in- military entertainment will be
dwele w house on west Street, Godericb t°�t at the rate and in the manner hereinafter tell in Victoria Hall, en the evening of
suitable for board bonne or m4, Toatt Friday, Nov. 'd6th, under the auspices of
ung privets real- .. none he said debenturermhall bear interest ' Y+
deuce. Polon 15th Nor. Terme easy. at and after the rate of six per cent per annum I No. 1. Co., 33rd Battalion. Songs, duets,
Apply to JAS. BccwARA,r, f'laning Mill. , from the date thereof, and arch entered shall recitations, militaryevolutions and the
T71ft -3t' • be made payable half -yearly, on the fifteenth
day ofJanuary.and the fifteenth day of ' July in presentation of the shooting prizes to the
TORE TO LET, ON V IC T 0 R I A each year, at the office of the said Bankof ' successful competitors will be the order
recently occupied by Mrs. Adam. Montreal. Goderich. 1 of the proceedings.
The store is commodious and well furnished 5. That for the purpose of forming a Senklrtt
with shelves and drawers. A very complete Fund for the p�ymeat of said debentures, and BRAKEMAN INJURED, -A brakeman
dwelling 1s also overhead. and acellar and the Interest to e due thereon. an equal
gO°d o.00mtel rate of one-half mill in the dollar shall. � named John Moore, of Brussels, on
soft water is in connection with the building. epees.' led
The stand is • Dna and r in dens prox-
imity to the Show Ground. Terms are v and collected in each year, upon all the rate- between the deadwood% ou Tuesda after -
reasonable, and well be Heade known on app1 , able property In the •afd Municipality. during Y
cation to D. iL STRACHAN. Blacksmith. 1161 the continuance of maid debentures, or any or ; noon ..f last week, at Clinton, and severe -
them. l}• injured. Messrs Irwin and Kelly, of
6. That the debentures to ter, .,t' and lama- ! Clinton extended groat kindness to the
ori as aforesaid, shall be delivered try the then-'
cil and Reeve% or other hoed of mid Munk'. I injured man, and he was sent home on
panty of the Township of Goderich, to tire; the first opportunity that offered.
Trusteor Trustees to be appointed. by said ; pp0 Y
Municipal Council of the Township of Godc-
De•aiew no ail awl •seat Amyfastl said'
tleaab stare. R MIw.ygIw "A Odes among ye, saki.' notes,
lening„ ►7 way K 6y M them ass• An' faith hell pewit It.-
aMg..y. sal N Iaafioefs aM ssas lav es a s� tl►e���s�e�� om�at
remfee payelheese et sh are. sou TOWN :�.
inemessethe Fourth LLeitt.Iaaa ture of tthhee Prroovinnceaof Oion nt
The snow leeks as if it had Dome to
tarte paused in the torte -tiled year of the st
reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. entitled COUNTY Couxeu..-The County Ctoun-
ap Aot to iaeorywnts� Bayfield and Scull Tu
nr'1t0 R•llway l:oapanJ, it is, among other cil will meet in Wingham on y,
things, provided and emoted se follows : December 7th.
And It shall further be lawful for any /Muni-
cipality or Municipalities through any part of RsttovAt,. -Mr. J. Aikenhead, V. S.,
which ur near wbiob tie° Ral1w err works pt, hs removed to Nstreet, four
the said Cr mpa.y shall par or be situated. to Newgate
aid and au.rt the said Company by Loaning or doors east of the Colborne Hotel.
guerenteeind. or viug money by, way of bones
or donation, or C
weans. to the The merchant In town who does not
in the uoustruotbas
a or equipment of said Mi. advertime in THE SIGNAL carries on his
way, or any of the works authorised ander the business at a disadvau e. "Eve
Act. in sun manner and to snob extent se such rY'
Municipalities, or an of them shall thii k ex- �y lead. Tun SIGNAL.'
