The Brussels Post, 1964-06-04, Page 51111111,11146 POW, Bit.X7abBLEJ, OWeLitica TlitTnaray, jIINE 4tit, lEM4 We NOTICE wish to advise our many customers beginning on Organist; THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Minister.; Rev, A. M. Jonu4ou. BA., BD. Miss ,Sharon Storey Conle ware !PHONE, BIWSSELS1 322J4 SATURDAY JUNE 13. OUR MILL WILL BE CLOSED ON SATURDAY AFTERNOONS so LIMITED no most valike for the Farme re Do 1110' Call 199 Brussels 9;45 aan. Sunday School 11;00 aan Morning Worship giTHEL,ONT. PRESBYTEMAN CHURCH IN CANADA mgoni.LE CHURCII ktinister.:...uor. W. J.. Morrison MA Organist: Mrs. Frank Thompson ARCT 10.00 a.m. Cliarch Se11001 13.4.0 04.132. ;Preparatory. Servicet Fivegone Welcome HI.T NEWS The. Cavaliers returned to Brussels to play for a. Hi-T Dance on May 29th. On Friday June 12th Hi-T will, told their last dance of the Septeraber. This will again feat- tire London's Cavaliers and the highlight of the evening will be the crowning of the Hi-T Queen for 196344. Although it will not 'be a formal, the boys are re- quested to wear a jacket, and HEAVY BARB WIRE RLDUCED PRICE ALSO RED BARN PAINT WHITE EX 1.E.R.AUit iN,TERIOR. M. LA' it WALL PAINT Al cliQ.4.60 '-)E.R. GAL. HOME AND SCHOOL COOK-OUT LIONS PARK WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 8,301:em• What To Bring: Mr. and Mrs. You and Hamburgers foe two ANGLICAN CHURCH. OF CANADA Rector,: Rev ti. 4.a. Jennings BA.. LTLI. Organist: Mrs, B. liiliott TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received' by the undersigned until June 16, 1964, at the -Municipal Office, for the cutting of grass in the. Vill- age of Brussels. Please state hourly rate. . H. Kting, Clerk eeaWeMiiesseeekeeeeaeeieeet•eeeeeer"...er.teLeeeeeeeteteeere....e.eeeee SY. JOHN'S 11 a.m. Holy Coatmuniou and Primary School ST. DAviD.5, Henfryn 9.15 0...m. Morning Prayer CRAIN (.) poi." p,,,IIII•••••••• ANNUAL DINNER AND MEETING HURON LIBERAL ASSOCIATION (for Federal 'Purposes) CLINTON LEGION HALL FR.IDAY, JUNE 12, AT 7 P.M SPEAKER — BRUCE BEE, M.P. Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture ELECTION OF OFFICERS Tickets Available from Municipal Chairman A. McLean — President Roy Lamont Treasurer Harold 'Shore — Secretary Currie in Gait recently. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Nelsou and son Waverly, Goderich, spent Sunday at the manse with their sou and daeghter-in-law and, family and attended the •fare,. well service..•. Leave For Quebec The Nelson family Jett ore Monday for their new home in, Quebec where Mr. Nelson will minister to the congregation at Valleyeield, and attend Montreal College. etr. and Mrs. Douglas Evans accompanied them, Doug' and the scripture reading given Household effects. Me. Bowman, Waterloo, will conduct the service in Knox, church on ..Sunday, June 7, at 11.15 a.m. ETHEL Ol.","1/s szusgsm-401P' FRESH STRAWBERRIES ICE CREAM Knox W.M.S. The Women's Mi6siouary Society had as guests the W.M.S. and the Y,oung Women's Gulid. from Brussels, also our own Evening Au,xiliary, on Friday evening in. Knox Presbyterian Church. The. President, Mrs. Earl Dunn presided for opening exer- cises, with Mrs. Stuart MoNair at the organ. A solo was contributed by Mrs. It rank Thompson, Brussels and the scripture reading was give. by Sheila Strickler. Mrs. Schnook read "A ..Martha