The Huron Signal, 1880-09-17, Page 5r1
l[Y Chut L).Av* and bl ii!gem Hut
.ah shiprisl frown here en fbe Lith wie. ,
of Mane...Le . 112 .h., ., le head of hos
.ea, and 10 esu of harness manufactured
aJt rtthe *trick
steM"moi Mr Davis
Lan. -Mr W TGrieveluis tuo.ed
is family to Dakota where he has taken
op lend He says that incl. .an, ger.
hum 100 acres for taking the oath of
allegiance Hr rake.. .tun•:►. •t ago k' hot.
III'h••AYA..] DHVw flit irhnekt eau
*awanual% »restart. Agricultural Society
lave iemded. to hold flush annual F.
• Show nn the 3Oth of Sept and their bills
an now traueo A11 attrectRs pries list
is presented Dungannon ua 11104• Little
%aha e. is sumpunded by :a fine farming
• ountry . and to the Sh. •w line has always
tine successful We wish the Society
oncrease4 autumns in this years Shaw
Et tall.
V..'• a'i Vlr1. MI D 1) `1111- w1111
liar bete Attelulins tits 1 I'atharmnes
collegiate Institute passed very credit
Ably at the laat exauunatiou feu tint class
eertr6caten,at Toronto Notwithstanding ,
very keen competition he came out about
tint 1t is gratifying 'let the fount) ..f
Hur,.n was se ably represented at this
Ivor exenunatl on f. or fit dew'•eaehers.
--e )Lords.
t i. Ea,A1:) ) t.VI, a+.. the officers
Ebenezer Sabbath t•h..o1. con. 2.
Moms. intend holding their anniversary
servineson6et� and Monday, Rept.
Po ani 90. -Wen .i 1[arkhaist will
preach m the tuornua . Re: k Knapp
t'. the aftsrnv.'n. and Ret .1 A Bowe
Iti the 19140111112. A te4 party will be held
ou I[oethy. Can speeches will be de •
hveiw-i be several rot gentleness awl •
...hers '
ob1aU> %
• 84801 v) DAIS. At :. mewing of
:1e Directors of the Stanley Branch Ag-
ricultural Show held on Tuesday, it win
determined t. change the days for thel
holding of the show on account of ted
Blyth Show being fixed for the same days
ea those selected fur Bayfield. The
show will now be held iu Tuesday and
Wednesday, the inland pet of October.
instead ..f an Thursday Ad Friday. the
two days following. All interest. -d shoed
Lear this change in mind
-1PH$- B9N -sieklux SEPTEMBEAfl, 1380.
A *smarm Y L1I r . -'Ire latest
sailor, int the nesghborMwd :blew
Mheppardton and the Pow. IJ' arm a the
alal"s ►c1- .r • bell •t ,.,I* denblr
proportions. brut* uas toren •luku.g
said levee with the bets in the +*Mina
and a numbs., of total %inured& hs e
stated ow a Houlaill his depredations ; if
Qtn.'r Wats 210 toughen of .ate
were threshed e. the taro •t Mr •'tut
ton Leeburn inside rat u• haul with
a horse power •ape der Isiah
',111 aro a pn.Uaallyt atilt Ilea
been taken iron' our midst Amdrrw
Wilson las he..0 cut eff at th. early omit
of Ir. years end 5 months Ho- was a
v altuUtgemt lad, and had many fine
qualities. which retademd hue winder
with all wile knew hue His auddeio
death u. a t.uuful blow t.. hu, parents and
relattver He had Just left for London
t. pursue We studies, when a sudden sick-
ness prostrated him. dud he sutx:unibed
oil Saturday. His remelts ware tiro.tight
home, :old his funeral on Tuesday was
attended by .o large theme •,t som.wiug
ho tall also/
and h./111u buyers to airs for u e
tyle of these animals in the, venous ail
le1w sbretiglieet *tuts lett end •.hat,
tley wq►ua ➢t+}u imildi4grohaa. He I
t u a:uucimi in getting • few .if ur htwnuss
men who tore anxious w sec w fat, •+stab
lashed to contract with hue coo , time'
spew each ot. • ''Large imitate is. hun
dred of which were to he put up to every
dtrue . t. eat.oudulg live miles 1-w .Ind
some • 11. or two thousand ilodgun Nen
ale t.. he .tutributed The day thee for
the show was Friday lass Sri qua stet
we failed to. fee eithe. •sttl. el nuyere
it IS •a,. ,••Uli rupo.rtwt thl
t he
haat u• such arrangements mad with
buyers As h.- pr.foued. that very
few ,•f the `eaten. and bills found their
way out of Exeter. and that the mile •one F
benefited was the orlginatot( the
scheme, wln•u+rare.i yutt.+ a nacsyitth
✓ um from* th•,r.• wh..s. carom.. ••ccupted a
small space om the large posters.
evesade Max•;u .