pedisat Provided always that no such aid or
arlstaace by way of bonus, donation or o.her- QUICK W0RK. -Mr. James McFar-
vese, shall be given until after the pasridn7 of a lane sawed a cord of wood, one cut, in
by-law for the purpose. and adoption of such an hour and a half, bythe town clock on
by-law by the ratepayers; provided. also, that
any such by-law. to be valid, saU be made in Saturday. Who can bait it?
conformity with the laws of this Province re-
spectinga nese Institutions, and all such Candidates for the Mayoralty and
by-lawe so shall he vend, ootwlthNand- Cemicil board should announce them -
two big such,arson tbsey° d �e oval f
selves as such by cards in THE SIGNAL.
such reteahle property. In other towns the local papers have al -
And whereas the Municipality of the Town- ready a e number of election cards.ship of Goderlah has determined to aid and air )
art the said Company. by gtvtng thereto, by RZMOYID. -Mr. G. H. Old, the popu-
way of bonus, the sum of 17.51.10. under the au- h,, r,as removed, to the remises
Motile of the said Act; p
AJwhoreaa, 1n order to carr, tato effect on the Square, formerly occupied by Mr.
the said recited oVewl. It well be nOOeeme_y for Y. O'Dea He talks to his former ous-
the said Munict ty to raise the sum of 67,500 tunhers and the public generally in
in the manner beretaaft.r mentioned and set P R Y
forth - another'column,
And whereas, it will require the sum of 6815
to be raised annually, by special rate. for pay- Lg,7URE. -The next lecture under the
lag the said debt of mew, and interest on tee auspices of the North Street Methodist
debenture to be issued therefor, as hereenattcr 1
prA d heroes the amount of the whole rate Church ladies' Aid Society will be de-
livered in the church on Sunday evn'g
able property of the said ase of palsy, erre. and by Rev. Dr. Williams. Subject: "Novels,
live of any further Decrease of the same. and
also irrespective of any increase to be derived Novelists and Novel Reading."
from temporary investment of the sinking fund
hereinafter mentioned, or any pari thereof l+, Gorr THROUGH. -The Beatty line of
accords to the last revised assessment roll of Steamers were fortunate in getting
acid Mua�eipaln.. being ter *lie year inci too through the Sault Canal on time. The
sans of $.,,
1,,579. g
And whereas, 1.,: pa)lug 1.•• ii.e_rrsl ane ora: C.. -4,.u1 on the 16th. The Ontario,
creating an equal yearty sinking 1 and mor pay Sovereign and Aaiaare loaded with wheat
ing the principal of the sold debt of 37.500, ac-
cording to the pprovision of the Aot respecting from Manitoba for Ogilvie and Hutchi-
Munioipal Istttutoas of Ontario, it will ro- son's mill.
quire an .naval specie rate in the dollar, of
one-half • min. in addition to all other rates to PROPERTY SALE. --The co ottage and lot
be levied in eachear ; 1275 and south half of lot 1274, belong -
And be it therefore enacted by the Corpora-
ing to the old Ferguson estate, was sold
tion of the Township of Ooderich• in Council
S rg
assembled. as fellows : by Mr,, F. Graham, auctioneer, on Sat -
1. That it shall and may be Lawful for the said last for 5660. The rchaser was
Municipality to amidst the said t'otnpany by [
giving thereto, by way of bonus. the sum of Mr. Fraser. of London, who purchased
6►• the large building in August last.
SRiTISH Atm. GOR. Tosoires--;stablle ed
a'H(RMX 1741. (YY. of Tonnwmt Glieg{oadl
gestaWlalt d 178E
HARTFORD iNR, t'O'Y of H*Rrratn. Com,.
- Itenahliebed 1913.
Rieke taken ie the abr..trot ekes O31eee at
.b. Mows( rates M11(11111A0Z 11110MTON
Tore )A rut. „
undersigned V ►err .t -A -VIN r fur the•
WNW IS LIS e, eras etas .eewit7. from
tot per cent. Charlie moderate.
(Hievick 4.M 10 160 Mai
For Sale.