Prayer". Mrs. Wilfred Strickler introduced the guest speaker, Miss Beatrice Myers, a native of _Hamilton, who told of her work, among the Ind- ians at Alberquerque, New Mexico, for the Wycliffe Bible Trans- lators. She was thanked for her, most interesting, description of her work by Mrs. Stanley Fisch- er, and presented with a gift. The offering was received by Mrs. J. Perrie and. Mrs. Cliff. Bray. Mr. E. G. Nelson led in, prayer. Lunch and a social. time was enjoyed at the close of the meeting. irlre-Auptial Trousseau Honours Bride-1,o-Be A daffodil ttrousseau tea , was held in the home of Mrs. john Wheeler for her daughter, Audrey in honour of her forth- .coming marriage. Receiving with the hostess was Mrs. Sparliug Johnston, mother of the guest of honour's fiance. Miss Margaret Wheeler and Miss Patricia Machan attended the door. The yellow color scheme was complete With boquets of Yellow tulips. Pouring tea in the afternoon was Mrs. Violet Meehan and be the evening Mrs. Ross Wheeler, both aunts of the bride. MIADE 'BY .Serving in the tea room were Miss Darleen Meehan and Miss Rath eloTaggart, both of Brus- esels, Miss Dianne Jackson of ,Wingham and. Miss June War- wick oe Kitchener. In charge of the trousseau were. Mrs. Lynn Morrison of Wingham, Mrs. Donald Achilles of Walton 'Miss Marlene Jacklin, Brussels, Mrs. John Currie of Bramptell, Mrs. Robert Thompson of Wing- ham, and 'Mrs. Ken Johnston, Mrs. Glen Ahnston, and Miss. Shirley Johnston all of Blue- vale. Farewell Service The congregations of Ethel and Cranbrook bade a reeuctant farewell to Mr, and Mrs. Edwin G. Nelson and family on Sunday morning in a joint service held in Cranbrobk. The church was filled, and 'Mr. Glen Lodge, God- erich, was guest soloist. A social time bellowed in the church base. meat when Mr. and Mrs. Nelson and family were presented with gifts of money from each con- gregation. The ladies served ltmch. The Nelson. family came to Cranbrook from. Sault Ste. Marie in August, 1960, and will be greatly missed in the com- munity. 1' May Meeting of Ethel W• r. ..The May meeting of Ethel W.I. was held in the Community Centre with 21 members and 10 visitors 'present. The roll call was "name an old farm implement and. the new one to : replace it to-day". A reading was given by Mrs. Stan Speiran, "The art of Friend,. ship" and "A Friend"; Mrs, Welland Krauter, "In the. Merry` Month of May"; Mrs. George Pearson "in A Green Garden"„( The guest speaker was Mr. Ede. van Geest, florist. of Listowel, who showed hetv tO make ribbon bOeiree and corsages, and flower arrang- ing. The corsage went to Mrs. Foss,. eldest lady present, Thank You cards, tor boxee received by them, erten: Mrs4 Gee. Pearson, Mrs. Roy Hall. and Mrs. Ed Gill were read. Film TO Be Presented A preeentation of films by the Cancer Society will be spetisored by the Ethel branch of the W.I. in the Community Hall in June lOth at S:30 p.m. Assisting in the kitchen were 'Mrs. George Wheeler, Mrs. ,Lawrence Jacklin, Mrs. Mel- yi 1 e Jacklin, Mrs. Robert Witeeldr, Mrs. Viojet Machan, all of Brussels, Mrs. Herold Con- gram of Wingham and Mrs. -Fees Wheeler. of Toronto. WILL BE A TASTE TREAT YOU'RE SURE TO ENJOY 'ASK FOR. EITHER STRAWBERRY RIPPLE or FRUIT OR TRY ONE OF SEVERAL FLAVOURS NEXT- TIME YOU SHOP ."4:.leeer.tterMkgediall Mr. and. Mrs. Calvin 'Cameron attended the funeral of Thomas