The validity of Mr Hayes title nay
always be questioned, and his administra-
tion! criticised. but the payment Sof one
dollar gives a valid title to one bottle ..f
1)r Pierce's (Joldeu Medical Discovery,
and its administration can never be criti- i
Mesad in oases of comets. colds, entrant
Iodine physicians of all schools endorse
irarrtt, RATtm Mt1L
.• et". �•
ix resat rater era*. _• 'r ,.i$a..... • s
`Y" i L.' t :. 11' b. C'odlo 'oil Pean
r1t ure Empo r 1 u ton.
Gamin ase terms, 7 lswaaee ossa°. t f
ow w linea W A t OC A1Mou Mock,tl ••►. Merw1.•.. •tads. testa/ no...
171-1 a(Mt at
f9oautrr rennet. sell /ti/ruau•u noes •w Aro. eoo.tse .,.•, ... 4,..,0 •r ... • w.ata.
- Wood and Lumber taken in exchange
U1.odeW.•d to Jaren A HAL. 1.111 v.••1Vw«-n,, ,*.,.r •1••'-•1. ,i.r
at the Nom 7paaor •"•••• w•+-+, .,..1.1-
The /T,wntt g alar, of nage re groaner .. a
h aisiateat nap or item. ca.., ren Is t>b
ulnad to>la be cbusing �iB ' SSW .
T S *bleb R' O U R
proved itself la��
R.MteeraRiolettot market It pro
metes a heeMy growth of this hair. readers k
ventcalk) uta roots, and pre
falling out. sod s is wnh rapidity to
'Pr u [orlon• urate guy til y s/
dee M, Price, *eta. a Qom•
--„ - consumpttoonand general debility for Hugh Dunlop
the Duc..vory and prescribe it in their
practice. Sold by druggists.
torr to ear Peegsb.
•' For tan panto sty wife was confined
W her fwd with touch a eomplicetion of
ailments that no doctor world tell what
was the matter to cure her, and I used
up a mull fortune in humbug stuff. Six
months ago 1 saw a C. S. flag with Hop
Bitters on it, and I thought I would be
a fool once more. I tried it, but my folly.
proved to be wisdom. Two bottles cured
her, she is now as well and strong as an
mat's wife, and it cost me on1 r two dol -
len. Be ye likewise foolish. -H. W.,
Detroit, Mich. '
Pared of DrIsklae.
., A young friend of mine was cured of
an insatiable thirst for liquor, that had
so -prostrated his system that he wag un-
able to do any business. He was entire-
ly cured by the use of Hop Bitters. It
allayeid all that burning thirst ; took
away the appetite for liquor ; made his
nerves steady, and he has remained a
sober and steady ratan for more than two
year's, and has no desire to return to his
cups, and I know of a number of others
that have been cure.l oof drinking by it."
--From a leading R. R. official. Chicago.
Delicate Ire awes.
Cases ..f female weakness, delicate and
enfeebled constitutions, and those suffer- i General (cols.
ing with Stomach, Liver and Kidney
complaints, will find Electric Bitters a
speedy and certain cure. The sick and
ppssnnsstrated should rejoice that such a re-
liableremedyplaced 'the th
1, ,plea ere offered in town at 25 cents
The growing ./t aorghttlu, tried e•
pertinent by several in this neighborhood,
appears to have been a sutwws, judging
by the standing crop. The season has
fortunately been a favorable our for it.
Lees et- Free. - A Manitoba
dent sends us the inforuation that a s ort
time ago the house and effects of Mr. A.
l'ardn.• late of Seaforth were entirely
cunauuned by tire. Mr. Ce edne being se--
verely ,burnt while trying to;seve some of
the contents, and Mr. A. Elbckeriine late
.f L..ndesbooro ales sustaining in uries
therefrom. which rendered hint unfit for
wr.rk for seine timer.
I'atso H MATTZE'I. un Monday last a
deputation front Huron Presbyterymet
the people of the Rodgerville Presbyter- I
an congregation in their church. to. as-
certain the opinion of the people upon a
proposition to serate from the Exeter
c, tion. The meeting was very -
fairly attended. and after A full discus
Sion of the matter, it was decided aleant
unanimously not to serer the existing
union, only seven voting for separation.
The deputation then proceeded to Exeter
• and met with the congregation there. and
A sunhat decision. was given. 3o• the
question of dividing these Mies Mus
tteen settled in the meantime stany rate.