Post Ot11ee. for sale. with i acre land.
Stock all fresh and good. Will Dell on very
easy terms. having other business to attend
to. For further particulars apps to R. T.
HAv)rte. Also 100 acres of land Wert halt of
Lot S, on the 3rd con., E. D. Aahbeld. Good Or-
chard, Frame Hoose. and a stable. Fifty items
cleared and well fenced. A11 the crop with 16
acres of hay. will be given with lot. R. T. H.
78, corner of Victoria and East strets, in
the town of Ooderich, for sale cheap, or will ire
ezclanged for farm property. For ppaarticulars
Na iply to JAL 1111•11.L. Architect, oMoe Crsbb's
Block, or J. C. Cream, auctioneer.
Lot 6, Con. B. Township of Colborne, Co.
Huron, containing 16 sores 74 of which aro
cleared and in a good stats of cultivation.
There is a frame House 10za with cellar under
the whole, kitchen 16x!6, wood shed 16118,
stable 18216, for horses also cow stable i4x9e.
There is a well with a never failing .prtag,
and a goodoung orchard with about 40 tram,
selected. Term. easy. For particulars apply
to THOMAS WATsOR, proprietor. Carlow or to
GARsow R PaoonrooT. Ooderieb.
She People's (Column.
wwas found by the 'subscriber.
sad l hill. on the let of
Oct The own
steam have the same by proving property and
Panel o
M. Geonoa Beare tan,
WO I. eau le, borne. Nine P. 0. t7A1,
GR{oEeS, terms Berkshire boar (from Bow Park)
for servlo Si to be peld at time of
service MILLER. Heron Road.
ta of TbsomWatson, late of the iewn
d (lolbawe, in the County of Brio.,
Notice is hemh) siren pur.nant to the Re-
served 6(0.4e. of Ontario. Chapter 107, scum
le thin the enamors of psoas.. Watrrw, tete
et the touvielfp of Cabot.., to t1• Comet? of
Harem. who Med s the second day
of October, A.D, IW,'l on °e bolero the Mit
day of Dse.nb.r, A. D . Inlet: rsseeddsbty, ppn10.
Sell -
Whim prepaid Se , s.Iowes. ikitore Aum otrvtl,
IoM Doanee .nil Mary Wahine, tbs7t>Me.wN.
and Illesemplit_d flee last Win of the said est.
their entireties sad sanusaims.
aTdidr a deserlpecss and partied's,.
of thug etalnta of their
and tie nester* of the se•a 1y ([ any ietd
them. And theft ea end Moir the MOS
6*1 M 1Mrnesn�
he didrlhutsd • eselfted
thereto. lees r'sttar11 w� tie ogler ret
.w9ellcchhanotion 1 then lone been ,eOp��y ea
IImiM 9h the �wtee and aide 1Cta� ell antpyolepee
theme to Moss Morcel at t eem
�i .gwteemerr 17=
aww..l Ilsitr9tmP ern u
rich, and the said Trustee or Trustees .toil ac- • GRAND LElzvas AND Comma. - A
knowledge that they enve received such de-; grand lecture and concert will be held
bentures in trait for the said Municipal Council l.ahurtly in Victoria Hall, under the aua-
ot the Townuhlp of Goderich, as wens for the f of the choir of St. Peter'. Church.