Mus Mary Brock hag lefthere to reside
u. Lindon.. k number of her friends in
the ethotiut eunday School had a sur-
priselast Monday evening and presented •
her with abeautiful Bible. agift from the
teachers and scholar' Ra. D. Auld
Sw:Ahem. - Mr. R. Muray, of R.odger-
vfllle, has been messed as teacher in the
ppereepp ,toy form in connection with the
(IaltaHigh School, at a salary of 8600.
Peonerr Bonn. Mr. David Millar,
of the Thames Rad, Usborne, has sold
50 acres of land, the south half of lot 23,
lith con., t.. Mr. Homey, for the sunt of
$5,250. Mr. Millar has also fronted his
homestead. known as the Fenlon Home-
talsad, to Mr. Peter MsDMInal for 1350
per *mune
Fear.. i tis Friday of last week, the
Berns of Mr. Wm. Dew, Unborn, caught
Bre and before the tlantes could be mas-
tered, the structures, with their contents,
the whole of this year's crop, were en-
tirely destroyed. Mr. Dew's loss will be
gommderable. Insurance, $1,800 on the
barn and house. The house wan saved.
Cruse of the fin unknown.
.\ n*tut', S. ALIl1N.. AFFAiK. -One'
day last week as Sarah Jane Conery,
who is ent ,loved at Mr. Francis Clegg s,
near Su , way in the act of ternov-
ing a tin boiler full of boiling water from
the stove, one of the handles gave way
and the contents of the boiler came detail-
ing won the feet of the unfortunate girl
scalding then from the knees to the
soles ..f the feet in a trust shocking
manner. Miss lienery being all alone in
the house. .escorted in a loud voice,
which caught the ear of Mrs. Mellon, a
neighbor, who came in haste to her as-
sistance. but only in time to behold the
painful condition of the unfortunate one,
who. but for her unparalleled prance
of mind, would hale fallen a victta to
node the presentati• r spacer r,1 a neat the boiling water. Miss Conery was ire -
manner Miss Beek was one .f the first mediately removed to her home, and,
scholars in the school and for a number . bough usable to bend a toe or put s
••' years a teacher. and latterly held the foot to the ground. awl suffering the most
••thce ..f Treasurer This lady has the : intense pain, there :ire g000td hopes of
well wishes of old Sabbath schoolmates in her speedy rec.overv.
her departure from home
• Mr Watts „1 flume. las purchased
the cabinet factory from the village and
1s to take possession shortie. He will do
:. geed h.uines+
i'a1i Best Yin We have reueutly re-
o,.rded the sale . of several high priced hor-
ses. but Tuckersmith takes the leafs.
Mrs Henry Chesney. of the 4th cot, a
few days ago sold too an Amencan buyers
six year old heavy draught horse. sired
h Lord Haddow. for the very large sum
of $250 This fine hone weighed about
1.600 pounds and was in every respect a
model of his class He was shipped
from Seaforth Monday lad.
Tuckenmith is deservedly famed ter its
good stock and• More especially horses.
but this one a Shoo* rhe lost that has
,tone out ,•f i•
I on `ST.w•a Mr Ile ag. Sproat .of
ruckersmlth. last week sold four year-
lin�g thoroughbred heifers fur the sum of
>1180. or an avenge of $45 each Gracie
heifers of the age Wowld bring from 1112
to $18 each. This shows pretty c.nclu
steely the ad vantages and profite of breed
.ng good stock it costs just about ea
much in labor And feed n. rause the os en
mon runts as the good theyoughltreds,
and the latter bring about three tutee
the one. -..f the former ill th. markt,
Paoreetei Rs 'Lowey. - -The following
letter appeared in last weeks Expositor:
Sir : In the last issue of the Erp.yitor,
I read some practical remarks in respect
to a railway from Seaforth u, Brucefield.
The idea is good but if it is not too late
would it not he better for the interests of
the people of Bayfield to go hand in hand
with Bruoetield and Seaftirth, and touch
or tap the Brand Trunk there. and even
extend it t.. Bnlssels and Wroxeter, and
ultimely too mine point on the Georgian
Bay. Before many years large quaati-
tiesof lumber will be wanted in this coun-
ty• and in other counties contiguous, and
Iit appears to me that is the moat likely
,place t•• •.upply •Aur wants. We could
get Al at Raytielti. and lumber and
shingles at till- Geurgiau Bay T believe
that the ratepayers of Stanley would give(
a larger }wonus t.. a railway running al- through the centre of the township,
than thnntgh hill. and h••11••ws the ('lin-
ton Ivey Tuckersmith would no doubt.
give .. handsome bonus. especiaUv those
residing near the modew& and we in
Brucefield. although in formai time+ a
little toe slack ui railway matters. wnuld
in that vas*. .1. • .Alla duty manfully We
ought t.. receive at least 150.000 bushels
. of wheat for export. exclusive of c.srlie
• gr'a}ri* Withnnt going into the details
of the scheme. keep th.. Mall in ring.