said Compile,. and agree to pay out the pro- I pptt
Deeds thereof. or hand over the debentures to The lecture (subject -"Tom Moore,")
themannerknowing provided ell the sec**thwill be given by Rev. Wm. Flannery, of
7. That the said Trustee* shall not deliver I St. Thomas. The celebrated singer,
the said debentures. or any of them. or the Pro- I Miss Reidy, of Simcne, has kindly oon-
seeda of said debentures. or an7 part thereof, ;anted t0 appear on the occasion. Full
to the said Comp. y. until they receive the pps
certificate of the Chief Engineer for the time particulars will be given next week. •
being, of the mid Company. setting forth that
the work 1m completed so that regular freight OattL'ARv. --On Thursday, Nov. 11th,
and passenger trains are running over the lime
Mr. Peter Nolan, an old and respected
from MaytieW. to Clinton, and all the coupons
for interest on the said debentures which shall resident of Goderich departed this Life,
have seethed due before the mid Railway is 57 years. Deceased was born in
so completed to Clinton as aforesaid, shall be oust Cavett Ireland, and emigrated
detached from said debentures by said Trustee Y gra
or Trustees and cancelled and delivered to Canada in 1829, first settling in Lower
to the wild Municipality; nor shall the Canada.' He acme into Huron in 1847,
sa14 debtaturel he converted into money
until the - conditions of 1 the by-law are and since that time made his home in
fihlfllled, and In the event ot failure this town. He was engaged its the black-
ot ear of the conditions of this by-eaw, on the
part of the Bayfield and South Huron Hallway amithing bumines its Goderich, and dur-
(`.empany, the aald debentures and covens ing his residence made many warm
shall he returnable, and returned by said Tree friends. He leaves a widow and five
tee or Trustee.. on demand made in writing,
by the Municipal Council of the Township of children to mourn his lose He was
Uoderinh. buried in the R C. Cemetery on Satur-
B. That the said Railway shall be commencM manywall known citizens following
within one year and three months, and Dom- y e g
pleted within six years and three menthe after his remain. to their last resting place.
We miming of this by-law.
9. That this by-law shall Mke effect and onmte 50 YARDS SPRINT. - A very interesting
Into operation on from and after the; fifteenth event in sporting circles canto off on
day M Januar,, L D . "lathe:10. Tbat the trete of the electors of the said South At., on Monday last. Mr. A. B.
Municipality shall he taken on the by-law, at McWil' , ons, the -genial proprietor of tho
the following polling places and b the follow-
ing Returning 1H6e ems, In each of the potting "Albion", got into it diacusion with
deviators% in the Municipality No. I. ihwe Major E. 6. Petit,:the gentlemanly U.
Han itis con., R. 0.. Samuel Joh oton. tstoon.: y customs representative at this port,as
(rIlan, No. Orange Ita, neer railroad, 7th coon., R.
0.. Izon liturgy : Nn. 3, House of Thomas to their relative fleetness of foot, and it
Hanierm. R.O., Thoma. Harrtsons No, 4, Hmre was decided to settle the matter at once
ot William Herbison. sr., R.O. tem. Herbison, and fThe pools showed decided -
re.: No. 5. Hogue of Herbert Elfforever.
ord, R.O., Her.
bort Elford : An. 6, Home of Andrew Duff. R. ly against the Major, as it was deemed
0() DEC EM HER.IM9Andrew Due. on hcwwnmtiMw at TWENTIETH
thehoe he waa rent down .ufficinnHy fine to
of nine 191 o'clock in tlae morning of the same show his ' `staying" qualitiessatisfactorily.
day.Mfr. Meek, of Exeter, was the mtarter, Mr.
II . That on Moonay. nes Into 0.v or Ds- A. H. Peatman waa the official time-kee
..woes, tam. at one o'clock in the afternoon, p
at flee (bsnetl ('hamber. Hnlmeeville the or, and Mr. F Palmer, a well known
Reeve of the said Mth
nnlctpallty of e loon- authority on sportingmatters, was ap-
.hlp of Gdarichhimeeif,. shall appoint In wettest ted u eat. finish. A. the men •
Wet ss.a R up of the vol., battend
the (1wt M peered ,.n th track the fine physique ap-
eeidm tpol�"epl.a+or. /when offend new "t'hhe�p lotted / In
the Major was much admired, and the
tempted la and thwereeu of the par neat form of his rival also showed to sd-
M�n� Ude ca
of V by law, ami .trite sem oo he vantage Beta now became more even
! d tie pDranr Interested baa/ la.tmwa
and the excitement more intense. "One,
.Mt opposing the psM.g of 13is bylaw
two. three; go," said Mr. Meek, and both
the above Is •a teen espy of a Started at $ good gait, Mac striking
((mo�w weob win es takes ted "fart strokes to the minute" and the
tee nu..ison atm MeaMyslMy ethe bon 7
at Oolerinb. after three weeks from the Major about "forty two." From the
talentfm barest al." "tram' 1B1'*'r, first the atter rank the lead, which he
et watch MMtst on Ilee the twel des
evember, 1, ate that w wave of Alen- psd..11) inas
erned an he peut.ed the
et mid lt55Ye
uauoipaitty well hes Ween thowerm Anion ghods and Polley's livery stable.