Y. •tlra tnily. Baro xrttl.n
MEkR4NT rf%flffl
Arrived and
IN -
is paces within air•
reach. Health and happiness will surely AD Eet1InI
follow• where Electric Bitters are used. Y �V'
For sale by F. Jordan, price only fifty
A1** (odam• Monday morning.
Sept- 1i, Scott ARken. aged 20 year% and 6
Witeoe.-In- Louden. os the 11111 instant.
Andrew, sixth tion of Mr. W. It. \1'ilson,
Ikar - K, d curs and 6 months.
11ODERIciI. Sept. 16, IMO.
Wheat, (Fall) i, bush-........ . $0 90 Or 50 93
Wheat. 18pringl >P bash........ 0 90 1a 1 00
Flour, lI barrel . 500 (a 500
0sts, ♦ bush A A A A 0 fir tot 0 30
Peas. 0 hush 0 tS at 0 St
Barley,tl bush......... ..I..... 000 to 000
Potatoes, (mewl •' N9h AAAA -... 025 yr 0 2i
or 000
tr 800
0 15
.a 010
.. dee.
....j"""'....:::..... 000 a 01-1
ood............................ 250 as i 75
►'1.. K••. ♦n.r.l ... -. ,..yy •1.
t••urnament was hel.) it Rlmeval. -n
Tuesday The following gentlemen. et.
tend- M A Johnston, Strsthroy Di
Garner, Lucknow; and Messrs J Evans
1 Dingley Martin and W Rockhey •f
Wingham The first match resulted •s s
-1e between Johnson and Evans o - 'h.
shoot off, Evans won The second hatch
eras won by Johnston 1 ens 'lend one
Martin 3rd
ELICr1Oh o► • l.o.'te.ILW► At •h.
council meettne oh Monday evening
Mr Lemmex's .,at at the Beard es re
presentative of No, 2 Ward welt declared
vacant, he having been anent Emilie/MI-
milie/ w-
ail for three seteeeseeve months A new
•+lectin was, according t.. law, „marc+ r.
be held The nominati..n took place in
Or Tamlyn's block, to-dsT 'Thursday) at
anon Mr (irw.rge McKay being the
.nly person nominated was declared elect -
be snclamation. -- (Timor,
►ss•: • • a1.. have 111u0) plesaury
u. •IlpRung the to1L•wtng Riots the fresh
.models Tnront. 4 the 27th ale W•
havemuch'Inneedles aneedles the •u,
cera 4 111r V McPhillips soca -s Mi 1'
McPhillips .o •f Exeter at thee -scent et
aminattons fon eel! • •h. Rao esg• .d.
Hall The y.unh 4entlemas o.oteede.i
.n ing without an •ami In t•h, meritm
an st.e,d near the head •t ch. eat Mt
McPhillips studied under the late Thomas
3catchetd, Q M 1' F' .n'+ after
ward' with W R Meredith , M
1' 1' leader .1 the party im
elm Local House, and ootapleted his legal
studies 1L the oDoa of Messrs. Cameron
t Appplehee here i ende(rstanrl 1, o'
prohtahle he will accept • imrtnershin
with s prominent To ant• net,
RAP Sat.i, 1 enopk• „t week. amoe,
a piety who was rid to hail from Rt
Thomas (lime hen end renr,aent«l •las'
.•.... •• •• ••.•...•.-••.•
Pond's Extract
Swbducs Nita ntrvalion, Lo,trole all Hcworrh
apes. Arita and Chronic, Venus and Mweous
The Wonder of Healing.
p., &c...Cc.. S:c., of the Hospital for Women
to Soho square, London. writing to "The
Lancet," under date of August 21. 1579, says :
" POND'S Extract is a good preparation. 1
hare need it for some time Ken to fifteen
minimal with marked benefit in eases of
passive uterine hemorrhage."
!+., of England, says : '• i have prescribed
POND'S EXTRACT for Hemorrhages of
different kinds, hes Hemorrhoids. and for
affections of the eyes, and also Rhemmatic
n(lstnmatsry 'writing of the ,joints, with
▪ saceses.-
Aneenseorted hr the following able phv-
• staled:
Hx4I.IN ) comr.,RTINI:
DR. HERING, ,a physician of net 1.
reputation, says 'This medicine roan
the virtues of Aconite and Arnica, con
tains a tonic property which rennet. it Im-
menselt superior to both."