e• as 318se18th .d la ret YAece tW,r. l *,, hr Man tutee{_ but to no avail, and the
tease the news of alas o'nlsek lathe toa'.nonn spurted
.s •.s n'einet In tee afternoon, .t the MOM' came in a wmnee by several
ttve males lanes 01 ha M..MpaIITT7 1 "lengths ' "Peat' benanu sointerestsd
wb¶AKM PATTON, Tow„nhis ('lest M the prooeediegs that he wes unable in
Ood.rtoh Nos " 9M. lab catch the time
To fee or not to fee-- .mems Jmete.c'Ilrfmiembwmet.
That's the question. gry,a Hoacc Judge Boater.
Asinro wti out this
weekarn .
Tis Qua= vs. Aarwra 8aiszzv. ---
been crowded out the week. It will ap-The who was last week sea-
poar in our ne=t victor u! �itealing cable, came i for
Da. MILBURIt, the blind orator, will eenteow oft Friday, what he waa s.a4 to
deliver a lecture in Victoria hall, Gude- the Central Priem for one year and
rich, Nov. 30th. ' Subject : " What a tAree mouth&
blind nun saw in England.
Lament -It is said that Archibald '1heTzs pgyQuoensRiah, woWILLitAon thea 11th Forbes, ioat-
the famous war correspondent pleaded guilty to the larceny of $35 fro..
will lecture in Goderioh suun under the one Gob in the Township of Hay, .p -
auspices of the Mechanics' Institute. He peered for sentence on last Tuesday
will be well worth hearing. morning. He stated that he went to
8. S. Coeval's -nee.- Circulars, printed Oaaho's house while the family wore ab-
et this office, have been issued, invitipg sant, unlocked a trunk in a bed room,
8. S. workers to the forthcoming convene tad abstracted the money. The Judge
tion at Blyth, on Tuesday and Wednee- considering the caw a serious one sen
day, 14th and 16th of December. tended the prisoner to six months in the
SLEIGHING. -The "beautiful" cease Central Prison.
down on Saturday night, and gave the
first cutter riding on Sunday. Mr. Riga tiebee' near+,
Harry Smith was the first to compass the- -
"Square" to the music of the bells.W�nsd><Y' Nov. 17, 1880.
PLOWING MATCH. -We !Darn that at The board of High School Trustees
a plowing match in Utborne the other met ntto day. All the members were
day, Mr. E. Courtfoe, of Porter's Hill, present. andThe minutes of last meeting
took let prize in the extra class, among eery
abaci and approved.
The edbonn tto that an applies_
six competitors, and a special for the tion hod been made to him by the Prase
best plowed ridge in the field. Well dent of the Mechanics' Institute for the.
done. use of a room in the High School for
PAsasn,-We are plowed to congrstu- holding sen evening class in oonnectiou
late Mr. J. W. Snialll of this town, and with the Mechanics' Institute, The
a student of Cameron, Holt & Cameron's Board although approving of the worthy -
law officeon having succeded in p•ming motive for nuking the application regret
very creditably his fourth years' exams- that they cannot grant a room in the
nation before the Law Society at Turon- High School without incurring a personal
to, on Thursday last, and trust that he liability which they have no desire too
will be as successful with his final. am,LMe.
PROSBYTERY,-A meeting of the Hu-
Communication Erni the Town Cotta
Presbytery will be held in Knox bol wan read, requesting the Trustees t.,
Church on Tuesday, to take into ootiaid- I impose a fee of =8 }Der annum un each►
station the matter of Dr. Ure's resigtia- !Pupil attending the High School,
tion. The meeting will likely ►oe very hovel by Mr. Pollock seconded by
largely attended, as great interest will• Adatna,n that a fee of five dollars
be taken In the proceedings of the Pres- be unposed on each pupil attending the
bytery on this occasion. High School after the first of January
WHO? WHERE? WHAT? -One recede to next, viz: 51.50 for each of the two first.
go from home to learn the news. A re- terms and =200 for the third.
cent number of the Bedford Que.. Timer Moved by the Reverend Dr. Cee, ,
contains the following bit of real news:seconded by Dr. the
t that prior ter
action bong takenn oun tmotion that
-"A granite monument of iuuuense the Town Council be requested to ap-
proportions passed here a few days ago, ret a committee to confer with the ,
ere route for Ouderich, Upper Canada, to O1 tees W .,result on the best mean
be erected in memory of the soldiers who towards the •success of the school, eitb er
fell while repelling the Fenian attack in b im fees or oe, ntl
1866. The differcet sections of the the meeting take place titherwswis,n e
as pomi)d tat
monument comprised five oar loads. - Carried.hie•
LECTURE ON "INDIA. "-Rev. J. Mess -
more'. lecture on "India," in the North atNe.sel.gaea- l Report.
St. Methodist Church, was well attended
on Thursday evening of last week The Stew of the weather for the woe) , end -
lecturer made no claims to oratory, hut ing Nov 13th, 1880.
said what he had to say in a plain, mat- Nov. 7 -Wind at 10 p.m., Suutl t -west,
ter -of -fact manner, not. lu,wever, totally strong breeze, cloudy. Number t 4 mile,
devoid of rich humor. He stated he had the wind travelled during 24 ht ,urs 670
come 100 miles during the day t.. lecture miles. Sleet at 3 p.m.
to them, and had not met a pauper "n Nov. 8th -Wind at 10 p.m. South -
the roete-in India beggars were a most wont, fresh breeae. Number lesmogiruilitierof: numerous class; here there were eviden-tea windtravelled in24hours 42ces of civilization, education and thrift-Nov.'Joh-Windat0winsthere the people were to a great extent east.lighthreeze;cle.1
uncivil' uneducated and careless; lades the wind travelled dull ing 24 hours
here Christianity obtained -there Bud- 944 smiles
dha, Blume ane! Mahomet had their mil- Nov. 10th -Wind at 10 p.m., South -
lions of followers; here. however, the east, fresh breeze, cloud Number of
climate was very changeable from sum- miles the wind travelled if uring 24 hours
memo winter -there the winter could 489 riles. Began to 7 .airs at 1 p.m.,
only be determined by the rainy season, ceased st if p.m. Am ount of rainfall
for cold weather, in the Canadian sees 8,5 cubic inches.
of the term, waa never experienced: here Nov. I1W-R'ind at South -
the roads were heavy and muddy -there, west, brisk gale, snow' flurries. Number
like all old countries c4 4,000 er 5,000 of miles the wind to .velled during 24
years standing, the thoroughfare. Hours 1126 miles. Be gen to rain at 1
throughout the bard were of the beat. am., csed *49 p.ln . 1.6 0. i, 1.11.
The lecturer then gave kis per.. nal ex• Nov. ea12th-Wind ai 101)01n, South.
perience of the countrydu�ri�ng•residence west, brisk gale, cid udy and cold, frost.
of twenty years, and graphically dwcrih- Nnmber of mils tb.e wind travelled dur-
ed the manners and easterws of the pen- ing 24 hours 1269 roils,
ple, the religious rites, the cultivation of Nor. 13th --Wind at 10 i,. in., South -
the soil, the obooxions land tenure the west, s tong breef e, partly cloudy. Num -
heavy taxation, and the degradation of tier of miles the wind travelled in 24
the majority of theinhebitalhts. He stated house 636 miles. Frost, snow flurris
the population of the country consisted et 9 p.m.