New ifl liaaafactare,
New is Oast,
New is Style
33►- Lt,WE:1T ('ASH PRIORS! "roZ
Reay-Iado C1othiiig
e e$WOV rt>) gym' 1 V r
Di: A. R S1 M` UR if &voi ),
\ ., writes 1n the Meiten4 MOM, Our t
�h�Clea�ma�s� uh�fs sEgTptWt Opethslsata wigwam ofirxma
nen were - oael .1 a 5r -
OR.• H. G. PRESTON, of ill•oobl v •
tf.: "i kale n1 nn twelo57 so gimrel.
• i to s fantty.a
rant►,rr.a*sbu�~r r, stapes war ..
la�ndsc aapm
pe trademark pp ea WOW �• N
.. B la eustaae to tun Malts t POND'S 'IX
dM.*c'rta Wise ria irsvtag POND'S
TRACT Refuse as In notions and sellstltwae•
o.Iq, .1 8)lef •t EXTRACT, 50c.. 0.00 6 tow
e/t)trn Wive ,•Arreruer wren Nuree• ••
(A -r. Pwaeta.*.o•v. ns re rear ww .w.
•vin. w,
14 *as 14th Amer..•' Mow (.0
Naar 1-A 111 Oese too.•
Hngli Dunlop
From the present date until January Lt, 11180
--Fitt --
ONLY $1._50_
T I M KN' The Pills Purify the Nitwit, correct all
ti.ordera of the Liver, Stomach. Kidneys and
Bowels and are lnvatesble in all oumplalats In
••Idental to Females. The Ointment in the cooly
rellahk• remedy for Had Lara. old Wetted.,
Sorra and I 'leers. of however long +tending
For Bronchial,Mphtheria.l'ottghs,f'olds,Oou .
H1h'n. eumatlaand all akin 11111441.411111441.411111441.4e. ,1 haw no
41.0- 'o AMA), '.01 Nrklt
, r'ICLT!'• 1 m ,a rpp..•ctfull) ask• na.. w ml. I
, the stteetlun of the 1'nMM geseranr to thefacA
shat eertale Howie. in Jr-' V Irk are mending it
many perm of the glebe atm', rMTTATtnw.
.5 m7 Pulls end (Nntmen shale frauds hew,
het• label. some adds. - w New York 1
is nor allow my TAM +^)n1- to its .old In any pa'
of the 1; nitnn Heats ' ha, r n.. Agentsthere
My Medicine. are only made by ma, at 910 Or
ford Strwst, London. (71 the Hooka of direction.
affixed tot the .porlons make In • caution warn
Ing the Public against beingdacelved hi noun
termite i)n not be milled hy this aniaelo.a
trick. as thew acre the ,ov,itr, rlt. tory pretend
to denounce These eotln ffeitm are purchar•rt
munprincipled Vendors et one-half the raw of
7I Ointment and are sold to you as my
gennlnc Medicines. i moot earnestly appeal la
DWI/arise ofjt utloa which 1 feel sure i may yen
tare npasing from all honorable peewee, to
larder me. and the Public,. as tar se may1n. In
their power, In denounctngthis shameful snd
Much Pet and pox of the (imolai.. Medicine
been. the British Otverpmenr ritamp elt.h the
wnardw Het .inwAv's PILL. •fn Or1rreat
Lnertew. eacraved lel the lapel ••
the addr'ers. Sr Orford twr'eetlnndon, when.
aka. they see Mh
r. }sapnwi . Pills
Brad r)twtewest lwerfw0 amp other reId.vN are
rrwnf.+Jetl The Trate Marks of .hese Medi -
Mas esr. rceletwed In °tuna Nerve any one
tit 'he Pettish P.wr,lana who may
keep tie counterfeits few sale. will he
•wenrnted. Itsllnedl THOM API Ht/f.t t"w . v
•ren.•A w-..". • 4...14.- 1.. • teres
WM Muth,' THIS I•FFF,'it-
All hack subscription, if paid AT 11141'8, w 111 he cha
rge•1 1.'1t 51 W per annum
if not paid before the 15th of IId' .•r, ell r .1rr.-•j. will i..•
rate .1 51 :r0 per annon, ,nal L• ,•„!I•ale.l
_f4 •
ercantile Printing
01 Eviirr VartF t v
Hr vl. • Kw.- r Nl.-
Cheap rl.nd ill t lit• Nem Style •
M(•(.// / /(•l I)/>f - /1%'I )ti • •."1Ir),e,i 0, cc