(independent of castes) of three classes: G. Pt MocoogALD. 0l>.erve. e
-the abet -sines, or Arens; the
Mongols; and the Eurasians. The fu- Mattahalttar.
ture of the country was in the hands of
the latter, as they contained the excellent REeovzRJNu. - Mr. Jose/ eh Stitt is efe"A'•
pinta of Asiatic and European extrac- covering from a severe -attack of ewe.
tion. A great work lay before the mis- gestion of the lungs.
sioaries in that benighted land before Tzar Wttlr. -A ai+aeslwndent Rice,"
the Christian religion would be an nem tl
plains that a oderictt cattle buyer v r•
oompliahed fact, as the manners and cru- oeny showed his ansate -noes by snatching
tomsofthe country and the religiousa whip from a lad, and driving c -U rfi
rites and ceremonies of the people were it
so diametrically op to the mewl-
cation of the b truths of the reli-,.
glare of the Lord Jesus. But mach was
being done by the minion schools and in A Levu DIRT Aerce. -'Che are. at the
the universities at Calcutta, Bombay and Park House, Go.Lsrich, on Sends y night,
Mathes, in dispelling the darkness, and was distinctly seen in Exeter, •rid even
he hoped that. ere long, the blessings of at Elimville, • distance of 35 miles It
Chriatanity would prevail over all the was supposed by the people hem to be
land. Aftery repeating a portion of the some barn nest Hensall._
Land, a nnHin lustani,'Tere is a Hy
and answering
Mr. F. HoIland, forrtwerly of Mitnheli,
number ..f queries from same of i he has purcha.ed the. Rceibe ro flow' mill,
brethren, the res. gentleman took hu red is now fitting it uN in the et
seat. A vote of thanks to the er approved style C Hv,(Janl has had
McKenzie ImRessk , extended experience an a miller, and
Acheson thy ar carried unamiolaal•nd Gin farmers ntw(y rely igen getting their r
gristittg dune at iilo0)iero Mill in a first-.
clam manner To v se an Americanise'
s..snwr Etes'
he a ".suture mm," and will mew d
a -
asrt' Ftra'utueow M . C G. Tena Ftta'r S tri PTnw•ARnaRrtlr.-'Yes
Newton hes opened nut in Savages old sunray • tmrwoez, P. C. f4mith t•«ok m
stand with a 8ne display ret Hats, Cspr, charge,
nn the comer of Do'' ac and
and Oents' Tnrtishinga, and is prvp.aN Richmond streets, s ger( in a e► ,t state n/
to give mtiataetory be.rgaim to an
fnto*u*oF, 5(0 ve
ks► roma s
who will favor hem with a call Msrgaw.t Graham an.l •aide came from
Tee OaiAT BOAT RAen. - it u a re Exch i 1313010 but siztsrn yesn of age,
markable fact that Hanan always rooms* east mid that a man ani ,ted her a• take
nut ahead, and he is new the e)v.mpion some refreeehmnnte ►t' i she thought mho
oarsman of the world. This is only rmtl.t have been dire,gR,d Tres Perak
squalled by another great fact, roam. y 1s that the 'red re -,i hood who tok)
that R. B. Smith's stone is always .cunei aur "line °Moir,
teles she came to Exeter
of others in variety. quality. style and froert Rtasaskt f no other day. and
low pnioe of ggo'�nd. ( rr nese of Moms situ'* d h.Hs1'( mtnngely as nnlyjthe macs
and Bo ' Gement.. Ot* ease of absndottod mould cin t 13 oera any hard
Raney Woollen Gonda, and several ether chweled',eeth just 'midi -hag into man -
et new Rondo ren+(•1'I 'hit i week Coll and sae tboarn A r now anything •bout this!-{Re